FASAB 56 had been in the works since around 2003 or so. We learned about that in my graduate level accounting class at Suffolk University in 2003 or 04.
I'm an old school, old fart, who has no trust in the digitalization of money/assets unless there is ironclad insurance immediately payable against fraud and theft; and fraud is often difficult and costly to prove. When bitcoin first came on the scene, we saw how easily it was stolen, without a trace. We also saw how quickly it could be devalued. I was once a computer programmer analyst and network manager and, later, a principal systems analyst for a worldwide enterprise software systems database company (competitor to Oracle). Software always has bugs which enable access by hackers/thieves. - But that's just me and my particular quirks... (-:
Yes. Our accounting professor was watching the development of it closely and told us it was the U.S. government's solution to having two sets of books: one set which was real, which only the government could see, and the other set that would be used to keep the public in the dark as to how bankrupt the U.S. actually is. She was appalled and disgusted, and so were we. (-:
This is why the U.S. has been continually printing money for years and years, and why inflation is now going to do us in. But, during those years, the financial idiots in favor of such printing claimed that, because the dollar is/was the world's reserve currency, the U.S. could continue such printing without any negative repurcussions. Even Trump continued the printing...otherwise the stock market would tank.
My belief is this is why the U.S. (global financial elites, to be more precise) want to take out Russia (and Iran) and finally China, along with BRICS, so the U.S. can continue to control the world as its hegemon. This is why the U.S. started so many regime change wars, especially Libya, since Gaddafi was moving away from the dollar to a gold-based standard. Libya was very financially stable, with its citizens well taken care of. This is also why there is the push for a "Great Reset" / New World Order, the purposeful depopulation of the global population, and why the U.S. government is now purposely killing its citizens, starting with the elderly and the infirm (those on Social Security and welfare) and causing infertility and miscarriages.
Oh my God! I said this, too, about the killing of the elderly and infirm for the same reasons you cited and everyone said I was “crazy”! Thank you so much! I knew about Gaddafi and since my ex brother-in-law is good friends with the Bush family, I heard about the NWO plan well before Klaus Schwab published his Great Reset nonsense. I did not comprehend the Russia, Iran, China and BRICS component. I have very literally had to unlearn and relearn everything I was taught prior to jumping without the proverbial parachute to get away from the “elite” so I appreciate your information very, very much! I’ve spent the last decade with literature that was foreign to me and it has been a lot to learn. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I understand the so-called medical aspect of it because my job was determining the overhead rate with big accounting firms (I worked as a project manager for an engineering firm) for federally sponsored research and some of what I saw was sketchy, to put it mildly so I do not trust “The Science”. I will be relearning for a long time, I hope. You are awesome!!!
You might be interested in John Willliams' Shadow Government Statistics website, ShadowStats.com and particularly the alternate inflation charts at https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts , where you will note in the bottom chart, consumer inflation based on the 1980 method of calculation recently was well over 15%. This is why consumer goods prices, such as food and housing, have gone through the roof. The Obama/Biden administration is doing everything possible to artificially reduce that level of inflation prior to the November election, even to the point of depleting the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Data! You already understand my brain! I am very interested! Thank you so much! I tell people at work I am a data geek and their eyes glaze over so this is a treat!
Let me explain it to you conspiracy theorist... it's like global warming. We know the temperatures of the Earth are rising, well so are the incidences of unbelievable coincidences. In fact, it's climate change that is driving these extreme spikes in highly unlikely coincidences at an unprecedented rate. And it's only going to get worse. And it's our fault!
[Just joking, with extreme sarcasm for those of you who can't recognize sarcasm]
I agree with you JoeW, and your comment made me laugh out loud. Only I would describe BlackRock as a Khazarian Anti-Human organization.
So, here is a conspiracy for you: Blackrock features this kid in their video and they take interest in him as he's a loner and apparently "bullied". He fits the profile of someone "malleable". They have one of their operatives "take interest" in him and run him through the MKUltra program - and keep tabs on him, making sure his programming stays fresh. This doesn't mean he was tortured or broken - just that he has the mind of someone highly-susceptible to suggestion. There are probably dozens if not hundreds of people like this scattered throughout the US (reminds me of Charles Bronson's 1977 movie, "Telefon"). The Khazarians find out Trump is coming to a town near this guy, they activate him. Secret Service runs cover for him - even tells the sniper who's watching him through his scope to stand down - sniper complies - until the would-be assassin starts shooting - at which point he's taken out by the (shocked) sniper. Perp may not have even known what he was doing. If you don't think this is possible, I'd suggest watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owootTAuxic
Echos of Jared Lee Loughner .... and the Judge John Roll murder (Roll was hated by the Clintons - he shot down Clinton's "assault rifle" ban). Loughner was seen standing next to a man who leaned over to him, whispered something, and walked away - at which point Loughner raised his weapon and started walking toward the crowd, shooting as he went.
They could have put a blood squib in Trump's hat just over the ear. Actually there is no visible blood until after he gets up, so they could have just applied it while he was down.
The photo of him surrounded by SS is laughable: perfect lighting, perfect camera placement, perfect pose for an iconic "Iwo Jima" look, zero motion blur, female SS agent up front and center for a perfect DEI photo op, perfect pyramid composition.
More and more people are seeing through it and the heavy gaslighting campaigns are backfiring. What a shit-show.
I haven't listened to the podcast yet; but, I did glance at the some of the first few of 65 comments and here's one that will blow the roof off this, if true:
Hal Turner just posted this of a social media post: "My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump."
And he is telling the truth. You know that because the government never lies and spooks have impeccable integrity. You are a fool to believe that. I have solid irrefutable evidence that it was a false flag.
Now, explain this: In the above linked video, there are only three shots from the SS sniper on the left on the roof in the above video and then the video ends.
But in the continuation of the above video, in this video taken from another angle:
https://x.com/yashar/status/1812250271428538706 , we can hear at least four more shots which were fired AFTER those three shots. Where did those additional four shots come from and what were they aimed at? To me, they sound like they came from the same Secret Service sniper rifle. And, during those additional four shots, Trump was already down and mostly out of sight of any shooter. Did the SS sniper fire four more shots at the kid shooter?
I'm now realizing that I have not seen any video where we can hear the 8 to 10 shots alleged to have been fired by the kid shooter. Are you aware of any video containing the sound of those alleged 8 to 10 shots?
Also, if the SS sniper on the roof shot the 20-year old shooter, who shot Trump's right ear, because the shooter didn't have a shot at Trump's right ear. The kid shooter could see only Trump's left ear. The shot to Trump's right ear either had to come from the vicinity of the Secret Service snipers, perhaps from a hidden sniper further away from the rally. OR, Trump's right ear never was shot.
I'm beginning to think that something stinks here... (-: And, now I'm wondering who shot the people in the crowd in front of Trump. Was it the kid shooter? That would make sense, given that the kid shooter had to have been situated in a direct line of sight perpendicular to the stage. But, again, I don't recall viewing any video during which I can hear those 8 to 10 shots alleged to the kid shooter.
Damn, bro. You are very thick. Learn to think. I thought the whole thing was obvious, but since you are so thick, I will spell it out so that even you can understand. Trump was never hit. He got the signal, put his hand (with a little bag of blood) to his ear, squeezed the bag so the blood came out, and ducked. The security shooter shots were what you heard, they were aimed at nobody, but pretended to be protecting him. The "assassin" was a chump, and killed (or being an operative was made to look dead). It was a false flag. HEre is why:
Michael Lewis Kahn
13 hrs ago
We have seen Trump be charged by the courts with contrived charges, easy to beat, which Trump does. Real charges that could have been raised against him not only were never charged in the courts, they were erased from the web. The news media had demonized him, did all kinds of reporting on him to make him look bad. But I have found far worse dirt on him than those establishment news media are "capable" of finding. Challenging interviews of Trump all play softball with him, nobody seems able to give him a question that stumps Trump. He is "unstoppable." THat kind of leader is what the CIA-dominated news media is projecting. We all know that it is the good guys who are assassinated. So why Trump?
HE is portrayed as "anti-establishment" at a time when we all know that the establishment is evil, and we know the evil character of the CIA, FBI, and other "deep state" operations which would assassinate him. Unknown to most, it was Kennedy's chauffeur who murdered him, briefly stopping the vehicle, turning around and shooting him in broad daylight, as I have seen a video portray. Only a powerful and secretive monolith of an organized crime syndicate could pull that off. And they could not take down Trump? They could only get his ear?
This was another "show" of Trump's great courage and his unstoppable determination. He is the great hero to serve this country in selfless service. BULLSHIT. It was contrived. If the CIA wanted him dead, he would be. IT is easy to bring your hand to your ear, squeeze a hidden bag of blood to release it onto your ear, and look like a close graze. Another source of the news had a picture of two streaks of blood on his cheek. This was not a legitimate attempt on Trump's life. It was a spectacle designed to make him look anti-establishment and fearless. All phony. Later photos showed his ear looking just fine.
And you appear to be too lazy to read carefully. I used the two videos above to prove that the only shots fired when Trump touched his ear were shots fired by the SS sniper. No shots can be heard from the direction of the alleged kid shooter. - I also used these videos to prove that the alleged kid shooter could NOT have shot Trump's right ear, since it wasn't in the kid shooter's line of sight...The kid could see only Trump's left ear. I then stated to the effect that Trumps right ear had to be either struck by a bullet from a different marksman sniper: OR, TRUMP'S RIGHT EAR WAS NEVER SHOT. -- You should rethink your attitude that you are more intelligent than everyone else and start learning to read more carefully, "bro".
I don't think that I am smarter than everybody, just smarter than you. You still hadn't figured it out. I saw from the very start it was a false flag, I know the character of the establishment, and of Trump. You entertained all kinds of possibilities even after the evidence was very very clear. I comprehend that we need to question, but the video I provided (and I had seen quite a few, and read several articles) hammered the nail down greatly. I have debunked Trump soundly time after time. BIden is no better, but the fools trust in Trump thinking that he is anti-establishment. You appear (of course I am not sure) to want to give Trump the benefit of a doubt. He is a slime bucket, has raped at least half a dozen children, is a freemason JEsuit trained at Fordham University, gave us Operation Warp Speed, shut down the government, and the damn idiots believe he is their savior. I stomp and bury anybody who is stupid enough to think that Trump is for the people.
Regarding your claim to be aware= why didn't you see the obvious after I provided the video, and still ask stupid questions? No bro, you are another idiot who claims to be intelligent. YOU are not.
That one really got me. I burst out laughing and shouting at my computer, "you've got to be kidding!". I went on a rant about that one. That was last night. I woke up this morning still thinking about it. So many things wrong with that skit.
Yes, by forming a body shield around him. Trump's a big guy, tall. So most of the men who formed the body shield were as well. But then there was that woman, significantly shorter than all of them. So much so that Trumps head was fully exposed, she wasn't tall enough to form a full body shield for him.
Looked wrong from the first glance for me. But I've been training to see these things for years now. On replay after replay really late last night, and then watching again today and seeing great close up photos of him, his ear, the blood on his face... I'm not buying it. I think it's staged.
He said he felt the bullet tear through the flesh of his ear. I've never been shot, but I have been cut, badly. Cuts so bad it tore the flesh off my hand down to the bone and broke a finger. I didn't feel it at all. After turning off the table saw, I saw the blood on my glove, that's how I know I had been injured. Not my first serious cutting injury. Didn't feel the first one either until well after the event. If I couldn't feel the flesh being ripped off 3 of my fingers, I doubt Trump could feel the bullet ripping through the flesh of his ear. I saw a great, clear focus, detailed photo of his 'injured' ear this morning. Doesn't look torn up at all. Couldn't even see where the blood would be coming from. The blood didn't drip below his ear. I've never injured my ear, but one of my dogs did. It bled and bled, so vascular. He had big floppy ears and he was shaking his head, tiny blood spatters were flying everywhere, all over the wall.
The blood on his cheek, take a close look. Across his cheek and on his lips. How did that get there? Not smeared, not dripped, could possibly have been splattered and blown. Except if you analyze the pattern, both blood trails terminate to a sharp point on the side away from his lips. But his ear is behind those trails and the bullet came from the front of his face. Blood from the bullet piercing his ear would have traveled backwards towards the back of his head, not in the opposite direction.
The color of the blood looked wrong to me. Too bright. But then I've never seen the blood of an RH negative blue blood, so I'll have to defer to someone with more expertise on this point.
And his security detail, the big guys separating to let the smaller woman in, leaving Trumps head fully unprotected from that direction. Which conveniently and so fortuitous for the cameraman gave a good view of Trump, the blood, the fist pumping. Even though the armed military or paramilitary men jumped up on the stage and were watching that same direction for another shooter, who from that direction would have had clear line of sight to Trumps big head.
Thomas Matthew Crooks? Seriously? The alleged shooter's last name is Crooks? And he or someone who looks just like him, just happens to be a BlackRock commercial? Which BlackRock pulls immediately, that's not suspicious. Happens all the time, nothing to see here. I watched that commercial twice, still couldn't see what the connection was with the content and BlackRock... unless they are telling us that they are everywhere and have fully infiltrated the schools too.
Good points all. The Trumpster's playing golf today! I ran a search for Blood Splatters (actually the squibs like they found on the ground in Boston) and found this site that sells them as video effects. Look at rows 2 and 3!
The C.I.A. bragged that they will have succedded when everything the American people beleive is a lie. No one will accept the results of the fake election. This podcast explains the (s)election update:
In deed all the intelligence agencies, all the big multi Conglomerate Global Corporations are run by blood line people who are in Secret Societies, and they do what they are trained and told to do ! Anyway all the blood line families around the world in the different cultures and countries are all working together at the top to rule the many, because they are the "elite few" so much more "special" than we goy are, we are the great unwashed, the little people, the chattel like the cattle being herded where ever they desire us to go...down the chute to the slaughter..... I suppose, one of these good ol' days !!!!!
I don't think all, but the ones directly behind Trump... his 'backdrop'. I don't think this just in this case, I think for every rally, both wings.
The 'audience' right behind him, his backdrop, also seemed to act oddly. We can all think of what we would do in the same situation, but until we are actually in that situation we don't really know. So I don't know for sure, but if you were in that situation, you hear the pops, see Trump bleeding from the ear, he goes down on the ground, security people pile on top of him. I think it would be obvious at that point that he had been shot, there was a shooter. Would you stand up and then just stand there? That's what at least one guy did. From the perspective of the camera, he was directly behind Trump, about half way up in the seating. People didn't go right down on the ground, they kind of ducked, but still they were totally exposed. No one tried to run to get out of there. No one seemed to hit the deck, get under the chair so they at least had some cover. Seemed a bit odd their behavior.
It’s all a stage with highly paid actors. The sniper got in the same way a pallet of bricks show up at events. It’s all planned and staged to keep our eyes off of what’s really going on.
Snipers on the roof to the right of trumpe shot the shooter less than a second after he shot trump….why did they wait….i thought trump just won the presidency too…but what’s next….
5 minutes of SS and Cops wondering in circles scratching their heads, with the public pointing at the guy with the riffle on the rooftop, while the guy gets ready for the shot and once he opens fire emptying a 10 rounds, they then nail him dead in 7 seconds. No way that was an oopsy.
Couldn't agree more~made a comment on another website that this is all painfully obvious theater, and a replying commenter said they hoped I was 'fully vaccinated and boosted'. I just sadly laughed. Be careful what you wish for in this election. The Devil has a waiting dance card.
as usual its the lesser of two evils.... if Trump can close the border and stop the war in Ukraine maybe it will give the people more time to awake to the slave state being constructed for us and create a little more resistance.
I fail to see how it's "painfully obvious", but whatever, I guess it's possible. What about the 2017 baseball game shooting? 60 rounds and only wounded Republicans. Do you think that was staged?
Not going to pick apart these separate events. My opinion is just that. Please keep your mind open and wait to see if Trump is elected president and his actions after that. I said that about Obama to stop listening to his words and watch to see what he actually does... Sounds like you at least are thinking about it. Stay well~
All good, I am not meaning to come on too strong --- I just wanted to know why it was painfully obvious. I'm not saying it's impossible, and I agree --- I do not trust Trump 100% either. We certainly will see.
With Kennedy that had to create the term " Conspiracy Theory" to demean people by asking obvious questions. The Zepruter film was only released years after the event, not live. They always have sucked at the fake story, but they used to have the public's trust in the media to sell it.
And, back at that time, there weren't all these people recording everything that moves with their cell phones...totally disproving all of the mainstream media's lies and half truths.
In this event, we have rally attendees who witnessed the shooter making his way to the roof of the building where he would make 8 to 10 shot in Trumps direction; and, we have attendees who witnessed and photographed the two Secret Service snipers setting up on another building and waiting until after the shooter takes his shots to finally kill him with one of their sniper rifles. We know that some of these attendees told the police and the Secret Service about the shooter at least 3 to 4 minutes prior to the shooter taking his shots; and, the police and Secret Service did nothing during those 3 to 4 minutes.
What we know so far about the Trump Assassination Attempt. 1) Woke Ideology is a weapon that is self-inflicted suicide. 2) Woke allows for politicians to destroy everything around them pretending it's not their fault when it is. 3) The Secret Service is now woke, they hire people based on diversity quotas not merit. 4) The SS is overworked because of all the threats to Trump by leftists, but the woke Justice Department will not prosecute so the threat level increases. 5) Trump has requested more resources because, he has an exhaustive schedule and has a high level of threat from leftists thinking he is Hitler because of the media 6) Jill Biden, yes the wife of the fake president was given priority coverage at a duelling rally and the best SS were sent to protect her. No one cares about Jill. 7) The A team of SS were on Vaccation because of an overworked schedule. 8) The B team SS was sent to Jill's rally 9) The C team of motley crew from all over were sent to Trump’s Rally where the assassination attempt happened. 10) The SS breached every protocol to allow this event to take place. 11) The leadership of the SS were suspiciously slow to react, for 5 minutes to an obvious threat of a guy with Rffle crawling up a roof, then across the roof, then taking up a shooting position while bystanders pointed it out to cops and SS. 12) after the guy takes his shot a sends 10 rounds down range, the SS snipers blow him away on 7 seconds. Conclusion Who knows, but this could not have happened if the SS l, were competent, and were doing the job they were tasked with and following procedure. It appears like the effects of woke almost killed TRUMP, and actually kiled someone innocent hehind him.
James Fetzer reported about the zapruder film and how it was really reworked.. every frame altered in many ways to show hit was from behind not from in front as I recall
Lots of manipulation on the Z film. The analogue manipulation before digital was masterwork work by the government intelligence agencies. They had their own top-secret studio in California churning out fake Nuclear footage as well.
These days, Deep Globe likes to give us cartoon virus mace balls and comic book superhero fists and flags. They get away with dumbed-down theater all of the time.
Both "sides" playing us, too. Biden set up the ball with the bullseye comment, and Trump spiked it the next day.
Wasn't the Deep State, but it was likely a nutjob that watches their media. This would probably have been the result with JFK and his bro if Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were actually the lone gunmen...
That’s pretty much my first question anymore, too, with regards to shootings….what Pharma drugs are they on? I read Dr. Peter Breggin’s books and they were an eye-opener.
Big Parma + FBI Chat groups + trigger activated and ensuing cover-up that makes little sense. They are still scratching their heads about the J6 bomber waving at cops, which triggered the congressional shutdown in the first place. What a farce. FBI IS A COVER-UP ORGANIZATION.
This is a communist tactic, when nothing is certain, how does one assess the situation to act accordingly? Read " Rape of the Mind", it is a tactic right out of the totalitarian playbook. I have a link to download it on my Substack.
hard to say as it seems clear from early reporting that police and secret service seems to have stepped down as the shooter was clearly visible and pointed out by those attending the event without any response from security/police.... i wonder if the person shot was the shooter as he was so visible
Yes. One has to wonder whether there were other, real marksmen involved, as there obviously were in the 1963 JFK assassination. The shooter who apparently climbed up onto the roof with a AR-15 was a dead-man-walking. One has to wonder how he was able to hit Trump's ear at that distance.
Both Clif High and Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics (Socrates) have been forecasting major developments coming about this week. So far they both have distinguished themselves with their research and analyses.
There is no doubt in my mind that this was an inside job. Eye witness told secret service and cops about the man climbing the building with a rifle and he was ignored.
I am asking the same question. Hollywood killed? Since they hired a former Blackrock actor for their "shooter", why should we assume that anything about that bizarre drama was legitimate?
Watch the interview, the doctor claimed he saw brain matter on the ground ( from some poor guy's head shot to pieces), and was performing CPR. The bloody shirt looked strange though, I have bled a lot and it never looked like that. Lots of information not adding up.
Calumny is the unjust and malicious damaging of another person’s good name by lying or spreading false information. It is considered a grave offense against justice and charity, and can be a mortal sin if it is calculated to cause serious harm to the person’s reputation or standing.
So in other words, someone died and you are talking about his brains being blown up. Prayers for his soul and the family.
Beverly, when these things happen, it is the real-time reporting that reveals clues to the truth, collecting these data points is often contradictory information, and it is important to sort out what actually happened. I watched a video interview of a self-proclaimed doctor saying he knows what brains look like and he tried to help a guy with a hole in his head. That guy was the one who died. The thing with propaganda is that the truth becomes elusive over time because the end zone is flooded with contradictory information. If I was unclear that was on me. But the blood on the doctor's shirt looked fake.l, maybe he washed some off, who knows.
Beverly, when these things happen, it is the real-time reporting that reveals clues to the truth, collecting these data points is often contradictory information, and it is important to sort out what actually happened. I watched a video interview of a self-proclaimed doctor saying he knows what brains look like and he tried to help a guy with a hole in his head. That guy was the one who died. The thing with propaganda is that the truth becomes elusive over time because the end zone is flooded with contradictory information. If I was unclear that was on me. But the blood on the doctor's shirt looked fake.l, maybe he washed some off, who knows.
Beverly, when these things happen, it is the real-time reporting that reveals clues to the truth, collecting these data points is often contradictory information, and it is important to sort out what actually happened. I watched a video interview of a self-proclaimed doctor saying he knows what brains look like and he tried to help a guy with a hole in his head. That guy was the one who died. The thing with propaganda is that the truth becomes elusive over time because the end zone is flooded with contradictory information. If I was unclear that was on me. But the blood on the doctor's shirt looked fake.l, maybe he washed some off, who knows.
This all seems like déjà vu as far as I am concerned.
I am an octogenarian. I was born during WWII so my parents’ generation fought in that war. We had our first TV in 1950. My early years I was fed a “diet” of TV movies of WWII. Later there was the Korean War.
I have lived through the Cuban missile, crisis, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the JFK assassination; then later the assassinations of MLK, RFK and Malcolm X and Ronald Reagan, as well as the Vietnam war, Gulph War I and II, 911 and on and on it goes.
This is definitely a false flag attack but engineered by whom – the Deep State supporting the so-called “left” or by the Deep State supporting the “right”.
It was staged as far as I can see; it provided an amazing “photo op” for Trump that will no doubt dramatically increase his support in the polls. And yes, real people (usually innocent bystanders) do get killed during false flag attacks even if the “event” is staged.
Maybe I am just an old cynic, but I feel like I’ve been there, done that, seen that.
I recall that all three “candidates” appear to be controlled by the Israeli lobby.
I think we are all being played whether on the left or the right. I feel like the Deep State is trying to script 1963 all over again.
It's the smart asses like Robert DeNero, Jimmy Kimmel, the View bitches, and all the other media punks and their day-to-day rhetoric and using terms like "Hitler" "threat to democracy" so on and so forth that have got these brain dead unstable minds who are moved to violence. This has got to stop. I want to see. Apologies from those punks on their rhetoric.. blood on all their hands! Bastards!
Greg, by the way, I love Cliff high. I've been listening to him for a long time myself. He is extremely intelligent and probably too deep for most people...
You get it. The political left is constantly raising the level to a fever pitch and at the same time shouts about MAGA extremism, its an insane narrative to witness. This is Marxism 101, Alinsky stylied politics, adopted in whole by the political left. The political right is rife with its own set of problems, but I'd rather have a broken leg than terminal cancer.
I only found him in 2015. Wish I’d found him sooner like Mr. Reese. Clif High is exceptionally interesting. I know nothing about guns but I do not trust regular media so I’m seeking different perspectives on this.
If these media assholes had been Repugs egging on people to commit violence against Dumbocraps, the DOJ would have been charging them with being "Domestic terrorists". But, since it's the other was around, the DOJ could give a hoot.
Greg, I've been telling my friends, your cattle analogy of human beings. I've been using the same analogy for the last 2 years. I too concluded after covid that most people are grazing out in the pasture with the with the rest of the cows and all they do is fart and belch all day. That's the average person.. And it doesn't matter if they're educated or uneducated. The educated are just as damn stupid and they run out to the pasture with the rest of them... I rest my case... Moooooooooooo
That whole business didn't sinc with me yesterday. It didn't registered. I knew it was AR sounds (not fire crackers) but the gravity of the thing nope. I saw it at 6:35 , at 6:43 i was sending an email to Greg raising the question of the Q guy in the stand behind him. Wasnt he the reincarnation of JFK jr ? the guy with the hat & the funny hair. Shit that was 2016 . . . I was raising questions , why stop and pump fist right . . . under fire at that . . .
IF it's a fake ; its heartless to kill civilians live on TV sounds cruel and beyond the reach of normal human being . . . and yet we have seen womans and children getting blasted live on twitter for the last 3 years (Israel / Ukraine) . . . so i think at this point am totally dissensitive . . . Sad state of affair.
IT happen , its real and we saw a miracle . GOD intervene yesterday. Thats my conclusion. Tell me what you saw Jefferson.
MK TDS . . . Biden was saying 5 days prior ; Time to put Trump in a Bulleye . . . If i was to send code to my Zealot follower that's how i would do it. i mean . . . they have been saying that all spring !
I think it was Alex Jones that put together a bunch of clips from a bunch of people saying they wanted him dead ...well those people have certainly got blood on their hands today!
I saw the Q guy as well, acting oddly considering the gravity of the situation. He's the guy that the phony "Q" convinced the Q-tards that he was JFK Jr. Same costume even!
yep , buy an overall and a rockin chair , camp on the porch for those Varmint "Prairie Dogs". IF you miss last week podcast you should listen to it now ! shit was funny. "CADDYSHACK" level funny.
We need to stop and think, what’s really going on and why do “they” “both sides” want us to focus on this?
I think they are switching over the banking systems and don’t want us to notice.
Oh crap. You could be right. FASAB 56 was passed during the Kavanaugh hearings. Good point.
FASAB 56 had been in the works since around 2003 or so. We learned about that in my graduate level accounting class at Suffolk University in 2003 or 04.
What do you think of the tokenization of all assets? Digitalization XRP and crypto
I'm an old school, old fart, who has no trust in the digitalization of money/assets unless there is ironclad insurance immediately payable against fraud and theft; and fraud is often difficult and costly to prove. When bitcoin first came on the scene, we saw how easily it was stolen, without a trace. We also saw how quickly it could be devalued. I was once a computer programmer analyst and network manager and, later, a principal systems analyst for a worldwide enterprise software systems database company (competitor to Oracle). Software always has bugs which enable access by hackers/thieves. - But that's just me and my particular quirks... (-:
Same feelings, another old fart here Edmond.
XRP and tokenizing all equitable assets is where we are headed
I've got some xrp... Is it going to finally takeoff!?
That's right. Brag and show off to the elites you have assets. They don't read this page. lmao
Really? I did not know that. Thank you for that information.
Yes. Our accounting professor was watching the development of it closely and told us it was the U.S. government's solution to having two sets of books: one set which was real, which only the government could see, and the other set that would be used to keep the public in the dark as to how bankrupt the U.S. actually is. She was appalled and disgusted, and so were we. (-:
This is why the U.S. has been continually printing money for years and years, and why inflation is now going to do us in. But, during those years, the financial idiots in favor of such printing claimed that, because the dollar is/was the world's reserve currency, the U.S. could continue such printing without any negative repurcussions. Even Trump continued the printing...otherwise the stock market would tank.
My belief is this is why the U.S. (global financial elites, to be more precise) want to take out Russia (and Iran) and finally China, along with BRICS, so the U.S. can continue to control the world as its hegemon. This is why the U.S. started so many regime change wars, especially Libya, since Gaddafi was moving away from the dollar to a gold-based standard. Libya was very financially stable, with its citizens well taken care of. This is also why there is the push for a "Great Reset" / New World Order, the purposeful depopulation of the global population, and why the U.S. government is now purposely killing its citizens, starting with the elderly and the infirm (those on Social Security and welfare) and causing infertility and miscarriages.
Oh my God! I said this, too, about the killing of the elderly and infirm for the same reasons you cited and everyone said I was “crazy”! Thank you so much! I knew about Gaddafi and since my ex brother-in-law is good friends with the Bush family, I heard about the NWO plan well before Klaus Schwab published his Great Reset nonsense. I did not comprehend the Russia, Iran, China and BRICS component. I have very literally had to unlearn and relearn everything I was taught prior to jumping without the proverbial parachute to get away from the “elite” so I appreciate your information very, very much! I’ve spent the last decade with literature that was foreign to me and it has been a lot to learn. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I understand the so-called medical aspect of it because my job was determining the overhead rate with big accounting firms (I worked as a project manager for an engineering firm) for federally sponsored research and some of what I saw was sketchy, to put it mildly so I do not trust “The Science”. I will be relearning for a long time, I hope. You are awesome!!!
Thanks for your reply. It's wonderfully refreshing to meet someone who "gets it" <g>= grin
You might be interested in John Willliams' Shadow Government Statistics website, ShadowStats.com and particularly the alternate inflation charts at https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts , where you will note in the bottom chart, consumer inflation based on the 1980 method of calculation recently was well over 15%. This is why consumer goods prices, such as food and housing, have gone through the roof. The Obama/Biden administration is doing everything possible to artificially reduce that level of inflation prior to the November election, even to the point of depleting the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Data! You already understand my brain! I am very interested! Thank you so much! I tell people at work I am a data geek and their eyes glaze over so this is a treat!
Delusional. Get your money out of da bank half wits!
Black Rock commercial has shooter in it. Strange. https://youtu.be/hjmLqoGRqNo?si=OWC7PtLdoii9YunK
Holy crap .... a Khazarian Anti-Trump organization has the very shooter in their commercial ... what are the chances of THAT?
Let me explain it to you conspiracy theorist... it's like global warming. We know the temperatures of the Earth are rising, well so are the incidences of unbelievable coincidences. In fact, it's climate change that is driving these extreme spikes in highly unlikely coincidences at an unprecedented rate. And it's only going to get worse. And it's our fault!
[Just joking, with extreme sarcasm for those of you who can't recognize sarcasm]
I agree with you JoeW, and your comment made me laugh out loud. Only I would describe BlackRock as a Khazarian Anti-Human organization.
Donna! SO WELL WRITTEN and so well said!
So, here is a conspiracy for you: Blackrock features this kid in their video and they take interest in him as he's a loner and apparently "bullied". He fits the profile of someone "malleable". They have one of their operatives "take interest" in him and run him through the MKUltra program - and keep tabs on him, making sure his programming stays fresh. This doesn't mean he was tortured or broken - just that he has the mind of someone highly-susceptible to suggestion. There are probably dozens if not hundreds of people like this scattered throughout the US (reminds me of Charles Bronson's 1977 movie, "Telefon"). The Khazarians find out Trump is coming to a town near this guy, they activate him. Secret Service runs cover for him - even tells the sniper who's watching him through his scope to stand down - sniper complies - until the would-be assassin starts shooting - at which point he's taken out by the (shocked) sniper. Perp may not have even known what he was doing. If you don't think this is possible, I'd suggest watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owootTAuxic
Echos of Jared Lee Loughner .... and the Judge John Roll murder (Roll was hated by the Clintons - he shot down Clinton's "assault rifle" ban). Loughner was seen standing next to a man who leaned over to him, whispered something, and walked away - at which point Loughner raised his weapon and started walking toward the crowd, shooting as he went.
Joe, please consider using paragraphs in your posts. It is so much easier for old eyes to read.
You had me there Donna I was loading up when I read you were joking!! funny lol
Maybe that's where they
first discovered his potential
for this role to be the patsy
or fall guy if you will and
they've been grooming
him by using MK Ultra?
My first thought was
not that the Khazarias
hate Trump but the
complete opposite
The JQs recognize him
as Moshaich their messiah
who is the Antichrist.
They even said he's "Champion
of the Noahide Laws" (Times
of Israel 2017) so that's
why DJT goes so
hard against
and even called
for the death penalty
to anyone suspected
of showing hatred
towards JQs
They're all connected.
All of our congress is funded
through AIPAC so we might
as well consider the US
as being occupied by
a foreign country.
This won't end unless we can
manage to bring the darkness
out into the light I'm afraid but
if we all start raising awareness
there may be hope for us yet.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your
own understanding;
in all your ways
Him and He
shall direct your path
People need to wake up quick
The head wound is from revelation 13
Read the rest of the verse. He never blasphemed God so you got the wrong man
Great Catch! Very very odd!!!
That's a weird one.
Ir Revelations it talks of two witnesses who die and then rise again. Can you help me figure this verse out? Could these witnesses be now on earth?
They could have put a blood squib in Trump's hat just over the ear. Actually there is no visible blood until after he gets up, so they could have just applied it while he was down.
The whole thing looked staged and rehearsed. Perfect misdirection. https://www.bitchute.com/video/srBPRGM3YkrQ
The photo of him surrounded by SS is laughable: perfect lighting, perfect camera placement, perfect pose for an iconic "Iwo Jima" look, zero motion blur, female SS agent up front and center for a perfect DEI photo op, perfect pyramid composition.
More and more people are seeing through it and the heavy gaslighting campaigns are backfiring. What a shit-show.
You might want to spend some time listening to the following podcast, where Mike Adams geeks out on analyzing the attempted assassination:
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 14, 2024 - EMERGENCY BRIGHTEON ALERT: Trump shot at rally, rifle round pierces ear, full forensic audio analysis confirms shooting was REAL
I haven't listened to the podcast yet; but, I did glance at the some of the first few of 65 comments and here's one that will blow the roof off this, if true:
Hal Turner just posted this of a social media post: "My name is Jonathan Willis, I'm the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump's rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump."
And he is telling the truth. You know that because the government never lies and spooks have impeccable integrity. You are a fool to believe that. I have solid irrefutable evidence that it was a false flag.
Okay. Thanks. You made me look more closely at a couple of videos. Let's start with yours:
Now, explain this: In the above linked video, there are only three shots from the SS sniper on the left on the roof in the above video and then the video ends.
But in the continuation of the above video, in this video taken from another angle:
https://x.com/yashar/status/1812250271428538706 , we can hear at least four more shots which were fired AFTER those three shots. Where did those additional four shots come from and what were they aimed at? To me, they sound like they came from the same Secret Service sniper rifle. And, during those additional four shots, Trump was already down and mostly out of sight of any shooter. Did the SS sniper fire four more shots at the kid shooter?
I'm now realizing that I have not seen any video where we can hear the 8 to 10 shots alleged to have been fired by the kid shooter. Are you aware of any video containing the sound of those alleged 8 to 10 shots?
Also, if the SS sniper on the roof shot the 20-year old shooter, who shot Trump's right ear, because the shooter didn't have a shot at Trump's right ear. The kid shooter could see only Trump's left ear. The shot to Trump's right ear either had to come from the vicinity of the Secret Service snipers, perhaps from a hidden sniper further away from the rally. OR, Trump's right ear never was shot.
I'm beginning to think that something stinks here... (-: And, now I'm wondering who shot the people in the crowd in front of Trump. Was it the kid shooter? That would make sense, given that the kid shooter had to have been situated in a direct line of sight perpendicular to the stage. But, again, I don't recall viewing any video during which I can hear those 8 to 10 shots alleged to the kid shooter.
I just reread your comment. I misunderstood you. My apologies.
Damn, bro. You are very thick. Learn to think. I thought the whole thing was obvious, but since you are so thick, I will spell it out so that even you can understand. Trump was never hit. He got the signal, put his hand (with a little bag of blood) to his ear, squeezed the bag so the blood came out, and ducked. The security shooter shots were what you heard, they were aimed at nobody, but pretended to be protecting him. The "assassin" was a chump, and killed (or being an operative was made to look dead). It was a false flag. HEre is why:
Michael Lewis Kahn
13 hrs ago
We have seen Trump be charged by the courts with contrived charges, easy to beat, which Trump does. Real charges that could have been raised against him not only were never charged in the courts, they were erased from the web. The news media had demonized him, did all kinds of reporting on him to make him look bad. But I have found far worse dirt on him than those establishment news media are "capable" of finding. Challenging interviews of Trump all play softball with him, nobody seems able to give him a question that stumps Trump. He is "unstoppable." THat kind of leader is what the CIA-dominated news media is projecting. We all know that it is the good guys who are assassinated. So why Trump?
HE is portrayed as "anti-establishment" at a time when we all know that the establishment is evil, and we know the evil character of the CIA, FBI, and other "deep state" operations which would assassinate him. Unknown to most, it was Kennedy's chauffeur who murdered him, briefly stopping the vehicle, turning around and shooting him in broad daylight, as I have seen a video portray. Only a powerful and secretive monolith of an organized crime syndicate could pull that off. And they could not take down Trump? They could only get his ear?
This was another "show" of Trump's great courage and his unstoppable determination. He is the great hero to serve this country in selfless service. BULLSHIT. It was contrived. If the CIA wanted him dead, he would be. IT is easy to bring your hand to your ear, squeeze a hidden bag of blood to release it onto your ear, and look like a close graze. Another source of the news had a picture of two streaks of blood on his cheek. This was not a legitimate attempt on Trump's life. It was a spectacle designed to make him look anti-establishment and fearless. All phony. Later photos showed his ear looking just fine.
Again, here is what motivates the phony.
And you appear to be too lazy to read carefully. I used the two videos above to prove that the only shots fired when Trump touched his ear were shots fired by the SS sniper. No shots can be heard from the direction of the alleged kid shooter. - I also used these videos to prove that the alleged kid shooter could NOT have shot Trump's right ear, since it wasn't in the kid shooter's line of sight...The kid could see only Trump's left ear. I then stated to the effect that Trumps right ear had to be either struck by a bullet from a different marksman sniper: OR, TRUMP'S RIGHT EAR WAS NEVER SHOT. -- You should rethink your attitude that you are more intelligent than everyone else and start learning to read more carefully, "bro".
I don't think that I am smarter than everybody, just smarter than you. You still hadn't figured it out. I saw from the very start it was a false flag, I know the character of the establishment, and of Trump. You entertained all kinds of possibilities even after the evidence was very very clear. I comprehend that we need to question, but the video I provided (and I had seen quite a few, and read several articles) hammered the nail down greatly. I have debunked Trump soundly time after time. BIden is no better, but the fools trust in Trump thinking that he is anti-establishment. You appear (of course I am not sure) to want to give Trump the benefit of a doubt. He is a slime bucket, has raped at least half a dozen children, is a freemason JEsuit trained at Fordham University, gave us Operation Warp Speed, shut down the government, and the damn idiots believe he is their savior. I stomp and bury anybody who is stupid enough to think that Trump is for the people.
Regarding your claim to be aware= why didn't you see the obvious after I provided the video, and still ask stupid questions? No bro, you are another idiot who claims to be intelligent. YOU are not.
Good to know! thanks for referring me to Mike Adams
His head was totally exposed
And they broke Secret Security protocol in order to get 'The Money Shot'.
That one really got me. I burst out laughing and shouting at my computer, "you've got to be kidding!". I went on a rant about that one. That was last night. I woke up this morning still thinking about it. So many things wrong with that skit.
So many questions.
What’s the protocol?
"What's the protocol?"
To protect Trump.
Yes, by forming a body shield around him. Trump's a big guy, tall. So most of the men who formed the body shield were as well. But then there was that woman, significantly shorter than all of them. So much so that Trumps head was fully exposed, she wasn't tall enough to form a full body shield for him.
...and she was leaning or tilting her head so that it formed the perfect photo op.
It was precisely choreographed.
Yes, for much of that time she left Trump's head, neck and upper chest exposed.
It looked so real!
Until you really looked....
Looked wrong from the first glance for me. But I've been training to see these things for years now. On replay after replay really late last night, and then watching again today and seeing great close up photos of him, his ear, the blood on his face... I'm not buying it. I think it's staged.
He said he felt the bullet tear through the flesh of his ear. I've never been shot, but I have been cut, badly. Cuts so bad it tore the flesh off my hand down to the bone and broke a finger. I didn't feel it at all. After turning off the table saw, I saw the blood on my glove, that's how I know I had been injured. Not my first serious cutting injury. Didn't feel the first one either until well after the event. If I couldn't feel the flesh being ripped off 3 of my fingers, I doubt Trump could feel the bullet ripping through the flesh of his ear. I saw a great, clear focus, detailed photo of his 'injured' ear this morning. Doesn't look torn up at all. Couldn't even see where the blood would be coming from. The blood didn't drip below his ear. I've never injured my ear, but one of my dogs did. It bled and bled, so vascular. He had big floppy ears and he was shaking his head, tiny blood spatters were flying everywhere, all over the wall.
The blood on his cheek, take a close look. Across his cheek and on his lips. How did that get there? Not smeared, not dripped, could possibly have been splattered and blown. Except if you analyze the pattern, both blood trails terminate to a sharp point on the side away from his lips. But his ear is behind those trails and the bullet came from the front of his face. Blood from the bullet piercing his ear would have traveled backwards towards the back of his head, not in the opposite direction.
The color of the blood looked wrong to me. Too bright. But then I've never seen the blood of an RH negative blue blood, so I'll have to defer to someone with more expertise on this point.
And his security detail, the big guys separating to let the smaller woman in, leaving Trumps head fully unprotected from that direction. Which conveniently and so fortuitous for the cameraman gave a good view of Trump, the blood, the fist pumping. Even though the armed military or paramilitary men jumped up on the stage and were watching that same direction for another shooter, who from that direction would have had clear line of sight to Trumps big head.
Thomas Matthew Crooks? Seriously? The alleged shooter's last name is Crooks? And he or someone who looks just like him, just happens to be a BlackRock commercial? Which BlackRock pulls immediately, that's not suspicious. Happens all the time, nothing to see here. I watched that commercial twice, still couldn't see what the connection was with the content and BlackRock... unless they are telling us that they are everywhere and have fully infiltrated the schools too.
Good points all. The Trumpster's playing golf today! I ran a search for Blood Splatters (actually the squibs like they found on the ground in Boston) and found this site that sells them as video effects. Look at rows 2 and 3!
We need to keep an eye on how quickly the top of his ear heals.
Haha... hello I'd like to order two of your Blood Splatter Slice Wall 6 please.
Trump's blood is RH negative?
That's what I have heard from several sources. He's not one of us. He's one of the bloodline 'elites'. They all have RH negative blood.
I have Rh negative blood (0-) and I’ve always felt a bit “alien” 👽 compared to other people, but I’m definitely NOT one of “them.” 🙂
Robert Sepher did a YouTube on them. The RH-. But I have a friend who is.. definitely not one of them.
Donna, thank you as I had heard or read about the RH negative blood not being human. When Trump's blood type popped up, my ears perked up.
Also odd that the mouth blood marks are kind of a triangle or could be like a snake tongue shape.
Yes, the shape of them taken together is really odd.
His head was probably down, looking to the ground. The blood would have traveled from his injury, down, onto his cheek.
And I've heard the blood dried too fast. It was over 90°.
At least you aren't saying Trump is the antichrist, little "a", like some are, like Dustin Nemos.
Trump is NOT the antichrist, he's worse!
Donald Trump is the born and bred llluminati prince and Herald Of The New World 0rder.
PS Just so you know Danna, Dustin Nemos, aka Dustin Kreiger, is a prison-serving convicted felon.
Others are speaking this too.
Those with eyes to see
The C.I.A. bragged that they will have succedded when everything the American people beleive is a lie. No one will accept the results of the fake election. This podcast explains the (s)election update:
It was not the CIA per say who said that it was the director of the CIA who was quoted as saying that !
True. The top echelons of the CIA are made of secret society men. It has been years since reading "The Devil's Chessboard".
In deed all the intelligence agencies, all the big multi Conglomerate Global Corporations are run by blood line people who are in Secret Societies, and they do what they are trained and told to do ! Anyway all the blood line families around the world in the different cultures and countries are all working together at the top to rule the many, because they are the "elite few" so much more "special" than we goy are, we are the great unwashed, the little people, the chattel like the cattle being herded where ever they desire us to go...down the chute to the slaughter..... I suppose, one of these good ol' days !!!!!
We now know, so we can change the trajectory here. If we are brave and true.
Ask the dead spectator
That's what I'm asking Hazel, is there REALLY a dead spectator?
I was watching a podcast and they were looking at the photo of the alleged perpetrator. It definitely does look photoshopped.
Yes there is, former fire who worked with Tracy Beanz and Tim Pool...
Thank you Decisive, do you have a link?
Apologies, bad habit...
Apologies, bad habit...
A projectile fired from a rifled barrel has a completely different purpose than a blade in a fixed position, different physics as well.
The dead guy and the 3 others that were wounded even looked real. How come?
Richard, where were they sitting?
And when were they shot? Before or after Trump was supposedly shot?
Tell us your facts for what happened to them. Including the brain matter.
I'm asking you Richard, where were they sitting, and WHEN were they shot?
Were they all actors that day? Were the reports for where they were sitting standing all lies?
That's what we're trying to determine Richard. So where were they sittting? That's the question.
I don't think all, but the ones directly behind Trump... his 'backdrop'. I don't think this just in this case, I think for every rally, both wings.
The 'audience' right behind him, his backdrop, also seemed to act oddly. We can all think of what we would do in the same situation, but until we are actually in that situation we don't really know. So I don't know for sure, but if you were in that situation, you hear the pops, see Trump bleeding from the ear, he goes down on the ground, security people pile on top of him. I think it would be obvious at that point that he had been shot, there was a shooter. Would you stand up and then just stand there? That's what at least one guy did. From the perspective of the camera, he was directly behind Trump, about half way up in the seating. People didn't go right down on the ground, they kind of ducked, but still they were totally exposed. No one tried to run to get out of there. No one seemed to hit the deck, get under the chair so they at least had some cover. Seemed a bit odd their behavior.
It’s not nearly as simple as it looks…or is it?
*Everything you read below points to MOSSAD having staged this
false flag assassination attempt hoax in order to get Trump elected
and to keep him on a very short leash once he’s in the Oval Office.
In this way, Trump will follow every single order coming out of
Israel knowing his life could be taken in a D.C. flash.
Trump already follows every single order coming from the llluminati.
As does Izrael.
It’s all a stage with highly paid actors. The sniper got in the same way a pallet of bricks show up at events. It’s all planned and staged to keep our eyes off of what’s really going on.
Snipers on the roof to the right of trumpe shot the shooter less than a second after he shot trump….why did they wait….i thought trump just won the presidency too…but what’s next….
5 minutes of SS and Cops wondering in circles scratching their heads, with the public pointing at the guy with the riffle on the rooftop, while the guy gets ready for the shot and once he opens fire emptying a 10 rounds, they then nail him dead in 7 seconds. No way that was an oopsy.
Guess they can’t interview him now…or maybe it is what it is…
Watch for his (shooter) social media to be mysteriously wiped. Big clue he was FBI groomed.
Cops or SS in cops uniforms?
Not sure. Three rings of security 1) local police 2) Secret Service and 3) local security for the event.
Such peaceful creatures are cows…
Moo mooooo mmmmoo mooo!!
DEEP STATE not what it used to be.... well planned and staged for the Kennedy Assassination ...this one they failed.... maybe
Couldn't agree more~made a comment on another website that this is all painfully obvious theater, and a replying commenter said they hoped I was 'fully vaccinated and boosted'. I just sadly laughed. Be careful what you wish for in this election. The Devil has a waiting dance card.
as usual its the lesser of two evils.... if Trump can close the border and stop the war in Ukraine maybe it will give the people more time to awake to the slave state being constructed for us and create a little more resistance.
I'm all for blessings in disguise! Time will tell, but we should all prepare in every way.
Sounds like that commenter was a Trump die-hard supporter, offended that you weren't taking the assassination attempt on their savior seriously. :)
People need a hero~scared people even more~I suspect you're right~
I fail to see how it's "painfully obvious", but whatever, I guess it's possible. What about the 2017 baseball game shooting? 60 rounds and only wounded Republicans. Do you think that was staged?
Not going to pick apart these separate events. My opinion is just that. Please keep your mind open and wait to see if Trump is elected president and his actions after that. I said that about Obama to stop listening to his words and watch to see what he actually does... Sounds like you at least are thinking about it. Stay well~
All good, I am not meaning to come on too strong --- I just wanted to know why it was painfully obvious. I'm not saying it's impossible, and I agree --- I do not trust Trump 100% either. We certainly will see.
Oh my gosh…I am so sorry someone said that to you.
With Kennedy that had to create the term " Conspiracy Theory" to demean people by asking obvious questions. The Zepruter film was only released years after the event, not live. They always have sucked at the fake story, but they used to have the public's trust in the media to sell it.
And, back at that time, there weren't all these people recording everything that moves with their cell phones...totally disproving all of the mainstream media's lies and half truths.
In this event, we have rally attendees who witnessed the shooter making his way to the roof of the building where he would make 8 to 10 shot in Trumps direction; and, we have attendees who witnessed and photographed the two Secret Service snipers setting up on another building and waiting until after the shooter takes his shots to finally kill him with one of their sniper rifles. We know that some of these attendees told the police and the Secret Service about the shooter at least 3 to 4 minutes prior to the shooter taking his shots; and, the police and Secret Service did nothing during those 3 to 4 minutes.
What we know so far about the Trump Assassination Attempt. 1) Woke Ideology is a weapon that is self-inflicted suicide. 2) Woke allows for politicians to destroy everything around them pretending it's not their fault when it is. 3) The Secret Service is now woke, they hire people based on diversity quotas not merit. 4) The SS is overworked because of all the threats to Trump by leftists, but the woke Justice Department will not prosecute so the threat level increases. 5) Trump has requested more resources because, he has an exhaustive schedule and has a high level of threat from leftists thinking he is Hitler because of the media 6) Jill Biden, yes the wife of the fake president was given priority coverage at a duelling rally and the best SS were sent to protect her. No one cares about Jill. 7) The A team of SS were on Vaccation because of an overworked schedule. 8) The B team SS was sent to Jill's rally 9) The C team of motley crew from all over were sent to Trump’s Rally where the assassination attempt happened. 10) The SS breached every protocol to allow this event to take place. 11) The leadership of the SS were suspiciously slow to react, for 5 minutes to an obvious threat of a guy with Rffle crawling up a roof, then across the roof, then taking up a shooting position while bystanders pointed it out to cops and SS. 12) after the guy takes his shot a sends 10 rounds down range, the SS snipers blow him away on 7 seconds. Conclusion Who knows, but this could not have happened if the SS l, were competent, and were doing the job they were tasked with and following procedure. It appears like the effects of woke almost killed TRUMP, and actually kiled someone innocent hehind him.
James Fetzer reported about the zapruder film and how it was really reworked.. every frame altered in many ways to show hit was from behind not from in front as I recall
Lots of manipulation on the Z film. The analogue manipulation before digital was masterwork work by the government intelligence agencies. They had their own top-secret studio in California churning out fake Nuclear footage as well.
"DEEP STATE not what it used to be...."
These days, Deep Globe likes to give us cartoon virus mace balls and comic book superhero fists and flags. They get away with dumbed-down theater all of the time.
Both "sides" playing us, too. Biden set up the ball with the bullseye comment, and Trump spiked it the next day.
Wasn't the Deep State, but it was likely a nutjob that watches their media. This would probably have been the result with JFK and his bro if Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were actually the lone gunmen...
Or an FBI-groomed pharma drug addict.
That’s pretty much my first question anymore, too, with regards to shootings….what Pharma drugs are they on? I read Dr. Peter Breggin’s books and they were an eye-opener.
Big Parma + FBI Chat groups + trigger activated and ensuing cover-up that makes little sense. They are still scratching their heads about the J6 bomber waving at cops, which triggered the congressional shutdown in the first place. What a farce. FBI IS A COVER-UP ORGANIZATION.
I’ve come to the same conclusion. It’s pretty much Opposite Day every day for me now, though.
This is a communist tactic, when nothing is certain, how does one assess the situation to act accordingly? Read " Rape of the Mind", it is a tactic right out of the totalitarian playbook. I have a link to download it on my Substack.
hard to say as it seems clear from early reporting that police and secret service seems to have stepped down as the shooter was clearly visible and pointed out by those attending the event without any response from security/police.... i wonder if the person shot was the shooter as he was so visible
Yes. One has to wonder whether there were other, real marksmen involved, as there obviously were in the 1963 JFK assassination. The shooter who apparently climbed up onto the roof with a AR-15 was a dead-man-walking. One has to wonder how he was able to hit Trump's ear at that distance.
Also odd CNN was broadcasting this rally after having not previously for many months and years.
What a coincidence!!! ;)
Both Clif High and Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics (Socrates) have been forecasting major developments coming about this week. So far they both have distinguished themselves with their research and analyses.
Cliff has been pointing to Sniper Street Justice is about to pop off for a while now.
So has the future forecasting group.
There is no doubt in my mind that this was an inside job. Eye witness told secret service and cops about the man climbing the building with a rifle and he was ignored.
Was someone really killed, besides the Patsy?
If you watch and LISTEN to the video, where are the screams from the people around the attendee that was allegedly shot???
Nothing. Crickets.......
I am asking the same question. Hollywood killed? Since they hired a former Blackrock actor for their "shooter", why should we assume that anything about that bizarre drama was legitimate?
That's right Ekoh, alot of the Crisis Actors from the Fake Flag shootings were sons and daughters of ClA and Federal Agents!
A doctor covered in no real-looking fake blood said brains were lying about.
Did the doctor find his brains? 😉
Watch the interview, the doctor claimed he saw brain matter on the ground ( from some poor guy's head shot to pieces), and was performing CPR. The bloody shirt looked strange though, I have bled a lot and it never looked like that. Lots of information not adding up.
No, he lived so take your TDS and deranged self and tell it to God.
I think your misunderstanding.
Did you miss your meds today? Such vitriol from such a sweet person. 😂
I do not think you're following the thread.
I said what I said. I apologize if I misunderstood. It's just a bit disgraceful that folks saying this is staged and fake. It's not all a damn movie.
Sober Christian, you need to change your name cuz you are full of calumny.
Can you translate?
Calumny is the unjust and malicious damaging of another person’s good name by lying or spreading false information. It is considered a grave offense against justice and charity, and can be a mortal sin if it is calculated to cause serious harm to the person’s reputation or standing.
So in other words, someone died and you are talking about his brains being blown up. Prayers for his soul and the family.
Beverly, when these things happen, it is the real-time reporting that reveals clues to the truth, collecting these data points is often contradictory information, and it is important to sort out what actually happened. I watched a video interview of a self-proclaimed doctor saying he knows what brains look like and he tried to help a guy with a hole in his head. That guy was the one who died. The thing with propaganda is that the truth becomes elusive over time because the end zone is flooded with contradictory information. If I was unclear that was on me. But the blood on the doctor's shirt looked fake.l, maybe he washed some off, who knows.
Beverly, when these things happen, it is the real-time reporting that reveals clues to the truth, collecting these data points is often contradictory information, and it is important to sort out what actually happened. I watched a video interview of a self-proclaimed doctor saying he knows what brains look like and he tried to help a guy with a hole in his head. That guy was the one who died. The thing with propaganda is that the truth becomes elusive over time because the end zone is flooded with contradictory information. If I was unclear that was on me. But the blood on the doctor's shirt looked fake.l, maybe he washed some off, who knows.
Beverly, when these things happen, it is the real-time reporting that reveals clues to the truth, collecting these data points is often contradictory information, and it is important to sort out what actually happened. I watched a video interview of a self-proclaimed doctor saying he knows what brains look like and he tried to help a guy with a hole in his head. That guy was the one who died. The thing with propaganda is that the truth becomes elusive over time because the end zone is flooded with contradictory information. If I was unclear that was on me. But the blood on the doctor's shirt looked fake.l, maybe he washed some off, who knows.
Have any of you listened to Jay Weidner’s video on the JFK assassination? What is interesting is the use of the squib.
JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century is now up for International Viewing!!
This all seems like déjà vu as far as I am concerned.
I am an octogenarian. I was born during WWII so my parents’ generation fought in that war. We had our first TV in 1950. My early years I was fed a “diet” of TV movies of WWII. Later there was the Korean War.
I have lived through the Cuban missile, crisis, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the JFK assassination; then later the assassinations of MLK, RFK and Malcolm X and Ronald Reagan, as well as the Vietnam war, Gulph War I and II, 911 and on and on it goes.
This is definitely a false flag attack but engineered by whom – the Deep State supporting the so-called “left” or by the Deep State supporting the “right”.
It was staged as far as I can see; it provided an amazing “photo op” for Trump that will no doubt dramatically increase his support in the polls. And yes, real people (usually innocent bystanders) do get killed during false flag attacks even if the “event” is staged.
Maybe I am just an old cynic, but I feel like I’ve been there, done that, seen that.
I recall that all three “candidates” appear to be controlled by the Israeli lobby.
I think we are all being played whether on the left or the right. I feel like the Deep State is trying to script 1963 all over again.
It's the smart asses like Robert DeNero, Jimmy Kimmel, the View bitches, and all the other media punks and their day-to-day rhetoric and using terms like "Hitler" "threat to democracy" so on and so forth that have got these brain dead unstable minds who are moved to violence. This has got to stop. I want to see. Apologies from those punks on their rhetoric.. blood on all their hands! Bastards!
Greg, by the way, I love Cliff high. I've been listening to him for a long time myself. He is extremely intelligent and probably too deep for most people...
You get it. The political left is constantly raising the level to a fever pitch and at the same time shouts about MAGA extremism, its an insane narrative to witness. This is Marxism 101, Alinsky stylied politics, adopted in whole by the political left. The political right is rife with its own set of problems, but I'd rather have a broken leg than terminal cancer.
Well put
Just so you know Aldous, 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.
I doubt it
Look it up Aldous.
I only found him in 2015. Wish I’d found him sooner like Mr. Reese. Clif High is exceptionally interesting. I know nothing about guns but I do not trust regular media so I’m seeking different perspectives on this.
If these media assholes had been Repugs egging on people to commit violence against Dumbocraps, the DOJ would have been charging them with being "Domestic terrorists". But, since it's the other was around, the DOJ could give a hoot.
It's all part of the divide and conquer scheme. They keep using it because it works so well.
Clif IS High. ha ha
He comes up with some doozies sometimes.
And where are all the cellphone videos the people took???
Good point!
Greg, I've been telling my friends, your cattle analogy of human beings. I've been using the same analogy for the last 2 years. I too concluded after covid that most people are grazing out in the pasture with the with the rest of the cows and all they do is fart and belch all day. That's the average person.. And it doesn't matter if they're educated or uneducated. The educated are just as damn stupid and they run out to the pasture with the rest of them... I rest my case... Moooooooooooo
That whole business didn't sinc with me yesterday. It didn't registered. I knew it was AR sounds (not fire crackers) but the gravity of the thing nope. I saw it at 6:35 , at 6:43 i was sending an email to Greg raising the question of the Q guy in the stand behind him. Wasnt he the reincarnation of JFK jr ? the guy with the hat & the funny hair. Shit that was 2016 . . . I was raising questions , why stop and pump fist right . . . under fire at that . . .
IF it's a fake ; its heartless to kill civilians live on TV sounds cruel and beyond the reach of normal human being . . . and yet we have seen womans and children getting blasted live on twitter for the last 3 years (Israel / Ukraine) . . . so i think at this point am totally dissensitive . . . Sad state of affair.
IT happen , its real and we saw a miracle . GOD intervene yesterday. Thats my conclusion. Tell me what you saw Jefferson.
Very well put Zilla of Kell 😀
MK TDS . . . Biden was saying 5 days prior ; Time to put Trump in a Bulleye . . . If i was to send code to my Zealot follower that's how i would do it. i mean . . . they have been saying that all spring !
I think it was Alex Jones that put together a bunch of clips from a bunch of people saying they wanted him dead ...well those people have certainly got blood on their hands today!
the so call ; "stochastic terrorism" fuck i hate those people. Even their words are charge with contempt for "we the people."
Fucking Pelosi of all people shorted Truth social stock . . . I rest my case.
Fucking deep state assassination. "prior knowledge & let it happen"
MK Ultra TDS lone wolf . . . TV is a weapon system , always was.
Yes TV a big brainwashing box full of brain dead script readers...
I saw the Q guy as well, acting oddly considering the gravity of the situation. He's the guy that the phony "Q" convinced the Q-tards that he was JFK Jr. Same costume even!
The way he reacted , 100% sure he(Q guy) wasn't in on it. If it was staged. Glad you noticed, he sure does stand out !
Q the cow bell ! Mooooooooooooooo Mooooooooo 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄 🐺
(Notice the wolf . . . 😎) Forget the Eagle , from now on Ruminant is the totem animal.
LMAO you funny
i knew , u would appreciate it. Us from the freedom & love cult hehehehe
Oh hell I guess I've got to grow my hair long and pull it back in a ponytail?
yep , buy an overall and a rockin chair , camp on the porch for those Varmint "Prairie Dogs". IF you miss last week podcast you should listen to it now ! shit was funny. "CADDYSHACK" level funny.
Oh man! I love that movie! That is definitely a classic right up there with dumb and dumber and all the others lol
Well moooed.