The worlds governments have been hijacked by the world economic forum and apparently Satan himself

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We have a commercial freeze food dryer. Year of food stored up. Sounds like my wife needs to up production ASAP!

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I would like to know a good resource if you have one for getting a freeze dryer

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Harvest Right is company

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Greg you should advertise for them. They probably give u a free one $5000

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I bought this about a year ago. You can dehydrate quite a bit of food at once! 😉

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Dehydrators are great, but freeze dried food stores for 25 years and freeze drying doesn't deform the food.

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Hi Donald! Oh, I have a bunch of that too! I really wanted to make beef jerky (delicious), but it does so much other stuff as well.

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Sure give me a moment have to ask the brains in family, my wife!

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Make sure you have a generator, which I'm sure you and your neighbors will adore, and lots and lots and lots of gas to keep it going until you eat all that food.

I mean, what if they turn off the electric? Oh, my, dependency!!

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We do. And that food won’t last for too long but that’s the best I can do for my family at the time being we don’t have enough land for a big garden although I have seen some deer jumping around might need to get out my bow and arrow

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They could just as easily shut off the water too. The truth is they have most of us by the balls and I think they know it

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It's a rerun of Y2K. It's the basic "toilet paper shortage" style of marketing. Whoever has the money, get the goods quick, don't worry about anyone else.

Each man for himself!!! I laid low at the beginning of this latest massive lie, and when I finally deigned to go get some food for the .....yikes!! ...whatever, I got to the organic food store on the island in the middle of the Pacific, and those monied yuppies who are so easy to frighten had emptied the place of every friggin' dried bean of every sort in the dozen or more bean bins. All gone. I hope they enjoyed eating those beans and rice.

It was easy for me. I don't kill trees to wipe my ass. Like the rest of the retarded "third world", I use water cause it makes everything nice and clean.

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Here's a tip from an international person: In Thailand, they create entire beautiful flowered gardens out of pots. It's easier to keep potted plants watered and "weeded" . You can take them with you , if you have the tech and gas. In any case, yeah, entire garden cafe's created out of potted trees and bushes, flowers everywhere, all green green green.

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Thank u

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A little ignorant, are you? A whole house generator which runs on propane is the answer~500 gal tank and you can frugally survive running the necessities in your home for a long time~is it expensive to have on installed? Yes, but one of the wisest investments you can make~we have one and if you have a power outage, the generator turns on automatically after 10 seconds, no muss, no fuss and no messing with a gasoline generator, although you should have a couple of those as well~

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Except you shouldn't be telling anyone :-)

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Good thing that Nations have Armies to protect their people...right?

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Oh year all those Soy boy trans will be coming for us soon. Help us move into our smart cities 😁

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It’s amazing, isn’t it - how all these hormones & foods & injections affect our body? Who’d a thunk it? Wasn’t it supposed to stay at the injection site?

Gullibility galore ;(

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Yes, because only arms get “COVID”.

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United Nations, they work with the UN.

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Jun 1, 2023
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Yes gnostics are always searching for truth, enlightenment and your comments prior to that are accurate too. Sending unified energy to keep strong in these incredibly trying times. . . . X

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If This is Kerry?

He already looks and sounds like he's speaking from the Grave?

He missed his payment for his Adrenachrome supply this month.

Whoever is writing his Script? is a complete Soros sorority Moron.

Liars WILL Lie!

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That’s funny as hell It looks like Frankenstein’s monster

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He always has been a liar, IMO.

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Only a single one of the American Presidential Candidates are against this nonsense.

Donald Trump

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Yes, but he still advocates the Death Vaxx depopulation plan. Trust no politician! None!

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Trump is a Zionist shill

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Drumph is a "reality-tv" actor.

Isn't that enough?

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All politicians are!

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Jun 1, 2023
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Like I said if trump doesn’t know what the death shot is doing to MILLIONS around the world when a no body like me does, he isn’t wise enough to be the leader of a Cub Scout troupe! Fact is he knows exactly what’s its doing, Jew shill that he is!

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I totally agree that Trump is not to be trusted any more than the rest of the politicians. They are all liars and profiteers. I voted for Trump twice, though I never cared for him personally, but he lost me for good when he began pushing the bioweapon and has never backed down from that stance.

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Yep. I voted for him in 2016 and 2020. But I won’t vote for him again. He’s got blood on his hands. Never, ever thought I’d vote for a Democrat, but RFK Jr. is looking better everyday.

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Sherry, I totally agree. RFK Jr. has beliefs and views I don't share, but he seems like an honorable man, so time will tell, and if I vote again he just might be the one. But...are there any "honorable" men (people) left in the political sphere?

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It's all a charade. Whether you vote for Tweedledum or Tweedledee, the same evil bastards remain in power. Democracy is a sham. Time to wake up!

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"Don't vote. It only encourages them"

Utah Phillips

Problem is, they get paid ahead of time no matter what they do. How stupid is that?

They need to be hired as contractors. Do the job right, on time, on budget, or don't get paid. Better yet, all community service needs to be voluntary. That'll weed out most opportunits, but not all. The petty tyrant bureaucrats are like rats. They will invade and take over any place.

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Here’s how I see it. Most people just see me as a personal trainer although I try not to look at myself like that but I am what I am and I knew what was going on within two weeks of this started. How many people does Trump have working for him as his personal advisors who could come to him and say hey Mr. President have you seen this video or that video you might want to look at this . So if Trump isn’t conscious of what is going on and I believe he is, then he is simply too stupid to be the leader of a Cub Scout troop lest the President of the United States

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No, there is another one way better than Trump? His name is Vivek.

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Dream On....it's a dream , cause you have to be asleep to believe it

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John Kerry's real name is Cohen. Yes, every single time. Another Talmudist with genocidal propensity. Here in Panama we hear nothing about global climate change nonsense. Why import millions of third world people into a first world country if over consumption is a concern? None of this makes any sense at all. It just comes down to a power grab.

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May 31, 2023
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Jun 1, 2023
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The scriptures are nothing but a psyop to give false hope to the dumb masses.

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I am an effing scientist. With high degrees of environmental control. 35 year experience in this bullshit called global warming.

My communist professor in 1974 at Columbia University was teaching us the ice age is coming because the "the bad human, and specifically Americans" are using fossil fuel.

After graduating, the crazies started to say forget cooling science, it is warming science?

How the eff the same data can be interpreted to disaster cooling, and five years later is interpreted to disaster warming? Where are the honest scientisted who question such stupidity? They are all over, and some of them like me talk, but, without the big microphone our voice don't reach.

So when idiots like "Herman monster" say 0.5 degree rise and, we must stop food production or eat zee bugs because ALL SCIENTISTS AGREE! They are full of sh't, because all retarded scientists agree, but honest scientists don't agree.

Unfortunately, the media and governments are supporting the retarded alarmist "scientists"!!!

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They murdered over 100 top scientists - there are detailed articles on it. Some were found in water tanks, others run down by cars as they jogged. awful.

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Also medical doctors and bankers.

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What the eff you mean by duality? Environmental control for ignorant means pollution control, which is for 6 grade level treatments of stack emissions of coal fired plants. We, in America pay dearly to clean our air from pollution..not like China and India..

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Lyndon Johnson, commencement speech, 1965: "We already have the ability to steer hurricanes and we will develop the ability to control the weather. He who controls the weather controls the world!!"

Sorry, but it's an omnicide agenda.

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PS HOw much time you spent living in China and India?

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Tweedledum and Tweedledee each get their turn to rule. The duality must remain!!

Not sure what your "high degrees of environmental control" means, but we don't need any control, and the weather certainly doesn't. So....?

Of course they are going to "feed" you brilliant illustrious control freak scientists two contradictory stories. That's so you keep warring with one another while they continue leading you on by the dicks.

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Jun 1, 2023
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The monumental deception starts with the scriptures.

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Say no to eating ze bugs.

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Thank you Greg!!!

How can POS like Kerry, the Bush, Clintons, Bidens, Obongo and husband can still decide for the lives or 400 million Americans and impact on the lives of billions worldwide!??!!?

where are our Military? Are they just stupid employees of the system used to go killed and destroy what all these talmudic wackos needs to be destroy for their agendas....or are they the ones who "protect Americans and Americans freedom"??? Is all bullshit! All propaganda...I love and praise Patriots and heroes, but I m tired of the hypocrisy of "Thank you for your service"...What service?????

Do your "service" to the Nation...Imprison all these wakos in Gitmo and judge them for treason and hang them.

At least, we the people, would need to realize that big part of the XX century "american pride" is just brainwashing in order to send our kids to dirty immoral wars...

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The military are the biggest cucks out there. They don't defend the U.S. border, but there are 800 military bases around the world to keep them occupied. Worthless. All they care about are the perks and the pensions.

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Not all; so many patriot young folks serving who believe it’s honorable to do so. I know many. It’s most of the top leadership that’s the problem.

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That is the sad part - young impressionable people who don't realize they are working/sacrificing/killing for a criminally insane war machine. We perpetuate this farce by continuing to honor those who fell for it (literally) before. Happy Memorial Day.

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Not true. The military today is in it for the money. You can't possibly believe that their service is keeping us "safe'"?

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If it's so honorable, then why don't they pay for their own upkeep and volunteer?

Most of the folks in the military are wanting big daddy to take care of them. Like the goons who put up the 5G killer network, wrap a dollar bill around their dicks and they light up like Bozo The Clown.

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What can you expect from a judaic society that we live on, where the only thing that matters is money....you wont come up to a different result than that.

no wonder why, in Jesus times, they needed over 600 rules to live in community until Jesus showed up and told them they only one rule (Love your neighbor as I love you)....and they killed him.

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Love your neighbor was only meant for the tribe.

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Every time they "sacrifice" a human, they get two thousand free sins. Get out of hell free cards. It's monopoly!!

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The patriot young folks have been brainwashed. That's the only way that someone would join the military.

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You'll have to pay and house and clothe and feed that military real good if you want them to work for you. All militaries are mercenaries. It's a homosocial organization. Your beloved patriotic...loyal to Bid Daddy...military is running this kill program. That's what they are trained for, remember? To kill. Whoever Big Daddy Patriarch orders his patriots to kill.

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yeap! Agree. some work for the gov directly and some others, indirectly...with the private companies that work for the gov...(easier way to do the dirty job and laundry some black money from the drugs, stolen in countries invasions, etc)

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this entire land was stolen, through genocide

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did you ever watch the interview to Ms Kay Griggs about the Army?


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I've been learning the truth about war and military since 1970. Most recently, bawling my eyes out and suppressing screams in a cafe while studying rape in the military. Then there's the destroyed young man who was gang raped twice in the glorious Marines, which is done to every recruit. When he reported it, after being in the hospital, his commander told him he could get a dishonorable discharge for homosexual activity if he chose, That was after the first gang rape, He couldn't handle that, so they raped him again.

Your military. I know enough. I know the "spoils " of war. All throughout history. I know about the longest running planetary war that is endlessly denied. I know war. I was born into it.

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Even in the Bible, the genocidal maniac called Jehova/Yaweh sent the Israelites to massacre entire nations made up of people who were supposedly all his children. Go figure. Men, women, children and even animals were slaughtered indiscrimenately by order of this so called god of love who at times even allowed them to keep the little girls for themselves. This is the loving god who also drowned millions of people, including babies and innocent animals in the great flood. And millions of people around the world still worship this monster. They have all fallen for the grand deception. He was only one of the elohim among many, competing for slaves, land, and resources. It continues to this day. Nothing has changed, except things are getting worse because people are starting to wake up and they fear to lose control.

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I watched her a few years ago. Crazy stuff!

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Jun 1, 2023
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Superman and all the superhereos had been always part of the brainwashing that make this people believe we can save the world because we are the good guys...and we are still "spreading democracy"

Obviously, the lower ranks on the Arm forces has no much power..The most they can do with their free will is resign. But, the high ranks of the Arm Forces is a different story. Although, the deep state is so massive and global, that they will crash them easily....Look Germany WW2!

The fact is, that We, the people are too stupid to defeat a force that had been destroying Nations and civilizations for 6000 years and run the money, owns the meaning of production of food, control the media and the US Gov and many others. and on top of that, We the people still dont know who the diabolic enemy is.

Peter Kreeft said "in order to win the war we need 3 things:

1-Know that we are at war, 2-Know who the enemy is, 3- Know what weapon it has.

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The diabolical enemies are the beings that created us as a slave class. They inhabit the totality of reality but restricted us to a small band of the spectrum of reality. In the old testament they are called Elohim, mistranslated as God by the church in order to fool the masses. They are the real rulers of this world. Human governments are just their puppets. Like Charles Fort realized many decades ago, the earth is a farm and we are someone else's property. This explains everything.

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Will his wife Teresa still get to make her ketchup?

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Makes ya wonder where it gets its coloring, eh? Possibly like Kraft et al, they're using HEK293 - I wouldn't doubt it - Kerry looks like he's on adrenochrome as it is.

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Most people don't know what HEK293 is(fetal tissue). I wouldn't be surprised at this point. With those who have eyes to see, we know he's a demon.

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Sorry, I should have explained the acronym. HEK ='s Human Embryonic Kidney the 293 is the identified cell. So it's Human Embryonic Kidney cell 293. Who TF goes looking for such a thing AND who TF fuck thought, "Hey, I wonder if this will make my cheese whiz taste better?" I'm thinking the greater and lesser keys of Solomon were involved. I'll let the reader look that one up on their own - - - -

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This is all from things you've read, and watched/heard in videos, right?

Or do you speak from personal knowledge and experience?

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HEK293 is in everything. It's labeled " Natural Flavor." It's fetal kidney tissue. What would be the reason to add this to food we eat and drink? The truth is so much more disturbing than anyone actually can fathom. ADRENOCHROME is VERY common in the upper echelons and this is not a secret. They talk about openly and fear no consequences for their actions.

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What's new? Men have always bragged about the size and power of their....equipment and practices...and they openly abuse and fear no consequences.

Old war. Old war. Denied for centuries. What's new? You feast on the blood and flesh of every other warm blooded mammalian anyway. Did you draw a firm line somewhere?

Is that why I became a firm vegetarian, because I could not teach my children to kill the animals they love? And because I realized that once you develop blood lust, there is no limit?

I mean, isn't the religion one of human sacrifice? Doesn't the human sacrifice victim make it possible for the banksters game to continue for everyone?

I don't get it. It's the same story as has been for thousands and thousand of years, and there seems to be no memory whatsoever.Soldiers have always feasted on the bodies and lives of those they kill. And the US loves, adores, it's military.

Hard to keep a trained killer dog under control tho.

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Yes to: read, watched, heard, videos, personal knowledge and experience.

Also applied: "Believe nothing that you read or hear and half of what you see." That was an adage before CGI - so - - - toght to believe what you see today too. But, having applied the scientific method myself AND having read countless technical, scientific and legal papers - I'm confident in my own reasoning skill. But kudos to you for questioning as you should never take another at their word or writ. However, if you choose to verify for yourself I strongly recommend NOT looking into the greater and lesser keys of Solomon - as far as obtaining physical copies and flipping through the pages - you don't want to do that - and I'll leave it at that.

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Only way to pass a turd off as palatable

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we live in a cow farming area in Florida...Dont know if its coincidence, but we have a lot of chemtrails. I tend to believe there is not coincidence, but don't have the data. I know they are adding the chemicals in the fuel, that;s why passenger airliners spread the chemicals....Do you know of any Patriot in congress or press or in any position of power, doing anything about this???

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They don't add it into the fuel, all the planes were retrofitted twenty years ago to spray automatically. The entire planet is saturated so they can control the weather. Go to Dane Wiggington's site to learn the facts of the technology .

They don't give a particular about you and your cows. It's being done to the entire planet. That's billions of people and cows. Not a one is important to them.

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There is an investigation in Italy because a Airport technician took samples of fuel from Airliners (Emirates, and some others)..and they found out the chemicals there.

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Folks worldwide have been having these chemicals tested for twenty years. Who gives these "big guys" permission to do whatever they choose?

They themselves, of course, As always.

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Their owners do.

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May 31, 2023
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Got thrown off the site, after many years,.... soon after he got his "cia whistleblower"... .... ..... and I posted what I'd figured out, how they control both sides of the narrative of "weather change"....One side says, "there's climate change"; the other side, aka USA/Trump says " No, there ain't". So , everyone knows the govt lies, so everyone jumps on the "there's climate change" bandwagon. Other side...solar minimum and ice age, or whatever.

No one knows what they're talking about, they just choose one side or the other to "follow".

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Florida is a Military Industrial Complex State - there's 21 military bases and every MIC contractor has a hub in Florida. They're all here w/ their C.I.A. embeds. Finding a patriot in congress ,or the press, in any position of power in FL is like buying the winning Powerball ticket in the middle of the Antarctic desert. It's not just FL buddy - it's from sea to shining sea - and no one is going to touch it - no one, unless you make enough noise - then they'll run a "nut job" media whack on you.

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You are absolutely right!..

A bright future for humanity, indeed.

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Of course not, because they're all aware of the supranational government responsible for the worldwide chemtrail program. Politicians are just gate keepers of the system. They exist to serve their masters only, not the people. It's all a scam. Democracy has never existed.

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A Godless servant of the serpents....

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The Color Purple (nice tie Frankenkerry): The first purple dye used in the world was created in ancient Phoenicia (who were the Phoneticians?). It was made from sea snails as that was the only source for that natural dye back then, and being very scarce only "royals" could afford it. It is also the favorite color of Luciferians b/c blue ='s Lucifer and red ='s blood (Republicans ='s Red, Democrats ='s Blue - cross the two and you got a politician in a purple tie b/c red and blue make purple). Royals (blue blooded reptiles) just love their purple too. ("Signs & symbols rule the world, not words and laws." - Confucius) And we also have the Soros/Clinton 'Purple Revolution:' - so, look for them in the now and future for their virtual / revelation of the method signaling.

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Rats! I love the color purple.

Ya know; old ladies wear purple.

Why? It’s flattering on all as is teal.

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Have you ever heard of Teal Swan and her Teal Tribe? Uff da! I shouldn't have gone down that road - too late now - I hit the purple 'Post.'

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I love your use of Uff da! I lived in North Dakota and Minnesota for a few years when I was a kid, and everyone up there, including family, said that on a regular basis. I miss it!

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May 31, 2023
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It's close to green, which is 528Hz, the color of the heart chakra and leaves of trees and grass and therefore love. Green most definitely triggers us because we love being outside in the grass and under trees in the shade. Teal is 566Hz - and a cross between the trees & grass and the contrasting blue sky. It must have a "trigger" otherwise it wouldn't be used so much by - ahem - them.

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This is worse than the organized crime that it is....

Endless BS...

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Kerry is the Jew who "forgot to remember" he was Jewish yrs ago.

His fellows started him out as a faked Viet Nam war hero then a this and a that until he was re claimed a climate hero.

He looks like he's been towing a huge pack of lies around his whole life...that's because he has.

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You are on The Democratic Plantation !

Feinstein , Kerry , Pelosi , Schummer , Clinton , Bush , Sanders , Newsome , Romney , Waters , Trudeau

They Lived , while you toiled away on the Plantation !

They spend & write checks YOU Will have to Honor with Blood & Treasure.

How much more will you take Americas?

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Democrats and Republicans : 2 butt cheeks of the same asshole, product of the fake left-right paradigm devised to divide and control the masses.

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I cant argue with perfect logic !


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their scientist have said....blah blah blah (we will say what you pay for). The real scientist agree that we are fine and the earth is going through its normal cycle of change. If we reduce the co2 level anymore the plant life (trees need co2 to live), will die! Wake up! they want billions of us to die to decrease the "useless eaters"(quote by Klaus Schwab ) so they the parasitic elites can control us. This has nothing to do with climate change!!!!

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Klaus not Charles

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Thank you for the correction.

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soooo....the "real" scientists haven't noticed or heard anything of the massive planetary geoengineering agenda that is killing all life on this planet?

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This guy needs to be arrested for his stated intentions to use government agencies and power to commit genocide against humanity.

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But that's how "the US" came to be.

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