May 5·edited May 5

If I were the devil, I would control all education and science and media, and make every human believe that the Bible is disproven.. the firmament.. water below, water above I would create NASA, and team up with Hollywood to deceive as many as possible, to separate man/us from God. This is why I believe this discussion holds water. No pun intended. How fast are we moving

around the Sun again? 66,600 miles an hour? Really? NASA? In Hebrew, definition.... to deceive

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Hi Greg, a big thank you for having Austin on.

Tesla was the man, Einstein the imposter. Tesla invented most of the technology we use today. If not for Tesla, we would not have A/C current.

The thing about coming to the realization that we are not on a spinning globe as we have been told, what happens next is rational minds have to ask, what else are we being lied to about? As it turns out, there are many lies we are being told to keep us in a mental trap.

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Einstein, Freud, and the evolution guy are all stupid and undeserving of fame.

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Einstein stole his E = mc2 theory from a student. If Einstein was alive today he would be a CNN talk show host. He said the (-)aether energy does not exist. Tesla and Einstein did not get along. We ditched pre-1930 psychics, that included the (-)equation, These pre-1930 physics books are classified. Tesla's name (300 patents in his name) was taken out of the Rock'o'feller printed text books. 6K US patents are locked up and gag-ordered since 1930, that prove 120$ over unity or more. Tesla finished his non-hertzian energy experiments at his barn in Colorado Springs, in 1901. He mimicked round planets and captured millions of volts of the static lighting energy that is all around us in abundance of free energy.Let's use it! Trump wants to open up this locked up US Patent Office vault. Who owns the keys to this vault? Bill Clinton sold the keys to the Serco Corp in the UK. Yes open up this vault and have all the young engineers come and lay out all these patents on tables, Have a BBQ, invite the Doobie Bros and Bela Fleck to rock the house!

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They were players in the NWO, Nazi World Order, Agenda.

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The evolution guy doesn't seem to have enough fame for you to remember his name.

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As I said, "The pursuit of this topic by the common man, more specifically by the presenter of this presentation, leads him to his own condemnation. They insist, by virtue of their belief in "flat earth" that "God" exists, that God who teaches them about serving Mammon and the consequences thereof. How, precisely, was such an abode and so many top of the range cars procured without being in service to "Mammon"?"

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Do you see how difficult, even impossible, it is, for the guilty to address certain points, such as this?

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Maybe it is a reflection of my ignorance, but your comment seems incoherent/incomplete. Not slighting you, just looking for clarification.

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Clarification: you said “as I said”, not “as I said before”… and you used the term ‘top range cars’, not ‘high range cars’.

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You are quite right, some of my points would have benefited form clarification. I type rather quickly these days, and additionally, have the occasional disagreement with automatic spelling and grammar checks, partially due to differences between, English and American divergencies in English usage. By "top range cars" I meant "top of the range cars", as in the most expensive cars with all the additional extras.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. Yes, I understand what Mammon is, but I still do not comprehend the context of your usage herein, nor what you are trying to say about an ‘abode’ or ‘expensive cars’. I fail to see the correlation to the topic that the two men are speaking about.

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Thank you. Firstly, you begin by stating ‘as I said before’ and I do not know wherein to find where so you ‘stated before’ to be able to compare. Secondly, while I know what is generally understood to be ‘Mammon’, I do not understand your use of it here nor to what you are referring regarding ‘abode’ or ‘high range cars’ and their relation to the topic.

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When I say things such as "as I said previously, or said before" I am often referring to statements and assertions in previous writings and works. This is, again, as you quite rightly point out, an error on my part, so I thank you for that. Mammon, as I understand the word, denotes money, material wealth and assets, more, that is to say, than one might needs for one's daily requirements, and acquired at the expense on one's own natural development, and, of equal import, that of others, more importantly, that of strangers, those in whom one is neither emotionally nor psychologically invested. For, if you love those who love you, then what different have you done then those whom you claim are evil? The term "abode" is, essentially a term used to denote "property or, in this instance privately owned dwelling place ".

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I have no issue with providing clarification any time it is authentically sought, or even being corrected, as is appropriate, especially on grammar.

On what, precisely, (ironically enough) would you like clarification?

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IMO,Your view of your own importance lacks basis in reality.

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Where, are you suggesting, I have made a single allusion to my "own importance" to any degree, whatsoever? In your answer, I would encourage, as you are so confident in your accusation, to be as comprehensive as possible and avoid inane rhetoric, or as most would say, "name-calling".

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Not that I would but why are you encouraging me to not do something that you have done to others? BTW Are you familiar with a method of communicating based on the principles of quantum mechanics known as Quantum Language Parse Syntax Grammar (QLPSG) ?

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If not for Westinghouse, who licensed all of Tesla's patents, Edison would have won in the big cities and Tesla after the electrification of the country. It took the SCOTUS to return Tesla's priority for his patents from Marconi, who duplicated them in Britain to market them worldwide.

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On A Side Note......

I thought that people may want to read this update.......

Reiner Fuellmich Speaks Out From Prison In Germany


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Thank you Dawnie for the update on Reiner!

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Wondering if forced replacement of old fashioned light bulbs replaced by LED purple street or LED home light bulbs , has to do with manipulation of our magnetism inside our ether, AURA prana biofield magnetism triggered via the illegally installed warp sped-in by nefarious gov, 5-6 G frequency radiation wave towers . So our electric bodies are compromised by the embedded, lodged into our prana biofield, with sensors , we breath them in from daily chemtrail sprays or mandated injects , all done without our consent . The jesuit gov white coats techs with precision medical, can then manipulate minds , body functions , create disease , exterminate or control your mind from their desk remotely or enslave & worse creating patsy's to harm others in false flag events . Humans are now cyborgs hooked up to the CLOUD like your dumbphones & APPS . Aura is real so are chakra nodes that are being compromised by lodging the sensors there , the magnetic biofield air is a subtle space that can be felt ,moved, to spin the wheels to heal the body ,or destroy us by demonically manipulating THE WHEELS . Vibrational hands-on healing massage works , defying western 'medical' model ! . . this works on normal humans , but not the 1/2 machine 1/2 humans cyborgs. ... but it can temporarily dislodge those sensors with deep breathwork ..combined with vibrational healing massage .

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Dr. Henry Ealy Explains A/C Alternating Current and D/C Direct Current and our body’s reaction during this EMF War on us, with solutions.


Happy Grounding Everyone!

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If we could only remove our pushed addictions to phones / apps , then the gov created problem would not be needing a solution . How did we ever survive for hundreds of years without smart / dumb phones ?? .. oh , maybe that was when we always had access to only organic foods / clean water and herbal medicines so we could think clearly .?

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Radu Cinamar's book, "Inside the Earth: The Second Tunnel", indicates that the required force within the Earth and all planets, is a small black hole. It would have to be the central core of the toroid. The rapidity of vibration within the central toroid is so accelerated that it becomes an energetic inner sun.

His concepts include some very difficult ideas that go beyond my ability to describe. But he described Inner Earth civilizations that perhaps reside on that "block plain" within the central core of the toroid.

The being exist within a higher vibrational field.

Something to think about.

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Thank you for your comment! It is too rare, I find, that anyone is even aware of the work of Radu Cinamar, the mysterious Romanian who was charged with the telling of the story of the amazing discovery of a perfectly carved ‘cave’ found deep in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania. I was very fortunate to visit that very site and witness first hand the so-called ‘Romanian Sphinx’ back in 2013 with a group of people from all over the world, including the American publisher of the works, Peter Moon— himself the author of the incredible series on the Montauk Project, the story on which the TV Series, ‘Stranger Things’ was based. The cave itself, its’ supposed link to both the Giza Great Pyramid and a ziggurat in Iraq as well as a cave in Tibet via strange ‘tunnels’ that are mysteriously bioluminescent, captured me from the very first time I learned of them back in around 2009/10. I have long thought that the ‘scary’ stories of Vampires coming from the mountains of Transylvania was merely an ‘inversion of truth’ in order to keep most people away from what is otherwise a potentially very powerful ley-line intersecting point. The discovery of what was actually found within the carved out dome deep within the mountain is an even more captivating account of ‘ancient aliens’—- and of just how physically large (giant) they were. I’ve thought of drawing Greg’s attention to this many times, but life gets in my way. Thank you for reminding me. ❤️

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I am nearly finished with reading the series by Radu. They really stretch one'sind to help with the expansion of Consciousness! Yes, tunnels lead to the Giza plateau, to parts of Inner Earth, and to Tibet.

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Do you follow Gene Decode? He talks about these tunnels you mention and others. He introduced me to Radu's books.

Gene has also said there are vampires in America... I think it was the battle of Gettysburg where they rounded up silverware from the locals to form into bullets... Gene is a wealth of information that is way off the tracks.

Genedecode.org; RealGeneDecode on Rumble, [Real] Gene Decode on Telegram.

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Yes, have listened to Gene on and off for a few years. He is amazing!

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I’m still just settling in to the interview but am blown away with the video from years back. Never saw that, and the Byrd thing is wild. I grew up consistently seeing that “mirage” on Lake Michigan. Also, when I was very little I asked my dad if we were inside while walking outdoors in Florida. I said that I felt we were inside a clear amphitheater. This led to a lifelong private joke with him about “flat earth” that peaked with jokes while I lived in Kansas. I too am in the “I don’t know” realm and just wanted to leave this comment because I can’t be alone in keeping curiosity to myself. Ordinary people talking about stuff instead of just secretly wondering decongests the narrative. Truth is I still feel that bizarre, inexplicable indoor amphitheater sensation while outdoors on very rare occasions. There, I said it

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I've experienced that feeling too while at the beach staring at the sky years ago. No BS!

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thanks for telling me that, its where it happens to me too and I dont think I mentioned that. wow

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Definite WOW! I agree. Your welcome.

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"Wherever there is a social media comments section, it is guaranteed that the intellectually retarded, such as those below, will pollute it. This is, what one may regard, as a new Universal Constant." How would you suggest that this post, copied from below, does not include vacuous comments such as yours and all who waste time writing them?

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I wouldn’t suggest anything, except “pollute” is an excellent word to describe my experience of reading your reply.

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Reacted like a true developmental retard. Well done! I did discus, at least highlighted, your particular pathology, below. It's a shame you didn't, or was, perhaps, unable to read it before reacting (as opposed to responding or replying)!

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If I cared about how a stranger on the internet “did discus” my “particular pathology” I would actually be a “developmental retard.” Sorry you’re so mean! Must be rough.

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I say you, to the extent that you are an adult bipedal domesticated primate. By "mean" do you mean, cruel? If so, then I am, quite content to concede that, that, and much more that society finds offensive. Now, not "caring" about that, is an achievement. But you are, still, no more able to understand the merit and value in criticism, so my original point stands, and remains unchanged.

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As for antiquitech, Jon Levi dropped this hours ago - takes a peek in the Republic of Georgia at some interesting architecture - his discovery in Utah, also closed off by the Federal gov't (see his previous vid for a longer look) also lends credence to the theory of antiquitech - why does the federal government (mind control central) keep the curious away? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW34B-DttK4

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Greg, and all others reading comments: please look into the works of both Radu Cinamar (Transylvanian Sunrise, etc, https://www.amazon.com/Transylvanian-Sunrise-Radu-Cinamar/dp/0967816254 ) as well as Drunvalo Melchizedek (The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life, Books I & II, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe6NpW3i8iQ). They both contain supporting evidence of this discussion between Greg and Austin. It gives me Great Hope to hear this information from the both of you wonderful men. In gratitude, Jennifer (aka: Jaydoubleyew) ❤️

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May 5Liked by Greg Reese

Greg, that 8 minute video you showed at the start is great! It's so well done. Can you share the link to it?

I think it would be a great video to share with people are open to hearing alternatives but have never looked closely at the issue or have only come across the type of flat earthers like mentioned at the very start. They are not all like that, but too many come off with the arrogance and condescending attitude. I think it's due to the flawed need so many have to feel like they are better, smarter, or more onto things that others. I see this as coming from deep seated insecurities that they are in denial of and so have never looked at, much less done the work to get rid of.

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Dr. Joseph Farrell is the author of the book, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell.

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You may enjoy the Dark Journalist and his interviews of Dr. Farrel. Peace.

His most recent as regards Casey and Hemingway and MUCH more were quite stimulating, separate from Farrell. This was FASCINATING and brings the game to a new level (again)! The connections to Hemingway and Casey, Mayan Pyramids of f the coast of Cuba (cube-A) where Colon Cemetery is located in Havanna and the Templar Cross, which he does not cover truly intrigues.

He even referenced something called "X" technology and related it to Nikolai Tesla, and Giza again, with Casey toward the end connecting the hall of records with Giza under the lion /sphynx?!


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I've been a member of Dr. Farrell's Gizadeathstar.com for 7 or 8 years. He's a very interesting man. His latest book, The Demon and the Ekur, is about his hypothesis about intelligent plasma life. I also listen to DJ quite often.

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Page 262 apropos palindromic and Chapter 11 as well as this is the source of the matrix Mirror:


"One finds that distant observers, who measure only the metric field, cannot

distinguish between a (ferromagnetically) polarized source of spinning matter

(which causes torsion locally) and a rotating distribution of matter with the

same total angular momentum (which nowhere causes torsion).” ~Friedrich Hehl


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Yes, I first came across him on Red Ice Radio/TV before they went full xenophobe... not that they are wrong about the agenda, but the story is MUCH bigger. His interview was back around 2010 or so.

Anyway, regarding plasma, Electric Universe and ball lightning are what he refers to. Giza is absolutely integral in terms of the heart (and the feather).

I am VERY familiar with contextuality of relativity between light (no-thing) and plasma (every"thing") and highly recommend you look into the plasmOID as Malcolm Bendall has open sourced his genius (www.strikefoundation.earth) and Bob Greenyer (https://remoteview.substack.com/) is joining with him as a volunteer with the late Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, related to cold fusion/LENR.

I asked Malcolm a question recently about the heart and the plasmOID as I have a cosmology with the Chestahedron center stage it appears no one here has commented on, oh well (see my avatar). Here was Malcolm's response paraphrased:

When the heart receives the blood it sucks (vacuum), it then blows (expands) the gases (noble?) in the blood then the heart contracts and multi axis (Triple Tau?) shear 147/258 and it collapses to create plasmOIDs at the plasma pinch point.


He does not know of the Chestahedron as it relates to the aetheric sacred precursor of the heart, perhaps not the relation to earth in anagram and palindrome, though he does get the mirror numbers with Sanskrit Arithmetic. Malcolm says he had plasmOIDs injected into his blood stream!

The solutions to ALL problems exist NOW, save the ignorance of those who "know" relative those who know they never will in absolute terms. Having spent the last 23 years post 911 as a structural engineer, I have been in search of first principle through the unknown unknown, to know at this point light is al there is to "know" in this realm, where the plasma is everything else relative to the spectrum disorder and Lucifer's optical illusion that has the flat vs round crowd at each others throats, neither innerstanding Schrodinger's cat is bot dead AND alive in projective geometry of Riemann sphere coordinate time vs proper time, or that there is even a difference..

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Having Austin on was AWESOME! This kid needs to be everywhere because he's got an incredible gift and can spread TRUTH about so many things like no one else and can back everything he says up with facts quicker then a super computer.

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May 5·edited May 5

Admiral Byrd met the Titans, an aetheric race of Beings who preceded the Earth. Earth began with the Mother of Chaos. Our world was formed and based through and through from Chaos.

Oceanus and Cronus are immortal Beings who did not and will not ever die. Water and Sound. They opposed Chaos. Toroid is created from water and sound, aether and motion.

The Titans still live. At Agartha.

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A “Clean Swish” ! You’ve Dunked it’ Again .. thank you for giving Us a great piece we can share with others and likely redeem them as We go Forward . . . Loved It guys!

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Off topic, but traditional Catholic priest in hiding felt compelled to do this video at midnight last night, May 5, 2024, as he thinks that his YouTube channel will be banned very soon.

(Moderator, I understand you may delete this posting, but I just am posting here now as I want this to get on my Substack notes and to get this out TODAY as fast as I can, in honor of Christ the King.)


In the last three minutes, about 7:06 a.m. May 5, 2024, YouTube erased the standard note YouTube appends to new videos posted that they do not like. The note is titled the Halocaust and states it was genocide of 6 million Jews. Apparently YouTube decided this video just posted by Father Mawdsley is powerful medicine against YouTube and they better make themsleves look innocent.



Is "Fear of the Jews" ruling the world? No more.

Scripture and Tradition -- Fr JM

22.9K subscribers

2,683 views Premiered 7 hours ago

With sincere sorrow for all who have died in war, exaggerating atrocities does not help future generations, but actually endangers them. The truth about history, as best we can find it, is the only way to peace. I am not sure what description to give this video (which might seem disjointed, though all the parts are connected). Deo volente, I will survive long enough on YT to do a few more videos going deeper than this one into the history of the Holocaust, and why it is so difficult to present facts which clash with the received narrative, which has been crafted to subdue all opposition to Jewish plans. 🕒 Time stamps 🕞 00:00 Outline 01:25 The world lies 02:38 Freedom fight subverted in Burma 04:50 Is all for nothing? 07:00 Holocaust figure inflation 08:40 "Fear of the Jews" 10:30 A long term plan 🎧 Chapter samples on Spotify from the 'New Old' audiobooks: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh... 🔴 Audiobook -- If You Believed Moses (Vol 2): The Conversion of the Jews as the Close of History https://books2read.com/IYBMoses 🔴 Paperback, hardback & ebook (on Lulu) -- If You Believed Moses (Vol 2): The Conversion of the Jews as the Close of History https://www.lulu.com/search?page=1&q=... 🔴 If You Believed Moses (Vol 1): The Conversion of the Jews Promised in the Old Testament (30 June 2023) https://bit.ly/Believe-Moses-1 🔴 Printable prayer cards with the traditional prayer -- • Post

Is "Fear of the Jews" ruling the world? No more.

Scripture and Tradition -- Fr JM

22.9K subscribers

2,683 views Premiered 7 hours ago

With sincere sorrow for all who have died in war, exaggerating atrocities does not help future generations, but actually endangers them. The truth about history, as best we can find it, is the only way to peace.

I am not sure what description to give this video (which might seem disjointed, though all the parts are connected). Deo volente, I will survive long enough on YT to do a few more videos going deeper than this one into the history of the Holocaust, and why it is so difficult to present facts which clash with the received narrative, which has been crafted to subdue all opposition to Jewish plans.

🕒 Time stamps 🕞

00:00 Outline

01:25 The world lies

02:38 Freedom fight subverted in Burma

04:50 Is all for nothing?

07:00 Holocaust figure inflation

08:40 "Fear of the Jews"

10:30 A long term plan

🎧 Chapter samples on Spotify from the 'New Old' audiobooks: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...

🔴 Audiobook -- If You Believed Moses (Vol 2): The Conversion of the Jews as the Close of History https://books2read.com/IYBMoses

🔴 Paperback, hardback & ebook (on Lulu) -- If You Believed Moses (Vol 2): The Conversion of the Jews as the Close of History https://www.lulu.com/search?page=1&q=...

🔴 If You Believed Moses (Vol 1): The Conversion of the Jews Promised in the Old Testament (30 June 2023) https://bit.ly/Believe-Moses-1

🔴 Printable prayer cards with the traditional prayer -- • Post


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I’m a “recovering Catholic”, but that is a great video of the priest. Thank you for sharing!

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This toroid thing has been huge for me for years... Had solid silver tori made to wearass pendant. Cymatics, Sheldrake's frozen light love to dance to the 22 trillion times a second rhythm.

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Hi Gregory,

Definitely worth watching twice. Of course, anything illuminating about Mr. Tesla will hold my attention. Thanks for the additional links and for connecting with Mr. Whitsitt. I can get lost in this for days! One link leads to another that dispels landscaping of psychos using coprolite. When will the maniacs refund our money and announce this was a "War of the Worlds" (Welles) rip off. Reminds me of Erich Von Däniken and his horseshit "Chariots of the Gods" that was debunked by an investigative report. A local villager shows how to fossilize donkey dung in an open fire for the camera. This shit passed without being authenticated. Wow. We are all just sitting ducks for the next hootenanny. Love you, HeyAce.

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