All these useful idiots who said: "VOTE" for Trump......smh. And insisting that only a "VOTE" for Trump would cancel out a "VOTE" for HARRIS. "VOTE" the LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS, even if that prances and neighs just like a Trojan Horse, ridden by the NWO right outside the gates
Every face they show us is under contract with the actor's guild, what Trump refers to as central casting. Thomas Crooks, Ashley Babbitt, Donald Trump...e'erybody.
She is not wet . Educated yourself . She was COFR . And people can change. Don’t judge unless you yourself are an A+ That does not mean you have to put all your trust in politics either . I sure as hell don’t
Trump is not working with the NWO or the WEF, that's why they stole the election from him in 2020 bc he was against their agenda and he still is! He would say " they're not coming after me, they're coming after you"!
I just posted on my page something that Yuval Hariri whom is Klaus Schwab's so called "prophet" said recently..
"If Trump becomes President again in 2024 it will be the final death blow to what remains of the Global order"
So there it is, Trump is not their friend, he is their enemy!
Trump is the king of the Noahide Laws & signed these Laws in when he was President. Trump is a converted Jew zionist & these Laws state that all Christian’s, all people have to deny Christ as their savior—if any person refuses to deny Christ as their savior, then all these humans within America & the World will be killed off by beheading of the guillotine!!! You need to do some research on Noahide Laws. There are thousands of people on FB & other platforms that are speaking about Trump & Noahide Laws—Warning🚨 all American’s of this, just like millions of people warned the masses of millions about the poison☠️ Covid vaccine injections, boosters !!! But millions of people didn’t listen to the truth we pushed about the ☠️💉 and they ended up with severe health issues & millions died for not listening to our warnings 🚨Now we are the thousands, millions warning 🚨everyone again about Trump & Noahide Laws!!! He is the guy that throws out some good deeds to help American’s while he works in the background for the New World order agenda( the depopulation and genocide of all humans) UN, WHO, NIH. People are so fooled, conned & played by this DT guy. These people can’t realize what coming for all of them➡️☠️
That is the most pathetic delusional Jew hating rant on this site. BTW Rachel --- your very name is Hebrew . Nobody on earth is subjugating anyone who refuses these alleged laws ...
And you don't think Trump and his body guards are already aware of that? I think they're fools if they tried because eventually it would get found out and who's all involved.
Harari saying that doesn't mean anything. He could just be playing his part. They have to have characters in disagreement to make their theater realistic.
It's not a stretch to believe. He already did it once circa 1700 BC with the Flood. At a time when the world population could already have been in the high millions or even billions. Yes, that's my God too.
I vote many times a day ,and I always vote for me ,as the leader of MY life .If you are so helpless ,then get a service dog ,he will guide you more safely ,than eny politition
During his Administration, Trump sat with Henry Kissinger { TV VIDEO} and introduced him as his...CONSULTANT.. Knew we were DOOMED, then !!! Tulsi was a " NEW GLOBAL LEADER " ! Dr OZ , MONEY MAN !
There is the possibility that he did so due to being coerced by the spooks who have far more power than the president has . He had to thus play this double game , or else the un/who/davos crowd... would have imposed a ten year lockdown ! No way DT did not hear the boos from his own supporters on this issue ... By fast tracking these vile vials , he was able to prevent this absolute tyranny from taking over the nation. I cannot say for certain if this was the case , but it is worth considering nonetheless.
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
Where did I mention viruses ??? This in no way invalidates the threat of long term lockdowns ! FYI I happen to be well aware of how the geneticists who studied the c-v-d samples found an exact match between that and the venom from Chinese Krait snakes and King Cobra !!! Is that red pilled enough ? Great to hear the royal clan actually lost a court case . How rare is that ?!
NOT Jewish...All are Atheist, Gnostic, Satan Worshipers
Human Sacrifice and the evils documented in the Mideast were documented to exist in the earliest journals of the explorers traversing the planet on little sailing ships in unknown waters.
There are many involved in the Fourth Reich Uniparty as it is an INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE; a NETWORK.
Those behind these poisons and the resurgence of eugenicist slavery, genocide, disability, sterilization are the same as through all history existing
around the world where Jewish people never were before the last centuries.
There are as many fakes practicing evil across all religions. Real Jews are as innocent as real Christians and all other religions...The equal to the Sadducees, Pharisees of the time of Jesus Christ as well as the Pagan Demon Worshipers of the Valley of Hinnom and all regions around the world.
I can see how you failed as a musician. Also, as a logical thinker , researcher , analyst , and human . Dare knock on my door with your horse sh-- at least that'll cure your arrogant stupidity .
Khazarian mafia took on the religion of the Jews but they used it as a cover. They are evil and believe in human sacrifice. The Khazars were violent but used religion to hide behind and they are still doing it.
I think if you look into the Labor Party Sabbatean/Frankist Jews as "Zionists/' you find 2 opposing views among Jews in Israel today. These are alot like the 72% Liberal Democratic Jews in the USA, that tend to vote in people like Obama, Biden, Shiff and Schumer.
That doesn't mean the Netanyahu's Likud party is better, just more conservative. The"Two-State" solution was a disaster from the start, negotiated by the Labor party. At the same time, Bibi and Likud were incapable of effecting a change before all of this started. (Sort of like the Republicans)
Ok, so who are these people? "Zionists"? And, if it's a political ideology, what is it, in a few words? Like: A "Constitutional Republic" is a political ideology where people use as their governing guide an agreed upon set of parameters. ie, a Constitution. Or, Communism "everything is controlled by the state/government and (supposedly) distributed equitably".
She did . Jesuit is not Jew lol. However, during the crusades they defended the holy land which gave power to the ???? Let me guess ? Jew.. no It was created to in power the one Jew who only would answer to?? It is in Italy and it starts with the letter V . Now finish the line .
Uh Dr Zev Zelensky was a Jew . Anti clot shot too. Wtf is your point? And Massie has ties to Kaiser Permanente. That said Trumps SG pick was not taken well . Called out on all platforms . As it should be.
Dr. Zelensky was out on the end of the bell curve, and not representative of the tribe. There are only a handful of Jews who fall into this category. So what if Massie has ties to Kaiser Permanente?
Don't kid yourself. Massie is part of the club. His wife's killing was a ritual sacrifice to secure his place.Since the killing all he has done is suck up and praise Trump. He says he doesn't have a AIPAC handler but he does. Just another willing and compromised Goy. He is doing the bidding of his Jewish masters-"By way of deception you shall engage in war."
Where is your proof? His wife was his high school sweet heart. We are supposed to believe that she died in a "ritual murder" to secure Massie's seat in the House? The usual suspects could just as easily spend gobs of money taking Massie out in a rigged election. They do it all the time. Boy, Reese really attracts some looney bin kooks! Get help! And, next time bring some proof.
The sad fact -- should Brunson v. Adams, et al. get a hearing and the Supremes rule as the Constitution demands -- is that Massie would have to go. He voted to certify the 2020 election. This means that he along with hundreds of his fellow Congress critters would be removed from office -- and barred from holding any role in government again.
"The Supreme Court's decision, delivered in a 5-4 vote, upheld the lower court's dismissal of the Brunson lawsuit. The majority opinion, written by Justice [Insert Name of Justice], found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue." Oct 30, 2024
When Trump was for the vaccines there wasn't many deaths or permanently harmed cases yet. He didn't know and
Dr. Fauci was working for Trump as the head of the health dept at that time and Trump trusted and believed everything Fauci did and told Trump. How was Trump to know any differently?
Then that makes Donald Trump the stupidest president we've ever had, and that includes Bush Jr, because even my GRANDMOTHER knew the vaxxines were deadly. Because back in 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was paying attention that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".
I agree Proberta! It just a matter of time! I'm expecting another plandemic and this next time around They'll force people to take their poison shit! Again Donald Trump will deceive the majority of Americans to take it! I won't do it and I will NEVER comply with these evil bastards! They'll have to kill me!
Check out U.S. hasn't met their quota yet of 2/3 population reduction by 2025. Stay tuned! (Boy oh boy!) "Dear God: Please protect us naive goyim. "Our country, and our congress have sold us all out. We are on our own indeed."
It’s idolatry, plain and simple. They see Trump as savior.
A rider on a white horse, in my opinion, an anti-Christ for sure, but those who fall for this deception belong to the 2 Thessalonians 2 crowd.
For those not familiar with what I am referring to, here it is:
Strong delusion
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV) 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The problem is we didn’t have a clear path for Bobby to win because of the corrupt DNC. Trump is more pro-freedom than the DNC so that is why we have him, not because we worship him. Please!
Thats ridiculous! You are an idiot! We beleive he cares about the rule of law and wants to help give the best chance to his family and ours to live in freedom!
If people dont see that Operation Warpspeed was a function to impose another path for us all, nothing more can be said. We would have been locked down for years, 12 yrs standard vaccine development time. DJT pushed forward, for the greater good. We know the players now, only because of his actions. Otherwise, they would still be in the darkness. Watch and learn.
The "players" have long been known ages before their sock puppet DJT was inserted into world stage theatrics as the "savior" archetype. As U.N. Agenda 21/2030 goal posts continue to progress, presuming you are responsibly fully aware of this comprehensive plan of action, that's underway, for world governance to inventory and control EVERYTHING, agreed upon by 178 countries back in 1992,, with millions of victims, in it's wake, and counting, what have you decided is yourr cut off point for this "greater good" to show up before you would be willing to responsibly face the truth that you've been duped by a recycled counterintuitive fantastical psyop narrative that promotes disempowerment, moral relativism and divisiveness? Or are you mindlessly okay with indefinitely? A mind-controlled cultist is always the last to know they are a mind-controlled cultist. No one outside ourselves can save us. We, each, with objective right moral action, save ourselves. This truth is eternal, innutable and objective. We reap what we sow. We are each co-creatively responsible for our current collective human experience via our consent/acquiescense to that which initiates harm to others at warp speed or any which way.
Agree. All grandmothers and all uneducated people know better than Trump. There are absolutely no excuses at all about launching this depop-jab. People that like Trump always find excuses for him because they want to think that there is at least 1 person that will come in a save us all. Look in the mirror, and then you will see the only person that will save you! We all have to save ourselves and each other and that is it! I too thought that Alex Jones should know better - saw his way back VDO with Dr Rima and all of that ... then I stumbled on this VDO which surprised me a whole lot ... did he ever retract his statement? - not that I know of ... watch ...
Actually, there is also THIS. Virus is theory. only a theory. The alternate theory is God's "Take out the trash," theory, which is Exosome Theory. Looks and acts the same. Bet no one has heard that before. But I did, just don't know where. I believe Exosome immune system response is real. The other is
My guess is this is a deep state body double Trump. The deception isn’t revealed on realrawnews but Benjamin Fulford talks about it. Real Trump can’t seem to reveal about the body doubles. Both sides seem to have doubles and/or clones. I can guess the complications mean solar flash ascension and ET’s taking over has to happen.
I thought the most ridiculous pink-pilled Trump-scuse was "He filled the Swamp so he can drain the Swamp because he's playing 5D Chess", but this new 'Real Trump vs the Dark Clone Trump" even tops that!
Its like "Oh really? So which one did you vote for? ;)
Maybe it’s not Trump but a deep state body double like Benjamin Fulford said. Last I heard on sibley22 rumble, we aren’t going to live past the next lockdown and WW3 is expected by Christmas so would be an EBS lockdown, solar flash discloses as telepathy comes back. Earth is too messed up. Understanding Trump body doubles likely will take a higher IQ.
Actually Valerie the body doubles theory is easy to understand because we've been seeing them for years. Because the Evil started leaving the surface of the Earth en masse, in 2017 when 10,000 CEOs, Executives, Presidents of Corporations, all over the world suddenly LEFT their jobs.
They gave a number of reasons for leaving, like taking early retirement, being fired, arrested, indicted, illness, etc. And they are GONE. Their children are not registered in any schools and they are not on any tax rolls. The arrested were never tried and the indicted were never adjudicated.
4 of them just left in that fake 'Submarine to the Titanic' disaster. And oh wow, it exploded so no bodies will ever be found, and no one will ever be looking.
And the public figures we're being shown, like royals and presidents, celebrities are body double actors wearing photo-realistic synthetic masks, or holograms, CGI, or remotes.
The Evil have left the building! They are no longer on the surface of the Earth.
So whatever Trump this is, is performing exactly like the last Trump, filling the Swamp and convincing the masses that there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine.
As for the horrific events you said are being foretold, I can't decide if they're going to start with the C.IA operated illegal immigrant violence on our STREETS that will have the people crying for Trump to declare Martial Law. And Martial Law is when America and Americans will be completely controlled, because THAT is the New World 0rder.
Or start with the horrific C.IA operated attack on America that will be blamed on Iran, or whoever, and Trump will start WW3 first, because remember last time he bombed Syria his FIRST year in office.
So would it be more advantageous for the Evil to have America in Martial Law lockdown and then start WW3, or to start the war and have America in wartime conditions to move into Martial Law lockdown.
The show seems like a sting op. Ie; bringing up the vax game again as if there’s more people thinking it’s not over or figured out. Hospitals go down 22 secret vampire levels. Being a predator is healing to vampires.
In four years he's learned nothing? (Mr High IQ)Look at all the pro deadly vaxx ghouls getting placed in key positions Four years from now you'll say Trump was fooled again?
We knew people were dropping dead 4 years ago from the clotshot , father of the vaxx could have opened his mouth at any time and stopped the slaughter …
And Trump is unaware that his pick for Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles (his hovering handler) was a big wig co-chair lobbyist for many of the most corrupt toxic mega corporations (tobacco, junk food, industrial waste,, etc.) AND [drum roll] Big Pharma. He's surrounded by neocons in his cabinet 2.0 and Elon Musk is currently proposing a carbon tax per Agenda 2030. Trump didn't win, he, like all sock puppet minions on the illusory world stage, playing the role of world "leader", was SELECTED to be the most successful, at this point, at fascillitating the fall of humanity/rise of totalitarian transhumanism (Agenda 21/2030 ) at warp speed as he did as sock puppet #45, a bloodline progeny, like all the succressive blue-blooded cousins before him/her. bred and groomed for his/her scripted role. The word "government" literally means "mind control". It's an inherently immoral UNNATURAL control construct as is religion. No man or woman has authority over another. Righteousness is judging another by the consequences of their actions, that initiate harm to others, not by the narrative and not supporting those whose actions initiate harm to others by moral relativist rationalization. Trump's ACTIONS as #45, from an objective pov, reflect alignment with controllers' agendas, which, should come as no revelation to anyone of sound mind and scruples. You can irresponsibly rationalize until you're the last human left, the truth of consequences is what it is. High time you and the rest of MAGA 2.0 get the heck out of the movie theater (scripted ficticious world stage) and get real. (MAGA 1.0 cultists wised up, many on J6 when Trump served as the bailing pied piper for 400+ arrests/imprisonment w/o due process and valuable mass biometrics on all those @ Capitol. No one from the world stage is going to save us. Our individual consent/acquiescense/participation to that which initiates harm to others (war, carnism, circumcision, abortion, blood jabs, all unnatural, immoral, violent mass blood rituals) is what has co-manifested this unnatural, devolved, inverted control construct. Therefore, only WE, by individual RIGHT moral action, in accordance with eternal, immutable and OBJECTIVE Natural Law (Golden Rule/Cause & Effect/Karmic Law) can un-manifest the house of cards construct, a reflection of the consequences of our coerced moral relativist free will choices of behavior. We are infinitely powerful co-creators blessed with free will choice, at the effect of Natural Law. The very survival of those who control humanity, since their usurpation, is solely dependent on coercing us off our inherent spiritual path (initiate no harm) for we create our human experience, not them, of which they are keenly aware. Right moral action, (DO NOT INITIATE HARM TO OTHERS OR SUPPORT THOSE THAT DO) above all else, in spite of fear, wins the race!
Separateness is an illusion. You, as Gloria, with free-will choice of behavior, play your co-creative part. Best to make choices responsibly, consciously and righteously (DO NOT INITIATE HARM) for Natural Law is objective. Otherwise, you unwittingly co-create an illusory slave construct of suffering (hell) vs. resonating with reality (heaven on Earth) as we once did, before usurped by those with no divine spark for creation. You are a fractal of Source/Prime Creator. You are responsible for your choices of behavior, always, objectively, immutably and eternally. Stop relinquishing your infinite co-creative power to those parasitic husks, unable to create, whose survival is contingent upon a socially engineered false belief of unaccountability and moral relativism (satanism) from which co-creative choices are made.
Of course I'm responsible for my own actions, as are we all. You are saying a lot of words, but they mean very little. When one surrenders all to God, it doesn't mean they do nothing, but they do what the Holy Spirit tells them. Take your multiplicity of words and call on the name of the Lord, and you will be saved.
On Sept 18,2019 gates announced a global vaccine platform was coming.
The very next day on Sept19, 2019 Trump signed a bill that allowed the experimental use of nano technology, spike protein, mRNA in humans. Wtf?!?! Trump has denied even after being told by DR DAVID MARTIN, ALEX JONES, and others that the bioweapon was bad. Operation Warp Speed IS part of the deep state.
If Americans can see Fauci was an idiot so should have Trump. Fauci flipped flopped several times a day. And yes when the bioweapon first came out on National Tv a nurse from Tennessee died on live tv. Shawn Skelton made a video of what happen to her the next day after the jab plus many many more. So please stop thinking Trump is a saint just like Elon and Vivik.
Does He Continue To Beat His Arrogant Chest About Being The King Or Father Of The Vaccine Despite What's Happened Worldwide Since His Promotion Of It Which Is Not A Vaccine In The First Place?
That’s the stupidest thing a Trumper can say, he didn’t know. He gave Fauci an award on his last day of office. Trump is a globalist puppet. And no I’m not a liberal, I am an abolitionist!
Trump was receiving plenty of information from other dissenting doctors.
It's called, 'Do your own research', or at least have a staff person read it and bring a summary report. It's true he was surrounded by his treacherous choices.
He's responsible regardless. The smallest amount of research into fauci shows hes a snake. No way I would want a leader that naive. Plus even now he still praises those vs.. smh
But really go. As in go - go. We should turn it into a game show. A giant wheel with "supermax prison for life" every other option with "piano wire" and "one covid booster an hour until expiration" alternating in between as the other two options.
And both sides wanted to put a Zionist into office, with a full cabinet of Zionists as appointees.
I have a feeling that whatever Israel wants is exactly what the USA is going to do, and for those who complain about it, they’ll be labeled anti-Semitic, and harshly dealt with.
RFK Jr. is fully aware of the reality of the Nanotech Injections as well as all the Geo-Engineering. It's a certainty of Trump and Associates being fully aware of what's really happening though they've not addressed it publicly.
Trump said to have a deep state body double. Earth seems too messed up to save. Run by deep state for a long time. The ascension with solar flash is heavily promoted as all there is to look forward to. Not QFS, etc but a new realm with no financial system. ET’s take over to get the lost future back. It’s said humans go back to the future about 8000 yrs ago when the demons brought in the reptilians and they all feed on humans. Blood or loosh is what they get out of birth amnesia and short lifespan reincarnations of programmed blank slate born people redesigned to only live up to 100 yrs at most.
Israel is saved for last. We all know this Israel is not God's Israel. It was created by the Rothschilds. I am sure Trump is well aware. People have not been paying very good attention over the last 8 years.
People don't believe in actors, nor infiltrators. They don't exist according to them.
We have been at war in the US, and people are only concentrating on the foreign wars. Who cares about them. I am speaking of the demonic leaders, not the innocents caught up in their madness. We lost our Independence on February 21st, 1871, and people still don't care. I bet people didn't even know that our Military was NEVER supposed to step foot off of American soil, ever! They took an Oath to protect America only. Unfortunately, our birth certificate plays a huge role. The Crown owns us. Not the normal Crown. Our children don't even belong to us. We gave them up signing the birth certificate contract which is also a Bond. That is why they can do whatever they please with us. It's a very long story, and involves all aspects of our lives.
Check out Hopefully that comes here next. She has ordered them to remove smart meters and stop charging for electricity, has things in place for clean water, healthy food, etc.
why dont you show me in the bible that human hands would not help Isreal become a nation just like human hands helped create America,you Jew haters live in your own la-la land!
Mary, I’m not a Jew hater, not too long ago I thought probably a lot like you do, but when you clear your mind to what the church has taught you and actually read scripture you will see you have been lied to. Scripture say’s the chosen tribes fled from Israel, and that an imposter will move into the land and will build walls and gates. Who built the walls? The people there now. Those that claim to be Jews but are not. Rev. After the walls are destroyed the tribes will return to Israel. It’s there for all to read.
I’m not for or against any of them. They are on the other side of the world. We have our own problems that Americans should be concerned about yet you say nothing about what’s happening here in our own country. Genocide with silent weapons. This is a world take over so you should be concerned abt what’s happening in your own backyard.
This isn't about hating Jewish people. This is about what was created through the Balfour agreement by the Rothschilds..not at all the Israel or Jews of the BIble. Once the distinction is made it will make sense.
It's NOT hatred of all "Jews", but mostly the ones at the top who are exterminating us. But look at it this way, all of them who reject Jesus the Messiah are not to be trusted at all. Yes, many of the latter are doing some good, such as standing up against Zio-fascism and what "Israehell" is doing mass-genociding the Palestinians and other Muslims. The problem is, even most "Christians" don't get it. Jesus the Messiah did completely away with "an eye for eye", and replaced it with "love your enemies", but even most so-called "Christians" don't take that seriously as they should, and MUST, COMPLETELY, if they're to be truly saved. But "hatred" isn't the right word concerning these evil, vile cretins and monsters themselves. We mustn't hate our enemies, but love them, and we can ONLY do that by NOW getting infilled with the Holy Spirit and Character of God, as the example was set for by Acts, Chapter 2. So the right words rather than hatred concerning standing against those demonic "Jews" at the top and all of their minions, is to ONLY hate their EVIL(S), and love they themselves in spite of their gross sins / evils, not hating they themselves. God's True Love conquers all. But if we don't get infilled with the Character and Holy Spirit of God NOW, before glorification, we cannot love our enemies, and we will be lost (dead) for all eternity; and, when the evil people are finally judged, and they are burned up in the lake of fire, and Earth is made completely new, and made God's heaven itself, the center of His universe, there will be nothing left of them, because even their graves and their ashes will be completely burned up, with no trace or remembrance left of them whatsoever.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6---"For the living know that they will die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in anything that is done under the sun." The truth sets us free.
Practice that Christian theology next time you get mugged / robbed or your daughter gets raped and turn your other cheek, how bizarre that folks would misappropriate misquote and mislead based on misinterpretations of the Torah.
Rabbi Tovia Singer has insight for you.
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed.
57 Islamic nations, 22.5 Arab Nations and you've got a problem with the Jews, fuck you
Maybe you can show me, where in the Bible it says that the USA is commanded to fight and die for Israel, especially when they constantly rebel and anger God. And don't give me that, "I will bless those who bless the Jewish people and curse those who curse the Jews." If they're still God's "chosen", then let them fight their own battles and see if God protects them. Jan Markel of Olive Tree Ministries, and a Messianic Jew, among many others, said a long time ago that God has removed their blessing because the state of Israel supports abortion and the Satanic LBGTQ+++ia???++non binary crap.
Zero soldiers have died for Israel yet fucktard dipshit cunts like you keep promoting lies, 57 Islamic nations, 22.5 Arab Nations and dumb fucks have problems with the only democracy that is run by Jews that ensures rights for all citizens. Israel isn't locking up January 6th protesters under a doj run by an opus de plant named Bill Barr, the same Christian cultist that Robert Hanson the church going spy was a part of, that the government knew of for 20 years, Christianity conspiracies epitomized
Annd He's Americans and America last, that is if "we the people" and America even make it to his list or if "we" and "our country" are even a passing thought to this man! The only list or thought from this man for Americans and America first is his poison jab list! Then the "vaxx daddy" is all "America first" and "Make America Great Again!" "Gotta kill off those Americans first" so I can "MIGA!"
He owes far too many favors to Israel and the Zionists. Aren’t there as many or more Christian Zionists than Israelis?
Recall the London Olympics with the ghoulish medical bed scene? If that’s not predictive programming, I don’t know what is. Even the main pig-tailed character looked like Greta Thunberg.
Firstly, who the hell are you to DICTATE 'who' people can, or cannot, 'hate'??
Trump has nothing to do with the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel')???
He was installed by his Masters, the Khazarians, to put the final nail in AmeriKa's coffin.
Khazarians are NOT Jewish, by the way.
MOST of OCCUPIED PALESTINE is filled with Satan-worshiping Khazarians.
Even the REAL Jews HATE them (Gee, Margaret.....there's that 'HATE', again!).
REAL JEWS state that so-called 'Israel'.......should NOT EXIST!
Send these DEMON Khazarians, BACK where they BELONG.......HELL!
Oh....for an EDUCATION on REALITY......Stew Peters' new documentary, 'OCCUPIED', is now out. Go and get yourself a Reality Check, about Trump, our other 'elected' CRIMINALS and the DEMONIC Khazarian State!
You need to study God's Word(s) and what's really going on more, if you have at all or very much at all, and you need to study those things in-depth. If you look closely and completely face and are set free by the truth, you will see that it is the FAKE "Jews" of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 that run almost everything. They are the ones at the very top of One World Order pyramid, just below their lord and master, Satan / Lucifer. They run globalism (the New / One World Order), they run "Israehell", they run Big Pharma, they run the oxymoronic "intelligence" agencies worldwide, they run the deep state shadow government, they run the U.S. government and all of the other Western governments, and they run most people though they don't realize it, and if they ever do, it will far too late for them. "Many are called but few are chosen." They therefore are running the neo-holocaust too that they are perpetrating right now. They are now mass-murdering most of us. So, it is NOT hatred of "Jews", but hatred of all their evils, that we must "(c)ry aloud (and) SPARE NOT" about.
Isaiah 58:1---"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice(s) like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression(s), and the house of Jacob (the Jews---remember, Jacob's name was changed to Israel, thus creating the first real Jew, and the beginning of the Israelites) their sins (/evils)." The "Israehell" of today is NOT the Israel of God, and the "Israelis" of today are NOT the Israelites of God. Most of them are Ashkenazim (Eastern European "Jews"), who were originally converted to Judaism, and were and/or are NOT descended from the original Jews.
Israel is a cancer to the world that the world needs to be rid of. It's Palestine and every Jew in Palestine is a thief and a murderer. They should all go back where they came from.
Psssst, Margaret. National Israel is God’s disobedient firstborn son by adoption and the harlot wife of Jahoveh. He must be brought to the place of repentance before there is any deliverance and restoration. The present 1948 nation is NOT God’s long awaited return to the land. Today Israel is in the land without Messiah. Defiled after touching the dead body of the crucified Master. In the place of the dead and the slayer according to Ecclesiastes. Disobedience must be punished as Israel experienced repeatedly throughout the long journey in the Promised Land. But Israel remains stubborn and stiffnecked and will have to be driven back out amkmhnthebGentile nations again, and be punished so severely until the people cry out to the God of their fathers. He will hear and send a deliverer: The Last Adam, The Greater than Moses. Then and only then will a restored people return to a restored land and a restored Jerusalem and Temple. But not until repentance occurs. THAT will require the Great Tribulation or The Time of Jacob’s Trouble yet ahead. Soon.
I recommend you do the same. The Jewish ownership of that land of Israel goes back 3,500 years. The Balfour agreement is very recent. You are literally disregarding THOUSANDS of years of history, and GOD's part in it. I recommend you read a book called "This Land is My Land" by Rebbe Nachman and Chaim Kramer. You can get it from the Breslov Book Store, or Amazon may even have it. This book outlines the entire history of the Jewish ownership of the land.
People are calling out Trump fraud is a deep state body double. We’re all being tricked about Trump. It seems too deep for too many to understand it without the next lockdown EBS disclosure.
...and let's not forget Susie Wiles, THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN in the Deep State, Trump's very first appointment, and whose company Mercury Public is the lobbying firm for...PFIZER!
See and this is what I appreciate about Greg is his complete unbiased opinion.
I know you people who have so much faith and Trump believe that he can do no wrong but that’s not the case and y’all are in for a rude awakening although I feel that this will be better hopefully than the Biden situations!
The thing is the purposely killed off our elders because honestly, they held much more of the information from the past that these people are trying to erase.
Until we get over voting blue or red, we will never get past this hump and sorry ass system of a government we have. That has to be tackled.
The way that it can be done without having to bring up arms is withholding money from these corporations if everybody just stopped fucking paying all this shit would be done for !!!!
Oh and stop the racism bs that’s how we remain divided! You don’t wanna live around Black people so be it!!! You that don’t wanna live around White people so be it!!!
That doesn’t mean you have to disrespect and go against each other. We should also have non segregation parts of folks want too! So be it!!!
The thing is you need to quit letting the government divide because that’s how they conquering honestly .
🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Bingo Kia! Thank you! And why do soo few Americans understand this concept? People need to learn history! It's the old "Divide and Conquer" strategy, and it's-worked-every-damn-time-throughout-history whenever They want to bring down a civilization to its knees, and this time America is Their target! History is repeating itself! It's gonna be heartbreaking to watch America fall! Trump is gonna help accomplish Their goals!
🎯🎯🎯🎯 100 thousand% Trump is a double agent, working both sides! Trump is a covert globalist, one of them, pretending to be a "true American Patriot" working for "we the people!" Trump has played his part well, earning the trust of the American people because "we the people" no longer trust the system! Americans want a leader to trust in and Donald Trump, an outsider non-politican, comes along and gives the people what they want, telling them what they want to hear by "I'm draining the swamp" promising to "lock her up" which never happened! The thing that Trump did "lock up" was "we the people" in Their fake plandemic! "We the people" got "locked up and locked down! Ended the "lockdowns" with the jab, priding himself as "the father of the vaxx!" Then we have the election steal! I could continue! It's all done by design and planning, and it's playing out for Them perfectly! Trump gets in again just to continue the damage! Trump's promising to stop income tax on social security and taking taxes out on tips! Trump is only doing this to keep things looking real and keep the trust of the American people! Trump's gonna attack Americans freedom of speech with antisemitism laws along with other things with his Zionist administration while Americans cheer him on! Ok I'm gonna stop there! But I will say while Trump is cutting taxes on social security and tips he's gonna be getting the biometric face scanning up and going convincing Americans that it's to catch and deport illegals! Meanwhile those biometric face scans will be tracking and tracing and scanning Americans which is a violation of our privacy, which is the first step in loss of freedom! This is all being done while Trump is saying "Make America Great Again or MAGA, which is actually a title in the church of Satan! My question is, why do so few of my fellow Americans not see all of this? This is the actions of a undercover covert agent globalist working both sides, but is really loyal to Them and not Americans or America!
Trump better know better than to push RNA technology on the rest of us. I don’t think he’s gonna do it. If he does however push the vax he’s gonna find himself in the same place Biden is at. It will be political suicide for him if he tries pushing the Covid or bird flu vax.
Start by researching what Warp Speed was really about. Hint:NWO. And I am not referring to Trump wanting the NWO. Another thing. We have been under military occupancy and control since 2016. COG. Government in exile. Take it up with the military. But not our indoctrinated military.
I think it was 1933, when FDR passed the Emergency Powers Act. No President has since rescinded it. It includes the power of Eminent Domain for any natural disaster.
We shall see. Everyone will be watching Trump and our governments moves. They are so close to being ejected out of our country by their own people. Trump is their last gasp at getting their act together.
WRONG.. have you been asleep.. virus or venom, it's a bioweapon, for which it was never answered by the congressional investigation WHOSE WEAPON it was.... ttyna
I thought the most ridiculous pink-pilled Trump-scuse was "He filled the Swamp so he can drain the Swamp because he's playing 5D Chess", but this new 'Real Trump vs the Dark Clone Trump" even tops that!
Its like "Oh really? So which one did you vote for? ;)
He listened to the “experts”.. the media promoted the whole thing and Seriously non-stop propagandized the whole country… truth tellers were excoriated, but… maybe you could have done better … let’s see how he does if he lives to the Inauguration
Yeah Trump knows damn good and well what went down! Trump's got the majority of Americans believing that he didn't "have the full scoop" on the vaxx! Because if he did "have the full scoop" on it and how dangerous and deadly the vaxx was then he wouldn't be priding himself as "the father of the vaxx!" Trump would be acknowledging the side effects and deaths from it! But, still to this day, Trump still pushes that thing totally ignoring the people who have died from the vaxx and the people living with the side effects from it! Nah, Trump just pulled a fast on Americans because he does believe that Americans are that stupid! 👍
Take it up with the military. We have been under military occupancy since Trump took office in 2016. It's a different set of military with over 200 generals. The operation is worldwide. The problem is not just in the US. It's been going on since JFK's assassination. I can't wait until it's all exposed. I am sick of listening to the same song over and over for 8 years. People refuse to do their own research.
It sure looks that way. Why is Trump still pushing those poison shots, and praising Warp Speed? Is he really that stupid, or is he really that corrupt?
We are going to have to make it very clear to Trump that we KNOW what the bioweapon is all about and we're not having it. No one has called him out on it publicly yet and it needs to be done. The War is still in full swing and we have a lot to do to, a lot to fight for. Trump is not our Savior, but if he is going to deport illegals and bring the economy back to good health, he is still the better choice. It is up to We the People to TELL HIM "NO" on A.L.L. VAXXINES!
He just did a 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan in front of millions of people. They talked about everything under the sun except the jabs and the damage they have done and continue to do. I have learned when seeking the truth that it is sometimes better to pay attention to what is NOT being said.
Absolutely. I believe he knows and is covering it up ... we have to let him know THAT WE KNOW. There are those who are Trump Cultists ... I am not one of them ... who give him a pass on anything that is out of line ... we have to hold his feet to the fire on this one! And the genocide of Gaza, as well!
Yeah, Trump's gonna be pushing for those antisemitism laws too, making it illegal for Americans to speak about the genocide in Gaza! Many Americans can't see what Trump's doing, he's gonna attack our freedom of speech with those antisemitism laws and allow Israel to do whatever they want!
I agree, but I am hoping that his huge ego will not allow him to continue to push for "Israel First" ... too many leaders of other countries see Israel as Genocidal and he has been promoting himself as "The PeaceMaker" ... My take on it is that he is definitely indebted to some Zionist bankers and that's why he is compromised to support their efforts. It is up to We the People to make sure everyone understands the difference between "Anti-Zionism" vs. "Anti-Semitism" ... even the Jewish people in the U.S. do not understand that the Jewish people are NOT Semites (according to their geographical place of origin). We are in this mess because of so many lies, disinformation and mind control. No more! Time for the Whole Truth, and Nothing But!!!
How about the worldwide Genocide/Democide Activated by "Warp Speed" Daddy of the "Vax" I was just wondering how much $$$$ AJ has made off his "Bullet Proof" T Shirt and wondering if I made a STOP THE DEMOCIDE Shirt, how many would buy it?
MR SNAKE IS PART OF THE Design script LONG ago written . ITS BEEN SO OBVIOUS but everyone is so dumbed down by ill -health pharm pills , GMO , fluorides, stupid lifestyles etc ... ITS ALL YOUR FALUTS , I DID warn you all 5 , really 30 years YEARS AGO this was coming .
ARE YOU FOR REAL ????????????! , so many HOLISTIC DOCS have been murdered for calling him out ! Stay apathetic waiting for someone else to save your ass.
Now let’s tell the truth Heather, it was not just calling Trump out, they were calling out the biggest majority of our govt, the news media, Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and they were banned for speaking true or killed.
YES, I AM FOR REAL. I know about holistic doctors (not murdered because of Trump, that has unfortunately been going on for decades before he entered the political arena ... that's the Medical Cartel in action). I've been doing deep dives for 18 years on the Evil that has been ruling over us. I am far from apathetic. Bitch, I'm saving my own ass and hopefully you can do the same for yourself. Shame on you.
Trump already has pushed the RNA technology on us calling himself the "Father of the vaxx" which he is still very proud of and he'll do it again! I'm sure a next plandemic is just right around the corner!
He has already said that he NEVER WOULD MANDATE such stuff!
REMEMBER that NEAR 70% of Americans WANTED THE VAXXES... so it's NO SURPRISE THAT MOST APPOINTEES [other than RFKjr and us anti-vaxxers] were VAX-FAVORABLE IN THE BEGINNING... straight math...
So Reese is just sick and thinks he can stir up emotions with his ONE ISSUE ONLY gambit.. as if WAR for one was not important at all... ttyl
Of course Trump shouts against mandates because Donald Trump knows what the average American citizen does not, and that is the vaxx can never be federally mandated. It would violate our Constitutional civil liberties and we could REFUSE to be injected and have a Constitutionally legal ground to do so.
That's why the mandates were privatized.
The store owner said you had to be masked to shop there.
The company said you had to be vaxxed to keep your job.
Privatized mandating.
Trump spouting that he opposes mandating is nothing more than political posturing, which most Americans won't realize.
Yeah, that's how Trump is getting around stuff and moving Their agenda full steam ahead! That's why Trump was (s)elected again because he knows how to talk to convince Americans to go along and believe him! Trump is deceiving Americans into Their new world order agenda! Americans cannot see it!
That’s likely why the Marxists put trash on their ticket — so that voters would imagine that Trump was going to save us.
I refrained from voting in that insane election. Voting for rot of any sort is supporting rot at the top. Count me out. It’s just saying yes to the system in place — to make you believe you have a choice.
Remember that Stalin said, “It doesn’t matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes.”
The Marxists Dems cheated last selection the get Obiden and the hyena on the ticket. It was not to be questioned. They like to play Democrap then Republican every other administration. No one seems to notice.
And that is what some "Republican" governors did, they did not mandate for their state employees but allowed "private" corporations/businesses to poison their employees, but could say that they were "against" mandates.
Live in Florida. They dropped the mandates in the laps of corporations to do the poison dirty work! My boss was dating this chick recently who took 5 jabs at the big company she works at! Sick af all the time with diseases listed in the Pfizer trials! Poisoned herself for a job and doesn’t even know it! 😎💯
People say that they don't have a choice, but there is always a choice. Private corporations cannot mandate you put something in your body any more than a government can...
Buddies friend got a city job here in Florida! Mandated the jab so he took it! They even offered 10k to take the jab! Because offering 10k to poison yourself is science! :). In less than 24 hrs post jab, lesions head to toe. Now he’s around 500k in medical bills! Now that’s $$$$$$$$$$ science! Might have been a good idea to look at the liability shield before you poison yourself!
Crazy. These cities defied DeSantis' order on not mandating the jabs. Insanity. Trust the "science"!
Sort of what they did to the military. It is illegal to provide "medicines/jabs" to the military that is not "FDA" approved, yet they did anyway. And even after the so-called approved one ("Comernity", or whatever the heck), they never gave that version to the military because it was never produced. They were still using the EUA version because of how many that had purchased of the original poison. More insanity.
I bet you a million dollars if we did a blood test on Dr. OZ he would show ZERO vax scene evidence in his own blood stream. When these Vax Scene pushers get taken to Gitmo, they do blood sample tests on all of them, when taken to JAG Court. They all have ZERO evidence of a taken vax scene in their own blood streams. People like Stepahne Bancel ( Moderna CEO) Albert Bourla ( Pfizer Czar), vax pusher ; Melissa Moore, Richard Tillyer, none of them took the jabs. RealRawNews dot calm. PS - Remember Trump plays 5D Chess? Dr. Oz may be taken out before he gets caught. The same for the fake Zionists cabinet picks, they may switch out in January.
This Address was prepared for the Northern Ireland parliament but represents a clear summing-up. without bells and whistles, of a few central points which, if widely understood, would severely hamper the ability of those with control issues from succeeding in their 'unification' plans.
So much information we are bombarded with. So much unwitting consuming of Tier 2 propaganda by so many who genuinely seek the truth and the best for their children.
So many 'leading voices' pushing - for what ever reason - central myths that the Scorpions rely on.
So please, fire this painful to hear but ultimately kind address everywhere.
They are in line with what Klaus Schwab describes as the merging between man and machine.
And since they are of the WEF family and their colaboration with the Nazis is well documented (as is Klaus Schwab) we really do face a re-emergence of the Nazis.
Programmable Nanotechnology is already delivered through the vaxxination program of Covid.
Covid is the smokescreen for them to control the human race, all of it.
This programmable nanoparticles form a web inside the human body so it can be controlled from the outside.
Elon Musk names this technology Neural Lace.
That was the whole purpose of the vaxx... the AI WAR!
"As a long time high level pharmaceutical scientist and executive, Dr. Yeadon was shocked by the Covid pandemic response’s anti-scientific protocols and the injections that followed, and spoke out boldly against them, saying this, for example, at a Trafalgar Square rally in May of 2023:
‘They lied about the entire pandemic. Now I started in 2020 believing the virus transmitted respiratory disease from one person to another. I no longer believe that…
There was no pandemic. The deaths start only after the WHO declared a pandemic. The deaths occurred, I believe, to mistreatment in hospital, with ventilators and Remdesivir. I’m a pulmonary guy with over 40 years of training. You never ventilate a person who is able to breathe for themselves through an unobstructed airway with an intact chest wall. All of you doctors, who sedated and ventilated patients, you’re guilty of murder…
There was never any virus. PCR test is the only evidence that was ever given you, and it was wrong. And I told you early on, and many others told you, you cannot use that test. The inventor told us, you cannot use that test for clinical diagnosis…
When I looked at the design of these illegal vaccines, I saw a deliberate attempt to injure, to maim, and to kill…I’m telling you, the mRNA-based products can only produce injury, and that was the designed intent of these materials!
They are building factories around the world that will produce materials that will injure, maim, and kill people who take them…It has nothing to do with protecting against a virus! They’re trying to get poisonous material into every one of you, and they won’t stop! Even pregnant women, who have never, since Thalidomide, been exposed to experimental medical therapies. They wanted this in everybody! This is a murderous attack on humanity. It starts above the level of nation."
I worked in the medical field in the military and I never noticed then that we diagnosed people with a virus with some acute illness because we couldn’t figure out why they were ill. I even worked in the lab. We never ordered any lab tests for any virus and we had NO lab tests for any alleged virus. We never put two and two together. Geez. We were just parroting the official script.
As a Mr. Nobody living in this country from birth, I could tell the Covid scam was a fear based ploy. Those around me fell for it, which made my life a living hell. My salvation was to withdraw into my self and keep the fear mongers away and the promoters out of my mind. At the time I was managing an RV park for snowbirds who fell for it hook line and sinker. The craziest time in my life.
Ditto. It was like living in an episode of twilight zone. Horrifying in my house with my spouse getting jabbed and believing the deception calling me a nut job.
Where were all these people when all the information was coming out about TRANSFECTION VAIDS DIED SUDDENLY??
We can watch DT DANCE and listen to his MAGA SPIELS but common sense dictates, they are not on OUR SIDE and are doing #45 REDUX his LAST YEAR in OFFICE.
This time people are going to be so shocked and outraged with what's TO COME.
I agree except for Tulsi. She was misguided in the beginning, but has been on the side of freedom of choice and freedom of speech. Trump hasn’t admitted his mistake and that’s is problematic and reflected in many of his recent terrible picks like Oz and Nesheiwat.
She's a WEF young global puppet (still on her Twitter thanking the WEF for putting her on their list in 2015- same year as Alex Soros). She's a Zionist rat who was anti-war until she was paid to be pro-war by her Israeli masters.
she's military OWNED and she will do what they say ! She knew that LONG AGO when she signed up , while also likely being either bribed or threatened if she does not COMPLY .
GOD DAMN , you are that dumbed down you still defend this monstrous snake who bit thousands who have already DIED or are physically permeant mental disabled now and plans to do way worse very soon ! NO mistake !!!!!!!!!!!! HE DID ALL very much on purpose , long ago planned HE IS A 33rd degreed zionist mason , related to hitler and a pedophile !
NO HE MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT a pick .... You must demand your rights for at least 8 different party's . YOU VOTED FOR THE SAME PARTY ... its all one ! COME ON . WHAT IS THE SAYIN ??? "Do me wrong once, shame on you , ,do me wrong twice , SHAME ON ME ! " This is his second HUGE demise scandal !
They all gotta go
both sides
There are no sides. It is one big club. Except perhaps Rep. Thomas Massie (R) KY.
That’s beyond the Truth. Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. Sad!
All these useful idiots who said: "VOTE" for Trump......smh. And insisting that only a "VOTE" for Trump would cancel out a "VOTE" for HARRIS. "VOTE" the LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS, even if that prances and neighs just like a Trojan Horse, ridden by the NWO right outside the gates
Tulsi. wef. pupet like both sides in uk
Every face they show us is under contract with the actor's guild, what Trump refers to as central casting. Thomas Crooks, Ashley Babbitt, Donald Trump...e'erybody.
They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to
do this right now visit..........
She is not wet . Educated yourself . She was COFR . And people can change. Don’t judge unless you yourself are an A+ That does not mean you have to put all your trust in politics either . I sure as hell don’t
Well if Trump appointed Tulsi you can be sure she is Deep State.
I want to believe it as well...I just do not trust anything anymore!
actually she was/ is world economic forum. wef.
Trump is not working with the NWO or the WEF, that's why they stole the election from him in 2020 bc he was against their agenda and he still is! He would say " they're not coming after me, they're coming after you"!
I just posted on my page something that Yuval Hariri whom is Klaus Schwab's so called "prophet" said recently..
"If Trump becomes President again in 2024 it will be the final death blow to what remains of the Global order"
So there it is, Trump is not their friend, he is their enemy!
You got it now?!
Trump is the king of the Noahide Laws & signed these Laws in when he was President. Trump is a converted Jew zionist & these Laws state that all Christian’s, all people have to deny Christ as their savior—if any person refuses to deny Christ as their savior, then all these humans within America & the World will be killed off by beheading of the guillotine!!! You need to do some research on Noahide Laws. There are thousands of people on FB & other platforms that are speaking about Trump & Noahide Laws—Warning🚨 all American’s of this, just like millions of people warned the masses of millions about the poison☠️ Covid vaccine injections, boosters !!! But millions of people didn’t listen to the truth we pushed about the ☠️💉 and they ended up with severe health issues & millions died for not listening to our warnings 🚨Now we are the thousands, millions warning 🚨everyone again about Trump & Noahide Laws!!! He is the guy that throws out some good deeds to help American’s while he works in the background for the New World order agenda( the depopulation and genocide of all humans) UN, WHO, NIH. People are so fooled, conned & played by this DT guy. These people can’t realize what coming for all of them➡️☠️
That is the most pathetic delusional Jew hating rant on this site. BTW Rachel --- your very name is Hebrew . Nobody on earth is subjugating anyone who refuses these alleged laws ...
3rd temple, red cows, "jew" messiah, important and highly studied work
some links:
If deep state wants to bump Trump off, you think they won't succeed?
They've tried dozens of times already , w/o success...
And you don't think Trump and his body guards are already aware of that? I think they're fools if they tried because eventually it would get found out and who's all involved.
You really believe that crap?
That's a horrifically naive take.
Believe what exactly?
comon all a game worked out years in advance. how to get every nation to lock down overe night?
Harari saying that doesn't mean anything. He could just be playing his part. They have to have characters in disagreement to make their theater realistic.
Well, neither were perfect. However, I do believe Mr. T was our only
hope and is working with God.
Wow Rachel, your god wants the genocidal depopu|ation of the Earth???
God has made it achingly clear that's not what He wants. It's what we want and He's letting us have it.
Trump can let Israel “finish the job”.
It's not a stretch to believe. He already did it once circa 1700 BC with the Flood. At a time when the world population could already have been in the high millions or even billions. Yes, that's my God too.
This is crazy! Trump is not for depopulation! Where did you hear or read that? Show the proof ..
fuck your "god"
Both sides have been bought...really bought! 2 Amendment required!
I vote many times a day ,and I always vote for me ,as the leader of MY life .If you are so helpless ,then get a service dog ,he will guide you more safely ,than eny politition
During his Administration, Trump sat with Henry Kissinger { TV VIDEO} and introduced him as his...CONSULTANT.. Knew we were DOOMED, then !!! Tulsi was a " NEW GLOBAL LEADER " ! Dr OZ , MONEY MAN !
Apparently a wefer maybe not! If it's all lies then your 2 amendement comes into play !!! THE PEOPLE RULE NOT THE I.LUMANITI!
There is the possibility that he did so due to being coerced by the spooks who have far more power than the president has . He had to thus play this double game , or else the un/who/davos crowd... would have imposed a ten year lockdown ! No way DT did not hear the boos from his own supporters on this issue ... By fast tracking these vile vials , he was able to prevent this absolute tyranny from taking over the nation. I cannot say for certain if this was the case , but it is worth considering nonetheless.
"...a ten year lockdown!"
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
Take the red pill Dave.
Where did I mention viruses ??? This in no way invalidates the threat of long term lockdowns ! FYI I happen to be well aware of how the geneticists who studied the c-v-d samples found an exact match between that and the venom from Chinese Krait snakes and King Cobra !!! Is that red pilled enough ? Great to hear the royal clan actually lost a court case . How rare is that ?!
"long term lockdowns"
Dave, there never was a virus, so there never was a need for lockdowns.
Or masking, or vaxxines. Or FEMA camps.
Or for people to lose their jobs, their businesses, their homes, their loved ones, or their life.
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxines???
Utter BS!
NEVER trust the gooberment! I like Trump, he saved my life long ago, but now he's a politician.
He knows what’s going on. I told him in Feb 2020.
Very sad that we have no one in our Government that’s the real deal.
NO ONE gets into "government" that doesn't bow to the Wall and the Hexagram.
LoL .. wrong!
And what did he say back you?
Obfuscation, I’m sure.
Or Massie?
Wrong Massie and the Paul’s work for District of Columbia
Thomas Massie has spoken up about AIPAC. No one else has. The entire COVID scam was Jewish.
They work for outside entities if they work for D.C.
I also believe the majority of politicians are compromised; anyone that isn’t is soon isolated and targeted.
Excellent point @Webe1. Maybe that is why Matt Gaetz got the h out, while he still could.
Exactly. You're not allowed to be successful in politics unless you're in the club!
Who the hell are you? How do you know so much?
Who the hell are you? Your name is too funny. 😂
NOT Jewish...All are Atheist, Gnostic, Satan Worshipers
Human Sacrifice and the evils documented in the Mideast were documented to exist in the earliest journals of the explorers traversing the planet on little sailing ships in unknown waters.
There are many involved in the Fourth Reich Uniparty as it is an INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE; a NETWORK.
Those behind these poisons and the resurgence of eugenicist slavery, genocide, disability, sterilization are the same as through all history existing
around the world where Jewish people never were before the last centuries.
There are as many fakes practicing evil across all religions. Real Jews are as innocent as real Christians and all other religions...The equal to the Sadducees, Pharisees of the time of Jesus Christ as well as the Pagan Demon Worshipers of the Valley of Hinnom and all regions around the world.
lol. I know atheist who never took the flu shot let alone a vaccine for a bs virus .
Abrahamism is Satanism.
I can see how you failed as a musician. Also, as a logical thinker , researcher , analyst , and human . Dare knock on my door with your horse sh-- at least that'll cure your arrogant stupidity .
Oh, stop that. It's literally retarded. Gates, Fauci, etc. not Jewish. Really just stop it.
They don't mean Jewish in the way you think. They mean Zionists and that is more of a political movement not a faith.
Not synonymous. It's important that Jewish/Jew and zionist are not simple-mindedly and divisively regarded as the same.
Khazarian mafia took on the religion of the Jews but they used it as a cover. They are evil and believe in human sacrifice. The Khazars were violent but used religion to hide behind and they are still doing it.
I think if you look into the Labor Party Sabbatean/Frankist Jews as "Zionists/' you find 2 opposing views among Jews in Israel today. These are alot like the 72% Liberal Democratic Jews in the USA, that tend to vote in people like Obama, Biden, Shiff and Schumer.
That doesn't mean the Netanyahu's Likud party is better, just more conservative. The"Two-State" solution was a disaster from the start, negotiated by the Labor party. At the same time, Bibi and Likud were incapable of effecting a change before all of this started. (Sort of like the Republicans)
Ok...describe this "movement". Who are they? What do they hope to accomplish?
Gates IS a JEW!
That's simply not true. Or...go ahead...prove me wrong. But I mean proof, not someone's opinion.
Does it matter? He is evil. That is all that matters.
No he is not dumb ass . He is a Jesuit .
You need to do real more research. Zionists
They are zionists not Jews. Zionism is a political ideology.
Ok, so who are these people? "Zionists"? And, if it's a political ideology, what is it, in a few words? Like: A "Constitutional Republic" is a political ideology where people use as their governing guide an agreed upon set of parameters. ie, a Constitution. Or, Communism "everything is controlled by the state/government and (supposedly) distributed equitably".
Do some research. And, don't call people "retarded".
She did . Jesuit is not Jew lol. However, during the crusades they defended the holy land which gave power to the ???? Let me guess ? Jew.. no It was created to in power the one Jew who only would answer to?? It is in Italy and it starts with the letter V . Now finish the line .
Right Jesuits .
zionist NOT Jewish. HUGE difference licky.
Keep your tikkun olam and all the rest of your Jewish blessings. Jews are behind:
White replacement
Endless wars
Racial tensions
BLM Antifa
Gay marriage
Open borders
Child trafficing
Organ harvesting
Max vax campaign
This list is in no way complete.
Jew World Order =
New World Order
You are crazy and need help.
Uh Dr Zev Zelensky was a Jew . Anti clot shot too. Wtf is your point? And Massie has ties to Kaiser Permanente. That said Trumps SG pick was not taken well . Called out on all platforms . As it should be.
Dr. Zelensky was out on the end of the bell curve, and not representative of the tribe. There are only a handful of Jews who fall into this category. So what if Massie has ties to Kaiser Permanente?
And DC is a ghost town. They're all in Georgia at Ft. McPherson.
Paul wife is on the Stock act .
"It's a big club – and you ain't in it! You and I, are not in, the Big Club!"
— George Carlin
Massie actually got my write-in vote for PRES on NOV 5th ...
Don't kid yourself. Massie is part of the club. His wife's killing was a ritual sacrifice to secure his place.Since the killing all he has done is suck up and praise Trump. He says he doesn't have a AIPAC handler but he does. Just another willing and compromised Goy. He is doing the bidding of his Jewish masters-"By way of deception you shall engage in war."
Where is your proof? His wife was his high school sweet heart. We are supposed to believe that she died in a "ritual murder" to secure Massie's seat in the House? The usual suspects could just as easily spend gobs of money taking Massie out in a rigged election. They do it all the time. Boy, Reese really attracts some looney bin kooks! Get help! And, next time bring some proof.
Thomas Massie lmfao. Look up his buddies with Kaiser Permanente . And he Too talked the talk only to walk the walk on the border .
The sad fact -- should Brunson v. Adams, et al. get a hearing and the Supremes rule as the Constitution demands -- is that Massie would have to go. He voted to certify the 2020 election. This means that he along with hundreds of his fellow Congress critters would be removed from office -- and barred from holding any role in government again.
"The Supreme Court's decision, delivered in a 5-4 vote, upheld the lower court's dismissal of the Brunson lawsuit. The majority opinion, written by Justice [Insert Name of Justice], found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue." Oct 30, 2024
Looks like it was already decided.
When Trump was for the vaccines there wasn't many deaths or permanently harmed cases yet. He didn't know and
Dr. Fauci was working for Trump as the head of the health dept at that time and Trump trusted and believed everything Fauci did and told Trump. How was Trump to know any differently?
"How was Trump to know any differently?"
Then that makes Donald Trump the stupidest president we've ever had, and that includes Bush Jr, because even my GRANDMOTHER knew the vaxxines were deadly. Because back in 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was paying attention that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling".
Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.
There never was a deadly virus.
There always was a deadly vaxxine.
35million vaxxed are dead Karen. And THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS!
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there’s a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaccine???
I agree Proberta! It just a matter of time! I'm expecting another plandemic and this next time around They'll force people to take their poison shit! Again Donald Trump will deceive the majority of Americans to take it! I won't do it and I will NEVER comply with these evil bastards! They'll have to kill me!
Check out U.S. hasn't met their quota yet of 2/3 population reduction by 2025. Stay tuned! (Boy oh boy!) "Dear God: Please protect us naive goyim. "Our country, and our congress have sold us all out. We are on our own indeed."
I've had some family members who I believe the covid jabs sent to an early grave.
I'm Sure Jabs Deaths Have Touched Us All By Now!
Millions of us knew. The ones who ask hard questions and don't listen to corporate sponsored propaganda - we all knew
BINGO! Karen sees it, but doesn't or won't admit it. It's called Trump derangement syndrome. I woke up and saw the forest through the trees on him.
"Trump derangement syndrome"
We call it 'Trump DENIAL Syndrome".
It’s idolatry, plain and simple. They see Trump as savior.
A rider on a white horse, in my opinion, an anti-Christ for sure, but those who fall for this deception belong to the 2 Thessalonians 2 crowd.
For those not familiar with what I am referring to, here it is:
Strong delusion
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV) 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The problem is we didn’t have a clear path for Bobby to win because of the corrupt DNC. Trump is more pro-freedom than the DNC so that is why we have him, not because we worship him. Please!
Thats ridiculous! You are an idiot! We beleive he cares about the rule of law and wants to help give the best chance to his family and ours to live in freedom!
"Double", and unlimited, AMEN(S)!
Israel Has Annointed Him Savior
Add some Mind Control to the Syndrome:
💯 percent correct. He's allegedly had 3 jabs why not more with such a strong conviction. It also appears to cure scars on ears.
"It also appears to cure scars on ears"
Good one Roc, I LOL'd!
If people dont see that Operation Warpspeed was a function to impose another path for us all, nothing more can be said. We would have been locked down for years, 12 yrs standard vaccine development time. DJT pushed forward, for the greater good. We know the players now, only because of his actions. Otherwise, they would still be in the darkness. Watch and learn.
There never was a need for lockdown, masking or vaxxines.
Or for people to lose their jobs, businesses, homes, their loved ones, their life.
Take the red pill Tru.
Wake up, there are patents. Do your research.
Thank you for your comment!
Stay safe and Have A Nice Day!
The "players" have long been known ages before their sock puppet DJT was inserted into world stage theatrics as the "savior" archetype. As U.N. Agenda 21/2030 goal posts continue to progress, presuming you are responsibly fully aware of this comprehensive plan of action, that's underway, for world governance to inventory and control EVERYTHING, agreed upon by 178 countries back in 1992,, with millions of victims, in it's wake, and counting, what have you decided is yourr cut off point for this "greater good" to show up before you would be willing to responsibly face the truth that you've been duped by a recycled counterintuitive fantastical psyop narrative that promotes disempowerment, moral relativism and divisiveness? Or are you mindlessly okay with indefinitely? A mind-controlled cultist is always the last to know they are a mind-controlled cultist. No one outside ourselves can save us. We, each, with objective right moral action, save ourselves. This truth is eternal, innutable and objective. We reap what we sow. We are each co-creatively responsible for our current collective human experience via our consent/acquiescense to that which initiates harm to others at warp speed or any which way.
Thanks for not being one of the NPC’s. ;-)
Same to you. ☺
Darn Right On All Accounts!
That Very Episode With Jesse, Alex & Dr. Rima Laibow Sent My On A Journey Down A Rabbit Hole That I'm Still Navigating.
Even Jesse Ventura Know's Presidents Are Controlled That's Why He Turned It Down.
Agree. All grandmothers and all uneducated people know better than Trump. There are absolutely no excuses at all about launching this depop-jab. People that like Trump always find excuses for him because they want to think that there is at least 1 person that will come in a save us all. Look in the mirror, and then you will see the only person that will save you! We all have to save ourselves and each other and that is it! I too thought that Alex Jones should know better - saw his way back VDO with Dr Rima and all of that ... then I stumbled on this VDO which surprised me a whole lot ... did he ever retract his statement? - not that I know of ... watch ...
Thanks, confirms my suspicions. Interesting videos
Because the naives' population is continously replenishing itself, this is why Trump finds a perfect profitable bussines.
Actually, there is also THIS. Virus is theory. only a theory. The alternate theory is God's "Take out the trash," theory, which is Exosome Theory. Looks and acts the same. Bet no one has heard that before. But I did, just don't know where. I believe Exosome immune system response is real. The other is
pure profit-driven invention.
I knew in 4 weeks.
My guess is this is a deep state body double Trump. The deception isn’t revealed on realrawnews but Benjamin Fulford talks about it. Real Trump can’t seem to reveal about the body doubles. Both sides seem to have doubles and/or clones. I can guess the complications mean solar flash ascension and ET’s taking over has to happen.
Oh yes, I've heard that one too.
I thought the most ridiculous pink-pilled Trump-scuse was "He filled the Swamp so he can drain the Swamp because he's playing 5D Chess", but this new 'Real Trump vs the Dark Clone Trump" even tops that!
Its like "Oh really? So which one did you vote for? ;)
cant or wont? he could he chooses not to. that among many other reasons makes him an evil piece of gutter trash
Maybe it’s not Trump but a deep state body double like Benjamin Fulford said. Last I heard on sibley22 rumble, we aren’t going to live past the next lockdown and WW3 is expected by Christmas so would be an EBS lockdown, solar flash discloses as telepathy comes back. Earth is too messed up. Understanding Trump body doubles likely will take a higher IQ.
Actually Valerie the body doubles theory is easy to understand because we've been seeing them for years. Because the Evil started leaving the surface of the Earth en masse, in 2017 when 10,000 CEOs, Executives, Presidents of Corporations, all over the world suddenly LEFT their jobs.
They gave a number of reasons for leaving, like taking early retirement, being fired, arrested, indicted, illness, etc. And they are GONE. Their children are not registered in any schools and they are not on any tax rolls. The arrested were never tried and the indicted were never adjudicated.
4 of them just left in that fake 'Submarine to the Titanic' disaster. And oh wow, it exploded so no bodies will ever be found, and no one will ever be looking.
And the public figures we're being shown, like royals and presidents, celebrities are body double actors wearing photo-realistic synthetic masks, or holograms, CGI, or remotes.
The Evil have left the building! They are no longer on the surface of the Earth.
So whatever Trump this is, is performing exactly like the last Trump, filling the Swamp and convincing the masses that there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine.
As for the horrific events you said are being foretold, I can't decide if they're going to start with the C.IA operated illegal immigrant violence on our STREETS that will have the people crying for Trump to declare Martial Law. And Martial Law is when America and Americans will be completely controlled, because THAT is the New World 0rder.
Or start with the horrific C.IA operated attack on America that will be blamed on Iran, or whoever, and Trump will start WW3 first, because remember last time he bombed Syria his FIRST year in office.
So would it be more advantageous for the Evil to have America in Martial Law lockdown and then start WW3, or to start the war and have America in wartime conditions to move into Martial Law lockdown.
Just a thought.
Remember, its all a Show.
The show seems like a sting op. Ie; bringing up the vax game again as if there’s more people thinking it’s not over or figured out. Hospitals go down 22 secret vampire levels. Being a predator is healing to vampires.
What about now?
In four years he's learned nothing? (Mr High IQ)Look at all the pro deadly vaxx ghouls getting placed in key positions Four years from now you'll say Trump was fooled again?
It's occupied J'USA
Death cult pickle salesman
New World Order = Jew World Order
Always remember they publicly executed Jesus
We knew people were dropping dead 4 years ago from the clotshot , father of the vaxx could have opened his mouth at any time and stopped the slaughter …
Don't make excuses for Trump, he should have performed his DUE DILIGENCE in his position!!!
And Trump is unaware that his pick for Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles (his hovering handler) was a big wig co-chair lobbyist for many of the most corrupt toxic mega corporations (tobacco, junk food, industrial waste,, etc.) AND [drum roll] Big Pharma. He's surrounded by neocons in his cabinet 2.0 and Elon Musk is currently proposing a carbon tax per Agenda 2030. Trump didn't win, he, like all sock puppet minions on the illusory world stage, playing the role of world "leader", was SELECTED to be the most successful, at this point, at fascillitating the fall of humanity/rise of totalitarian transhumanism (Agenda 21/2030 ) at warp speed as he did as sock puppet #45, a bloodline progeny, like all the succressive blue-blooded cousins before him/her. bred and groomed for his/her scripted role. The word "government" literally means "mind control". It's an inherently immoral UNNATURAL control construct as is religion. No man or woman has authority over another. Righteousness is judging another by the consequences of their actions, that initiate harm to others, not by the narrative and not supporting those whose actions initiate harm to others by moral relativist rationalization. Trump's ACTIONS as #45, from an objective pov, reflect alignment with controllers' agendas, which, should come as no revelation to anyone of sound mind and scruples. You can irresponsibly rationalize until you're the last human left, the truth of consequences is what it is. High time you and the rest of MAGA 2.0 get the heck out of the movie theater (scripted ficticious world stage) and get real. (MAGA 1.0 cultists wised up, many on J6 when Trump served as the bailing pied piper for 400+ arrests/imprisonment w/o due process and valuable mass biometrics on all those @ Capitol. No one from the world stage is going to save us. Our individual consent/acquiescense/participation to that which initiates harm to others (war, carnism, circumcision, abortion, blood jabs, all unnatural, immoral, violent mass blood rituals) is what has co-manifested this unnatural, devolved, inverted control construct. Therefore, only WE, by individual RIGHT moral action, in accordance with eternal, immutable and OBJECTIVE Natural Law (Golden Rule/Cause & Effect/Karmic Law) can un-manifest the house of cards construct, a reflection of the consequences of our coerced moral relativist free will choices of behavior. We are infinitely powerful co-creators blessed with free will choice, at the effect of Natural Law. The very survival of those who control humanity, since their usurpation, is solely dependent on coercing us off our inherent spiritual path (initiate no harm) for we create our human experience, not them, of which they are keenly aware. Right moral action, (DO NOT INITIATE HARM TO OTHERS OR SUPPORT THOSE THAT DO) above all else, in spite of fear, wins the race!
And then, maybe this is all God's plan. Lor, I surrender all to You. You take care of everything.
Separateness is an illusion. You, as Gloria, with free-will choice of behavior, play your co-creative part. Best to make choices responsibly, consciously and righteously (DO NOT INITIATE HARM) for Natural Law is objective. Otherwise, you unwittingly co-create an illusory slave construct of suffering (hell) vs. resonating with reality (heaven on Earth) as we once did, before usurped by those with no divine spark for creation. You are a fractal of Source/Prime Creator. You are responsible for your choices of behavior, always, objectively, immutably and eternally. Stop relinquishing your infinite co-creative power to those parasitic husks, unable to create, whose survival is contingent upon a socially engineered false belief of unaccountability and moral relativism (satanism) from which co-creative choices are made.
Of course I'm responsible for my own actions, as are we all. You are saying a lot of words, but they mean very little. When one surrenders all to God, it doesn't mean they do nothing, but they do what the Holy Spirit tells them. Take your multiplicity of words and call on the name of the Lord, and you will be saved.
"(satanism) from which co-creative choices are made."
"The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the World he didn't exist".
OUT OF THE BALLPARK Debrajmac!!!!🫡💥👍👏
Try some (Se) Selenium, very good for the brain. Dr. Ardis has a podcast on his website. Says it can even repair damaged brain cells.
It’s time to take the blinders off.
On Sept 18,2019 gates announced a global vaccine platform was coming.
The very next day on Sept19, 2019 Trump signed a bill that allowed the experimental use of nano technology, spike protein, mRNA in humans. Wtf?!?! Trump has denied even after being told by DR DAVID MARTIN, ALEX JONES, and others that the bioweapon was bad. Operation Warp Speed IS part of the deep state.
If Americans can see Fauci was an idiot so should have Trump. Fauci flipped flopped several times a day. And yes when the bioweapon first came out on National Tv a nurse from Tennessee died on live tv. Shawn Skelton made a video of what happen to her the next day after the jab plus many many more. So please stop thinking Trump is a saint just like Elon and Vivik.
Does He Know Better By Now?
Does He Continue To Beat His Arrogant Chest About Being The King Or Father Of The Vaccine Despite What's Happened Worldwide Since His Promotion Of It Which Is Not A Vaccine In The First Place?
He Told You He Was A Snake!
That’s the stupidest thing a Trumper can say, he didn’t know. He gave Fauci an award on his last day of office. Trump is a globalist puppet. And no I’m not a liberal, I am an abolitionist!
Does he still promote the jabs?
It would be interesting to know. I don’t live in America, as such I can’t gauge
"Does he still promote the jabs?"
Every time he brags about Warp Speed!
She did say he would never mandate anything.
Do birds fly?
He did praise it last week Iin a post.
Trump was receiving plenty of information from other dissenting doctors.
It's called, 'Do your own research', or at least have a staff person read it and bring a summary report. It's true he was surrounded by his treacherous choices.
You are swallowing the "PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY" excuse. "TRUMP JUST DIDNT KNOW!!"
Impossible not to be made aware after the Tsunami of damage and death subsequent to the "ROLLING OUT" of the Warp SpeedBalls.
Let me quote Michael Corleone…
“Oh, who’s being naive Kay?
Trump is not stupid. He knew the shots were bad. He took the money from the drug companies to start warp speed.
I agree he was misled and knows better this time
He's responsible regardless. The smallest amount of research into fauci shows hes a snake. No way I would want a leader that naive. Plus even now he still praises those vs.. smh
But really go. As in go - go. We should turn it into a game show. A giant wheel with "supermax prison for life" every other option with "piano wire" and "one covid booster an hour until expiration" alternating in between as the other two options.
Death by Covid injection
Two Wings Of The Same Hegelian Dialectic NWO Two Headed Black Eagle
And both sides wanted to put a Zionist into office, with a full cabinet of Zionists as appointees.
I have a feeling that whatever Israel wants is exactly what the USA is going to do, and for those who complain about it, they’ll be labeled anti-Semitic, and harshly dealt with.
One word comes to mind: DESPOTISM
That’s what we have to look forward to!!!
RFK Jr. is fully aware of the reality of the Nanotech Injections as well as all the Geo-Engineering. It's a certainty of Trump and Associates being fully aware of what's really happening though they've not addressed it publicly.
I couldn't agree more...the whole damn club.
Trump said to have a deep state body double. Earth seems too messed up to save. Run by deep state for a long time. The ascension with solar flash is heavily promoted as all there is to look forward to. Not QFS, etc but a new realm with no financial system. ET’s take over to get the lost future back. It’s said humans go back to the future about 8000 yrs ago when the demons brought in the reptilians and they all feed on humans. Blood or loosh is what they get out of birth amnesia and short lifespan reincarnations of programmed blank slate born people redesigned to only live up to 100 yrs at most.
Trump is a fraud. He's Israel first. So many fooled.
Israel is saved for last. We all know this Israel is not God's Israel. It was created by the Rothschilds. I am sure Trump is well aware. People have not been paying very good attention over the last 8 years.
People don't believe in actors, nor infiltrators. They don't exist according to them.
We have been at war in the US, and people are only concentrating on the foreign wars. Who cares about them. I am speaking of the demonic leaders, not the innocents caught up in their madness. We lost our Independence on February 21st, 1871, and people still don't care. I bet people didn't even know that our Military was NEVER supposed to step foot off of American soil, ever! They took an Oath to protect America only. Unfortunately, our birth certificate plays a huge role. The Crown owns us. Not the normal Crown. Our children don't even belong to us. We gave them up signing the birth certificate contract which is also a Bond. That is why they can do whatever they please with us. It's a very long story, and involves all aspects of our lives.
Check out Hopefully that comes here next. She has ordered them to remove smart meters and stop charging for electricity, has things in place for clean water, healthy food, etc.
why dont you show me in the bible that human hands would not help Isreal become a nation just like human hands helped create America,you Jew haters live in your own la-la land!
Mary, I’m not a Jew hater, not too long ago I thought probably a lot like you do, but when you clear your mind to what the church has taught you and actually read scripture you will see you have been lied to. Scripture say’s the chosen tribes fled from Israel, and that an imposter will move into the land and will build walls and gates. Who built the walls? The people there now. Those that claim to be Jews but are not. Rev. After the walls are destroyed the tribes will return to Israel. It’s there for all to read.
If you're against the one Jewish nation, you are supporting the 57 Islamic and 22 Arab nations, end of subject
I’m not for or against any of them. They are on the other side of the world. We have our own problems that Americans should be concerned about yet you say nothing about what’s happening here in our own country. Genocide with silent weapons. This is a world take over so you should be concerned abt what’s happening in your own backyard.
This isn't about hating Jewish people. This is about what was created through the Balfour agreement by the Rothschilds..not at all the Israel or Jews of the BIble. Once the distinction is made it will make sense.
The distinction that Hitler made or that you and your posse will?
It's NOT hatred of all "Jews", but mostly the ones at the top who are exterminating us. But look at it this way, all of them who reject Jesus the Messiah are not to be trusted at all. Yes, many of the latter are doing some good, such as standing up against Zio-fascism and what "Israehell" is doing mass-genociding the Palestinians and other Muslims. The problem is, even most "Christians" don't get it. Jesus the Messiah did completely away with "an eye for eye", and replaced it with "love your enemies", but even most so-called "Christians" don't take that seriously as they should, and MUST, COMPLETELY, if they're to be truly saved. But "hatred" isn't the right word concerning these evil, vile cretins and monsters themselves. We mustn't hate our enemies, but love them, and we can ONLY do that by NOW getting infilled with the Holy Spirit and Character of God, as the example was set for by Acts, Chapter 2. So the right words rather than hatred concerning standing against those demonic "Jews" at the top and all of their minions, is to ONLY hate their EVIL(S), and love they themselves in spite of their gross sins / evils, not hating they themselves. God's True Love conquers all. But if we don't get infilled with the Character and Holy Spirit of God NOW, before glorification, we cannot love our enemies, and we will be lost (dead) for all eternity; and, when the evil people are finally judged, and they are burned up in the lake of fire, and Earth is made completely new, and made God's heaven itself, the center of His universe, there will be nothing left of them, because even their graves and their ashes will be completely burned up, with no trace or remembrance left of them whatsoever.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6---"For the living know that they will die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in anything that is done under the sun." The truth sets us free.
Practice that Christian theology next time you get mugged / robbed or your daughter gets raped and turn your other cheek, how bizarre that folks would misappropriate misquote and mislead based on misinterpretations of the Torah.
Rabbi Tovia Singer has insight for you.
Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed.
57 Islamic nations, 22.5 Arab Nations and you've got a problem with the Jews, fuck you
Your listening to a man not reading the word
Maybe you can show me, where in the Bible it says that the USA is commanded to fight and die for Israel, especially when they constantly rebel and anger God. And don't give me that, "I will bless those who bless the Jewish people and curse those who curse the Jews." If they're still God's "chosen", then let them fight their own battles and see if God protects them. Jan Markel of Olive Tree Ministries, and a Messianic Jew, among many others, said a long time ago that God has removed their blessing because the state of Israel supports abortion and the Satanic LBGTQ+++ia???++non binary crap.
Zero soldiers have died for Israel yet fucktard dipshit cunts like you keep promoting lies, 57 Islamic nations, 22.5 Arab Nations and dumb fucks have problems with the only democracy that is run by Jews that ensures rights for all citizens. Israel isn't locking up January 6th protesters under a doj run by an opus de plant named Bill Barr, the same Christian cultist that Robert Hanson the church going spy was a part of, that the government knew of for 20 years, Christianity conspiracies epitomized
The true “Jews” of the Bible are people from the tribe of Judea.
Are we being censured on Substack? I tried to like you comment and it keeps blinking off!
"He's Izrael first"
....and Pfizer second!
Annd He's Americans and America last, that is if "we the people" and America even make it to his list or if "we" and "our country" are even a passing thought to this man! The only list or thought from this man for Americans and America first is his poison jab list! Then the "vaxx daddy" is all "America first" and "Make America Great Again!" "Gotta kill off those Americans first" so I can "MIGA!"
Trojan "Vax Daddy":
Yes indeed. Absolutely disgusting!
"and Pfizer second!"
He owes far too many favors to Israel and the Zionists. Aren’t there as many or more Christian Zionists than Israelis?
Recall the London Olympics with the ghoulish medical bed scene? If that’s not predictive programming, I don’t know what is. Even the main pig-tailed character looked like Greta Thunberg.
Yes, Trump is a fraud, but it has nothing to do with Israel. That Israel hate needs to stop. You all have no idea what you are talking about.
Firstly, who the hell are you to DICTATE 'who' people can, or cannot, 'hate'??
Trump has nothing to do with the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel')???
He was installed by his Masters, the Khazarians, to put the final nail in AmeriKa's coffin.
Khazarians are NOT Jewish, by the way.
MOST of OCCUPIED PALESTINE is filled with Satan-worshiping Khazarians.
Even the REAL Jews HATE them (Gee, Margaret.....there's that 'HATE', again!).
REAL JEWS state that so-called 'Israel'.......should NOT EXIST!
Send these DEMON Khazarians, BACK where they BELONG.......HELL!
Oh....for an EDUCATION on REALITY......Stew Peters' new documentary, 'OCCUPIED', is now out. Go and get yourself a Reality Check, about Trump, our other 'elected' CRIMINALS and the DEMONIC Khazarian State!
They are not hiding it.
All one has to do is to LISTEN to what is coming out of the mouths of Khazarians, THEMSELVES, and their MINIONS (aka YOUR supposed PUBLIC SERVANTS)!
You need to study God's Word(s) and what's really going on more, if you have at all or very much at all, and you need to study those things in-depth. If you look closely and completely face and are set free by the truth, you will see that it is the FAKE "Jews" of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 that run almost everything. They are the ones at the very top of One World Order pyramid, just below their lord and master, Satan / Lucifer. They run globalism (the New / One World Order), they run "Israehell", they run Big Pharma, they run the oxymoronic "intelligence" agencies worldwide, they run the deep state shadow government, they run the U.S. government and all of the other Western governments, and they run most people though they don't realize it, and if they ever do, it will far too late for them. "Many are called but few are chosen." They therefore are running the neo-holocaust too that they are perpetrating right now. They are now mass-murdering most of us. So, it is NOT hatred of "Jews", but hatred of all their evils, that we must "(c)ry aloud (and) SPARE NOT" about.
Isaiah 58:1---"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice(s) like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression(s), and the house of Jacob (the Jews---remember, Jacob's name was changed to Israel, thus creating the first real Jew, and the beginning of the Israelites) their sins (/evils)." The "Israehell" of today is NOT the Israel of God, and the "Israelis" of today are NOT the Israelites of God. Most of them are Ashkenazim (Eastern European "Jews"), who were originally converted to Judaism, and were and/or are NOT descended from the original Jews.
HE is a F jew zionist !
Israel is a cancer to the world that the world needs to be rid of. It's Palestine and every Jew in Palestine is a thief and a murderer. They should all go back where they came from.
Psssst, Margaret. National Israel is God’s disobedient firstborn son by adoption and the harlot wife of Jahoveh. He must be brought to the place of repentance before there is any deliverance and restoration. The present 1948 nation is NOT God’s long awaited return to the land. Today Israel is in the land without Messiah. Defiled after touching the dead body of the crucified Master. In the place of the dead and the slayer according to Ecclesiastes. Disobedience must be punished as Israel experienced repeatedly throughout the long journey in the Promised Land. But Israel remains stubborn and stiffnecked and will have to be driven back out amkmhnthebGentile nations again, and be punished so severely until the people cry out to the God of their fathers. He will hear and send a deliverer: The Last Adam, The Greater than Moses. Then and only then will a restored people return to a restored land and a restored Jerusalem and Temple. But not until repentance occurs. THAT will require the Great Tribulation or The Time of Jacob’s Trouble yet ahead. Soon.
Umm, I think before you say what you said you should do some real deep research and start with the Balfour one here hates Jewish.
I recommend you do the same. The Jewish ownership of that land of Israel goes back 3,500 years. The Balfour agreement is very recent. You are literally disregarding THOUSANDS of years of history, and GOD's part in it. I recommend you read a book called "This Land is My Land" by Rebbe Nachman and Chaim Kramer. You can get it from the Breslov Book Store, or Amazon may even have it. This book outlines the entire history of the Jewish ownership of the land.
Spend 2:35 minutes and try defending the "Israel" part.
Isra-hell / Satanyahu 'hate needs to stop' ha haha ha
It stops when the Jew murderers are made to stop the genocide of Palestine
People are calling out Trump fraud is a deep state body double. We’re all being tricked about Trump. It seems too deep for too many to understand it without the next lockdown EBS disclosure.
I was the first and only one in 2016 to present day, to state Trump was an undercover Globalist, how and why.
-Dillon Critique from what's THE DILL? (SUBSTACK)
...and let's not forget Susie Wiles, THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN in the Deep State, Trump's very first appointment, and whose company Mercury Public is the lobbying firm for...PFIZER!
Just give me clue. Which party is the Deep State. Both? Hmmmmm
See and this is what I appreciate about Greg is his complete unbiased opinion.
I know you people who have so much faith and Trump believe that he can do no wrong but that’s not the case and y’all are in for a rude awakening although I feel that this will be better hopefully than the Biden situations!
The thing is the purposely killed off our elders because honestly, they held much more of the information from the past that these people are trying to erase.
Until we get over voting blue or red, we will never get past this hump and sorry ass system of a government we have. That has to be tackled.
The way that it can be done without having to bring up arms is withholding money from these corporations if everybody just stopped fucking paying all this shit would be done for !!!!
Oh and stop the racism bs that’s how we remain divided! You don’t wanna live around Black people so be it!!! You that don’t wanna live around White people so be it!!!
That doesn’t mean you have to disrespect and go against each other. We should also have non segregation parts of folks want too! So be it!!!
The thing is you need to quit letting the government divide because that’s how they conquering honestly .
🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Bingo Kia! Thank you! And why do soo few Americans understand this concept? People need to learn history! It's the old "Divide and Conquer" strategy, and it's-worked-every-damn-time-throughout-history whenever They want to bring down a civilization to its knees, and this time America is Their target! History is repeating itself! It's gonna be heartbreaking to watch America fall! Trump is gonna help accomplish Their goals!
I was the first one in 2016 to state Trump was an undercover Globalist, how and why.
-Dillon Critique from what's THE DILL? (SUBSTACK)
🎯🎯🎯🎯 100 thousand% Trump is a double agent, working both sides! Trump is a covert globalist, one of them, pretending to be a "true American Patriot" working for "we the people!" Trump has played his part well, earning the trust of the American people because "we the people" no longer trust the system! Americans want a leader to trust in and Donald Trump, an outsider non-politican, comes along and gives the people what they want, telling them what they want to hear by "I'm draining the swamp" promising to "lock her up" which never happened! The thing that Trump did "lock up" was "we the people" in Their fake plandemic! "We the people" got "locked up and locked down! Ended the "lockdowns" with the jab, priding himself as "the father of the vaxx!" Then we have the election steal! I could continue! It's all done by design and planning, and it's playing out for Them perfectly! Trump gets in again just to continue the damage! Trump's promising to stop income tax on social security and taking taxes out on tips! Trump is only doing this to keep things looking real and keep the trust of the American people! Trump's gonna attack Americans freedom of speech with antisemitism laws along with other things with his Zionist administration while Americans cheer him on! Ok I'm gonna stop there! But I will say while Trump is cutting taxes on social security and tips he's gonna be getting the biometric face scanning up and going convincing Americans that it's to catch and deport illegals! Meanwhile those biometric face scans will be tracking and tracing and scanning Americans which is a violation of our privacy, which is the first step in loss of freedom! This is all being done while Trump is saying "Make America Great Again or MAGA, which is actually a title in the church of Satan! My question is, why do so few of my fellow Americans not see all of this? This is the actions of a undercover covert agent globalist working both sides, but is really loyal to Them and not Americans or America!
People are given delusions and made to believe them because they love not the truth. They are of their father, the devil.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
King James Version
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
So many good points!
These people all belong in prison. So naturally they're going to Washington DC instead.
Trump better know better than to push RNA technology on the rest of us. I don’t think he’s gonna do it. If he does however push the vax he’s gonna find himself in the same place Biden is at. It will be political suicide for him if he tries pushing the Covid or bird flu vax.
He's been bragging about his operation warp genocide for years and as recent as Saturday. Wake up Willie, the matrix has you.
Start by researching what Warp Speed was really about. Hint:NWO. And I am not referring to Trump wanting the NWO. Another thing. We have been under military occupancy and control since 2016. COG. Government in exile. Take it up with the military. But not our indoctrinated military.
I think it was 1933, when FDR passed the Emergency Powers Act. No President has since rescinded it. It includes the power of Eminent Domain for any natural disaster.
We shall see. Everyone will be watching Trump and our governments moves. They are so close to being ejected out of our country by their own people. Trump is their last gasp at getting their act together.
"....If he does however push the vax..."
What do you mean "if"???
Trump is STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxines!
WRONG.. have you been asleep.. virus or venom, it's a bioweapon, for which it was never answered by the congressional investigation WHOSE WEAPON it was.... ttyna
MJ, there never was a genocidal virus, but there always was a genocidal VAXXINE.
So why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine?
because he , the admitted Snake , WANTS YOU GONE for his zionsit jew takeover of ALL resources etc . KEEP COMPLYING to his BS that helps .
Some news claim there’s a deep state version of Trump. Means body doubles.
Oh yes, I've heard that one too.
I thought the most ridiculous pink-pilled Trump-scuse was "He filled the Swamp so he can drain the Swamp because he's playing 5D Chess", but this new 'Real Trump vs the Dark Clone Trump" even tops that!
Its like "Oh really? So which one did you vote for? ;)
He listened to the “experts”.. the media promoted the whole thing and Seriously non-stop propagandized the whole country… truth tellers were excoriated, but… maybe you could have done better … let’s see how he does if he lives to the Inauguration
So Susan, why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine?
I’m concerned about that too… hard to believe he hasn’t got the full scoop on just how intentional and orchestrated this all was
"...he hasn’t got the full scoop on just how intentional and orchestrated this all was"
Then that would make Donald Trump the STUPIDEST president we've ever had.
And that includes Bush Jr!
Yeah Trump knows damn good and well what went down! Trump's got the majority of Americans believing that he didn't "have the full scoop" on the vaxx! Because if he did "have the full scoop" on it and how dangerous and deadly the vaxx was then he wouldn't be priding himself as "the father of the vaxx!" Trump would be acknowledging the side effects and deaths from it! But, still to this day, Trump still pushes that thing totally ignoring the people who have died from the vaxx and the people living with the side effects from it! Nah, Trump just pulled a fast on Americans because he does believe that Americans are that stupid! 👍
Take it up with the military. We have been under military occupancy since Trump took office in 2016. It's a different set of military with over 200 generals. The operation is worldwide. The problem is not just in the US. It's been going on since JFK's assassination. I can't wait until it's all exposed. I am sick of listening to the same song over and over for 8 years. People refuse to do their own research.
… maybe be a few more in the running
option 1: Unreliable 2: Untrustworthy 3: Intellectually impaired 4: (Your turn)
Are you suggesting the non-jabbed are smarter than Mr. T?
It sure looks that way. Why is Trump still pushing those poison shots, and praising Warp Speed? Is he really that stupid, or is he really that corrupt?
Remember when he used to recite The Snake at the start of his rallies, "Instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite.."
🎯 Exactly! They have to tell us what They are doing! Trump is one of Them, and Trump was telling us what he was doing!👍
Ohmygosh, I’ve never heard that?! Gotta look into this. Whaaaat??
What do you think is going on. I am keeping my mind, eyes and options open. Who do you trust? Better be careful just as I am mindful and careful.
We are going to have to make it very clear to Trump that we KNOW what the bioweapon is all about and we're not having it. No one has called him out on it publicly yet and it needs to be done. The War is still in full swing and we have a lot to do to, a lot to fight for. Trump is not our Savior, but if he is going to deport illegals and bring the economy back to good health, he is still the better choice. It is up to We the People to TELL HIM "NO" on A.L.L. VAXXINES!
He just did a 3 hour interview with Joe Rogan in front of millions of people. They talked about everything under the sun except the jabs and the damage they have done and continue to do. I have learned when seeking the truth that it is sometimes better to pay attention to what is NOT being said.
He knows exactly what those jabs are. Millions know. If he doesn't then he's either stupid, or has been living under a rock.
Absolutely. I believe he knows and is covering it up ... we have to let him know THAT WE KNOW. There are those who are Trump Cultists ... I am not one of them ... who give him a pass on anything that is out of line ... we have to hold his feet to the fire on this one! And the genocide of Gaza, as well!
Yeah, Trump's gonna be pushing for those antisemitism laws too, making it illegal for Americans to speak about the genocide in Gaza! Many Americans can't see what Trump's doing, he's gonna attack our freedom of speech with those antisemitism laws and allow Israel to do whatever they want!
I agree, but I am hoping that his huge ego will not allow him to continue to push for "Israel First" ... too many leaders of other countries see Israel as Genocidal and he has been promoting himself as "The PeaceMaker" ... My take on it is that he is definitely indebted to some Zionist bankers and that's why he is compromised to support their efforts. It is up to We the People to make sure everyone understands the difference between "Anti-Zionism" vs. "Anti-Semitism" ... even the Jewish people in the U.S. do not understand that the Jewish people are NOT Semites (according to their geographical place of origin). We are in this mess because of so many lies, disinformation and mind control. No more! Time for the Whole Truth, and Nothing But!!!
How about the worldwide Genocide/Democide Activated by "Warp Speed" Daddy of the "Vax" I was just wondering how much $$$$ AJ has made off his "Bullet Proof" T Shirt and wondering if I made a STOP THE DEMOCIDE Shirt, how many would buy it?
MR SNAKE IS PART OF THE Design script LONG ago written . ITS BEEN SO OBVIOUS but everyone is so dumbed down by ill -health pharm pills , GMO , fluorides, stupid lifestyles etc ... ITS ALL YOUR FALUTS , I DID warn you all 5 , really 30 years YEARS AGO this was coming .
ARE YOU FOR REAL ????????????! , so many HOLISTIC DOCS have been murdered for calling him out ! Stay apathetic waiting for someone else to save your ass.
Now let’s tell the truth Heather, it was not just calling Trump out, they were calling out the biggest majority of our govt, the news media, Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and they were banned for speaking true or killed.
YES, I AM FOR REAL. I know about holistic doctors (not murdered because of Trump, that has unfortunately been going on for decades before he entered the political arena ... that's the Medical Cartel in action). I've been doing deep dives for 18 years on the Evil that has been ruling over us. I am far from apathetic. Bitch, I'm saving my own ass and hopefully you can do the same for yourself. Shame on you.
Blaze, keep diving.
I don’t recall him laying out a workable strategy to back up his bloviating.
Trump already has pushed the RNA technology on us calling himself the "Father of the vaxx" which he is still very proud of and he'll do it again! I'm sure a next plandemic is just right around the corner!
He has already said that he NEVER WOULD MANDATE such stuff!
REMEMBER that NEAR 70% of Americans WANTED THE VAXXES... so it's NO SURPRISE THAT MOST APPOINTEES [other than RFKjr and us anti-vaxxers] were VAX-FAVORABLE IN THE BEGINNING... straight math...
So Reese is just sick and thinks he can stir up emotions with his ONE ISSUE ONLY gambit.. as if WAR for one was not important at all... ttyl
"He has already said that he NEVER WOULD MANDATE"
Of course Trump shouts against mandates because Donald Trump knows what the average American citizen does not, and that is the vaxx can never be federally mandated. It would violate our Constitutional civil liberties and we could REFUSE to be injected and have a Constitutionally legal ground to do so.
That's why the mandates were privatized.
The store owner said you had to be masked to shop there.
The company said you had to be vaxxed to keep your job.
Privatized mandating.
Trump spouting that he opposes mandating is nothing more than political posturing, which most Americans won't realize.
Yeah, that's how Trump is getting around stuff and moving Their agenda full steam ahead! That's why Trump was (s)elected again because he knows how to talk to convince Americans to go along and believe him! Trump is deceiving Americans into Their new world order agenda! Americans cannot see it!
That’s likely why the Marxists put trash on their ticket — so that voters would imagine that Trump was going to save us.
I refrained from voting in that insane election. Voting for rot of any sort is supporting rot at the top. Count me out. It’s just saying yes to the system in place — to make you believe you have a choice.
Remember that Stalin said, “It doesn’t matter who votes. It matters who counts the votes.”
The Marxists Dems cheated last selection the get Obiden and the hyena on the ticket. It was not to be questioned. They like to play Democrap then Republican every other administration. No one seems to notice.
you are the only one on here with a GOD given brain ! . Congrats .
1% Control the World
4% Are Puppets
90% Are Sheep
5% Know What Is Going on and Are Trying to Wake Up The 90%
The 1% Don’t Want The 5% Waking Up The 90%
And that is what some "Republican" governors did, they did not mandate for their state employees but allowed "private" corporations/businesses to poison their employees, but could say that they were "against" mandates.
They also went after the elderly at homes! Jab killed my ex’s grandpa where he was staying! Forced jabbed without his consent!
Live in Florida. They dropped the mandates in the laps of corporations to do the poison dirty work! My boss was dating this chick recently who took 5 jabs at the big company she works at! Sick af all the time with diseases listed in the Pfizer trials! Poisoned herself for a job and doesn’t even know it! 😎💯
People say that they don't have a choice, but there is always a choice. Private corporations cannot mandate you put something in your body any more than a government can...
Buddies friend got a city job here in Florida! Mandated the jab so he took it! They even offered 10k to take the jab! Because offering 10k to poison yourself is science! :). In less than 24 hrs post jab, lesions head to toe. Now he’s around 500k in medical bills! Now that’s $$$$$$$$$$ science! Might have been a good idea to look at the liability shield before you poison yourself!
Crazy. These cities defied DeSantis' order on not mandating the jabs. Insanity. Trust the "science"!
Sort of what they did to the military. It is illegal to provide "medicines/jabs" to the military that is not "FDA" approved, yet they did anyway. And even after the so-called approved one ("Comernity", or whatever the heck), they never gave that version to the military because it was never produced. They were still using the EUA version because of how many that had purchased of the original poison. More insanity.
Not True Early On He Said He Would Mandate But Retracted That Two Days Later.
First he said he wouldn't mandate, but then yes, he said he would, and then he retracted.
Donald Trump LIES, LIED and is STILL LYING.
He also said he was going to lock her up and drain the swap and you know how that turned out!
And what are the American people going to do if he does? Nothing!
I bet you a million dollars if we did a blood test on Dr. OZ he would show ZERO vax scene evidence in his own blood stream. When these Vax Scene pushers get taken to Gitmo, they do blood sample tests on all of them, when taken to JAG Court. They all have ZERO evidence of a taken vax scene in their own blood streams. People like Stepahne Bancel ( Moderna CEO) Albert Bourla ( Pfizer Czar), vax pusher ; Melissa Moore, Richard Tillyer, none of them took the jabs. RealRawNews dot calm. PS - Remember Trump plays 5D Chess? Dr. Oz may be taken out before he gets caught. The same for the fake Zionists cabinet picks, they may switch out in January.
Oz makes my skin crawl.
Mine too!
I doubt any of Them will get caught or be held accountable for anything!
Oz has said publically he didn't do child hood vaxes on his own kids.
Dr Mike Yeadon
This Address was prepared for the Northern Ireland parliament but represents a clear summing-up. without bells and whistles, of a few central points which, if widely understood, would severely hamper the ability of those with control issues from succeeding in their 'unification' plans.
So much information we are bombarded with. So much unwitting consuming of Tier 2 propaganda by so many who genuinely seek the truth and the best for their children.
So many 'leading voices' pushing - for what ever reason - central myths that the Scorpions rely on.
So please, fire this painful to hear but ultimately kind address everywhere.
Posted On My Youtube Channel
They are in line with what Klaus Schwab describes as the merging between man and machine.
And since they are of the WEF family and their colaboration with the Nazis is well documented (as is Klaus Schwab) we really do face a re-emergence of the Nazis.
Programmable Nanotechnology is already delivered through the vaxxination program of Covid.
Covid is the smokescreen for them to control the human race, all of it.
This programmable nanoparticles form a web inside the human body so it can be controlled from the outside.
Elon Musk names this technology Neural Lace.
That was the whole purpose of the vaxx... the AI WAR!
Neural Lace or Neuralink? It's definitely some "Neura" something!
Neural Link is a chip implant.
Neural lace is a low leve
l power and EEG Frequency controller.
Neural Link is an Amplifier and can also control Neural Lace.
Thanks Greg, I hope no one ever falls for such harmful lies again! You will appreciate this article: "Powerful Quotes for the Covid Compliant & Those Who Give Their Power Away to Negative Forces":
"As a long time high level pharmaceutical scientist and executive, Dr. Yeadon was shocked by the Covid pandemic response’s anti-scientific protocols and the injections that followed, and spoke out boldly against them, saying this, for example, at a Trafalgar Square rally in May of 2023:
‘They lied about the entire pandemic. Now I started in 2020 believing the virus transmitted respiratory disease from one person to another. I no longer believe that…
There was no pandemic. The deaths start only after the WHO declared a pandemic. The deaths occurred, I believe, to mistreatment in hospital, with ventilators and Remdesivir. I’m a pulmonary guy with over 40 years of training. You never ventilate a person who is able to breathe for themselves through an unobstructed airway with an intact chest wall. All of you doctors, who sedated and ventilated patients, you’re guilty of murder…
There was never any virus. PCR test is the only evidence that was ever given you, and it was wrong. And I told you early on, and many others told you, you cannot use that test. The inventor told us, you cannot use that test for clinical diagnosis…
When I looked at the design of these illegal vaccines, I saw a deliberate attempt to injure, to maim, and to kill…I’m telling you, the mRNA-based products can only produce injury, and that was the designed intent of these materials!
They are building factories around the world that will produce materials that will injure, maim, and kill people who take them…It has nothing to do with protecting against a virus! They’re trying to get poisonous material into every one of you, and they won’t stop! Even pregnant women, who have never, since Thalidomide, been exposed to experimental medical therapies. They wanted this in everybody! This is a murderous attack on humanity. It starts above the level of nation."
I worked in the medical field in the military and I never noticed then that we diagnosed people with a virus with some acute illness because we couldn’t figure out why they were ill. I even worked in the lab. We never ordered any lab tests for any virus and we had NO lab tests for any alleged virus. We never put two and two together. Geez. We were just parroting the official script.
I no longer do.
Both working for the same people behind the scenes ! All actors and liars!
Lord help us
As a Mr. Nobody living in this country from birth, I could tell the Covid scam was a fear based ploy. Those around me fell for it, which made my life a living hell. My salvation was to withdraw into my self and keep the fear mongers away and the promoters out of my mind. At the time I was managing an RV park for snowbirds who fell for it hook line and sinker. The craziest time in my life.
Ditto. It was like living in an episode of twilight zone. Horrifying in my house with my spouse getting jabbed and believing the deception calling me a nut job.
Where were all these people when all the information was coming out about TRANSFECTION VAIDS DIED SUDDENLY??
We can watch DT DANCE and listen to his MAGA SPIELS but common sense dictates, they are not on OUR SIDE and are doing #45 REDUX his LAST YEAR in OFFICE.
This time people are going to be so shocked and outraged with what's TO COME.
I agree except for Tulsi. She was misguided in the beginning, but has been on the side of freedom of choice and freedom of speech. Trump hasn’t admitted his mistake and that’s is problematic and reflected in many of his recent terrible picks like Oz and Nesheiwat.
She's a WEF young global puppet (still on her Twitter thanking the WEF for putting her on their list in 2015- same year as Alex Soros). She's a Zionist rat who was anti-war until she was paid to be pro-war by her Israeli masters.
I don’t think so. If I’m not mistaken, Tulsi is very much against Israel’s genocidal attack in Gaza.
Repeating Netanyahoo talking points the past year? Hahha. She's a zionist hooor, just like all the rest that Trump's jewish handlers appointed.
Tulsi could have done her own research like many of us who avoided the quack shots before she opened her mouth.
she's military OWNED and she will do what they say ! She knew that LONG AGO when she signed up , while also likely being either bribed or threatened if she does not COMPLY .
GOD DAMN , you are that dumbed down you still defend this monstrous snake who bit thousands who have already DIED or are physically permeant mental disabled now and plans to do way worse very soon ! NO mistake !!!!!!!!!!!! HE DID ALL very much on purpose , long ago planned HE IS A 33rd degreed zionist mason , related to hitler and a pedophile !
And still the better pick than the evil DNC, so there’s that.
NO HE MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT a pick .... You must demand your rights for at least 8 different party's . YOU VOTED FOR THE SAME PARTY ... its all one ! COME ON . WHAT IS THE SAYIN ??? "Do me wrong once, shame on you , ,do me wrong twice , SHAME ON ME ! " This is his second HUGE demise scandal !
I'm practical. What is your idealistic solution?
Finally another Voice..Who sees exactly what I
OPTing out of this Election..was 1 of the best decision I’ve EVER MADE!!!!💯
JESUS 2025🙏