I think Trump is doing a lot of good that he has been hired to do, but I have to admit. I don’t really understand this. I’m sure the people of Lahaina or Pacific Palisades don’t wanna hear their homes-now demolition sites (which I’m sure was caused by direct energy weapons with the help of Chemtrails) they don’t want to hear that they cannot return to their land. The world is insane right now and getting worse.
It's a distraction. This has been a tactic forever when it comes to propaganda. He learned it from the best, JEWS. He deceived millions with his double talk.
You got it pretending to sound caring about that destruction site Riviera of the MIDDLE EAST how many have died and suffered for 78 years , and the rest of the world condones and supports this
They kept suffering and dying precisely because they kept trying the same FAILING UN SOLUTION... Trump ditched the wrongheaded idea and used his own real estate development skills to escape the incessant failed pressures. Genius.. Recognizing that those people were not from the area NOR WERE THEY INVITED by the one who bought the place [Rothschild, once for supporting the Brits ww1 needs, and once from some earlier Turk overlord]...
They were ECONOMIC MIGRANTS and Trump realized they should have been DEPORTED to start with..... Like the U.S. is now starting there themselves.. TTYL
A M A Z I N G your blatant ignorance of historical facts !!!
Just have a look at ANY older map showing how the region was called for centuries: PALESTINE.
Self-respecting people of Jewish faith have been living among the indigenous, Semitic Arab population as a tiny MINORITY for centuries in a peaceful way.
Things changed, once the Brits "gave" (illegally) the protectorate (never heard of Arthur James Balfour's Declaration ???) to the supremacist, racist only politically oriented Zionists who created havoc and destruction since before "Israel's" inception in May '48 up to this very day.
Please be so kind as to educate yourself on this matter before making any further comments on Substack.
After analysing the issue in depth, maybe you can reach a more sound decision with mathematical precision.
Have a nice time and enjoy the upcoming cognitive dissonance to the fullest !!!
What's amazing is YOUR FLAGRANT UNINFORMED BRAGGADOCIA....What it was ''called'' is immaterial if the people living there AT THE TiME HAD NO SOVEREIGNTY... first succumbing to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE and then by FAILING to FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOM in the Arab Revolt ala Lawrence of Arabia during WW1... Instead they supported the TURKS, and LOST AGAIN...
So the area was divided up between the Tribes who fought for their own country as part of their support of Britain against the Turks... Since the Rothschilds were also owed [per that Balfour guy you favor], then the area's sovereignty was handed to the Rothschild concept of a new Israel to which Rothschild invited all or any Jews...
The existing number of non-Jews was a small population of total LOSERS to whom was owed nothing but decent civil treatment... BUT... Over time the population of Jews [INVITEES to develop Jewish Sovereignty] began to get an economic operation rolling, converting desert land to productive society... THEN THE MUSLIM ECONOMIC **MIGRANTS** CAME FROM NORTHERN AFRICA, SUDAN, EGYPT AND SYRIA etc... and multiplied like flies... bringing their GENOCIDAL CULTURE with them... The Brits should have deported them, but didn't... CONSEQUENTLY the INCESSANT TURMOIL... which the U.N. only makes WORSE, as usual.....
You justify this horrible genocide with such nonsense . AND CALL IT GENIUS , your a very sick being. Kushner,s had already made statement quite awhile before that this was a real estate grab. All this was planned long ago and even shown in the CFR magazine the Economist in great detail. These things dont just happen they are planned well in advance . The UN supports all such globalist agendas.
You apparently are ignorant of the statistics of URBAN WARFARE, b/c the military experts consider the civilian death toll in Israeli tactics so far to be stellarly humane for urban warfare... Get educated..
Secondly, seeing the potential for real estate development is totally different from assessing the DAMAGE AFTER THE PLACE was BUNKER BUSTERED to tear out he Hamas tunnels --extensive and multi-story deep in many places---
Damage that will take 8-10 years to re-engineer.........
Thirdly, the blessed U.N. supports NOTHING THAT BENEFITS ISRAEL, ever..
Read 2 Ezra/Edras or look up my videos & you'll see exactly who Trump is! So men like Mathew will not be able to fill you with fear & lower your vibration. That is what has kept us under the control of the fake Jews, the Ashkenazis. America is the true Zion, but they have let themselves come under the same control systems & whether Bibi smirks thinking it is all coming to them or not, as shown by Martin Geddes when putting his essays into chatgp, the Q phenomenon is in fact Christ returning in the clouds (hebrew clouds=anon/anan) as the 'early & latter rain' & Trump is the new Messiah, Messiah ben David, the conquering King... Not Jesus, who was the suffering servant who laid down his life/ Messiah ben Joseph. But true to form those same world controllers have convinced us, despite the many messiahs that came before Jesus, such as Abraham/ Moses/ Joseph, that He was & is the one & only.
On YouTube under Christine Gavin or for the too hot to handle christine gavinbrokentwig, As I have been taken down 3 times & am heavily ghosted I will drop this one to get you there, in case that channel is still flying under my husband Denis Gavin. God had just revealed to me the significance of this milky way sign as being His actual face & time marker as per Job;41;14 'who can open the doors of His face' & with it several of the other Messianic signs, such as the first one in 2012 (Rev 4 & 10 ANGEL/ Shekina Glory Cloud aka Queztacoatle, Q have also been revealed in Job. https://youtube.com/shorts/IdAKXFwkUPo?si=r3RZgFsGDmE8FQ_V
https://youtu.be/Ku_UUS1oX8g?si=I-OGHxUdhQUTfTMy a compilation showing Sign of the Son man , Rev 13 Red Dragon cast out of heaven, Cygnus/Swan wedding, Shekina Glory Cloud, UfO convoy & several others.
This is short showing the Milky Way showing the face of God/Maitreya as per the 'opening of the doors of His face' Job which also coincided with the Pope opening the doors of Jubilee https://youtu.be/kYIExsYQeJY And this is the star which morphed into the basket of Knowledge & sheep pens before becoming the 3 storied Ark of Arcturus/of Jason's Golden Fleece, with a cross & Shackleton's face on bow filmed on the same day Shackleton's ship was found off Antarctica! https://youtu.be/kYIExsYQeJY
OMG 🤯. Zionism was created by Jews friend. In the mid 1800s to 1900. CI Schofield was used to help create the narrative with his version of the Bible. It was printed and spread throughout America by the Moody Press and the Moody Bible institute. Jesus told his disciples, I have come for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. These fake Jews aren't Israelites. I would suggest digging into secular history books like I have and read the Bible without narrative from some theologian. I've only researched this for almost 50 years. I may not be a historian or a theologian but I sure do know how to read. If you believe it's fear I'm pushing maybe you need to know that Edomites were not from the tribe of Judah. They are the Moloch Baal Satanic Talmud believers Today. Personally I think their history should be completely flushed. It's in such a gray area of truth just like they have done for 2600 yrs. They are the experts of keeping control of foolish women and wives tales that seem to be predominant today. Abraham was the father of many nations. Not just one Fake Israel. As far as the US being your end times Zion, we were a test for world domination. The US is a scam country. See the bigger picture. It's not one that can be pulled out of a wallet and looked at when we want to reinforce nonsense. Satan is beyond capable of deception in ways we can't imagine. Enjoy your journey!
Read Zechariah. The fact of the matter is all Jews are not equal, & those who live in Jerusalem have become meat in the pot, just as those in Germany! And like every Western Country, those who forced Hitler to war with Poland, have to be exposed & the people taught/brought to their knees to wake them up to look to God, not Govts.
True, but it has not been a secret for decades there are numerous books written on the history of wars and the perpetrators., however, this has not stopped the march to chaos in fact, it has gotten worse with more private sector investors going along to get along. What we need is to elect people who can re-create competent diplomacy and trade deals that work so sovereign nations can build their own economies instead of international theft., and perpetual debt to the IMF a.k.a International Bankers that have been "running the show" for decades.
That's more than a racist generality., wars have been waged by every race on the planet since time immemorial., and the ME is no different, international Bankers and their created agencies, now partnered with the private sector and gov bad actors create wars.
Good people should not stand by doing nothing IMHO. It is the Elites who have always crashed Civilization. More than ever they have all the insanely powerful weapons and stolen financial resources growing by the day, but Humanity is not helpless. We need to draw on the white light, and speak and act for the greater good of Life on Earth.
God does not force His will on anyone. The people in control are under the control of Satan.
Yes, God is in control but He does not control people, or outcomes. He sways people to go in a certain direction based on their hardness of heart.
Yes, ultimately Jesus Christ will judge humanity and all these wicked men will be held accountable, as we will. Choose Jesus. Everyone will give an account of how they lived, who they supported, what their fruits were and whether they were lukewarm, hot or cold.
Satan claims HIS obedience over EARTH… GOD OUR souls strength comes from HIS place HEAVEN. There is no heaven on earth until your soul excepts the I AM.
I'm glad to hear that Deborah. This issue will be the dividing factor between true followers of Christ and those who say they love Jesus, yet are silent on the the genocide, thus are lukewarm people pleasers.
Exactly and we are in this world but not OF this world so the key to all of this is not to fear death. People who don't fear death cannot be manipulated.
God is not part of this. This is happening because of us, he gives us free will to choose. We have the freedom of choice to choose to allow evil or to stand up to evil, unfortunately we are complying to the evil.
Scripture tells us that we are to stand against it.
Me as well, along with several other things about him. I voted for no one for president, because they both are corrupt clowns like the rest of our politicians on both sides!
No, we didn’t ask for all the things you mentioned but WE have allowed it. We have been fighting this stuff forever. Our ancestors stood up in protest, writing letters, boycotted etc to stop or slow it down. And yes, they did have an impact. Approximately 10 yrs ago we stopped doing that. we became digital warriors because it’s easier, I guess. But truthfully this is not working in our favor. We are loosing.
People stood up to urban renewal which is called vision cities now, smart meters, cell phones, ingredients in our food that should not be there, to name some. Evil will continue as it always has but we must continue to fight in numbers United as well. Plus, WE NEED GOD/YEAWEH IN AMERICA, again.
I agree that sitting around doesn't do much. Solution based alternative systems for sure which is why I like Alfa Vedic. I have my ways of disrupting the BS Beast System. I'm all for banding together and taking action and holding those accountable. But I haven't seen anyone present a model to do this. So we overgrow the government, stopped paying taxes, getting their stupid license plate stickers and that's a start. I'm all for consciousness and spirituality, but no thank you to that Yahweh dude creature. He is the leader of the Zionist evil.
What? You are not making sense you are just making accusations. The Military Industrial Complex is thousands of people and Military agencies that have been afforded a Trillion a year for a very long time. The United States has invested in military bases all over the World, not to mention the decades-long "AID" to the same countries that continue to hold out their proverbial national hands for more money. I am not saying this is best - what I am saying is it is going to take a hell of lot more than two men to downsize the Military Industrial Complex, NATO, THE IMF, CFR, and International Bankers that work in this system. We can rant, rave, and point fingers all day long, but we need to demand an end to wars, period. We need to elect people who want to end wars., and make trade deals that will end theft and destruction. And President Trump was duly elected there are dozens of groups that worked very hard for the last four years to clean up elections. He got the popular vote and won all swing States by the Republican party, which rarely happens, and he ran even though he knew he was walking into a mess being handed to his administration of four years of wars, a crashing economy, Trillions in debt, and the largest border invasion in history perpetrated by people who want to tear down America and our sovereignty. Did you have a better solution? Remember, in his first term, he created three major trade deals instead of wars. He created peace deals in the Middle East and stopped the draining of US Funds out of America, and he got our Energy sector producing again making America nearly Energy Independent, and secured the border, these are all things a President is supposed to do, that is his job., he did the job which is why he was duly re-elected, now he has to manage and strategize ending the wars, funding restructuring and yes more trade deals. The Tariffs are used to bring order to the insane chaos and border securities and stop the unending open checkbook for bad actors of tax-payer funds. Witness what has already been revealed of "USAID", this is just one agency of hundreds that is a Ponzi on American taxpayers. We have a lot of work to do to clean things up and hopefully bring order and get things back on course, including LEGAL IMMIGRATION, USAID is now being moved under The State Dept for oversight and management. The Chevron decision in 2024 will bring some more order to the Federal Agencies and Congress. I could name several areas that need work, including legislation that should be overturned., but that for hopefully later in the year.
looks like my message was too long. --- Witness what has happened with US AID that has been revealed in the last few days. To complete that sentence. There was a little bit more but you get the idea.
what good? Ethnic cleansing and AI mRNA vaccines in the first three weeks!? I'm pretty sure that cancels out any "good" that he's done - this is end game shit we're watching and because he panders to low hanging fruit easy talking points people have fkng stockholm syndrome over this shit. NONE of them are good and the extermination of human / agenda 2030 open air prison plan is being accelerated. If people do not see this, well, that will be the cause of their own fatality.
DO NOT COMPLY!! Global technocratic totalitarianism is the goal. So we see the path towards it daily. When it impacts you directly DO NOT COMPLY. I have a beautiful vision of humanity world wide joining in the streets in peaceful NON COMPLIANCE to any lockdowns, scamdemics, mandatory MRNA poison, digital currencies. ALL OF IT is about control, eugenics and transhumanism. EVIL!!!
Meanwhile Trump has given "conditional" approval for the avian flu vaccine to contaminate our food supply (chicken and eggs) and, as I understand it, "organic" poultry will *not* be exempt:
Tesstamona we have had many such discussions in my household. It just like going back to the whole Covid hoax where half of us could see through it all and the other could not. I am doing now what I did then preparing for the worst but watching for the bullshit.
I agree with a lot of what you said. People think Trump is going to save us with the help of a few. They tend to forget he himself said once, we must save ourselves. No matter what Trump does at the federal level will not stop the smart cities being built, private property rights taken away from the people, restrictions on mobility, etc ONLY WE CAN STOP THAT AT THE LOCAL LEVEL. Rosa Koire tells how so does Angela Sweet. Few people are willing to fight for their freedom or willing to learn how. They think they will be saved by grace and Trump.
Listen/read cash Patel’s book Government Gangsters, it’s really good and details the incredible level of corruption Trump administration is dealing with. It’s the vaccines Ai and Netanyahu I don’t like
Fayanne, on your vax -Trump puzzle, I just saw an interview on the racketeering vax gangsters that said that Trump was set up to believe in the customizable DNA vaccines being worked on..
The person doing the setup was his HHS secretary Alex Azar, who ranted about how great the idea was of near-instant development and customizing, which was strangely way earlier than was ever part of daily events and was likely what got Trump to do WARP SPEED when that was put in front of him..
Dr David Martin said that Alex Azar had been convicted of exactly that series of operations by medical monopolists in MX to price fix diabetes drugs for huge profiting in violation of anti-trust laws..
But if you have the time there are so many knockout insights you won't want to miss, into govt decision making and how to prosecute them so the courts can't fail
Yes, Dr. David E Martin is a badass. Love his interviews he has a very in-depth study on our Country, the legislation, etc,. leading up to the pandemic. All of his interviews gives you a great amount of information on what has occurred in the Industry. Also, Katherine Watt on the legislative history leading up to the PREP ACT, and Sasha Latypova. Both, Dr. David E Martin and Sasha independently in their own businesses worked in the Industry in analytics and compliance for Medicine moving throughout the world and or on gov. compliance regarding good manufacturing practices, etc. Katherine is a great researcher and writer and works in the legal world. Three great patriots.
Yep, Trumpstein has shown his true colors. Make Israhell number 1. He is now guilty of genocide with Satanyahoo. He will probably get assassinated over this horrific move he made to pay off his khazarian criminal friends. If the Simpsons predicted it you can bet it has a big chance f happening. Israhell is an obomination of desolation a genocidal state of endless terror, fake psyops, and wars for Americans to die in..
Yes, now watch him role out the "Noahide Laws", signed into law by George Shrub Senior, so all Americans will know that these monstrous khazarian criminals run the USA and have since the fed was created in 1913!!
Trumpstein said we should have the death penalty for antisemitism. Well the Palestinians are semites, so Trump is asking for his own death. The fake jews in israhell are khazarian impostors and are not remotely related to the hebrews of the OT of the Bible.
This means the 'so-called "right to return sham" is an evil lie that immigrated khazarians from all of the world into israhell, stealing all of Palestine for their shitty little genocidal country of subhuman psychopathic mass murders. It's an ugly world these diabolical creatures are creating and nobody will ever forget the Genocide of Palestinians by these satanic forces of hell.
OTC, Trump just got the U.S.A out of the endless hellhole of the WRONGHEADED U.N. ''solution'' trap... Tossed it aside and put on his RESORT DEVELOPER HAT and BOUGHT this peace chance for AMERICANS as a PEACE DIVIDEND.... Just deport the UNINVITED ECONOMIC MIGRANTS that incessantly AIM to GENOCIDE the INVITED JEWS... all under the pretenses of ''religious'' zealotry of the ''teachings of the NON-EXISTENT MOHAMMED...
Yeah, nonexistent,
b/c NO ONE HAS FOUND any genuinely ancient text of any source that mentions any prophet Mohammed until YEARS AFTER HIS SUPPOSED DEATH... We can find such mentions of Yeshua in ancient texts,.. so Mohammed myths and the Koran were likely invented by the Arab leader of the Arab Empire of the 650AD era in order to unify the diverse tribes in his empire, like Christians did with their diverse groups... ttyl
@Randy i’ve asked the same question if you have a look at the Trump in the interview with Oprah so many years ago, his demeanour his everything is so different than “this“ Trump did the “real Trump“ die in a helicopter crash in the 80s? As the rumour said
Fayanne.. the DIFFERENCE i that Lahaina was NOT HELL ON EARTH BEFORE it was made RUBBLE... END OF YOUR WORRY-ANALOGY...
Trump's a genius and the gazans were ECONOMIC MIGRANTS to the area, not indigenous, who came there only once the JEWS began arriving and turning the desert into their garden ECONOMICALLY... expanding life's possibilities.....
The gaza that existed there was a MISTAKE as was seeable by all with unbiased vision.. so returning to the same was STUPID and Trump broke free of the 1State-2StateTRAP...
AND the cost of building a RIVIERA is so less expensive long term than REPEATING the ENDLESS WARRING... so CELEBRATE!! ttyl
When the 10 tribes were taken into captivity, the Samarian's moved down to the land where the 10 tribes were they also took Judah and Benjamin and they moved their people in the land of Israel, the Levites stayed working the temple and 162 BC the Levites left and went to Bethabara, which is the exact duplicate of Jerusalem and they were doing temple service there. That's why when the Messiah came. He was baptized in Bethabara.
The Land in Bethabara is now known as Qumran. The 10 tribes and Judah and Benjamin never came back into the land. Till this very day. Scripture says the strangers were coming to the land and put Walls and gates up. And that his children will not come back into the land until after the strangers are taken out, and the walls and gates are taken down who built the walls and gates in Israel now? It's the same people in the land now scripture also says the 10 tribes will come first then Benjamin and Judah will come back to the land so the people in the land now are imposters they are the Jews that claim to be Jews that are not
The whole Israel/Palestine/Arab turmoil was settled in 1920 by the Brits who were owing the Rothschilds for their services for WW1, as well as owing the SPECIFIC TRIBAL PEOPLE who fought alongside Lawrence of Arabia to DEFEAT THE TURKS AND THE TURKISH SUPPORTERS in the area...
At that time the population of the ''ROTHSCHILD'' AREA were not very numerous and were the defeated Turk supporters...
It was only after the ASHKENAZI JEWS and whatever other INVITED JEWS came and worked their kibbutznik butts off that the area started to thrive AND THEN THE **ECONOMIC MIGRANT** POPULATION started to arrive in large numbers from all over northern AFRICA, SYRIA EGYPT etc... AND MULTIPLIED LIKE FLIES...
Those people have NO REAL CONNECTION to any part of the ROTHSCHILD ISRAEL.... Fair is fair.... DEPORT THEM b/c they hate the OWNER-INVITED RESIDENTS and THEY INCESSANTLY INTEND TO ANNIHILATE THE INVITED RESIDENTS of the Rothschild area who are calling themselves Israelis .....
Jews are all in the same "Club" sucking Baby Boys Bloody penis is the Jews Startpoint..
They all read and follow their Talmud and Torah rhetoric.jews are all legally known as 'paedophiles' as they all know and preform the same baby boy mutilation....and many babys go into trauma induced shock from the extreme brutalization
I think you better get mental advise... Stop fucking intimidating people you mental fucking shit... If you are thinking that you are better then other people because of what you believe, then you needed a fucking mental advise.
Read Zechariah. The fact of the matter is all Jews are not equal, & those who live in Jerusalem have become meat in the pot, just as those in Germany! And like every Western Country, those who forced Hitler to war with Poland, have to be exposed & the people taught/brought to their knees to wake them up to look to God, not Govts.
yes, in WW2 the zionist filth sold out the good jews who stayed in Germany in the detention centers. The zionist filth bombed the supply lines starving the good jews and the Germans. The zionists are the monster who killed 275,000 god jews in Germany and the 6 million gassed is 100% ficticious fraud by the zionists as a excuse to steal Palestine.
This is exactly right. Trump is a pathetic excuse for a human being, if he is one. He deceived all these MAGA supporters. He is not about the United States of America, he's all about the United States of Israel MIGA.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this MIGA / unlawful and egregious Palestine land appropriation is not what Trump voters voted for.
Thus, perhaps the ONLY rational conclusion one can come to is that Trump is indeed compromised by Israel & the Mossad, as I have documented. Anyone disagree, great - just post your own theories in a reply to this.
There's more coming. Remember: recently Trump told us that in four years, everything will be "fixed" and we "Christains" will never have to vote again. -- That doesn't sound like MAGA...that sounds like enslaving us ordinary Americans. I'd still like to hear Trump clearly state that he didn't convert to Judaism in 2017:
Did Donald Trump Convert to Judaism & become a Jew?
I know that Ivanka converted because of her husband Jared Kushner.
As for Donald Trump himself, I don't know.
In the video you sent around the 5:30 mark they show an image of a purported article from The Times of Israel titled "Trump: The first jewish president of the united states" from 03/22/19, but I haven't been able to find this article, if it indeed ever existed. Maybe it did and was scrubbed. Who knows. If you have an archived version of it or the original URL, pls share.
Listen to the first 26 seconds, when you will hear him state, "And, again: Christians, get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. In four more years, you know what? It will be fixed; it will be fine; you won't have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm not Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you;re not gonna have to vote."
So, what are "they" going to do that will eliminate our right to vote? Word is that Trump signed the Noahide Laws and will use them to prevent Christians from voting,
I saw him say this LIVE and my mind went to 4th Industrial Revolution by Psychopath Klaus Schwab and how AI will run governments so there will be no need for politicians. Agenda 2030 THEY ARE ALL on board.
He stated that "You will only (vote) do it once." I am plugged in to many alternative news outlets and that is the only thing close to what I have heard concerning this statement.
WTF is your intent here? I'm really upset over what is happening directly / all around me, to people I care for. and it seems your just trying to antagonize me. Get to the fucking point, already.
I simply made a statement that people who I thought were good, honest, intelligent people have all been suckered into believing that Trump is doing something fabulous for the war torn people of Palestine. Yet, they cannot see it is perfectly clear that this was a genocide, a land grab, an ethnic cleansing, and they just cannot comprehend what I've been trying to show them.
I cannot wrap my head around the idea that the admiration of this man, causes people to shut down their senses for what is happening right in front of them. This isntba religion issue, its a lack of common sense problem. This is a hero worship problem
He told them who he was, They are deaf dumb and blind, Willful ignorance The Father of Vaccines! I'm a snake(demon)! You never have to vote again. If I shot someone on 5th Ave they would still vote for me.
And if you say a word about OCTOBER 7, we will throw your anit-semi ass in prison for 5 YEARS. Just like they do in Germany if you are a Hollycost denier.
Well, it seems you struck a nerve! Enlightened truth must be purged, but people still have codified Freedom of Speech, even if it is personally dangerous. A friend wrote a few years back that he'll keep pounding the keys until he is shut down.
Antony Sutton, author of America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones once wrote:
"Watch as events unfold. We are observers. They will destroy themselves. We can help a little, but don't get any bright ideas about overturning the system. They have all the bombs, but we have something stronger - the truth and freedom of spirit.
Be patient, spread the word among friends, do your little bit. The system will self destruct because it is founded on corruption and untruth."
So, that is what we are both doing, and so many others.
I can't begin to wrap my mind around the evil of zionists; jewish or christian. The christians are the worst because 99.9% of them have no idea that zionists view them no more important than a piece of livestock.
Peter Thiel, created JD Vance and brought him to Trump at Mar a Lago and said this is your VP. If global technocratic totalitarianism is the goal all of this makes so much sense. Stargate and Land Conquering... TWO THINGS MAGA DID NOT VOTE FOR
I am a Christian and you are correct! This is a spiritual battle and they are complicate in this crime against humanity. We try to wake them up to the truth but they are truly decieved.
I sent my Christian friend who is soooooo clueless about Israel / Zionism the link to the documentary, Occupied by Stew Peters. We were supposed to meet for dinner. She said she felt sick a few hours before. I had already left my house to meet her. Haven't heard from her since. Ah well. People need to wake the f*ck up.
Well they couldn't murder all of the Palestinians so now just relocate them.......people who have been living there for at least 4000 years. Easy Peasy no? And just so ethical.
The Devils are in control.........make no mistake.
Looks like the plans of the WEF are coming to fruition under Trump. "You will own nothing and be happy." They insist you just your mouth, even if your property has been in your family for generations, they'll take it from you.
If people would wake up and learn how to fight the property grab but they won’t. Rosa Koire tells exactly how to stop it at the local level where it is weakest but people don’t care to learn because Trump is their savior.
Trump will remove anything and everything and everyone who poses a threat to his real Agenda. The plot, MAGA is a complete lie. It's MIGA, if you can't see that it will soon be the United States of Israel, as he sucks on their d*cks every chance he can. This is not a theory, he is doing it right before our eyes. He is a Zionist Jew Pig. Gaza is about him and Jared Kushner making billions a our expense in Gaza and giving these fake ass Jews more and more power over Us!!!
F*Ck you Trump. These were American bombs that the majority of us didn't want dropped on innocent human beings. I am so outraged I can't listen to this. $$$ as usual, Zionist $$$ running this failing empire. Get ready, we have a lot of karma headed this way.
And now, Trump has handed Netanyahoo 1800 bunker buster bombs. Wonder who Netanyahoo plans on using those bombs on in his quest for a "Greater Israel"? Trump's illustration of using the pen to denote Israel's size with respect to his desk top, indicates that he's fully on board with Israel seizing more Middle East land for forming "Greater Israel".
Sorry to tell you this but Americans funded that genocide. We did nothing about it, people just kept funding it and still do. And no talk about unfunding it that I have heard.
They have to hide somewhere. They chose hiding themselves amongst the Jews. But really I doubt they have any cultural or human loyalty and would sacrifice Jews just as easily as they sacrificed Gazans.
I think Trump is doing a lot of good that he has been hired to do, but I have to admit. I don’t really understand this. I’m sure the people of Lahaina or Pacific Palisades don’t wanna hear their homes-now demolition sites (which I’m sure was caused by direct energy weapons with the help of Chemtrails) they don’t want to hear that they cannot return to their land. The world is insane right now and getting worse.
It's a distraction. This has been a tactic forever when it comes to propaganda. He learned it from the best, JEWS. He deceived millions with his double talk.
You got it pretending to sound caring about that destruction site Riviera of the MIDDLE EAST how many have died and suffered for 78 years , and the rest of the world condones and supports this
They kept suffering and dying precisely because they kept trying the same FAILING UN SOLUTION... Trump ditched the wrongheaded idea and used his own real estate development skills to escape the incessant failed pressures. Genius.. Recognizing that those people were not from the area NOR WERE THEY INVITED by the one who bought the place [Rothschild, once for supporting the Brits ww1 needs, and once from some earlier Turk overlord]...
They were ECONOMIC MIGRANTS and Trump realized they should have been DEPORTED to start with..... Like the U.S. is now starting there themselves.. TTYL
A M A Z I N G your blatant ignorance of historical facts !!!
Just have a look at ANY older map showing how the region was called for centuries: PALESTINE.
Self-respecting people of Jewish faith have been living among the indigenous, Semitic Arab population as a tiny MINORITY for centuries in a peaceful way.
Things changed, once the Brits "gave" (illegally) the protectorate (never heard of Arthur James Balfour's Declaration ???) to the supremacist, racist only politically oriented Zionists who created havoc and destruction since before "Israel's" inception in May '48 up to this very day.
Please be so kind as to educate yourself on this matter before making any further comments on Substack.
After analysing the issue in depth, maybe you can reach a more sound decision with mathematical precision.
Have a nice time and enjoy the upcoming cognitive dissonance to the fullest !!!
Thanks for including that MJ is badly deluded
What's amazing is YOUR FLAGRANT UNINFORMED BRAGGADOCIA....What it was ''called'' is immaterial if the people living there AT THE TiME HAD NO SOVEREIGNTY... first succumbing to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE and then by FAILING to FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOM in the Arab Revolt ala Lawrence of Arabia during WW1... Instead they supported the TURKS, and LOST AGAIN...
So the area was divided up between the Tribes who fought for their own country as part of their support of Britain against the Turks... Since the Rothschilds were also owed [per that Balfour guy you favor], then the area's sovereignty was handed to the Rothschild concept of a new Israel to which Rothschild invited all or any Jews...
The existing number of non-Jews was a small population of total LOSERS to whom was owed nothing but decent civil treatment... BUT... Over time the population of Jews [INVITEES to develop Jewish Sovereignty] began to get an economic operation rolling, converting desert land to productive society... THEN THE MUSLIM ECONOMIC **MIGRANTS** CAME FROM NORTHERN AFRICA, SUDAN, EGYPT AND SYRIA etc... and multiplied like flies... bringing their GENOCIDAL CULTURE with them... The Brits should have deported them, but didn't... CONSEQUENTLY the INCESSANT TURMOIL... which the U.N. only makes WORSE, as usual.....
You justify this horrible genocide with such nonsense . AND CALL IT GENIUS , your a very sick being. Kushner,s had already made statement quite awhile before that this was a real estate grab. All this was planned long ago and even shown in the CFR magazine the Economist in great detail. These things dont just happen they are planned well in advance . The UN supports all such globalist agendas.
You apparently are ignorant of the statistics of URBAN WARFARE, b/c the military experts consider the civilian death toll in Israeli tactics so far to be stellarly humane for urban warfare... Get educated..
Secondly, seeing the potential for real estate development is totally different from assessing the DAMAGE AFTER THE PLACE was BUNKER BUSTERED to tear out he Hamas tunnels --extensive and multi-story deep in many places---
Damage that will take 8-10 years to re-engineer.........
Thirdly, the blessed U.N. supports NOTHING THAT BENEFITS ISRAEL, ever..
Try again......... TTYL
Jews don't care about you annoyng Goyim Goyim Were Born Only To Serve Us" <<https://newrepublic.com/article/78490/goyim-were-born-only-serve-us-the-moral-wisdom-rabbi-ovadia-yosef
"All warfare is based on deception." Sun Tzu
MI6 and British Armed Forces too !!! ...
What a STRANGE and weird coincidence ...🤔🤔🤔
Trump should have his picture in the dictionary under "mixed bag".
The pink-pilled will never wake up as long as they see Trump as separate from the Deep State.
Yeah......Ball Bag !
I am so hoping you are wrong Matthew but the signs are there for sure
Read 2 Ezra/Edras or look up my videos & you'll see exactly who Trump is! So men like Mathew will not be able to fill you with fear & lower your vibration. That is what has kept us under the control of the fake Jews, the Ashkenazis. America is the true Zion, but they have let themselves come under the same control systems & whether Bibi smirks thinking it is all coming to them or not, as shown by Martin Geddes when putting his essays into chatgp, the Q phenomenon is in fact Christ returning in the clouds (hebrew clouds=anon/anan) as the 'early & latter rain' & Trump is the new Messiah, Messiah ben David, the conquering King... Not Jesus, who was the suffering servant who laid down his life/ Messiah ben Joseph. But true to form those same world controllers have convinced us, despite the many messiahs that came before Jesus, such as Abraham/ Moses/ Joseph, that He was & is the one & only.
Ah, no. No. And no.
I’m willing to take a gander
Where can we find your videos Christine?
On YouTube under Christine Gavin or for the too hot to handle christine gavinbrokentwig, As I have been taken down 3 times & am heavily ghosted I will drop this one to get you there, in case that channel is still flying under my husband Denis Gavin. God had just revealed to me the significance of this milky way sign as being His actual face & time marker as per Job;41;14 'who can open the doors of His face' & with it several of the other Messianic signs, such as the first one in 2012 (Rev 4 & 10 ANGEL/ Shekina Glory Cloud aka Queztacoatle, Q have also been revealed in Job. https://youtube.com/shorts/IdAKXFwkUPo?si=r3RZgFsGDmE8FQ_V
https://youtu.be/Ku_UUS1oX8g?si=I-OGHxUdhQUTfTMy a compilation showing Sign of the Son man , Rev 13 Red Dragon cast out of heaven, Cygnus/Swan wedding, Shekina Glory Cloud, UfO convoy & several others.
This is short showing the Milky Way showing the face of God/Maitreya as per the 'opening of the doors of His face' Job which also coincided with the Pope opening the doors of Jubilee https://youtu.be/kYIExsYQeJY And this is the star which morphed into the basket of Knowledge & sheep pens before becoming the 3 storied Ark of Arcturus/of Jason's Golden Fleece, with a cross & Shackleton's face on bow filmed on the same day Shackleton's ship was found off Antarctica! https://youtu.be/kYIExsYQeJY
OMG 🤯. Zionism was created by Jews friend. In the mid 1800s to 1900. CI Schofield was used to help create the narrative with his version of the Bible. It was printed and spread throughout America by the Moody Press and the Moody Bible institute. Jesus told his disciples, I have come for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. These fake Jews aren't Israelites. I would suggest digging into secular history books like I have and read the Bible without narrative from some theologian. I've only researched this for almost 50 years. I may not be a historian or a theologian but I sure do know how to read. If you believe it's fear I'm pushing maybe you need to know that Edomites were not from the tribe of Judah. They are the Moloch Baal Satanic Talmud believers Today. Personally I think their history should be completely flushed. It's in such a gray area of truth just like they have done for 2600 yrs. They are the experts of keeping control of foolish women and wives tales that seem to be predominant today. Abraham was the father of many nations. Not just one Fake Israel. As far as the US being your end times Zion, we were a test for world domination. The US is a scam country. See the bigger picture. It's not one that can be pulled out of a wallet and looked at when we want to reinforce nonsense. Satan is beyond capable of deception in ways we can't imagine. Enjoy your journey!
Read Zechariah. The fact of the matter is all Jews are not equal, & those who live in Jerusalem have become meat in the pot, just as those in Germany! And like every Western Country, those who forced Hitler to war with Poland, have to be exposed & the people taught/brought to their knees to wake them up to look to God, not Govts.
True, but it has not been a secret for decades there are numerous books written on the history of wars and the perpetrators., however, this has not stopped the march to chaos in fact, it has gotten worse with more private sector investors going along to get along. What we need is to elect people who can re-create competent diplomacy and trade deals that work so sovereign nations can build their own economies instead of international theft., and perpetual debt to the IMF a.k.a International Bankers that have been "running the show" for decades.
That's more than a racist generality., wars have been waged by every race on the planet since time immemorial., and the ME is no different, international Bankers and their created agencies, now partnered with the private sector and gov bad actors create wars.
Orange man IS a Jew; he converted in 2017 ...
It's a good time to know these things because it will get worse...
Good people should not stand by doing nothing IMHO. It is the Elites who have always crashed Civilization. More than ever they have all the insanely powerful weapons and stolen financial resources growing by the day, but Humanity is not helpless. We need to draw on the white light, and speak and act for the greater good of Life on Earth.
It's a spiritual battle and it's not looking good. God's in control.
Satan is the God of this world and these are his minyans.
God is allowing this but he is NOT part of this.
Well satan he is the prince of this world and God is definitely in control.. always. He see all , knows all, and controls all things.
God does not force His will on anyone. The people in control are under the control of Satan.
Yes, God is in control but He does not control people, or outcomes. He sways people to go in a certain direction based on their hardness of heart.
Yes, ultimately Jesus Christ will judge humanity and all these wicked men will be held accountable, as we will. Choose Jesus. Everyone will give an account of how they lived, who they supported, what their fruits were and whether they were lukewarm, hot or cold.
Satan claims HIS obedience over EARTH… GOD OUR souls strength comes from HIS place HEAVEN. There is no heaven on earth until your soul excepts the I AM.
Are you telling me that I need to choose Jesus? I'm a christian already. But thank you.
I'm glad to hear that Deborah. This issue will be the dividing factor between true followers of Christ and those who say they love Jesus, yet are silent on the the genocide, thus are lukewarm people pleasers.
You got that right! Few understand the facts!
Exactly and we are in this world but not OF this world so the key to all of this is not to fear death. People who don't fear death cannot be manipulated.
God is not part of this. This is happening because of us, he gives us free will to choose. We have the freedom of choice to choose to allow evil or to stand up to evil, unfortunately we are complying to the evil.
Scripture tells us that we are to stand against it.
THIS is why I didn’t vote for Trump a third time…and Operation Warp Speed!
Pure evil!
Me as well, along with several other things about him. I voted for no one for president, because they both are corrupt clowns like the rest of our politicians on both sides!
I did not vote either Marcia. I don’t think it matters. I’ve awoken to Truth. I see Truth more, and more everyday.
I pray for God’s discernment.
Us nothing. I didn't ask for genocide and Dew weapons and borders and zionism
No, we didn’t ask for all the things you mentioned but WE have allowed it. We have been fighting this stuff forever. Our ancestors stood up in protest, writing letters, boycotted etc to stop or slow it down. And yes, they did have an impact. Approximately 10 yrs ago we stopped doing that. we became digital warriors because it’s easier, I guess. But truthfully this is not working in our favor. We are loosing.
People stood up to urban renewal which is called vision cities now, smart meters, cell phones, ingredients in our food that should not be there, to name some. Evil will continue as it always has but we must continue to fight in numbers United as well. Plus, WE NEED GOD/YEAWEH IN AMERICA, again.
I agree that sitting around doesn't do much. Solution based alternative systems for sure which is why I like Alfa Vedic. I have my ways of disrupting the BS Beast System. I'm all for banding together and taking action and holding those accountable. But I haven't seen anyone present a model to do this. So we overgrow the government, stopped paying taxes, getting their stupid license plate stickers and that's a start. I'm all for consciousness and spirituality, but no thank you to that Yahweh dude creature. He is the leader of the Zionist evil.
Well I'm standing. I will defy tyrants.
Besides I'm of the reformed theology myself. But we are one body in Christ.
Are you a Calvinist then?
And who is making these plans feasible? "Trump" and Elon Musk
who has access to privileged information without having been elected by the American "People"
"Make the elite Great Again"👹😡
So you do not want to live free as a human being? You’d rather be enslaved eating bugs?
What? You are not making sense you are just making accusations. The Military Industrial Complex is thousands of people and Military agencies that have been afforded a Trillion a year for a very long time. The United States has invested in military bases all over the World, not to mention the decades-long "AID" to the same countries that continue to hold out their proverbial national hands for more money. I am not saying this is best - what I am saying is it is going to take a hell of lot more than two men to downsize the Military Industrial Complex, NATO, THE IMF, CFR, and International Bankers that work in this system. We can rant, rave, and point fingers all day long, but we need to demand an end to wars, period. We need to elect people who want to end wars., and make trade deals that will end theft and destruction. And President Trump was duly elected there are dozens of groups that worked very hard for the last four years to clean up elections. He got the popular vote and won all swing States by the Republican party, which rarely happens, and he ran even though he knew he was walking into a mess being handed to his administration of four years of wars, a crashing economy, Trillions in debt, and the largest border invasion in history perpetrated by people who want to tear down America and our sovereignty. Did you have a better solution? Remember, in his first term, he created three major trade deals instead of wars. He created peace deals in the Middle East and stopped the draining of US Funds out of America, and he got our Energy sector producing again making America nearly Energy Independent, and secured the border, these are all things a President is supposed to do, that is his job., he did the job which is why he was duly re-elected, now he has to manage and strategize ending the wars, funding restructuring and yes more trade deals. The Tariffs are used to bring order to the insane chaos and border securities and stop the unending open checkbook for bad actors of tax-payer funds. Witness what has already been revealed of "USAID", this is just one agency of hundreds that is a Ponzi on American taxpayers. We have a lot of work to do to clean things up and hopefully bring order and get things back on course, including LEGAL IMMIGRATION, USAID is now being moved under The State Dept for oversight and management. The Chevron decision in 2024 will bring some more order to the Federal Agencies and Congress. I could name several areas that need work, including legislation that should be overturned., but that for hopefully later in the year.
looks like my message was too long. --- Witness what has happened with US AID that has been revealed in the last few days. To complete that sentence. There was a little bit more but you get the idea.
what good? Ethnic cleansing and AI mRNA vaccines in the first three weeks!? I'm pretty sure that cancels out any "good" that he's done - this is end game shit we're watching and because he panders to low hanging fruit easy talking points people have fkng stockholm syndrome over this shit. NONE of them are good and the extermination of human / agenda 2030 open air prison plan is being accelerated. If people do not see this, well, that will be the cause of their own fatality.
DO NOT COMPLY!! Global technocratic totalitarianism is the goal. So we see the path towards it daily. When it impacts you directly DO NOT COMPLY. I have a beautiful vision of humanity world wide joining in the streets in peaceful NON COMPLIANCE to any lockdowns, scamdemics, mandatory MRNA poison, digital currencies. ALL OF IT is about control, eugenics and transhumanism. EVIL!!!
Meanwhile Trump has given "conditional" approval for the avian flu vaccine to contaminate our food supply (chicken and eggs) and, as I understand it, "organic" poultry will *not* be exempt:
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/edc8babde973
Tesstamona we have had many such discussions in my household. It just like going back to the whole Covid hoax where half of us could see through it all and the other could not. I am doing now what I did then preparing for the worst but watching for the bullshit.
I agree with a lot of what you said. People think Trump is going to save us with the help of a few. They tend to forget he himself said once, we must save ourselves. No matter what Trump does at the federal level will not stop the smart cities being built, private property rights taken away from the people, restrictions on mobility, etc ONLY WE CAN STOP THAT AT THE LOCAL LEVEL. Rosa Koire tells how so does Angela Sweet. Few people are willing to fight for their freedom or willing to learn how. They think they will be saved by grace and Trump.
Google "Greater Israel" and get a clue.
Their army wears the Greater Israel as a patch on the arms of their uniforms.
Listen/read cash Patel’s book Government Gangsters, it’s really good and details the incredible level of corruption Trump administration is dealing with. It’s the vaccines Ai and Netanyahu I don’t like
Fayanne, on your vax -Trump puzzle, I just saw an interview on the racketeering vax gangsters that said that Trump was set up to believe in the customizable DNA vaccines being worked on..
The person doing the setup was his HHS secretary Alex Azar, who ranted about how great the idea was of near-instant development and customizing, which was strangely way earlier than was ever part of daily events and was likely what got Trump to do WARP SPEED when that was put in front of him..
Dr David Martin said that Alex Azar had been convicted of exactly that series of operations by medical monopolists in MX to price fix diabetes drugs for huge profiting in violation of anti-trust laws..
From my notes that segment was at the 34min mark of the Rumble video https://rumble.com/v6g03qp-dr-david-e.-martin-interviewed-by-graham-hood-and-john-latter-part-one.html
But if you have the time there are so many knockout insights you won't want to miss, into govt decision making and how to prosecute them so the courts can't fail
Yes, Dr. David E Martin is a badass. Love his interviews he has a very in-depth study on our Country, the legislation, etc,. leading up to the pandemic. All of his interviews gives you a great amount of information on what has occurred in the Industry. Also, Katherine Watt on the legislative history leading up to the PREP ACT, and Sasha Latypova. Both, Dr. David E Martin and Sasha independently in their own businesses worked in the Industry in analytics and compliance for Medicine moving throughout the world and or on gov. compliance regarding good manufacturing practices, etc. Katherine is a great researcher and writer and works in the legal world. Three great patriots.
Thank you very much for that MJ
We still need to clean house in our own cities to cull the evil
Yep, great book. Kash is the real deal sure hope he gets confirmed.
Yep, Trumpstein has shown his true colors. Make Israhell number 1. He is now guilty of genocide with Satanyahoo. He will probably get assassinated over this horrific move he made to pay off his khazarian criminal friends. If the Simpsons predicted it you can bet it has a big chance f happening. Israhell is an obomination of desolation a genocidal state of endless terror, fake psyops, and wars for Americans to die in..
Trump has stated that if Iran attempts to assassinate him, they will be attacked.
How convenient…doing Israel’s dirty work, once again!
Trump puts Israel first, not the uSA.
Yes, now watch him role out the "Noahide Laws", signed into law by George Shrub Senior, so all Americans will know that these monstrous khazarian criminals run the USA and have since the fed was created in 1913!!
Trumpstein said we should have the death penalty for antisemitism. Well the Palestinians are semites, so Trump is asking for his own death. The fake jews in israhell are khazarian impostors and are not remotely related to the hebrews of the OT of the Bible.
This means the 'so-called "right to return sham" is an evil lie that immigrated khazarians from all of the world into israhell, stealing all of Palestine for their shitty little genocidal country of subhuman psychopathic mass murders. It's an ugly world these diabolical creatures are creating and nobody will ever forget the Genocide of Palestinians by these satanic forces of hell.
And sooooo many Christians are oblivious about this and bend the knee to the "fake Jews" who are deceiving them all.
Even the Bible speaks of this deception. We’re seeing it in real time!
Those who claim to be Jews but are not.
OTC, Trump just got the U.S.A out of the endless hellhole of the WRONGHEADED U.N. ''solution'' trap... Tossed it aside and put on his RESORT DEVELOPER HAT and BOUGHT this peace chance for AMERICANS as a PEACE DIVIDEND.... Just deport the UNINVITED ECONOMIC MIGRANTS that incessantly AIM to GENOCIDE the INVITED JEWS... all under the pretenses of ''religious'' zealotry of the ''teachings of the NON-EXISTENT MOHAMMED...
Yeah, nonexistent,
b/c NO ONE HAS FOUND any genuinely ancient text of any source that mentions any prophet Mohammed until YEARS AFTER HIS SUPPOSED DEATH... We can find such mentions of Yeshua in ancient texts,.. so Mohammed myths and the Koran were likely invented by the Arab leader of the Arab Empire of the 650AD era in order to unify the diverse tribes in his empire, like Christians did with their diverse groups... ttyl
Do you really believe that is the real Trump?
Yes it’s the real Trump. Trump is pure deception.
@Randy i’ve asked the same question if you have a look at the Trump in the interview with Oprah so many years ago, his demeanour his everything is so different than “this“ Trump did the “real Trump“ die in a helicopter crash in the 80s? As the rumour said
I would have to say when the masks come off, if they ever do, everyone will be shocked.
WOW!!! There are like 4 different Trumps ha!
the art of war, make your enemy trust.
Fayanne.. the DIFFERENCE i that Lahaina was NOT HELL ON EARTH BEFORE it was made RUBBLE... END OF YOUR WORRY-ANALOGY...
Trump's a genius and the gazans were ECONOMIC MIGRANTS to the area, not indigenous, who came there only once the JEWS began arriving and turning the desert into their garden ECONOMICALLY... expanding life's possibilities.....
The gaza that existed there was a MISTAKE as was seeable by all with unbiased vision.. so returning to the same was STUPID and Trump broke free of the 1State-2StateTRAP...
AND the cost of building a RIVIERA is so less expensive long term than REPEATING the ENDLESS WARRING... so CELEBRATE!! ttyl
Wrong, they are more Judean than the Ashkenazi "jews" that claim someone owes them something.
When the 10 tribes were taken into captivity, the Samarian's moved down to the land where the 10 tribes were they also took Judah and Benjamin and they moved their people in the land of Israel, the Levites stayed working the temple and 162 BC the Levites left and went to Bethabara, which is the exact duplicate of Jerusalem and they were doing temple service there. That's why when the Messiah came. He was baptized in Bethabara.
The Land in Bethabara is now known as Qumran. The 10 tribes and Judah and Benjamin never came back into the land. Till this very day. Scripture says the strangers were coming to the land and put Walls and gates up. And that his children will not come back into the land until after the strangers are taken out, and the walls and gates are taken down who built the walls and gates in Israel now? It's the same people in the land now scripture also says the 10 tribes will come first then Benjamin and Judah will come back to the land so the people in the land now are imposters they are the Jews that claim to be Jews that are not
Thanks Punky for the overview in summation. Have a great day.
Absolutely NOT AT ALL..
The whole Israel/Palestine/Arab turmoil was settled in 1920 by the Brits who were owing the Rothschilds for their services for WW1, as well as owing the SPECIFIC TRIBAL PEOPLE who fought alongside Lawrence of Arabia to DEFEAT THE TURKS AND THE TURKISH SUPPORTERS in the area...
At that time the population of the ''ROTHSCHILD'' AREA were not very numerous and were the defeated Turk supporters...
It was only after the ASHKENAZI JEWS and whatever other INVITED JEWS came and worked their kibbutznik butts off that the area started to thrive AND THEN THE **ECONOMIC MIGRANT** POPULATION started to arrive in large numbers from all over northern AFRICA, SYRIA EGYPT etc... AND MULTIPLIED LIKE FLIES...
Those people have NO REAL CONNECTION to any part of the ROTHSCHILD ISRAEL.... Fair is fair.... DEPORT THEM b/c they hate the OWNER-INVITED RESIDENTS and THEY INCESSANTLY INTEND TO ANNIHILATE THE INVITED RESIDENTS of the Rothschild area who are calling themselves Israelis .....
...so celebrate!!"
Are you being sarcastic, I hope?
Jews are all in the same "Club" sucking Baby Boys Bloody penis is the Jews Startpoint..
They all read and follow their Talmud and Torah rhetoric.jews are all legally known as 'paedophiles' as they all know and preform the same baby boy mutilation....and many babys go into trauma induced shock from the extreme brutalization
I agree with this. People are emotional and they need to get logical.
And who is making these plans feasible? "Trump" and Elon Musk
who has access to privileged information without having been elected by the American "People"
"Make the elite Great Again"👹😡
You really should go live in a communist country to see if you really want the elite in charge
RFK Jr. Confirmed as HHS Secretary. Trump to prohibit COVID-19 vaccine mandates in schools - ESTABLISHING THE PRESIDENT’S MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN COMMISSION https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-confirmed-as-hhs-secretary
Meanwhile Trump gave conditional approval for the avian flu vaccine to contaminate our food supply:
> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/edc8babde973
"I think Trump is doing a lot of good"...
I think you better get mental advise... Stop fucking intimidating people you mental fucking shit... If you are thinking that you are better then other people because of what you believe, then you needed a fucking mental advise.
Read Zechariah. The fact of the matter is all Jews are not equal, & those who live in Jerusalem have become meat in the pot, just as those in Germany! And like every Western Country, those who forced Hitler to war with Poland, have to be exposed & the people taught/brought to their knees to wake them up to look to God, not Govts.
They are not jews, they are khazars, so Zechariah has nothing to do with these genocidal monsters.
What is the difference between the Zionists and the Ashkenazi Jews I’m not sure
zionism is satanism. The khazars that fill israhell with their misery are zionists!
Many Zionist Jews sold out their “own”.
yes, in WW2 the zionist filth sold out the good jews who stayed in Germany in the detention centers. The zionist filth bombed the supply lines starving the good jews and the Germans. The zionists are the monster who killed 275,000 god jews in Germany and the 6 million gassed is 100% ficticious fraud by the zionists as a excuse to steal Palestine.
It’s the “Christian” Zionists I truly do not understand.
Christian and Zionist should not be in the same sentence 🤪.
RFK Jr. Confirmed as HHS Secretary Let the Make American Healthy Again Agenda begin with transparency and informed consent. The world is about to change forever. (MAHA.SHOPPING) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-confirmed-as-hhs-secretary February 13th 2025 Comer, Luna Announce Creation Of The Task Force On The Declassification Of Federal Secrets https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/if-donald-trump-can-declassify-anything Time: President Musk? Trump 2.0 & DOGE, Constitutional Crisis? 1) Powers as Chief of the U.S. Military 2) Sovereignty with Continuity of Government 3) National Emergency PD51 (dogegov.com) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/time-president-musk-whats-really
Boy You swallowed his StupidPlayWithWords bait 'Hook-Line-Sinker' didn't ya????
How to Completely Steal a Peoples’ Land in 8 STEPS.
STEP 1 – Get your paid politician to issue a decree (Balfour Declaration)
STEP 2 – Annex mile by mile of their territory over decades & get your lapdog bitch to pay for it.
STEP 3 – Create a terrorist boogeyman (Hamas) to further your agenda.
STEP 4 – Run a False Flag (October 7, 2023) to pin it on the boogeyman you created.
STEP 5 – Genocide the locals with zero retribution or condemnation by other countries.
STEP 6 – Get your blackmailed/brownstoned Prez to finish the job, ethnic cleans & clear out the land of its inhabitants.
STEP 7 – Build luxurious beach resorts for lavish profits.
STEP 8 – Celebrate with joy, having killed, maimed, orphaned, and displaced millions from their homeland.
This is exactly right. Trump is a pathetic excuse for a human being, if he is one. He deceived all these MAGA supporters. He is not about the United States of America, he's all about the United States of Israel MIGA.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this MIGA / unlawful and egregious Palestine land appropriation is not what Trump voters voted for.
Thus, perhaps the ONLY rational conclusion one can come to is that Trump is indeed compromised by Israel & the Mossad, as I have documented. Anyone disagree, great - just post your own theories in a reply to this.
This two minute music video will help connect some missing dots that many are not aware of.
You’re wrong. It sure was - along with lots of other loony shit. The temporarily deluded Arab Americans didn't vote for the crazy Gaza threats.
Always been skeptical. Now zero trust in him, his peoples, whatever.
Odd thing happening? Folks I know who liked him, think this declaration he made regarding Gaza, was the greatest thing ever.
The genocide intentionally ignored, and marginalized, by folks I thought I knew, whom I thought saw clearly.
Obvious, I'm the dolt
There's more coming. Remember: recently Trump told us that in four years, everything will be "fixed" and we "Christains" will never have to vote again. -- That doesn't sound like MAGA...that sounds like enslaving us ordinary Americans. I'd still like to hear Trump clearly state that he didn't convert to Judaism in 2017:
Did Donald Trump Convert to Judaism & become a Jew?
I know that Ivanka converted because of her husband Jared Kushner.
As for Donald Trump himself, I don't know.
In the video you sent around the 5:30 mark they show an image of a purported article from The Times of Israel titled "Trump: The first jewish president of the united states" from 03/22/19, but I haven't been able to find this article, if it indeed ever existed. Maybe it did and was scrubbed. Who knows. If you have an archived version of it or the original URL, pls share.
Trump: The first Jewish president of the united states
But, I don't see that this article indicates that he has converted...
I can't find any reference to Trump suggesting that people will not have to vote again. Can you cite where he made this claim?
"I'm not a Christian!" Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it!
Listen to the first 26 seconds, when you will hear him state, "And, again: Christians, get out and vote. Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. In four more years, you know what? It will be fixed; it will be fine; you won't have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm not Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you;re not gonna have to vote."
So, what are "they" going to do that will eliminate our right to vote? Word is that Trump signed the Noahide Laws and will use them to prevent Christians from voting,
I saw him say this LIVE and my mind went to 4th Industrial Revolution by Psychopath Klaus Schwab and how AI will run governments so there will be no need for politicians. Agenda 2030 THEY ARE ALL on board.
Edmond P, I did hear him say all that. But would you mind elaborating…what are the Noahide Laws & how will that affect us from voting? 🙏🏻
He stated that "You will only (vote) do it once." I am plugged in to many alternative news outlets and that is the only thing close to what I have heard concerning this statement.
At least you are admiting the TRUTH. You will be blessed and I personally thank you, and pray others eyes will FINALLY be opened.
Are those folks Zionists by chance?
Catholics, not zionists. They dont even know what a zionist is
You mean Christian Zionists. I'm a Catholic and can tell you I ain't no Zionist.
So tell me..
WTF is your intent here? I'm really upset over what is happening directly / all around me, to people I care for. and it seems your just trying to antagonize me. Get to the fucking point, already.
I simply made a statement that people who I thought were good, honest, intelligent people have all been suckered into believing that Trump is doing something fabulous for the war torn people of Palestine. Yet, they cannot see it is perfectly clear that this was a genocide, a land grab, an ethnic cleansing, and they just cannot comprehend what I've been trying to show them.
I cannot wrap my head around the idea that the admiration of this man, causes people to shut down their senses for what is happening right in front of them. This isntba religion issue, its a lack of common sense problem. This is a hero worship problem
They wave the "star of David" which is a flag of a demon. Many don't know. Rephaim (ms).
He told them who he was, They are deaf dumb and blind, Willful ignorance The Father of Vaccines! I'm a snake(demon)! You never have to vote again. If I shot someone on 5th Ave they would still vote for me.
And if you say a word about OCTOBER 7, we will throw your anit-semi ass in prison for 5 YEARS. Just like they do in Germany if you are a Hollycost denier.
“If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.” ― Voltaire
My X post about these 8 steps:
(it's already highly shadow-banned on X thanks to Elon & Yacc)
Well, it seems you struck a nerve! Enlightened truth must be purged, but people still have codified Freedom of Speech, even if it is personally dangerous. A friend wrote a few years back that he'll keep pounding the keys until he is shut down.
Antony Sutton, author of America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones once wrote:
"Watch as events unfold. We are observers. They will destroy themselves. We can help a little, but don't get any bright ideas about overturning the system. They have all the bombs, but we have something stronger - the truth and freedom of spirit.
Be patient, spread the word among friends, do your little bit. The system will self destruct because it is founded on corruption and untruth."
So, that is what we are both doing, and so many others.
We out-number the evil ones by billions.
It's only a matter of time.
I would be opened minded about receiving Palestinians here in the USA before any other ethnic group. Many are Christians.
And many were vaccinated too. Bio hazard.
if oct 7th was false flag why wouldnt arabs say something?
Total land grab. Why not rebuild Gaza for the people who lived there. Insulting talking about building them another place elsewhere. Sad.
Never liked that zionist a hole.
So is the Don though. Notice his illuminate hand signals. Praying to satan.
Scapegoat for I S R A E L
GOAT Tweet by Donaldjtrumpjr, and picture of him and Kushner (in your face) satanic cult hand signals. 6:31 mark.
One little pissy arrogant son of a bitch, must come with the genes as his vaxdaddy always brags about.
He even got caught doing the hand signal but his wife talked to him and he stopped. evil people
Take a look at what his big brother is up to.
Scapegoat for I S R A E L
GOAT Tweet by Donaldjtrumpjr, and picture of him and Kushner (in your face) satanic cult hand signals. 6:31 mark.
I can't begin to wrap my mind around the evil of zionists; jewish or christian. The christians are the worst because 99.9% of them have no idea that zionists view them no more important than a piece of livestock.
REMEMBER his “beautiful” words:
It’ll be FIXED, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to VOTE anymore, my beautiful CHRISTIANS.”
Exactly... There's a lot more that Trump is not telling us.
Peter Thiel, created JD Vance and brought him to Trump at Mar a Lago and said this is your VP. If global technocratic totalitarianism is the goal all of this makes so much sense. Stargate and Land Conquering... TWO THINGS MAGA DID NOT VOTE FOR
I am a Christian and you are correct! This is a spiritual battle and they are complicate in this crime against humanity. We try to wake them up to the truth but they are truly decieved.
I sent my Christian friend who is soooooo clueless about Israel / Zionism the link to the documentary, Occupied by Stew Peters. We were supposed to meet for dinner. She said she felt sick a few hours before. I had already left my house to meet her. Haven't heard from her since. Ah well. People need to wake the f*ck up.
Anyone who is Israel's greatest friend is an enemy to everyone else.
Well they couldn't murder all of the Palestinians so now just relocate them.......people who have been living there for at least 4000 years. Easy Peasy no? And just so ethical.
The Devils are in control.........make no mistake.
"I don't know how they could want to stay, its a demolition site"
Yes Dumbshit, and your psycopathic Izraeli llluminati Handler next to you just demolished it!
Reward the vultures, that's what he's doing.
Yep, EXACT same horseshit they said about relocating the Native Americans.
Ask our Native Americans how well "Relocation" worked for them.
An international, genocidal, psychopath compliments Trump being his shill--and Trump sheepishly grins with pride. Sickening. Beyond evil.
Looks like the plans of the WEF are coming to fruition under Trump. "You will own nothing and be happy." They insist you just your mouth, even if your property has been in your family for generations, they'll take it from you.
Trump is a big, orange fraud.
If people would wake up and learn how to fight the property grab but they won’t. Rosa Koire tells exactly how to stop it at the local level where it is weakest but people don’t care to learn because Trump is their savior.
Check out Middle Nation on YouTube, the man sugar-coats nothing and it hits you in the gut. Trump's followers will deny it but I see it as truth.
Trump will remove anything and everything and everyone who poses a threat to his real Agenda. The plot, MAGA is a complete lie. It's MIGA, if you can't see that it will soon be the United States of Israel, as he sucks on their d*cks every chance he can. This is not a theory, he is doing it right before our eyes. He is a Zionist Jew Pig. Gaza is about him and Jared Kushner making billions a our expense in Gaza and giving these fake ass Jews more and more power over Us!!!
The man on the left just murdered thousands of people.
The man on the right is selling us on a new resort town.
This is insanity.
I hate that Trump has convinced the world that Americans SUPPORT Izrael's genocides.
F*Ck you Trump. These were American bombs that the majority of us didn't want dropped on innocent human beings. I am so outraged I can't listen to this. $$$ as usual, Zionist $$$ running this failing empire. Get ready, we have a lot of karma headed this way.
And now, Trump has handed Netanyahoo 1800 bunker buster bombs. Wonder who Netanyahoo plans on using those bombs on in his quest for a "Greater Israel"? Trump's illustration of using the pen to denote Israel's size with respect to his desk top, indicates that he's fully on board with Israel seizing more Middle East land for forming "Greater Israel".
Sorry to tell you this but Americans funded that genocide. We did nothing about it, people just kept funding it and still do. And no talk about unfunding it that I have heard.
Trump just told Ukraine he expects something in return for all the money we sent them. Maybe it's time to tell Israel that too.
Ukraine will probably be turned into a new Israel.
Funny - I've been thinkng the same thing. It's almost like they're wiping out a generation of young Ukrainian men so Israeli men can replace them.
Israel is trying to make us believe that Kazarians are Semites. The Ukrainian "jews" are Kazarians, NOT Semites. The Rothschilds are Kazarians.
They have to hide somewhere. They chose hiding themselves amongst the Jews. But really I doubt they have any cultural or human loyalty and would sacrifice Jews just as easily as they sacrificed Gazans.
Indeed. It's not so much like Israeli's moving to Ukraine as it is Khazarians returning to Khazaria.