These people (ashkenazis) have zero claim to that land. Netanyahu is trying to bring about the rebuilding of the temple. One problem with that, THEY are making it happen; not Yahua. there's nothing organic about this. Bibi is not a real judean; his family is from Poland and his surname is Milikowsky(sp). They've hijacked the Bible and Torah and are enacting it on their terms. I don't think Yah is happy being mocked so we'll see what happens.

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👆there is someone who is informed!

…and there is so much more beyond those quick highlights. Ashkenazi = Khazars = “the money changers”. It all goes WAY back… biblical.

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The the Satanic Deep State Control of the Rothschild Satanic Luciferian Phoenician Empire Mega Trillionaire!

SatchidanandJan 25, 2025

The Satanic Luciferian Phoenician Empire Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds Are the Satanic Deep State Control!

Satanic Crowleyan OTO Witch Marina Abramović poses with Satanic Luciferian Phoenician Mega Trillionaire 10,000 years old Family 4th Baron Jacob Rothschild in front of 'Satan summoning his Legions', 1796-1797


Watch the last message of cancered Steve Jobs - Apple Founder - from his movie, John Carter of Mars, about managing the decline of civilisations….


The purpose in writing these articles about the Satanic Luciferian Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds and their Phoenician Empire is to influence Trump and his Administration to remove the Federal Reserve, To remove all the 100% Rothschild Central Banks Worldwide, to remove their 87% control over all fortune 500 companies through Blackrock and Vanguard, to remove the Rothschilds Worldwide!

Prosecute them for their crimes.

Send them all to jail!


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Central banks are a crime organization

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Also, Greg, and everyone read this article on this topic!!


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The Rothschids own 100% of central banks worldwide. They own 87% of fortune 500 companies worldwide through Blackrock and Vanguard. I hear Milei in Argentina just removed the central bank! More to come?

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I'm more curious about a hopeful replacement in the near future. Who knows?

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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Isn't bibi a khazarian?

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Yes and so is Trump. They want the Greater Israel Plan. Trump converted to Judaism during his first term and his whole administration wereJews. ISRAEL STOLE ALL PALESTINIAN LANDS. Demolished on purpose. Genocide/democide. ZIONIST BS.

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That makes them Zionists, not Khazarians. Khazarians are a race. Trump and Bibi are not of that race according to what someone said above about Bibi and Trump is not either. Converting to Judaism or any religion our belief system is converting to a different religion, that doesn't make you a different race. They are Zionists - which you could call a religion I guess but it's more of a belief system, a cult actually. There are Christian Zionists - which boggles the mind how they manage that cognitive dissonance.

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They rely on that dissonance to keep The BIGGEST LIE going.

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Yes, they have attacked us on so many fronts to create and keep this mental confusion escalating.

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Yes he is. And the rabbis seem to think he is to usher in their messiah. There's plenty of videos showing the rabbis saying just that. They have co-opted Judaism and are trying to act out the return of the messiah. Unfortunately, they missed the true one bec the real Iudeans were lied to by the Pharisees esp Caiphus into denying Yeshua being the true messiah. They are desperate to bring one about but once again, they're subscribing to lies. It would be really sad if it wasn't so detrimental to the whole world.

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He's a Zionist.

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Unfortunately, they're the ones running this Show. They're playing for your soul and whether or not you know it or not, You're All In


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I noticed we did not cut off funding to Israel OR EGYPT.

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or Ukraine.

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I thought funding to Ukraine was halted

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It was

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it is not halted where I live, in Sweden. Ukraine just got like 9 billions in » aid » recently. From my income taxes..🫣 while they cut heavily in welfare expenses ( less money to schools, hospitals etc…)

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Unfortunate and unforgivable

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With Zionist cabinet, Israel continues to control our government.

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The Synagogue of satan is in control of Washington D.C.- From the get go:

Belly Of The Beast Directors Cut (2020)


Watch it while you can, it is being heavily censored.

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funny enough, Dustin Nemos was seen with some questionable characters...this is all controlled opposition folks...all distraction, propagandas and ploys

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Oh my, please do share who these "questionable characters" are.

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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Also, Greg, and everyone read this article on this topic!!


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Nor will it happen in regards to Israel because they own us ALL SELECTED FED. OFFICIALS must take and OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to the terrorist state of ISRAEL

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US federal officials? Where does that information come from?

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Wow! Thanks for documentation. Money in politics is obscene, but I didn’t see anything in the first source comparable to Zuckerberg donating $400 million in 2020 to defeat Trump. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-mark-zuckerberg-election-donations-188810437774

If the accusations in the second source are true, those are some despicable people. Didn’t see much about political allegiance. Login required for the third source. Maybe I read you too literally, so I’m wondering if that source documents an oath of allegiance to Israel.

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Most likely so Egypt can fund the relocation. 👿

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My take is the same outcome, but more like a bribe or coercion (what will be taken away from them if they don't). Here's all this money for you Egypt, but if you refuse to take in the Palestinians, we stop the gravy train, no money for you.

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When are people going to realize the inbred demon Khazarian mafia runs the west? Trump is their Orange mossiech. A Christian Zionist is like a mouse starting a rattle snake fan club except the snakes have convinced the mice to join the club. Pete Hegseth has crusader tattoos across his chest but he lathers Israel and has Israelis as secret service protection. If crusaders from that time saw all these christian zionist apostates today they'd be in shock at their rewritten phony bibles and fillet them where they stand.

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They are all over the earth in very powerful positions. It's been their plan for a few hundred years or so. As most know the Rothschilds stole the land of Palestine. I hope they get exterminated off the earth

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Limiting my context to the US...

That's like asking, when are people gonna read a book?

Okay, I'll get serious. It won't happen until 60 Minutes does a blockbuster story on how the news is fake, all lies, propaganda theater to ensnare people in a false reality.

Then that needs to be followed up with a feature documentary on Netflix about the KM, and a bunch of segments on NPR's All Things Considered about same. Some "reporting" on CNN wouldn't hurt either.

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I would love to see the massive exposure of mainstream media and hollywood

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I understand Trump has converted to orthodox jew 2017, all his family are jews including wives and children, grandchildren, hence he could not put his hand on the bible.

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Yes, it appears to be much worse than we know, if even 10% of this is true...


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You got it!! Cjbbooks AND


Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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Ah, that's why. Some have joked, if he put his hand on the bible his hand would burst into flames. LOL.

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As former Christian "Zionist" Pastor Chuck Baldwin has stated, being a "Christian" "Zionist" is the height of oxymoronica.

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CORRECT but then follow the line from Khazarian mafia to the Black Nobility families for more complete understanding .

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Also, everyone read this article on this topic!!


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The Khazars are rebuilding their empire as the greater Israel. These bloodthirsty, brutal demons are the New World order, they are the global Cabal, they are the satanic Jews.

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I agree, and believe that empire is, at some point, going to include the now destroyed Ukraine. And, if they have their way, will eventually include Russia.

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Jan 29Edited

They are stealing Ukraine and are probably behind all major conflicts in Ukraine. Orchestrating them.

They are taking it while we are financing/building it with all our “hoovered billions” that are going directly in the pockets of oligarchs.

What do you guys think of that possible scenario? 🤔

On top of that they are amplifying the “ Surrogate Business “ , selling Ukrainian women and children and dispatching delivery worldwide.

That human trafficking should have been from the start a very clear sign that something is really rotten in that zionists owned country.

No normal men would dream of selling their (nation’s assets) women and children for export abroad.

Those who do it are seriously focked up in the head. And are a serious threat to human kind .

And human values.

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Yes indeed , Blackrock already buying up land as fast as Russia takes it and rebuilding contracts and grabbing resources

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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I believe you are right.

Not said they will succeed.

At all.

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Yes but keep digging deeper it goes father than that and farther into the ancient past

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Trump is now supporting the extermination and genocide of the innocent people of Palestine and Gaza! Pure evil.

Why does the terrorist state of Israhell need 2000 lb bombs from the US, care of Trump, to drop on unarmed men, women, children, and little boys and girls? There is absolutely NOTHING LEFT in Gaza - NOTHING! ALL THANKS TO the IDF demonic savages intentionally targeting and blowing up homes, hospitals, apartments buildings,schools, and ALL non-military sites! WHY??!!

#WakeUP my fellow Christian! God HATES GENOCIDE and you WILL BE JUDGED for blindly supporting the Terrorist State of Israel and their demonic and Satanic extermination and genocide of the people in the Middle East and Palestine. FULL STOP!! Remember... Jesus called the evil Yews "the Synagogue of Satan" for a reason! Not my words.

PLEASE pray for peace and all killing to end! 🙏❤️🙏

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Unfortunately, 🙏 won't change this. Only force

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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Here is a very unpopular truth: the invasion of the western world is being orchestrated by the occupational Israeli government which is the synagogue of satan (the poor Israeli people were the guinea pigs of pfizer’s covid killshot).

“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." — Barbara Lerner Spectre


That demonic government that every US congressman and senator swears allegiance to through AIPAC, HAS to go. Israeli official: [the word anti-sematism] is a trick we always use it:


She said it not me. The synagogue of satan runs the Israeli government at this moment. They even admit they created and fund Hamas, so effectively, Hamas is also the Israeli government. Making the war a false flag against both sides:

https://old.bitchute.com/video/3XKnSWnxhH6I [30secs]


Both the Israeli and Palenstinian people are paying the price of their government’s war agenda (they ordered Hamas to slaughter their own citizens to kick off this deceitful war and stood down while it happened).

Additionally, Netanyahu was allegedly recorded in 1990 saying: "America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control."

This is EXACTLY what is happening all over the western world. Cloward-Piven in full swing—being overrun by impoverished third worlders at Israel’s directive who hate us because the US government - also at Israel’s directive - bombed their countries into oblivion without our consent. It’s a perfect circle of destruction, all seeping like a pestilence straight from Tel Aviv.

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“they ordered Hamas to slaughter their own citizens to kick off this deceitful war and stood down while it happened”

Same conviction here.


And if /as they did it they won’t stop here. More is coming.

Was the plan to steal the whole land, or was it to open up a huge construction site and just make huge profit on it? 🤔

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They are Mossad and want that land for their evil real estate empire located at 666 5th ave , NY.

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Can’t it be both, plus the slaughter of innocence by psychopaths. There’s also a huge biblical tie in to all this which blinds good Christians into ignoring the genocide so that prophecy may be fulfilled.

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AND its all fabricated , forged, made up and stolen from the past .

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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I believe that the authorities in Gaza are compromised.

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The war in Gaza was purposely designed by Israel using their Hamas agents to run simultaneously to the purposely designed Ukraine conflict, the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson gave instructions many years ago for a war to be created in Ukraine to kill off loads of Slavs (white Second Rome Christian amalek, the Torah says all such 'amalek' must be totally exterminated, that war against them must be 'eternal').

Schneerson stated that millions of Jews from Israel will relocate in Ukraine on purposely 'emptied' lands. The international Gentile community will be made to 'approve' of course, after Israel proclaims that Israel is no longer safe enough for some or all the Israeli Jews to remain there.

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I always suspected oligarchs zionists to want to take over Ukraine and its assets .

But we Gentiles of the world are to pay for building and buying it 🤦‍♀️ with our taxes. Robbery in broad daylight.

With EU leaders orchestrating.

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The Israeli Jews were very obviously not really the guinea pigs of Pfizer, or the 'victims' of the COVID bioweapon.

The real truth is that an Israeli military intelligence whistleblower came forward and revealed that Israel really tested this long-planned ethnonomb bioweapon project out on captive Palestinians and African Negros, surely in many huge batches of test subjects over many years to get this weapon to the point where it can inflict nearly 1,300 'side-effects' including, says Pfizer in documents it was forced to release under court order: COVID PNEUMONIA.

Besides, self-replicating nanotechnology in the COVID bioweapon jabs is only activated and directed by weaponized frequencies intentionally programmed and put out on the 5G waveband.

Israel itself cleverly does not operate any 5G equipment on its own territory, for very obvious reasons.

So in any case, while any COVID jabs that any Israeli Jews may have received in Israel purely to maintain the worldwide deception were placebos in any case (see the video below for evidence), even if any jab in Israel had actually been genuine, none of them could ever have been activated in a weaponized manner anyway in the total absence of any 5G signal in any case, and given that travel of Israeli Jews to other nations with 5G would be anticipated, no real COVID bioweapon jab would have been given to tneir own people in any case, as THEY ARE AN ISRAELI GOVERNMENT-AUTHORIZED MILITARY BIOWEAPON DESIGNED AND SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO KILL GENTILES ALONE.

And besides it has been scientifically demonstrated that even if any Jew somehow gets exposed even by shedding and is in a 5G zone outside Israel, the weapon will not sterilize them as it would a Gentile for example or have such grave effects on them as it does on Gentile peoples as no Gentile peoples possess the specific haploid genomic sequence unique to all Jews alone that protects the Jews alone from their own ethnobomb bioweapon in the form of this 'angel of death in the night'.

Israel invented 5G and gave it to the rest of the world, like giving a hand grenade to a child as a toy, but Israel itself does not operate any 5G equipment, yet craftily gave 5G to all Gentile nations, of course more or less purely to activate the DESTRUCTIVE SELF-REPLICATING COVID NANOTECHNOLOGY IN THE JEWISH-DESIGNED ETHNOBOMB BIOWEAPON JABS WITH.

See these Jews here, they are not lamenting and protesting, they are CELEBRATING, dancing wildly in joy, openly bragging and stating that Corona is not for the Jews, that it is ONLY FOR THE GENTILES.


Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted on rense.com updated


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You got it! A bioweapon that targets ethnicities!

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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I’ve been doing reading on this subject. I forwarded this to watch. Some of what I’ve read is very disturbing 👿…the Synagogue of Satan.

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Yes, Adam Green does a lot of really great research, Harry Vox's research is really deep and revealing as well.

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"Israel itself cleverly does not operate any 5G equipment on its own territory, for very obvious reasons." -- interesting!

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Yep your on target

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Two State solution? No, just a Jew State solution. But the Oden-Yinon plan is still shrouded by "conspiracy theories" in Wiki {{{ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yinon_Plan }}} but darn if it doesn't look like a fact. I'm sure there will be contracts awarded to "Palestinian" demolition companies to haul and grind up the concrete for recycling, and "Palestinian" film crews to document the dignified retrieval of pancaked bodies for either burial or cremation.

Q: Have you ever visited a battlefield where 1000's died? Would you stay in a resort built on top of a killing field?

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I agree Tom! What a spiritual faux-pas. It’s building on sacred ground. I find it sickening. Truly…

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Nothing sacred about those lands as they were the sight of the greatest crime ever committed, the murder of the Son of God. Nothing holy about it.

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I meant murder of innocent human beings.

And the murder of the Son Of God, had to happen, by Law.

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Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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All of these wars are so sickening they cannot even be described in human language.

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because they are all the work of something non human.. demons? archons? alien life form... all these concepts have been in our human awareness for a very long time. These perpetrators are against life, and terra forming earth to end all organic life

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I cannot support this

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I need to think that this is a sick joke, but it looks like it's for real. WHERE ARE THE ARABS TO COMBAT THIS!?

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The last 4 sheiks of the Ottoman empire had Judaic wives . real ones not Khazars

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you think the Arabs are the ones that should combat? Why do you think that?

It’s not exactly “ a brotherhood “, just because we speak same language and religion.

In that case many other nations have much in common. Where are they too ?

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Good point. I know nothing of the Arab world and their solidarity. The entire world has condemned Israel and the US for genocide. Zionism is the nagging fear that Palestine and Palestinians might survive. Since Israel has committed herself to stealing land and killing off the inhabitants, and since Israel believes that she has a right to do this, there is no alternative but to physically stop Israel.

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I told you all about this long ago disgusting genocide and look who is supporting it Kushner's want the real estate they are Mossad

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It's all "build back better" at this point, isn't it?

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So the rich get richer?

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And the Jews get Jewyer. [[[ The hand rubbing is furious. ]]]

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Ha ha - loved that

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The poor get poorer

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Isn't that what the scum says Hitler did to the Jews?

Ignoring the Havara agreement between the Jews and the Nazis?

In Hindsight all the problems ever created were created by Jews... and that is a fact.


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Kazars usurped the Jewish. It's a captive populace

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The Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian people haven't given up yet, Mr Trump.

In fact they have given the Zionist Empire a big FU, look stronger than ever, and are moving back into their neighborhoods with smiles on their faces. So in spite of the Zionist Empire throwing everything but the Kitchen sink at these people, they will not yield. They have shown the world who OUR enemy is, with sacrifice, courage, bravery and humility.

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I sure hope you are correct, cuz I have no idea what is going on over there, only that innocent children and familes are being massacred. And these brain washed so called, zionist christians are for murder? Sick beyond belief, this is the work of the synagaouge of satan.

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Hawaii, Ashville, Los Angeles and palestine. These jews murder/steal for profit and then say a kol nidre prayer thinking they are forgiven.

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💯 Watch this entire playlist and all the videos on this channel for proof of who and why is accurately behind allnthia. Here it in their own voices:


Also warch everything on this channel. You don't have to agree with it all but their reporting and evidence is powerful https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8

Also must watch this one 10 minute clip https://odysee.com/@AMajor:7/RabbiAbe:7

And here's the 1 hour 18 minutes FULL INTERVIEW from which that 10 minutes is taken.

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