Thanks Greg for this genuine report on the actual truth of this most loathsome subject to me personally, as I am a 61 yo survivor of SRA both parents, multi generational and serious sick trauma based mind control that I am grateful to God for rescuing me 6 mo pregnant and 2 of my now 7 children. That was 1987, my prayer was answered immediately with a literal miracle of $500!! We took the first train out of there and never went back! Happy to share that shit show ended forever with me and my generation💟
We used to have a pub called, Oddfellows, just along the road from my last home, in North Shields, Tyne and Wear, UK
There was an old Nunnery on the corner of the next street, only a couple of hundred yards from me. The house directly opposite had an old tunnel that lead to the Nunnery.
Now all the I formation that has come out about child sacrifice and adrenachrome harvesting. I wouldn't be surprised if that had been the case, back in the day.
I’m also from the UK and the type of establishment you describe could be found where I used to live too (outskirts of NW London). I know the name Oddfellows also as a pub. It was the first thing I thought when I watched this.
Hi Sane Franciscan, I'll weigh in below you because I can't access a separate comment box.
Greg, I'm not saying I doubt what you write. But some of it is much too black and white.
(edit to add: possibly because that is how I am reading it)
"Inter-generational, or multi-generational trauma abuse is when a person abuses their child, and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on. This increases a person’s susceptibility to Trauma Based Mind Control."
An interpretation of this can be that the cycle cannot be broken. Which I think might be a societal view, in a generalized way.
First, it isn't true.
And second it actually reinforces the cycle when it is generally accepted that it is true.
There are so many who have dealt with trauma in their lives. Our present moment is adding to this. New trauma coupling up with older trauma. We are in the same storm but each of us are in very different boats.
Unless we can learn to support those with deep trauma, raise our understanding of what it means on a deep level. Make emotional well being a priority and make help accessible to all, which it certainly is not. (the present day system, 'mental health' system rests firmly with pharmaceuticals (psyche drugs) and quick scripts and can induce symptoms that can then add to further medicating and sometimes induce severe psychosis)
There are many who have resisted the system of mental health. There are many who, with incredible tenacity, have broken free from it.
In a very generalized way we as humans have a very limited understanding of ourselves.
And I apologize, once again for not listening to your audio.
(I'll see if I can open it, but not sure I have the emotional bandwidth right now)
Edit to add:
I opened your audio and listened and appreciate your writing is the same text.
I'd like to add a piece. Dissociation is when a person can cleave from themselves. This can happen in different ways and to different extremes. It can be a blacking out that might not be noticeable to another.
If you are aware it can be seen. It can also be addressed and shifted quickly.
I have read some who think it is a choice, it is not.
Some traumas are biophysically and mind-body embedded. I was five weeks from birth when my mother ran out to find her two year old run over by a car, and was not allowed into the emergency care with him as he was dying and crying "Mommy!! Mommy!!" until he died.
Don't think for a minute it doesn't affect every single breath of my life. She wanted him back, she didn't want me. Not a girl. And she never stopped hating me for living while he remained dead. She and dad paid a lawyer to set that in stone beyond their deaths.
She NEVER healed from that trauma, and passed it on with vengeance. Oh, she did learn not to tie a human being on a rope in the yard like a dog, so she locked me inside at three years old and made me sit in the corner and sew so I wouldn't talk.
Trauma has a way of growing and spreading a "plague".
We are "educated", ha! trained, schooled in reality, in trauma. Our "his stories" tell us authoriatatively that human nature is territorial and competitive, and endless wars of mass murder are our inheritance and unavoidable. If that ain't trauma, what is?
Oh, and let's not forget "Satan" and "hell" Most important part of the trauma agenda.
What's more, the truth of how it happened was never told. Until the older brother did a "regression" .
No need to edit. We are all here to learn...I hope. It's important that we have permission to learn, to not "know it all", and to let that show. Children need permission to be wrong, to get angry, to be human, and learn.
There are many who know how to trigger and draw blood from these areas of trauma. As long as the "BIG LIES " remain in place, the full healing is blocked. We don't "hurt ourselves" willingly. We carry on and walk on that damaged leg until it damages us even more. That's "the plan", eh?
What female on the planet has not been traumatized for life to learn at a very young age that "there are men who want to do bad things to little girls". For no personal reasons other than our femaleness.
The editing was for my original comment. (I mostly edit for typos at times, but also to add key pieces that I think are important as I reflect on my perspective.
As far as trauma to females by men, I think it's a deep subject as to the why of it.
As far as 'the damaged leg' goes. Sometimes 'we' stop and listen and pay attention to the pain and what it is informing us of and do the work of healing.
Wow! I can relate to so much of what you said Blue Electric Storm! I always felt like my mother hated me deep down! My father stepped out on my mother while they were married! He was unfaithful and lied about it! When they divorced my mother got custody of me and I've always felt like she took her anger out on me because of my father! Which makes sense because I was his kid and I reminded her of him! I always felt her bitterness and rejection while growing up! As an example, which still hurts me to this day, whenever I tried to get my mother a gift, a Christmas present, birthday present, it didn't matter, she always refused my gift! Her piss poor excuse was "you need to save your money" I was like "what a couple of dollars here and there as allowance" like trying to save money like that as a child is going to quickly add up to buy food or pay the rent🤦♀️😆 I knew that something was wrong with that behavior and attitude as a child because it doesn't make sense! I mean what parent that supposedly loves their child/children especially a mother, would want to refuse a gift from her child/children? My mother treated me like that as an adult too, even after I graduated from college and had a job making excellent money! Wow! After thinking about my mother's behavior and attitude towards me over that for a while things started to make sense! My mother was expressing how she really felt about me through refusing any gift or refusing any kindness from me like that, she was basically refusing and rejecting me and any love that I tried give her! That really hurt my feelings, especially as a child! That made me feel completely rejected as a child and that I was doing something wrong! Whatever I tried to give her give she would always give it back to me! The last gift I ever tried to give my mother one Christmas was a beautiful handmade sweater that I payed maybe $35 dollars for back some years ago! I was grown and had a good job and I could afford nice things like that, unlike a child can, and I wanted to do something really nice for my mother! You know what she said to me when I gave her that sweater "oh I don't want that! that's for a young person!" I was like "what" 🤦♀️ she refused it and gave it back to me! I didn't get 1 "thank you" or any appreciation at all from her! After that I told her "ok fine this is the last damn time I'm going get you anything ever again!" And I didn't! A few years later I confronted her and I reminded her about that sweater that I tried to give her and why I believed that she refused it, and boy did I strike a nerve! And I said back to her "yeah exactly as I thought, thanks for confirming that" it's just wrong to treat your child/children like that! She told me many times through the years that she loved me, I was like "yeah right the way you are struggling to say that, who you trying to convince me or yourself?" Me and my husband had just bought our house when I got my mother that sweater so I winded up taking that sweater back home and putting it in the closet on the top shelf in the extra bed room! When me and my husband moved a few years later, I got that sweater and I said "do you remember this?" He said "oh yeah" well I winded up donating that sweater to good will! I said "well maybe somebody can get some enjoyment and beauty out of this ugly sweater!" At that time that brand new sweater was ugly to me! I understand how you feel! Sorry you had to go through that! I can imagine that you dispise sewing today!
Damn. YOu know, maybe those women felt trapped somehow. I mean, if a woman hates being a woman because of "how it is" in patriarchal society, worse yet if she aligns with males in order to join in to the power, maybe all they've rejected is rejected in us.
I wasn't allowed to let my hair grow until I "leave MY house!!" she said. Even my breasts didn't fill out until I was away for a year at college. She could not tolerate touching me. She told me repeatedly as a child that "there's something wrong with you. " I cried myself to sleep so many nights, begging "god" to tell me what was wrong with me. I wanted to die, basically, but something came and told me to hang in as I would have a very interesting life.
There's a place in my astrology chart that shows this devastation. When the Moon passes there or opposite I inevitably fall to pieces. I think "article thirteen" of the second portion of the "trust"papers says it all. My brother who died and I were both born on the 13. And article 13 says that if I "complain", I am to be declared dead.
Nice, huh?
My dad was the oldest, 15, of three boys when his dad split altogether with another woman. Hey, he and grandma had been together 16-17 years or more. She never acted angry or sad at all. She was a happy-go-lucky. But dad was determined to stay stay stay no matter what. So he smoked himself to death to numb the pain of her cruel rule, and he became cruel too, there was no other choice living with her.
The harder I tried. the more she hated me. I did as they said, studied hard and got straight A's, honors, awards, scholarships. Did it all in high school, so much. Editor of newspaper, student council rep. I don't want to go into details anymore it was so cruel what she did, and she would lie about me to my father.
Had a dream as an adult that she had a conehead, which I beat off of her. That woman was not human, and she had no friends, only her younger sister.
French Canadian Catholics. Seems their greatest wish was to name me "whore".
When she visited for one week with me and my first 1981?....this is what a good friend said after: "We knew you had problems, but after meeting your mother, I think you must be an incredibly strong person to have survived living with her. "
What the fuck do you say to that? Yeah, she wouldn't touch one single bite of our organic foods. No one single bite.
I want them to declare me dead, I don't want to ever have any binds ever again to those cruel cruel cruel people. My bros are doing their best to kill me by allowing me zero of that trust.
From the time I walked into a menta ward begging for help to stay alive, at 19, all speech toward me ended. All doors closed hard and locked shut.
For his cowardice and unwillingness to protect me, my dad can stay with her forever, far as I'm concerned. That's what was important to him.
Thanks so very much for listening and sharing with me your own horror. We deserve way better than that.
The truth that was never allowed is that his older, jealous (cause she doted on the second one as he had slightly blond hair like she) brother made him "it" of a hide and seek game soon as he showed up, and got the other kids to bury the two year old, just turned two, under a pile of autumn leaves in the street in front of a parked car.
I don't care anymore that he was only 3 and half. I've seen how older brothers aggress toward their younger brothers. That sad man is 76, and still claims the "right" to push me through a wall, as he did to me when I was 13, he 16. This is what he said to me.
They're not human. That's the only conclusion I can come to. Just not human.
Wow! That's quite a sad story! My question is why does family have to be so cruel to one another? It's really heartbreaking! I believe that there's more dysfunctional families on this planet than there are functional families who really love each other! Truly functional families who love one another is a rarity on this planet!
Yay! You made it out and see the truth of the situation!
There is a great organization, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families, adult that is free/donation based where people help each other recover from trauma and abuse. The Red Book, the main text used, is very high quality recovery material.
Wow! It's so complicated isn't it! Seems like parents love to complicate things for their children! I believe most parents have good intentions in trying to raise their children right, atleast parents did a few years ago! Nowadays I don't know? Kids are raised by their phones and video games today!
I love GGR’s videos and, generally, I either love — or learn from — his takes. This was the first time though (and it was nothing to do with him, it was more my state of mind…. I had just been thinking of the power of the word, how I needed to be more aware, that I should stop calling forth acts with any thoughtless words) that I reflected: but this hasn’t yet happened, Greg, we should not act as if it’s a fait accompli.
So it’s great that you reminded him, and all of us, of that. ✨
I would wonder that many have been traumatized around sex in some way. It's so prevalent in our culture to hold sex in a way that isn't healthy, not respectful of boundaries etc etc. And our present moment has it extremely twisted. I would think by design.
Maybe your mom just thought dirty jokes were not respectful of the sacredness of sex. It doesn't necessarily mean she had experienced a trauma of some sort.
I've met quite a few men who like to flirt in a sexual way. Sometimes I think they are just looking for intimacy and don't begin to know how to find it.
(I'm laughing because you might be thinking right about now... 'oh no... why did I comment here?!')
I could happily go off on a long tangent about this.
Old as dirt, I like that.
Possibly often, people are doing their best. It might not look that way or even be good enough.
Humans can be beautiful destructive beasts, so very contradictory.
Even those who wield great power and do horrible damage might be loving parents. (I shouldn't have written that... it doesn't bear thinking about)
"You're right about that possibility with my Mom. She was a hopeless romantic and raised me to be the same:))))),"
Isn't that what we are in our essence, just love. I came across some writings of a man named Erich Fromm who speaks to love:
'Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an ordination of character which determines the relatedness of the person to the whole world as a whole, not toward one object of love.'
This piece resonates with me. We are about love, about connection. Isn't that what this agenda is trying to sever in us.
If we welcome each other in fully we get the gift of truly being ourselves.
"but she was also insanely manipulative and controlling... and really good at it. You'd never feel the knife. She ran a divide and conquer psyop on my sister and I that lasted until we were 14 and 16 years old and started to compare notes."
I'm sorry. I understand this as well. Lying and manipulating is a choice (I think) we're all capable of being so.
"There have been quite a few TV shows and movies showing evil characters eventually doing good things for their fellow humans in the end... I've analyzed entertainment media programming trends/psyops for five years now, and I'm about to stop. I now know how deep I have to go to help de-program others so I don't need anymore exposure really...
and I swear if I see anymore teal colored anything, or one more person smelling dead people's clothing I'll quietly scream."
I understand what you say about poisoners. (she says as she watches the sky)
Why fishermen though?
Those that run the show are likely too far gone. Healthy boundary setting... possible? I can't know.
As far as 'most people' are too far gone and are the show. I understand why you would feel this way. But maybe question what you think.... Saying 'most people' is likely not an accurate lens to look through.
I'm aware of some of the different aspects of the fishing industry. Farm as opposed to wild with salmon.
The problem of dolphins being killed when fishing with nets.
So many pieces.
And of course the use of plastic and how it's damaging the environment in so many ways. It's use was so amped up to keep us 'safe' these past four years.
I keep thinking of someone who was speaking to a way to compost plastic so it would breakdown. But I don't remember where I came across them.
Just before I had to sell my home as I had debt collectors on my door step (another story). The pub had been taken over in 2022, it was renamed, The Seven Stars. If you go on Google maps, Oddfellows is still in the photos.
How about the abduction and "education in boarding schools" of the Native children in Canada? Education in sexual molestations. To "civilize" the pagan savages. In the Christian traditions.
Yeah I remember hearing something about that! Didn't the queen and prince Philip take a group of native American children in Canada on a field trip and those children disappeared somehow? The queen or any royals never addressed this or claimed that they knew anything when the bones of children were discovered in a mass grave in Canada! All of that was pretty hush hush!
I don't mind sewing. Have done lots of it. I like to make my own and my children's.
Well, I'm going to say something that is not at all popular, but it is how I think and feel.
Maybe...maybe...when humans stop torturing and killing and drinking the blood and eating the flesh of our sister mammalians and their children....maybe it won't be done to us anymore.
Open those doors and there's no stopping what comes in. In that way, we're just as sick as they are.
Yeah, I'm a vegetarian for 46 years now. Except for some wild salmon every few years in the past 20.
We had a place where I grew up in New England, US called The Odd Fellows Home. It was a nursing home for the members of the Odd Fellows. It was a massive old Mansion near the State Hospital Asylum that was even more creepy. They all had interconnecting underground tunnels.
Yeah! This makes complete sense! In a way this is called life on planet/plane earth! I was raised by traumatized parents from the 1930's and the depression who further traumatized me at 6-7 years old through their divorce! I was raised by a bitter angry single mother that took her anger out on me while I was going up! So I might have a little trauma based mind control/stuff going on! I basically think that life sucks and we are all fucked no matter how hard we try! 🤷♀️ Anyway the oldest Rothschild family demon did say that "we do keep love in the family" meaning that they are all interbred demons!
"I basically think that life sucks and we are all fucked no matter how hard we try!"
That belief no doubt comes from your trauma. I had an angry mother too. Her rage really messed me up. The good news is that you can heal from trauma. I have healed from so much. I'm not all the way to the end of it yet, but I'm getting there.
Yeah I believe that we all have some childhood trauma going on! I'm surprised that my above comment is getting so many likes! But yes I agree with you about working through trauma, which I am also doing! Children don't come into this world "messed up and "F'ed up" it's this insane world that messes us up! Basically we have traumatized people having children who pass that trauma on to their children in one way or another! Religion is also good at telling us that we are "messed up" because we are born "sinners" I don't know if I agree with that one or not because how has a newborn baby sinned if our souls are pure and come from the Most High Creator? Because a newborn baby hasn't done anything bad yet out of his or her own free will to even be considered a "sinner!" To me this concept sounds like the fact that we even exist is bad and we have "sinned" just because we are born! It doesn't make sense! I'm not responsible for what Eve did in the garden out of her own free will! She made that decision to get involved with Satan out of her own free will choice and she convinced Adam too! Just because both Adam and Eve decided out of their own free will by choice to do wrong shouldn't be a burden put on all people who are born into this life! I think that my above comment hits home with a lot of people and we all feel that way to some extent! It starts as soon as we're born! We're constantly told "we're bad" "you need to behave/you better behave" "you better be good" that makes children feel bad about themselves and that something is wrong with them! Children basically grow up feeling "broken" and become "broken" adults! It seems to me that parents focus more on the negative things with their children than on the positive things, but then again that's just me! Like for example my mother constantly told me "you look awful" I don't remember at any time while I was a little girl growing up that my mother told me that I was beautiful and that she was happy that I was in her life! I mean little girls want to be told that they are beautiful by their parents, especially their mother! So as a result I grew up hating the way I looked! Is it any wonder, I believe a lot of young women probably feel that way because a woman's worth as a human being is based on how she looks in this life! Which I think is silly now and I've worked through all of that! Of course how a person looks is important in many ways, a person wants to be and look healthy and not sick which I think is most important because if a person is healthy on the inside then it will show on the outside! We all want to be our best selves and love ourselves in this life and I'm seeing that a lot of people have issues with self love! Which does make sense because as children we're constantly told that we're bad and that we are always doing something wrong and getting punished for something more than we get praised for doing anything! Many children are abused physically and I don't have to elaborate on that but many more children have to endure verbal abuse! I had to, every time I turned around I was getting shamed by my mother for something! I don't ever recall her praising me for anything she never said anything, I only got criticized! She talked down to me alot or talked down at me a lot! I didn't have a good relationship with either one of my parents! I decided early in life that I wasn't going to have children in this lifetime, why bring an innocent child into this fucked up world! So that trauma stopped with me! I didn't want to traumatize an innocent souls by bringing children into this world, well I didn't mean for this comment to be this long either.
Thanks for your long comment. I'm sorry you had to go through all that as a child. It sounds like you have a lot of awareness now, which is good.
When we were children, we had no choice but to align ourselves with our parents' thoughts and feelings. They held the power of life and death over us after all.
Now as adults, if someone crosses a line with us, we can defend ourselves. We can fight back, but as children we couldn't do anything except soak the abuse up.
If your mother says to you as a child, "You look awful," then you have to take on board that belief yourself, and any feeling of being wounded or of betrayal or anger has to be buried deep. We were not allowed to feel our feelings if they would contradict our parents' feelings, so we had to bury them deep and and seal them off where they would fester.
My mother used to criticize me all the time too. One random childhood memory: I am wiping a table with a cloth, and my mother explodes in anger at me because I am doing wrong. She used to randomly explode in rage a lot. I would live in fear of that. I think it's especially bad if you are a sensitive child.
As a result, I spent most of my life with my mother in my head critiquing everything I did. Often it would be easier for me to do nothing or to not take chances that I should have because then I couldn't be criticized.
I agree with you about religious abuse. That is a big one. People picture God as some kind of alcoholic narcissist who will maybe tolerate us if we do what he says and if we suck up to him enough.
I believe that is a total blasphemy that goes against a plain reading of the Bible. It's clear in the Bible that God does not condemn us. (John said: "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.")
God is good. God is unconditional love. God loves us. God *likes* us.
If you understand that God likes you, then that will be tremendously liberating to you.
Here's how I read the Garden of Eden story: First of all, we have to understand that Adam and Eve represent humanity as a whole. They are not individuals as such. The story tells us how we, humanity, got into the predicament that we are in.
Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil rather than from the Tree of Life. That means that they followed their own thoughts and understanding rather than following the guidance of God. (Isaiah said: "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.")
Notice that God does not get angry with Adam and Eve in the story when they went astray. He even makes little tunics for them to wear to protect them. And he says that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the snake, which many take to be a prophesy of the coming of Jesus, who would rescue us and show us the way home.
Paul said that Jesus was the "last Adam", meaning that humankind was regenerated in Him.
Going back to your original statement, "I basically think that life sucks and we are all fucked no matter how hard we try!"
This is how I think about it:
Yes, life does suck in the sense that it is exceptionally difficult. Abuse rains down on us like torrents of mud in a mudslide. But behind it all, ultimate reality is good. God is good. We do happen to live in a pocket of reality that is particularly awful. In principle at least life could be quite pleasant if we could all heal from our trauma. I am optimistic that we could get there. In any case, even if we don't, I believe that we will see that it was all worth it in the end because ultimate reality is good.
And we as individuals can still thrive even amidst the horrors. David in Psalm 23 said: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies". The image here (not necessarily to be taken literally) is having a picnic in complete serenity in the face of enemies that are trying to kill us. Personally speaking, even though the world is particularly awful right now, I've never been happier myself.
Well I hate to be a negative Nancy! I've been through a lot in this life! It just feels like regular people like myself can't catch a break because there's always something around the corner coming to "f" up life and make it more miserable! When things like that happen I face whatever the problem is and deal with it the best I can! Life goes on and you move on! The reason why I think life sucks is because I don't get any breaks to fully enjoy life and obviously many other people feel the same way! Once you get slammed into enough brickwalls in this lifetime it can leave you feeling bitter and jaded, that's basically how I feel! I stay prepared for the next brickwall to come around the corner and I position myself in the best way possible so it won't hurt as bad once I slam into it, but it still hurts and I deal with it! I'm a realist and I face reality, I learned that early in life! The reality of this world is, is that everything we've learned and been taught is a lie, and the one's that initially created all of the lies continue to lie about the first lie, if any of that makes any sense! I believe what I just said does make sense to people who are awake to these truths, and I'm not talking about being "woke" either 🙄 my God I hate that word now and I just wish that word would get removed from the English language! But some people are waking up to the sad reality that we are in that's all been based on lies, I mean our government lies to us and always has, politicians have always lied to us and the churches and religion have lied to us, or basically told us half truths! Once I awakened and realized that everything that I've ever been taught is a lie then I started searching for the truth, researching!(notice how I didn't say "woke up"😆)! Like back in the 1990s when me and my husband first started dating he introduced me to shortwave radio and he liked to listen to William Bill Cooper's show on shortwave radio! Well that was my first huge red pill to the reality of this world! Bill was telling us what was going to happen back then and we are living in that future today and they killed him for it, shot Bill to death in his front yard! Why? Because Bill Cooper was telling people the truth that the "liars" telling the lies didn't want the public to know! This is how I see it, the people who share information and tell the public information about society and what's going on in this world suddenly get murdered, get killed in an accident, commit suicide, or just plain get "offed" all of a sudden after sharing and making some information public is the people I listen to and pay attention to because those people are trying to tell us something! Bill Cooper back then called the American people blind and stupid because we were not paying attention! He was right! Many Americans are still blind and stupid and not paying attention to reality! People are waking up but I believe it's too late! People believe that they can vote their way out of this mess! Nah, it's too late for that! Bill tried to tell us these things back in the 1990s! Many people are suffering from cognitive dissonance today! Convid was a lie, the jab was a lie and people lined up like good little obedient 🐑 and did what the government told them to do! I just wonder what Bill Cooper would be saying today if he was alive! The liars would try and kill him still, shut him down and deplatform him like a lot of other people have been deplatformed nowadays! This is the reality I see and it makes me angry! The awake people are angry because we see reality and the evil plans playing out and we don't know what to do to stop our eventual enslavement! JFK tried to tell us too and look what happened to him! Alright I've babbled long enough! With everything going on I do focus on the things that make me happy and bring me joy, I change the things that I have control over for the better if I can! I don't know what's gonna happen! I do my best not to focus on it! With everything I've said, that's basically why I think this life sucks!
I agree that society is bad. I knew that something was up from childhood when the teachers at school would treat us like inmates rather than as human beings. Things crystallized for me with 9/11: At first I thought, "There is no way they could be that evil!" But after a while it dawned on me that they could indeed be that evil. And now I believe that those at the top have a mania for controlling us and holding the power of life and death over us, and they get a thrill from damaging and killing us.
I'm not going to take the black pill though. Demoralization is a primary weapon of warfare. If you can demoralize the enemy, then you have already won. If we are demoralized, then they have already won. I am not going to be demoralized because I am not going to let them use that mind-control on me. They cannot control my mind.
Psychologists did experiments on dogs in the 60's to study "learned helplessness". They gave dogs random electric shocks that the dog had no ability to avoid. After a while, the dogs just gave up and accepted the shocks. They got into a state of learned helplessness, and then even when those dogs in that state of mind were given the power to avoid to the shocks, they didn't take it. They just continued to accept the shocks and whimper. That's a bad state of mind to be in.
Again, I am going to resist that mind control.
If it ever comes to it, they can kill me if they want. I will try to defend myself of course, but if I can't, I would hope to go out like St Stephen, whose face shone like and Angel's when they killed him.
I know that there is a greater reality. In some sense what we are living in is a bad dream. They can never touch my true self.
"With everything going on I do focus on the things that make me happy and bring me joy, I change the things that I have control over for the better if I can! I don't know what's gonna happen! I do my best not to focus on it! With everything I've said, that's basically why I think this life sucks!"
Yes, I agree with you. This life sucks. But I believe that if we zoom out a bit, we can see that the life of our true selves does not suck.
Yeah I saw 9/11 happen on live TV that morning! I had just gotten to work and everybody was focused looking at the TV and I wondered what was going on! I looked at the TV and saw smoke coming out of the first building! The first plane had hit probably 5 minutes before! Then me and my coworkers all watched the second plane hit, then we all watched both buildings collapse 😲 I was like "what the hell!" "Everybody got out of those buildings, right!" "Nobody was in those buildings, right!" I think a lot of people started waking up when 9/11 happened! There used to be a video online of when Bush, Jr. was first told about the World Trade Center and I don't know if that video is still online or not, it may have been scrubbed from the internet! But Bush, Jr. was visiting a classroom of 1st or 2nd grade children and a secret service agent came in and whispered about the World Trade Center and I watched the look on Bush,Jr's face and he had to know what was going to happen because he had a look of "oh shit, they did it!" That whole event stinks to me! We still don't know the truth and we probably never will! I believe it was an inside job as do many other people! There's videos all over BitChute about 9/11 being a controlled demolition! So yeah these people(governments and the controllers) are that evil!
As far as school goes I hated it! School just trains children to be obedient workers (slaves) basically! Children need to be taught reading, writing, math and how to count of course but children are not taught how think critically in school! They are told to follow and obey the rules mostly and how to memorize information!
Well I might be a little "black pilled" but I'm not in a state of hopelessness like those poor dogs became! I'm "black pilled" with anger, bitterness, cynicism, and some apathy(just burned out and tired)tired of all the negatively going on 24/7! and the evils getting away with what they do! I just think that they always will! Plus the fact that human beings do experiments on animals like what was done to those poor dogs is wrong and disgusting!😡
I'm angry and ready to fight these globalist bastards and send them to hell where they belong! The rest of America needs to get as angry as I am! I told my husband many times if I could get rid of these evil bastards by myself I'd do it! But I'm only 1 woman and no I'm not demoralized or mind controlled! I think the people that think that they can vote their way out of their own enslavement are definitely mind controlled! The only way we are going to get out of this is for people to stop complying all of us unite and stop letting them keep us divided! And definitely don't let them take our guns and disarm us!
I feel the same way, I will go down fighting! I would rather die free than live the rest of my life as a slave!
Yeah I gotta zoom out and not think about these things because what's going on makes my blood boil and being in that state is not healthy!
But these Rothschilds intermarried with Nazi family elite and other European elite. I also believe these people can be properly called "mixed multitudes." Watch the movies REMEMBER and The CUTTER. In both movies, the supporting actor or actresses were actual Holocaust survivors and always talked about these things. These Luciferian families want the Apocalypse because they believe Lucifer (Satan) will beat God's Son (Jesus Christ) and run the universe. Explains why the Luciferian want Iran to have nukes and high technology so they cam help expedite the Return of the Christian Messiah who's also the Jewish Remnant's Messiah and punish both the Gentile Kingdoms and the Rogue Zionists (international zionism).
Oh sure they all intermarried! If they didn't marry their own cousins then they married into another elite family! It has been speculated that all of these elite families are the same bloodline coming from the same ancestors, but they've just branched off with different names! They all stick together!
Exactly! I don't really celebrate Christmas or Easter! People should learn the origins of these things! Roots in paganism! Here's a book that I recently got on Amazon! "The Roots of the Federal Reserve: Tracing the Nephilim from Noah to the US Dollar" That's gonna be an interesting read! And I think it will explain a lot too!
Ironically, these techniques are being pushed by many in the 'freedom community' under the guise of 'preparedness,' terrifying the vulnerable into buying their products and surrendering their discernment so that they can no longer identify reality as they chase ghosts.
There is also 'cancel culture' happening on many levels. Isolating some who question what many can't, within the 'freedom movement'. (which in turn amplifies reactive defensive behavior) And stopping the speech of those who question small pieces.
Many (edit to ad: some) are very amped up and highly reactive and quick to ban or block or manipulate or abuse without much ability to reflect.
(I've had to scrape myself off the floor many times)
And as I spin off into a small rant... think of those dealing with shunning in this moment, who then get banned and how the two couple up together.
I'll just drop this here in case Greg sees it, but I have never really hear InfoWars go after the DOD for any of this in any meaningful way or how X is an arm of the DOD. In any case, work is starting to disappear after I published this so I must be over the target.
Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.
I've been saying all along that the tech in at least some of the 'vaccine' has to be straight out of DARPA and WARP SPEED was literally sold to us as a military operation .
You are very welcome. The whole thing was a military operation started by the DOD. 'Pharma' just held the bag and is designed to take the fall. If 'pharma' did this, the DOD should be suing pharma at least for hurting and killing their own troops but they are not. They gave pharma indemnity with the vaccine contracts for services rendered.
How many times have you spoken out on substack about this? How many times and for how long? Are you raising awareness where it needs to be raised or are you in a box, an echo chamber?
All of this is resting on a house of cards. And you can bang your head against the wall until your head bleeds. (possibly the wall as well) You can understand the pieces in all their specifics. Whose done what to whom and why, the history of it.
But the house of cards needs to come tumbling down. The nature of disease and contagion. Or maybe more specifically in this moment the understanding that if the beings of this earth are being poisoned systematically and that poisoning is called 'contagious disease', which from my understanding has been happening for a very very long time. And then a 'vaccine' or a 'drug' is developed to treat the said disease, which in turn creates more symptoms, which are then called by the name of the disease or variants of the disease and more 'vaccines' and in this case boosters are needed or various drugs.
Does one endlessly argue about the existence of viruses or does one focus on the existence of toxins. (maybe at times used to combat some environmental evil, existent or non.)
Where does one put ones focus? On the institutions that are pushing the coverup of the release of toxins by calling the reactions to the toxins symptoms of disease and continuing endlessly down this slippery slope. Or do you put the emphasis on the toxins themselves.
Which road do you travel?
Do you follow the convoluted road of who is doing what and whose behind them and behind them. Which I am not saying is unimportant.
But will you forever loop here and continually speak to people in said organizations, who are quite likely 'drones'. (can a drone take action against those who guide it? Possibly, but maybe unlikely?) Can you speak to those in power? Can those in power be reasoned with?
Or are speaking in the echo chamber of a box where those you speak to understand. And have for a long time.
Do you find ways to mitigate the impact of the toxins, which must also be done. Or do you put light on the toxins themselves. And find ways to stop the release of them.
And in the end what are you fighting for? Your own survival or the survival of humans or of all beings, plant life, soil, oceans and all the animals that these ecosystems support? (many of whom are also being culled or vaccinated in the name of contagious disease)
And has your approach lost any semblance of balance as it gains speed and draws you into it's vortex. If you are fighting for humanity is your's intact. Or have you lost sight of it in the midst of this insanity?
Are you struggling with your own mortality?
Is what you are doing a trauma response to the insanity?
The man who used to be lead local sheriff in the county that I live in, told me he just wanted to keep his head down until his term was up. He said he didn't like playing politics.
He kept his head down to an extent and got out.
But he also believed people should be talking about what was happening whether they agreed with each other or not.
Watched this yesterday ~ Jimmy Dore interviews Alex Jones (including Tucker Carlson "Dark Forces" inset discussion) Interview 1-1-2023.
Does he talk about the US DOD creating, pushing and distributing the vaccines and Trump as commander in Chief of Operation Warp Speed? Unless so, not interested.
No, of course he doesn't. The part that interested me was Tucker's stammering about "dark forces." It was about 3/4 of the way thru. I'd heard about this Tucker interview but hadn't seen it else where. I usually don't cross post much, especially AJ, but since I came across it I decided to share. My bad for wasting your time. I'll be more mindful of what your specs are in the fututre. Ttyl : )
His time does not have more worth than yours. He's pushing himself too hard and being unkind. (I think he's more in the eye of the storm than many of us)
All of this is resting on a house of cards. And you can bang your head against the wall until your head bleeds. (possibly the wall as well) You can understand the pieces in all their specifics. Whose done what to whom and why, the history of it.
But the house of cards needs to come tumbling down. The nature of disease and contagion. Or maybe more specifically in this moment the understanding that if the beings of this earth are being poisoned systematically and that poisoning is called 'contagious disease', which from my understanding has been happening for a very very long time. And then a 'vaccine' or a 'drug' is developed to treat the said disease, which in turn creates more symptoms, which are then called by the name of the disease or variants of the disease and more 'vaccines' and in this case boosters are needed or various drugs.
Does one endlessly argue about the existence of viruses or does one focus on the existence of toxins. (maybe at times used to combat some environmental evil, existent or non.)
Where does one put one's focus? On the institutions that are pushing the coverup of the release of toxins by calling the reactions to the toxins symptoms of disease and continuing endlessly down this slippery slope. Or do you put the emphasis on the toxins themselves.
Which road do you travel?
Do you follow the convoluted road of who is doing what and whose behind them and behind them. Which I am not saying is unimportant.
But will you forever loop here and continually speak to people in said organizations, who are quite likely 'drones'. (can a drone take action against those who guide it? Possibly, but maybe unlikely?) Can you speak to those in power? Can those in power be reasoned with?
Or are speaking in the echo chamber of a box where those you speak to understand. And have for a long time.
Do you find ways to mitigate the impact of the toxins, which must also be done. Or do you put light on the toxins themselves. And find ways to stop the release of them.
And in the end what are you fighting for? Your own survival or the survival of humans or of all beings, plant life, soil, oceans and all the animals that these ecosystems support? (many of whom are also being culled or vaccinated in the name of contagious disease)
And has your approach lost any semblance of balance as it gains speed and draws you into it's vortex. If you are fighting for humanity is your's intact. Or have you lost sight of it in the midst of this insanity?
Are you struggling with your own mortality?
Is what you are doing a trauma response to the insanity?
Vic, you are not the only one who has lost accounts because you have spoken out on social media.
Many have, myself included.
Your work is also not the only work of value right now.
But if you loose sight of your humanity (and I would suggest you know what I am referring to) you're loosing the battle itself. This is exactly what 'they' want from us.
Maybe if you want Greg to feature your work you could talk to him privately.
My entire life purpose - and I would add likely most people's life purpose - is to NOT be like our parents. In many ways, I've succeeded but I still feel their imprint on my feelings and behaviour from time to time. I loved my parents despite their flaws, however, other than myself, my siblings live sad, crippled lives from the trauma we all experienced. It's interesting to note that I was in the hospital for a year after drinking oven cleaner at the age of 2. That year may have made all the difference in that I received so much loving attention from the nurses that I didn't suffer the neglect of a mother with 5 children who was beaten and raped regularly by an alcoholic father. Incredibly, she found the courage to kick him out, but not until after he molested my sister and I.
The human species seems doomed to become extinct if only due to our inability to heal from our inter-generational trauma. Healing myself has been a lifelong journey and I'm deeply grateful for all the help and support I received. But I had to WANT to work on my own trauma. My siblings, sadly, don't even feel worthy enough to seek help. It's heartbreaking seeing their lives - now that we're all in our 60's - wasting away. It doesn't help that we lost a brother in a car accident when he was 21 and a younger sister due to medical malpractice.
And yet, I do still try to maintain a healthy, positive outlook. I try to treat people with compassion even as I push back against those who mistreat me. I'm a long way from being fully healed. In fact, I don't believe there ever can be a state of fully healed. But I've come a long way and I know it's possible.
Oh, and as a side-note...I'm a two-time cancer survivor - NO chemo/radiation. I used natural healing modalities because I had the good fortune to have a girlfriend who was a naturopath. She educated me about alternatives to conventional medicine and I'm here, healthy and educating others. My younger sister, who had cancer twice at the same time as me, wasn't so lucky. She was coerced into doing conventional therapy by her employer who wouldn't provide disability coverage with any other treatments. I believe she would still be alive as we had the same diagnosis and prognosis - breast cancer.
After repairing my body from terminal illness using natural healing, ten years later I realize that if I had done standard-of-care medical treatment I would be dead now.
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story and for demonstrating the body's amazing ability to repair itself, naturally.
I'm grateful to have come across your comment and congratulations on your victory over cancer without allowing the addition of toxic chemo and radiation to destroy your God given divinely created immune system! I'm battling anal cancer for 2 years now and truly seeking the path you took...please any kind of assistance, references or help to find alternative healing that works would literally save my life! I'm a 61 yo grateful survivor of SRA, retired RN single mother of 7, grandma of 9 & I have a mission to complete still! May you be blessed, Ty kindly.💞
You truly have evolved into the God you were born to be in-spite of the abuse that was your childhood. Still having compassion and empathy for those around you makes your Soul vibrate positive energy to everyone. My heart bleeds when I read of your abuse, but feeling how you still have empathy for all those around you gives me that Devine feeling of being connected to you. Your Light shines very brightly.
Literally just now watched the Netflix documentary on sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts of America. Unbelievable ... and even more unbelievable that they massively blocked the guy hired to be the child protection person from doing his job.
This is exactly what is happening! This is your best. VERY powerful final paragraph: "If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma."
Greg Reese quoted: "If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma." Reese's quote is very relevant. When the cabal hatches a plan, they develop it to the stage where they think their objective will succeed to capture and destroy us. As long as God is watching over us, and He certainly does, they will never achieve their purpose, and neither can Satan hide what his evil intentions are from us. Throughout the Bible, and today especially with new technology, the book of Revelation, which is the best source of reference, can be closely understood with the help of the Holy Spirit to understand what we are experiencing unfold before us.
When we are aware that God has everything under control, and we can place our hope and faith in Jesus Christ, our security is sure and certain.
Halleluyah🛐✝️💟🕎 I agree with your comment and All Glory to my Creator God & Beloved Messiah I have been completely forgiven, sanctified , my body soul & emotions healed by Jesus who rescued me & my babies from generational SRA cult and several decades later now I am renewed by the Word, filled by the Ruah HaQodesh and more stable, steadfast faith and content @ peace in life knowing where my eternal soul and loved ones will enjoy eternity in Paradise with Our Omnipotent Lovingkind Creator YHVH Yeshua🕎💟🛐✝️
Well of course we are secure, sure and certain of our salvation Tawny Baker. The Lord Jesus defeated Satan through His death to our sin and by the cleansing of His blood. Allelujah!
Amen Brother. I don't know how much trauma or PTSD you've experienced Neil, From my humble heart & soul, may I say it is easy for one to say of course we are secure in Yeshua....yet when our own security base & stability has been intentionally destroyed by SRA evildoers at the tender age under 5....It takes more than a mindful Bible understanding to know one is truly secure, and only My Messiah knows how to assure me to my foundations forever that this is true. Blessings, a very grateful 61 yo survivor saved eternally by my Kinsman Redeemer whose perfect shed blood stones for all my sins & washes me white as snow. Halleluyah❣️🙌🏻🫶🏼🎚🩸💦🕎🛐✝️💟🌈💚💖💜💙
Tawny Baker, your security base and stability that was destroyed through SRA can be restored. Continue to place your faith that Jesus Christ will help you achieve this.
If people controlled by Satan persecuted Jesus, even those who were of His own nation, the Jews, then as Jesus warned us they will do the same to His servants. All those who follow the Lord Jesus will endure hardships in this life.
¹⁸ “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. ¹⁹ If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. ²⁰ Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. (John 15:18-20).
Shabbat Shalom fellowservant & brother in Christ Yeshua🕎✝️✨🌟✨⚖️ May the King of Kings 💫bless you richly and abundantly fill your spirit man with the never-ending bounties from the 🌹🤍maturing fruits of 🌬Ruach HaQodesh 🛐🕎🧬& renewing of our hearts & minds through His Living Word! I'm grateful you took the time and caring effort to comment/reply to me twice now😁 That's a first for me & I confess...this subject struck such a personally resonating chord 🧬💜in me and the core being the eternal soul essence of Tawny...the brilliant writing skills of my favorite alt/ journalist the talented Mr. Gregg Reese's sub stack words were like a flaming arrow of TRUTH that shot 🚀🏹🎯🧨🧬🩸🗝💌❤️🔥♐️💬🌀⁉️🆘🛐🕎✡️✝️💟💘💜💙💚right off the page straight into my being & shattered (in a good way) the Ice wall❄️💨❄️ I had built around my ❤️🩹💔❤️🔥badly broken little girl self as far back as I can recall....the lack of having a stable healthy relationship with our mother and father providing consistent emotional & physical interaction stability security as nurturing loving care from both parents cannot be overstated in its profoundly devastating outcomes if denied or neglected leaving traumatic scars that will never go away or get better w time... instead depriving an infant or young human of any age ...the younger the more severe the damage is done & never goes away from psyche inner self dialogue/ self esteem or worth....self image and inability to progress naturally to next stages of human growth development, despite High IQ, will stagnate at certain level when abused or forever seek unhealthy coping mechanisms in attempt to overcome childhood unmet needs, very common for couples to marry one w similar history and immature growth development stage in unconscious effort to fix self or spouse as well! This never helps either and often ends dysfunctional domestic violence divorce and worst of all negative outcome for children who are innocent victims of generational abuse cycles, and many like my family of Origin trapped demonically into atrocious vile satanic sexually ritualistic abuse of their own flesh and blood children. Where they are thought of not as Creator made & blessed a family w fruit of their womb children are a treasured heritage, an honor, they belong to Creator, we didn't make them He did, we will answer for how we raised them w love to present back to Him one day ⚖️🎚💜🧬💘🌀Woe woe woe to pedophiles esp SRA parents that perpetuate the most heinous acts upon their own flesh and blood, profit making pornography steal the innocence of their own babies and then the same to grand babies abusing authority positions of power to 🌀❤️🔥🆘💔⁉️⚖️Lie kidnap lie steal & abuse legal system to cover up heinous truth of crimes against their own offspring and selling to other sick psychopathic pedophiles that infested our cities and nation long ago and still thrive everyday, praise God for those who bravely stand up for our children, my life mission revolves around this most important truth. Children and babies deserve our best love affection protection healthy touch & proper nutrition, normal happy childhood play, education safety support. Not used & abused as a source of $$$$ or disgusting perv sex satisfaction!! Nothing is worse to me, than a selfish pig adult abusing a vulnerable innocent child for their own sick depravity! That has to be demonic, satanic from the pits of hell itself!! Yeshua said in the Kingdom of Heaven, the child is thought of as the Greatest...& we are to become like them. I love to share those truths w/ kids, esp rescued little ones with scared hurt sad lonely heart shattered sense of self, esteem, security, soul spirit split mind or personality they call it. ....I can testify that Creator Messiah loves the little children infinitely & in His Fathers house are many millions of aborted souls and traumatically satanic ritual abused children of God, Yeshua & His Holy Angelic Host Heal and minister restoration Healings by the Most High Spirit God of All. The Omnipotent Great I AM has supernatural living waters of His perfectly designed resonant Healing waters,🧬🎚💦🌊💧🌬💦✨🌟✨🌈🍀🌴👑🦁 Through His precious Atoning blood sacrifice we are washed clean white as snow 🌬💟💦🎚⚖️🧬, renewed by the living Word of God Himself who also provides the supernaturally blessed miraculous leaves of His tree of Life these leaves are given to those in need by ministering Angelic messengers for healing & Restoration by the King of Kings Himself ✨🌟✨🌹❤️🔥🍀👑🌬💦 in all His Emerald Rainbow Glory ✨🌈🌟✨🌈👑💚
See Revelation 4:3. In August 2017 Yeshua opened the window/ Dalet of Heaven and blessed me and my 7 children (+now 10 grandchildren🫶🏼🙌🏻) with capturing on my cellphone a series of photos we took of us front of house.. w the most exquisite elegant uniquely beautiful wonder that I've ever seen on film or a photo! 100% REAL, honestly, no fake or photoshop. This is undeniably God Heavensent. I've searched ever since but can find nothing that compares, the only thing that comes anywhere close is Aurora borealis, esp the greenish colors, yet it really is something else!! I had never thought Rev. 4:3 was a literal flowing Emerald Rainbow Glory!! It's more divine than anything on earth, and it gives me great Joy and Blessed Hope each time I gaze upon its beauty and the way it comes from Heavens clouds to encircle me and all my kiddos so beautifully engulfing us in its glorious majesty✨💚✨🌈💜💚✨🌟 I am so grateful to Yeshua Abba Father Holy Spirit for rescuing my family and I from hell on earth, all the blessings and love we continue to share and for all my hours meditating w Beloved Yeshua, His Word, I delight in finding Him in every book of the 66 that are His Bible, the Glorious Moedim that are All about Yeshua the Messiah!!! Our Redeemer who has collected every one of our tears in bottles, just as His word says. Because He loves us and was w us every time. He will wipe away every tear in Heaven and restore us to Glory thru his living river of life💦🌊💧and when He comes to rescue His spotless Bride We are told we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye✨🌟✨👑🧬🫶🏼🎚Glorified sanctified Justified All through the precious blood of Yeshua🌹👑 My apologies for rambling so long, as time gets closer to His promised coming, I am more compelled by the Ruach to share from my heart and soul. If my testimony touches one soul, All Glory to Elohim🫶🏼🎚🌹 I humbly thank u my brother for your kind words may we meet n Heaven glorifying Our King of Kngs 👑 Halleluyah PS I would love to share the Emerald glory photo w others to exalt Creator and uplift His children✨🌈💚✨🌟🛐🫶🏼><> Godspeed
Reese, excellent as always. Your summary is spot on. I am not sure if you are aware of how right you are related to our current debt and identity conversion. As described, this is precisely how mankind is converted to a name ["rather than owning your name"] through the creation of evidentiary paperwork starting with the Birth Certificate. We are then programmed through registrations and licenses to believe we need some sort of authority permission for things that are actual rights.
Adhesion Contracts and corporate paperwork, all created slowly over 150 plus years, have been put in place to remove any awareness of the conversion. We believe we have jobs, have an income, are employees, are residents, are persons, and have real property. This is all because of the paperwork they hand us ["created by the BAR association legal society"] and we do not ask simple questions about the definitions of the words on the paper. Once there is enough time and exchange of paperwork to provide presumption of identity through jurisdiction conversion, we no longer realize we are NOT our names "[in capital letters and other versions"] and that we are in a municipal military district jurisdiction. We allow lawyers to highjack our common law courts and leave people thinking they need representation. Instead we live in fear of a false authority that we gave them through all the presumptive paperwork. All constructive fraud.
What you describe is exactly what has happened. Since there is now enough paperwork "agreement" evidence for each "person" ["law of persons"], the government and the WHO with the use of the UN can now easily walk in a "prove" property and assets do not belong to the people anymore. The hypothecation of identity, and assets, and property has occurred starting with the military district courts after the "civil war". It was then expanded to birth certificates and voter registration, and finally with FDR putting in place the mortgage of all private property. This was accomplished by "pledging" the property and the people through U.S. citizen conversion ["General Rule 100 aka the Lieber Code, was initially for federal military and people, not people on the land of the states"], and never providing those people the credit to balance the books for the debt they are racking up against our credit with the use of the SS number bond account and birth certificate bond accounts.
This can all be fixed peacefully to get the people's rights back, however; people are so brainwashed, they believe they need permission to correct their own evidence and record it publicly. There is no need for kinetic push back ["unless property or family is directly threatened"]. All that is required is the reversal of paperwork that has slowly converted people to "persons" over time.
This is probably the best summary i have seen from you to date. And that is comparing a wealth of previous excellent reporting. But, i am not sure people will understand the basic issue of identity theft. We have suffered ["suffered being the operative word as we voluntarily chose to allow this to happen"] the crime of name stealing by the government and their handlers over decades of slow manipulation.
It can be fixed. We were set up by the countries founders as a Republican form of local government ["not party election government"] under Natural and Common Law derived from Divine Law. Yet, we allow military admiralty/maritime/canon law to supersede our land law.
By simply correcting our paperwork ["as a fundamental start"], we can start to work locally and correct the mistakes.
Read of the German child rearing techniques which were massively trauma oriented in Susan Griffin's "A Chorus of Stones: The Private Life of War. " The history presented in this book is very revealing, broad stroked, and massively compounded through personal histories. A truly amazing work.
I got angry once with a friend because of this kind of thing. My children and I kept getting feelings ..seperately...that the house we lived in was going to burn. Someday. When one of the children mentioned this to Lavinia as we were walking together..she was young...she said "Oh, don't say that or it will happen!!" I objected strongly and corrected her immediately!
The house did burn. When the person after us was renting it, many months later.
This would explain the Biden and his pedo family. Unfortunately most people can’t envision true evil acts committed by the pseudo Global elites. As a Christian we can see pure evil this is Satan vs God ! We know God wins. Greg another fascinating article. You make us old soldiers proud!
Greg, you did it again! Pointing out exactly what they have accomplished through centuries of secret societies, foundations and fake charities. They played the long game, and it is a winning game because there are so many that are mind controlled, and do not realize it. Public schools, medical schools, health agencies, et al are captured by these Masonic monsters. People who have been trained by them are slowly and methodically placed in positions of power until the entire organization is corrupted. This is exactly what I see in every part of government, society, military et al Thanks for the truth you find and tell, Jack.
The facts do reveal our fate. As a realist the acceptance becomes my reality.
How the fuck did this happen? Slowly but surly. I can’t unlearn. Maybe head up ass has an appeal. Imagine being in the majority being clueless living for the day. Kinda like that deer I recently shot. Quick kill. We are dying by seeing the obvious by a million revels of our fate. A painful reminder of seeing the cliff and being herded to it.
Running to the forests solves nothing.
The coliseum awaits the loving compassionate faithful. Lions tear the flesh while your still alive. Reality is brutal.
I am aware that noncompliance could end this immediately. Reality once again says the obvious. Not happening. Sorry Max and David. Love the ones that love back and accept reality. Maybe your next book David? Acceptance, the fate of understanding humans and evil.
So negative. Yup, sucks! Hey a nice run for normal loving people entering a very dark period of history.
sorry, but it was actually shared NOT to watch this evil...All what you do with watching crap like this you enrich the criminals, really regret to even mention it, it is programmable mind control..
Thanks Greg for this genuine report on the actual truth of this most loathsome subject to me personally, as I am a 61 yo survivor of SRA both parents, multi generational and serious sick trauma based mind control that I am grateful to God for rescuing me 6 mo pregnant and 2 of my now 7 children. That was 1987, my prayer was answered immediately with a literal miracle of $500!! We took the first train out of there and never went back! Happy to share that shit show ended forever with me and my generation💟
We used to have a pub called, Oddfellows, just along the road from my last home, in North Shields, Tyne and Wear, UK
There was an old Nunnery on the corner of the next street, only a couple of hundred yards from me. The house directly opposite had an old tunnel that lead to the Nunnery.
Now all the I formation that has come out about child sacrifice and adrenachrome harvesting. I wouldn't be surprised if that had been the case, back in the day.
I’m also from the UK and the type of establishment you describe could be found where I used to live too (outskirts of NW London). I know the name Oddfellows also as a pub. It was the first thing I thought when I watched this.
Hi Sane Franciscan, I'll weigh in below you because I can't access a separate comment box.
Greg, I'm not saying I doubt what you write. But some of it is much too black and white.
(edit to add: possibly because that is how I am reading it)
"Inter-generational, or multi-generational trauma abuse is when a person abuses their child, and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on. This increases a person’s susceptibility to Trauma Based Mind Control."
An interpretation of this can be that the cycle cannot be broken. Which I think might be a societal view, in a generalized way.
First, it isn't true.
And second it actually reinforces the cycle when it is generally accepted that it is true.
There are so many who have dealt with trauma in their lives. Our present moment is adding to this. New trauma coupling up with older trauma. We are in the same storm but each of us are in very different boats.
Unless we can learn to support those with deep trauma, raise our understanding of what it means on a deep level. Make emotional well being a priority and make help accessible to all, which it certainly is not. (the present day system, 'mental health' system rests firmly with pharmaceuticals (psyche drugs) and quick scripts and can induce symptoms that can then add to further medicating and sometimes induce severe psychosis)
There are many who have resisted the system of mental health. There are many who, with incredible tenacity, have broken free from it.
In a very generalized way we as humans have a very limited understanding of ourselves.
And I apologize, once again for not listening to your audio.
(I'll see if I can open it, but not sure I have the emotional bandwidth right now)
Edit to add:
I opened your audio and listened and appreciate your writing is the same text.
I'd like to add a piece. Dissociation is when a person can cleave from themselves. This can happen in different ways and to different extremes. It can be a blacking out that might not be noticeable to another.
If you are aware it can be seen. It can also be addressed and shifted quickly.
I have read some who think it is a choice, it is not.
It can be read here.
Some traumas are biophysically and mind-body embedded. I was five weeks from birth when my mother ran out to find her two year old run over by a car, and was not allowed into the emergency care with him as he was dying and crying "Mommy!! Mommy!!" until he died.
Don't think for a minute it doesn't affect every single breath of my life. She wanted him back, she didn't want me. Not a girl. And she never stopped hating me for living while he remained dead. She and dad paid a lawyer to set that in stone beyond their deaths.
She NEVER healed from that trauma, and passed it on with vengeance. Oh, she did learn not to tie a human being on a rope in the yard like a dog, so she locked me inside at three years old and made me sit in the corner and sew so I wouldn't talk.
Trauma has a way of growing and spreading a "plague".
We are "educated", ha! trained, schooled in reality, in trauma. Our "his stories" tell us authoriatatively that human nature is territorial and competitive, and endless wars of mass murder are our inheritance and unavoidable. If that ain't trauma, what is?
Oh, and let's not forget "Satan" and "hell" Most important part of the trauma agenda.
What's more, the truth of how it happened was never told. Until the older brother did a "regression" .
Thank you for sharing this with me. I'm so sorry this was your experience. Heartbreaking.
(I edited what I wrote a bit)
Any understanding I have of trauma or the emotional body is through my own experience and the daily work of digging deep to be okay.
I hear what you are saying.
No need to edit. We are all here to learn...I hope. It's important that we have permission to learn, to not "know it all", and to let that show. Children need permission to be wrong, to get angry, to be human, and learn.
There are many who know how to trigger and draw blood from these areas of trauma. As long as the "BIG LIES " remain in place, the full healing is blocked. We don't "hurt ourselves" willingly. We carry on and walk on that damaged leg until it damages us even more. That's "the plan", eh?
What female on the planet has not been traumatized for life to learn at a very young age that "there are men who want to do bad things to little girls". For no personal reasons other than our femaleness.
The editing was for my original comment. (I mostly edit for typos at times, but also to add key pieces that I think are important as I reflect on my perspective.
As far as trauma to females by men, I think it's a deep subject as to the why of it.
As far as 'the damaged leg' goes. Sometimes 'we' stop and listen and pay attention to the pain and what it is informing us of and do the work of healing.
Wow! I can relate to so much of what you said Blue Electric Storm! I always felt like my mother hated me deep down! My father stepped out on my mother while they were married! He was unfaithful and lied about it! When they divorced my mother got custody of me and I've always felt like she took her anger out on me because of my father! Which makes sense because I was his kid and I reminded her of him! I always felt her bitterness and rejection while growing up! As an example, which still hurts me to this day, whenever I tried to get my mother a gift, a Christmas present, birthday present, it didn't matter, she always refused my gift! Her piss poor excuse was "you need to save your money" I was like "what a couple of dollars here and there as allowance" like trying to save money like that as a child is going to quickly add up to buy food or pay the rent🤦♀️😆 I knew that something was wrong with that behavior and attitude as a child because it doesn't make sense! I mean what parent that supposedly loves their child/children especially a mother, would want to refuse a gift from her child/children? My mother treated me like that as an adult too, even after I graduated from college and had a job making excellent money! Wow! After thinking about my mother's behavior and attitude towards me over that for a while things started to make sense! My mother was expressing how she really felt about me through refusing any gift or refusing any kindness from me like that, she was basically refusing and rejecting me and any love that I tried give her! That really hurt my feelings, especially as a child! That made me feel completely rejected as a child and that I was doing something wrong! Whatever I tried to give her give she would always give it back to me! The last gift I ever tried to give my mother one Christmas was a beautiful handmade sweater that I payed maybe $35 dollars for back some years ago! I was grown and had a good job and I could afford nice things like that, unlike a child can, and I wanted to do something really nice for my mother! You know what she said to me when I gave her that sweater "oh I don't want that! that's for a young person!" I was like "what" 🤦♀️ she refused it and gave it back to me! I didn't get 1 "thank you" or any appreciation at all from her! After that I told her "ok fine this is the last damn time I'm going get you anything ever again!" And I didn't! A few years later I confronted her and I reminded her about that sweater that I tried to give her and why I believed that she refused it, and boy did I strike a nerve! And I said back to her "yeah exactly as I thought, thanks for confirming that" it's just wrong to treat your child/children like that! She told me many times through the years that she loved me, I was like "yeah right the way you are struggling to say that, who you trying to convince me or yourself?" Me and my husband had just bought our house when I got my mother that sweater so I winded up taking that sweater back home and putting it in the closet on the top shelf in the extra bed room! When me and my husband moved a few years later, I got that sweater and I said "do you remember this?" He said "oh yeah" well I winded up donating that sweater to good will! I said "well maybe somebody can get some enjoyment and beauty out of this ugly sweater!" At that time that brand new sweater was ugly to me! I understand how you feel! Sorry you had to go through that! I can imagine that you dispise sewing today!
Damn. YOu know, maybe those women felt trapped somehow. I mean, if a woman hates being a woman because of "how it is" in patriarchal society, worse yet if she aligns with males in order to join in to the power, maybe all they've rejected is rejected in us.
I wasn't allowed to let my hair grow until I "leave MY house!!" she said. Even my breasts didn't fill out until I was away for a year at college. She could not tolerate touching me. She told me repeatedly as a child that "there's something wrong with you. " I cried myself to sleep so many nights, begging "god" to tell me what was wrong with me. I wanted to die, basically, but something came and told me to hang in as I would have a very interesting life.
There's a place in my astrology chart that shows this devastation. When the Moon passes there or opposite I inevitably fall to pieces. I think "article thirteen" of the second portion of the "trust"papers says it all. My brother who died and I were both born on the 13. And article 13 says that if I "complain", I am to be declared dead.
Nice, huh?
My dad was the oldest, 15, of three boys when his dad split altogether with another woman. Hey, he and grandma had been together 16-17 years or more. She never acted angry or sad at all. She was a happy-go-lucky. But dad was determined to stay stay stay no matter what. So he smoked himself to death to numb the pain of her cruel rule, and he became cruel too, there was no other choice living with her.
The harder I tried. the more she hated me. I did as they said, studied hard and got straight A's, honors, awards, scholarships. Did it all in high school, so much. Editor of newspaper, student council rep. I don't want to go into details anymore it was so cruel what she did, and she would lie about me to my father.
Had a dream as an adult that she had a conehead, which I beat off of her. That woman was not human, and she had no friends, only her younger sister.
French Canadian Catholics. Seems their greatest wish was to name me "whore".
When she visited for one week with me and my first 1981?....this is what a good friend said after: "We knew you had problems, but after meeting your mother, I think you must be an incredibly strong person to have survived living with her. "
What the fuck do you say to that? Yeah, she wouldn't touch one single bite of our organic foods. No one single bite.
I want them to declare me dead, I don't want to ever have any binds ever again to those cruel cruel cruel people. My bros are doing their best to kill me by allowing me zero of that trust.
From the time I walked into a menta ward begging for help to stay alive, at 19, all speech toward me ended. All doors closed hard and locked shut.
For his cowardice and unwillingness to protect me, my dad can stay with her forever, far as I'm concerned. That's what was important to him.
Thanks so very much for listening and sharing with me your own horror. We deserve way better than that.
The truth that was never allowed is that his older, jealous (cause she doted on the second one as he had slightly blond hair like she) brother made him "it" of a hide and seek game soon as he showed up, and got the other kids to bury the two year old, just turned two, under a pile of autumn leaves in the street in front of a parked car.
I don't care anymore that he was only 3 and half. I've seen how older brothers aggress toward their younger brothers. That sad man is 76, and still claims the "right" to push me through a wall, as he did to me when I was 13, he 16. This is what he said to me.
They're not human. That's the only conclusion I can come to. Just not human.
Wow! That's quite a sad story! My question is why does family have to be so cruel to one another? It's really heartbreaking! I believe that there's more dysfunctional families on this planet than there are functional families who really love each other! Truly functional families who love one another is a rarity on this planet!
Yay! You made it out and see the truth of the situation!
There is a great organization, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families, adult that is free/donation based where people help each other recover from trauma and abuse. The Red Book, the main text used, is very high quality recovery material.
Wow! It's so complicated isn't it! Seems like parents love to complicate things for their children! I believe most parents have good intentions in trying to raise their children right, atleast parents did a few years ago! Nowadays I don't know? Kids are raised by their phones and video games today!
Sending love to you.
Thank you so much. Bless you.
I love GGR’s videos and, generally, I either love — or learn from — his takes. This was the first time though (and it was nothing to do with him, it was more my state of mind…. I had just been thinking of the power of the word, how I needed to be more aware, that I should stop calling forth acts with any thoughtless words) that I reflected: but this hasn’t yet happened, Greg, we should not act as if it’s a fait accompli.
So it’s great that you reminded him, and all of us, of that. ✨
thank you ❤️
I would wonder that many have been traumatized around sex in some way. It's so prevalent in our culture to hold sex in a way that isn't healthy, not respectful of boundaries etc etc. And our present moment has it extremely twisted. I would think by design.
Maybe your mom just thought dirty jokes were not respectful of the sacredness of sex. It doesn't necessarily mean she had experienced a trauma of some sort.
I've met quite a few men who like to flirt in a sexual way. Sometimes I think they are just looking for intimacy and don't begin to know how to find it.
(I'm laughing because you might be thinking right about now... 'oh no... why did I comment here?!')
I could happily go off on a long tangent about this.
Old as dirt, I like that.
Possibly often, people are doing their best. It might not look that way or even be good enough.
Humans can be beautiful destructive beasts, so very contradictory.
Even those who wield great power and do horrible damage might be loving parents. (I shouldn't have written that... it doesn't bear thinking about)
"You're right about that possibility with my Mom. She was a hopeless romantic and raised me to be the same:))))),"
Isn't that what we are in our essence, just love. I came across some writings of a man named Erich Fromm who speaks to love:
'Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an ordination of character which determines the relatedness of the person to the whole world as a whole, not toward one object of love.'
This piece resonates with me. We are about love, about connection. Isn't that what this agenda is trying to sever in us.
If we welcome each other in fully we get the gift of truly being ourselves.
"but she was also insanely manipulative and controlling... and really good at it. You'd never feel the knife. She ran a divide and conquer psyop on my sister and I that lasted until we were 14 and 16 years old and started to compare notes."
I'm sorry. I understand this as well. Lying and manipulating is a choice (I think) we're all capable of being so.
"There have been quite a few TV shows and movies showing evil characters eventually doing good things for their fellow humans in the end... I've analyzed entertainment media programming trends/psyops for five years now, and I'm about to stop. I now know how deep I have to go to help de-program others so I don't need anymore exposure really...
and I swear if I see anymore teal colored anything, or one more person smelling dead people's clothing I'll quietly scream."
Oh Justin, not quite sure how to respond to you.
I understand what you say about poisoners. (she says as she watches the sky)
Why fishermen though?
Those that run the show are likely too far gone. Healthy boundary setting... possible? I can't know.
As far as 'most people' are too far gone and are the show. I understand why you would feel this way. But maybe question what you think.... Saying 'most people' is likely not an accurate lens to look through.
Thank you.
I can't hook into Netflix.
I'm aware of some of the different aspects of the fishing industry. Farm as opposed to wild with salmon.
The problem of dolphins being killed when fishing with nets.
So many pieces.
And of course the use of plastic and how it's damaging the environment in so many ways. It's use was so amped up to keep us 'safe' these past four years.
I keep thinking of someone who was speaking to a way to compost plastic so it would breakdown. But I don't remember where I came across them.
I understand what you are saying.
Except the last part, I'm a bit lost.
Are you saying that humans are afraid to do without? That being without will cause them pain?
Maybe snarky?
THAT was a good read. I totally could not reach into the recesses of my mind to grasp the mentality of evil. He explains it well. Good writer. I read the updates and evidence PDF through the links. NW London near Hampstead...
Just before I had to sell my home as I had debt collectors on my door step (another story). The pub had been taken over in 2022, it was renamed, The Seven Stars. If you go on Google maps, Oddfellows is still in the photos.
How about the abduction and "education in boarding schools" of the Native children in Canada? Education in sexual molestations. To "civilize" the pagan savages. In the Christian traditions.
Those who commit crimes in Jesus's name are NOT true Christians. They are lying imposters who want to discredit Jesus Christ.
Yeah I remember hearing something about that! Didn't the queen and prince Philip take a group of native American children in Canada on a field trip and those children disappeared somehow? The queen or any royals never addressed this or claimed that they knew anything when the bones of children were discovered in a mass grave in Canada! All of that was pretty hush hush!
I don't mind sewing. Have done lots of it. I like to make my own and my children's.
Well, I'm going to say something that is not at all popular, but it is how I think and feel.
Maybe...maybe...when humans stop torturing and killing and drinking the blood and eating the flesh of our sister mammalians and their children....maybe it won't be done to us anymore.
Open those doors and there's no stopping what comes in. In that way, we're just as sick as they are.
Yeah, I'm a vegetarian for 46 years now. Except for some wild salmon every few years in the past 20.
We had a place where I grew up in New England, US called The Odd Fellows Home. It was a nursing home for the members of the Odd Fellows. It was a massive old Mansion near the State Hospital Asylum that was even more creepy. They all had interconnecting underground tunnels.
Yeah! This makes complete sense! In a way this is called life on planet/plane earth! I was raised by traumatized parents from the 1930's and the depression who further traumatized me at 6-7 years old through their divorce! I was raised by a bitter angry single mother that took her anger out on me while I was going up! So I might have a little trauma based mind control/stuff going on! I basically think that life sucks and we are all fucked no matter how hard we try! 🤷♀️ Anyway the oldest Rothschild family demon did say that "we do keep love in the family" meaning that they are all interbred demons!
"I basically think that life sucks and we are all fucked no matter how hard we try!"
That belief no doubt comes from your trauma. I had an angry mother too. Her rage really messed me up. The good news is that you can heal from trauma. I have healed from so much. I'm not all the way to the end of it yet, but I'm getting there.
Do not give up for the nefarious are depending on it...
Yeah I believe that we all have some childhood trauma going on! I'm surprised that my above comment is getting so many likes! But yes I agree with you about working through trauma, which I am also doing! Children don't come into this world "messed up and "F'ed up" it's this insane world that messes us up! Basically we have traumatized people having children who pass that trauma on to their children in one way or another! Religion is also good at telling us that we are "messed up" because we are born "sinners" I don't know if I agree with that one or not because how has a newborn baby sinned if our souls are pure and come from the Most High Creator? Because a newborn baby hasn't done anything bad yet out of his or her own free will to even be considered a "sinner!" To me this concept sounds like the fact that we even exist is bad and we have "sinned" just because we are born! It doesn't make sense! I'm not responsible for what Eve did in the garden out of her own free will! She made that decision to get involved with Satan out of her own free will choice and she convinced Adam too! Just because both Adam and Eve decided out of their own free will by choice to do wrong shouldn't be a burden put on all people who are born into this life! I think that my above comment hits home with a lot of people and we all feel that way to some extent! It starts as soon as we're born! We're constantly told "we're bad" "you need to behave/you better behave" "you better be good" that makes children feel bad about themselves and that something is wrong with them! Children basically grow up feeling "broken" and become "broken" adults! It seems to me that parents focus more on the negative things with their children than on the positive things, but then again that's just me! Like for example my mother constantly told me "you look awful" I don't remember at any time while I was a little girl growing up that my mother told me that I was beautiful and that she was happy that I was in her life! I mean little girls want to be told that they are beautiful by their parents, especially their mother! So as a result I grew up hating the way I looked! Is it any wonder, I believe a lot of young women probably feel that way because a woman's worth as a human being is based on how she looks in this life! Which I think is silly now and I've worked through all of that! Of course how a person looks is important in many ways, a person wants to be and look healthy and not sick which I think is most important because if a person is healthy on the inside then it will show on the outside! We all want to be our best selves and love ourselves in this life and I'm seeing that a lot of people have issues with self love! Which does make sense because as children we're constantly told that we're bad and that we are always doing something wrong and getting punished for something more than we get praised for doing anything! Many children are abused physically and I don't have to elaborate on that but many more children have to endure verbal abuse! I had to, every time I turned around I was getting shamed by my mother for something! I don't ever recall her praising me for anything she never said anything, I only got criticized! She talked down to me alot or talked down at me a lot! I didn't have a good relationship with either one of my parents! I decided early in life that I wasn't going to have children in this lifetime, why bring an innocent child into this fucked up world! So that trauma stopped with me! I didn't want to traumatize an innocent souls by bringing children into this world, well I didn't mean for this comment to be this long either.
Thanks for your long comment. I'm sorry you had to go through all that as a child. It sounds like you have a lot of awareness now, which is good.
When we were children, we had no choice but to align ourselves with our parents' thoughts and feelings. They held the power of life and death over us after all.
Now as adults, if someone crosses a line with us, we can defend ourselves. We can fight back, but as children we couldn't do anything except soak the abuse up.
If your mother says to you as a child, "You look awful," then you have to take on board that belief yourself, and any feeling of being wounded or of betrayal or anger has to be buried deep. We were not allowed to feel our feelings if they would contradict our parents' feelings, so we had to bury them deep and and seal them off where they would fester.
My mother used to criticize me all the time too. One random childhood memory: I am wiping a table with a cloth, and my mother explodes in anger at me because I am doing wrong. She used to randomly explode in rage a lot. I would live in fear of that. I think it's especially bad if you are a sensitive child.
As a result, I spent most of my life with my mother in my head critiquing everything I did. Often it would be easier for me to do nothing or to not take chances that I should have because then I couldn't be criticized.
I agree with you about religious abuse. That is a big one. People picture God as some kind of alcoholic narcissist who will maybe tolerate us if we do what he says and if we suck up to him enough.
I believe that is a total blasphemy that goes against a plain reading of the Bible. It's clear in the Bible that God does not condemn us. (John said: "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.")
God is good. God is unconditional love. God loves us. God *likes* us.
If you understand that God likes you, then that will be tremendously liberating to you.
Here's how I read the Garden of Eden story: First of all, we have to understand that Adam and Eve represent humanity as a whole. They are not individuals as such. The story tells us how we, humanity, got into the predicament that we are in.
Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil rather than from the Tree of Life. That means that they followed their own thoughts and understanding rather than following the guidance of God. (Isaiah said: "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.")
Notice that God does not get angry with Adam and Eve in the story when they went astray. He even makes little tunics for them to wear to protect them. And he says that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the snake, which many take to be a prophesy of the coming of Jesus, who would rescue us and show us the way home.
Paul said that Jesus was the "last Adam", meaning that humankind was regenerated in Him.
Going back to your original statement, "I basically think that life sucks and we are all fucked no matter how hard we try!"
This is how I think about it:
Yes, life does suck in the sense that it is exceptionally difficult. Abuse rains down on us like torrents of mud in a mudslide. But behind it all, ultimate reality is good. God is good. We do happen to live in a pocket of reality that is particularly awful. In principle at least life could be quite pleasant if we could all heal from our trauma. I am optimistic that we could get there. In any case, even if we don't, I believe that we will see that it was all worth it in the end because ultimate reality is good.
And we as individuals can still thrive even amidst the horrors. David in Psalm 23 said: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies". The image here (not necessarily to be taken literally) is having a picnic in complete serenity in the face of enemies that are trying to kill us. Personally speaking, even though the world is particularly awful right now, I've never been happier myself.
Well I hate to be a negative Nancy! I've been through a lot in this life! It just feels like regular people like myself can't catch a break because there's always something around the corner coming to "f" up life and make it more miserable! When things like that happen I face whatever the problem is and deal with it the best I can! Life goes on and you move on! The reason why I think life sucks is because I don't get any breaks to fully enjoy life and obviously many other people feel the same way! Once you get slammed into enough brickwalls in this lifetime it can leave you feeling bitter and jaded, that's basically how I feel! I stay prepared for the next brickwall to come around the corner and I position myself in the best way possible so it won't hurt as bad once I slam into it, but it still hurts and I deal with it! I'm a realist and I face reality, I learned that early in life! The reality of this world is, is that everything we've learned and been taught is a lie, and the one's that initially created all of the lies continue to lie about the first lie, if any of that makes any sense! I believe what I just said does make sense to people who are awake to these truths, and I'm not talking about being "woke" either 🙄 my God I hate that word now and I just wish that word would get removed from the English language! But some people are waking up to the sad reality that we are in that's all been based on lies, I mean our government lies to us and always has, politicians have always lied to us and the churches and religion have lied to us, or basically told us half truths! Once I awakened and realized that everything that I've ever been taught is a lie then I started searching for the truth, researching!(notice how I didn't say "woke up"😆)! Like back in the 1990s when me and my husband first started dating he introduced me to shortwave radio and he liked to listen to William Bill Cooper's show on shortwave radio! Well that was my first huge red pill to the reality of this world! Bill was telling us what was going to happen back then and we are living in that future today and they killed him for it, shot Bill to death in his front yard! Why? Because Bill Cooper was telling people the truth that the "liars" telling the lies didn't want the public to know! This is how I see it, the people who share information and tell the public information about society and what's going on in this world suddenly get murdered, get killed in an accident, commit suicide, or just plain get "offed" all of a sudden after sharing and making some information public is the people I listen to and pay attention to because those people are trying to tell us something! Bill Cooper back then called the American people blind and stupid because we were not paying attention! He was right! Many Americans are still blind and stupid and not paying attention to reality! People are waking up but I believe it's too late! People believe that they can vote their way out of this mess! Nah, it's too late for that! Bill tried to tell us these things back in the 1990s! Many people are suffering from cognitive dissonance today! Convid was a lie, the jab was a lie and people lined up like good little obedient 🐑 and did what the government told them to do! I just wonder what Bill Cooper would be saying today if he was alive! The liars would try and kill him still, shut him down and deplatform him like a lot of other people have been deplatformed nowadays! This is the reality I see and it makes me angry! The awake people are angry because we see reality and the evil plans playing out and we don't know what to do to stop our eventual enslavement! JFK tried to tell us too and look what happened to him! Alright I've babbled long enough! With everything going on I do focus on the things that make me happy and bring me joy, I change the things that I have control over for the better if I can! I don't know what's gonna happen! I do my best not to focus on it! With everything I've said, that's basically why I think this life sucks!
I agree that society is bad. I knew that something was up from childhood when the teachers at school would treat us like inmates rather than as human beings. Things crystallized for me with 9/11: At first I thought, "There is no way they could be that evil!" But after a while it dawned on me that they could indeed be that evil. And now I believe that those at the top have a mania for controlling us and holding the power of life and death over us, and they get a thrill from damaging and killing us.
I'm not going to take the black pill though. Demoralization is a primary weapon of warfare. If you can demoralize the enemy, then you have already won. If we are demoralized, then they have already won. I am not going to be demoralized because I am not going to let them use that mind-control on me. They cannot control my mind.
Psychologists did experiments on dogs in the 60's to study "learned helplessness". They gave dogs random electric shocks that the dog had no ability to avoid. After a while, the dogs just gave up and accepted the shocks. They got into a state of learned helplessness, and then even when those dogs in that state of mind were given the power to avoid to the shocks, they didn't take it. They just continued to accept the shocks and whimper. That's a bad state of mind to be in.
Again, I am going to resist that mind control.
If it ever comes to it, they can kill me if they want. I will try to defend myself of course, but if I can't, I would hope to go out like St Stephen, whose face shone like and Angel's when they killed him.
I know that there is a greater reality. In some sense what we are living in is a bad dream. They can never touch my true self.
"With everything going on I do focus on the things that make me happy and bring me joy, I change the things that I have control over for the better if I can! I don't know what's gonna happen! I do my best not to focus on it! With everything I've said, that's basically why I think this life sucks!"
Yes, I agree with you. This life sucks. But I believe that if we zoom out a bit, we can see that the life of our true selves does not suck.
Yeah I saw 9/11 happen on live TV that morning! I had just gotten to work and everybody was focused looking at the TV and I wondered what was going on! I looked at the TV and saw smoke coming out of the first building! The first plane had hit probably 5 minutes before! Then me and my coworkers all watched the second plane hit, then we all watched both buildings collapse 😲 I was like "what the hell!" "Everybody got out of those buildings, right!" "Nobody was in those buildings, right!" I think a lot of people started waking up when 9/11 happened! There used to be a video online of when Bush, Jr. was first told about the World Trade Center and I don't know if that video is still online or not, it may have been scrubbed from the internet! But Bush, Jr. was visiting a classroom of 1st or 2nd grade children and a secret service agent came in and whispered about the World Trade Center and I watched the look on Bush,Jr's face and he had to know what was going to happen because he had a look of "oh shit, they did it!" That whole event stinks to me! We still don't know the truth and we probably never will! I believe it was an inside job as do many other people! There's videos all over BitChute about 9/11 being a controlled demolition! So yeah these people(governments and the controllers) are that evil!
As far as school goes I hated it! School just trains children to be obedient workers (slaves) basically! Children need to be taught reading, writing, math and how to count of course but children are not taught how think critically in school! They are told to follow and obey the rules mostly and how to memorize information!
Well I might be a little "black pilled" but I'm not in a state of hopelessness like those poor dogs became! I'm "black pilled" with anger, bitterness, cynicism, and some apathy(just burned out and tired)tired of all the negatively going on 24/7! and the evils getting away with what they do! I just think that they always will! Plus the fact that human beings do experiments on animals like what was done to those poor dogs is wrong and disgusting!😡
I'm angry and ready to fight these globalist bastards and send them to hell where they belong! The rest of America needs to get as angry as I am! I told my husband many times if I could get rid of these evil bastards by myself I'd do it! But I'm only 1 woman and no I'm not demoralized or mind controlled! I think the people that think that they can vote their way out of their own enslavement are definitely mind controlled! The only way we are going to get out of this is for people to stop complying all of us unite and stop letting them keep us divided! And definitely don't let them take our guns and disarm us!
I feel the same way, I will go down fighting! I would rather die free than live the rest of my life as a slave!
Yeah I gotta zoom out and not think about these things because what's going on makes my blood boil and being in that state is not healthy!
But these Rothschilds intermarried with Nazi family elite and other European elite. I also believe these people can be properly called "mixed multitudes." Watch the movies REMEMBER and The CUTTER. In both movies, the supporting actor or actresses were actual Holocaust survivors and always talked about these things. These Luciferian families want the Apocalypse because they believe Lucifer (Satan) will beat God's Son (Jesus Christ) and run the universe. Explains why the Luciferian want Iran to have nukes and high technology so they cam help expedite the Return of the Christian Messiah who's also the Jewish Remnant's Messiah and punish both the Gentile Kingdoms and the Rogue Zionists (international zionism).
Oh sure they all intermarried! If they didn't marry their own cousins then they married into another elite family! It has been speculated that all of these elite families are the same bloodline coming from the same ancestors, but they've just branched off with different names! They all stick together!
The religion of Lucifer is the key. All the secret religions go back there. Read Hislops THE TWO BABYLONS.
Yeah I went to Amazon to check that book out! Interesting! Everything goes back to Nimrod!
Nothing new under the sun!
Exactly! I don't really celebrate Christmas or Easter! People should learn the origins of these things! Roots in paganism! Here's a book that I recently got on Amazon! "The Roots of the Federal Reserve: Tracing the Nephilim from Noah to the US Dollar" That's gonna be an interesting read! And I think it will explain a lot too!
Ironically, these techniques are being pushed by many in the 'freedom community' under the guise of 'preparedness,' terrifying the vulnerable into buying their products and surrendering their discernment so that they can no longer identify reality as they chase ghosts.
I call it war profiteering and fear mongering.
There is also 'cancel culture' happening on many levels. Isolating some who question what many can't, within the 'freedom movement'. (which in turn amplifies reactive defensive behavior) And stopping the speech of those who question small pieces.
Many (edit to ad: some) are very amped up and highly reactive and quick to ban or block or manipulate or abuse without much ability to reflect.
(I've had to scrape myself off the floor many times)
And as I spin off into a small rant... think of those dealing with shunning in this moment, who then get banned and how the two couple up together.
That any of us are sane at all is amazing.
No one cites my work. I understand.
I'll just drop this here in case Greg sees it, but I have never really hear InfoWars go after the DOD for any of this in any meaningful way or how X is an arm of the DOD. In any case, work is starting to disappear after I published this so I must be over the target.
Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.
Thank you.
I've been saying all along that the tech in at least some of the 'vaccine' has to be straight out of DARPA and WARP SPEED was literally sold to us as a military operation .
You are very welcome. The whole thing was a military operation started by the DOD. 'Pharma' just held the bag and is designed to take the fall. If 'pharma' did this, the DOD should be suing pharma at least for hurting and killing their own troops but they are not. They gave pharma indemnity with the vaccine contracts for services rendered.
Yes, I know . All of our institutions have been captured .
How many times have you spoken out on substack about this? How many times and for how long? Are you raising awareness where it needs to be raised or are you in a box, an echo chamber?
How much energy on your part does this take?
All of this is resting on a house of cards. And you can bang your head against the wall until your head bleeds. (possibly the wall as well) You can understand the pieces in all their specifics. Whose done what to whom and why, the history of it.
But the house of cards needs to come tumbling down. The nature of disease and contagion. Or maybe more specifically in this moment the understanding that if the beings of this earth are being poisoned systematically and that poisoning is called 'contagious disease', which from my understanding has been happening for a very very long time. And then a 'vaccine' or a 'drug' is developed to treat the said disease, which in turn creates more symptoms, which are then called by the name of the disease or variants of the disease and more 'vaccines' and in this case boosters are needed or various drugs.
Does one endlessly argue about the existence of viruses or does one focus on the existence of toxins. (maybe at times used to combat some environmental evil, existent or non.)
Where does one put ones focus? On the institutions that are pushing the coverup of the release of toxins by calling the reactions to the toxins symptoms of disease and continuing endlessly down this slippery slope. Or do you put the emphasis on the toxins themselves.
Which road do you travel?
Do you follow the convoluted road of who is doing what and whose behind them and behind them. Which I am not saying is unimportant.
But will you forever loop here and continually speak to people in said organizations, who are quite likely 'drones'. (can a drone take action against those who guide it? Possibly, but maybe unlikely?) Can you speak to those in power? Can those in power be reasoned with?
Or are speaking in the echo chamber of a box where those you speak to understand. And have for a long time.
Do you find ways to mitigate the impact of the toxins, which must also be done. Or do you put light on the toxins themselves. And find ways to stop the release of them.
And in the end what are you fighting for? Your own survival or the survival of humans or of all beings, plant life, soil, oceans and all the animals that these ecosystems support? (many of whom are also being culled or vaccinated in the name of contagious disease)
And has your approach lost any semblance of balance as it gains speed and draws you into it's vortex. If you are fighting for humanity is your's intact. Or have you lost sight of it in the midst of this insanity?
Are you struggling with your own mortality?
Is what you are doing a trauma response to the insanity?
The man who used to be lead local sheriff in the county that I live in, told me he just wanted to keep his head down until his term was up. He said he didn't like playing politics.
He kept his head down to an extent and got out.
But he also believed people should be talking about what was happening whether they agreed with each other or not.
He was open and read information I sent his way.
Watched this yesterday ~ Jimmy Dore interviews Alex Jones (including Tucker Carlson "Dark Forces" inset discussion) Interview 1-1-2023.
(make of it what you will : )
Does he talk about the US DOD creating, pushing and distributing the vaccines and Trump as commander in Chief of Operation Warp Speed? Unless so, not interested.
No, of course he doesn't. The part that interested me was Tucker's stammering about "dark forces." It was about 3/4 of the way thru. I'd heard about this Tucker interview but hadn't seen it else where. I usually don't cross post much, especially AJ, but since I came across it I decided to share. My bad for wasting your time. I'll be more mindful of what your specs are in the fututre. Ttyl : )
His time does not have more worth than yours. He's pushing himself too hard and being unkind. (I think he's more in the eye of the storm than many of us)
All of this is resting on a house of cards. And you can bang your head against the wall until your head bleeds. (possibly the wall as well) You can understand the pieces in all their specifics. Whose done what to whom and why, the history of it.
But the house of cards needs to come tumbling down. The nature of disease and contagion. Or maybe more specifically in this moment the understanding that if the beings of this earth are being poisoned systematically and that poisoning is called 'contagious disease', which from my understanding has been happening for a very very long time. And then a 'vaccine' or a 'drug' is developed to treat the said disease, which in turn creates more symptoms, which are then called by the name of the disease or variants of the disease and more 'vaccines' and in this case boosters are needed or various drugs.
Does one endlessly argue about the existence of viruses or does one focus on the existence of toxins. (maybe at times used to combat some environmental evil, existent or non.)
Where does one put one's focus? On the institutions that are pushing the coverup of the release of toxins by calling the reactions to the toxins symptoms of disease and continuing endlessly down this slippery slope. Or do you put the emphasis on the toxins themselves.
Which road do you travel?
Do you follow the convoluted road of who is doing what and whose behind them and behind them. Which I am not saying is unimportant.
But will you forever loop here and continually speak to people in said organizations, who are quite likely 'drones'. (can a drone take action against those who guide it? Possibly, but maybe unlikely?) Can you speak to those in power? Can those in power be reasoned with?
Or are speaking in the echo chamber of a box where those you speak to understand. And have for a long time.
Do you find ways to mitigate the impact of the toxins, which must also be done. Or do you put light on the toxins themselves. And find ways to stop the release of them.
And in the end what are you fighting for? Your own survival or the survival of humans or of all beings, plant life, soil, oceans and all the animals that these ecosystems support? (many of whom are also being culled or vaccinated in the name of contagious disease)
And has your approach lost any semblance of balance as it gains speed and draws you into it's vortex. If you are fighting for humanity is your's intact. Or have you lost sight of it in the midst of this insanity?
Are you struggling with your own mortality?
Is what you are doing a trauma response to the insanity?
I don't follow you here, Vic.
Site your work in reference to something I wrote? Or completely unrelated?
Does this piece of yours relate to what Greg wrote to?
I think he didn't realise he was replying to your post. Seems like it.
I was talking about general shunning. People shun my work and I am blocked from all social media because I talk about the DOD.
Vic, you are not the only one who has lost accounts because you have spoken out on social media.
Many have, myself included.
Your work is also not the only work of value right now.
But if you loose sight of your humanity (and I would suggest you know what I am referring to) you're loosing the battle itself. This is exactly what 'they' want from us.
Maybe if you want Greg to feature your work you could talk to him privately.
And as to other's shunning me it is because I speak out and always have.
And yet you are writing here and have an account here.
And substackers shun me because I challenge what they are saying.
I think he did, he just doesn't approve.
There are some of us who are sane?
Maybe the definition of insanity is speaking to the insanity while loosing your humanity.
Is this okay, to endlessly travel down the same road (not that the pieces don't need to be exposed)
Maybe it is a trauma response?
Who know? I guess it depends on what the definition of sanity is.
Bingo!! The call it "disaster capitalism".
My entire life purpose - and I would add likely most people's life purpose - is to NOT be like our parents. In many ways, I've succeeded but I still feel their imprint on my feelings and behaviour from time to time. I loved my parents despite their flaws, however, other than myself, my siblings live sad, crippled lives from the trauma we all experienced. It's interesting to note that I was in the hospital for a year after drinking oven cleaner at the age of 2. That year may have made all the difference in that I received so much loving attention from the nurses that I didn't suffer the neglect of a mother with 5 children who was beaten and raped regularly by an alcoholic father. Incredibly, she found the courage to kick him out, but not until after he molested my sister and I.
The human species seems doomed to become extinct if only due to our inability to heal from our inter-generational trauma. Healing myself has been a lifelong journey and I'm deeply grateful for all the help and support I received. But I had to WANT to work on my own trauma. My siblings, sadly, don't even feel worthy enough to seek help. It's heartbreaking seeing their lives - now that we're all in our 60's - wasting away. It doesn't help that we lost a brother in a car accident when he was 21 and a younger sister due to medical malpractice.
And yet, I do still try to maintain a healthy, positive outlook. I try to treat people with compassion even as I push back against those who mistreat me. I'm a long way from being fully healed. In fact, I don't believe there ever can be a state of fully healed. But I've come a long way and I know it's possible.
You are inspiring others to heal with your truth. Thank you for being you.🙏
Oh, and as a side-note...I'm a two-time cancer survivor - NO chemo/radiation. I used natural healing modalities because I had the good fortune to have a girlfriend who was a naturopath. She educated me about alternatives to conventional medicine and I'm here, healthy and educating others. My younger sister, who had cancer twice at the same time as me, wasn't so lucky. She was coerced into doing conventional therapy by her employer who wouldn't provide disability coverage with any other treatments. I believe she would still be alive as we had the same diagnosis and prognosis - breast cancer.
Same here Signme!
After repairing my body from terminal illness using natural healing, ten years later I realize that if I had done standard-of-care medical treatment I would be dead now.
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story and for demonstrating the body's amazing ability to repair itself, naturally.
Yay, us! ❤🙏
I also healed BC with natural modalities. No conventional. There are so many of us.
I'm grateful to have come across your comment and congratulations on your victory over cancer without allowing the addition of toxic chemo and radiation to destroy your God given divinely created immune system! I'm battling anal cancer for 2 years now and truly seeking the path you took...please any kind of assistance, references or help to find alternative healing that works would literally save my life! I'm a 61 yo grateful survivor of SRA, retired RN single mother of 7, grandma of 9 & I have a mission to complete still! May you be blessed, Ty kindly.💞
Thanks, Allan. It's what give my life meaning. ❤
You truly have evolved into the God you were born to be in-spite of the abuse that was your childhood. Still having compassion and empathy for those around you makes your Soul vibrate positive energy to everyone. My heart bleeds when I read of your abuse, but feeling how you still have empathy for all those around you gives me that Devine feeling of being connected to you. Your Light shines very brightly.
Makes you wonder about the systemic raping of children by the church?
synagogue and mosque. the boy scouts. in any top down power structure.
Literally just now watched the Netflix documentary on sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts of America. Unbelievable ... and even more unbelievable that they massively blocked the guy hired to be the child protection person from doing his job.
This is exactly what is happening! This is your best. VERY powerful final paragraph: "If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma."
Greg Reese quoted: "If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma." Reese's quote is very relevant. When the cabal hatches a plan, they develop it to the stage where they think their objective will succeed to capture and destroy us. As long as God is watching over us, and He certainly does, they will never achieve their purpose, and neither can Satan hide what his evil intentions are from us. Throughout the Bible, and today especially with new technology, the book of Revelation, which is the best source of reference, can be closely understood with the help of the Holy Spirit to understand what we are experiencing unfold before us.
When we are aware that God has everything under control, and we can place our hope and faith in Jesus Christ, our security is sure and certain.
Halleluyah🛐✝️💟🕎 I agree with your comment and All Glory to my Creator God & Beloved Messiah I have been completely forgiven, sanctified , my body soul & emotions healed by Jesus who rescued me & my babies from generational SRA cult and several decades later now I am renewed by the Word, filled by the Ruah HaQodesh and more stable, steadfast faith and content @ peace in life knowing where my eternal soul and loved ones will enjoy eternity in Paradise with Our Omnipotent Lovingkind Creator YHVH Yeshua🕎💟🛐✝️
Well of course we are secure, sure and certain of our salvation Tawny Baker. The Lord Jesus defeated Satan through His death to our sin and by the cleansing of His blood. Allelujah!
Amen Brother. I don't know how much trauma or PTSD you've experienced Neil, From my humble heart & soul, may I say it is easy for one to say of course we are secure in Yeshua....yet when our own security base & stability has been intentionally destroyed by SRA evildoers at the tender age under 5....It takes more than a mindful Bible understanding to know one is truly secure, and only My Messiah knows how to assure me to my foundations forever that this is true. Blessings, a very grateful 61 yo survivor saved eternally by my Kinsman Redeemer whose perfect shed blood stones for all my sins & washes me white as snow. Halleluyah❣️🙌🏻🫶🏼🎚🩸💦🕎🛐✝️💟🌈💚💖💜💙
Tawny Baker, your security base and stability that was destroyed through SRA can be restored. Continue to place your faith that Jesus Christ will help you achieve this.
If people controlled by Satan persecuted Jesus, even those who were of His own nation, the Jews, then as Jesus warned us they will do the same to His servants. All those who follow the Lord Jesus will endure hardships in this life.
¹⁸ “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. ¹⁹ If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. ²⁰ Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. (John 15:18-20).
Pray Psalm 91 over your life Tawny.
Shabbat Shalom fellowservant & brother in Christ Yeshua🕎✝️✨🌟✨⚖️ May the King of Kings 💫bless you richly and abundantly fill your spirit man with the never-ending bounties from the 🌹🤍maturing fruits of 🌬Ruach HaQodesh 🛐🕎🧬& renewing of our hearts & minds through His Living Word! I'm grateful you took the time and caring effort to comment/reply to me twice now😁 That's a first for me & I confess...this subject struck such a personally resonating chord 🧬💜in me and the core being the eternal soul essence of Tawny...the brilliant writing skills of my favorite alt/ journalist the talented Mr. Gregg Reese's sub stack words were like a flaming arrow of TRUTH that shot 🚀🏹🎯🧨🧬🩸🗝💌❤️🔥♐️💬🌀⁉️🆘🛐🕎✡️✝️💟💘💜💙💚right off the page straight into my being & shattered (in a good way) the Ice wall❄️💨❄️ I had built around my ❤️🩹💔❤️🔥badly broken little girl self as far back as I can recall....the lack of having a stable healthy relationship with our mother and father providing consistent emotional & physical interaction stability security as nurturing loving care from both parents cannot be overstated in its profoundly devastating outcomes if denied or neglected leaving traumatic scars that will never go away or get better w time... instead depriving an infant or young human of any age ...the younger the more severe the damage is done & never goes away from psyche inner self dialogue/ self esteem or worth....self image and inability to progress naturally to next stages of human growth development, despite High IQ, will stagnate at certain level when abused or forever seek unhealthy coping mechanisms in attempt to overcome childhood unmet needs, very common for couples to marry one w similar history and immature growth development stage in unconscious effort to fix self or spouse as well! This never helps either and often ends dysfunctional domestic violence divorce and worst of all negative outcome for children who are innocent victims of generational abuse cycles, and many like my family of Origin trapped demonically into atrocious vile satanic sexually ritualistic abuse of their own flesh and blood children. Where they are thought of not as Creator made & blessed a family w fruit of their womb children are a treasured heritage, an honor, they belong to Creator, we didn't make them He did, we will answer for how we raised them w love to present back to Him one day ⚖️🎚💜🧬💘🌀Woe woe woe to pedophiles esp SRA parents that perpetuate the most heinous acts upon their own flesh and blood, profit making pornography steal the innocence of their own babies and then the same to grand babies abusing authority positions of power to 🌀❤️🔥🆘💔⁉️⚖️Lie kidnap lie steal & abuse legal system to cover up heinous truth of crimes against their own offspring and selling to other sick psychopathic pedophiles that infested our cities and nation long ago and still thrive everyday, praise God for those who bravely stand up for our children, my life mission revolves around this most important truth. Children and babies deserve our best love affection protection healthy touch & proper nutrition, normal happy childhood play, education safety support. Not used & abused as a source of $$$$ or disgusting perv sex satisfaction!! Nothing is worse to me, than a selfish pig adult abusing a vulnerable innocent child for their own sick depravity! That has to be demonic, satanic from the pits of hell itself!! Yeshua said in the Kingdom of Heaven, the child is thought of as the Greatest...& we are to become like them. I love to share those truths w/ kids, esp rescued little ones with scared hurt sad lonely heart shattered sense of self, esteem, security, soul spirit split mind or personality they call it. ....I can testify that Creator Messiah loves the little children infinitely & in His Fathers house are many millions of aborted souls and traumatically satanic ritual abused children of God, Yeshua & His Holy Angelic Host Heal and minister restoration Healings by the Most High Spirit God of All. The Omnipotent Great I AM has supernatural living waters of His perfectly designed resonant Healing waters,🧬🎚💦🌊💧🌬💦✨🌟✨🌈🍀🌴👑🦁 Through His precious Atoning blood sacrifice we are washed clean white as snow 🌬💟💦🎚⚖️🧬, renewed by the living Word of God Himself who also provides the supernaturally blessed miraculous leaves of His tree of Life these leaves are given to those in need by ministering Angelic messengers for healing & Restoration by the King of Kings Himself ✨🌟✨🌹❤️🔥🍀👑🌬💦 in all His Emerald Rainbow Glory ✨🌈🌟✨🌈👑💚
See Revelation 4:3. In August 2017 Yeshua opened the window/ Dalet of Heaven and blessed me and my 7 children (+now 10 grandchildren🫶🏼🙌🏻) with capturing on my cellphone a series of photos we took of us front of house.. w the most exquisite elegant uniquely beautiful wonder that I've ever seen on film or a photo! 100% REAL, honestly, no fake or photoshop. This is undeniably God Heavensent. I've searched ever since but can find nothing that compares, the only thing that comes anywhere close is Aurora borealis, esp the greenish colors, yet it really is something else!! I had never thought Rev. 4:3 was a literal flowing Emerald Rainbow Glory!! It's more divine than anything on earth, and it gives me great Joy and Blessed Hope each time I gaze upon its beauty and the way it comes from Heavens clouds to encircle me and all my kiddos so beautifully engulfing us in its glorious majesty✨💚✨🌈💜💚✨🌟 I am so grateful to Yeshua Abba Father Holy Spirit for rescuing my family and I from hell on earth, all the blessings and love we continue to share and for all my hours meditating w Beloved Yeshua, His Word, I delight in finding Him in every book of the 66 that are His Bible, the Glorious Moedim that are All about Yeshua the Messiah!!! Our Redeemer who has collected every one of our tears in bottles, just as His word says. Because He loves us and was w us every time. He will wipe away every tear in Heaven and restore us to Glory thru his living river of life💦🌊💧and when He comes to rescue His spotless Bride We are told we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye✨🌟✨👑🧬🫶🏼🎚Glorified sanctified Justified All through the precious blood of Yeshua🌹👑 My apologies for rambling so long, as time gets closer to His promised coming, I am more compelled by the Ruach to share from my heart and soul. If my testimony touches one soul, All Glory to Elohim🫶🏼🎚🌹 I humbly thank u my brother for your kind words may we meet n Heaven glorifying Our King of Kngs 👑 Halleluyah PS I would love to share the Emerald glory photo w others to exalt Creator and uplift His children✨🌈💚✨🌟🛐🫶🏼><> Godspeed
Reese, excellent as always. Your summary is spot on. I am not sure if you are aware of how right you are related to our current debt and identity conversion. As described, this is precisely how mankind is converted to a name ["rather than owning your name"] through the creation of evidentiary paperwork starting with the Birth Certificate. We are then programmed through registrations and licenses to believe we need some sort of authority permission for things that are actual rights.
Adhesion Contracts and corporate paperwork, all created slowly over 150 plus years, have been put in place to remove any awareness of the conversion. We believe we have jobs, have an income, are employees, are residents, are persons, and have real property. This is all because of the paperwork they hand us ["created by the BAR association legal society"] and we do not ask simple questions about the definitions of the words on the paper. Once there is enough time and exchange of paperwork to provide presumption of identity through jurisdiction conversion, we no longer realize we are NOT our names "[in capital letters and other versions"] and that we are in a municipal military district jurisdiction. We allow lawyers to highjack our common law courts and leave people thinking they need representation. Instead we live in fear of a false authority that we gave them through all the presumptive paperwork. All constructive fraud.
What you describe is exactly what has happened. Since there is now enough paperwork "agreement" evidence for each "person" ["law of persons"], the government and the WHO with the use of the UN can now easily walk in a "prove" property and assets do not belong to the people anymore. The hypothecation of identity, and assets, and property has occurred starting with the military district courts after the "civil war". It was then expanded to birth certificates and voter registration, and finally with FDR putting in place the mortgage of all private property. This was accomplished by "pledging" the property and the people through U.S. citizen conversion ["General Rule 100 aka the Lieber Code, was initially for federal military and people, not people on the land of the states"], and never providing those people the credit to balance the books for the debt they are racking up against our credit with the use of the SS number bond account and birth certificate bond accounts.
This can all be fixed peacefully to get the people's rights back, however; people are so brainwashed, they believe they need permission to correct their own evidence and record it publicly. There is no need for kinetic push back ["unless property or family is directly threatened"]. All that is required is the reversal of paperwork that has slowly converted people to "persons" over time.
This is probably the best summary i have seen from you to date. And that is comparing a wealth of previous excellent reporting. But, i am not sure people will understand the basic issue of identity theft. We have suffered ["suffered being the operative word as we voluntarily chose to allow this to happen"] the crime of name stealing by the government and their handlers over decades of slow manipulation.
It can be fixed. We were set up by the countries founders as a Republican form of local government ["not party election government"] under Natural and Common Law derived from Divine Law. Yet, we allow military admiralty/maritime/canon law to supersede our land law.
By simply correcting our paperwork ["as a fundamental start"], we can start to work locally and correct the mistakes.
Kudos, Mr. Greg Reese. Brilliantly on point.
Read of the German child rearing techniques which were massively trauma oriented in Susan Griffin's "A Chorus of Stones: The Private Life of War. " The history presented in this book is very revealing, broad stroked, and massively compounded through personal histories. A truly amazing work.
I'm not aware of this work.
But it brings to mind a conversation I had with a young German woman who was remembering a children's story she grew up with.
My memory is vague, but the gist was that if you said no to something rather than yes, someone would die.
I got angry once with a friend because of this kind of thing. My children and I kept getting feelings ..seperately...that the house we lived in was going to burn. Someday. When one of the children mentioned this to Lavinia as we were walking together..she was young...she said "Oh, don't say that or it will happen!!" I objected strongly and corrected her immediately!
The house did burn. When the person after us was renting it, many months later.
Blessed Be, Elizabeth.
I'm a little lost here as to what you're responding to.
What you refer to seems a bit different than what I mention.
I Don’t Enjoy
Being Right About These Things.
I Am More Of A
“Died Suddenly”
From Spontaneous Combustion
‘Kinda Guy.
Come To Think Of It ...
I Am Also A
Natural Immunity Supremacist
This would explain the Biden and his pedo family. Unfortunately most people can’t envision true evil acts committed by the pseudo Global elites. As a Christian we can see pure evil this is Satan vs God ! We know God wins. Greg another fascinating article. You make us old soldiers proud!
Greg, you did it again! Pointing out exactly what they have accomplished through centuries of secret societies, foundations and fake charities. They played the long game, and it is a winning game because there are so many that are mind controlled, and do not realize it. Public schools, medical schools, health agencies, et al are captured by these Masonic monsters. People who have been trained by them are slowly and methodically placed in positions of power until the entire organization is corrupted. This is exactly what I see in every part of government, society, military et al Thanks for the truth you find and tell, Jack.
The facts do reveal our fate. As a realist the acceptance becomes my reality.
How the fuck did this happen? Slowly but surly. I can’t unlearn. Maybe head up ass has an appeal. Imagine being in the majority being clueless living for the day. Kinda like that deer I recently shot. Quick kill. We are dying by seeing the obvious by a million revels of our fate. A painful reminder of seeing the cliff and being herded to it.
Running to the forests solves nothing.
The coliseum awaits the loving compassionate faithful. Lions tear the flesh while your still alive. Reality is brutal.
Hunger games awaits the survivors..
Unless the warriors awaken soon.
Tic tic tic.
I am aware that noncompliance could end this immediately. Reality once again says the obvious. Not happening. Sorry Max and David. Love the ones that love back and accept reality. Maybe your next book David? Acceptance, the fate of understanding humans and evil.
So negative. Yup, sucks! Hey a nice run for normal loving people entering a very dark period of history.
combine this with the sterilization of the "feeble minded" many machinations....
Fascinating information.
For those who enjoyed a healthy family live, this reads almost like the title of this programmable mind control session, a horror of unimaginable pain..
My admiration for anyone who was able to overcome this evil of being born in such a way.
Thank you for sharing this. I watched this stupid movie...twice. They ALWAYS tell us and show us exactly what they’re going to do to us.
sorry, but it was actually shared NOT to watch this evil...All what you do with watching crap like this you enrich the criminals, really regret to even mention it, it is programmable mind control..