Most people don't realize how evil the Bolsheviks were and how much sympathy and support they had in both the United States and England, with Churchill and Roosevelt. General George Patton's take was blunt and prescient: "We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we're here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually." Bringing the Talmud into this (and the history of the so-called "Khazarian Mafia") raises very uncomfortable questions about our history and what we've been told about it.

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Again, history provides the answer as to why Russia is and has always been attacked - So, we see a great enmity of the Pippins and the Morosini Family against the Emperors of Byzantium who after the defeat of Constantinople in January 1454 moved to Russia. The reason Russia is being attacked and has always been attacked..

After the first sacking of Constantinople in 1204 when Venice brought back to St Marks square all the booty, the statues, Constantinople muddled on until it was defeated by the Muslims first created by the Carolingians - Charlemagne - who created the Catholic Church - in order to defeat Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Church.

After the sacking, Constantinople and the top Byzantine Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire families who had earned the enmity of the Charlemagne Catholic Church and the Morosini Family moved to Russia... One of those families were the Romanovs.

Muscovite Russia, meanwhile, had acquired the consciousness of being the last bulwark of true Orthodoxy. In 1472 Grand Prince Ivan III (reigned 1462–1505) married Sofia (Zoë), the niece of the last Byzantine emperor.

Phoenician Families trace their genealogy through the female line.

Byzantium took over Russia!

See the article and read the book - for free...


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just now


Reply to https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/why-russia-is-being-attacked-and/comments#comment-58295934

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created and Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Facist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschid Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Bidet, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem.

You can tell who are the Presstitutes and the prostitutes because they never mention that it was the Rothschilds and the Warburgs who took down France with the Satanic Jacobins and took down Russia and killed the Tsar with the Satanic Bolshevics.

The minions have been bought by the The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Satanic Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals.

This is all exposed in my 11 Volumes of Against Satanism, Sign Up! or go here... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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Wow, thank you

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(My like button quit working.)

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That happened to me a couple weeks ago…tried everything and the only thing that fixed it was caving in and catching up on Apple iPhone updates - which I was behind on, quite a few. But it worked

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Thanks. It’s weird, but occasionally it works, but mostly it doesn’t. I appreciate your tip.

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Mine is also broken!

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Oh. Erudite. Credible:).

The frequent flurry of posts on Russian history has piqued my thirst for knowledge about the Romanfs and in that book I may just have found the quench.

I assume you found no reason for bias in the author?

Will buy the book—merci:D

I will probably not query his stack for Russian history because hyperlinks and footnotes matter (Corbett and Whitney Webb spoiled me.).

I tried to subscribe to your stack but the button was broken. Weird happens BUT I shall try again: your focus so matters!

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When semeone discusses history in this manner as Greg just did it does create problems! To contradict traditional narrative with narrative makes all history feel like it should stare with “Once upon a time, long long ago in a country far far away...” as if it were a narrative but not a record of events.

There is a narrative we have all been told is history about Russian history. To refute that Greg needed to have quoted a source. I like Greg but setting himself up as THE authority continues the ‘believe me and don’t you bother your head with facts’ trend. He’s better than that.

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I think you need to look back in his posts from a couple of weeks ago, when he interviewed a Russian historian.

There are other sources. I have a book published by President US Grant's granddaughter about livin begag in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. They took advantage of the societal disruption if the Empire by sabotage and treasonous officials during WW1, and much of the population began to fall into poverty as the economic situation declined. The violence and civil disruption were extreme and food production began to collapse from mismanagement by those who confiscated farmlands from the noble families who were the landholders. The book shows that the impirialist system had been quite benevolent prior to 1913. The assertion if the devout Christianity of the Romantics is confirmed. She also described how the Empress was a very humble lady, who worked hard in providing charitable help to hospitals, acting as a nurse herself.

The Romanovs, especially the Empress, was definitely hoodwinked by Rasputin, who was a lecherous drunkard, and his followed, who may have contributed to why the family fell into the hands of their executioners.

The name of the nonfiction book is Revolutionary Days", by Julia Dent Grant Cantacuzene.

She and her husband, Mikhail and son escaped eventually, resettling in Florida, then Washington, DC.

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I look forward to buying the book!!

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I was thinking about how all the Marxist infiltrators into many of the positions of power within our government echoes what happened

in Russia.

I read the book at the time the Ukrainian conflict began. The book made it clear Russian's in the early 20th century viewed Ukraine and Crmea as part of their territory.

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Heh, at least you are waking up.

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i do, which is why it is so concerning they are being re-crated in the USA.

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Right on!

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It does

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And that’s why General Patton had an ‘accident.’

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Jun 4
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Khazarian mafia is another front of the Roman papist mafia (Lucifer and Mary worshippers, work-based religionists, transubstantiation ritualists, cannibalistic cultists).

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This rings true.

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"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the 'Russian Revolution.' It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Solzhenytsin came back to Russia to die. So did Alexander Zynoviev. They were both deeply disappointed by the West, realizing what it really is. Russia was never aggressor in its history, only defended itself from the ( always the same) robber barons/ mafia that rules the world to this very day. Russians are very well educated and great traditional, family people. I really hope Westerners will see trough the lies of their governments ( working on behalf of that mafia, not the people) and see Russia and Russians for what they really are: normal, traditional people, protecting their country from the plunder planned by this mafia ( remember both Albright and Tatcher saying Russia has too many resources to call them their own!?!?). Besides, I believe everyone can see how they push both USA and EU into war with Russia. Stand up and do not let your youngsters die for the mafia ruling the world! Wake up, people, and quick! We are on the verge of the WWIII !!!!!

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It’s this reader’s opinion that the same creatures responsible for the Bolshevik revolution are still among us today. That the changes occurring in the west aren’t a result of revolutions as much as invasion and conquest. Not by Russians. Not by Chinese. Not by Muslims. They are all convenient scapegoats. The enemy is already in the gate. They’re a parasite that lives inside its host until, like the movie “Aliens”, explodes out and destroys the host…while the host begs for someone to kill him.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

If the creatures responsible for the wickedness in this world fit the description of principalities, powers, dark rulers in high places, maybe we’re not dealing with flesh and blood.

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The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

President John F. Kennedy

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City

April 27, 1961

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No wonder they killed him.

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Right, but let me ask you this: Regarding the part of Greg's reportage about the ritual imperative of "keeping the victim silent" during an ultimate-magick execution/sacrifice, did your mind flash as mine did to John F. Kennedy (in the Zapruder film) reaching up to claw at his throat with both hands mere fractions of a second before a sizeable quantity of the rest of his head was turned into a fine pink mist?

I recall that the ER doctors at Parkland in Dallas were very clear about a throat entry wound, though that information was successfully suppressed or hand-waved-away because a throat entry argues conclusively against the Oswald-Shooting-from-Above-and-Behind narrative the conspirators had already framed up and later foisted upon the public . One can only wonder whether the project managers of the Dealey Plaza spectacle specified a shooter to first deliver that particular wound in order to adhere to the Occult rubric a sacrifice of a king demanded.

Moreover, the Zapruder film was provably thoroughly edited as part of post-action mop up and evidence tampering, so every frame of it we've ever seen is only there because the project managers wanted it immortalized for posterity, cast in amber, as it were. Yet, though the throat shot counters their fake Oswald narrative, Kennedy's hands rushing to his throat was intentionally left in.

Penultimately, we can easily see with the benefit of hindsight that Dealey Plaza was an historical inflection point marking an overt takeover of the levers of power. That the throat shot was left in was likely a signal to the then-secret transnational occult cabal that the act was a public execution of the putative King of the Free World and that the cabal was now in power, as it clearly is to this day.

Finally, we might ask: But the finality piece, the There's-No-Going-Back Piece that was achieved in the killing of Czar's family, the ending of the male line, where is that in the Dealey Plaza regicide?

That was postponed until July 1999 in another occult ritual some have described as The Father Kills the King and the Son his Heir.

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I do not doubt your opinion of 1999's death.

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Thank you for posting that great quote from a great orthodox, Scolzhenitsyn! He unfortunately spent many years counting snow chips for a living thanks to the bolshevik, Tallud Jews( Kazarian devil worshipers )

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Yeah, we can’t change what happened in 1918 that’s unfortunate old news. Most of those people are probably with Christ God now. But what is going on in Palestine right now we can still change for the better those people who are still left still have a chance but it’s up to people like us to stand up and demand that their slaughter Beach stop immediately, immediately ! All funding to Israel should be cut off, zero zip nada Zerkio ( that’s Zulu ) And frankly all guns should be pointed at Tel Aviv cease-and-desist immediately or we will turn you into a fucking parking lot u dreidel spinning assholes

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I agree with you, and so do many others. But . . . American govt. - the GD president - is willing to go along. Who has the 8x10 glossies? The UN is proving to be a gutless creature. The agencies we built so hopefully at the time of the end of WWI and the Zionist invasion of Palestine, are proving unable to enforce Western values (or perhaps I completely misunderstand said values).

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Love your comment. That is how I feel, we stood far, far too long in silent consent. I am ashamed of the whole humanity for letting this horror happen to Palestinians.

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Yes, even if Jews stop their abominable behavior right now it would hardly matter they’ve destroyed geyser there’s nothing for these people to come back to no infrastructure no running water no food nothing . All done on purpose, and you have to understand the Jews could’ve murdered these people almost all of them within a month or two if they wanted to they’ve drawn it out to make it look like an accident and also is psychological warfare upon the Palestinian people. All the young kids here at night are drones, Jewish terminators flying in the sky looking for targets! That’s psychological warfare at its finest and they’re doing it on purpose to torture young children and women to scare the living shit out of them 24 seven. And after they murder all of them they’re going to build a smart city upon their bones . May all the Israelis burn in Ghana

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Yes, Chris. It is all true what you just said. But, I hear something different than that, concerning the place for Palestinians to come back to. I need one more week( maybe less) for the further news, to be able to confirm. Personally in a big, big trouble for speaking out the truth ( never mind the subject, the truth is not allowed) I would love to live to see this happening. If I don't live to see it, they will still have their land back. That is sure. Knowing their nature of never giving up, their courage, their endless fight to be free in their own land, knowing their pride, their fearlessness, they shall win. They must win. Otherwise, we, as humanity, would not deserve to live on this planet any more, as we would have failed, unforgivably. Infrastructure, water, food, everything will be provided. Inshallah!!!!

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The bolshevik/Jewish regime stands guilty of over 80 million orthodox Christian murders throughout a 50 year period. This is the true holocaust that no one talks about because they are all stooges To jewelry and their Shekels

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Unfortunately, the French saying the more things change the more they stay the same is absolutely true as the absolute scum of the Earth, hooknosed, bolshevik Jews bomb and starve to death little Palestinian children on live TV and laugh about it ! 1/3 of the orthodox Christian S. These people are absolutely fucking scumbag Cowards!

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These Israeli Jews have committed so many war crimes on a daily basis to be hung 1000 times over it’s fucking insane what the world is putting up with .The world has become one big bunch of cowards

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Sniping mothers and daughters trying to enter a church for safety, sniping little children . Bombing hospitals executing doctors and patients in patient children with their hands zip tied behind their backs throwing them into ditches Starving Palestinian women and children, interfering with food drops burning the food convoys Every single one of these war crimes punishable by death why are they not being brought to justice

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Great quote by Solzhenitsyn

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Fundamentally, nobody can understand history if they refuse to know how ugly and supremacist the Talmud teachings.

Christianity teaches love your enemies.

Islam teaches convert the world to Islam by any means.

Talmud (Judaism) KILL ALL THE NON-JEWS.

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Talmud is NOT Judaism. It passes itself off as such. Again it’s the KM. [They] ARE NOT TRUE JEWS!!! Rabbi Finkelstein IS KM. Research The Fall of The Cabal by Janet Ossebaard. She researched all ancient documents and clay tablets from thousands of years ago. She knew. She shared. Now she’s dead. Supposed to have hung herself.

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The focking cabal most likely hanged this wonderful lady. May she rest in peace.

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The Talmud is so evil clif high won’t even keep it in his house.

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Yea for Substack. Another good report.

It has come to our attention that X is the rename for Twitter because Elon musk is now allowing promoting pornographic content. So I will not be using that site any further

"what is hidden in darkness shall be brought to light..." KJV

Sad but I am glad Elon is showing his true colors so we can say no thx

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Is the X symbolic of pornography, or is symbolic of the technology about to be introduced through Space X, quantum technology? Or both?

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X is Osiris Risen. Osiris, the primeval Egyptian king, a fallen angel and sun god.

X is the Death and Resurrection of Osiris.

Freemasonry's obsession with Egypt also extends to obelisks, which can be found on public view in the centre of London, Paris, New York and Washington DC.

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that is a great query. I think you've made the perfect connection! I truly see things are much deeper than they seem on the surface.

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Interestingly, Jay Weidner has chimed in today about the state of the world and the Archons by reading a piece he did on the Jeff Rense Show 14-years ago. What's it got to do with this? Everything. Listen to it, it's just 23-minutes (oh, please don't chime in about Jay being a 'J' - please learn to discern and not bundle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPb18H7kEVE

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Jay Weidner puts out content like Greg does, concise and well researched.

Gnosticism and Hermetics are what the Evil didn't want us to ever know.

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I listened to Jay's Archon video last night. I like Jay and his work. What a shame I gave away my copy of John Lash Lamb's book about the Archons, Not In His Image. I should read it again. It's probably been about 10 years ago that I read it.

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New edition: https://www.amazon.com/Not-His-Image-15th-Anniversary/dp/164502136X Try eBay, Alibris & Abebooks for used editions. John wasn't (isn't) too thrilled about the interview he did, I think it was in Amsterdam, for Jay b/c it was edited and he has no access to the full version and this is the only way you can see it which John get $0 in royalties on: https://www.amazon.com/Sophia-Returning-Path-Planetary-Tantra/dp/B002JKY5OQ

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I'm sorry to hear that. So unfair since it's Lash's work that it's based on, and $40 for a 2009 DVD seems a bit overpriced to say the least.

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"Only one left in stock." As you can see, there's used copies. I obtained a used copy from the UK or AU b/c there was none in stock in the US when I was looking for it years ago. But hey, it's on Jay's platform too - if you're a member: https://www.gaia.com/video/sophia-returning-path-planetary-tantra Information is a business, and Jay's in the business of creating it to sell. Have a great week and don't forget to catch the planet parade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQn8ElKHS8s

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I listened to this last night. I really like Jay's work. He was raised as a Catholic

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The Romanovs may have been the last pure bloodline of the Millennial Reign and Christ Kingdom of Tartaria? They were infiltrated by Queen Victoria's illegitimate Rothschild bloodline by Princess Alix of Hesse. The House of Hesse is traceable back to "Kazaria" and the 13 Black Nobility Vanition family's. The ritualistic Talmudic killings of the Romanovs was a "hopeful" last nail in the coffin for "The Old World," but the New World Order was wrong because Christ lives on through all of us that choose to live with God, instead of trying to proudly become God.

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• Martyrdom of the Tsar and his Family [100 Year Anniversary; Part 1] - Matthew Raphael Johnson - ИСХС-NIKA


• Martyrdom of the Tsar and his Family [100 Year Anniversary; Part 2] - Matthew Raphael Johnson - ИСХС-NIKA


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Excellent work.

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Good work, Greg. I have always had my doubts about the sanitized version of the story.

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How can any human kill another human in this way... it's disgusting. It's pure evil.

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It may be possible that they were not, strictly speaking, human.

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Jesuits are behind all of the evil

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“If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Superior General of the Jesuit Order] are one and the same person.”

– James Parton 1822-1891 (American historian)

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Great sources. Thanks.

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“…The Roman Inquisition…had been administered since 1542 by the Jesuits.”

– F. Tupper Saussy (Author of the book Rulers of Evil)

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Babe quick, a new Reese report dropped

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“The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.”

— Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)

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Jun 4Edited

When Pope Pius VII restored the Society of Jesus in August 1814, former presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson exchanged comments. “I do not like the resurrection of the Jesuits,” wrote Adams.

They have a general now in Russia [Tadeusz Brzozowski], in correspondence with the Jesuits in the United States, who are more numerous than everybody knows. Shall we not have swarms of them here, in the shape of printers, editors, writers, schoolmasters, &c? I have lately read Pascal’s letters over again [Blaise Pascal’s Provincial Letters helped bring about the suppression of the Society], and four volumes of the History of the Jesuits. If ever any congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell it is this company of Loyola. Our system, however, of religious liberty must afford them an asylum; but if they do not put the purity of our elections to a severe trial, it will be a wonder. (Rulers of Evil - F Tupper Saussy, pg 232)

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“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country of the United State of America are destroyed it will be by the subtlety of the RC Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty.” – Marquis de laFayette (1757-1834); French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington.

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“The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.”

— Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)

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