If “God” ‘prophecied’ this plan, then your God is the Jews and Lucifer. The Bible was written by the Jewish nobility of the Roman Empire, who were the direct descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs, for the purpose of a slave religion, to lead the slaves into willing compliance with the Jews’ global enslavement plan. And it’s worked wonders, resulting in America’s Christians cheering for the final phase of enslavement of the planet and murder of everyone who resists.
If you’re not working to change the plan, then you’re a willing supporter of it and on the side of pure evil.
I've heard that before. What primary sources do you have to support this allegation? The Book of Revelation was written by Jesus' disciple John who was from the rabbinical lineage but embraced and loved Jesus. John was imprisoned by Rome and despised by Jewish aristocracy so being in the boys club is highly improbable. He was rejected by that club. Unless you can give bonafide evidence/sources your assertion is irresponsible and should be ignored by Christians.
Who are your si called references/experts. What sources who have primary sources epistles, gospels that support your claims? Internet sites or current writings don't cut it. Bonafide, verified primary sources from early history that has been confirmed by those who can read ancient languages.
Who are your so called references/experts? What sources do you have that listed primary sourced evidence of the epistles, g5th 68thospels that support your claims? Internet sites won't cut it. Bonafide primary sources from early history (before 100 A.D.)
"Caesar's Messiah" documentary. "Creating Christ" documentary. Robert Sepehr's books, especially "1666: Redemption Through Sin". They're not even real Jews, they're Sabbateans and Frankists. We seriously need to disambiguate that term and separate the pretenders from the authentic spiritual practitioners. So many Christians are so mired in spiritual propaganda it's unbelievable. Christianity is the new kid on the block; what makes you think the Zoomers-of-spiritual-systems understand the lay of the land? Do you go to a 14 year old to get a grasp on geopolitics? Hell to the no, you do not!!!
Christianity was created during the Kali Yuga, during the Dregs, a time when human consciousness was at an all time low. Sorry kids, Jesus may not have ever existed. He's a reboot, a sequel, a dumbed-down high fructose corn syrup carbon copy of Mithras, Osiris/Horus, Quetzalcoatl, Odin, Krishna ("Krist-na..."), of the Phoenix, etc. etc. He also happens to be the godking-mask that Roman Caesar Titus Flavius wore in order to trick the Roman peoples and their vassel states into equating government with the godhead and the divine right to rule (to have human slaves). Know your history, People, or be doomed to repeat it, be it through a spiritual or religious flavoring, or dressed down with atheistic scientism...
Discrediting the attacker: By resorting to personal attacks, the attacker may inadvertently undermine their own credibility and reputation."
Furthermore, spelling "delusional" that way also looks you dumb and unhinged. Hopefully in the future you can be more constructive and equanimous with your responses, after all, the shadow of the the tree is not the tree, just as one's reputation through discourae is not one's intelligence🙏
If I'm correct your name really is MarsHsraM and you didn't write it in such a way to emphasize something important to you. Apparently you did not read the ad hominem attacks against me! If you did and then went on to attack me you aren't practicing what you preach. Or is your attack because you don't agree with my position on God and the written word? You "scolded" me for my attacks and denigrated me. Interesting for a high and mighty deLOOsional person to write such an acrimonious post😱.
Here you go. This is for you, Dee and all the other MENTALly deficient PEOPLE out there:
Factless Attacks Target Character
The statement “Those who can’t argue based on fact always attack character” highlights a common phenomenon in debates and discussions. When individuals are unable to effectively counter an opponent’s argument with evidence and logical reasoning, they may resort to personal attacks, attempting to discredit their opponent’s character, credibility, or motivations. This tactic is known as the ad hominem fallacy.
Character Attacks vs. Fact-Based Arguments
In a healthy debate, participants engage with each other’s ideas, evidence, and logical conclusions. They acknowledge and address counterarguments, refining their positions through a process of critical thinking and dialogue. In contrast, character attacks divert attention from the substance of the argument, focusing on the person rather than the idea.
Why Do People Resort to Ad Hominem Attacks?
There are several reasons why individuals might engage in ad hominem attacks:
Lack of persuasive evidence: When someone’s argument lacks factual support or logical coherence, they may try to discredit their opponent’s character to compensate.
Emotional response: Ad hominem attacks can be a way to express frustration, anger, or disappointment when one’s own arguments are not being effectively countered.
Distracting from weaknesses: By targeting the opponent’s character, the attacker may aim to shift attention away from their own argument’s flaws or inconsistencies.
Consequences of Ad Hominem Attacks
Character attacks can have negative consequences, including:
Undermining civil discourse: Ad hominem attacks can poison the atmosphere of a discussion, making it difficult to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue.
Discrediting the attacker: By resorting to personal attacks, the attacker may inadvertently undermine their own credibility and reputation.
Fostering defensiveness: When individuals feel attacked personally, they may become more entrenched in their positions, leading to further polarization and gridlock.
Best Practices for Avoiding Ad Hominem Attacks
To promote healthy and productive discussions:
Focus on the argument, not the person: Engage with the ideas and evidence presented, rather than making personal attacks.
Address counterarguments directly: Respond to opposing views with logical counterarguments and evidence, rather than attempting to discredit the opponent.
Practice active listening and empathy: Seek to understand the perspectives of others, even when disagreeing, and acknowledge the validity of their concerns.
By recognizing the ad hominem fallacy and striving to engage in respectful, fact-based discussions, we can foster a more constructive and civil discourse.
Thank you. Next stop for humanity, the "Female Illuminati" (obviously that's not a name that a homogenous group of people goes by, but a diverse group of people that go by different terms/names - just simpler for us to call it "FI"):
Jesus never existed? There was no crucifixion? There was no Pontus Pilot? There were no Disciples or Resurrection? And there are no Roman records of the preceding?
Just your pagan dogmas as Christianity, which flamed out, because?
Scribes and Pharisees, Vipers Jesus called the “Jewish” temple leaders. Israel was Judah of Hebrew blood. No “Jewry” quite possibly, has any Hebrew blood.
Dang Thomas, I had hoped that Biglino's revelations about the Bible would spark Christians to QUESTION, and hopefully surmount the pre-programmed firewall that prevents the religiously indoctrinated from exploring anything that threatens or challenges their cult-mind programming and dogma.
F your link,Frank. Paul of Taurus was the first to write about the rapture. No one knows the time or hour. Enjoy being left behind. "Rapture" (taken away quickly) comes from the Latin Bible 'rapiemur' meaning in English 'rapture', not in the KJ version of Bible. Also the word "harpazo" is also in the original Greek version, penned by Paul of Tarsus, in which means "violently taken away" faster than a twinkle of an eye. 100th of a second! In the modern King James Bible the word 'Rapture' is changed to "caught up" in I Thessalonians. 4:17 All from : https://king-of-the.net/rapture.html Sorry you do not believe.
Your trying to base reality and all future potentials on the most fabricated, forged , stolen from past histories, mistranslated , intentionally deleted, book ever contrived, it was concocted by Romans and Black nobility families as the ultimate psyop , and this new administration is all Zionist agenda , warmongering , party flipping liars ever. DO NOT MISTAKE anything I have stated as support for the equally evil Biden Harris fraudulent criminal administration.
Best to base your reality on Jesus alone and Holy Spirit. I read aKJBible and Jesus is the WORD. Their is plenty of info in the Bible to find Jesus and surrender your life and take up your own cross. Not too many can do that. I gave my life up 44 years ago, when only Jesus filled up a giant hole I had in my heart, when my dear sister died of cancer at age 14. I was 18, the chemo killed her and 5 years of searching is there a GOD. I read many books on every religion, new age stiff, meditating, etc. Jesus shone there it all and filled this hole in my heart and gave me a purpose to live. I will live next door to my sister in the life to come. A long story. Just another Jesus freak, most will call us. No problemo. LOL Sorry for preaching, many will hate it. Some will love it. I made this site 30 years ago - king-of-the.net Go Lakers!
Brother Frank, I studied this word "rapture" for 44 years. After the Lord gave me a vision of the escape rapture, when I was 23. (66 today) We were taken up before a pole shift. I saw fireballs hitting the earth from above the earth. Yes it sounds bizarre. That link you sent was from $atanic Free Mason "fake" Mega pastors. It will be a pre-trib. rapture. I lay it all out here : http://king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html
Yes there are references in 1st Thessalonians about being caught up in the air with Christ. We don't know when this happens but there is no mention of being taken from the earth. Could this be to identify those who will be a part of his kingdom and visibly accompany him during his triumphant return? The only "evidence" of being taken up was Enoch and Elijah. The purpose for their rapture is unknown but most likely due to a role they play during the end times. Jesus referenced Lot and Noah, neither were removed but protected during the calamity. We need to consider that as a possible scenario so regardless we don't become discouraged🙏🙏🙏
More insanity Christ . Christos is a term relative to consciousness and achievement and FAR MORE ANCIENT that 2000 years ago and achieved by others long before that time
According to the Bible, Jews spent a lot of time in Egypt, so some of them might well be of Egyptian pharoah descent. Also, I was taught 64 yrs ago in a Baptist Christian school that the Old Testament is history but N.T. is what we are supposed to live by as that was Jesus's teachings in N.T. I was also taught that Yahweh is Lucifer which makes sense - as God is a loving God and would never ask anyone to sacrifice their son nor would he be "jealous of other gods". He is a loving God. Bible was written by Jews, there is no doubt about that, as Christian religion didn't yet exist in Old Testament and pagans wouldn't have written it. Just my 2 cents.
Listen to this clip to understand why you don’t understand the original comment of the thread. The Bible was deliberately translated into English, in the way that you and I know it. This was done specifically, as part of a grand plan, to establish the Zionist state of Israel, which will serve as the preface to WWIII (as according to Albert Pike). The “Jews” were invented, they’re not who you think they are. Listen to this eye opening clip from Benjamin Freedom to relearn history.
Read the Bible. The beast was unleashed by god to test us and see who gets to go to heaven. God told satan he can only use revelations as his playbook so, christians won't be deceived. God and Satan put a veil of deceit over the eyes on non-believers.
Wow what religion are you following? Not Christianity. Jesus picked the lowliest to be his disciples and they wrote much of the New Testament. Peter was t of Jewish nobility. He was a humble fisherman. I think you’re following some other religion!
It quite David. Don’t lump every Jew in with lucifer. Many who call themselves a Jew have no lineage with David or Israel. The Sabbatae are the ones Barry Chamish warned of. Take heed lest you be spoiled by Rome and the pagan gods of Rome.
That was precisely the goal of google and the nwo. It was not to lead you to one decision or the other but to saturate the media with so much information that one was unable to make a decision. Trust your instincts instead. They are rarely wrong because many of are there with you.
You're telling me to search the writings of the ancient Jews to find their word that the destruction plan they have for humanity and the Earth is "written in the stars". Brilliant.
Yes. Sadly, they will be fooled for a while into believing that the AC (that will ultimately desecrate it) is their Messiah. Thankfully, the Lord will save 1/3 of the nation of Israel and they will finally believe in the true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yep, somehow they’re going to pull that off probably with the United States help. And you know who comes along for the ride when they rebuild that thing? The Jewish, homosexual A Antichrist, The real deal
There are plenty of antichrist with little ease, but there’s definitely a guy with a capital a undoubtedly, and he won’t show up onto the scene until the Israelis have rebuilt the third temple which from which hewill talk to the entire world from and reinstitute animal sacrifice among other things
By you saying a type of man, do you mean "the spirit" of a man? If so, that's true in a way bc those that don't believe in Christ have an antichrist attitude towards God & his son Jesus. But there is also going to be a physical man that will be the real Antichrist that will fool many in the world that don't know Jesus as their Savior. In Revelations it talks about the last fight that Jesus will have with the Antichrist in the 3rd temple.
WRONG. The Scriptures do not write about the Apostasy because it cannot be altered or prevented. The apostasy is not a 'given'... The Scriptures write about the Apostasy because it is going to happen.. all because God's will has been ignored, and men have followed baal.
If it's in scriptures, you can take it to the bank...a "given". However, we don't have to keep a part of the evil. That's what free will, from the beginning of creation, is all about. We are each responsible for ourselves, alone.
Adam had a choice, he made the wrong one. The church has a choice. It's constantly making the wrong one.So what is written is in the book because it will happen, but not because it was God's plan, or will.
Which is precisely why Jesus Christ lamented.. "Will I even find faith when I come back."
Pay less attention to politics and more to the state of Christ's church. God's "plan" does not, repeat DOES NOT revolve around politics and the puppets employed (ie. bribed and blackmailed) within. These people obviously are "empty vessels" without scruples. The church (body of believers) is what really matters. Christians inherit the promises God gave to Abraham, not the Jews. Galatians 3:29. Memorize this verse.
Great job as usual Greg. This will through a curve ball into all the Trump voter's supporters. Me being one of them, now I see the light. You forgot to add the Israel lobby are also into child trafficking$, adrenochrome blood harvest$, baby body part$ and $atanic ritual victim$. Come Lord Jesus, come soon, we are ready 4 your return! Let Rev 12 take place. We are ready. https://king-of-the.net/rapture.html
The Last temple has to be built and there for this spoken of by Daniel the prophet to be fulfilled.
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
OH yeah, so we sit back and let it happen without doing anything? Not that I know what TO do... Men wrote the bible. The "Prophecy" is the script they wrote, and following it to the Tee.
I agree! I always heard this statement while growing up "God helps those who help themselves" and I think that statement applies well here! We have to act and ask God/Creator to guide and help us help humanity and all good!
I, for one, have embraced my Heavenly Father since a very young age. That means, I was taught to deeply appreciate every single beauty created and feel steward to it/for it. My difficulties are watching others turn the other cheek to Life’s blatant disregard and deliberate viscous destruction.
I thought I knew my brother and that he would stand by me, investigate, research deeply who’s doing this and be courageous enough to shout WHO IT IS and convicted enough to put his armor on along with me, to stop it.
That's right. Kim Clement prophesied it. However, how does Greg Reese know how these people he sights, get all this money and where did Israel supposedly get the money from to give them? Does President Trump really need hand-outs? A man who took no salary during his Presidency? He's a Billionaire, what’s a Million or so to him! Furthermore, the USA is not prosecuting the Gaza war, Israel is, with a little help maybe from other Countries. If President Trump has/had an 'Agenda' as Greg Reese suggests, then why didn't he implement it during his First and Second Terms, he had plenty of time to do so, instead of subjecting himself to all the s**t he had to put up with? Lastly, who else would Greg Reese suggest for POTUS... KAMALA?!!!!
Millions died and there are scores of people severely injured for life. I DETEST THAT AND WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR SOMEONE THAT DOES THAT TO HUMANITY.
The Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, in partnership with the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted ‘Catastrophic Contagion’, a pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on 23 October 2022.
Remember Event 201? Within the last 20 years, at least four pandemic tabletop exercises have taken place such as Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, Clade X and most famously Event 201.
The 2025 virus is called Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome. The acronym is SEERS.
What is the main lesson we should be taking from the Catastrophic Contagion exercise? Simply put, they are coming after the children.
My guess is that you are not a disciple; you do not walk in power; you do not cast out demons; you do not operate the 9 manifestations of holy spirit and thrill the Lord's heart. We are not called to 'sit around' and watch the 'prophesies unfold'. That sort of 'hands off approach', makes Christ's entire ministry to have been a failure. He taught us how to walk in power,.. not 'sit here until we die'. We have all authority over the evil in this world. How often do you use that?
I agree! We shouldn't "sit here until we die" Trump is encouraging Americans to be complacent while he is ushering in the new world order! Americans worship Donald Trump like he is the "savior"! Trump supports Israel first over America and Americans and will sell America and Americans out over Israel the first chance he gets! We are at the end and it pains me to see what's coming! People are not awake, very much the opposite because people are more divided in America than I've ever seen in my life! Let's just wait and see how things go when Trump gets those antisemitism laws up and going! Meaning if an American rolls his or her eyes at a jew then it's instant death for that American! I hate to say this but America is Israel's little bitch and our US government enforces all of this! I dread things for the next 4 years and beyond! These prophecies are playing out! Only the strongest and level headed people will survive! I plan to stay to myself, stay off the radar by not putting up a fuss and drawing attention to myself, me and my husband both! If people can get off grid then they might stand a chance for a while! This society is gone, broken, and the one's that survive what I feel like is coming then the survivors will have to rebuild society! I hope to God I'm wrong though and that it's not too late, but I feel like it is! I just hope more people "wake up" and realize that Donald Trump is not the "savior!"
The more i was reading comments the more i felt the need to chastise or make fun of some people , some obviously never read the good book front to cover and some seems to think god will obey their personal timeline.
Thank you for writing your comment , for finding the right words.
“Chosen” by evil. Yes. Chosen to destroy, families with values. Yes. Chosen to reap havoc. Yes. Chosen to disrupt community. Yes. Chosen to torture all Life. Yes. Chosen to slaughter young precious Life. Yes. Chosen to construct hate. Yes. Chosen to defile/degrade humanity. Yes. Chosen to slay your own dignity. Yes.
🎯 It's a 💯 death cult to destroy all life on earth! This is truly our Creator/God vs Satan, Good/love vs Evil/hate! We are in a spiritual war! The hour is getting late and people need to know where they stand!
I'd agree that Dawnie seems a bit angry, but in the overall scene I think that's quite a bit more enlightened than being smiling and cheerful while supporting global mass murder and enslavement with the excuse that it's good because the plan's architects have told you 'it's God's plan' and it's only temporary.
Indeed, their plan is for the mass murder to be only temporary, as they envision not a single soul remaining alive who would resist. The 'thousand years of peace' they talk about can be previewed by looking at Bolshevik/Soviet Russia after the mass murder stopped because there was no more resistance. That's what totalitarian Jewish rule looks like.
When the Bolshevik mass murder comes to the US, are you going to be volunteering to help round up and murder all of those resisting, because you think it's 'God's plan', Kelly?
People need to watch "Europa, the Last Battle" its quite disturbing! I watched half of that documentary! It's a lot and I hope to God we don't see that on American soil, if indeed that documentary was the real deal? I have a lot of questions? That documentary footage looks original and real, but is it true? Because AI today is extremely intelligent with photoshopping and all kinds of film editing and I'm pretty sure that the technology is available today to make films look old! I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what unfolds and do the best to protect ourselves and stay safe! I certainly wish that the Most High would get involved and wipe out this evil today without the rest of us getting harmed and getting stuck in the middle!
No I haven't watched that one yet! But that one's on my to watch list of "down the rabbit hole documentaries" It's available on archive.org just like Europa is! I better go ahead and finish watching these because I'm concerned that they will start scrubbing the Internet with censorship getting worse! I do think Trump will attack freedom of speech through extended antisemitism laws!
So it's 'good' to be cheerleading for global mass murder and enslavement because you're planning to not be here when it happens?
And you think the Christ will 'rapture' souls who've willingly enabled the destroyers in exchange for promises of personal 'salvation'? In other words, you think Christ favors souls who'd sell out humanity and life on Earth for perceived personal gain?
The 'church' you're giving us a glimpse of isn't just a suicide cult; it's a suicide cult that intends to assist with global mass murder on its way out.
No, Christ has nothing to do with anything you're advocating. It's all you, and within your personal responsibility.
If you truly believe that then you really are a moron. The biblical prophecies are contrived spiritual propaganda and warfare designed by the ruling elites of Rome along with others to trick you into believing in an anthropomorphized version of God. Absolutely ridiculous. Caesar's Messiah documentary. Watch it. Break the mind control.
🎯 Right on! I don't vote either! And Trump is definitely up to no good! Trump and Musk are working together to chip us a like animals, to track our every move which means no privacy or freedom! Trump said he's gonna work hard to get biometric face scanning up and going during this term in a speech! Came right out of the horses mouth! People need to listen, watch Trump's body language and read between the lines and really think about what he's saying! He's telling what he's gonna do as they have to tell us what they are doing, if we don't understand then that's on us! They always tell us and we haven't understood really what they are saying! They speak in riddles to confuse us and Trump is no different! I listen to his tone of voice too! During the same speech Trump said "I love you Christian's" "I'm a Christian" the second statement in a low voice tone! The way he said that sounded like he was mocking Christians! So no, Trump is not good!
Yeah, I'm sure Trump said that too rambling during a speech! He does that, I've noticed, just to keep talking and talking! I think he's doing that to convince the people that he's one of us and like us! Trump is good at reading people and he says things inorder to relate to the audience and to connect with the audience, just like a good salesman would do!
For all these parasites with dual citizenship (USA and Israel) it's not a matter of dual loyalty. They are loyal to only one of those countries. Israel.
Joe Rogan was totally acting in that clip. Can anyone else hear and see the difference from when he's asking questions and conversing naturally with his guests? This is different. He's totally acting. That was so scripted. Especially the bit at the end makes it so obvious.
All the medium and high profile Alt Media are Masons and Eastern Star - or otherwise initiated into Mitraic Cults. They are all Traitors to Humanity.
Musk has been captured many times making Masonic gang-signs. His grandfather, Errol Musk, was in the vanguard of the Technocratic Movement. His mother is obviously an occultist. According to his childhood nanny, he’s a bit of a demon himself and she has seen him conjuring entities…
I didn't know that when a person strokes their chin that that's a Masonic sign! Hmm! I thought I knew all of them! That's a new one on me! Thank you Linda O! 👍
Yes touching the chin and the face; putting the hands on or around the neck; and putting the hands over the mouth or the fingers over the lips.
Of course, this particular example could just be a coincidence, but he has been photographed in other videos using the 666 sign and covering one eye. He has an Illuminati Tattoo on his left shoulder - and then there is the logo of the podcast with the Third All Seeing Eye.
The sad truth is that it is unlikely he would be a success without joining the Cult.
Yeah I see all of the other stuff with Rogan! The 3rd eye logo is right in people's faces with Rogan grinning like a psychopath!! Rogan is controlled, they all are! Rogan has some interesting guests sometimes! I listen to Dan Bongino too he makes me laugh, he's also controlled!
You are correct. These people are trained 'actors' practicing their 'craft. They take it very seriously and are paid handsomely for being superb liars.
New to me too. Although it is something that we humans naturally do. I have done it. Men with beards in particular seem to do it... stroke their beard. I think with all these things we have to take them as a whole along with their behavior, things they have said at other times, etc. It all adds up to paint the picture of what they really are.
His nanny asked his mother about him because of the wicked way he behaved. She asked if he was the antichrist and she said no he's here to usher him in!!
I suspected Trump would be installed when he played along with the fake assassination attempt in Butler. That was his initiation into the club. That was Trump being compromised so that he could be controlled. He was punished severely throughout his first term and the Biden term for not being a controllable asset. Trump's either a Zionist or owned by the Zionists. And if he reneges on the deal and doesn't play ball, he really will be assassinated.
I think all of that was fake! This was done so Trump would gain more support from Americans! It worked too! It helped! Some Trump haters become Trump supporters!
I believe that the Bible is inspired (2Tim 3:16) and without error and Jesus came back as he said he would at the very time he said he would do it (at the destruction of the temple in 70 ad).
Religion -(to tie, to bind, to re-bind). To control.
Religion is designed to keep the masses divided, ignorant, and obedient.
Humans are spiritual beings. Religions were created to control HOW we interpret our spirituality and our connection to Source. Religion reroutes us into churches, Bibles, texts, and 'authorities', to tell us who God is and who we are.
Religions were created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to PREVENT the masses from becoming 'enlightened'.
All you have to do is do the math Kelly.
This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines. Thirteen bloodlines of pure satanic evil. And they control EVERYTHING. Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING.
We are THEIR labor force.
We speak the language THEY gave us.
We learn what THEY teach us.
We image ourselves by the history THEY show us.
We perceive our World as THEY explained it to us.
We behave the way THEY trained us.
And we believed what THEY told us to believe.
Just do the math Kelly. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?
One is free to choose to believe or not. That is the beauty of free will. Nothing is foisted upon us. You apparently have found your path may it serve you well.
Without error, yes!! But your 70AD interpretation is FILLED with error. His millennial reign has not begun. During that time mortals and immortals will live together, Jesus will literally reign from Jerusalem, the animals will love peaceably with each other, children playing with snakes...etc. None of that has happened yet. And, if you say that's "allegorical" , I suggest that it's dangerous to decide which parts of the Bible to believe is literal and which are not.
I believe these people are put in to put them front and center so people "see" them in their true colors. Remember, everyone wants proof of everything. They need to witness it in real time. Many characters have already been taken out-removed. Off to Gitmo for Military Tribunals. We have masked actors, doubles, and clones. 1.0's, 2.0's, and 3.0's.
We have been under military occupancy since Trump took office in 2016. It may have ended at the election. But I can't say for sure. A lot more is going on that people don't realize.
I would like to believe that this is all part of some strategy but truly have little hope of that. These appointments just make me more certain that POTUS is just another puppet of a higher control center. 🤷🏼♀️😣
He is! They all always have been! It's the (s)election process! That higher control center picks who they're gonna install to work on their behalf and do their bidding! This time it's Trump! He's 💯 doing the control centers bidding!
Agreed, if all was for the Zionist then the agenda 2100 (2030 milestone) would be on track we’d be in lock downs and forced jabs. This something stopped it. Also in this type of war infiltration is a good tactic. Either way we are mere witnesses to the bigger plan. We each have a part to play focus on what we can do the rest we leave to for others to do. That creates a wave of good. Btw, the major control systems are the Fiat money system and the BAR. When that changes there will be many answers revealed. Also note Trump stated he is primary target is to implement Free speech once this occurs the entire information warfare changes. This is a massive operation. Executive order 13848 and 13818 are in play with -473,000 sealed indictments in America. This war is getting very interesting !
🤔 Yes, Trump DID say that free speech has to be protected. Yet, he also said that any "anti-semitic" speech would not be allowed and would include jail time. And anyone siding with "palestine" would be "deported". Free speech? No. That's not free speech. That's communism. So which is it? Clearly, with the "picks" he's making, ANY speech against z!onism will be penalized. Not cool. No different than the PedoJoe CommieAla illigitimate regime. (And it looks like a continuation of one illigitimate regime after another with unbridled CAPTURED, corrupt, unconstitutional DS "agencies" to continue the agenda, remaining intact.) CommieAla only got $5 million from AIPAC. At least Trump got a $100 million from Aidelson to sell the remainder of what's left of the country to !srahell. Art of the deal, it seems.
IF a jihadist walk up to you with a knife saying : "am gona kill a jew" hate speech laws are the least of our problems . . . . Free speech or none at all.
Trump is playing nice with everyone again . . . he wants people not to die.
But for fuck sakes help yourself people. No piece of paper will stop anyone who want to do you arm. Jews are safe in America saying otherwise is none sens.
🎯 thank you! Deporting anybody speaking up for and siding with Palestine is not free speech! That's threatening Americans and America, the country that Trump should put first, but sadly he does not, yet the supporting Americans cheer Trump on and are not listening to what he's saying! Trump is shitting all over the first amendment to our Constitution and he's gonna keep going! Just this fact alone should be a 🚩flag to every single American! So if a jew walks up to an American and slaps the shit out of an American for no reason, then it's gonna be against the law for that American to speak up, complain and file an assault charge against that jew, else the American gets punished for speaking up and gets deported! OK, got it! That's a crazy example but it concerns me that this sort of thing will be happening under Trump!
And when you listen to the borderline psychotic, passionate speeches against his "picks" have made about how the priority in this country must be stopping "anti-sem!tism" (Stefanik, Hegseth, RFK, Noem, Bondi, etc, all over X) it's hard to believe this is America. We have laws on place that protect ALL. We don't need to single out one special interest group over another. (The ADL does a fine enough job discriminating against everyone except for one group. If the definition of the Make America Great Again movement is to elevate one group of people over any other, count me out. (All are equal under the law, and all that jazz.) Our Constitution / Bill of Rights doesn't need amending to elevate the feelings/prioritites of one group over another. Not buying into ANY form of discrimination. We're better than that.
It's all psyop! We are getting played and psyoped to hell! Sadly many people are falling victim to all of it! The majority of people are being manipulated by the powers that shouldn't be! As long as people believe and participate in their system then people will continue to be manipulated and controlled by the powers that shouldn't be! They've been controlling humanity for millennia and they continue to do so!
There are testimonies of the London Hampstead children where they speak about McDonald's being involved in a satanic network. Alisa and Gabriel, then 8 and 9 years old. Heartbreaking story.
Exactly. It's so bizarre to see "Christians" defending those who murd€red Christ and have nothing but pure hatred for Him. Geez. Even Muslims have respect for Christ and acknowledge his contribution as a Savior. The propaganda has twisted the minds of the sheople into a beyond imaginable cesspool of delusion.
Let's not forget the very few but still existing exceptions: Benjamin Freedman was born into Zionism but faught his whole life against it when he realised what their goals are. He was part of the Balfour declaration conference and blowed the whistle about everything.
Didn't the Zionists (or a part of them, the banksters) fund the communist movement back then in Russia to destroy the monarchy? Wasn't Marx a Freemason himself?
Really confusing who selfproclaims as who in the name of others or who is tagged as member of a subset of people even if he doesn't agree etc.
Looks like this next administration is going to put the Israeli government and Zionist agenda first, not the American people. Keep prepping, there's a World wide storm a brewing.
Well said. Reese, along with a few other obvious antisemites, have destroyed any credibility they may have had in the past year. On the one hand he’s been crying relentlessly about how evil the Biden regime were (true) and calling repeatedly for Trump to win. Now he’s won, it’s a ‘Zionist Government’. Reese is a hateful attention-seeking clown.
Greg, Thank you for all of your hard work, efficiency and professionalism. I can understand your conclusions based on the evidence in this vid. Would you consider another report and make a distinction between the current govt. of Israel in contrast with the citizens of Israel? Once that distinction is clarified; would you factor in the military Q operation which says; “We’re saving Israel for last.”? Once the distinctions are made between the Zionist Government and the Biblical community, the conclusions may be different. Thanks again, Patricia
Greg is obviously not qualified to report on what you're asking. The very premise of this video is opposite of truth, he doesn't know the difference between good and evil, he obviously doesn't have the Holy Spirit and discernment
Unfortunatley your comment is very disrespectful, Diane D. Criticising is one thing and ok, but being disrespectful is not ok. Can you discern that? Do you know the difference between good and evil yourself?
As you can see; this thread is filled with religious zealots discussing Bible issues... No one interested in analyzing Zionism as a political tool convenient to the British Empire and beyond. Most people in the US still do not understand clearly whats behind the dynamics of the Eurasian battlefields going on right now.
The pink-pilled need to believe that Trump is the clueless innocent of all the Deep State surrounding him. He's NOT. He appoints them!
Trump just appointed THE MOST POWERFUL woman in the Deep State to be the White House CHIEF OF STAFF!
And let's not forget all those other Deep State, Globalist, Rottchild Banking executives, Cabal spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros Trump appointed when he FILLED the Swamp.
Especially Acosta!
Do you really think its a coincidence that Diddy exploded at the same time that the Prime documentary on Prince Andrew and Epstein came out, because the 17 year old girl, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who brought sexual charges against Prince Andrew, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and that she was “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
You are asking dumb questions . Its bake in the cake since the creation of Israel . Fucking UN is to blame. Common Dan you know that. Your dropping click bait shit.
It's all part of God's prophecied plan. You're not gonna change it just because you don't like it.
If “God” ‘prophecied’ this plan, then your God is the Jews and Lucifer. The Bible was written by the Jewish nobility of the Roman Empire, who were the direct descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs, for the purpose of a slave religion, to lead the slaves into willing compliance with the Jews’ global enslavement plan. And it’s worked wonders, resulting in America’s Christians cheering for the final phase of enslavement of the planet and murder of everyone who resists.
If you’re not working to change the plan, then you’re a willing supporter of it and on the side of pure evil.
I've heard that before. What primary sources do you have to support this allegation? The Book of Revelation was written by Jesus' disciple John who was from the rabbinical lineage but embraced and loved Jesus. John was imprisoned by Rome and despised by Jewish aristocracy so being in the boys club is highly improbable. He was rejected by that club. Unless you can give bonafide evidence/sources your assertion is irresponsible and should be ignored by Christians.
Dee is correct. Amen.
NO SHE IS NOT do deeper research
Who are your si called references/experts. What sources who have primary sources epistles, gospels that support your claims? Internet sites or current writings don't cut it. Bonafide, verified primary sources from early history that has been confirmed by those who can read ancient languages.
Who are your so called references/experts? What sources do you have that listed primary sourced evidence of the epistles, g5th 68thospels that support your claims? Internet sites won't cut it. Bonafide primary sources from early history (before 100 A.D.)
"Caesar's Messiah" documentary. "Creating Christ" documentary. Robert Sepehr's books, especially "1666: Redemption Through Sin". They're not even real Jews, they're Sabbateans and Frankists. We seriously need to disambiguate that term and separate the pretenders from the authentic spiritual practitioners. So many Christians are so mired in spiritual propaganda it's unbelievable. Christianity is the new kid on the block; what makes you think the Zoomers-of-spiritual-systems understand the lay of the land? Do you go to a 14 year old to get a grasp on geopolitics? Hell to the no, you do not!!!
Christianity was created during the Kali Yuga, during the Dregs, a time when human consciousness was at an all time low. Sorry kids, Jesus may not have ever existed. He's a reboot, a sequel, a dumbed-down high fructose corn syrup carbon copy of Mithras, Osiris/Horus, Quetzalcoatl, Odin, Krishna ("Krist-na..."), of the Phoenix, etc. etc. He also happens to be the godking-mask that Roman Caesar Titus Flavius wore in order to trick the Roman peoples and their vassel states into equating government with the godhead and the divine right to rule (to have human slaves). Know your history, People, or be doomed to repeat it, be it through a spiritual or religious flavoring, or dressed down with atheistic scientism...
"Consequences of Ad Hominem Attacks
Discrediting the attacker: By resorting to personal attacks, the attacker may inadvertently undermine their own credibility and reputation."
Furthermore, spelling "delusional" that way also looks you dumb and unhinged. Hopefully in the future you can be more constructive and equanimous with your responses, after all, the shadow of the the tree is not the tree, just as one's reputation through discourae is not one's intelligence🙏
If I'm correct your name really is MarsHsraM and you didn't write it in such a way to emphasize something important to you. Apparently you did not read the ad hominem attacks against me! If you did and then went on to attack me you aren't practicing what you preach. Or is your attack because you don't agree with my position on God and the written word? You "scolded" me for my attacks and denigrated me. Interesting for a high and mighty deLOOsional person to write such an acrimonious post😱.
Here you go. This is for you, Dee and all the other MENTALly deficient PEOPLE out there:
Factless Attacks Target Character
The statement “Those who can’t argue based on fact always attack character” highlights a common phenomenon in debates and discussions. When individuals are unable to effectively counter an opponent’s argument with evidence and logical reasoning, they may resort to personal attacks, attempting to discredit their opponent’s character, credibility, or motivations. This tactic is known as the ad hominem fallacy.
Character Attacks vs. Fact-Based Arguments
In a healthy debate, participants engage with each other’s ideas, evidence, and logical conclusions. They acknowledge and address counterarguments, refining their positions through a process of critical thinking and dialogue. In contrast, character attacks divert attention from the substance of the argument, focusing on the person rather than the idea.
Why Do People Resort to Ad Hominem Attacks?
There are several reasons why individuals might engage in ad hominem attacks:
Lack of persuasive evidence: When someone’s argument lacks factual support or logical coherence, they may try to discredit their opponent’s character to compensate.
Emotional response: Ad hominem attacks can be a way to express frustration, anger, or disappointment when one’s own arguments are not being effectively countered.
Distracting from weaknesses: By targeting the opponent’s character, the attacker may aim to shift attention away from their own argument’s flaws or inconsistencies.
Consequences of Ad Hominem Attacks
Character attacks can have negative consequences, including:
Undermining civil discourse: Ad hominem attacks can poison the atmosphere of a discussion, making it difficult to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue.
Discrediting the attacker: By resorting to personal attacks, the attacker may inadvertently undermine their own credibility and reputation.
Fostering defensiveness: When individuals feel attacked personally, they may become more entrenched in their positions, leading to further polarization and gridlock.
Best Practices for Avoiding Ad Hominem Attacks
To promote healthy and productive discussions:
Focus on the argument, not the person: Engage with the ideas and evidence presented, rather than making personal attacks.
Address counterarguments directly: Respond to opposing views with logical counterarguments and evidence, rather than attempting to discredit the opponent.
Practice active listening and empathy: Seek to understand the perspectives of others, even when disagreeing, and acknowledge the validity of their concerns.
By recognizing the ad hominem fallacy and striving to engage in respectful, fact-based discussions, we can foster a more constructive and civil discourse.
Have a Deelightful Day 😁
Excellent , now that is a mind thats working and doing real research. Stay safe my friend
Thank you. Next stop for humanity, the "Female Illuminati" (obviously that's not a name that a homogenous group of people goes by, but a diverse group of people that go by different terms/names - just simpler for us to call it "FI"):
Through a Black Nobility Lens/Perspective
Through a Breakaway Civilization/Defense Contractor Lens/Perspective:
Jesus never existed? There was no crucifixion? There was no Pontus Pilot? There were no Disciples or Resurrection? And there are no Roman records of the preceding?
Just your pagan dogmas as Christianity, which flamed out, because?
Scribes and Pharisees, Vipers Jesus called the “Jewish” temple leaders. Israel was Judah of Hebrew blood. No “Jewry” quite possibly, has any Hebrew blood.
Take a look at Mauro Biglino, hire by the Vatican to redicipher the text we call Bible. .
It does say what you think it says
Christy, I'm curious, how do Christians react to Biglino's revelations about the Bible?
They freak out and judge as their minds are programmed
Dang Thomas, I had hoped that Biglino's revelations about the Bible would spark Christians to QUESTION, and hopefully surmount the pre-programmed firewall that prevents the religiously indoctrinated from exploring anything that threatens or challenges their cult-mind programming and dogma.
F your link,Frank. Paul of Taurus was the first to write about the rapture. No one knows the time or hour. Enjoy being left behind. "Rapture" (taken away quickly) comes from the Latin Bible 'rapiemur' meaning in English 'rapture', not in the KJ version of Bible. Also the word "harpazo" is also in the original Greek version, penned by Paul of Tarsus, in which means "violently taken away" faster than a twinkle of an eye. 100th of a second! In the modern King James Bible the word 'Rapture' is changed to "caught up" in I Thessalonians. 4:17 All from : https://king-of-the.net/rapture.html Sorry you do not believe.
Your trying to base reality and all future potentials on the most fabricated, forged , stolen from past histories, mistranslated , intentionally deleted, book ever contrived, it was concocted by Romans and Black nobility families as the ultimate psyop , and this new administration is all Zionist agenda , warmongering , party flipping liars ever. DO NOT MISTAKE anything I have stated as support for the equally evil Biden Harris fraudulent criminal administration.
Best to base your reality on Jesus alone and Holy Spirit. I read aKJBible and Jesus is the WORD. Their is plenty of info in the Bible to find Jesus and surrender your life and take up your own cross. Not too many can do that. I gave my life up 44 years ago, when only Jesus filled up a giant hole I had in my heart, when my dear sister died of cancer at age 14. I was 18, the chemo killed her and 5 years of searching is there a GOD. I read many books on every religion, new age stiff, meditating, etc. Jesus shone there it all and filled this hole in my heart and gave me a purpose to live. I will live next door to my sister in the life to come. A long story. Just another Jesus freak, most will call us. No problemo. LOL Sorry for preaching, many will hate it. Some will love it. I made this site 30 years ago - king-of-the.net Go Lakers!
Im definitely a beleiver
I am just not deceived.
You asked for a link i gave it. Sorry your feelings got hurt ✌️
Brother Frank, I studied this word "rapture" for 44 years. After the Lord gave me a vision of the escape rapture, when I was 23. (66 today) We were taken up before a pole shift. I saw fireballs hitting the earth from above the earth. Yes it sounds bizarre. That link you sent was from $atanic Free Mason "fake" Mega pastors. It will be a pre-trib. rapture. I lay it all out here : http://king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html
Simple fact of 'versions' says all I need to know.
Yes there are references in 1st Thessalonians about being caught up in the air with Christ. We don't know when this happens but there is no mention of being taken from the earth. Could this be to identify those who will be a part of his kingdom and visibly accompany him during his triumphant return? The only "evidence" of being taken up was Enoch and Elijah. The purpose for their rapture is unknown but most likely due to a role they play during the end times. Jesus referenced Lot and Noah, neither were removed but protected during the calamity. We need to consider that as a possible scenario so regardless we don't become discouraged🙏🙏🙏
More insanity Christ . Christos is a term relative to consciousness and achievement and FAR MORE ANCIENT that 2000 years ago and achieved by others long before that time
The only "rapture" is what Peter speaks of in 2 Pet. 3.
After the Tribulation" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aDH1hf6WDk
Matt. 24:29
Mark 13:24
Rev. 13:7
According to the Bible, Jews spent a lot of time in Egypt, so some of them might well be of Egyptian pharoah descent. Also, I was taught 64 yrs ago in a Baptist Christian school that the Old Testament is history but N.T. is what we are supposed to live by as that was Jesus's teachings in N.T. I was also taught that Yahweh is Lucifer which makes sense - as God is a loving God and would never ask anyone to sacrifice their son nor would he be "jealous of other gods". He is a loving God. Bible was written by Jews, there is no doubt about that, as Christian religion didn't yet exist in Old Testament and pagans wouldn't have written it. Just my 2 cents.
Listen to this clip to understand why you don’t understand the original comment of the thread. The Bible was deliberately translated into English, in the way that you and I know it. This was done specifically, as part of a grand plan, to establish the Zionist state of Israel, which will serve as the preface to WWIII (as according to Albert Pike). The “Jews” were invented, they’re not who you think they are. Listen to this eye opening clip from Benjamin Freedom to relearn history.
Disciples who lived after he died...great
great post
wake up we are being rolled into a great duping - an incredible stupid and obvious grift that has gone on for centuries.
And when there are no new wars, then what? Trump is already calling for the end of wars.
Five bucks he says "oh, I meant after we take Venezuela." Musky boy needs that lithium.
Honestly, they're better off just making it look like a "natural disaster" like they did in Chile.
No need to cause a War when you can just do that...
I thought there was lithium in California, hence the weather manipulated hurricane that devastated that area just recently?
Yes its evil, so obvious and I PREDICTED IT ALL and they do it with such smug arrogance they are all globalist war mongers and religious fanatics.
And when there are no new wars, then what? Trump is already calling for the end of wars.
Is evil pure? Mind the wording, please
Why not? Pure can denote composition of a single agent.
Meaning pure evil would be evil without any non-evil involved.
Yours eyes are open!!
Well done!!
Read the Bible. The beast was unleashed by god to test us and see who gets to go to heaven. God told satan he can only use revelations as his playbook so, christians won't be deceived. God and Satan put a veil of deceit over the eyes on non-believers.
God sounds like a real prick.
Wow what religion are you following? Not Christianity. Jesus picked the lowliest to be his disciples and they wrote much of the New Testament. Peter was t of Jewish nobility. He was a humble fisherman. I think you’re following some other religion!
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9, Jesus Christ telling us who the joos really are
It quite David. Don’t lump every Jew in with lucifer. Many who call themselves a Jew have no lineage with David or Israel. The Sabbatae are the ones Barry Chamish warned of. Take heed lest you be spoiled by Rome and the pagan gods of Rome.
I certainly do not... it's kinda tough reading a lot of these comments to be honest.
I don't know what to "believe" anymore.
This world is a mess, that's for sure.
That was precisely the goal of google and the nwo. It was not to lead you to one decision or the other but to saturate the media with so much information that one was unable to make a decision. Trust your instincts instead. They are rarely wrong because many of are there with you.
You're telling me to search the writings of the ancient Jews to find their word that the destruction plan they have for humanity and the Earth is "written in the stars". Brilliant.
More like Satan‘s plan, and christ God allows it and respects Satan‘s and the Jews evil autonomy, but will use all things for ultimately good purposes
Just wait until the Jews rebuild the third temple of Solomon
Yes. Sadly, they will be fooled for a while into believing that the AC (that will ultimately desecrate it) is their Messiah. Thankfully, the Lord will save 1/3 of the nation of Israel and they will finally believe in the true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Effing Solomon
I guess that's coming next.
Yep, somehow they’re going to pull that off probably with the United States help. And you know who comes along for the ride when they rebuild that thing? The Jewish, homosexual A Antichrist, The real deal
The Anti Christ isn't a singular man. The Anti Christ is a TYPE of man. He's here now, so need to look for him in the future.
There are plenty of antichrist with little ease, but there’s definitely a guy with a capital a undoubtedly, and he won’t show up onto the scene until the Israelis have rebuilt the third temple which from which hewill talk to the entire world from and reinstitute animal sacrifice among other things
By you saying a type of man, do you mean "the spirit" of a man? If so, that's true in a way bc those that don't believe in Christ have an antichrist attitude towards God & his son Jesus. But there is also going to be a physical man that will be the real Antichrist that will fool many in the world that don't know Jesus as their Savior. In Revelations it talks about the last fight that Jesus will have with the Antichrist in the 3rd temple.
Anti Christ means anti life. I think we have plenty anti Christ's today.
It is both.
Infowars down looks like
It's been bought by The Onion, if you can believe that.
Alex Jones has been telling us this for a month.
And we will pay for it.
True, and His allowing it was foreknown and thus used by Him to carry out His ultimate will.
Not entirely, He gives His people free will to fight back. Do not make peace with evil, destroy it.
Peace is not satan's plan. satan is dead anyway.
Being purely spirit I don't know how he would be dead.
Listen to what you are saying. Is this how you'd raise your children?
WRONG. The Scriptures do not write about the Apostasy because it cannot be altered or prevented. The apostasy is not a 'given'... The Scriptures write about the Apostasy because it is going to happen.. all because God's will has been ignored, and men have followed baal.
If it's in scriptures, you can take it to the bank...a "given". However, we don't have to keep a part of the evil. That's what free will, from the beginning of creation, is all about. We are each responsible for ourselves, alone.
Adam had a choice, he made the wrong one. The church has a choice. It's constantly making the wrong one.So what is written is in the book because it will happen, but not because it was God's plan, or will.
Which is precisely why Jesus Christ lamented.. "Will I even find faith when I come back."
Well said
Oops, *be a part
According to Zionist Jews maybe, but they will spin any myth to support their evil - if you want to swallow their bilge, more fool you.
Zionism - The Abominable Golden Calf:
Pay less attention to politics and more to the state of Christ's church. God's "plan" does not, repeat DOES NOT revolve around politics and the puppets employed (ie. bribed and blackmailed) within. These people obviously are "empty vessels" without scruples. The church (body of believers) is what really matters. Christians inherit the promises God gave to Abraham, not the Jews. Galatians 3:29. Memorize this verse.
Great job as usual Greg. This will through a curve ball into all the Trump voter's supporters. Me being one of them, now I see the light. You forgot to add the Israel lobby are also into child trafficking$, adrenochrome blood harvest$, baby body part$ and $atanic ritual victim$. Come Lord Jesus, come soon, we are ready 4 your return! Let Rev 12 take place. We are ready. https://king-of-the.net/rapture.html
"God wins."
But WHOSE god wins? Is it the god of the Bible, or the god of the Quaran, or the Torah, or the Talmud?
Because the llluminati wrote them all.
And the god they worship is 'Gad' (pronounced 'god') which is the god of the llluminati.
So yes, God wins, but WHOSE god?
This should be pinned to the top. Thank you.
The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
The Last temple has to be built and there for this spoken of by Daniel the prophet to be fulfilled.
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
The Abomination of Desolation
Source: https://biblehub.com/mark/13-14.htm
Note: Enoch was not a Jew?
The prophecies of the Book of Enoch reach all the way to the latter days and the Tribulation Period.
OH yeah, so we sit back and let it happen without doing anything? Not that I know what TO do... Men wrote the bible. The "Prophecy" is the script they wrote, and following it to the Tee.
I agree! I always heard this statement while growing up "God helps those who help themselves" and I think that statement applies well here! We have to act and ask God/Creator to guide and help us help humanity and all good!
Never said that at all. We still are responsible for being found on the side of righteousness. I understand that.
I, for one, have embraced my Heavenly Father since a very young age. That means, I was taught to deeply appreciate every single beauty created and feel steward to it/for it. My difficulties are watching others turn the other cheek to Life’s blatant disregard and deliberate viscous destruction.
I thought I knew my brother and that he would stand by me, investigate, research deeply who’s doing this and be courageous enough to shout WHO IT IS and convicted enough to put his armor on along with me, to stop it.
That's right. Kim Clement prophesied it. However, how does Greg Reese know how these people he sights, get all this money and where did Israel supposedly get the money from to give them? Does President Trump really need hand-outs? A man who took no salary during his Presidency? He's a Billionaire, what’s a Million or so to him! Furthermore, the USA is not prosecuting the Gaza war, Israel is, with a little help maybe from other Countries. If President Trump has/had an 'Agenda' as Greg Reese suggests, then why didn't he implement it during his First and Second Terms, he had plenty of time to do so, instead of subjecting himself to all the s**t he had to put up with? Lastly, who else would Greg Reese suggest for POTUS... KAMALA?!!!!
Millions died and there are scores of people severely injured for life. I DETEST THAT AND WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR SOMEONE THAT DOES THAT TO HUMANITY.
The Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security, in partnership with the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted ‘Catastrophic Contagion’, a pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on 23 October 2022.
Remember Event 201? Within the last 20 years, at least four pandemic tabletop exercises have taken place such as Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, Clade X and most famously Event 201.
The 2025 virus is called Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome. The acronym is SEERS.
What is the main lesson we should be taking from the Catastrophic Contagion exercise? Simply put, they are coming after the children.
Agreed. It's part of God's plan to allow Satan his short time "in the limelight". Praise Him that HE will have the last word!
My guess is that you are not a disciple; you do not walk in power; you do not cast out demons; you do not operate the 9 manifestations of holy spirit and thrill the Lord's heart. We are not called to 'sit around' and watch the 'prophesies unfold'. That sort of 'hands off approach', makes Christ's entire ministry to have been a failure. He taught us how to walk in power,.. not 'sit here until we die'. We have all authority over the evil in this world. How often do you use that?
I agree! We shouldn't "sit here until we die" Trump is encouraging Americans to be complacent while he is ushering in the new world order! Americans worship Donald Trump like he is the "savior"! Trump supports Israel first over America and Americans and will sell America and Americans out over Israel the first chance he gets! We are at the end and it pains me to see what's coming! People are not awake, very much the opposite because people are more divided in America than I've ever seen in my life! Let's just wait and see how things go when Trump gets those antisemitism laws up and going! Meaning if an American rolls his or her eyes at a jew then it's instant death for that American! I hate to say this but America is Israel's little bitch and our US government enforces all of this! I dread things for the next 4 years and beyond! These prophecies are playing out! Only the strongest and level headed people will survive! I plan to stay to myself, stay off the radar by not putting up a fuss and drawing attention to myself, me and my husband both! If people can get off grid then they might stand a chance for a while! This society is gone, broken, and the one's that survive what I feel like is coming then the survivors will have to rebuild society! I hope to God I'm wrong though and that it's not too late, but I feel like it is! I just hope more people "wake up" and realize that Donald Trump is not the "savior!"
You're right Amii. But you don't have to sit on the bench. Join us in prayer on Sunday.
The more i was reading comments the more i felt the need to chastise or make fun of some people , some obviously never read the good book front to cover and some seems to think god will obey their personal timeline.
Thank you for writing your comment , for finding the right words.
I think that Christian Zionists are the most evil and the most stupid commoners/plebs on the planet.
Well, look at you, you lil SATANIST!
Or should I say......SATAN'S WHORE!
You'll be joining your FELLOW DEMONS......in HELL!
GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE are HUMANS! And you're NOT one of them!
Wow... how void of The Spirit with that comment.
10$ she's from Colorado
“Chosen” by evil. Yes. Chosen to destroy, families with values. Yes. Chosen to reap havoc. Yes. Chosen to disrupt community. Yes. Chosen to torture all Life. Yes. Chosen to slaughter young precious Life. Yes. Chosen to construct hate. Yes. Chosen to defile/degrade humanity. Yes. Chosen to slay your own dignity. Yes.
🎯 It's a 💯 death cult to destroy all life on earth! This is truly our Creator/God vs Satan, Good/love vs Evil/hate! We are in a spiritual war! The hour is getting late and people need to know where they stand!
Wow. Never heard such hatred from a true child of the King. I'll pray for you. Come, Lord Jesus. #klujics.
I'd agree that Dawnie seems a bit angry, but in the overall scene I think that's quite a bit more enlightened than being smiling and cheerful while supporting global mass murder and enslavement with the excuse that it's good because the plan's architects have told you 'it's God's plan' and it's only temporary.
Indeed, their plan is for the mass murder to be only temporary, as they envision not a single soul remaining alive who would resist. The 'thousand years of peace' they talk about can be previewed by looking at Bolshevik/Soviet Russia after the mass murder stopped because there was no more resistance. That's what totalitarian Jewish rule looks like.
When the Bolshevik mass murder comes to the US, are you going to be volunteering to help round up and murder all of those resisting, because you think it's 'God's plan', Kelly?
People need to watch "Europa, the Last Battle" its quite disturbing! I watched half of that documentary! It's a lot and I hope to God we don't see that on American soil, if indeed that documentary was the real deal? I have a lot of questions? That documentary footage looks original and real, but is it true? Because AI today is extremely intelligent with photoshopping and all kinds of film editing and I'm pretty sure that the technology is available today to make films look old! I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what unfolds and do the best to protect ourselves and stay safe! I certainly wish that the Most High would get involved and wipe out this evil today without the rest of us getting harmed and getting stuck in the middle!
Amii, have you seen Zeitgeist?
No I haven't watched that one yet! But that one's on my to watch list of "down the rabbit hole documentaries" It's available on archive.org just like Europa is! I better go ahead and finish watching these because I'm concerned that they will start scrubbing the Internet with censorship getting worse! I do think Trump will attack freedom of speech through extended antisemitism laws!
I am part of the Bride of Christ that will be raptured before then. Come join us. "He's not willing that any should perish."
So it's 'good' to be cheerleading for global mass murder and enslavement because you're planning to not be here when it happens?
And you think the Christ will 'rapture' souls who've willingly enabled the destroyers in exchange for promises of personal 'salvation'? In other words, you think Christ favors souls who'd sell out humanity and life on Earth for perceived personal gain?
The 'church' you're giving us a glimpse of isn't just a suicide cult; it's a suicide cult that intends to assist with global mass murder on its way out.
No, Christ has nothing to do with anything you're advocating. It's all you, and within your personal responsibility.
Not cheerleading the evil at all, just not surprised bc of God's Word.
If it turns out to be an anti gravity disc craft they tell you is here to rapture you, consider not boarding.
But He knows that not all will be saved; thus He is the Redeemer of all souls and the Savior of those who are rewarded such.
By their fruits you will know them. Maranatha!
Look in a mirror, sweetie! YOU are that face of EVIL/HATE!
Don't pray for me! I am OF GOD!
It is YOU who needs to get on your knees and PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS for WORSHIPING SATAN! GOD will show you NO MERCY!
You FAKE-ASS christian!
If you truly believe that then you really are a moron. The biblical prophecies are contrived spiritual propaganda and warfare designed by the ruling elites of Rome along with others to trick you into believing in an anthropomorphized version of God. Absolutely ridiculous. Caesar's Messiah documentary. Watch it. Break the mind control.
Exactly why I did not vote, my gut told me that Trump and Elon are up to NO GOOD.
🎯 Right on! I don't vote either! And Trump is definitely up to no good! Trump and Musk are working together to chip us a like animals, to track our every move which means no privacy or freedom! Trump said he's gonna work hard to get biometric face scanning up and going during this term in a speech! Came right out of the horses mouth! People need to listen, watch Trump's body language and read between the lines and really think about what he's saying! He's telling what he's gonna do as they have to tell us what they are doing, if we don't understand then that's on us! They always tell us and we haven't understood really what they are saying! They speak in riddles to confuse us and Trump is no different! I listen to his tone of voice too! During the same speech Trump said "I love you Christian's" "I'm a Christian" the second statement in a low voice tone! The way he said that sounded like he was mocking Christians! So no, Trump is not good!
Correction: Trump repeated twice " I am not a Christian, I am not a Christian.
Yeah, I'm sure Trump said that too rambling during a speech! He does that, I've noticed, just to keep talking and talking! I think he's doing that to convince the people that he's one of us and like us! Trump is good at reading people and he says things inorder to relate to the audience and to connect with the audience, just like a good salesman would do!
Yes. Trump turned the volume down on his voice when he made the comment in one of his no breath break sales pitches. 🐍
Yeah! If people listen carefully they will catch it! 😉
Thank you! I enjoy Dustin Nemos work!👍
I do not vote either. My angel guides told me not to vote.
For all these parasites with dual citizenship (USA and Israel) it's not a matter of dual loyalty. They are loyal to only one of those countries. Israel.
Joe Rogan was totally acting in that clip. Can anyone else hear and see the difference from when he's asking questions and conversing naturally with his guests? This is different. He's totally acting. That was so scripted. Especially the bit at the end makes it so obvious.
Rogan is stroking his chin: a Masonic sign.
All the medium and high profile Alt Media are Masons and Eastern Star - or otherwise initiated into Mitraic Cults. They are all Traitors to Humanity.
Musk has been captured many times making Masonic gang-signs. His grandfather, Errol Musk, was in the vanguard of the Technocratic Movement. His mother is obviously an occultist. According to his childhood nanny, he’s a bit of a demon himself and she has seen him conjuring entities…
I didn't know that when a person strokes their chin that that's a Masonic sign! Hmm! I thought I knew all of them! That's a new one on me! Thank you Linda O! 👍
Yes touching the chin and the face; putting the hands on or around the neck; and putting the hands over the mouth or the fingers over the lips.
Of course, this particular example could just be a coincidence, but he has been photographed in other videos using the 666 sign and covering one eye. He has an Illuminati Tattoo on his left shoulder - and then there is the logo of the podcast with the Third All Seeing Eye.
The sad truth is that it is unlikely he would be a success without joining the Cult.
Yeah I see all of the other stuff with Rogan! The 3rd eye logo is right in people's faces with Rogan grinning like a psychopath!! Rogan is controlled, they all are! Rogan has some interesting guests sometimes! I listen to Dan Bongino too he makes me laugh, he's also controlled!
You are correct. These people are trained 'actors' practicing their 'craft. They take it very seriously and are paid handsomely for being superb liars.
New to me too. Although it is something that we humans naturally do. I have done it. Men with beards in particular seem to do it... stroke their beard. I think with all these things we have to take them as a whole along with their behavior, things they have said at other times, etc. It all adds up to paint the picture of what they really are.
The logo for his show and the tattoo on his left shoulder speak volumes...as does the numerous times he has been photographed making the 666 sign.
I haven't seen that tatt! I'm gonna have look at it next time he's on! 👍
Look through archived photos of him. There are many examples of his 'faith'. His stoner schtick is a long running social engineering project.
They operate in subtle. They have done so up to the pandemic, once they initiated the pandemic they stopped being so subtle.
His nanny asked his mother about him because of the wicked way he behaved. She asked if he was the antichrist and she said no he's here to usher him in!!
And of course Musk is Bloodline. Swiss 'Haldeminn' on his mother's side.
Hammas is NOT Palistine
And it's part of the !srahell psy0p to fuel their deranged narrative and propaganda. That's why it's pure insanity to "stand with" either side.
I am literally disgusted. When will people wake up to the deception? Two wings of the same bird...
I'm totally against a Zionist government!! THIS IS AMERICA FIRST DAMMIT!!
I'm sick of these politicians spewing lies and supporting a foreign country committing
a genocide on a people.
I suspected Trump would be installed when he played along with the fake assassination attempt in Butler. That was his initiation into the club. That was Trump being compromised so that he could be controlled. He was punished severely throughout his first term and the Biden term for not being a controllable asset. Trump's either a Zionist or owned by the Zionists. And if he reneges on the deal and doesn't play ball, he really will be assassinated.
I think all of that was fake! This was done so Trump would gain more support from Americans! It worked too! It helped! Some Trump haters become Trump supporters!
I will continue to pray, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" #klujics
I believe that the Bible is inspired (2Tim 3:16) and without error and Jesus came back as he said he would at the very time he said he would do it (at the destruction of the temple in 70 ad).
Time will tell who is right!
As for me, I cannot think of anything that hasn't been corrupted. (As it was in the Days of Noah).
If you are correct, then we are living in the short time of Satan. (A time that is not described in scripture)
If you are not correct, then great tribulation is at hand.
Either way the answer is Jesus! (The creator son of our Heavenly Father)
He is INDEED the answer. All praise to Him!
Religion is a system of mass-populace control.
Religion -(to tie, to bind, to re-bind). To control.
Religion is designed to keep the masses divided, ignorant, and obedient.
Humans are spiritual beings. Religions were created to control HOW we interpret our spirituality and our connection to Source. Religion reroutes us into churches, Bibles, texts, and 'authorities', to tell us who God is and who we are.
Religions were created by the llluminati, the 'Enlightened Ones' specifically to PREVENT the masses from becoming 'enlightened'.
All you have to do is do the math Kelly.
This entire planet is run by 13 bloodlines. Thirteen bloodlines of pure satanic evil. And they control EVERYTHING. Which is how a proportionately small group of individuals can control an entire planet of 7billion humans, by controlling EVERYTHING.
We are THEIR labor force.
We speak the language THEY gave us.
We learn what THEY teach us.
We image ourselves by the history THEY show us.
We perceive our World as THEY explained it to us.
We behave the way THEY trained us.
And we believed what THEY told us to believe.
Just do the math Kelly. There are roughly 800 of them and 7billion of us. Did you really think they were going to give us a religion that would empower us?
Very well written! Thank you!
One is free to choose to believe or not. That is the beauty of free will. Nothing is foisted upon us. You apparently have found your path may it serve you well.
Without error, yes!! But your 70AD interpretation is FILLED with error. His millennial reign has not begun. During that time mortals and immortals will live together, Jesus will literally reign from Jerusalem, the animals will love peaceably with each other, children playing with snakes...etc. None of that has happened yet. And, if you say that's "allegorical" , I suggest that it's dangerous to decide which parts of the Bible to believe is literal and which are not.
Kelly is correct. Do not be "left behind" http://king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html
I concor. https://king-of-the.net/rapture.html
I said that, not Leonardo Dicaprio. LOL I am not a doctor. Do you concor? LOL
"Do you know Jesus ?? No, , , but I have seen the movie." Larry Norman said that one.
I believe these people are put in to put them front and center so people "see" them in their true colors. Remember, everyone wants proof of everything. They need to witness it in real time. Many characters have already been taken out-removed. Off to Gitmo for Military Tribunals. We have masked actors, doubles, and clones. 1.0's, 2.0's, and 3.0's.
We have been under military occupancy since Trump took office in 2016. It may have ended at the election. But I can't say for sure. A lot more is going on that people don't realize.
I agree 100% with your last sentence.
I would like to believe that this is all part of some strategy but truly have little hope of that. These appointments just make me more certain that POTUS is just another puppet of a higher control center. 🤷🏼♀️😣
He is! They all always have been! It's the (s)election process! That higher control center picks who they're gonna install to work on their behalf and do their bidding! This time it's Trump! He's 💯 doing the control centers bidding!
"Off to Gitmo for Military Tribunals."
Ugh, White Hat Hopium.
The CabaI's QAnon Scam fan fiction for the pink-pilled.
Yeah! 😆 Unfortunately some are still at that! We've got to deal with the Q anon psyop again!
Agreed, if all was for the Zionist then the agenda 2100 (2030 milestone) would be on track we’d be in lock downs and forced jabs. This something stopped it. Also in this type of war infiltration is a good tactic. Either way we are mere witnesses to the bigger plan. We each have a part to play focus on what we can do the rest we leave to for others to do. That creates a wave of good. Btw, the major control systems are the Fiat money system and the BAR. When that changes there will be many answers revealed. Also note Trump stated he is primary target is to implement Free speech once this occurs the entire information warfare changes. This is a massive operation. Executive order 13848 and 13818 are in play with -473,000 sealed indictments in America. This war is getting very interesting !
🤔 Yes, Trump DID say that free speech has to be protected. Yet, he also said that any "anti-semitic" speech would not be allowed and would include jail time. And anyone siding with "palestine" would be "deported". Free speech? No. That's not free speech. That's communism. So which is it? Clearly, with the "picks" he's making, ANY speech against z!onism will be penalized. Not cool. No different than the PedoJoe CommieAla illigitimate regime. (And it looks like a continuation of one illigitimate regime after another with unbridled CAPTURED, corrupt, unconstitutional DS "agencies" to continue the agenda, remaining intact.) CommieAla only got $5 million from AIPAC. At least Trump got a $100 million from Aidelson to sell the remainder of what's left of the country to !srahell. Art of the deal, it seems.
IF a jihadist walk up to you with a knife saying : "am gona kill a jew" hate speech laws are the least of our problems . . . . Free speech or none at all.
Trump is playing nice with everyone again . . . he wants people not to die.
But for fuck sakes help yourself people. No piece of paper will stop anyone who want to do you arm. Jews are safe in America saying otherwise is none sens.
ANYWAY the ADL hates us all. fuck 'em
🎯 thank you! Deporting anybody speaking up for and siding with Palestine is not free speech! That's threatening Americans and America, the country that Trump should put first, but sadly he does not, yet the supporting Americans cheer Trump on and are not listening to what he's saying! Trump is shitting all over the first amendment to our Constitution and he's gonna keep going! Just this fact alone should be a 🚩flag to every single American! So if a jew walks up to an American and slaps the shit out of an American for no reason, then it's gonna be against the law for that American to speak up, complain and file an assault charge against that jew, else the American gets punished for speaking up and gets deported! OK, got it! That's a crazy example but it concerns me that this sort of thing will be happening under Trump!
And when you listen to the borderline psychotic, passionate speeches against his "picks" have made about how the priority in this country must be stopping "anti-sem!tism" (Stefanik, Hegseth, RFK, Noem, Bondi, etc, all over X) it's hard to believe this is America. We have laws on place that protect ALL. We don't need to single out one special interest group over another. (The ADL does a fine enough job discriminating against everyone except for one group. If the definition of the Make America Great Again movement is to elevate one group of people over any other, count me out. (All are equal under the law, and all that jazz.) Our Constitution / Bill of Rights doesn't need amending to elevate the feelings/prioritites of one group over another. Not buying into ANY form of discrimination. We're better than that.
🎯 Exactly! Our Constitution/Bill of Rights was made to protect the rights of all American citizens! They're trying hard to erode our Constitution!
Is it truth or one big psyop?
It's all psyop! We are getting played and psyoped to hell! Sadly many people are falling victim to all of it! The majority of people are being manipulated by the powers that shouldn't be! As long as people believe and participate in their system then people will continue to be manipulated and controlled by the powers that shouldn't be! They've been controlling humanity for millennia and they continue to do so!
“MK- Ultra 2.0”
According to this video, 55% of the American people have been brain neutered.
Makes a lot of sense, being that the ongoing GENOCIDE/DEMOCIDE is being accepted.
Hey people
Zionists dont believe in God
They are Atheists
They believe in world domination and taking no prisoners
Get your heads out of your asses !
"They" do believe in a god, their god, satan. "they" torture, rape and murder babies, drink the blood and eat them.
My God! Just watched this, McDonalds? Millions of Children missing?
There are testimonies of the London Hampstead children where they speak about McDonald's being involved in a satanic network. Alisa and Gabriel, then 8 and 9 years old. Heartbreaking story.
Exactly. It's so bizarre to see "Christians" defending those who murd€red Christ and have nothing but pure hatred for Him. Geez. Even Muslims have respect for Christ and acknowledge his contribution as a Savior. The propaganda has twisted the minds of the sheople into a beyond imaginable cesspool of delusion.
Blind, deaf and dumb brainwashed 🐑 is all they are!
Let's not forget the very few but still existing exceptions: Benjamin Freedman was born into Zionism but faught his whole life against it when he realised what their goals are. He was part of the Balfour declaration conference and blowed the whistle about everything.
Didn't the Zionists (or a part of them, the banksters) fund the communist movement back then in Russia to destroy the monarchy? Wasn't Marx a Freemason himself?
Really confusing who selfproclaims as who in the name of others or who is tagged as member of a subset of people even if he doesn't agree etc.
Wasn't Marx a Freemason himself?
Looks like this next administration is going to put the Israeli government and Zionist agenda first, not the American people. Keep prepping, there's a World wide storm a brewing.
Not all Jews are Zionists & not all Zionists are jews.
Please stop using "Jews" in your comments.
There are many Jews who are good people.
Well said. Reese, along with a few other obvious antisemites, have destroyed any credibility they may have had in the past year. On the one hand he’s been crying relentlessly about how evil the Biden regime were (true) and calling repeatedly for Trump to win. Now he’s won, it’s a ‘Zionist Government’. Reese is a hateful attention-seeking clown.
"crying relentlessly...about Biden...and calling repeatedly for Trump to win"
Greg, Thank you for all of your hard work, efficiency and professionalism. I can understand your conclusions based on the evidence in this vid. Would you consider another report and make a distinction between the current govt. of Israel in contrast with the citizens of Israel? Once that distinction is clarified; would you factor in the military Q operation which says; “We’re saving Israel for last.”? Once the distinctions are made between the Zionist Government and the Biblical community, the conclusions may be different. Thanks again, Patricia
Greg is obviously not qualified to report on what you're asking. The very premise of this video is opposite of truth, he doesn't know the difference between good and evil, he obviously doesn't have the Holy Spirit and discernment
Good grief. That sounds like projection. Check your Stockholm Syndromed, twisted, propagandized thinking that's way off base.
Unfortunatley your comment is very disrespectful, Diane D. Criticising is one thing and ok, but being disrespectful is not ok. Can you discern that? Do you know the difference between good and evil yourself?
Keen to hear people's thoughts on this:
"The heart of Zionism is British geopolitics set up by Lord Palmerston,Queen Victoria and the United Grand Lodge of Masons.
Zionism is not Judaism. Christian Zionism is not Christianity.
Zionism is British Freemasonry."
Excerpt from a lecture given by historian & author Anton Chaitkin on March 26, 1994.
As you can see; this thread is filled with religious zealots discussing Bible issues... No one interested in analyzing Zionism as a political tool convenient to the British Empire and beyond. Most people in the US still do not understand clearly whats behind the dynamics of the Eurasian battlefields going on right now.
I can only try...
TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Micheal for bringing facts to this crazy none sens. ! love you dude (no homo) even if we disagree at time.
And Britain is who was behind the creation of the military state called Israel.
"How could this be hidden?"
Its not hidden Viri, its OBVIOUS.
Trump appoints Deep State.
The pink-pilled need to believe that Trump is the clueless innocent of all the Deep State surrounding him. He's NOT. He appoints them!
Trump just appointed THE MOST POWERFUL woman in the Deep State to be the White House CHIEF OF STAFF!
And let's not forget all those other Deep State, Globalist, Rottchild Banking executives, Cabal spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros Trump appointed when he FILLED the Swamp.
Especially Acosta!
Do you really think its a coincidence that Diddy exploded at the same time that the Prime documentary on Prince Andrew and Epstein came out, because the 17 year old girl, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who brought sexual charges against Prince Andrew, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and that she was “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
By President Donald J. Trump.
Great report Greg.
The following might explain (and very well predicted) how Trump would stack his Cabinet with staunch Zionists:
1) Is Donald Trump compromised by Israel’s Mossad? And was his Assassination Attempt Staged after all? Oct .14, 2024
2) Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad
You are asking dumb questions . Its bake in the cake since the creation of Israel . Fucking UN is to blame. Common Dan you know that. Your dropping click bait shit.