One cannot deny that there was some sort of Israeli foreknowledge, but most miss the bigger picture with regards to 9/11, by just wanting to point the finder at dem djoos.... It's lazy.

There was a concerted effort by the 23 NIST subcontractors to cover up what exactly happened at the WTC, yet NO ONE talks about them, except two professors that SUED the US Government, (NISTS' 23 subcontractors for SCIENCE FRAUD) in 2007. (Which the 9/11 truther movement NEVER talks about).

2 x 2007 Qui-Tam Whistleblower cases;

1. Case 1, which was also filed in the US supreme court in 2009: https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

2. Case 2: https://nomoregames.net/2011/06/12/request-for-correction-by-nist-for-its-invalid-wtc-jetliner-animations-and-analyses/

Then, you can have Israel as a suspect, but that's all they are.

9/11 & Israel - The two things that may not be mentioned together


You need to look into the Power Patterns & Identification with regards to 9/11.

Link: https://rumble.com/v485iu3-sept-11-2001-power-patterns-and-identification.html

Greg, I sincerely hop that you would do a piece one day on Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist, who's been cancelled by Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/wikipedias-block-listed-911-scientist



You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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I never mentioned "dem djoos" once. I'm talking about "Zionism", a secular tool being used by the world's secret societies to foment a holy war in their attempts to create a one world religion and a one world government. I have love for decent people of all religions.

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Thanks for the clarification. You should have been a bit clearer on this in the video. 9/11 was absolutely a false flag event. They applied what they learned and gave us the COVID false flag, and many are still blind. Secret societies or the 4th Reich?

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I'm not saying you did - That is the fallback a lot of "uninformed" people have when they generalise about who dunnit on 9/11, before being able to conceptualise WHAT actually happened.

I would like to see people talk about the complicity of the 23 NIST subcontractors that were sued, by means of the two professors who filed requests for correction (RFC) to NIST, under the false claims act, which in turn made them whistleblowers and thus they could SUE the 23 NIST subcontractors for SCIENCE FRAUD in 2007.

Now, ask yourself the the question, why do NONE on the pooba 9/11 truther talking head celebrities, like Alex Jones, Richard Gage, Ted Walter, David Chandler, and more NOT talk about these cases OR the evidence presented in these cases?

When Alex jones was asked by his listeners to interview these professors, he flatly denied their requests and STILL DOES. Why, Greg - Why?

Is it because the cases and the EVIDENCE they present, DEMOLISH the government approved counter narrative of explosives, thermite or nukes on 9/11?

Is it because of what the implications are when they actually talk about WHAT REALLY happened to two 110 story buildings?

Let's not forget about the anomalies with the 9/11 orphans - Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and the Banker's trust Building?

Read: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

With regards to the technology used on 9/11, MOST are missing the bigger picture!

Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.

Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".

Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.

Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.

And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.

You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.

In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up.

There is only BLUFF!

Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

You can download the Refutation of Richard Gage’s Game in 2008 AND 2023:


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Ding, ding, ding! Even if there were Israeli accomplices, it's a drop in the bucket to what actually happened that day.

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am I ketching yer drift here: 23 NIST subcontractors "did the job" via DEWs just as Dr. Judy tells it. "Support Staff" (I say this jokin'ly) wuz indeed Mossad, CIA, MI6 an' the usual suspects--not ta mention the SEC(?) runnin' the insider tradin' scam, the DOD (?) doin' the drills--sumbuddy from the FED dealin' with the "gold" down under... I agree (bein' of the hated race even tho' I had jack-all ta do with the downin' of the buildin's--one've which I used ta be employed in!) that Israel via Mossad offered "tech support"--ahrtistically perhaps? An' recorded the event, natch. They make themselfs indespensible, no doubt. Likely the joos were also the "bagmen" or part've that piece. But ta blame the ENTIRE OP/psyop on ONLY Joos an' Mossad? Nah. Tip of the iceberg but the cabal likes it that way as do the Brits ("Crown Inc") that don't like ta get their hands doity... Am I gettin' it? This ain't my wheelhouse but I think the one dimensional blamin' ALL on the "zionists" (yeah, the chews) falls short... Also I do NOT think "they" ran the show--just played a role. Oh, what 'bout them Saudis? In on it too, "players" as well? DEWs ain't cheap... An' the hurry-caine--wuz that Haarp?

ps who did the holographic plane projections? wuz it "local" (Industrial Light & Magic?)

pps yup, free energy could be used fer "good"--too many hard earned greenbacks given ta CON-edison!

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I like you - You see the bigger picture.

Let's get married - lol

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shucks, thanks, I try! (I got skin in this game--as I said, we used'ta live near them towers--I wuz 5 months pg. at the time an' my older daughter is on the spectrum w/ health issues I DO associate with whut we all breathed in--the air wuz so acrid an' smoky fer months--you could cut it with a knife--we got some'a that white dust in our old apt. from it...an' yeah, we went away fer a week an' then did a pro "clean up" but that wuz a drop in the ocean!) So yeah, I'd like ta see the real perps all git "new 'uns" ripped -- an' like ya say, it ain't just "mossad" -- it's a multi-national crime scene (an' they cain't "dust" fer fingerprints cuz even the bodies are...dust!)

Oh, one more hubby theory I think he's onta sumthin'--the jumpers jumped b/c of the heat-generated an' the sonic pain in their brains--I imagine the DEWs produced INTENSE havana-like symptoms, no? WHO ELSE in their right mind would jump? I think their heads were 'splodin'--may they all RIP (vs "in pieces"...sorry gallows humor but I think they wuz all done dirty that way...died in horrific pain...) thoughts?

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Yes, indeed Dr Wood is also of the notion that the people in the towers were being affected by the field interference, that was changing the molecular structure of matter.

She wanted to do an addition to the book that would have gone into a lot more detail with what she suspects were happening to the people and what also happened to the jumpers.

A lot is revealed in the official testimonies of the first responders that is in the public record, but due to wanting to be respectful, she did not include it in her book. I think that there is about 7 chapters she did not include in her book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/

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Very good questions.

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In the days following 9/11, people and the media were always comparing it to Pearl Harbor. But the more I studied the questioning dissent, the more apparent it became that this was more like Hiroshima. I truly hope that in the days ahead we can learn what really was the cause of it all and who was behind it.

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is close to PH, because the goverment knew it was coming and let it happen.

the goal in 1941 was entering the war. Since 1933 (Judea declares war to GErmany) the owners of the US were preparing US to get invoilved in WW2 to destroy GErmany

Same with USS LIberty, were the joos tried to get US involved by sinking the LIberty and blaming the Arabs. Again, US Gov acomplice.

9/11 is the pinacle of false flags..THey killed 3000 americans in 1 day, millions of goyim en Middle East....and the American People still believe that the official story...Maybe, we deserve what is coming for being so stupid/lazy

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With regards to the technology used on 9/11, MOST are missing the bigger picture!

Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.

Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".

Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.

Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.

And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.

You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.

In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up.

There is only BLUFF!

Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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maybe you need to read the talmud.

Is the only religion that is aligned with all the evil you described in your videos..Plus the ones you still dont see, like WW1, WW2, holohoax, JFK, etc

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You mentioned JFK: “Final Judgment”, Michael Collins Piper 💥…wow!

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Greg is correct. It's not J e ws but Zion-ists. They are the pretend J e ws. Jesus told us who they are in Revelation 3:9 so that we would recognize them in this time.. The pretend Je ws who worship at the synagogue of Satan...

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Explain Talmud please.

Is that a Zio teachings?

were the Zionist expelled from every single Nation since Egyp?

why the Zionist fit so good into the talmudic teachings?

zionism is a new thing, created by group of stupid or evil Anglo Protestants in the late 1890s That idea that they were able to understand God's will in the Bible is too dangerous. They come up with the idea that God wants hebrews to rule the world from a place in Palestine!!...

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They have always been the pretend J e ws. They just morphed into the zio nists cover to move the agenda forward. This is the same spirit of antichrist that crucified Jesus. These are people under demonic possession - just as the high pretend J ew priest

Caiaphas. Ephesians chapter 6. Remember whom you war against

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You people are missing the finer point here. Liberty is about doing what you want and take responsibility for it. Your free to talk "dem djoos" all day long don't force it on other to adopt your speech. Greg is doing is thing has always. Reporting on the 21 years old kid who should do their civic duty and dive into 911 before going ape shit about the middle east. The freedom of speech and freedom of assembly is under attack. Even if it disturb you or anger you it is important to protect.

Dive into the subject before taking a side. Like the GREAT RESET is control demolition of the world. 911 was used to usher us into the security state. Tip toe totalitarian is the game. Push-Pull , dialectic . The Saudies and Israel played a role into 9/11. . . . The house of Saud was fond of them Nazi . . . look into it.

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Greg, the phrases, "one-world religion" and "one-world government," though commonly used, are backwards. Correctly, they are "one-religion world" and "one-government world."

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I use my "snow plow" to "plow snow", but which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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Syntax is important. During the 1970s language research with chimpanzees revealed that even they can distinguish between "give me" and "me give."

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Context means a lot, always try and get it as right as I can the first time.

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I'm glad you commented back. I've written this since:


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You are beautiful, Greg. ....and we're walking....

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Zio-bots are as smart-dust seeded throughout Our Body-Politic for years in attempts to bring about Their [djutopia] !!!!!!

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Correct. It's not the joos it's the zionists.

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9/11 Revisionist has a lot of information and links to things there, but you only address the first sentence. I didn't take that sentence to be about or directed at you Greg. 9/11 Revisionist says, "... but most ...", doesn't seem to be directed at you, but what the 9/11 Revisionist notices in general. Clearly in your video you were not doing what 'most' (in 9/11 Revisionist's perception) are doing.

I just watched your video, it's great. The closing clip beautifully made the point that there is no renegade, populist 'hero' in government nor going to enter government and 'save us'. I only just read 9/11 Revisionist's comment, and have not had a chance to look at any of the links. But maybe there is some true and useful information here, I hope you will at least look to find out.

What I hope the 9/11 Revisionist realizes is that your impactful and succinct videos are typically under 5 minutes in length. I'm always in admiration of how much information you can pack into that short time span (you are a master of this like no one else I have seen). But because your videos are under 5 minutes, there is no way within that time span you can address everything about the 9/11 operation. I hope that 9/11 Revisionist realizes this and was just trying to add more information for you to follow if you wish and find them reliable, and for your audience to follow if they are interested.

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This is where Greg Reese lost me! Not in understanding the facts but in ideology. See I’m a Christian and I follow the Bible which is the word of God! There’s no interpretation discrepancies here

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I am right and you are wrong (sinner) because God (my very own) said so ... (He wrote it down?)

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Apr 30Edited
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Totally agree with your comment here, people that do not come to this same conclusion are controlled opposition or have not done their homework. I have read over a dozen books and spent hundreds of hours researching this single topic.

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Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism and never ever did. The state of Israel is Zionist, it is a secular state. Look up what secular means! They do not practice judaism. They are not practicing jews. Religious Jews the world over do NOT support the state of Israel and in fact get beaten and jailed every single day. Zionism is a political organization and has nothing to do with religion, never ever did!!! Learn your history! Stupid people the world over just don't know what's going on and are brainwashed brainwashed brainwashed.

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You are right! The Zionists are mostly secular and if they do have a religious ideology, it is usually the mystical religion of Kabbala, which they picked up in Babylon, during their exile there. The Orthodox Jews abhor and condemn Zionism and are persecuted by the Zionist “fake” Jews!!

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In in Donald Trump's book my way to the top he Praises his Kabbalah teacher rabbi Eitan Yardeni....

his daughter and his son-in-law are kabbalah's .

Let's not forget he created warp speed which he still hasn't condemned or told the truth about the evil shot and he never pardon Snowden and Assange.

People need to know that both sides are working against us. The globalists have the script already written. Anything to distract Americans in the world to keep them from the true word of God..

Turn not to the right hand nor to the left, remove the foot from Evil Proverbs 4:27 God tells us right there not to pay any attention to the left wing or the right wing as there's only one head to the bird the globalist.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him first John 2:15

Set your affection on things above, not on things of this Earth Colossians 3:2

Don't put your confidence in powerful people, there is no help there for you Psalms 146:3

It's better to put your trust in the Lord then your confidence in man. It's better to put your trust in the Lord then your confidence in princes Psalms 118:8 and 9 kjv. God bless you

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PS: https://geopolitics.co/2015/03/11/hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/ This site is highly recommended, the fact that they have long been censored.removed from FB is ample evidence of their integrity.

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The way that I see it, anybody can claim anything, and almost everyone does.If one believes something strong enough it will be their reality, until it isn't because they change their mind, for whatever reason.

That aspect of the Jews that claim to be God's chosen people, would be the Zionists that came from the line of Ashkenazim/Kahzarian, who as it turns out have nothing top do with the Original 12 Tribes mentioned in the Bible. They use the Talmud, a relatively "secret" transcript to which any reader other than a Jew would see the "handwriting on the wall" and easily answer the old question of why are Jews persecuted throughout the world over so much time.

The Zionist Jews use the "regular" (whatever that is) Jews to "hide behind" having taught the general populace that all Jews are to be pitied and if one says anything slightly "bad" about them, that person is supposed to be called out by the public as an Antisemitist, the louder the better they think.

Like most large groups of people, few know much about the real history and the differences involved thus take the easy "popular" stance, as is taking place right now when the "media" lies about the issue wanting to rile people up, part of the old "divide and conquer" method of control, keep us too busy hating on each other to notice who is really behind it all and causing the real problems.

This world can be divided into two basic groups of people overall, where there is a central balance point between good and evil. The problem is then, with the excessive love of money, said money can result in the power to control others that can be talked into "joining that club", the "Club of Satan." ... Most things seen as the physical 5 sensory "objective" realm, where the higher sense Spiritual realm is denied, just happen to fall into that "worldly camp" where their not having known the GOD of LOVE and TRUTH have nothing related to that to believe in. There Satan~The Devil~Lucifer, or whatever "name" one would want to assign. The Zionist Jews, as I have said or implied, are NOT real Jews, they just use Jews to achieve their evil ends, not to mention the rest of us that fall for it.

There is a missive called "The Protocols of the meeting of the Learned Elders of Zion" that show just how they think and their world plan to subjugate mankind, that they let live, into relative robots to serve them. There is ample information still available for any who want to know the truth, The Protocols is just one of many. Of course there is no end to the denial of its authenticity because were it believed to be true as it is by more people, those Zionist would not "get their way" over the rest of us.

Check out www.RevisionistHistory.org, there find, order and read; "Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded, by Michael Hoffman.

Just BEWARE of The Liars, they are pretty dam good at it, most convincing. For them it is the highest form of "Art", Lucifer rewards them accordingly. He is "Their God" and thus could know no other Beware the God of "The Book", as far too many "Preachers" have presented to us. The REAL God is GOD as the ALL THAT IS and "His" message is; LOVE one-another, do not Lie, just do your best and Justice will be done via Karma. This here "earth life" is NOT the totality of our experience, "Seek and Ye shall Find"

Basic Equation of Truth; BET [ + = - ] IS GOD~LOVE~TRUTH, THE TRINITY.

IMnsHO and E so far.

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Revelation 2:9 I know that works, and tribulation, and poverty, but Thou Art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are jews, and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 behold I make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are jews, but are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Revelation 3:10 because thou has kept the word of my patient....I will also keep the from the hour of temptation, (the Lord's Day)which shall come upon all the world to try them dwell that them upon the Earth !

God only approved of two churches in these verses the Smyrna Church and the Church of Philadelphia which teach who the kenites are which are of the synagogue of Satan which are Satan's Children documented in Matthew 13:38 and 39 who say they are Jews but are not.

I'm sure there's some Christian people in Israel...Jerusalem and not all secular .

The Lord is coming but not before Satan comes in the clouds on a white horse first as Paul teaches in second Thessalonians 2 verses 1 through 4.

The Antichrist will stand on the holy seat in Jerusalem pretending to be God Before We Gather back to Christ.

Satan comes in Revelation 6:2 on a white horse at the sixth Trump Revelation 6:12 don't follow him and wait for the true Christ which comes in Revelation 19:11 at the 7th trump.

If you follow Satan you'll have the mark of the beast which is in your forehead which is behind at your brain which is knowledge to know that the fake Antichrist comes first. Check out the teaching on Mark 13 which goes over all seven trumps or Check out the teaching...Revelation 13 at the Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel or


Don't be deceived by man follow only God's word God bless you

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Apr 30
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The documentary "Europa the final battle" woke me up bigtime. Good thing I saved it too because it is scrubbed and deleted everytime it's uploaded online

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the last battle, it’s still there to see..

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It's interesting, that the whole Zionist get together at the end of the 19th century beginning of 20th century could have been just a ploy, a distraction.

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They will and have sacrificed their 'own' to try to hide but we still see your teeth little red riding hood. Blessed be those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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Yup, they openly talk about it now. But if you say anything about it, you are called an "anti-semite."


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they are normalizing all these things...Pedophilia, World Gov, Joos the chosen race to rule the world, Masonry (a joosh institution), etc.

People is so dumb

Germans new it in 1930 and fought the fight we are not fighting now...and it will be too late

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Yes, Masonry is Jooish--I think Brother Nathanael says it's Judaism for gentiles.

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Freemasonary is Muslim with Babylon roots the red hats they wear mean deep in blood of Christian. The moon icon on the hats is Islamic.

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The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:

Contains Incitement to Hatred” that’s following our new European laws limiting speech)

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You have a Sharp’ Point !

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Apr 30Edited

Yes, the article presents like Zionists of “Israel” are responsible for 9/11 and the US caves to Netanyahu, when in fact, both governments are controlled by the same shadow leaders. The author is conflating Zionists with Israel and specifically Jewish citizens. Israel was created by Zionists to further their means and Zionists could not care less about actual Jews/Israelis.

Netanyahu was educated here in the US - high school and MIT and Harvard—and was a member of US intelligence long before he became Israel’s PM. He is a pawn of the Zionists, not the original source of the destruction.

The psy op is to always place blame on the individuals we can see.

The way it’s described is the tail wagging the dog when in fact those people in power control us all, including Israel. Netanyahu is but one agent put in place to do the job. No outsiders are doing this to “us.” Our gov’t- and many govts around the world have been controlled by the same forces for decades. 9/11 was inside job. Which simply means that the “Zionists” wreaking havoc are the same forces controlling everything everywhere.

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Spot on. For those who understand this whole theme properly, there are two critical reference points:

1) Shadow Theater: Shadow play, also known as shadow puppetry, is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which uses flat articulated cut-out figures which are held between a source of light and a translucent screen or scrim.

2) Plato's Allegory of the Cave: In the allegory, Plato describes people that have spent their lives chained in a cave facing a blank wall. They watch shadows projected onto the wall by objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and they give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality but not accurate representations of the real world.

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these guys fully runs this country since before WW1

the cover ups are only possible because the amount of power they have here.

How can they cover up JFK, 9/11 or created the Holohoax?..we have no idea of the power they have.

They PRINT the money, they own the USA, and they hate the American People as they hate any goyim...But stupid mass of dumb people, believe they are our "allied" and "Gods chosen" ones....Gods doesn't have favorites, He chose them to be saved, because they are already condemned as the sons of the devils.

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Yes, I've been listening to The Great Red Dragon- London Money Power on bitchute, and it definitely sounds like the Rothschild banking cartel was already running the world by the late 1800s before they even got their central bank. They owned all the railroads and took over the economy one sector at a time with front men who were able to sell products cheaply (b/c they were backed by London Money power) and put gentiles out of business and set up monopolies.

And of course they control our media and social media--they had to get rid of tiktok b/c it was not under their control, but apparently Mossad-connected Mnucin is taking it over.

America has been captured. They own our govt and are using their control over the treasonous govt to wage war on America and the American people. And we unfortunately have a segment of our society (Christian Zionists) who are so brainwashed that they worship the enemy.

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The devil ruled England (a rat nest after Henry VIII)They allow the joos to return to England and they mass murdered hundreds of thousands of Catholics. Then they moved to the US

but the path for the world government is destroying opposition. Mainly real Christianity and European civilization.

That;s why they did WWI to destroy the Austro-Hungarian empire and WW2 to destroy Germany and get USA into the "victory train of pride" (capital sin) and make the mass to believe that we are the super heroes that fight the villains, when is all the opposite. No wonder Jesus called them "Murderers, Liers and deceivers". Good naive people keep going to war, for a false cause...and "they" must enjoy everytime a white rural boy died in their wars

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Yes, I listened to John DeNugent's audiobook of The Nameless War, and it's so obvious that for hundreds of years they have been staging revolutions, taking over the money power, and on a quest to take over the world.

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you mean the Nameless War by Archibald Maule Ramsay??

there are Amazing books about WW2, not allow in the US. Derrota Mundial by Salvador Borrego, should be mandatory in the schools...NOT TRANSLATED into English!!!!

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Yes, that's the one. I own it, but like audiobooks so I can listen while getting things done.

Haven't heard of Derrota Mundial--it must have lots of truth if it hasn't been translated.

I just don't see how we get out of this nightmare--we millions of these Christian Zionists who are loyal to an enemy nation.

Harrison Smith gives brilliant breakdown on how we are being ushered into a global jewish theocracy.


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Yes, let's throw in the USS Liberty and according to author/researcher Juri Lina, when the Soviet Union fell, and the KGB files were obtained by westerners, it was found that it was B'nai B'rith Freemasonry who controlled all of Freemasonry. It was B'nai B'rith Freemasonry who financed the fraudster attorney, Cyrus Scofield's concordance to the Bible (Rapture Theory). Why would Jewish Freemasons be interested in Christian beliefs?


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fwiw- In one of his interviews (maybe w/Greg Hunter), David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking, said that during the Bolshevik Revolution (Jewish), the central bankers were actually over there (some of them), dressed up in uniforms, overseeing it (something along those lines)

I rarely listen to Greg Hunter, though, because he's a Christian Zionist and lost his mind 10/7--he believed all of the atrocity propaganda/lies/hoaxes and called his listeners "jew haters" for trying to tell him the truth.

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I used to like Hunter, but was so disgusted at his childlike trust in the Trumpster. Hunter looked like a little boy, who was about to cry, as Catherine Austin had to be so damned GENTLE when she explained, point-by-point, how Trump dragged us into the Covid thing. DISGUSTING!

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Yup, he has blinders on. Not open minded at all.

Trump unleashed hell upon the world--there was a good comment on twitter about this, because now they are pushing mRNA everywhere.

But the final straw for me was over 10/7 and his Christian Zionism

I'm done with anyone who supports Israel--I want nothing to do with these fake "conservatives" who liked to talk about supporting free speech during covid, but now want you shut up, arrested, and never allowed to work again if you protest Israel, when we are the ones paying for their war. Done with the entire GOP--they have proven they don't give a damn about America or the American people. They spring to fast action when Satanyahu stamps his feet, but don't spring into action to close the border from the invasion

We have no representation.

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Lol! I was just going to mention that! CAF told Greg off. Classic!

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I JUST got banned off Greg Hunter's channel!!!

I went to see CAF, and in the comments people were questioning Trump and the deadly nanotech in the vaxxines and Hunter said in the comments:

"I think this means IVM and HCQ are massively important in interrupting and maybe stopping the nanoparticle effects.


I posted 3 comments and was banned and all my comments were deleted!

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Yup, that's what happened to me (at least deleted comments), when I politely posted info exposing all of the Zionist atrocity propaganda from 10/7. He refused to listen and called me and others "Jew haters" for posting the TRUTH.

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they are deceivers.

is the lowest and more disgusting way of being.

they are cowards. THey dont go war, but they infiltrate and destroy it from within. Check History. Since Egypt to now.

They infiltrated Rome to destroy it, mainly using the Holo.hoax, Selisberg, etc...If the Holo.hoax falls, the house of cards falls instantly....They created millions of "christians" sects full of numb people who are now zionists because they think that's God's message. Who would have the brain and the balls in America, as Germans had in the 30's, to fight for the truth???? Trump seems to be the best available, and even so, he is fully manipulated by his inlaws!!!..

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Trump converted to Chabad Lubavitch Judaism (Kushner & Ivanka's religion) in 2017. You know, Chabad the "orthodox" sect whose space, underneath their synogogue was recently raided?



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I read some research someone did that he has Jewish roots. Was always Jewish.

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You just posted above, what I was going to send to you via Miles Mathis' original article. It does have a few photos, one, a news clipping of Trump's father donating land for a Jewish center:


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I actually found something on twitter, a real archived document from them, maybe ADL or something like that about getting our of serving in the military. I

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no surprise at all

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when I listen so many rabis explaining the talmudic teacings where a goyim are not humans and God create them to serve the "chosen" ones or that Amalek needs to be destroy and they think Amalek is Christian Countries (EU and US)....I wonder if the Kazhars and the Orthodox, are not the same thing

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True. People are way behind the curve in understanding advanced technology and what "energy" actually is, muon use in military surveillance, magneto-electrical systems, scalar/ directed torsion field dynamics etc. You are right to say that "if people are too stupid or apathetic" to take notice & ask questions and try to understand any of this, then TPTB will feel fully justified in treating them like cattle, or worse.

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My might enjoy this article...

Secret Super Weapons and Sept 11, 2001

Scalar, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Weather modification

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/us-army-col-tom-bearden-ret

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Pleasure. It's time people seriously look at the complicity of their own government in the cover up of the events on September 11, 2001.

"There was NO Conspiracy on 9/11"

Video: https://rumble.com/v4ocz7c-there-was-no-conspiracy-on-911.html

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The complicity of the 'government' goes way back before 9/11. 'The Corp' of the US has been chosen as Germany was as Russia was as the UK was as any rising power was as the hammer to first destroy others and then ultimately destroy itself from within. This evil hidden power is offered to the minions and they individually make a choice to agree to carry out its agenda or be buried in its wake.

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Interesting tid bits

What happened on 911? An Israeli-Neocon False Flag Operation is what happened...

1. The Project for a New American Century was written in Israel in 1996 under the name - A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. Requires a new Pearl Harbor for their plan. This is an update of the Yinon Plan of 1982- the Greater Israel Project. From the Nile to the Euphrates River...

2. Zionist Jew Silverstein purchased WTC 6 weeks prior. First time the WTC was ever put into Private Hands. Friends with Israeli Prime Ministers & Intelligence Services, along with Fed Reserve President & World Bank Presidents.

3. Zionist Jew Frank Lowy paid $127 million in May 2001 for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center. Member of the Golani Brigade & fought in the Israeli war of independence.

4. Zionist Jew Ronald S. Lauder was key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC. Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel.

5. Airline Security Company at BOTH the Boston & Newark airports on 9-11 was a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS). Most employees were ex- Shin Bet Israeli agents.

6. Security at the WTC was run by Kroll Associates, owned by Jules Kroll & Jerome Hauer (BOTH Jews). Hauers mother involved in the creation & maintenance of the State of Israel.

7. Zionist Jew Philip Zelikow (Jewish Dual Citizen of Israel) wrote the fraudulent 9 11 Commission Report.

8. Zionist Jew, Richard Perle, Chairman of Pentagons Defense Policy Board, was expelled from Sen. Henry Jacksons office in the 1970s after NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel.

9. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff was assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security.

10. Israeli messaging service Odigo sent AT LEAST 2 Israelis prior warnings on 9 11, 2 hours prior to attack. Odigo has offices in New York & in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad.

11. Zionist Jew Pete Zalewski was the air traffic controller responsible for 2 of the planes on 911 & another plane full of top Pakistani military officials whose plane (Egyptian Fl990) crashed 2 years prior to 911.

12. Israeli Mossad Jews caught & arrested filming & celebrating WTC prior to & after 1st plane hits WTC. Jumping up & down, lighting lighters & holding them up in air.

13. Ted Olsen's wife supposedly placed an impossible cell phone call from on the plane during 9 11, Ted Olsen was Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard's attorney.

14. Israeli Mossad Jews caught with explosives near George Washington Bridge on 9 11.

15. Zionist Jew Alan D. Ratners Metals Management merged with the SIMS group & the Hugo Neu Corporation & sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence.

16. Over 60 Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 & days afterwards.

17. Zionist Jew Adam Pearlman is the AlQaeda spokesman. Lived with grandfather prior to joining AlQaeda, grandfather on board of ADL & huge Israeli supporter. His father helped run the Hippie Movement in SoCal then moved family to run a Kosher farm.

18. S.I.T.E. website releases AlQaeda tapes but is owned by an Iraqi Jew who was in Israeli IDF. Her father was an Iraqi Jew & was sentenced to hanging after being caught SPYING FOR ISRAEL in the 1967 war.

19. Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC International which developed Remote Control Flying Technology & leases Boeing 767 refuel tankers, the same planes used on 9 11. He also authored PNAC & was Comptroller of Pentagon when $2.3 Trillion went missing.

20. According to FBI, in the Year 2000 Israeli Mossad had penetrated secret communications throughout the Clinton administration, even Presidential phone lines.

21. After 9 11 Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said: We Jews own America & the Americans know it.

22. Popular Mechanics so-called (Debunking 9 11 Lies) article had as its senior researcher Benjamin Chertoff, the cousin of Dept of Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff at the time, Israeli dual citizen.

23. Israeli Mossad pretends to be Al Qaeda in Palestine but is caught by the Palestinian Authority in 2002.

24. On Oct 10, 2001, just 30 days after 911, 2 MOSSAD agents, armed with Glock automatics, 9 grenades, explosives, wiring and detonators, were arrested in the Mexican Congressional building. El Diario reported they were carrying fake Pakistani passports. After intense diplomatic pre$$ure, including a special envoy from Tel Aviv, the 2 were quietly released, deported to Israel and the story, which had dominated Mexican media and press for days, completely vanished. There were 3 key Mexican govt officials, "Ladinos", involved in the negotiations: in the foreign affairs, defense and judicial depts.

25. November 2, 2001: FBI Fury As Israeli citizens With US Nuke Plans & Valid Israeli Passports Escape custody.

26. Israeli citizen Philip Zelikow led the 9 11 Commission Report.

27. US Army released on 10 Sept 2001 a study on Israel, which said: Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS Army Officers say: Wildcard. Ruthless & cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces & make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.

28. "In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the largest lobbying organization in Washington (happened to be jewish), is currently engaged in a “full court press,” to stop congress from pushing for the release of the real report. Is this because the real report accuses Israel, not Saudi Arabia, and AIPAC wants the Murdoch/Sperry story to stand?"

29. "The real report, called “shocking” by the legislators, who have called for President Obama to declassify the entire report, proves that there was no al-Qaeda involvement, no reason to invade Afghanistan or Iraq and no reason to hunt CIA operative, Colonel Tim Osman, also known as “Osama bin Laden.”"

30. "In 2007, the FBI flew a team to Bangkok to interview former Soviet nuclear intelligence specialist Dimitri Khalezov. Khalezov told the FBI that, in the morning of September 12, 2001, he attended a breakfast gathering with Mossad Operations Chief Mike Harari and his son along with other Israeli operatives.

Khalezov reported to the FBI that this gathering was to celebrate the 9/11 attacks, not as Netanyahu had said, as a “fortunate happenstance for Israel” but as a Mossad attack on the United States."

31. "Thus far, the initial report to congress on the Bush falsification does not qualify as a leak. Only Bush stands accused, the 9/11 perpetrators are still safe, their identities still protected by security protocols maintained by President Obama, despite congressional demands."?

32. Israeli Mossad Motto: "By way of Deception, thou shalt do war." (Motto Removed prior to 9 11).

33. “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

34. Ehud Barak, the prime minister of Israel until March of 2001, came to the U.S. shortly after leaving office. He came, ostensibly, to work as a special advisor for Electronic Data Systems and as a consultant with SCP Partners, a Mossad-run private equity company focused on "security related" work. SCP Partners did business with Metallurg Holding, Inc., as well as Advanced Metallurgical Group, both sharing the same Wayne, PA address. AMG specializes in the production of the same super-thermite used to collapse the three skyscrapers on 9/11.

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You missed the whole point of my comment - go read it again.

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Shortsighted, unintelligent answer.

So, we just discount the Christian Zionists with their fingers on the trigger.

Stop with the victim mentality.

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Yeah man - 9/11 Was NOT an inside job

Link: https://rumble.com/v4sv12z-911-was-not-an-inside-job.html

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Oct the 7th has resulted in all the Zionists tossing away their freedom masks and showing their true, hideous faces and it's not a pretty sight. Israel comes first. It always has and always will when every member of congress has to pledge allegiance to the Zionist state. Any pretense at America First and Make America great Again has been completely abandoned. The Zionists see eveyrone else as beasts and animals which is why the American citizens are simply treated as cattle, golden calves to be milked for their tax payers money to fund a barbaric, terrorist state.

At least now they have slithered out from beneth the rocks and are there for all to see.

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Dare ( i ) Say ! Well Said !

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They have shown their true colours because we are now in the home stretch...

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they want to destroy Edom

Who is Edom?

Edom is Christianity, Europe, America


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Yup, and the Christian Zionists are CLUELESS.

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When Jesus Christ walked the earth, he said to the people of Israel, “You cannot serve both God and money. You must love one and hate the other…”

The love of money is indeed a root of all kinds of evil. The humane principles of loving one another and serving one another in a self-sacrificial manner has been set aside by the Zionist globalist central banksters that have been running the affairs of this world for a very long time….one might say, since their hearts turned away from and rejected their messiah. Now instead of serving humanity as their messiah Christ did, instead they seek to become as their owns gods by ruling with cruel despotism, enslaving people rather then setting people free. As Christ also said, “They have become a synagogue of satan.” Satan, of whom Christ said…”is a lier and a murderer since the beginning.” Jesus also called the self-seeking pride of the Netanyahu’s of his day, “Sons of hell…of their father the devil.” Interesting words from ‘meek and mild’ Jesus in the Bible. Staying pretty clearly how dangerous a people that reject God and crucify their own messiah can become. A lesson to everyone I think though…that we all have to come to that place of self-sacrificial service that lays down our own life for the sake of others, rather than self-seeking promoting of our self as more important than those around us. That’s what love is. And when we reject love, we all have the potential to become monsters just the same as the Zionists have done. Maybe that’s why they are called the “chosen people”?? Chosen as a designated group that was shown the messiah, the greatest sign of self sacrificial love ever displayed in history…and they killed him for loving them. Maybe that’s the lesson we all need to take to heart. Without love, we all have the potential to become self-promoting murderers.

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The truth hidden in lies is the best way to hide the truth. There have been those that have had access to change a single word or phrase that can deflect the meaning of their reality. 'They' have effectively defanged the lion and made it a pussycat, you see 'their' god you speak of is not the same as your god. John 8:44 all the way! The book and its scriptures were skewed slightly to obfuscate the total truth from you making it a weapon against you, effectively defanging the lion. The total truth once realized will give the lion back its teeth and remove the Esters of this planet.

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“Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”-John 8:47

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Powerfully Stated! Thank You and may those who read this give some deep thought upon (it) . .

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Excellent comment!🕊️

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Gelatin is one founding member of a group of four "artists" (Gelatin, Gantner, Janka, Reitner) who collectively were known as as Gelatin and now go under the new collective name, Gelitin. They have been together since 1978. Strangely enough, in Sept/Oct. 2001 (i.e. immediately following the event) they presented a series of "lectures" at the Leo Koening gallery in NYC entitled "Gelatin is Getting it All Wrong Again". The accompanying visual artwork to these talks is incredibly ugly, confusing and nihilistic, and the style anticipates much of the type of ugly distrortions we are seeing today with wokism and the transgender orthodoxy. So the main plot with 9/11 clearly involves subplots and interlocking deceptions and side-show psy-ops. The fashionable artworld was used in the nineties as an early breeding ground for today's wokism. The jigsaw pieces are many. The opportunistic involvement of an attention seeking group of anarcho-artists with overlord dark globalist schemes is highly plausible and makes sense strategically and logistically. We should not forget that the British "artist" Damien Hirst famously described 9/11 just after the towers came down as "a work of art".

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Excellent post. And very accurate title--it's a death grip for sure.

As Pat Buchanan said years ago, the US Congress is Israeli occupied territory. And we know the Rothschild banking dynasty, which created Israel, took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. They own the US govt- we are only allowed to have Zionist puppets for President (they will never let someone like Dr. Shiva or Dr Michael Rectenwald)

As for the Zionist role in the Covid operation, in the video below, Jewish guy says "this is a genocide by the Israelis, getting rid of all of you Americans, you're part of the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump their Messiah, they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah which is to be put on the head of the messiah, they are 163 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis who gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, came together at Trump's golf course and gave him the silver crown, 2 weeks ago, they have him a menorah with the inscription "Prince of peace." In Israel, the Knesset and Sanhedrin have proclaimed Donald Trump the messiah, he worked 4 years on Trump's campaign team, Trump is considered the messiah by these 163 Rabbis who run your country, the whole covid agenda was done by Zionist Jews, and they want all of you dead here in the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump the head of Edom, they are going to kill you people off with this injection, you are considered Amelek.

At 41 min


This Jewish guy is apparently motivated to speak out because his son is dying from the kill shot.

On his instagram page, he has a number of rabbi videos posted, where you can see them on camera talking about how America is "Edom" and has to be destroyed, how 2/3 of the world are "idol worshippers" and have to die

His instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

And I've even seen a video where an American Christian went to Israel and was spreading the word about Jesus, and an Israeli confronted him and said something along the lines of "according to the Torah, the Godly thing to do is kill you." And these are the people we have been giving billions to every single year!!

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My God but this man puts out great work

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Did Israel’s founding father and financier Lord Victor Rothschild ‘spy as the Fifth man’ and would verifying it be the solution to all Palestine’s problems?

“Rothschild ‘spied as Fifth man’ and stole ‘all major UK/ US weapons in the Second World War, including biological warfare, the atomic bomb and radar. “

We need to verify and publicize this if this author’s assertions are true that Lord Victor Rothschild ‘spied as Fifth man’ and stole ‘all major UK/ US weapons in the Second World War, including biological warfare, the atomic bomb and radar.

If verified, this could be the kind of explosive scandal that would be covered in mass media worldwide and could win Palestine’s freedom and human rights by putting Netanyahu’s whole Revisionist Zionist terrorist Likud Party / Irgun/ Stern Group cabal in prison for life.

From my lips to God’s ears.

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Light & Truth will always find (its) Glory to be Seen ! even as Water finds (its) Level . . .

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Excellent video for a reminder for all people who didn't know about those historical facts. When you see the cover up of the Liberty ship in 1967 and the Operation Northwoods which was a proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, and would be used to justify a war against Cuba. You could guess US Gov would not hesitate to kill his own population for his agenda.

The biggest Zionist US president was Lyndon Johnson, Jew from his mother, who was the sponsor of Israel that we know today.

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wow..Greg!!! you are finally getting close!!

Maybe you can do one of your amazing videos about the talmud...Jesus called htem the sons of the devil, liers and murderers. Maybe thats the only way to explain WWI, WW2, the Holohoax, Covid, Mass Immigration, population extermination, San Simonino di Trento, etc, etc...for the future, there will be persecution, as it had been happening since the Pharaom kick them out, Barbara Spectre predicted many years ago...But this time, after they carefully destroyed the Catholic church who condemned them since Jesus times till 1962 and the creation of an army of brainwashed "Christians zionists" thru America, they are prepared...It wont be an easy problem to solve.

on top of that, their plan of the destruction of white Europeans, is full steam ahead. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gzk3ONNvRUhb/

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Amazing work. Thank you into compressing these complicated ideas into short shareable videos!

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Speaking of the mass murdering of Americans on September 11, 2001. Donald Trump was surely involved somehow. He predicted the event and who would be blamed for it in his book ( which I'm almost certain he had a ghost writer) "The America We Deserve"

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Jewish Banking Houses and Mercantile Families (which comprise the International Banking Cartel) were directly responsible for the unlawful passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and, therefore, accountable for the stealthily engineered booms and busts that have repeatedly shocked the US economy and financially ruined the American people.

The Israeli Government, working in tandem with the Chicago Jewish Mafia and Zionist-controlled Military-Industrial Complex, ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy which was actually carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency. There were several reasons why the Khazarian Mafia killed Kennedy, each of which represented a direct threat by JFK to the global power structure bankrolled by the International Banking Cartel. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, a crypto-Jewish politico, was the point-man in the White House overseeing the assassination plot and especially the cover-up.

The false flag terrorist attacks carried out on September 11, 2001 were ordered by the International Banking Cartel, overseen by the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Tel Aviv, and coordinated with Neocon Zionists in Washington, D.C. This well-planned terror operation was carried out to (i) declare the bogus War on Terror, (ii) establish the Stasi-like Department of Homeland Security and (iii) pass the unconstitutional Patriot Act. Each of these events was designed to further strip Americans of their rights and liberties, as well as to lay the groundwork for a future war against the Patriot Movement.

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BenGurion it was said: was ‘pulling his hair Out’ over JFK’s 0ver [my] dead body Will Israel get the b—b ! They been a “power structure” for longtime .. how does one Not Know? And how one hits going on or not!? So much could be said .. but now the karmic boat wagon has arrived and the steerage will clam the corona !

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That’s ’Claim’ the corona damn the mis’s of (ai)second guessing your type txt .

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Lay blame where blame is due. Thanks.

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The Zionists hold the USA in a death grip and have done for decades...

Here's a nice little tidbit from The Hidden Tyranny by Benjamin H. Freedman

Samuel Untermeyer, a prominent New York City attorney who was alleged to have “handled” the Scofield Bible that enticed millions of Christians to become Xian Zionists; and was also known as “Hitler’s greatest foe”.

Untermeyer contributed generously to the National Democratic committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in Washington in the 1912 election.

Mr. Untermeyer ‘blackmailed’ President Wilson - you can read the details - in exchange that Wilson appoint a nominee recommended by Untermeyer to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme court.           

When President Wilson was required to appoint a new member of the Supreme Court, Untermeyer recommended Louis Brandeis.

"In 1914, Justice Brandeis was the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States. He was in a powerful position to serve Jews both at home and abroad. The opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionist followers soon became available.”

"It is commonly understood that Brandeis more than anyone else guided Wilson into committing America to World War I."

About the author:

"Freedman was born of Jewish parents and was a businessman in New York City. He broke with organized Jewry after World War II, and spent the remainder of his life and at least 2.5 million dollars publicizing the facts of Jewish influence on the United States.

He had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations, and was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more of the movers and shakers of his time."



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Untermeyer ran the profitability campaign to help ol’perfidious Albion’s campaign against Germany and for AmeriKas entry two doom in a proximate window of time. . alas however we see to Do !

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Whoa I’ve never heard of half of this stuff. You’re breaking the mold I’ve been living in one video at a time Greg thank you!

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Trump is to blame for this as he does their bidding (scroll down). There were not many Jews in Texas in the 60s, and yet we were supposed to believe that Zapruder just happened to be on the near-empty side street filming when the JFK motorcade went by. Texas is full of Mexicans, but there's not a single Mexican in the story, proving the Kennedy assassination didn't just happen organically. Yet, the story has how many Jews (mafioso Jack Ruby) that just happened to be central to the story -- yeah right!

Now we understand all right, Bibinoccio, we understand why nearly every nation has banished its Jews, sometimes more than once! It's not racist -- it would have happened to any group working night and day to undermine the country they live in. Sorry to say, but Ashkenazim Jews and all their many accomplices are the real mid-east terrorists, aren't they? Trump meeting with the tunnel Jews who keep a bloody mattress and baby carriage in their homemade tunnels under NYC! https://www.bu.edu/articles/2019/pov-trumps-executive-order-aimed-at-protecting-jews-will-have-a-chilling-effect-on-freedom-of-speech-at-colleges/

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Recently read DJT did [convert] in a manner of speak to contract as his daughter Ivanka had! That to me is scary for so Many’ needless to (say) with what is going down in Gaza. No? Then say so! as that’s as good a justification of Respect for life or No respect for life! The jutopia sought for through the wide gate of ziopics is a black hole for sundry joys of life and growth ..it is total Excision the fail to grow and the fail to die while dying all the [time]

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Trump converted to Judaism (which is really Satanism, or Babylonian Talmudism)? Please let us know where you read that. It needs to be made known. https://youtu.be/PuRcBi87YpA

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