Dam! The deeper you go the more weird it is. I can’t believe but don’t want to believe but don’t want to be naïve that humans do the devils work and turn into the devil. Its sick! Thank u Greg Reese!🙏🏻

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I'm of the opinion that its mainly that because they are the seedlings of Cain and The LORD God tells us over and over again in the Good Book not to procreate with the Canaanites, in which Judah did just that, because the offspring of Satan are doomed. They hate us,the seed of the woman with a murderous envy that we cannot relate too.

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The "good" book condones slavery, tells us that God put politicians in power to do good and to obey and honor them (Romans 13, 1Peter 2) says that the all-powerful God needs blood sacrifices of animals to forgive men's sins, and had absolutely no choice but to kill his son to forgive you. Do you believe the BS? Oh, sheep aren't going to the slaughterhouse, they are going to sheep paradise in the sky. The New Testament was composed by pharisee Josephus to impose a slave and submissive mentality on the citizens of Rome for the emperor.

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Your comments are Delusional bullshit

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Prelude to the alien ET narrative perhaps?

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If you are referring to me, look at the scripture I provide, and think. I have soundly debunked the bible in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. I can prove all that I say. Challenge me with facts or with questions, l will prove every point. I have impeccable integrity, but do lose my temper on occasion. I demand respect, having paid dues and served sacrificially.

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Read John 6. The Bread of Life discourse in the Holy Bible.

When you get to John 6:66, that's you.

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Maybe, and perhaps you are John 8:44. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, bad values, contradicting concepts, spells, and outright lies. Those who believe the lies are with the father of them.

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The bible may be a ruse, and a twisted retelling (by the jews) of something that probably is an essential truth that permeated in the human history and across multiple civilizations and cultures.

What I dislike the most about the Old Covenant, is the whole jew "master race" / chosen people piece of crap! Isn't it funny how, based on a twisted story of the jew, these gangsters are basing their "proofs" that there is some land, or worse - trone of the earthe, supposed to belong to them?

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I agree. But it is worse. The bible, old and new testaments were written by Egyptian scholars-Moses a prince to start a new nation and religion under him, wrote the pentateuch fabricating Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the rest of the nonsense. His source of knowledge were the Kemmet Eleusyan mystery schools of Egypt, where they devised using allegories (parables). Pharisee Josephus wrote the NT to impose a slave and submissive mentality on the citizens of Rome for the empire, and it is a portal to the hell realm, a trick to enslave humanity. Satan rules.

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Jan 27, 2024
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The gods of the Old Testament were ETs who demanded flesh sacrifices. Cain killed Abke because Ables sacrifice of a lamb was acceptable and Caine sacrifice of vegetables was not.

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That is more credible than the nonsense of the pastors, but still..... I am fully aware of the symbolism of blood sacrifice, it is not the literal interpretation. The whole book should be discarded, and not considered a valid source of mindset, worldview, values, ethics, history, or anything else. IT is a portal to hell, a tool of Satan's to subvert mankind. IT is evil deception. Moses, an Egyptian prince, used methods of teaching in the Kemmet Mystery Eulysian schools, using parables, allegories. In other words, teaching using stories, lies. Why not use truth? A story has a foundation of untruth, it can be interpreted and taught to mean whatever the teacher wants it to mean, it can be manipulated and twisted to affirm the worst concepts. Religious leaders use religious rhetoric to incite the people into frenzy for his own purposes, and these men are tools of Satan. Sheep can kill, and either don't bother to discern, or can't, or don't care who they kill or why. Just give them a story, add some "inspirational" rhetoric, and they will murder, rape, rob, or pillage for you. Works every time.

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You will need an exorcism.

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Not necessary. I left the faith. The cunt that was trying to possess me is mostly leaving me alone, though still thinking of me on occasion. I can defend myself.

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You just called me a liar. Which word did you not understand?

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What concept that I have been relating do you not understand? I have clearly been stating that the bible is an evil book of lies and bad mindsets. IF you believe it, you are spreading lies when you talk about the contemptible book or faith. IT is all subversive. If you disagree, you are a liar. Simple. If your God (Father) is Satan, what else would you do? I made it very clear, and have proven in scores of points in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY, using many hundreds of scriptures, that Horus/Jehovah/Allah/Satan, are all one and the same.

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For evidence of the lies in the bible.. read more of John 6. Look at verse 37.

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All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

What don't you understand. Is it that you left?

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You can't even stand to know the meaning becuz you are all about condemning Christians. We see your arrogance.

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Does it not make sense that a book that talks of rewards for blind obedience, the representatives of which constantly tells you that you are to worship and give money to its leaders, and get in return great rewards (after you die), could be seen as manipulative? A god that ensures military victories and wealth for obedience to, and worship and honor given to its leaders, who follow blindly the guidance of a spiritual being. In the OT, kings were lifted up by prophets and warriors who obeyed and listened to God’s directions. The welfare of kingdoms and whole nations rested on the obedience of the leaders to this controlling God.

Listen to me, and you have victory and wealth. Could this not be a way to wield evil plans? Does it not wreak of manipulation and exploitation? Could not some teachings in the New Testament be taken as directions to make a faith of people who are following it to be good slaves, a people who obey as a result of following a prophet who they are told is god, and who it is shown to have teachings that lead towards a people who are easily controlled and oppressed? Just entertain the possibility as I make the concept more visible and unfold as you read the pages. First, let me show some scriptures that were possibly inserted to make a population manageable. POSSIBLY??!!??!!??

➢       Rom 13:1 ISV Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God, 

13:2  so that whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 

13:3  For the authorities are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to live without being afraid of the authorities? Then do what is right, and you will receive their approval. 

13:4  For they are God's servants, working for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Indeed, they are God's servants to administer punishment to anyone who does wrong.

13:5  Therefore, it is necessary for you to be acquiescent to the authorities, not only for the sake of God's punishment, but also for the sake of your own conscience. 

13:6  This is also why you pay taxes. For rulers are God's servants faithfully devoting themselves to their work. 

13:7  Pay everyone whatever you owe them—taxes to whom taxes are due, tolls to whom tolls are due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due. 

There are some very suspicious characteristics here that need to be addressed. The Apostle Paul supposedly wrote this. He spent literally years incarcerated by the Romans. Yes, they did protect him from the Jews to some extent. But if his god was so powerful, why did he need the protection of unbelievers?

The truth of the matter is that the ruling powers are not good, are not out for the good of people, and do indeed enforce evil laws, and don’t often enforce the good laws. Powers and rulers in this world are put in place for the sole purpose of protecting the interests of those who are really in power and who are wealthy.

If the law was really so good, why was Jesus executed? Why does the New Testament recall for us the beheading of John the baptizer and the execution of James? Why then, was Peter put in chains? The Bible records that they were all imprisoned for their faith.

In the Old Testament, Daniel, Joseph, and Jeremiah were all imprisoned unjustly. Since when have rulers been good? Should we really think it to be a positive thing that we are forced to pay taxes for an evil government to be able to exercise evil doings? If these government employees serve God, I don’t want to be associated with that god.

If our legal system is an avenger to punish those who do wrong, I am confused. I was punished for teaching about God to mentally ill people, and for blogging Christian sites with scriptures showing what the Word of God says. The government basically said that teaching about God is wrong. I am supposed to be afraid to do wrong. With the kind of reasoning in this scripture, I should be afraid to teach about God. Well, I defy the god that declares this ridiculous nonsense. And guess what? I do not fear. God may punish me, but my conscience is clear.

But I do not think that God will punish me, although the government might. If by God, you mean Satan, I still will continue to preach truth, despite his threats coming via means of our government and the Bible. In truth, I am a servant of righteousness, not our politicians. Whoever would think for a moment that those bloodsucking, deceiving, exploiters of the law are serving God, is a complete fool, unless that God is evil.

We can, I think, see that our politicians all lie and collect bribes. They are placed there by God? What does that say about the character of God? These verses have no connection with truth, and stink of deception used to promote cowardly ignorant obedience to evil, using the name of God to enforce it. May they rot in hell for promoting a book that billions of people have regarded as the word of God into a means of controlling people into blind obedient servitude to evil. Here is another scripture:

➢       1Pe 2:13  Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 

2:14  or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.


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More from my book:

So the god of predestination has made people to perish (go to hell), and has veiled the way to “salvation” from them, and furthermore, has blinded their minds. In other words, they are doomed from the beginning of time by god using deception.

➢       Ephesians 6:12  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

The powers in control, I don’t care what color their skin is, they are evil and wicked puppets of exploitation and manipulation, knowing full well their employer’s evil intentions, and willingly adhering to the instructions as given them. Their destruction is deserved.

Our leaders are not governors of a good god. They are all revealed in “Exposing the Money Machine,” a book I wrote a few months back. Should we obey or battle authority? The bible tells us to do both. The point of the matter is that, according to my theory, the Bible has been promoted to enable the spiritual slavery of citizens of the planet.

The evidence that I have not yet brought to view is the teachings of Jesus, including the gospel of John, especially featuring the Sermon on the Mount, the doctrines of Jesus. The three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are in much agreement, and John’s has some scripture that opposes the concepts displayed in the first three. The gospel of John itself states that the purpose of this writing is to prove that Jesus is God (John 20:31). Why did the author feel the need to do so, and why did it promote words that the other gospels did not record? Why was this concept so much in the background (pretty much non-existent) in the first gospels? What does this imply?

How do we decipher truth from deception and error? Like a brother of mine exhorted: by comparing scripture to scripture, building my concepts using precept upon precept; being a Berean and checking the scriptures to see if this is not so. I have made it easy for you to do so also, by providing the verses for you. You may find a few that oppose my theories, but that does not negate the possibility that the scriptures are perverse, as one scripture should be sufficient to topple the blind faith, and I give a multitude of them. Proof of just one faulty scripture proves the Bible, and thus god, to be a liar.

Now regarding the fact that the Bible promotes obedient slavery, I will give you the sad truth. But first the good news. When the Bible refers to slavery, when compared to modern times, you can call them “unskilled labor” employees, people who work with great exhaustion in factories, or in warehouses for minimum wage, or in other such positions, compensated with pennies while their slave-masters (oops, I mean employers) sit in offices earning millions, with their mansions, luxury cars, executive suites, catered luncheons and business affairs. So, do not be angry, it doesn’t really mean slaves when it mentions slave or servant. It ain’t really so bad (unless of course, you are one of those laborers).

➢       Luk 17:10  KJV So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. 

I love that scripture, it shows us the proper attitude. Be grateful that you are allowed to live, have an attitude of gratitude for your slavery, because you are unworthy. Funny how the Bible has no similar instructions for their masters. The masters are not considered unworthy to that God, I guess. Some people are more favored by the God that claims to be extremely fair and “shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34) in another scripture. Is the Bible full of hypocrisy? No, that is impossible, the Bible is the word of a perfect God.

➢       Eph 6:5  ISV Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear, trembling, and sincerity, as when you obey the Messiah.

 6:6  Do not do this only while you're being watched in order to please them, but be like slaves of the Messiah, who are determined to obey God's will. 

6:7  Serve willingly, as if you were serving the Lord and not merely people, 

6:8  because you know that everyone will receive a reward from the Lord for whatever good he has done, whether he is a slave or free. 

Hmmm. Is your boss perfect like God is supposed to be? Well, as much as there may be no resemblance to goodness, you must obey in every way, and do it cheerfully no matter how terribly you are treated, because God is watching. Consider your boss as the Lord. He is to be your God to be obedient to. I hope we are not supposed to worship him. Now


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I was a pillar in a huge church, under Jonathan Cahn, who led the national day of prayer and preached to congress. I have been to a number of churches, was a devout true believer, had scores of devout Christian friends, and knew thousands of others. I independently and diligently studied the bible 10,000 hours in complete faith, all this until I Finally perceived the nature of the faith. IT is phony, the kingdom of God is hell, the Vatican secretly rules over every denomination, the pastors are taught in seminary (Correctly) that the bible is lies. I had four mentoring pastors, I had ministries.... I am not ignorant, I am preventing thousands of souls from joining the kingdom of god which is hell. I don't care if you think I am arrogant. I am an independent thinker and free of any ruler above, including not Horus/Jehovah/Allah/Satan all one and the same.

I have impeccable integrity, while every Christian is a phony plastic liar. And their father is the father of lies. I prove the bible is full of bad values,

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A very curious if not spurious take’ on biblical eschatology!!

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Believe whatever you like, but if you denigrate others for their beliefs while positioning yourself as intellectually self-righteous, others will only see you as really blind and stupid and no one will listen or take you seriously. That's a fact.

Because the truth is you are just a man who chooses not to believe in God. Period. Like billions of others. No more and no less.

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Obviously, you all hate the idea that I have better knowledge and character. unable to defeat me in debate, you try to lower me in esteem. I never thought myself as smarter, though I am damn intelligent. But my character is far better than anyone I know or see or read of. No one will listen to me? I have a readership of over 100 million internationally, my newsletter goes viral.

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I escaped Christianity and hell. Not many others do. Look around and question. How many people debunked the bible using hundreds of scriptures>

Furthermore, that is not even my best book, not even close. MY book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH takes down every world system, proved that it is the Vatican in power, virtually unknown until I proved it, I exposed every politician in DC complicit to 9-11 demolition job, proved ISIS is a US and Israeli operative, debunked evolution, removed the reputation of the founding fathers and the constitution, shown that the news media is dominated by the CIA and is the fourth branch, shown how the CIA was founded in the Vatican and is under the Jesuit general, and much more. But everybody achieves that, right? Everybody volunteers over 50,000 hours unpaid service to humanity, is willing to go to prison doing so, stands up to Satan and the government and illuminati and exposes all. I am just ordinary. KIss my ass.

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Yes. You are just a man among billions of men. You sound so egomaniacal it would be comical if it weren't so sad.

And, no, no one is likely going to take you up on your offer to have your booty kissed so put it away.

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Speak for yourself. Find ONE other man on the planet who has done what I have. Read all my comments. I will be glad to admit being arrogant if you can do that. One person with 50,000 hours unpaid service to humanity. One person who works 80+ hours every week for the people risking life and liberty, ONE person who has gone to prison willingly for the people, ONE person who has penned three world-changing books, including an original code of ethics, a blueprint for an ideal civilization, easy and doable, ONE person who has debunked the bible and evolution, ONE person who has absolutely no help but who is changing the political paradigm and taking down the fascist empire, ONE person who cuts through the bullshit I have. So go ahead and prove what you say. ONE person is all the evidence I need, not billions. And if you cannot, then kiss my ass twice, motherfucker. I gave evidence, now it is your turn. You said billions, now I am asking for just one ten millionth of 1% of your statement to prove that you are right. I will be waiting for your response.

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I think Edward DeVeere and John Dee wrote the NT and that OT character YHWH is definitely demon.

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More from my book


Evidence points to Josephus as being the author of the New Testament. That treacherous individual fabricated the work to be used as a tool to bring a slave mentality to civilization, and an entrance to the hell that Satan rules over.

The Roman Empire included England, Spain, and France. After Rome dissolved, in later years, these nations, as Christian entities, conquered North America, South America, India, Africa, China, Australia, and the Arab lands. What resulted? In the Americas, genocide. British ruled India. Africans were enslaved. China was penetrated by imposing opium on the Chinese. Arabs were slaughtered. The Europeans imposed their language, culture, and values on the conquered peoples; but worse, taught them Christianity.

The naturally mild-natured natives were indoctrinated to materialism, immediate gratification, submissiveness, greed, and other European traits. These are not natural human character, but are learned values. Earlier, the Romans distributed the gospels and epistles to their populace, in the first and second centuries, and persecution of the followers was initiated. The bible’s indoctrination of the benefits of martyrdom and non-resistance was successful. Not only had the teachings been convincing, the victims and martyrs where admired by many, and the faith grew among the gullible and naïve.

In the 11th century, the mercenaries hired by the Catholic Church, the Knights Templar, were employed to slaughter Muslims who had conquered Jerusalem. They were victorious, and called these wars the “crusades;” but the death and carnage they wrought was not good publicity, so the church leaders dismissed the Knights Templar in order to repair the church’s reputation. The knights continued mercenary work for centuries, also increasing their wealth by banking and loaning, while delving into mysticism and evil occult secrets. They spread globally and their North American chapters followed suit soon later.

In 1776, the Knights Templar changed their name to “The Freemasons” to start afresh in the new world and elsewhere. While the Knights Templar had a tarnished reputation, the freemasons are considered by many to be a positive organization. Chosen by membership, new recruits are brought in by the lure of it being a positive asset to the community, a club of do-gooders. If the truth was known about them, they would be shunned and feared.


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My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY uses much evidence to relate that the NT was composed by Josephus.

That the amazing miracles supposedly performed were not recorded elsewhere is telling. The information in the preceding pages of this book prove the fallibility and error of the bible, its contradictions, and faulty teachings; and the best answer as to who, why, and how is herein.

Would a good, loving, all-knowing god produce such corrupt teachings? The Romans employed Josephus to produce documents to create a religion that not only produced sheep-like submissiveness to their rule, but which also opened the door to the realm of hell and spiritual  slavery by the methods of the Egyptian mystery schools, using symbolism  and allegories (parables).

Whereas the Egyptians and their god was content to rule over their own land, the Greeks, and later the Romans, sought to engage the whole planet under them, as we see now being attempted by the United States role of enabling the establishment of the New World Order. We are aware that Christianity (Roman Catholicism) became the state religion under Constantine. He was a Roman general who supposedly had a vision of the cross with the words "in hoc signio vinces" -Greek words meaning "in this sign conquer" by "the prince of peace." Do you believe that?

He put the cross on his soldiers' shields and conquered his rival for the throne. In 325 AD, Constantine called for the council of Nicea, where he collected 318 bishops who almost unanimously (313) voted to adopt the concept of the trinity, and to declare Jesus as god. A follower of the Iranian god of light, Mitras, Constantine was not baptized until he was on his deathbed, probably just a gesture to ensure the Roman peoples' bending the knee to Horus/Jehovah/ Jesus. As the emperor was not a believer, but established Jesus as god, is this not a further indication of strategic manipulation by the Roman leadership? 

Of all the "original" documents of the New Testament that have survived to this day, the earliest are scientifically established to have been written between 75 and 125 AD. This is forty-five years after Christ's supposed death. If Jesus really existed, and truthfully wanted to establish a path to heaven, would he not have documented his teaching himself, to assure the accuracy of the recording? And if not, why didn't his apostles do so sooner?

These documents were composed shortly (about five years onward) after Josephus joined the Romans. Thus we have an explanation for the centralized orderly governance of the Roman Catholic Church. It was not initiated by the apostolic missionaries traveling around the world as claimed in the NT, but was a fabricated intentional misguidance, a scheme by the Romans, deliberately carried out as a plot to destroy humanity.

Most people see Christians as moral, humble, and as do-gooders. For further insight, read the politically and historically accurate description of how Christians have hijacked the planet and created destructive powers and systems (principalities) in ANGRY, LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. This chapter has now shown the source of symbolic imagery, parables, and the reason for the direction Christianity has taken over the years.


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What do you "propose" instead? No belief system? Nihilism? Scientology bullshit?

What's you opinion on extraterestrials? Do they exist?

Is every and each of us, a God? Are we being deceived into giving away our Creative Power?

I am aware that we are ALL sons of the Light. But how can you prove the Light and the Absolute Creator, without a belief system? Our roleplaying and drama on this Earth, is limiting our senses, and capabilities of ascending to the Light and the pure Creation.

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God, the cosmic consciousness, is in the worldly hell realm. Born to a human body, before having sex in religion, there is the natural realm, where I roam. I am aware that many animals, (I am not sure if all of them) are in the worldly hell realm of the cosmic consciousness, I have seen some with amazing awareness and intelligence communicating with me. I have no desire to enter the cosmic consciousness, to be a God, there is pain and too much knowledge. I am not a new ager. I have knowledge and common sense enough to know how fortunate that I am. I live very happily with a free mind and have enough smarts to do what is right. I don't need any commandments to keep me good, and no punishment of hell to threaten me or heaven to bribe me, I am righteous for righteousness' sake. I Find new agers to be flaky. I have no desire for godhood or so-called mythical heavenly peace.

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That book brought to us by the elites is their black magic spell book and mostly astrology. I used to believe that nonsense also.

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Here's the most important link to share in my opinion to start off with which tells your FROM THEIR OWN MOUTH exactly who, what they are and what they've done and planned. Watch, listen to every word of all these videos on this playlist then, WATCH IT AGAIN!: https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Edom-Finished:d?lid=1931bc35a8ba61e510293cce975f9e880e3dc442

THEN, after you've watched the above entire playlist, WATCH this one! https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Jesus-Deception-Debate-Adam:4?lid=e4291d6b53660ce4a04c65a968fe51a33339c060

Then, go watch as many of Adam's videos on his channel as you can. And, SHARE these PLAYLISTS here with EVERYONE!!

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Here's the most important link to share in my opinion to start off with which tells your FROM THEIR OWN MOUTH exactly who, what they are and what they've done and planned. Watch, listen to every word of all these videos on this playlist then, WATCH IT AGAIN!: https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Edom-Finished:d?lid=1931bc35a8ba61e510293cce975f9e880e3dc442

THEN, after you've watched the above entire playlist, WATCH this one! https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Jesus-Deception-Debate-Adam:4?lid=e4291d6b53660ce4a04c65a968fe51a33339c060

Then, go watch as many of Adam's videos on his channel as you can. And, SHARE these PLAYLISTS here with EVERYONE!!

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Vicki you are aware of the Vatican and Jesuits being the ones in power behind the veil. I have no substack newsletter, I decided to continue to work as I have been with an email outreach. Sign up for my free newsletter on this website, and peruse my documents on it, with links. I give more information on the Vatican and politics, as do my books, attached to the free newsletter.


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Yes I am aware and no thanks.

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One must know We have not’ been given over to a power that we can not resist ! We can be made well Again!

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I am not sick. Don't fix what ain't broken.

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Jesus said it's not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. Apparently, you don't need Jesus or the Bible so good luck in your search to find God. "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:32

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I hear you, Ed, but I am not searching. I was a devout true believer for ten years, studied the bible diligently independently 10,000 hours, had ministries, taught bible, until the true nature of the faith was finally revealed to me, and I left real quick. I am still in the natural realm however, have survived. I now have better purpose, a sound mind, and a heart of courage to oppose the powers. Unfortunately, Christians seem to feel the need to prosletyze and bring naive innocent youth into the kingdom of God (hell). I needed some institutional attention, and was given survival training, and leadership skills and most of all, ability to cut through the BS> If you read my dozen or so comments on this thread, you will see more truth.


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That's a shame that you believe the lies.

Only Christ saves if you believe

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You believe that book brought to us by the elites? It's all astrology and a mesdia-op.

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I have no beliefs. I have knowledge or lack of knowledge. Belief is another word for superstition. I am not in need of being saved, thank you. You can take your artificial phony Jesus and fuck yourself. You are in hell and inviting me in. Come on in, the fire is fine. I am not ignorant, and not sick in need of your saving me for hell. Thanks for the Christian love, though. SO good of you to invite me into your hell. I have not seen my Christian (so-called) family for nine years, and hope not to for another fifty. Christians can keep their distance thank you. I debunked both the bible and the faith soundly in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. Go bring somebody else into hell, I am aware of your character and of Christianity. And I don't have any pity for you. Fry, motherfucker.

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How do You Say that that (i) ? Say !

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I'm not surprised that 'seeding' the human race post some cataclysm was one of their plans. Not surprised there were experiments going on the Epstein was involved in, or that we have non-human species on the planet and some of them live under ground.

All of these statements would have been impossible a mere decade ago.

Our manufactured world is being shredded. Good.

Somehow I don't think any of their plans will come to full fruition, I just don't know how many humans are still here when it's over. But in the end, humans win. Thanks.

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quote :"Our manufactured world is being shredded. Good."

So true , we are dealing with a break away civilization. When we see Musk Neurolink we need to understand the military application is 50 yrs ahead.

With implant they control small animals , insects , mechanicals all of them drones. Wired reflex that makes you 10/10 marksman with split second reflex , shooting with organic eyes closed . . . We have transfer cerebral signal over the internet that hijack the receiver muscles.

At this point i would not be surprise to learn about Brain in vats linked into a network . . . or fungal super computer.

the big acceleration into normalization .

All this is a magician trick never forget you are a sovereign human being that hold all the power. They can only trick you into giving up & surrendering.

What is god given cannot be taken away by mens.

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"never forget you are a sovereign human being that hold all the power. They can only trick you into giving up & surrendering."


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You don't hold all power. That's silly. Like a comic book.

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Only if [You] place yourself under the holy Jurisdiction ! The veil IS thin now!! Take heed !

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Being blunt: If you shit the bed, the shit stain is centered in the middle of the bed. The shit stained mattresses pulled out at the Chabad Lubavitch "spiritual center" were at the end of the mattress, indicative of fucking the shit out of someone's ass. Call me crazy, but there's something to Robert Sepehr's 1666 Redemption Through Sin; here's the last vid he did on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6BYRVOxc4Y - As far as NM goes, here's an interesting tid bit: When going over the Pluto geodetic line running through New Mexico in the astrocartography chart with Jason Logan, he said, "That's were the earths underground demons are located; are you sure you want to go there?"

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I was born in NM in 64, the older I became, the more uncomfortable I was there. Not saying that I sensed weirdness, but I just felt the need to get out and I did at the age of 44. I went to Colorado Springs and talk about an eerie feeling. Colorado is a BEAUTIFUL state, but the people are strange and all the bases in the area that I lived, were rather nerve wracking over the last years that I was there. We moved out of CO in 2015 and every time I think about my time there or if we have to go back for any reason, I get the heebie jeebies!

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My husband was born there when his dad was stationed there. Perfect place for his estranged father. He should have stayed there. My husband was only there a few months & then they moved to Arizona. When my husband left the AF himself years later & ldecided to back in, the recruiter said he would be stationed in Clovis NM, he got up and left. He decided to crosstrain into a flying job and went in the Reserves instead. We’ve both been to NM on different occasions but he was totally creeped out by the thought of being stationed there. To me it felt like a dead zone. The only part of the drive to Arizona I didn’t like.

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"Dead Zone", perfect description! I still have lots of family there and I HATE going there and when I do, I can't wait to leave, NM in my rearview mirror is the most beautiful sight!

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I hear ya!

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BTW, thank you for the vid, I will be tuning in as I am learning more everyday that the Jews are the problem and have been for centuries. Every thing that we have been taught all our lives is a lie, except for math, that they cannot fool us, 1+1 will always equal 2!

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I'm not on board with the "Jews are the problem" 24/7/365 in a eonic Aeonic 360-degree universally isotopic narrative. Is there a 85% to 95% up front, those that are visible, representation of them across all the problematic areas of Banking, Media, Hollywood, Big Tech, Globalism, "Health Care" BiBi Netanyahu etc.? Absolutely. But that DOES NOT mean 100% of them (how ever "Jew" is defined) are scheming evil 24/7/365. Be careful there and don't let your spirit get sucked into that. Yeah, it's complicated - but be rational - even Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post have columns full of people outraged by the wipe out of Palestinians in Gaza. Go through this guys reports and see how good people in Israel are calling the shit of Chabad Lubavitch and Likhud out: https://rumble.com/user/Unit8200

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Thanks Tom. Unfortunately many have become so blinded by hatred they are falling for old traps. If only life were so simple and black and white. It most definitely isn’t. And those who think they got it figured out, are dangerous people to be around. Like ticking time bombs.

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YW. Weird, or not so weird, this went up today. Clif High would attribute it to "the data set."

Government Hiding Nephilim in D.U.M.B.s


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Am a Nephilim Tom !

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I'll say it again , All this Jewry naval gazing started when the WEF / UN called for 100 000 "info warriors " to fight & discredit the medical / INFO resistance.

77th Brigade, Unit8200 . . . the NATO boys . . . They have no ground to stand on.

They are using the woke identity politics. Media Matters & the ADL M.O. is the woke identity politics anti-Semite edition. Its pure propaganda.

It's so much worst on other accounts especially when there's a live chat.

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It certainly is not all Jews. I agree. However I do think that there are people who say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan, Revelation 2:9.and I am of the opinion that they are in reality the Merchants. The Canaanites were Merchants. Revelation18:23.


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Thank you for weighing in. It seems so much gets trickled down into very black and white thinking.

I wonder if it's intense fear from the steady trauma of the past three years.

I want a description of what Epstein shape shifted into.

I talk about shape shifting into an osprey or a seal. I can't actually achieve it, only wish I could.

Sometimes I wonder if all the stories of all these pieces are meant to take away from who we are. Eradicate us in doing so. Anything beautiful that we are.

It's snowing here.

It's very beautiful.

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And Greg, thanks for this piece.

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Tom, Was your father one of the inocent jews?


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Thanx Reese! 👍🫡&🖕🫵✡️Israel!

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The word Jews is thrown about a lot. It’s a religion whereas Zionism is an ideology. It seems many confuse the two.

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You are correct! It’s a dogma that There Is No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church! All those who die outside the Catholic Church, Jews, Muslims, Protesters and heretics of every kind will not spend Eternity in Heaven, unless they convert to the true Traditional Catholic Faith, and die in the state of grace, before the end of their lives. Please visit and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com

Send an email to Brother Michael of Most Holy Family Monastery in New York with any questions and comments. Email: mhfm1@aol.com

Thank you and may Almighty God bless you.

🙏 from Ireland xx

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St. Michael the Archangel. pray for us

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Not all, just the Zionists based on information now coming out.

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I agree, not all, but they are sure numerous!

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I think you'd like Dustin Nemos at "Serapeum.com" I think that's how it is spelled. He has a great site and really covers all areas with this Synagogue of Satan bunch.

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Jews who do not believe that Jesus is the Christ are the problem. This means they follow Satan and are enemies of God.

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You have no power over us. Be gone Satan!

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Jehovah is Satan, dumass. Who wants power? Funny how Christians are told that they are a royal priesthood and that they will judge the nations at the right hand of God, and consider themselves as "children of the King (Satan/Jehovah), but have the audacity to call me "satan" I have only spoken truth, want no power over you, except to silence your asps' tongues.

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Wow. You are so righteous. NOT! You are like a lill ant that will be extinguished.

Just like David and Goliath. You think becuz you act like a giant, we cant beat you?

Satan, you lost before you began

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I never claimed to have beaten you already, as I only speak facts and truth. But you speak as if you have already lost. I have indeed been compared to David by my Christian friends who gave me my mission. But you like think that I am acting like a giant. All those Christians, all their Satanic power, and it is only me against Satan, and instead of joining the side of truth, they stick by their God Satan, and claim losing.

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It's not the real jews, the semites, that are responsible, it is the Khazarian Zionist 'jews' who took on the religion of jews in order to hide their evil connection to Satan.


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Epstein is alive

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There are tunnels under Ft. Worth, TX and it sure looks as though there could be underground tunnels beneath the Jewish Temple and Synagogue that I drive by several days a week. According to the Good Book, in Genesis Chapter 4:9-16, Cain after murdering Abel was cursed from the earth,and sent away from the face of the earth and the face of the LORD God to the Land of Nod east of Eden, Nod means no land. He waa to be a fugitive and vagabond IN the Earth. In chapter 3:14-15 Satan is cursed, and the LORD God says He will put enmity between Satan's seed ( which is Cain) and the seed of the woman. Also in Job 1:6-7 the LORD God is asking Satan where he was coming from and his reply was from going to and fro IN the earth and walking up and down IN it.

I think the Bible is very clearly telling us that Satan and his seedlings come from in the earth and walk up and down in it.

And also Dan the 7th son of Jacob aka Israel in Genesis 49:17 was told he would be a serpent by the way.

And lastly there is only one people who were referred to as vagabonds ( Acts 19:13)in the earth in the New Testament, that same tribe Jesus referred to them as a brood and generation of vipers, (Matthew 12:34 and Matthew 23:33) and of their father the devil who abide not in the truth, because they have no truth in them, and children of the Satan the devil who was a murderer from the beginning ( Cain). Who is the Devil? That old Serpent Satan,the Accuser and Adversary of God and Man.

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Good observations and references. The Bible records the existence of a REAL and tangible "Bottomless Pit" or Abyss. We know that it has been sealed to a large extent, and at some time during the Apocalypse, at the sound of the fifth trumpet, an angel with a key will open it up. Rev. 9:1-11.

The sequence of these events in Revelation needs study, because the chapters and verses interlock, not necessarily in order, but in connection to each other as they describe specific events in detail as they focus on specific topics. But we know the beast (Antichrist) and false prophet will both ascend out of this Abyss at some point in the sequence. Revelation chapter 13.

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The abyss has locust-type beings in it. Not serpentine, and not human. The bible is a book of occult symbolism, contradicting concepts, bad values, spells, and outright lies. SImple-minded people believe the BS and fall victims, put in the same place that the deceiver told them that they were avoiding. Horus/Jehovah/Allah/Satan are all one and the same

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I feel bad for you. You are neither historically accurate or biblically astute.

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Michael wants to argue. And I'm not wasting my time arguing with him or anyone else.

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NO, I am trying to show you how wrong you are. You have no ability to debate me, because I am correct. Again, why was this scripture not put in the New Testament, if indeed the NT is aligned with the same god as the OT? From Daniel

Dan 12:1  And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. 

Dan 12:2  And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 

Dan 12:3  And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. 

Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

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Don't feel bad for me, darkness and ignorance should not feel bad for light and free thinking. I prove all I say in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. And where did I mention history here? Have you read my book, or are you just spouting nonsense? If I am wrong, prove it. What kind of good God creates a place of torture and torment that there is no escape from, and lasts forever and ever, and puts beings that he made in his image, and that he SAYS that he loves? Tens of billions of souls in hell, and he is worshiped. Come on, what stupid idiot cannot see that Jehovah is evil?

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Well you are wrong about Josephus to begin with, but that is just the historical part. God created hell for the devil and his angels. Human beings choose to go there.

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I know what we are told, but I reveal the truth. Read below where I give the one and only truly specific messianic scripture, and it applies to this day. The messiah's name is not Jesus. The bible says that the devil has power of death, and that God created hell. By the way, the doctrine of foreknowledge and predestination are biblical, I can provide scripture upon request. All the evil, the creation of hell and God putting billions of people in that hell after they have done everything according to plan, is all biblical. I choose to not have beliefs, only knowledge or lack of knowledge. Beliefs fall in the category of superstition. According to the Bible, God made all this happen deliberately, and knew how it would turn out. He made all happen, and knew it would be. Those in hell were created to go to hell. So don't tell me I am wrong. IF you have evidence, show it.

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Yes, correct! However, people need to realise that the Traditional Catholic Church is the Only One true church, founded by Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. There is no salvation of Outside the Catholic Church! Please see and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com

Pray to Almighty God for guidance. Thank you 🙏

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Where did it go ?

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And you seem to be the owner of the absolute truth. You know absolute nothing more that what the rest of us, already know.

You are still a mere cog, and a pawn, in a huge theatrical / role playing GAME, ILLUSION, name it whatever you want. But you do not know the TRUTH. You are nothing special. Still incarnated, non-perfect human creature, like all of us...

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That is funny. I am average, but my books reveal more than anybody else's have in history. Nobody has ever defeated me in debate, though many tried to. Non-perfect, maybe, but find even ONE sin in me. Not special? I have volunteered my life to service of humanity with 50,000 hours unpaid service to humankind, have debunked thoroughly a book believed by over a billion people, have uncovered many facts none else have spoken of if they did know, and spit out words of revolution openly defying the evil powers with courage nobody else has. My situation as a fellow human being is the same, but my character may stand out. I work 80+ hours a week, saved tens of millions of lives exposing the bioweapon vaccine even before it was introduced, have exceedingly better principles than 99% of humanity and live by them. My birth and position are indeed the same, but when it comes to character, you will find that I excel. God gave me what he gave to all, I made more use of it than others. There is a reason that I am so blessed, and it has nothing to do with belief.

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Find one sin? Arrogance, self promotion

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I see that we had a discussion a long time ago. Let us not go over it again. Peace.

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NO, it is fact. I say all this because I was maligned. IT is called defending my character. IF you call confidence as being a sin, only then am I a sinner. I am fully aware that it is common knowledge that pride is called sin, and that those who consider themselves as being wise are fools. I have soundly debunked the bible, the hypothesis of evolution, the schooling system, the allopathic medical system, the justice system, psychology, and much more. IF a wise man thinks he is foolish, then in his wisdom, he is foolish, or a liar. I recognize my own wisdom. I am self-taught, not being confined to the boxes of thinking placed there by the establishment to confine your thinking. I am a free thinker. IF that is what you call sin, you are a damn fool.

My books


available for free attached to my free newsletter


I volunteer 80+ hours a week unpaid to provide knowledge and free thinking to humanity to all, especially to those who cannot afford a lousy three bucks. I have the arrogance to not love money, power, position, or admiration. But my values are worthless in your eyes. You want me to grovel before an obviously evil God like most people ashamed of non-existent sins and timid in the face of adversity. No thanks.

On your knees, boy, grovel like the rest. Feel unworthy. You are, after all, a useless slave.

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try EDGAR CAYCE's take on "REVELATION "...since EVERYTHING is ONETHING and NO-THING his take makes the most sense...it's all a THOUGHT

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I'm of the opinion that AbadDon the fallen star and angel of the bottomless pit opened the bottomless pit on Friday, March 13, 2020

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Heh, Yes, I remember that very day very well. We had a group gathering event planned for that day, when our degenerate governor here in Colorado, implemented the lockdown. Even our local sheriff, (who pretends to be a conservative) was supposed to be there and speak, and then coerced us to cancel the event.

There was no massive amount of smoke and locusts billowing into the atmosphere, but a lot of "smoke and mirrors" to scare people.

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followed you

few are sharing strategic locations

please consider leaving sight open for free to comment

gospel is free & many who have 411 wont pay to share

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Hope to speak more about your observations to discuss / share about the 1 who provides solutions

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This is so deep. How would the normal folk respond to such atrocity who are so buried in hatred and disbelief?

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Will consider that point.

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WOW... Dynamite

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C H U D Canabalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers

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I don’t know what the fuck to believe. I just know that there is a whole lot more to everything than we are led to believe.

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Great job again Greg, Like always. On the pole shift ELE, us surface dwellers can escape right before this happens in a instant rapture ascension. I saw this event in a vision during the day over 40 years ago. I had a long time to study this word "rapture" I lay this simple event here at King-of-the.net. Just say Luke 21:36 out loud. For those who complain this event will not happen, well here ya go : http://king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html Life will go on and their are NO DEMONS in Jesus's Kingdom. Follow your heart and let the Holy Spirit guide you, just ask Him into your spirit and live like the 5 wise virgins as written on Matthew 24 The earth is not hollow, hell is in the center of the molten, metallic core. Tesla proved the planet is round, with his (-) non-hertzian experiments at Colorado Springs in 1899-1900. Round planets, moons are (+)ground antennas with toroidal fields gyro spinning in space, from the (-)energy from the center of the Milky Way for our sun and planets.

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Phil Schneider talks of getting into a shootout with ET.😲

More on Phil Schneider and his personal encounters with ET:



Check out Alex Colliers testimony on ET encounters:



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What a brave and courageous man. He, like others now gone, spoke too soon. If Phil went public NOW, he would go viral.

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Here is a link to a channel that goes into the topic of the hollow earth in great depth and also people who had visited there like Admiral Byrd


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Hey Greg, the reason for the confusion about the "real Jews" is because they are ALL real Jews, if they were the illegitimate children of the Bloodlines.

As you know, mating and breeding among the Bloodlines is very calculated and orchestrated. However, rampant sex with the locals was not.

So wherever the Bloodlines migrated, they left behind partial-bloodline offspring they called Jews, and communities to rear them.

Being partial bloodline, Jews were regarded as the Chosen Ones, so they were educated, specifically focusing on mathematics and finance. That way, wherever the Jews, the Bloodlines' illegitimate offspring went, they would be able to control the money.

Each different sect of Jews were given a version of the secret religion of The One True God, and there were STRICT laws for Jews about mating. Jews could only marry other Jews. In certain sects male Jews were permanently marked in a SECRET ritual to identify them as Jews, circumcision.

So technically the Chosen Ones, the original Jews, were all the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines WHEREVER the Bloodlines migrated and impregnated the locals.

PS 55% of Swiss males today carry the 'Pharaonic Gene'!

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Man fuck those "Bloodlines" stories it's pure Eugenics none-sens , it started with Malthus & Darwin. Look at the Huxley brothers , they are out of the British eugenics program and are pure degenerates and those are the ones we know.

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To be fair, the Jews also like to keep it in the fam.

I wonder if the Malthus family were 'aspiring' in-breeders: "Malthus had a cleft lip and palate which affected his speech; such birth defects had occurred in previous generations of his family."

Malthus' forbearers were "apothecaries to kings".

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Groom of the Stool perhaps ? hahahahaha

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yeah he went full retard defending Darwin . He got his reward . . .

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How in the world can we win this? - masons are everywhere. These "people" are in government, music, teachers. They help each other and destroy our lives. My fam is targeted. I personally have seen shapeshifters, They are mean! Scary mean.

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I saw Drew Carrey do the weird Illuminati hand over eye thing the other day on TV! And say to a contestant "YOU MUST BE ON MY GAMESHOW!

The contestant was a Broadway actor and they had a real good chuckle about it. The contestant also had a jacket on that said BE MORE KIND and was wearing an obscenely large cross!These losers always try to appear like humanitarian, like the sick Shriners.

One more reason to smash my TV!

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Those first to admit

What they were wrong about.

And what they want to be right about

Moving forward - will advance.

The rest will be left, forsaken,

To find their own way home.


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There is 4,200 religions on Earth the problem is they are all man made and false religions! Our Creator God sent his only begotten Son to Earth to show God’s people that there is only one way to worship Jehovah God. Only one way not 4,200 ways! Satan and the Demons Love you for following the 4,200 false religions! God says “Draw close to me and I will Draw close to you! You see you have two choices die or live it’s all up to you!

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Let me guess, out of over four thousand ways, you are in the one and only correct way, just like all those in the other thousands say. How original and wise!! What nobody has ever thought before. And God (Jehovah/Satan and Jesus) can keep his distance, thank you. The gullible cowards all fall for the same empty threat, and have all amazingly found the one and only way.

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Didn't you know , Greg ; "When you cut open an Human , there is no human rights hiding inside" .... Yuhal

I notice a theme ; looks like all those people in the report have 1 thing in common , they see people outside of their group has dumb unclean animals.

Schneider dad was a NAZI , am not one to condone a man for the sin of his father . . .

none the less he was enjoying his life of secrecy until he got blasted away.

AND what about those rich assholes wanting to restart Atlantis ?

The TerraMar Project is not an NGO sorry that's bulls**t

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney in Florida who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and cut the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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The puppet played her role and got rewarded.

Business as usual.

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