1) There are no where near eight billion people on this planet, that is yet another control mechanism in our matrix like existence the purpose of which is to get us to funnel our remaining wealth, property, and freedom directly to the .01%. The UN census numbers are LUDICROUS:
2) The globalists have waged all out war against us from every foreseeable front to every conceivable angle. The flim-flam-demic carnage was no Bob Ross "happy accident" for these elite devils in hot pursuit of a new world order. The executed plans and blueprints for this coup were the final outcome of boundless hours of human behavior modeling and game theorizing on how to best destroy our health, wealth, economies, education, our wisest members, and the next generation. And the end goal of all of this destruction is global tyranny punctuated by the crushed spirit of mankind ushering in abject slavery.
Given this naked contempt for mankind and all that is good & right & true, it is far past time for a critical mass of us to strike back against these blatant forces of evil that have now fully enveloped our lives.
This war against the armies of old and evil will be the defining point of our existence - we were put here on this earth and at this time to face and confront these obstacles - and if we fail to fight these battles with truth, faith, and courage both ourselves and future generations will be condemned to a hellish existence where famine, pestilence, pain, and misery will reign supreme.
But that being said, please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds all of the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations.
It is what you do in the midst of this war when things are not in your favor that will define you: will you stand firm and embrace your integrity in the face of the impossible odds of a losing battle or will you renounce your honor and seek refuge against the raging storm? If God is watching which course of action would be favorable to Him? If you were watching from outside yourself which course would be favorable to you? To run and cower or to unflinchingly face the wickedness and fight it head on? As rolandttg put it:
"The solution could not be more simple. Everybody, man and woman, needs to collectively stand up for what's right and STOP backing down. My old boss was the finest man I ever knew, the kind you would follow up a hill knowing you wouldn't come back. He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right.
Name one instance when the monsters doing this to us have compromised on anything. EVER? It's always the good guys that compromise. They advance their evil, and we fall back.. THAT, more than anything else, is how we got here. WE compromise our GOOD, THEY don't compromise their EVIL. Never again. Say it. We are right, so we will fight, and we won't compromise . Red Line drawn. We will never back down AGAIN" —rolandttg [modified]
And so we will fight and we will not back down and in doing so we will prove our worth and save mankind. We will never give another inch to the devil and his forces of evil because if the plandemic has taught us anything, it’s that when you deal with that loathsome lying viper you can only lose. And so we will rip its duplicitous venomous head off instead and stand firm with our integrity intact. As the Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it:
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless.
Yes, for sure! The most important and critical thing in this world is living a life that is pleasing to Almighty God and doing everything possible to please Him! Faith is more precious than Gold! Please visit with and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com
Hundreds of amazing and interesting videos, debates and discussions together with beautiful Catholic teachings and prayers! Take precious time to study carefully every day! Thank you and May God bless you and your Loved Ones! 🙏 loves and 📿 xxx
These days...Don't hold to anything about the Vatican or Apostate Bergoglio. Practice my faith with leadership of the FAITHFUL HOLY PEOPLE NOW CANCELLED as real representatives of Jesus Christ. Praying for the man and all the homosexuals and pedophiles he's returned to Church Hierarchy just because don't wish to answer to Jesus for not doing so when I die...As I already have enough to answer for and own.
Really, curious to know how Catholics can continue to adhere to anything about the Vatican with The Central Bankers out of The City of London/Jews now the actual leadership and an Imperialist Establishment Demon Worshiper now installed as an Anti-Pope?
Francis is not the Catholic pope! He is an evil antipope! The Vatican II sect is not the true Catholic Church but the end times counter false Church! Please visit with www.vaticancatholic.com where you’ll find proof that The
Traditional Catholic Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Divine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Please take time, lots of time to study and pray for guidance and understanding! mostholyfamilymonastery.com
That population video was excellent. Thanks for sharing. I've always suspected that the 8B was grossly inflated, but how is one to invalidate that. It takes time to put together the info he put out. Grateful!
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing the vampires doing this to us HATE the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Turn off your TV and internet, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Fantastic advise and encouragement🙏Thank you so very much! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com for mind blowing incredible and amazing information! Take precious time to read the materials and listen carefully to the many videos, debates and discussions from Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond of mostholyfamilymonastery.com Pray for guidance and perseverance and remember to pray the 15 decade rosary, every day! God bless you all. 🙏 ❤️ 📿 xxx
There is a well funded social impact investment bank that will becoming behind efforts like this to build human centered sustainable and regenerative local economies to restore local ownership and sovereignty. They will be funded by the children of the cabal as a form of repatriation of stolen wealth. They will be branded and organized in away that they can compete and win in the global economy so we can restore a measure of local sovereignty and control and gain independence from the institutions of empire. One of the key feature will be Individual Social Impact Investment Accounts connected to a local kick starter like platform that local people control that can only be used to invest in local projects or business tied to the sustenance economy. Successful capital deployment will increase personal income. It will have a tech platform interface that will connect social impact investors, talent and consumers. There is a seven city proof of concept being planned to work out the kinks before it is rolled out on scale. You can choose the global economy of empire or choose the local human centered economy. The website will be up soon. you will be able to sign up for updates. There is lots going on behind the scenes and understand that these are huge forces fighting. In the art of war you use your opponents force against him. We are using their narratives for the purposes of the people not the cabal. Only can only change systems like these from the inside out. It is has become a DOD/HUD priority to create resilient sustainable communities, Yes, please prepare for the worst but on the other side of the turmoil is a very bright future. We are winning and we will win. The present is for pragmatic entrepreneurial solutions that work not idealism of any kind. Light will always over come darkness. Focus on the good even in what appears to be bad people....watch what happens. Respect, reflect, connect, direct it is the opposite methodology of empire. We have alot of unlearning to do . Do not give evil power by coming against it just redirect to the purposes of light. I will post the link here when the time is right. It is a Public Benefit Corporation and non profit trust . No profiteers
Trump was "Chosen" for this job. The tariffs will destroy the economy Opec will reduce the price of oil and kill any U.S incentives to drill any more or build new refineries. The demolition of America has been long planned Catherine Austin Fitts has stated and was conveyed to her by an insider. Trump is not the smart businessman he's been touted as being. He was bailed out numerous times . The biggest by Wilbur Ross for the Rothschilds. All the monkey business that was played against Russia only weakened Europe and strengthened Russia. These games that are played at a glance appear to be incompetence but in reality they are bringing the desired outcomes to destroy the west and bring in the new world order. The game is played by both the left and the right for one agenda.They are two cheeks of the same ass. Here is a good to the point assessment that will help.
haha Trump 1.0 had the best economy,,. oh here's what I think: Biden vs Trump Oligarchy Wealth
Under President Biden's administration, the wealth gap has widened significantly, with the wealthiest 1% controlling nearly 50% of stock market-related wealth. This is a notable increase from previous years, and the lowest 50% of earners hold just 1% of stock market wealth, a figure that doubled during Biden's tenure.
In contrast, during President Trump's first term, the wealth distribution was more mixed. While there were significant gains in the stock market and economic growth, the wealth disparity also increased, but not as sharply as under Biden. Trump's policies, such as tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, contributed to a rise in stock prices and corporate profits, which disproportionately benefited the top earners.
Both administrations saw a concentration of wealth among the ultra-wealthy, but Biden's term saw a more pronounced skew towards the top 1%, as highlighted by economic data and analyses..
Thanks for the link, Bolsen is a much needed, and appreciated, succinct and intelligent voice of reason and morality. As new sub, I'm enjoying his commentaries.
You are welcome! Since moving to a different state some years ago and losing a larger social circle of friends I am not sure how meaningful what I am about to say would;d be but I don't know ,nor does my wife know anyone who understands what is really going on. People we know are either on one side of the fence or the other. Since Trumps first go round which we had hope for and were let down "Bigly" we both feel like or at least I do that I am a man without a country with not many options left. At 72 I could ride it out but what about the children and grandchildren?
At 70, with zero friends or siblings capable of accepting/perceiving reality and Trump proving to be another ruling cult sock puppet as #45 and on a roll, out the gate, as #47, I can totally relate. You pose a most somber question contemplated often, by many. Our power lies, individually, in every moment, by choosing not to intiate harm to others or support those that do, for given the dictates of Natural Law, we collectively and objectively reap the consequences of our individual free will choices of behavior as separateness is an illusuon. The Golden Rule manifests authentic freedom/heaven on Earth/reality when most of us resonate with it in our thoughts, intent and actions. We've been generationally programmed to believe that morality is subjective when it is not and society cannot cannot differentiate right from wrong, these days, to our karmic detriment, by design, by those parasitic few whose survival is, literally, contingent upon coercing us to, individually, emulate them. (War, carnism, abortion, circumcision, vaxxes, etc, all unnatural, violent, immoral mass blood rituals, OUR negative karma) Our consent/acquiescence to that which intitiates harm to others is the glue that holds the illusory unnatural, inverted, house-of-cards slave construct up. Righteous behavior brings it down, proportionately. We possess the power differential with our divine creative spark and our numbers, united. The relatively few controllers and those they worxhip and serve, do not, possess either,of which they are keenly aware. Be the change you want to co-manifest for the children and grandchildren.
Yes, Greg, these WERE the original NWO plans. But now they’re being implemented by the Earth Alliance, AKA “The White Hats” in service to the People and for greater Sovereignty, Peace, and Unity. #FromDarktoLight, #NCSWIC
Exactly. It is America, through Trump, that will be adding Canada and Mexico to our Nation, not the globalist pigs. Different outcome, different purpose. Canada cannot make it without its trade with America, so why not join America? Trump will clean Canada up, too, and it will no longer be attached to "the crown." As for Mexico, it is currently run by the Cartels, which Trump wants to take out. If Mexico becomes pat of our Nation, we do not need permission for our Military to go to war with the Cartels. In the end, I see peace, prosperity, and America emerging as a powerful nation again, along with (and equal to) China and Russia. All 3 want nothing to do with the Globalist Agenda! We don't have to fight among these 3 for America to be the "world leader." Let's opt for peace instead, and 3 nations that are the world leaders.
The strategic purposes are for border control and safety, as well as economic. This isn't the same idea the Bilderberg Group/WEF came up with so many years ago. Completely different perspective.
Show me how what you just said makes any sense in light of the below and that all the appointed people are Zionist swamp monsters and globalist agenda supporters, this is all psyops to make it acceptable , cool sounding and A. I controlled , while pretending peace and prosperity while making endless war. Trump does not make these plans , he is following orders as always.
Strange Alex would report negatively on the North American Union 18 years ago, yet today he's cheering it on because it's Trump doing it. Kinda' gives credence to the accusations that Alex is a paid shill or gatekeeper.
My dad worked as an economist at RAND in the 50's and early 60's, and then at General Electric in the TEMPO Program from mid 60's until he quit around 1970. When he quit, it was because he became aware that there were no good guys to be working for.
I had a conversation with him in 1970, in which he asked me what I thought of the world and the future. I told him that I saw Biblical prophecy coming to pass incrementally through mechanisms described in the books: 1984, Brave New World and The Hidden Persuaders, and that the formation of the giant geopolitical areas acting as governments as described in 1984 were already visible.
He told me at that time that the plans were already drawn up for the North American continent to function as one nation state. Considering his employment history, he knew exactly what he was talking about since he most certainly had a hand in forming those plans.
When he quit working for the Military Industrial Complex, he was black listed and could not get any kind of job fr years. His health was bad as a result of the way he was treated for his experience in WW2. He had a photographic memory, and vividly remembered the face of every man he killed. I found this out from his brother, my uncle, since my dad never talked about his war experience. His kill count was extremely high for hand to hand combat in Europe. As child, I remember some of his struggles with therapy I witnessed during my visits with him. If a man knowing what he knew then were to quit as he did now, he would likely be killed.
Earlier today, I watched footage on that new prison facility in El Salvador - pretty terrifying place. I find it highly disturbing that the USA could legally send US citizens to that place. Firstly, I don't trust that everyone who is in or goes to prison is guilty. Secondly, politicians can easily have innocent people incarcerated since, as we know, the "justice" system is corrupt. Thirdly, prisons tend to be a lucrative business for those running it and therefore this becomes a huge conflict of interest. exploitation, suffering, abuse becomes day to day and normalized. I'm not saying that "illegal criminal migrants" should stay in the usa. I'm for their deportation but I do believe the US citizen prisoners should stay here.
When interviewed at the WEF, Musk stated that a one world government would not be acceptable to the public, that it would be much easier for there to be 10 regions, with puppet rulers in each, all answerable to a singular one world authority!
Now this with Trump is very disconcerting, combined with the "Stargate" program, I am becoming very suspect and starting to understand why the Democrats let him win, as if a Democrat tried any of this, we would all rise up, but most of the nation is convinced that rump is the good guy, I suppose we shall soon see!
It has always been a 10-region plan. The Cabal running the world (into the ground) appears to be using the Book of Revelation as their masterplan of world domination, which includes ten "kingdoms," rebuilding the Temple, their chosen anti-Christ, a World War III, transhumanism and full spectrum surveillance, and, eventually, a solar/terrestrial cataclysm happening sometime mid-century.
Any world government would require regional divisions for purposes of administration and control. The idea of lumping countries together and dissolving sovereignty would lead to the different peoples in each region losing much of their common history, culture, and old State allegiance. They'd also lose their voices and Constitutional rights in behemoth State entities, as their lack of proximity and access to any representation and reconfigured courts would mute most prole concerns and protests.
The Cabal/Masonic plan is happening at lightning speed with the new banker and oligarch Administration. They are playing their parts well.
So true, as the Book of Revelation speaks of the ten kings, which most in today's world would say sounds ludicrous, as there certainly could not be a mere ten nations in the world when we currently have some 195, yet Musk's statement basically explained how it will be done.
My comment deliberately left out the Biblical connection, not so much as to appease those of no faith, but more so to inform them, as I felt someone would bring up the Book of Revelation, making that connection for me, thereby bringing others into the conversation and educating them as to how closely we are following Biblical prophecy and how dire our situation.
In 1974, the Club of Rome, an influential global think tank, proposed a provocative geopolitical framework dividing the world into ten regional blocs, now widely referred to as the “10 Kingdoms.”
The Club of Rome and the 10 Kingdoms: Unraveling Intent, Emergent Phenomena, and Prophetic Interpretations in Global Governance:
Very true, but let us not forget the "Fabian Society", created in 1849, as the Fabian socialists, who created the Labour Party in the UK, have long been devout globalists!
The concept of a "New World Order" has been around long before Bush uttered those words, yet so many are unaware and even more prefer intentional ignorance, thy just don't want to know!
As Trump signed executive orders today, he was asked if he would deport US criminals from the US (a set up question for the new narrative?). He replied a US Criminals, like the one who pushed a person on a NYC subway platform into a 40-mph subway should be be deported to an other country, ". . . other countries would take them."
As for the Evolution By Stealth - that's "in the bag" with the police & military. A lot of cops are ex-military and both are run by Masons, ((( e.g. The USN, Goat Mascot, as in Masonic ritual of riding the goat and like the ARMY Mule Mascot - read David Litwa's The Evil Creator or watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjpK2G7jkH0&pp=ygUhRGlkIGFuY2llbnQgaXNyYWVsIHdvcnNoaXAgYSBtdWxl ))) Think about it, Cops join a Blue Lodge. The next point:
YouTube has THOUSANDS of videos of cops blatantly violating Constitutional Rights. Here's but ONE channel dedicated to chronicling these abuses - they're been NWO prepped: https://www.youtube.com/@thecivilrightslawyer
Today, Arizona voted on a Constitutional Convention. I do not know the outcome, but it is the backdoor to completely doing away with the US Constitution. If that happens - everything in ENDGAME and this Reese Report will come into reality. Here's you receipt and rabbit hole:
This is last remaining Traditional Catholic Monastery worldwide! Listen carefully to Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond as they explain in great details the true teachings of Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation!
Listen to the videos, debates, discussions and read the critical information! Faith is more precious than Gold! In the final analysis, Nothing is more important and critical than knowing the true Faith and getting to know, love and serve Almighty God in this world so that you can save your own soul and spend eternity in Heaven! It’s important to study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com
Solitude: Behold Where God Is Found and Why So Many Can’t Believe are tow very powerful video that I highly recommend for you to listen to often!
Every video is important! Please feel free to send an email to me at: familywrenne@yahoo.comm
Heartfelt prayers and blessings from across the ocean! God bless each and every one of you from Ireland 🇮🇪. Thinking of you all in my prayers! 🙏 ❤️ and thank you so very much! xxx
What's left of any freedom for humanity and the very survival of the human race is critically at stake and the distracting/divisive and relatively trivial flat/globe debate (psyop) clearly has you by the balls/tits.
Why does Congress have a sat phone, bunkers, insider trading, expensive ice cream, money laundering to Ukraine, sending usaid money, illegals get a monthly stipend, our trucks, where’s my sat phone and bunker? Can anyone explain this?
Absilutely brilliant, numbnuts! Nothing could ever guarantee there would never be another conservative majority or president any quicker. It would be YUUGE...disaster, that is.
Take care of the people we have. Stop the fucking genocide, moron. Get the fuck out of everywhere. Imprison and/or hang the criminal FED private jewish bankers who print our money on blank paper, turn around, loan it back to us and charge us over $1 TRILLION dollars in interest PER FUCKING YEAR for that priveledge. If you really had any balls other than mouse nuts, and even 1 ounce of common sense, given your yuge ego, that could be done in 1/2 a day and you could be back at Mara Lago for dinner. Empty tin cans rattle the loudest. Prove me wrong.
1) There are no where near eight billion people on this planet, that is yet another control mechanism in our matrix like existence the purpose of which is to get us to funnel our remaining wealth, property, and freedom directly to the .01%. The UN census numbers are LUDICROUS:
Just Like Everything Else the Myth that there Are 8 Billion People on this Planet is a Blatant Lie: https://old.bitchute.com/video/Q0KHQdiHkXcC [6:17mins]
2) The globalists have waged all out war against us from every foreseeable front to every conceivable angle. The flim-flam-demic carnage was no Bob Ross "happy accident" for these elite devils in hot pursuit of a new world order. The executed plans and blueprints for this coup were the final outcome of boundless hours of human behavior modeling and game theorizing on how to best destroy our health, wealth, economies, education, our wisest members, and the next generation. And the end goal of all of this destruction is global tyranny punctuated by the crushed spirit of mankind ushering in abject slavery.
Given this naked contempt for mankind and all that is good & right & true, it is far past time for a critical mass of us to strike back against these blatant forces of evil that have now fully enveloped our lives.
This war against the armies of old and evil will be the defining point of our existence - we were put here on this earth and at this time to face and confront these obstacles - and if we fail to fight these battles with truth, faith, and courage both ourselves and future generations will be condemned to a hellish existence where famine, pestilence, pain, and misery will reign supreme.
But that being said, please do not make the mistake of confusing the outcome of this all-encompassing conflict with the struggle to win it—it is the struggle itself that holds all of the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations.
It is what you do in the midst of this war when things are not in your favor that will define you: will you stand firm and embrace your integrity in the face of the impossible odds of a losing battle or will you renounce your honor and seek refuge against the raging storm? If God is watching which course of action would be favorable to Him? If you were watching from outside yourself which course would be favorable to you? To run and cower or to unflinchingly face the wickedness and fight it head on? As rolandttg put it:
"The solution could not be more simple. Everybody, man and woman, needs to collectively stand up for what's right and STOP backing down. My old boss was the finest man I ever knew, the kind you would follow up a hill knowing you wouldn't come back. He led by example, and had impeccable integrity, THE attribute that contains every other sub set of attributes worth having . He said "when you're right , you fight". He NEVER compromised when he was right.
Name one instance when the monsters doing this to us have compromised on anything. EVER? It's always the good guys that compromise. They advance their evil, and we fall back.. THAT, more than anything else, is how we got here. WE compromise our GOOD, THEY don't compromise their EVIL. Never again. Say it. We are right, so we will fight, and we won't compromise . Red Line drawn. We will never back down AGAIN" —rolandttg [modified]
And so we will fight and we will not back down and in doing so we will prove our worth and save mankind. We will never give another inch to the devil and his forces of evil because if the plandemic has taught us anything, it’s that when you deal with that loathsome lying viper you can only lose. And so we will rip its duplicitous venomous head off instead and stand firm with our integrity intact. As the Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it:
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act."
Excerpt from: https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/dancing-doctors-unclean-lies-unchained
Most people have not figured out there to be far worse things than physical death.
Yes, for sure! The most important and critical thing in this world is living a life that is pleasing to Almighty God and doing everything possible to please Him! Faith is more precious than Gold! Please visit with and study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com
Hundreds of amazing and interesting videos, debates and discussions together with beautiful Catholic teachings and prayers! Take precious time to study carefully every day! Thank you and May God bless you and your Loved Ones! 🙏 loves and 📿 xxx
These days...Don't hold to anything about the Vatican or Apostate Bergoglio. Practice my faith with leadership of the FAITHFUL HOLY PEOPLE NOW CANCELLED as real representatives of Jesus Christ. Praying for the man and all the homosexuals and pedophiles he's returned to Church Hierarchy just because don't wish to answer to Jesus for not doing so when I die...As I already have enough to answer for and own.
Really, curious to know how Catholics can continue to adhere to anything about the Vatican with The Central Bankers out of The City of London/Jews now the actual leadership and an Imperialist Establishment Demon Worshiper now installed as an Anti-Pope?
Francis is not the Catholic pope! He is an evil antipope! The Vatican II sect is not the true Catholic Church but the end times counter false Church! Please visit with www.vaticancatholic.com where you’ll find proof that The
Traditional Catholic Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Divine Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Please take time, lots of time to study and pray for guidance and understanding! mostholyfamilymonastery.com
Thank you 🙏 and May God bless you too! Xx
I knew years ago, we were never going to be able to vote our way out of this mess.
That population video was excellent. Thanks for sharing. I've always suspected that the 8B was grossly inflated, but how is one to invalidate that. It takes time to put together the info he put out. Grateful!
Yes, yes, yes.
They've got the psephology down pat.
What's the plan?
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing the vampires doing this to us HATE the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Turn off your TV and internet, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Excerpt from and more solutions at the bottom: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall
Fantastic advise and encouragement🙏Thank you so very much! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com for mind blowing incredible and amazing information! Take precious time to read the materials and listen carefully to the many videos, debates and discussions from Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond of mostholyfamilymonastery.com Pray for guidance and perseverance and remember to pray the 15 decade rosary, every day! God bless you all. 🙏 ❤️ 📿 xxx
There is a well funded social impact investment bank that will becoming behind efforts like this to build human centered sustainable and regenerative local economies to restore local ownership and sovereignty. They will be funded by the children of the cabal as a form of repatriation of stolen wealth. They will be branded and organized in away that they can compete and win in the global economy so we can restore a measure of local sovereignty and control and gain independence from the institutions of empire. One of the key feature will be Individual Social Impact Investment Accounts connected to a local kick starter like platform that local people control that can only be used to invest in local projects or business tied to the sustenance economy. Successful capital deployment will increase personal income. It will have a tech platform interface that will connect social impact investors, talent and consumers. There is a seven city proof of concept being planned to work out the kinks before it is rolled out on scale. You can choose the global economy of empire or choose the local human centered economy. The website will be up soon. you will be able to sign up for updates. There is lots going on behind the scenes and understand that these are huge forces fighting. In the art of war you use your opponents force against him. We are using their narratives for the purposes of the people not the cabal. Only can only change systems like these from the inside out. It is has become a DOD/HUD priority to create resilient sustainable communities, Yes, please prepare for the worst but on the other side of the turmoil is a very bright future. We are winning and we will win. The present is for pragmatic entrepreneurial solutions that work not idealism of any kind. Light will always over come darkness. Focus on the good even in what appears to be bad people....watch what happens. Respect, reflect, connect, direct it is the opposite methodology of empire. We have alot of unlearning to do . Do not give evil power by coming against it just redirect to the purposes of light. I will post the link here when the time is right. It is a Public Benefit Corporation and non profit trust . No profiteers
Good to know, thanks Richard
Well said!❤️🙏
Trump was "Chosen" for this job. The tariffs will destroy the economy Opec will reduce the price of oil and kill any U.S incentives to drill any more or build new refineries. The demolition of America has been long planned Catherine Austin Fitts has stated and was conveyed to her by an insider. Trump is not the smart businessman he's been touted as being. He was bailed out numerous times . The biggest by Wilbur Ross for the Rothschilds. All the monkey business that was played against Russia only weakened Europe and strengthened Russia. These games that are played at a glance appear to be incompetence but in reality they are bringing the desired outcomes to destroy the west and bring in the new world order. The game is played by both the left and the right for one agenda.They are two cheeks of the same ass. Here is a good to the point assessment that will help.
haha Trump 1.0 had the best economy,,. oh here's what I think: Biden vs Trump Oligarchy Wealth
Under President Biden's administration, the wealth gap has widened significantly, with the wealthiest 1% controlling nearly 50% of stock market-related wealth. This is a notable increase from previous years, and the lowest 50% of earners hold just 1% of stock market wealth, a figure that doubled during Biden's tenure.
In contrast, during President Trump's first term, the wealth distribution was more mixed. While there were significant gains in the stock market and economic growth, the wealth disparity also increased, but not as sharply as under Biden. Trump's policies, such as tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, contributed to a rise in stock prices and corporate profits, which disproportionately benefited the top earners.
Both administrations saw a concentration of wealth among the ultra-wealthy, but Biden's term saw a more pronounced skew towards the top 1%, as highlighted by economic data and analyses..
Thanks for the link, Bolsen is a much needed, and appreciated, succinct and intelligent voice of reason and morality. As new sub, I'm enjoying his commentaries.
You are welcome! Since moving to a different state some years ago and losing a larger social circle of friends I am not sure how meaningful what I am about to say would;d be but I don't know ,nor does my wife know anyone who understands what is really going on. People we know are either on one side of the fence or the other. Since Trumps first go round which we had hope for and were let down "Bigly" we both feel like or at least I do that I am a man without a country with not many options left. At 72 I could ride it out but what about the children and grandchildren?
At 70, with zero friends or siblings capable of accepting/perceiving reality and Trump proving to be another ruling cult sock puppet as #45 and on a roll, out the gate, as #47, I can totally relate. You pose a most somber question contemplated often, by many. Our power lies, individually, in every moment, by choosing not to intiate harm to others or support those that do, for given the dictates of Natural Law, we collectively and objectively reap the consequences of our individual free will choices of behavior as separateness is an illusuon. The Golden Rule manifests authentic freedom/heaven on Earth/reality when most of us resonate with it in our thoughts, intent and actions. We've been generationally programmed to believe that morality is subjective when it is not and society cannot cannot differentiate right from wrong, these days, to our karmic detriment, by design, by those parasitic few whose survival is, literally, contingent upon coercing us to, individually, emulate them. (War, carnism, abortion, circumcision, vaxxes, etc, all unnatural, violent, immoral mass blood rituals, OUR negative karma) Our consent/acquiescence to that which intitiates harm to others is the glue that holds the illusory unnatural, inverted, house-of-cards slave construct up. Righteous behavior brings it down, proportionately. We possess the power differential with our divine creative spark and our numbers, united. The relatively few controllers and those they worxhip and serve, do not, possess either,of which they are keenly aware. Be the change you want to co-manifest for the children and grandchildren.
Eloquently stated! wish we were neighbors.
Me, too. ☺️
Well said 👏!!
RFK Jr. Confirmed as HHS Secretary? while Moderna Stock bottoms-to-Hades down 6%, Pfizer, BioNtech & Astrazeneca down 2%, despite Pfizer CEO, Senators pressuring RFK on vaccine schedule to "rebrand" vaccines as "safe and effective" (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-confirmed-as-hhs-secretary
Yes, Greg, these WERE the original NWO plans. But now they’re being implemented by the Earth Alliance, AKA “The White Hats” in service to the People and for greater Sovereignty, Peace, and Unity. #FromDarktoLight, #NCSWIC
Exactly. It is America, through Trump, that will be adding Canada and Mexico to our Nation, not the globalist pigs. Different outcome, different purpose. Canada cannot make it without its trade with America, so why not join America? Trump will clean Canada up, too, and it will no longer be attached to "the crown." As for Mexico, it is currently run by the Cartels, which Trump wants to take out. If Mexico becomes pat of our Nation, we do not need permission for our Military to go to war with the Cartels. In the end, I see peace, prosperity, and America emerging as a powerful nation again, along with (and equal to) China and Russia. All 3 want nothing to do with the Globalist Agenda! We don't have to fight among these 3 for America to be the "world leader." Let's opt for peace instead, and 3 nations that are the world leaders.
The strategic purposes are for border control and safety, as well as economic. This isn't the same idea the Bilderberg Group/WEF came up with so many years ago. Completely different perspective.
Show me how what you just said makes any sense in light of the below and that all the appointed people are Zionist swamp monsters and globalist agenda supporters, this is all psyops to make it acceptable , cool sounding and A. I controlled , while pretending peace and prosperity while making endless war. Trump does not make these plans , he is following orders as always.
Trump recently stated that in four years, we will never have to vote again. That does not sound like something we will have any say in.
One of those comments that just make you sick! Like Hussain when he said, "We are x days away from fundamentally changing the United States".😞🤮🤬
You have zero idea how easily Canada could be completely Independant from the entire glove with even half-ass, non-Marxist leadership.
check this out
Dont be so sure about that, that sounds like Q psyop stuff
Sure hope "we" are right about this 👍
Strange Alex would report negatively on the North American Union 18 years ago, yet today he's cheering it on because it's Trump doing it. Kinda' gives credence to the accusations that Alex is a paid shill or gatekeeper.
He’s definitely not the same Alex from a few months ago. He said once “if I was mind controlled I wouldn’t even know it.”
My dad worked as an economist at RAND in the 50's and early 60's, and then at General Electric in the TEMPO Program from mid 60's until he quit around 1970. When he quit, it was because he became aware that there were no good guys to be working for.
I had a conversation with him in 1970, in which he asked me what I thought of the world and the future. I told him that I saw Biblical prophecy coming to pass incrementally through mechanisms described in the books: 1984, Brave New World and The Hidden Persuaders, and that the formation of the giant geopolitical areas acting as governments as described in 1984 were already visible.
He told me at that time that the plans were already drawn up for the North American continent to function as one nation state. Considering his employment history, he knew exactly what he was talking about since he most certainly had a hand in forming those plans.
When he quit working for the Military Industrial Complex, he was black listed and could not get any kind of job fr years. His health was bad as a result of the way he was treated for his experience in WW2. He had a photographic memory, and vividly remembered the face of every man he killed. I found this out from his brother, my uncle, since my dad never talked about his war experience. His kill count was extremely high for hand to hand combat in Europe. As child, I remember some of his struggles with therapy I witnessed during my visits with him. If a man knowing what he knew then were to quit as he did now, he would likely be killed.
He's an actor following a script - we are the audience that needs to make him have a better performance, by throwing him our rotten tomatoes.
We are just l throwing the wrong projectile.
Earlier today, I watched footage on that new prison facility in El Salvador - pretty terrifying place. I find it highly disturbing that the USA could legally send US citizens to that place. Firstly, I don't trust that everyone who is in or goes to prison is guilty. Secondly, politicians can easily have innocent people incarcerated since, as we know, the "justice" system is corrupt. Thirdly, prisons tend to be a lucrative business for those running it and therefore this becomes a huge conflict of interest. exploitation, suffering, abuse becomes day to day and normalized. I'm not saying that "illegal criminal migrants" should stay in the usa. I'm for their deportation but I do believe the US citizen prisoners should stay here.
I agree: the families and loved ones would bear the brunt of this. And if the person isn't even guilty, then it's a dark day for humanity.
When interviewed at the WEF, Musk stated that a one world government would not be acceptable to the public, that it would be much easier for there to be 10 regions, with puppet rulers in each, all answerable to a singular one world authority!
Now this with Trump is very disconcerting, combined with the "Stargate" program, I am becoming very suspect and starting to understand why the Democrats let him win, as if a Democrat tried any of this, we would all rise up, but most of the nation is convinced that rump is the good guy, I suppose we shall soon see!
It has always been a 10-region plan. The Cabal running the world (into the ground) appears to be using the Book of Revelation as their masterplan of world domination, which includes ten "kingdoms," rebuilding the Temple, their chosen anti-Christ, a World War III, transhumanism and full spectrum surveillance, and, eventually, a solar/terrestrial cataclysm happening sometime mid-century.
Any world government would require regional divisions for purposes of administration and control. The idea of lumping countries together and dissolving sovereignty would lead to the different peoples in each region losing much of their common history, culture, and old State allegiance. They'd also lose their voices and Constitutional rights in behemoth State entities, as their lack of proximity and access to any representation and reconfigured courts would mute most prole concerns and protests.
The Cabal/Masonic plan is happening at lightning speed with the new banker and oligarch Administration. They are playing their parts well.
So true, as the Book of Revelation speaks of the ten kings, which most in today's world would say sounds ludicrous, as there certainly could not be a mere ten nations in the world when we currently have some 195, yet Musk's statement basically explained how it will be done.
My comment deliberately left out the Biblical connection, not so much as to appease those of no faith, but more so to inform them, as I felt someone would bring up the Book of Revelation, making that connection for me, thereby bringing others into the conversation and educating them as to how closely we are following Biblical prophecy and how dire our situation.
These parasitic mofos play the long game.
In 1974, the Club of Rome, an influential global think tank, proposed a provocative geopolitical framework dividing the world into ten regional blocs, now widely referred to as the “10 Kingdoms.”
The Club of Rome and the 10 Kingdoms: Unraveling Intent, Emergent Phenomena, and Prophetic Interpretations in Global Governance:
Thanks, glad to know we can post links here!
Very true, but let us not forget the "Fabian Society", created in 1849, as the Fabian socialists, who created the Labour Party in the UK, have long been devout globalists!
The concept of a "New World Order" has been around long before Bush uttered those words, yet so many are unaware and even more prefer intentional ignorance, thy just don't want to know!
As Trump signed executive orders today, he was asked if he would deport US criminals from the US (a set up question for the new narrative?). He replied a US Criminals, like the one who pushed a person on a NYC subway platform into a 40-mph subway should be be deported to an other country, ". . . other countries would take them."
As for the Evolution By Stealth - that's "in the bag" with the police & military. A lot of cops are ex-military and both are run by Masons, ((( e.g. The USN, Goat Mascot, as in Masonic ritual of riding the goat and like the ARMY Mule Mascot - read David Litwa's The Evil Creator or watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjpK2G7jkH0&pp=ygUhRGlkIGFuY2llbnQgaXNyYWVsIHdvcnNoaXAgYSBtdWxl ))) Think about it, Cops join a Blue Lodge. The next point:
YouTube has THOUSANDS of videos of cops blatantly violating Constitutional Rights. Here's but ONE channel dedicated to chronicling these abuses - they're been NWO prepped: https://www.youtube.com/@thecivilrightslawyer
Today, Arizona voted on a Constitutional Convention. I do not know the outcome, but it is the backdoor to completely doing away with the US Constitution. If that happens - everything in ENDGAME and this Reese Report will come into reality. Here's you receipt and rabbit hole:
Did President Trump say that in certain circumstances, if necessary, he would bring in the Death Penalty! This seems reasonable to me!
Yeah, the only crime will be if you're a white Christian. Bonus points if you're retirement age or older.
Thank you Carol Jean! You’ll be most interested in the beautiful Traditional Catholic website : www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com
This is last remaining Traditional Catholic Monastery worldwide! Listen carefully to Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond as they explain in great details the true teachings of Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation!
Listen to the videos, debates, discussions and read the critical information! Faith is more precious than Gold! In the final analysis, Nothing is more important and critical than knowing the true Faith and getting to know, love and serve Almighty God in this world so that you can save your own soul and spend eternity in Heaven! It’s important to study carefully from www.vaticancatholic.com
Solitude: Behold Where God Is Found and Why So Many Can’t Believe are tow very powerful video that I highly recommend for you to listen to often!
Every video is important! Please feel free to send an email to me at: familywrenne@yahoo.comm
Heartfelt prayers and blessings from across the ocean! God bless each and every one of you from Ireland 🇮🇪. Thinking of you all in my prayers! 🙏 ❤️ and thank you so very much! xxx
We do not live on a spinning ball of water.
What's left of any freedom for humanity and the very survival of the human race is critically at stake and the distracting/divisive and relatively trivial flat/globe debate (psyop) clearly has you by the balls/tits.
Why does Congress have a sat phone, bunkers, insider trading, expensive ice cream, money laundering to Ukraine, sending usaid money, illegals get a monthly stipend, our trucks, where’s my sat phone and bunker? Can anyone explain this?
Yes,The great George Carlin said it best "It's a big club and you ain't in it!"
Canada 51st state?
Absilutely brilliant, numbnuts! Nothing could ever guarantee there would never be another conservative majority or president any quicker. It would be YUUGE...disaster, that is.
Take care of the people we have. Stop the fucking genocide, moron. Get the fuck out of everywhere. Imprison and/or hang the criminal FED private jewish bankers who print our money on blank paper, turn around, loan it back to us and charge us over $1 TRILLION dollars in interest PER FUCKING YEAR for that priveledge. If you really had any balls other than mouse nuts, and even 1 ounce of common sense, given your yuge ego, that could be done in 1/2 a day and you could be back at Mara Lago for dinner. Empty tin cans rattle the loudest. Prove me wrong.
How can any sane person disagree?
In that 1/2 day he also could have exited the US from UN and didn't.
those who saw this coming are now watching it happening
the rest are still asleep..
We as Americans do not want their global government it is digital enslavement mind control
Good questions. Good reminders. No one should be lulled into complacency or sleep. Truth can often be stranger than fiction.