Greg…great PODCAST TODAY!! This is what we need…just take it one step further! You mentioned Israel, you mentioned sides, or teams…how about BLOOD!? We are two bloodlines! The science behind the Rhesus factor is the difference between two entirely different species pretending to be ONE! They need to be exposed and HUNTED like the ABSOLUTE WORST ANIMALS we could ever be living nextdoor to! They are united w thier NEUTRAL Ph of their blood w excess copper!!! They are deficient in IRON which makes them blood thirsty VAMPIRE VECTORS and why they call us GOYIM…or a farm animal to eat. HALLAL SLAUGHTERS ARE DONE BY ONLY THE RH- where they drive the mammal into a state of absolute TERROR, flooding the blood w ADRENALINE!! This is ADRENECHROME and the most expensive DRUG ON EARTH. I’m in KONA Hawaii….son of the lead singer in the band AMERICA. He hasn’t spoken to me or his grandson in over a decade….ive been abandoned 100% and ignored because I put these pieces together! Their UNCALCIFIED PINEAL GLAND, allows them remote viewing through the astral realm. Once you have experienced DMT or Ayuascha, you will see how easy it is to leave the body and “FLY”. They use this ability to spy into your life or anyone’s life for that matter, and use the calcified GOYIM for anything and everything !! Ride that “NO NAMED HORSE(mammal)”!😳
The Israel of God is no longer fleshly, natural Israel—but rather all believers in Jesus via the new covenant. Not all Israel is Israel. Here are passages about this:
Galatians 6:15-16. In the context of the rest of Galatians, Paul refers to the “ISRAEL OF GOD” as those who walk according to the Spirit—by faith in Jesus Christ (and specifically not by works of the Jewish Old Covenant Law, including circumcision).
Galatians 4:21-31. Physical Jerusalem, that is, the old covenant, is cast out making way for the New Spiritual Jerusalem (“the Jerusalem above”)—the new children of the promise.
Hebrews 12:22-24. Christians of the first century had already arrived at the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem—through Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant.
Matthew 3:7-11. John the Baptist tells the Pharisees and Sadducees not to count on their physical descent. Indeed, they are about to be cut down in the wrath about to come (AD 70).
Matthew 21:18-19. Jesus curses the fig tree, an Old Testament symbol for Old Covenant Israel (Jeremiah 24; Hosea 9:10; Luke 13:6-9), and the fig tree withered away.
Matthew 21:33-45. Parable of the Tenants. Jesus tells the Jews that the kingdom is being taken away from them and given to another group, obviously the church.
Matthew 22:1-4. The Parable of the Wedding Feast. It was obviously the Jews who were invited to the wedding, but their refusal to accept Christ as Messiah would lead to their demise—“destroyed those murderers and burned their city.” (Matthew 23, the next chapter, details why the Jews were the object of Jesus’ wrath. Not only were they exceedingly sinful, but also refused to accept Him as Savior.)
John 8:31-47. Jesus explains to the Jews of his day that they are not truly offspring of Abraham, but rather are offspring of the devil.
Romans 2:28-29. “For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not the letter.” (cf. Colossians 2:6-3:17; Philippians 3:3)
Romans 9:6-8. Paul taught that not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel (“FOR THEY ARE NOT ALL ISRAEL WHO ARE ISRAEL”), and not all are children of Abraham. It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God.
Romans 11:11-32. Branches (of Israel) were broken off and Gentiles grafted in by faith. This is not to be seen as strictly “replacement theology,” but rather “inclusion theology.” Whoever accepted Christ, both Gentiles and a remnant of Jews are saved.
Galatians 3:6-9, 25-29. Heirs to the promise, i.e. the true sons of Abraham, comes from faith in Christ, not physical descent.
Ephesians 2:11-3:13. Gentiles are no longer aliens but are fellow citizens in a new dwelling place, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (cf. Revelation 21:14).
Colossians 2:6-3:17. Paul explains in this passage that physical circumcision had been replaced by spiritual circumcision, thus spiritual Israel—believers being made spiritually alive IN CHRIST. (cf. Romans 2:28-29; Philippians 3:3).
Hebrews 8:5-13. The Old Covenant was being replaced by a New Covenant as predicted in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 31:31-34; etc.)
1 Peter 2:4-10. The new chosen race is the Christian church (building motif).
Revelation 2:9; 3:9. There are those who say they are Jews, but are really are a “synagogue of Satan.”
Revelation 19:7, 21:2, 9-27. The New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ, the church—which is built on the foundation of the apostles (cf. Ephesians 2:20).
Summary. Israel’s covenant with God was contingent on obedience (Deuteronomy 28-32)! Throughout the Bible, Israel’s relationship with God is portrayed as a marriage (Isaiah 54:5; 62:4; Jeremiah 2:2; 3:20; 31:31-34; Ezekiel 16:8, 32, 38; Hosea 2:2, 7, 16; Malachi 2:14). Whenever Israel was unfaithful, she is characterized as a harlot or adulterer (Deuteronomy 31:16-18; Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; 3:6-9; Ezekiel 6:8-9; 16:15, 26, 28; Hosea 1:2; 6:10; 9:1). The central theme of Revelation is a story of two women—the harlot Babylon who is judged/divorced (Revelation 17:1, 5, 15; 18:9, 21; 19:2) and God’s new bride the New Jerusalem (Revelation 19:7; 21:2, 9). The faithless harlot is apostate Old Covenant Israel. The new bride is the Christian church, the wife of the Lamb, the New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12; 19:7; 21:2, 9-27). Compare to the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14, as well as such passages as John 3:29; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25-27.
O neg. is the universal donor, I find that fascinating. EVERY other blood type both positive and negative can receive life saving blood from O neg. But O neg blood type can ONLY receive O neg. yet, by your comment and information, it is the Rh negative that is the most evil being here.
The frequency that heals water? What frequency is it? We can absolutely tune the tracks / albums ! I’ve heard of 432hz being the natural frequency but idk if that’s the one you’re referencing?
the guy with the curly hair on Tim Pool claimed they recorded transmission saying stuff like :"KILL, KILL,Kill" during covid. They had to use audio tools tho. Has it was in the inaudible range.
SONG OF THE last 65456465 DAYs : HOLYWAR ; Punishment Due
Greg , i was so mad you didn't jump into the fray but i knew better, it spoke more of my desire of having you fight has a proxy on my behalf than anything else. We all talked at length of community , not checking out , getting involve. In the end its a republic if we can keep it which mean participate getting involve. So not voting . . . well that's copping out in my book.
The WHO got push back coz people got involve. Election integrity same thing. PEDO story time , same thing. And so on. . . There is hope.
There is worst thing than being on the sideline : i seen past few months ; active measures from the fake alternative media disparaging only Trump voters , black pilling. They are foreign agents hiding behind America 1st amendment with their dual passport. Someone is paying for this i know coz i seen the receipts of people who refused the money.
SOOO MANY DEATHS in the last 10 years this can't become banale statistics : THE PUNISHEMNT IS DUE.
BUT today NIN - the way out is trough & Into the Void. Is much more fitting.
i danced , fought , fucked on those songs. Music is either a conduit or the soundtrack of our life ? But thats a wild tangent.
How free are we ? ; peanut the squirrel was a giant red pill for Normie i observed. This process will never end (red pilling) too many different connections / so many different people react to an infinite range of topics.
The shit libs laws and regulations . . . mind your fucking business. IF we would go back far enough they would kill the first domestic wolf in the name of Lupine Flu . . . IF they can come into your home and kill You are not FREE.
The inner tyrant / the creative , the LEFT- Right hemisphere. Bringing order to your room is a good thing. Through sobriety or Through an honest bilan [french] or inventory. In perspective . . .The technocrats, the control freaks its the Brain gone wild trying to rearrange , sort , compartmentalize all aspect of life. Its is further than a dialectic the balancing act is not the desired outcome of the Lf/Rt extreme i very much agree its is a function of human life itself. When we say : the shackles over the mind of mens. Those are very much self inflicted in many case.
Speaking of The herd ; they have child minds , some people stopped growing. Would you be condescending to children ? Thats the elitist mindset .. watch out for the hubris trap . We are all human , we are not using our potential at the same pace or at all even. To me Feel AntiChrist like to condemn people on that basis. Thats my approach anyhow.
Great closing guys , was fun to spend an hour with kindred spirits.
Thnx Greg/Tess , Monday ill go buy new guitar strings. Which i put off for far too long. And stop being so hard an hypercritical of my work.
Oh shit . . . Well i forgot to say this : " Before summer 2021 i would have never call myself a christian. but spending time in the freedom cult and i credit Kristina Kay , Sherry , Fairpoet , Sammy all you girls who post here really for this. When the chips falls it was pretty clear where they landed. Since July , i been uncharacteristically serene , i dunno if its because i accept to be persecuted for my faith . . . or pain is part of the process. . . . not because the stove is red hot should we keep our hands on it hahahahah we know its hot . That's enough. lol
It is very much an holywar on woman Those gay man , Those transhuman ,Those white coat lab dreaming of artificial whombs . They hate you. AND i can't fathom a world without woman. So thank you peace loving patriot moms and maidens .
Has long you got our back , Us , numb skull guys will be fighting! 😎1776 world Wide.
There is truth and it is all in God. What God? The God of the the Christian Bible. To know morality is to know and understand the 10 commandments. (Duet 5) Understanding God's message is to understand the depravity of man, can lead you understanding why everyone needs God. We need God's mercy so that we can be forgiven, be born-again, and inherit eternal life. For those who have experienced repentance and trusted in God, we have eternal peace with God and we are able to see the world from a different prospective. We have no fear of this life or the second death, something most people don't have. The most important thing in this life is knowing God and receiving the Holy Spirit, so that we have strength to live this life in the good and hard times. For details on meeting God, watch Ray Comfort on YouTube. It is fun, entertaining and educational.
I enjoyed this conversation alot. I relate to much of it and Im also a North Florida native and also share many of the life experiences discussed so it was cool. I particularly appreciate the point of inward observation and understanding the role self plays in the faults you find in your outward observations.....i do believe that there is truth however and it is absolute. It may in its totality be incomprehensible but in the minut of details it does exist in an objective reality that is independent and separate from our subjective perspectives.....but this is only my perspective as well lol. Thanks Greg and Tess. Be blessed.
You're not wrong Greese. The vote was always decided by 5 people since 1871. That we're still under this system is telling that humanity has been a snail crawl on figuring this out. The PTB choose who will man the post and they play this theater game with the public. That Que Mala (thanks Lionel) is even in the running on the heels of O'Brandon is telling that things are so warped, that we are under the thumb of the injustice clan and because of the shekel, the yokel is still under the yoke of this injustice system and the slave is still doing the bidding putting the screws to his fellow man because it's all about what's in it for me and sorry it's happening to you.
Sound IMO is "THE WORD." If sound can do this then it can heal and enlighten.
Artistry is important in that it is a higher plane of sense. It's not as prolific on this Earth plane because we're still at Level 0 states of consciousness.
I've heard that on the higher planes, art is subsidized unlike here it can be a road to poverty.
Synchronicity. Music has already been written it's out there in a higher plane. Musicians tap into it. On this plane they take credit for it and financially benefit from it. There are many times a musician taps into something and then another musician(s) takes those ideas and benefits from it.
Again, what happened at Butler was seen in a music video from an existing artist years before Butler happened right down to the type of weapon used.
Love in one's heart is important unfortunately the artist that gets pushed and supported is a front for a social engineering agenda.
IMO the best music art is THREE CHORDS AND THE TRUTH.
Best way to better your voice or any instrument is to keep recording and listening back. The more you record the more you can see where things could be better. You learn from playback.
Singing in tune exercise:
Jump up and down doing jumping jacks singing/holding a single note and try to keep it in tune.
Levels of expression:
2.Playing an instrument
4.Singing while playing an instrument is the HIGHEST.
The more you record the more you can tell where things are weak and where they are strong.
Re-recording something, one risks taking the magic away that is usually there the first time one does a track. Many hits were released with mistakes because the producer was aware that the magic in the performance/mix would never be duplicated.
But there is a certain capture that an astute producer can sense. A producer is key. An artist needs another one in the room to be the guide. Producing oneself is not the best option. The better the producer the better the results.
Also a studio, they are not all created the same. A good producer will visit different studios, take the band/artist to one until they find the studio that will produce the sound needed for that particular project.
Here is a classic movie scene that any artist planning to record needs to watch:
The music industry is controlled by social engineers.
In rock, you can criticize in the lyrics/video but there needs to be a solution offered.
If doom is part of the song there must be an answer for the doom.
These days talking about love in a song needs a different approach other than just love between two people. Too many things happening in the world to be all pie-eyed and infatuated.
quote" The music industry is controlled by social engineers. "
So damn true , the other day Celia Farber was saying all our culture was fake and contrive."
AND it rubbed me the wrong way. For those who grew up punk rock. I mean its hard to think rebellion is pushed by the system . Yet Johnny Rotten from the sex pistols spilled the beans ...
That Brit invasion That's pure TAVISTOK. , the 60s that's pure Mil Intelligence. . . .
Even painters , its all images placed into their minds . . . .
Plato was right. You have to start by unlearning everything.
Yes it was all over the place. You won't "make it" unless the social engineers are involved. They changed MTV over night from rock to hiphop with KRISS KROSS' JUMP when the CIA told Sumner Redstone to force his MTV company to do so turning the average viewer into future prison whores with the backwards pants prison attire and with 12 year old kid artists at that. Ed Sullivan was involved in getting the Beatles into the American psyche. Even the Fab Four never imagined they would go over in America doing Buddy Holly and Little Richard covers.
The Doors, Jim Morrison son of then Air Force chief Admiral Morrison comes out of nowhere and became the sentinel for the Vietnam war after Adm. Morrison contrived the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get America involved in Vietnam with a false flag attack by the Viet Cong on the USS Maddox which was later seen pulling into San Diego unbeknownst to the world.
Music and musicians get used and is always the introduction to the youth to get onto the next social engineering agenda.
fuck it , i'll say it. How many miles of cock did Kris Kros had to deal with ? That stuff was so bland . . . sigh.
Jim Morrison was a shocker. Maybe it was reactionary BUT i feel like it was prop up.
4sure. That Olive Stone film did a rampage on the kids in my school. It was kinda of a good thing. I can't count all the people i had to help / guide out of LSD bad trip . . .
So much so i had the shaman reputation. Also i had all the Giant Vynil collection from my family audio library. So that was quite the gateway. 50s to late 80s until i started buying my own stuff. Its a blessign to have thee net. Everytime i bought a new record someone would "borrow" it . . . we all done it tho. so it was kinda fair game. Like a book is never really yours.
The original MAMALIAN blood was O+ the the Ab- ANNUNAKI “AshkaNAZI” tinkered with the breeding….allowing for an Ab- REPTILIAN to impregnate an O+ mammalian female, making the 8 blood type variants we see today. We have been made by these AB- vampires. The negative blood is not 25% of earth but the Ab- is less than 1%. Since O- blood is the Liaison between the two bloodline, hence the universal donor. Does this make sense?
So glad this is on for a rainy cool morning here in the desert southwest
Rainy cool morning in the desert here south of the border too, and this was an interesting conversation.
Greg…great PODCAST TODAY!! This is what we need…just take it one step further! You mentioned Israel, you mentioned sides, or teams…how about BLOOD!? We are two bloodlines! The science behind the Rhesus factor is the difference between two entirely different species pretending to be ONE! They need to be exposed and HUNTED like the ABSOLUTE WORST ANIMALS we could ever be living nextdoor to! They are united w thier NEUTRAL Ph of their blood w excess copper!!! They are deficient in IRON which makes them blood thirsty VAMPIRE VECTORS and why they call us GOYIM…or a farm animal to eat. HALLAL SLAUGHTERS ARE DONE BY ONLY THE RH- where they drive the mammal into a state of absolute TERROR, flooding the blood w ADRENALINE!! This is ADRENECHROME and the most expensive DRUG ON EARTH. I’m in KONA Hawaii….son of the lead singer in the band AMERICA. He hasn’t spoken to me or his grandson in over a decade….ive been abandoned 100% and ignored because I put these pieces together! Their UNCALCIFIED PINEAL GLAND, allows them remote viewing through the astral realm. Once you have experienced DMT or Ayuascha, you will see how easy it is to leave the body and “FLY”. They use this ability to spy into your life or anyone’s life for that matter, and use the calcified GOYIM for anything and everything !! Ride that “NO NAMED HORSE(mammal)”!😳
The Israel of God is no longer fleshly, natural Israel—but rather all believers in Jesus via the new covenant. Not all Israel is Israel. Here are passages about this:
Galatians 6:15-16. In the context of the rest of Galatians, Paul refers to the “ISRAEL OF GOD” as those who walk according to the Spirit—by faith in Jesus Christ (and specifically not by works of the Jewish Old Covenant Law, including circumcision).
Galatians 4:21-31. Physical Jerusalem, that is, the old covenant, is cast out making way for the New Spiritual Jerusalem (“the Jerusalem above”)—the new children of the promise.
Hebrews 12:22-24. Christians of the first century had already arrived at the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem—through Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant.
Matthew 3:7-11. John the Baptist tells the Pharisees and Sadducees not to count on their physical descent. Indeed, they are about to be cut down in the wrath about to come (AD 70).
Matthew 21:18-19. Jesus curses the fig tree, an Old Testament symbol for Old Covenant Israel (Jeremiah 24; Hosea 9:10; Luke 13:6-9), and the fig tree withered away.
Matthew 21:33-45. Parable of the Tenants. Jesus tells the Jews that the kingdom is being taken away from them and given to another group, obviously the church.
Matthew 22:1-4. The Parable of the Wedding Feast. It was obviously the Jews who were invited to the wedding, but their refusal to accept Christ as Messiah would lead to their demise—“destroyed those murderers and burned their city.” (Matthew 23, the next chapter, details why the Jews were the object of Jesus’ wrath. Not only were they exceedingly sinful, but also refused to accept Him as Savior.)
John 8:31-47. Jesus explains to the Jews of his day that they are not truly offspring of Abraham, but rather are offspring of the devil.
Romans 2:28-29. “For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not the letter.” (cf. Colossians 2:6-3:17; Philippians 3:3)
Romans 9:6-8. Paul taught that not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel (“FOR THEY ARE NOT ALL ISRAEL WHO ARE ISRAEL”), and not all are children of Abraham. It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God.
Romans 11:11-32. Branches (of Israel) were broken off and Gentiles grafted in by faith. This is not to be seen as strictly “replacement theology,” but rather “inclusion theology.” Whoever accepted Christ, both Gentiles and a remnant of Jews are saved.
Galatians 3:6-9, 25-29. Heirs to the promise, i.e. the true sons of Abraham, comes from faith in Christ, not physical descent.
Ephesians 2:11-3:13. Gentiles are no longer aliens but are fellow citizens in a new dwelling place, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (cf. Revelation 21:14).
Colossians 2:6-3:17. Paul explains in this passage that physical circumcision had been replaced by spiritual circumcision, thus spiritual Israel—believers being made spiritually alive IN CHRIST. (cf. Romans 2:28-29; Philippians 3:3).
Hebrews 8:5-13. The Old Covenant was being replaced by a New Covenant as predicted in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 31:31-34; etc.)
1 Peter 2:4-10. The new chosen race is the Christian church (building motif).
Revelation 2:9; 3:9. There are those who say they are Jews, but are really are a “synagogue of Satan.”
Revelation 19:7, 21:2, 9-27. The New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ, the church—which is built on the foundation of the apostles (cf. Ephesians 2:20).
Summary. Israel’s covenant with God was contingent on obedience (Deuteronomy 28-32)! Throughout the Bible, Israel’s relationship with God is portrayed as a marriage (Isaiah 54:5; 62:4; Jeremiah 2:2; 3:20; 31:31-34; Ezekiel 16:8, 32, 38; Hosea 2:2, 7, 16; Malachi 2:14). Whenever Israel was unfaithful, she is characterized as a harlot or adulterer (Deuteronomy 31:16-18; Isaiah 1:21; Jeremiah 2:20; 3:6-9; Ezekiel 6:8-9; 16:15, 26, 28; Hosea 1:2; 6:10; 9:1). The central theme of Revelation is a story of two women—the harlot Babylon who is judged/divorced (Revelation 17:1, 5, 15; 18:9, 21; 19:2) and God’s new bride the New Jerusalem (Revelation 19:7; 21:2, 9). The faithless harlot is apostate Old Covenant Israel. The new bride is the Christian church, the wife of the Lamb, the New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12; 19:7; 21:2, 9-27). Compare to the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14, as well as such passages as John 3:29; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25-27.
It's all about the changing of the covenants.
O neg. is the universal donor, I find that fascinating. EVERY other blood type both positive and negative can receive life saving blood from O neg. But O neg blood type can ONLY receive O neg. yet, by your comment and information, it is the Rh negative that is the most evil being here.
Lost my wife of 44 years this August.
We have an 17 yo daughter who is autistic.
The timing on this ep was excellent. THANK YOU!
My mom sister son , 46 yo , is autistic . He's the light of the family. I wish you the best on the road ahead. God Bless.
Appreciate your objectivity to specific topics you cover, I think its the best way to be in this venue. Cheers Greg!
Thanks so much Greg, was an honor to chat with you about this. 🙏🙏🙏
This was a download from God. Check it out and the story of how it was received by the composer.
Sorry wrong link….
Music is food for the soul and is critical for the vitality of the organism. Vibration of music and the intention is medicine.
Play with that tuning , ya know that one that heal water ? ! ! !
Frequency of mass disruption ! people might puke up the metaphoric black goo !
Who knows what might happen ! 😎
The frequency that heals water? What frequency is it? We can absolutely tune the tracks / albums ! I’ve heard of 432hz being the natural frequency but idk if that’s the one you’re referencing?
Noted. I’ll look into it and discuss it w/my sound engineer for the album/all upcoming releases in our session 2mrw. Thank you!!
well there is also the inaudible spectrum !
the guy with the curly hair on Tim Pool claimed they recorded transmission saying stuff like :"KILL, KILL,Kill" during covid. They had to use audio tools tho. Has it was in the inaudible range.
oh am not telling hahahaha ! BUT the good experts validate the thing !
(When she speak about her Harp part)
ooh just saw this. thank you!
SONG OF THE last 65456465 DAYs : HOLYWAR ; Punishment Due
Greg , i was so mad you didn't jump into the fray but i knew better, it spoke more of my desire of having you fight has a proxy on my behalf than anything else. We all talked at length of community , not checking out , getting involve. In the end its a republic if we can keep it which mean participate getting involve. So not voting . . . well that's copping out in my book.
The WHO got push back coz people got involve. Election integrity same thing. PEDO story time , same thing. And so on. . . There is hope.
There is worst thing than being on the sideline : i seen past few months ; active measures from the fake alternative media disparaging only Trump voters , black pilling. They are foreign agents hiding behind America 1st amendment with their dual passport. Someone is paying for this i know coz i seen the receipts of people who refused the money.
SOOO MANY DEATHS in the last 10 years this can't become banale statistics : THE PUNISHEMNT IS DUE.
BUT today NIN - the way out is trough & Into the Void. Is much more fitting.
i danced , fought , fucked on those songs. Music is either a conduit or the soundtrack of our life ? But thats a wild tangent.
How free are we ? ; peanut the squirrel was a giant red pill for Normie i observed. This process will never end (red pilling) too many different connections / so many different people react to an infinite range of topics.
The shit libs laws and regulations . . . mind your fucking business. IF we would go back far enough they would kill the first domestic wolf in the name of Lupine Flu . . . IF they can come into your home and kill You are not FREE.
The inner tyrant / the creative , the LEFT- Right hemisphere. Bringing order to your room is a good thing. Through sobriety or Through an honest bilan [french] or inventory. In perspective . . .The technocrats, the control freaks its the Brain gone wild trying to rearrange , sort , compartmentalize all aspect of life. Its is further than a dialectic the balancing act is not the desired outcome of the Lf/Rt extreme i very much agree its is a function of human life itself. When we say : the shackles over the mind of mens. Those are very much self inflicted in many case.
Speaking of The herd ; they have child minds , some people stopped growing. Would you be condescending to children ? Thats the elitist mindset .. watch out for the hubris trap . We are all human , we are not using our potential at the same pace or at all even. To me Feel AntiChrist like to condemn people on that basis. Thats my approach anyhow.
Great closing guys , was fun to spend an hour with kindred spirits.
Thnx Greg/Tess , Monday ill go buy new guitar strings. Which i put off for far too long. And stop being so hard an hypercritical of my work.
Oh shit . . . Well i forgot to say this : " Before summer 2021 i would have never call myself a christian. but spending time in the freedom cult and i credit Kristina Kay , Sherry , Fairpoet , Sammy all you girls who post here really for this. When the chips falls it was pretty clear where they landed. Since July , i been uncharacteristically serene , i dunno if its because i accept to be persecuted for my faith . . . or pain is part of the process. . . . not because the stove is red hot should we keep our hands on it hahahahah we know its hot . That's enough. lol
It is very much an holywar on woman Those gay man , Those transhuman ,Those white coat lab dreaming of artificial whombs . They hate you. AND i can't fathom a world without woman. So thank you peace loving patriot moms and maidens .
Has long you got our back , Us , numb skull guys will be fighting! 😎1776 world Wide.
fuck shit libs Governments , best meme you will ever see ! pure red pill
There is truth and it is all in God. What God? The God of the the Christian Bible. To know morality is to know and understand the 10 commandments. (Duet 5) Understanding God's message is to understand the depravity of man, can lead you understanding why everyone needs God. We need God's mercy so that we can be forgiven, be born-again, and inherit eternal life. For those who have experienced repentance and trusted in God, we have eternal peace with God and we are able to see the world from a different prospective. We have no fear of this life or the second death, something most people don't have. The most important thing in this life is knowing God and receiving the Holy Spirit, so that we have strength to live this life in the good and hard times. For details on meeting God, watch Ray Comfort on YouTube. It is fun, entertaining and educational.
I enjoyed this conversation alot. I relate to much of it and Im also a North Florida native and also share many of the life experiences discussed so it was cool. I particularly appreciate the point of inward observation and understanding the role self plays in the faults you find in your outward observations.....i do believe that there is truth however and it is absolute. It may in its totality be incomprehensible but in the minut of details it does exist in an objective reality that is independent and separate from our subjective perspectives.....but this is only my perspective as well lol. Thanks Greg and Tess. Be blessed.
Many blessings to you as well - thank you for listening and sharing your experience 🙏❤️🙏
You're not wrong Greese. The vote was always decided by 5 people since 1871. That we're still under this system is telling that humanity has been a snail crawl on figuring this out. The PTB choose who will man the post and they play this theater game with the public. That Que Mala (thanks Lionel) is even in the running on the heels of O'Brandon is telling that things are so warped, that we are under the thumb of the injustice clan and because of the shekel, the yokel is still under the yoke of this injustice system and the slave is still doing the bidding putting the screws to his fellow man because it's all about what's in it for me and sorry it's happening to you.
Sound IMO is "THE WORD." If sound can do this then it can heal and enlighten.
Artistry is important in that it is a higher plane of sense. It's not as prolific on this Earth plane because we're still at Level 0 states of consciousness.
I've heard that on the higher planes, art is subsidized unlike here it can be a road to poverty.
Synchronicity. Music has already been written it's out there in a higher plane. Musicians tap into it. On this plane they take credit for it and financially benefit from it. There are many times a musician taps into something and then another musician(s) takes those ideas and benefits from it.
Again, what happened at Butler was seen in a music video from an existing artist years before Butler happened right down to the type of weapon used.
Love in one's heart is important unfortunately the artist that gets pushed and supported is a front for a social engineering agenda.
IMO the best music art is THREE CHORDS AND THE TRUTH.
Best way to better your voice or any instrument is to keep recording and listening back. The more you record the more you can see where things could be better. You learn from playback.
Singing in tune exercise:
Jump up and down doing jumping jacks singing/holding a single note and try to keep it in tune.
Levels of expression:
2.Playing an instrument
4.Singing while playing an instrument is the HIGHEST.
The more you record the more you can tell where things are weak and where they are strong.
Re-recording something, one risks taking the magic away that is usually there the first time one does a track. Many hits were released with mistakes because the producer was aware that the magic in the performance/mix would never be duplicated.
But there is a certain capture that an astute producer can sense. A producer is key. An artist needs another one in the room to be the guide. Producing oneself is not the best option. The better the producer the better the results.
Also a studio, they are not all created the same. A good producer will visit different studios, take the band/artist to one until they find the studio that will produce the sound needed for that particular project.
Here is a classic movie scene that any artist planning to record needs to watch:
La Bamba:
The music industry is controlled by social engineers.
In rock, you can criticize in the lyrics/video but there needs to be a solution offered.
If doom is part of the song there must be an answer for the doom.
These days talking about love in a song needs a different approach other than just love between two people. Too many things happening in the world to be all pie-eyed and infatuated.
quote" The music industry is controlled by social engineers. "
So damn true , the other day Celia Farber was saying all our culture was fake and contrive."
AND it rubbed me the wrong way. For those who grew up punk rock. I mean its hard to think rebellion is pushed by the system . Yet Johnny Rotten from the sex pistols spilled the beans ...
That Brit invasion That's pure TAVISTOK. , the 60s that's pure Mil Intelligence. . . .
Even painters , its all images placed into their minds . . . .
Plato was right. You have to start by unlearning everything.
Thumbs up my like button does not work.
Yes it was all over the place. You won't "make it" unless the social engineers are involved. They changed MTV over night from rock to hiphop with KRISS KROSS' JUMP when the CIA told Sumner Redstone to force his MTV company to do so turning the average viewer into future prison whores with the backwards pants prison attire and with 12 year old kid artists at that. Ed Sullivan was involved in getting the Beatles into the American psyche. Even the Fab Four never imagined they would go over in America doing Buddy Holly and Little Richard covers.
The Doors, Jim Morrison son of then Air Force chief Admiral Morrison comes out of nowhere and became the sentinel for the Vietnam war after Adm. Morrison contrived the Gulf of Tonkin incident to get America involved in Vietnam with a false flag attack by the Viet Cong on the USS Maddox which was later seen pulling into San Diego unbeknownst to the world.
Music and musicians get used and is always the introduction to the youth to get onto the next social engineering agenda.
fuck it , i'll say it. How many miles of cock did Kris Kros had to deal with ? That stuff was so bland . . . sigh.
Jim Morrison was a shocker. Maybe it was reactionary BUT i feel like it was prop up.
4sure. That Olive Stone film did a rampage on the kids in my school. It was kinda of a good thing. I can't count all the people i had to help / guide out of LSD bad trip . . .
So much so i had the shaman reputation. Also i had all the Giant Vynil collection from my family audio library. So that was quite the gateway. 50s to late 80s until i started buying my own stuff. Its a blessign to have thee net. Everytime i bought a new record someone would "borrow" it . . . we all done it tho. so it was kinda fair game. Like a book is never really yours.
The original MAMALIAN blood was O+ the the Ab- ANNUNAKI “AshkaNAZI” tinkered with the breeding….allowing for an Ab- REPTILIAN to impregnate an O+ mammalian female, making the 8 blood type variants we see today. We have been made by these AB- vampires. The negative blood is not 25% of earth but the Ab- is less than 1%. Since O- blood is the Liaison between the two bloodline, hence the universal donor. Does this make sense?
"Does this make sense?"
In the first line, did you mean to have a period or comma after the 'O+' in the "O+ the the Ab-ANNUNAKI..."?
Yes….”,….and the”…..😀
34:00 Minute Mark! I feel the same way. Like a Alien in a Upside down world! You I I are differently alike!
Excellent podcast, eternal thank you🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for hosting this guest in particular.