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GREG and ya all , What we are witnessing is "THE" rebuke of all The Rockefeller's influence , every tentacles : food , energy , Pharma ,. All those regulation that made these times possibles for the Octopus - dePopulationist project WILL END. PEOPLE are awake , if you been in the truther community since 9/11 our numbers have grown 1000000 times! We have the receipts and we have a political movement willing to go there ! We have to push those ideas out. Yet again !

When i look at the MAGA , i don't see the republican i see that fable 3rd party replacing them old McCain , Romney , Bush. That era is over.

USA will always guarantee the survival of the Jewish state. That's different than fighting their wars , that's to Israel citizens to sort out. The UN wants you to throw your hands in the air and give up.

Those are the enemy of America !


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200+ Bush, McCain, Romney Alums Endorse Kamala for President, Slam Trump !


See what am saying ? i rest my case.

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Wow you sure got my attention!

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"America First" is a meaningless statement. First at what? By what criteria? At whose expense? First for whom?

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You are stuck in the Limit to growth paradigm. Break free no one has to lose. We can grow the pie instead of dividing it.

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Of course there is enough to go round, and more, ... but not if some hoard it. America consumes 40% of the world's (currently available technologiocally) resources, and it has only 4.4% of the world's population.

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