The moderna commercial is slick, and is messaging quite effectively the 4th Industrial Revolution dystopia with a wink and a smirk.

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Truly hard to watch.

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May 3, 2023Edited
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Those 3 amigos Made resistance possible the last 3 years :

https://tinyurl.com/y2jrx6vc True Heroes Aaron Ciri lead attorney, Del BigTree & RFKjr

ICAN Inform Consent Action Network https://icandecide.org/

CHD Children health defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/

FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/

They need our help , They need us to activate !

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Ecclesiastes 8:11 : ..."Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."


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I wonder why I hate it so viscerally. It's like their aesthetics are made for something that's more and more opposite to me.

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My mom had an Ischemic stroke after taking this bio weapon. I begged her not to get it! She's now in a nursing home on hospice. Ive told every nurse and doctor that I've spoken to what I believe caused her stroke. They either look at me with deer in the headlights look, or looks of disapproving hostility! I WANT JUSTICE!! I KNOW WHAT CAUSED MY MOMS STROKE!!

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I’m a nurse in a nursing home and became aware of the evil agenda only after my 2nd Pfizer shot. Sadly, I wasn’t aware of my right to refuse so I allowed my employer to coerce me back in December 2020. Anyway, I am squawking to anyone who will listen about this deadly democide/genocide and I have met some patients and families who are awake but it’s not a lot. I’m in Northern California minutes from SF. I believe there’s no hope to wake these people up. They’re oblivious to the experimental gene junk, 5-6G with their hideous towers going up like rogue weeds, and the intensified chemtrailing. It’s mind boggling to witness re life zombies and not be able to stop it.

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So sorry Christine, yea, California was bad for lying and keeping people in the dark. Satan has put a veil over the eyes of a lot of people. A lot of my family members got it even though I warned them. Some even hid it from me knowing how I felt about it. The nursing home has asked me several times if my mom could have a booster! (I'm her medical representative) You can imagine my response! They should know by now not to come at me with that crap! I go off!! Praying for you!

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I had a family refuse the last flu shot for their dad and he almost got it anyway until i jumped in to remind the injector that the family had refused! I documented it too. Who knows how many vaccines are being given to people who’ve refused??

If you’re confused and don’t have an advocate you’re doomed. Unless I’m your nurse. So many residents and staff are complaining that the shot made them sick but still feel that mandatory is legal.

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Thank you for protecting the elderly from these demons! It's sheer madness what's happening! I do believe retribution will come at some point, don't know if it will be in this lifetime but I know in the next for sure!

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If every such facility had even one Nurse Christina, the family member(s) who care for our elders "at home", would advocate for placement.

Am in Canuckistan though, I know too much, and NO WAY is my mum going that (literally) dead end route while I still have a voice, and her ear.

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Same here!

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I believe it is an “effect” of the clot shots…

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Lost my brother to the vax... He very rarely got sick, until he was vaxxed.... I plead with him to wait until the vax was proven to be safe... His dumbass wife convinced him otherwise. Now she is having health issues too.

My brother was collapsing without warning, breaking bones and having concussions from the falls, he had several strokes, swelling, muscle spasms, chronic fatigue, uncontrollable high BP, then he went blind and became immobile, and the list goes on. He was hit hard.

Of coarse the doctors had no idea what was going on or how to treat him. He was in so much pain and depression he prayed to die and soon after, got his wish.

No one in the health business or our family wanted to even consider it was because of his multiple vaxxes no matter what I said or tried to show them.

At this stage I wonder if they ever will acknowledge the truth.

The way I see it, is if they haven't begun to wake up by now, they likely never will.

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SOOO tragic!..sooo sorry for your loss. The suffering he (and millions others) dealt with makes my heart break.

The worse part is that we tried to warn them...and they took talking heads advice over those they loved and respected. So many wanted the 'I just saved lives!!' social credit points they couldn't see how that campaign was pure manipulation.

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Such a heartbreaking story and tragic loss. I’m so very sorry. But yes, I agree ~ if people aren’t awake to what’s really going on by now, then I’m afraid they may never wake up. Prayers for you and your family. ❤️🙏🏻

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So kind, Thank You.

To add insult to injury, my brother passed away last spring. I was unable to go see him before he passed because we live across the country and our dictator turdeau would not let the unvaxxed use public transportation. We had to make the long journey by car and he passed before we got to see him... I was there for the funeral at least...

That was over a year ago and it is just starting to sink in with a few family members that the vax may have had something to do with his death... Yah too little too late and still they deny. Anyway... I avoid such discussion with them now, but I pray for them anyway.

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I’m so sorry, Tonya. I can definitely relate to what you’re going through. My mom became very ill with ALS-type symptoms about 2 weeks after she got the Moderna booster in September 2021. In March of 2022, she had to be hospitalized and put on a ventilator. She never recovered and she died in hospice in October 2022.

Aside from losing my mom, which is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure, the Plandemic has completely destroyed my family. My brother worked in healthcare during COVID and he urged both of our parents to get vaccinated, because as he put it, “They were both high risk due to their age.” 🙄 I begged both of them not to do it, but of course they didn’t listen to me. They both ended up getting double-vaxxed along with a booster shot. My mom obviously got sick right away; my dad is just now starting to deal with what I believe are some side effects of the shots. My brother and I are no longer speaking ~ I pretty much blame him for our mother’s death, which is horrible. But, I haven’t been able to move past the anger yet. And I spent several months in a mental health facility (not my choice) after my mom

passed due to severe depression and anxiety. The last 7 months have been one helluva roller coaster ride, let me tell ya!

But, just know that you’re not alone in your anger, frustration and NEED for justice. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I’m sending prayers up for both you and your mom. ❤️🙏🏻

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Sherry, oh my !! I'm so sorry for what you've been through! I don't know if you believe in God but please ask him for help in guiding you through this! He WILL help you deal with all of the these emotions and help you heal! It has to be so awful for you. But somehow you need to forgive your brother. Very soon I believe the truth will come out about this death shot. He will have to deal with the guilt himself. That will be a terrible thing for him. It's hard, I understand. I had to forgive some people myself in order to heal. But God says he won't forgive you in Heaven if you don't forgive here on earth. I'll be praying for you and your brother ❤️

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Thank you. And yes, absolutely ~ our Almighty Father is probably the only reason why I’m still here. He’s carried me through some really dark times, including the last 7 months.

I know I need to forgive him and in time, I will. Currently, we do everything within our power to avoid one another, and I think it’s for the best right now.

My brother, his wife and their two kids have all been quadruple boosted by now, I’m sure. I’m the only person in my entire family (with the exception of a cousin in California) that hasn’t been vaccinated. So, I know the reality is that one day I could very well be all alone. I hope and pray that’s not the case, but based on everything I’ve read, it doesn’t look good. It’s a hard pill to swallow but I’m trying to prepare myself mentally and emotionally, in case that day ever does come.

I have to continually remind myself that God is always in control and that everything that’s happening, is happening exactly the way that He intended, even if it doesn’t make sense to us now ~ it will one day. ❤️

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Looking for justice from our Father in Heaven. It won't be pretty!

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Hi, you are right that your mom is suffering from an intentional "attempted murder by biochemical poisoning". Our country has had a COUP by any definition. All systems are captured systems and now work for foreign entities. I've been exposing this fact for 4 years and no one listens. The situation here in Canada is very serious. Some of my close friends died from heart destress. Most of my family are sick. We need TRIBUNALS... Be Blessed. Please know you are not alone and we will have our day in court.

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Here is yet one more potential harm from the mRNA shots.


Case 1





The findings of this study suggest that, overall, new-encounter ICD-10 diagnoses for RVO acutely after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination occur extremely rarely at rates similar to those of 2 different historically used vaccines. No evidence suggesting an association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and new-encounter diagnoses of RVO was found. Further detailed research on patients experiencing RVO after vaccination is necessary to elucidate risk factors for this vision-threatening condition.


Case 2





Nowadays, it is impossible to assure a causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and CRVO. However, the presence of this pathology in a patient without previous risk factors and a positive response to intravitreal steroids, antiangiogenics, and systemic anticoagulation may suggest a correlation between the COVID-19 vaccine and the event. This case may indicate a vaccine-induced CRVO.


Personal Experience


I reported a problem with vision in my left eye to my doctor and she confirmed that she could see something in the retinal of my eye. Her office arranged an appointment for me with an ophthamologist. When I had no response from the ophthamologists office after a month I contacted them. They would not confirm that they had any record of an appointment being made for me. A week has passed now and they have not called back to confirm an appointment.


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May 4, 2023
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Thank you. ❤️

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In your face eugenics. Couple levels above high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oil, sugar not fat, carbs as the foundation of the food pyramid, fluoride in your mouth all day everyday, cancer virus treated with deadly poisonous chemicals, chemtrails, nano-tech, experimental vaccines without informed consent or liability, experimental genetically modifying gene therapy injections. Now they've moved onto railcar derailments with the right chemical combinations and heat source to create dioxin environmental and human generational health disasters worse than chernobyl. Let's not forget world war three. They've been at it long and hard. We were made busy surviving under our banking cartel overlords, to busy to notice. I'm sure I'm just preaching to the choir now. Thanks for listening. I guess I'll get up and start today's battle with the great deceiver. Thank you Greg for all you bring out from under and into the light. I believe you are about our Father's business. Thank you Lord for giving us another day in your presence and more time to know it.

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Uncheck flourishing evil; enFORCED by magic 'spells' called 'law,' a.k.a. 'orders,' (they congruently s-p-e-l-l it out in congress, deliver the 'spell' to a governor (controller) or president (presider a.k.a. the authoritarian) for his/her cursive signature (sigil curse) and hand it down to the militarized order followers for enFORCEment. The same militarized order followers were put in place by the same magic spell prosess as having 'authority' to enFORCE all spells AND protect the unchecked flourishing evil doers. That is exactly how the system works that you're caged in folks, - - exactly.

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Yep and the tokens go round and round on the banker's monopoly board collecting their 200 dollars.

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Thanks even a healthy Asymptomatic athlete shows that, imagine what my asymptomatic oldest family friends look like. Ticking time bombs. Someone somewhere stop this nightmare and hang these son of a bitches,

Yesterday is not too soon.

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These Megalomaniac Psychopaths, should be Injected with their own vaccines & Several Boosters ( to Keep Them Healthy ) before being Locked up for good.

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Wonder how that head spinning, death spiral phenomena Fits into this?5G connection To those deaths?

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Demon rain..? Exorcisms are at an epidemic level on our planet... All those cameras that are everywhere now are picking up unbelievable video... It is like sudden demonic attack on people everywhere. Frightening and increasing... Cancers and mental illness also at epidemic levels... Its as if humanity is under attack at a biological level...

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Spiritual level for sure

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Heard that about exorcisms. As an Orthodox I know there are clairvoyant monks of Mt Athos Greece who said”Satan has i infiltrated medicine with an injection “

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And many shall depart (die)”

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This was said 10 years before the fake virus

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You should read Jonathan Cahn's book

The Return Of The Gods! It explains everything!

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Looking for a fact.

just by chance...Is he from the same tribe than Albert Bourla the veterinarian from Pfizer?

As another of them said "one death, murder. Million deaths, statistics" (Stalin)

these are real crimes against humanity, but you wont see any movie about it. These evil SOB wont see justice on earth.

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Indeed he is. Easy money as they say.

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just coincidence.

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They see us has Cattle cant be more evident , Bourla and Tadros , Bancel , Farrar , Hancock The list goes on

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We can thank DARPA. Tech is all about transhumanism and I predict that will become more and more obvious as their desired singularity nears.

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Bioweapon, no doubt. And presented as a cure!

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Wonder if the is even any M RNA tech in these shots ?no one has found this to my knowledge. They seem. To be just pure poison of many kinds and amounts.

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According to lab research done by Kevin McKernan (a genetics and molecular biologist), these shots are littered with linear and circular plasmid DNA used to make the mRNA in the first place. If I understand it correctly this has antibiotic resistance built in so they can get bacteria to produce the DNA en masse. DNA can be integrated into the genome.

As if the hijacking of cellular machinery via transfection to manufacture a foreign protein isn't bad enough...

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What I find ironic and troubling, is that the same people that protest against, want to be informed of, and avoid consuming GMO food... voluntarily rolled up their sleeves to become a GMO...

Oblivious, naive.. or both..?

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Love your reports, Greg!

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Murderna was on the brink of bankruptcy before Trump bailed them out with Operation Warp Speed, with this experimental vaxx. It is clear that Pfizer, J&J, Astra Genica, and many others used this murderous opportunity to get rich or richer at the expense of people's health, in cold blood, pulling the trigger with no remorse. They should all hang for murder and treason.

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Dr. Robert Malone claims he was among the inventors of mRNA Vaccines and was looking at this being an alternate treatment for cancer back in the 1980's. He said it was greatly flawed and abandoned the idea. Anything that can be used for good can also be used for evil as we see. While he had a hand in it's creation he is considered a super spreader of misinformation now. Usually when you buy a product and it does not work you return it for a refund. You would think all the countries that spent tens of billions of dollars on a product that did not work would be angry and seeking refunds on a product that was basically worthless but they are not. Pfizer, AstraZeneca & Janssen are peddling the same poison. The vaccines are safe for the manufacturers as they are immune of any liability for injuries and death and they are effective in doing what the Elites want which is population reduction. Bill Gates during a Ted Talks stated with better reproductive health care and a good vaccine the worlds population could be reduced by 15% in 10 years. These appear to have been removed from YT. He is large farm land owner and other elites buying up farmlands as well. They can then control what is grown or not grown. Food labels now say Bioengineered food ingredients instead of GMO because it sounds better. Fauci said with 100% certainty there would be a surprise outbreak during Trump's presidency and PRC test kits were being ordered by the millions in 2018 these tests were not created to detect Covid so we really had a PRC Test Kit Pandemic. Event 201 held just before the outbreak. Time for the tribunals but this wont happen as the Elites control the courts. I have written Republican lawmakers about the WEF and their Great Reset plans but gave up as each email was completely ignored so I have to say we are on our own here and it's time to take action. Share these videos far and wide. Tucker Carlson compared the vaccines to My Pillow and I think this was the final straw plus the Dominion lawsuit didn't help. Don't cross the Murdock line. Ironically Blackrock who has ownership in every major corporation just raised it's stake in Fox News. I know lots of talking points in one post but it's all really connect the dots.

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There is a device called Flir One, which turns iPhone into an infra-red camera. It is sold at Amazon for $225. I wonder if this camera can be used to detect DVT. There are other infrared cameras for industrial use, which can detect hot water and cold water in plumbing, for example. I’m going to try my Flir One to see if I can detect clots in veins. If you have an infrared camera, try using it to see if we can visualize cold spots on your body. If it is long and tortuous, it will indicate a vein with clot. We can compare notes.

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Would love to know if ur idea is successful. If so, will buy the item myself. Can text me at 210-204-1467. Ty 🙏

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The Greek word pharmakeia appears in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 18:23. Terms from the same root word appear in Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, and Revelation 22:15. These are typically translated into English as “sorcery,” “witchcraft,” or “sorcerer.” Ancient Greek uses of pharmakeia closely mirror the generic modern English word drugs ; the same Greek root word produced English terms such as pharmacy and pharmacist.

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May 3, 2023Edited
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The white horse represents Catholicism.

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by the way..Anyone aware of the Law that Desantis signed in Jerusalem?

in Jerusalem! Not about the persecution of Catholics/Christians neither Muslims..

we change the puppet, but not the puppeteer

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Noahide law is already put in place here in US….

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PS i would like to elaborate on the moderna commercial. The reason it is so effective visually is because there is a red mRNA genetic "ribbon" running through all facets of life as per the various vignettes in this commercial. As the red ribbon weaves through all facets of everyone's lives, running in the background like a kind of OS, it then winds itself around a staircase leading to nowhere (certainly not to heaven). A women with shaved head due to chemotherapy (unsafe and ineffective treatment) ascends this red ribbon encircled staircase and rings a bell signifying the eventual promise of mRNA curing to cancer. An empty promise.

The very (turbo) cancer that the slow kill bioweapon mRNA DEATHVAX™ and all of the other engineered environmental poisons that were created by the partners of BigPharma have been deploying against humanity will be "cured" by the red mRNA ribbon as brought to us by the corporations that lied about the mRNA preventing the transmission of C19.

The commercial ends with the red mRNA ribbon floating in kind hebephrenic cloud over a room projecting nature with a synthetic patch of grass across the cement floor. This is Plato's Cave analogy across the wall, as the little black girl frolics across this dystopian chamber room with the oppressive alien cloud hovering over her.

This is pod-life with a dreary filter ushering in the technocratic Great Reset where every genetically modified post-human is altered by this ubiquitous mRNA red string coursing through their State controlled DNA.

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