This is the best post I have ever read and I am not even “religious” because I find more “Godliness” outside of churches than inside of them. Beautiful post, sir. Thank you.
What I meant by “the old-fashioned way” is my ‘like’ button does not work on this platform. It is the only platform I am on since I really prefer face-to-face interactions as it eliminates mistaken interpretations. I am THAT old…to remember how fabulous that was. I even recall life prior to the internet. Since the objective is to put everyone in a digital gulag, I so prefer face-to-face stuff now. I meant I had to literally type out the word ‘like’.
Thanks so much for making me laugh! That is something we need MUCH more of these days! I would write a prescription for laughter if I were a physician. I could not mean that more!
You can write a prescription for laughter - you just did. You made many people chuckle and smile. I believe laughter is the best medicine we can take and spread to others!
Ha! I thought you meant, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16). Good reminder though!
Winter has a way to purge the fake , the unNatural , the evil. Anyone who live in a nordic country knows. If your system doesn't work you won't last trough winter.
You will die. So much stuff that would have been purge are still around just because it contribute to the "GDP" too many lawyer making bizarre argument to justify all that crap to convince those not fast enough to spot the scheme for what it is.
No matter where the next 5 years lead us WE Will integrate the old fashion way. With a Premium. !
St John “ Golden tongue “ One of the church fathers of the orthodox church one of the greatest from Constantinople. The icon of them is a true representation he’s emaciated looking face was because of extreme fasting He was ultimately murdered by the Empress of the Byzantine empire who is extremely jealous because everybody loved him and everybody hated her. He was put on the death march when he was very old and very bad weather and did not survive it
The Roman/Greek people had to drag him kicking and screaming to the patriarchs throne . he wanted none of it he just wanted to be a humble monk but God had other plans for him
She proved his sanctity as the Israelis are proving many orthodox Christians sanctity right now in Gaza as theymurder them remember some of the greatest scenes in the Orthodox Church were Palestinians, i.e. Saint George the great martyr, Roman general !The real maximus
And you just demonstrated why I am not a fan of churches or super religious people. I think you can attend to your own soul matters and leave me to mine, thank you. You might want to listen to Mr. Reece’s message again. Have a lovely day.
Dear Elizabeth, with my meagre recollection of religion from Catholic school days, I was trying to remember where Jesus was telling us to go to confession. I could not find that anywhere. I do recall priests and nuns recommending the practice, and also my ancient distrust of Church.
I had that in school, and at home, too. I was married by 3, count ‘em, 3, not one priest. My aunt who entered the convent returned literally insane. No exaggeration…literally insane. Then my mother was excommunicated so she turned to a fundamentalist church. It was all pretty crazy. I have looked at a lot of data on people with personality disorders being attracted to positions of authority and power. We are seeing that everywhere currently in every institution we have. I have my own thing I am truly suspicious of folks who virtue signal a lot. Trust me, they flock to churches. I know I am not that great of a human and just stay away from those sorts.
The “nuns on the bus” are examples of women that were corrupted by a psychiatrist who went to convents all over the country and perverted them with some whacko teachings permitted by the homosexual (atheist) Bishops intent on destroying the Church from the inside. Oddly enough the psychiatrist, who was also an atheist at the time, wound up converting and spending the rest of his life trying to undo all the damage he did. This phenomenon never occurred in many other countries.
Wow, I did not know that. All I know is my aunt was very damaged psychologically upon return from the convent. She never did recover. Whatever happened, it was not good. Thanks for the information.
I am deeply sorry for your experience of the 'church'. Mine has also been rocky. However, searching scripture, seeking the truth and my own direct relationship with Yah (His name Psalm 68:4)through prayer has caused me great stability and security through my identity in Him. I am not easily swayed by the world or 'public opinion' whether in a church or outside of one.
I was lucky parents were both on second marriage, after divorces.
They did not go to church but made us kids go...the nuns and priest at my Catholic college took a lot of interest in our family structure and asked questions..I of course defended my family against the, I guess I started with sense of push-back on doctrine...I learned about relativity. ;-)
‘Like’. My like button does not function. I don’t have answers anymore. I just want to find wholesome. Which means I might be hanging alone or with dogs. Either way, I’ll be ok. I literally said that to married guys at church who asked for my number…”No. I’d rather hang with my dog”.
So…when/if someone tells me, “I heard the word of the Lord and He told me to tell you to do this….” I’m definitely NOT going to buy it. Frankly, I spend a lot of time handing out tissues to grown men and I am pretty freaked out by that. Not the women…the men. I am known as “The Bouncer” there. Kinda wild.
“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock t I will build my church, and the powers of death u shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Peter, Petra (Rock)...Peter tomb is under St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Peter was the first Pope and by apostolic succession, there had been successors of Peter since then
Did you know how many versions of the Bible there are?
Who wrote them? Stories relayed by generations of Christian followers repeating, changing, translating...Popes removing sections, adding others.
First written bibles (The Latin word for Bible (Biblio) just means 'Book' have uncertain origin...Old Testament being the Torah, First written New testaments were written long time after death of Jesus and were in Greek, that was because Christianity spread initially amongst Greek-speakers. These Greeks, btw, were concerned about converting to Christianity because they assumed they had to become Jews first, and that meant circumcision...
I believe that the oldest existing Jewish Torah scrolls were actually a translation back from the Greek Old Testament as produced by Greek scribes.
Not to mention horrors like the specially produced Scofield 'Bibles' made to produce a special type of Christian, such as the American fundamentalists via their specially produced footnotes...
Then there are the current new 'literal translations' of Old Testament texts, where there is no god at all..cheers...gotta go
I know a lot of women have bitten the apple. They want the positions of power, at home and community. That's not how Christ ordained it. Maybe their downfall?
Let me clarify by saying I like to build stuff while wearing a skirt…we have dudes wearing evening gowns in the city so I should be specific. I LOVE being a girl. Who also likes tools.
A lot of men who wear skinny jeans and cry all the time. I wish I was kidding but I am not. Emotionally unchecked. Very skinny jeans, “metro-sexual” sorts since I live in a blue state. Men who “do not get their hands dirty”. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that. So I hang out with the ex-military and facilities people since I like to build stuff. So I am not buying the “toxic masculinity” BS as I only wish I saw more masculine behavior. Sorry, but you asked.
I think we are being deliberately divided on every single front imaginable and I do not want to be a part of that. I would rather be on team humanity. Ho w can we have peace, good health, and enough for everyone? I do not have the answer to that question.I wish I did.
I've always thought (as a kid) of confession as a technical thing. You say what you did wrong and then say your 5 or 5000 Hail Mary's and you were clean again. Like having a shower.
Repentance I feel is more about emotion, you feel bad about something you did, wish you hadn't done it...and kind of promise not to do again...I don't want to labour the matter, I guess everyone has their own way.
Needless to say I'm not into religion at all anymore...but issues on good and evil are still here...
“Catholics like Freemasons”??? They’re arch enemies. Freemasonry was started by the ‘unmentionables’ to destroy the Catholic Church (think Alta Vendita) Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church and I don’t just mean ‘Roman’ Catholic. St. Thomas, as one example, went to India and the Syro Malybar beliefs and Liturgy (he taught them), have remained unchanged there for 2000 years. Unlike the Lutheran Church, started by Luther (obviously), the Apostles established the Churches (e.g. Chaldean, Syrian, etc., etc.). All of them have held consistent beliefs in these 2000 years. Regarding all the various bibles,
the Douay Rheims Bible is about as authentic as one can get.
Luther can be credited with starting the perversion of the Bible. He dropped out books, changed many of the passages, etc., added and subtracted and then many others have done the same since then. To some extent, this is also true for more recent translations of Catholic Bibles here in the U.S.. Passage by passage comparisons with the Douay Rheims and other Catholic Bibles are not the same. They appear often to be very close to the same, but a seemingly minor change can change the entire meaning of a passage.
Did not mean Catholics are like Freemasons, I meant that every denomination and sect of 'religions' are man-made.....and from what I have read and studied, the Bible is to NEVER be added to or removed from.
Catholicism was NOT started by Jesus, He is the Christ and Creator of all things, Constantine started the Catholics, and they, just like other sects have their own version of the Bible, a corrupted version by man, and Freemasons have their own version.....Martin Luther influenced Hitler with his writings about the Jews
You've touched a sore point: I am too intellectual about all of this. It's my nature; I need to get more into the emotion of repentance, rather than the cool, mental conclusion only...
John 20:23. That’s the biblical reference for Confession and is affirmed by 2000 years of history. A Sacrament recognized by the Chaldean, Syro Malybar, Maronite, Syrian … in short, many Churches in addition to the Roman Catholic. Just an FYI.
repent is personal. I don't care what you do or what church you don't go. But if you don't know, you can not repent. is not religio, is Logic.
The video is nice, but doesn't mean anything because a Nation can not repent..and if Rusia is different is because their Religion. Putin said to the Orthodox Patriarc, I take care of the State you take care of the souls of Rusians.
Religion and church is very different from God. Churches are institutions of men and women, subject to the same fleshly desires. I see it on a daily basis since I work at one. I have learned to pay more attention to actions rather than words. Believe what you will, assume what you will. I have also learned not to be engrossed with what others think. Have a nice day. I have work to do now.
Amen and amen that was wonderful. I like Isaiah 43:25 i, even i, am he that blotted out by transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. A lot of people don't know that when you ask for forgiveness God doesn't want to hear about it anymore and they're taken away from the book of life!
A lot of people don't understand that the KJV Bible and the companion Bible work with an original Dr Strong's Concordance to look up the words in the Old Testament in Hebrew and Aramaic and the words in the New Testament in Greek to take it back to the original Dead Sea Scrolls. So many people use a new King James version or an NIV Bible which the kenites got a hold of and change them. The kenites are the sons of Cain documented in first Chronicles 2:55 they were scribes and were messing with the Bibles way back then.
A good verse to check your Bible is Ezekiel 13 versus 18 through 21 where it talks of condemning the Rapture Theory and God hating it when fake teachers hunt souls to make people fly and covering up his outreached arms with pillows in handkerchiefs. If you read those same verses in the NIV or the new King James version it doesn't talk about hunting souls to make people fly it talks about birds flying in charms because Satan's Children documented in Matthew 13 verse 38 and 39 and John 8:44 have changed the Bible to confuse people.
Luckily I found the Shepherd's Chapel and they teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse and Pastor Arnold Murray is a scholar when it comes to Hebrew Aramaic and Greek in translating the kjv. They're on YouTube and you can go to also !
You can also get a free teaching from the mark of the beast by calling 1-800-643-4645 which is following Satan the Antichrist as Paul teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2 versus 1 through 4 he will stand in the Holy seat in Jerusalem pretending to be God Before We Gather back to the real Jesus Christ. God bless
I'm not here to cause strife or debate. I'm here for the purposes of edification of HIS body. Learn right division I promise you it's the ONLY way God intended for us to read His word. The Body of Christ is completely separate from Isreal. WE are an entirely new creature where there is no Jew or Greek. Psalms 12:6-7 The KJB I the fulfillment of that purification. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Grace and peace. Here's some great links.
There is just one more thing I would like to add, I do read a lot of different writings, but when they are done by 'sects' of 'religion', ie, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc I tend to read between the lines as they are 'man made' and many are in the synagogue of satan...the main reason Jesus spoke against 'religion'
I'm perfectly capable of searching my own conscience to see where I can improve and what my weaknesses are. Every single day I do a moral inventory to see where I went wrong that day and what I did right. I don't need to go into a dark little confessional to have a stranger hear my "sins". btw, "sins" comes from the idea of "to err". If you can't review your own errors and need someone else to do it for you - WHY? And what is wrong with you that you can't do that yourself? Jesus also told us to "go into a closet and pray quietly". IOW, have your own communication with your creator, not someone from a church. I'm with Elizabeth, I'm not crazy about churches. Jesus called them "synagogues of Satan" for a reason. Just my 2 cents.
Synagogues of Satan was referring to Jewish Pharisees; this that follow Noahide laws. “The Church” is the body of Christian Saints that have accepted the new covenant between God and man.
It can also be interpreted as fitting all churches, as the Pharisees were in charge of the temples, which to Christians are churches. At any rate, I'm no saint so I guess that leaves me out of church. In my experience, there are way too many pedophiles running churches; look up pedophile charges in Southern Baptist church, there are lots of lawsuits that were won by those who were raped by preachers. That's just one church, then there's the Catholic church, the Mormon church (Mormons know full well about pedos in their own churches) and just about every other church. What's being done to weed the pedos out? Far as I can tell, nothing. Don't tell me the churches are made up of "Christian Saints". Maybe the church goers are good folks, but too many of those who run it are not. As well, surveys have been done and less than 50% of preachers and those who run the churches have said they believe the Bible. This is TRUTH, I've done my research.
"Israel" as you describe failed to keep the old covenant of rules and then crucified their Messiah. This made way for the new covenant through faith.
You David, are the one creating confusion by not rightly diving God's word and seeking to create division in the body of Christ. This is the same spirit that nailed Jesus to the cross.
Romans 9:6 (KJV) Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
Romans 9:31-32 (KJV) But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;
Galatians 3:29 (KJV) And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Well said and supported. I don’t need to worry about who comes to God and who rejects Him. “And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again” (Romans 11:23). I’m called simply to love God and love my neighbor. If I help make disciples for Him, it’s because they’re drawn to God’s love, not because I beat them over the head with technicalities like the scribes and pharisees did. Jesus soundly trashed them for doing that.
🤦🏼♂️ Your ignorance is showing. You're absolutely 1000% incorrect. The Body of Christ did NOT "replace" Israel. You're completely IGNORANT of the mystery revealed to Paul. Take your replacement theology nonsense and shove it.
Awesome. If you can do that, you are incredible talented.
Jesus called the Synague of Satan, to the jews...No to the Church He founded on the Rock (Peter) 2 cents, God/Jesus uses the apostles to teach and spread the message and confess the sins. and He chose very stupid/weak/fallible people... Do you ever wonder why He did that?
By the way, I can do what you recommend, but any time I read the sermon of the mountain or the capital sins or study what is really a sin (theology), I realize how easy is to be tempted to justify myself and convince myself that God forgave me?
If like the law...Can you read a book of law?..Anyone can, right? Why we need judges or even the Supreme Court???? just my 2 cents
The church most certainly did not start at Pentecost. Paul is the first member of the Body of Christ.
1 Timothy 1:16 Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that IN ME FIRST Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
Peter was preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Known the difference
Go to “confession”. I don’t need (or want) dogma and organized religion to ask God/Creator for forgiveness of sin. Why would I go to any man and ask forgiveness of sin, when I go straight to all Love and Divinity of God/Creator?
It not just bearing your sin to a person. A priest is the Vicor of Christ, Jesus gave that to Peter, the rock on which he built His Church. "I will give you the keys to heaven.." "on you I shall build my Church.." "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be tossed in heaven.." Matthew Chapter 16 will give you more.
Start with reading the Ten commandments, Exodus 20. l And the name is not Jesus, no J in Hebrew or Greek. THe name is above every name, even above all the angels Yahwahshua - or Yahshua. Yah's salvation. Not God, Jehovan, Yahweh or Lord Yahwah, the sound of your breath and your heartbeat
There is inner guidance everyone has. By your definition someone born in the forest alone can not be good as there is no priest to tell them what is good or not.
If you have no access, you can not "blame" for that.
Something similar happen with SIN...if you dont know is a sin, is not a sin.
I agree with you that we are created with that "guidance", which in Catholic Theology is embedded in our soul at the moment of conception...that "force" move us to GOD...You still have the free will to reject it or be lazy or convince of anything you want. But again, the one that have no access to knowledge, can not be judged for that, but the one who, having access, refute to do so, probably will. Makes sense?
Not to me. But it isn’t entirely unreasonable. If you hurt others you know it isn’t right. And you will be punished for it. Perhaps those who deliberately hurt others and have been taught not to might be judged more harshly. Take Islam’s hatred of Jews, which is in the Koran. This is destroying Islam, generation after generation. They think it is right and they can’t see it is wrong and this is what holds them back.
I read the Koran. Is super mild comparing with the Talmud. At least they believe Jesus is the son of God, that Mohamed is not God and Mary is the virgin mother of God and Jesus didnt call them "the sons of the devil".
The key is knowledge and in religion, knowledge come from Theology, aka Church. How many of the ones who think they can interpreter the spirit of the word of God ever read Theology? Do you think St Thomas Aquinas was stupid and decide to write the Summa Theologiae for nothing? What for? People in the XXI century understand everything!!
I feel that the more I learn, the more ignorant I know I am...Therefore, the more ignorant people is, the more they think they know. (pride, a capital sin)
Thank you for the info..I didnt know about the Hadith!!! I ll check it out.
Regarding the jews, Jesus called then "the sons of the devll"
There is no country, community or people, where the jews have lived, that had not being expelled or persecuted. Any people that experienced them, hate them. Maybe the fact that they believe they are chosen by God and all the rest are animals, makes them a little bit unpleasant to live with.
Regarding muslims, I dont know much...BUt if they really understand what the Coran say, Jesus is the son of God...There will be no more muslims. THey should convert inmediately.
I don't know whether its nature or nurture...I've always known what was good behaviour and what was not...and could tell the difference with social conventions, such as "children are to be seen and not heard.." ;-) Mark 13 is a 30-minute teaching that will give you peace in today's world 🌎 🙏 it tells you that the Antichrist comes first on a white horse pretending to be Jesus Revelation 6:2 and he comes at the 6th seal Revelation 6:12 and Jesus Christ comes at the 7th seal at Revelation 19 verse 11. It's a great teaching also Revelation 6 and Revelation 13 go over the one world order you can also go to the Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel. Peace and blessings
I got the memo on that, too. Yet another reason I am unpopular at work/church since I bring that up in staff meetings to talk about what the hell we are going to DO to help stop it but I get blank stares. I’m not ok with that. Apparently I am not supposed to talk about that…I was never good at obeying rules so I won’t start now. As for “world leaders” being involved, I definitely am aware since that is what I left & also why I am supposed to be dead…which is also on court record. So, yeah, I am definitely aware…and freaking repulsed. Creatures involved in that will never have my allegiance.
Truly refreshing….we live in a world that trafficked children and people want to discuss oat milk for a coffee creamer with me at a church! Wow….so thanks for calling it like it really is, sir.
You and I agree 100% on that. Thank you for an honest and lovely chat. Bless you…and I am not just saying that. I have earned a reputation for engaging in zero BS so thank you.
I should add that I brought music equipment into a barn full of rescue horses, played classical music for them, sang The Great American Songbook to them on a regular basis while taking care of them and they calmed down, gained weight back faster and were healthier which was verified by the vet. I sang to my plants, too and they grew healthy and quickly. That’s something I cannot explain aside of Dr. Emoto’s work. I wanted to try it for myself. I will never be able to prove it scientifically but the fact I love those horses may have made a difference, too. I have an engineering background so the woo stuff is still difficult but I saw the horses recover faster and better, a lot of professionals saw it, too. Maybe the addition of music helped.
I did not know that for certain. In looking at the way basilicas are layer out, with the old pipe organs, I did wonder about that. That’s SO COOL that you know this! I listen to a lot of classical music on analog equipment and it literally feels different in a better way to me so I would not doubt it. Straight up the coolest response! My dad was in the music industry and I cannot bear to listen to a lot of what has been churned out. I enjoy some of it, the old music but I went to the symphony a lot (by choice lol) and have heard music that literally made me tingle, feel sheer joy…I can feel the difference so your statement rings true. Thank you so very much for your response! You made my day!
100%. Some of us Boomers went deep into the power of positive thinking and forgot the power of correction. 21st century parents, take heed! Pouring only praise on a child creates a narcissist. Correction doesn't need to be soul crushing. Done with love, it leads to humility, a beautiful trait in successful people. That’s not a brand-new idea. “Repent at my rebuke. Then I will pour out my thoughts to you. I will make known to you my teachings” (Proverbs 1:23). “A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother” (Proverbs 29:15). “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
It’s easy to understand why one feels the way you do. We left a church that was pushing the masks, etc., and began attending a church that promotes exactly what is presented here. Original writing of the mendicants and “umiliati” (800-1000 years ago) promoted this very thing. That’s how Christendom was established in Europe.
If you want to know where to find this, ask yourself what churches the FBI was spying on. The evil deep state/globalists/freemasons know exactly where the greatest threat is to their desire for world dominance.
Glad you found a community that works for you and your family. It was sad to see so many churches obey the mandates. There have been quite a few home churches to start up, too, post closures.
All I know is that any attempt I have ever made in attended “church” usually ends in me saying, “oh…you’re a charlatan” to the “leader. I can attend to my spiritual needs without a middle-man…or woman.
That can be true, of any institution. Fortunately, once I learned to recognize that I am a sinner on the same path these other people are on, I realized it's up to us, as a community, to build up His Church.
Finally, I will add that the men who solicited my number the most were married. No thanks. Especially since I began by stating clearly I was not there to date. I can go literally anywhere for that sort of behavior and would prefer to have no sheen of false piety attached. Thank you for your interest in my soul.
I am glad you found what works for you. As long as institutions, including churches continue to excuse predatory behavior such as that as with regards to Mike Bickle (yes, that was excused at the church I work at), the mass exodus will continue, I imagine. One would imagine that the standard of behavior would be expected to be higher, not lower simply because of monetary contributions or whatever. I seek those with higher standards of behavior. I hope the days of such organizations resembling a local pick-up bar will come to an end. Until or unless that day comes, many will seek out other means, myself included. Thank you.
I can read at home and find others to pray with. There are a LOT of predators in churches and that is a fact. I prefer to not be immersed in that sort of culture. Also, coming from HollyWeird and politics, anything remotely smelling of theatrics is something I want to stay away from. A lot of theatrics in a lot of churches.
Around 4/21 you put out the 4 Paths to Repentance. I listened to it again and again and let it sink in deep. Been a student of the Bible for years, but now more than ever realizing we cannot procrastinate anymore and everything that is not of purity and of our true nature needs to be stripped away. Excellent message for such a time as this.
Such an incredible message to the world. Thank you Greg Reese, for your ability to understand and simplify the topics you discuss. You are at the top of my go-to list for anything I need to understand more deeply, to get the jist of so to speak.
‘they can be practiced by anyone without submission or conformity to any dogma or belief’ you say. Who are you repenting to then? Yourself? Repentance means nothing if you aren’t repenting to the One True God, who made each of us in His image, and in order to do that you must believe in Him. All your points are valid, but without a focus on our need for relationship with God and our need to live lives of daily repentance to Him, they have no spiritual value. Jesus left His perfect home and died for all our sins, that each of us would repent-turn away-from our selfish, prideful earthly lives and chose eternal life with Him. By choosing to accept His death on the cross as payment for those sins and repenting we establish that relationship to God that He so greatly desires. So to maintain that relationship we must repent to Him and no other. He is the only One who has the power to wipe our slate of sins clean. We cannot do that on our own. Forgiveness from God overrides anything we ‘think’ we are achieving on our own. As Jesus said, ‘without Me you can do nothing.’
Greg, this may be your greatest post of all time! Thank you for all of the beautiful, compelling, vital work that you have done over the years and that you continue to do.
I just listened to your post three times in a row and feel so grateful that you have articulated the beauty and critical importance of repentance. This will help me to raise my boys and strengthen my family. The Russian people are a great people and their lessons are profound.
I've found the Hawaiian ho'oponopono prayer to be very effective; it is very simple and consists of simply repeating, "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." I first heard of this from a book by a Hawaiian psychiatrist who was assigned to a mental hospital where every other administrator had quit because the situation was so out of control; no one was getting better and employees left in droves as it seemed hopeless. This doctor turned the place around within two years without even seeing or treating the patients: he simply sat in his office looking at the patients' charts while repeating the above prayer. That's all. Day after day. I was so impressed by that, I began to use it, including with my 90-yr-old mother who had come to live with us. It really worked (it also works on yourself, especially on yourself). I has something to do with healing your wounded inner child in the subconscious mind that holds on to emotional hurts and sabotages relationships and interactions.
I love ya Reese. But this is a can of worms 🪱. According to Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis the God of the old testament yahweh was not God. He was one of many elohim. In the bible he gave Moses the ten commandments yet he went on to kill 3 million people. And if Jesus was God what was he doing in a public garden with a child with a medicated patch on his private parts . They came to arrest Jesus with the Roman police . When they tried to grab the child he ran away and his cloths fell off. ??? Thats right in Mark's gospel. Been catholic 66 years. And with all the bullshit that has come to light in just the last few years it seems everything I was taught is utter bullshit. If I don't keep holy the sabbath I'm going to hell. If I don't repent to a priest I'm going to hell. I call bullshit. I Don't fear God because that is not love. You can't fear and love a god. To whom do I pray? Most people fear God because they just wanna save their ass. I wanna save my ass from a child trafficker or a malicious murdering scum bag??? Who do I pray to? The universe maybe. My whole life is a prayer. But I bow to no one. We were created to be slaves to these elohim bastards and one of them had some compassion and opened the eyes of eve and she realized the evil that was upon them. I have alway liked the Russian people. Wish I had more of them for friends.
John, I understand your point. The religious paradigm will be the biggest hill to conquer in our human evolution as we are shifting in conscious awareness. IMO, it is not about looking outside of ourselves to find a "God", a supreme being who has power over us, but to look inside of ourselves and understand that we are the "God" that we have been searching for, we are powerful beings. This original sin concept has done nothing but create the discounting of oneself and in many cases, self hatred. Religion has been used as a method of control, but now we are encouraged to step out of that box and claim our true worth, not an outside source's perception of our worth, but our own. Our comments won't be popular here, but if people are taking to heart what they read on this post, they will accept different viewpoints. If not, the post was pointless. I agree regarding the Russian people and one day I will travel there.
I think you must belong to the church of Cain. He deserted the Presence of God to "do his own thing." Three generations later, his own family realized he was a whacko.
That's pretty spot on the Church of Cain as Jesus is teachings in John 8:44 is very clear you are of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning. The first murder was c a i n and he was the son of Satan.
Cain was not in Adam's genealogy in Genesis chapter 5 Cain is in his own genealogy in Genesis chapter 4..... Genesis 3:15 and 16 make it clear God is talking directly to the serpent Satan and Eve and there were two seedlines. If you look up seed in the Hebrew manuscripts it means Sperma.
You can go to the Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel type in Genesis chapter 3 and get a great teaching from Pastor Arnold murray. God bless
You can start with Maruo Biglino and to hell with the elohim cult church ⛪️ bastards who are totally ignorant. I think more people took the covid elohim shot then I thought. AHHHHHHH!
I think your Catholic upbringing might have distorted your views of the biblical God. That is pretty common. Look at this Jesuit Pope and Joe Biden today.
I don't know what are you talking about.? It is correct the OT God was a monster. But, the only people who hate Jesus are the gooze. Godless, Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus have no hate for Jesus.
Read mark. He was with a naked boy in the garden when they arrested him as he(jesus) yells in the classic Greek text. I'm not a trafficker. ??? What's that all about? You like trafficking children. Jesus also approved of slavery. If your a slave be a good slave to your master. His words. Not mine. Every man is born free.
God is PERFECT He wont repent or change his mind. He would not review a decision because Moises asked Him. He will not punish anyone until the final times...that;s the OT. An allegoric story BUT everything change when someone said that Sola Fide...That you don't need to REASON to come to God. That works are not necessary for salvation. Just read and be saved!...Since Luther, people not using reason thinks they can understand GOD...Add to that their new Goddess call COMFORT..and you create the so called "christian:" religions, 99% of them made in the US in the XX Century. The OT is the jews story of annihilation of other Nations "because God chose them to do it or asked them to do it".. These sects created in the US are not other than jewish army. Their goal is destroying real Christianity and the salvation of the masses. Nowadays, they are all Zionists!!!...
Yes! Shout it! “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
This is the best post I have ever read and I am not even “religious” because I find more “Godliness” outside of churches than inside of them. Beautiful post, sir. Thank you.
Amen to that!
‘Like’, the old fashioned way~
What I meant by “the old-fashioned way” is my ‘like’ button does not work on this platform. It is the only platform I am on since I really prefer face-to-face interactions as it eliminates mistaken interpretations. I am THAT old…to remember how fabulous that was. I even recall life prior to the internet. Since the objective is to put everyone in a digital gulag, I so prefer face-to-face stuff now. I meant I had to literally type out the word ‘like’.
Silly situation are not lost in translation thnx god. I laugh reading your comment. Well your 'Like' work on my screen hahahaha
Thanks so much for making me laugh! That is something we need MUCH more of these days! I would write a prescription for laughter if I were a physician. I could not mean that more!
😎You're welcome
You can write a prescription for laughter - you just did. You made many people chuckle and smile. I believe laughter is the best medicine we can take and spread to others!
Mine doesn't work either, but I certainly "like" your comment.
Thank you! I definitely feel better when I laugh!
Ha! I thought you meant, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16). Good reminder though!
Winter has a way to purge the fake , the unNatural , the evil. Anyone who live in a nordic country knows. If your system doesn't work you won't last trough winter.
You will die. So much stuff that would have been purge are still around just because it contribute to the "GDP" too many lawyer making bizarre argument to justify all that crap to convince those not fast enough to spot the scheme for what it is.
No matter where the next 5 years lead us WE Will integrate the old fashion way. With a Premium. !
St John “ Golden tongue “ One of the church fathers of the orthodox church one of the greatest from Constantinople. The icon of them is a true representation he’s emaciated looking face was because of extreme fasting He was ultimately murdered by the Empress of the Byzantine empire who is extremely jealous because everybody loved him and everybody hated her. He was put on the death march when he was very old and very bad weather and did not survive it
The Roman/Greek people had to drag him kicking and screaming to the patriarchs throne . he wanted none of it he just wanted to be a humble monk but God had other plans for him
Wow. I did not know that. How terribly sad.
She proved his sanctity as the Israelis are proving many orthodox Christians sanctity right now in Gaza as theymurder them remember some of the greatest scenes in the Orthodox Church were Palestinians, i.e. Saint George the great martyr, Roman general !The real maximus
His last words, “glory be to God in all things! “
You are so right
if you are not do you know what you have to repent of?
Old fashion way?
Jesus told Peter (2000 years ago) you are the head of my church and what you forgive on earth is forgiven on heaven...
Old fashion way, go to confession, as Jesus stablished
And you just demonstrated why I am not a fan of churches or super religious people. I think you can attend to your own soul matters and leave me to mine, thank you. You might want to listen to Mr. Reece’s message again. Have a lovely day.
Dear Elizabeth, with my meagre recollection of religion from Catholic school days, I was trying to remember where Jesus was telling us to go to confession. I could not find that anywhere. I do recall priests and nuns recommending the practice, and also my ancient distrust of Church.
I had that in school, and at home, too. I was married by 3, count ‘em, 3, not one priest. My aunt who entered the convent returned literally insane. No exaggeration…literally insane. Then my mother was excommunicated so she turned to a fundamentalist church. It was all pretty crazy. I have looked at a lot of data on people with personality disorders being attracted to positions of authority and power. We are seeing that everywhere currently in every institution we have. I have my own thing I am truly suspicious of folks who virtue signal a lot. Trust me, they flock to churches. I know I am not that great of a human and just stay away from those sorts.
Wow...that says a lot about... seek the Lord whie you still can.
The “nuns on the bus” are examples of women that were corrupted by a psychiatrist who went to convents all over the country and perverted them with some whacko teachings permitted by the homosexual (atheist) Bishops intent on destroying the Church from the inside. Oddly enough the psychiatrist, who was also an atheist at the time, wound up converting and spending the rest of his life trying to undo all the damage he did. This phenomenon never occurred in many other countries.
Wow, I did not know that. All I know is my aunt was very damaged psychologically upon return from the convent. She never did recover. Whatever happened, it was not good. Thanks for the information.
I am deeply sorry for your experience of the 'church'. Mine has also been rocky. However, searching scripture, seeking the truth and my own direct relationship with Yah (His name Psalm 68:4)through prayer has caused me great stability and security through my identity in Him. I am not easily swayed by the world or 'public opinion' whether in a church or outside of one.
I was lucky parents were both on second marriage, after divorces.
They did not go to church but made us kids go...the nuns and priest at my Catholic college took a lot of interest in our family structure and asked questions..I of course defended my family against the, I guess I started with sense of push-back on doctrine...I learned about relativity. ;-)
‘Like’. My like button does not function. I don’t have answers anymore. I just want to find wholesome. Which means I might be hanging alone or with dogs. Either way, I’ll be ok. I literally said that to married guys at church who asked for my number…”No. I’d rather hang with my dog”.
So…when/if someone tells me, “I heard the word of the Lord and He told me to tell you to do this….” I’m definitely NOT going to buy it. Frankly, I spend a lot of time handing out tissues to grown men and I am pretty freaked out by that. Not the women…the men. I am known as “The Bouncer” there. Kinda wild.
Jesus told the apostles (Mt 16)
“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock t I will build my church, and the powers of death u shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Peter, Petra (Rock)...Peter tomb is under St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Peter was the first Pope and by apostolic succession, there had been successors of Peter since then
Correct. been into the Vatican, down to some lower level...
Yes, you're right. Peter (Pietro) the Rock...
Did you know how many versions of the Bible there are?
Who wrote them? Stories relayed by generations of Christian followers repeating, changing, translating...Popes removing sections, adding others.
First written bibles (The Latin word for Bible (Biblio) just means 'Book' have uncertain origin...Old Testament being the Torah, First written New testaments were written long time after death of Jesus and were in Greek, that was because Christianity spread initially amongst Greek-speakers. These Greeks, btw, were concerned about converting to Christianity because they assumed they had to become Jews first, and that meant circumcision...
I believe that the oldest existing Jewish Torah scrolls were actually a translation back from the Greek Old Testament as produced by Greek scribes.
Not to mention horrors like the specially produced Scofield 'Bibles' made to produce a special type of Christian, such as the American fundamentalists via their specially produced footnotes...
Then there are the current new 'literal translations' of Old Testament texts, where there is no god at all..cheers...gotta go
I know a lot of women have bitten the apple. They want the positions of power, at home and community. That's not how Christ ordained it. Maybe their downfall?
Women can be nasty..of course, men can as well.
I hope you can find God's grace and peace.
Handing out tissues? What is that in reference to?
Let me clarify by saying I like to build stuff while wearing a skirt…we have dudes wearing evening gowns in the city so I should be specific. I LOVE being a girl. Who also likes tools.
A lot of men who wear skinny jeans and cry all the time. I wish I was kidding but I am not. Emotionally unchecked. Very skinny jeans, “metro-sexual” sorts since I live in a blue state. Men who “do not get their hands dirty”. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that. So I hang out with the ex-military and facilities people since I like to build stuff. So I am not buying the “toxic masculinity” BS as I only wish I saw more masculine behavior. Sorry, but you asked.
When somebody says “God spoke to me and said…” I just switch off…
I think we are being deliberately divided on every single front imaginable and I do not want to be a part of that. I would rather be on team humanity. Ho w can we have peace, good health, and enough for everyone? I do not have the answer to that question.I wish I did.
I hear you. I always wonder about mental illness in those cases…or simply making things up….
I can’t recall it anywhere. But he does say ‘Repent…’. Confession could be considered a form of repentance.
I've always thought (as a kid) of confession as a technical thing. You say what you did wrong and then say your 5 or 5000 Hail Mary's and you were clean again. Like having a shower.
Repentance I feel is more about emotion, you feel bad about something you did, wish you hadn't done it...and kind of promise not to do again...I don't want to labour the matter, I guess everyone has their own way.
Needless to say I'm not into religion at all anymore...but issues on good and evil are still here...
I’m not interested in confession by talking to some man behind the grill. I’m talking about repentance, the emotion.
Repentance is one thing, confession is something else. Don’t insist
Reason?....Catholics, like Freemasons, like so many other 'man made' religions have 'their own Bible'. altered to suit the man who started the cult!
“Catholics like Freemasons”??? They’re arch enemies. Freemasonry was started by the ‘unmentionables’ to destroy the Catholic Church (think Alta Vendita) Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church and I don’t just mean ‘Roman’ Catholic. St. Thomas, as one example, went to India and the Syro Malybar beliefs and Liturgy (he taught them), have remained unchanged there for 2000 years. Unlike the Lutheran Church, started by Luther (obviously), the Apostles established the Churches (e.g. Chaldean, Syrian, etc., etc.). All of them have held consistent beliefs in these 2000 years. Regarding all the various bibles,
the Douay Rheims Bible is about as authentic as one can get.
Luther can be credited with starting the perversion of the Bible. He dropped out books, changed many of the passages, etc., added and subtracted and then many others have done the same since then. To some extent, this is also true for more recent translations of Catholic Bibles here in the U.S.. Passage by passage comparisons with the Douay Rheims and other Catholic Bibles are not the same. They appear often to be very close to the same, but a seemingly minor change can change the entire meaning of a passage.
Did not mean Catholics are like Freemasons, I meant that every denomination and sect of 'religions' are man-made.....and from what I have read and studied, the Bible is to NEVER be added to or removed from.
Catholicism was NOT started by Jesus, He is the Christ and Creator of all things, Constantine started the Catholics, and they, just like other sects have their own version of the Bible, a corrupted version by man, and Freemasons have their own version.....Martin Luther influenced Hitler with his writings about the Jews
You might want to revisit this. Part of repentance. Not relying on your own understanding, but seeking Christ w all your mind heart and soul.
It's not a condemnation. It's a challenge to did deeper and revisit.
Judgement is not ours, but God's alone. But we are challenged to go out and bring God's truth.
My husband grew up in the Catholic schools too. He was pretty rebellious. He thought it was more fun to "have fun" and didn't care to learn.
You've touched a sore point: I am too intellectual about all of this. It's my nature; I need to get more into the emotion of repentance, rather than the cool, mental conclusion only...
Mathew 16.18
John 20:23. That’s the biblical reference for Confession and is affirmed by 2000 years of history. A Sacrament recognized by the Chaldean, Syro Malybar, Maronite, Syrian … in short, many Churches in addition to the Roman Catholic. Just an FYI.
Interesting Tks
James 5:16
repent is personal. I don't care what you do or what church you don't go. But if you don't know, you can not repent. is not religio, is Logic.
The video is nice, but doesn't mean anything because a Nation can not repent..and if Rusia is different is because their Religion. Putin said to the Orthodox Patriarc, I take care of the State you take care of the souls of Rusians.
Religion and church is very different from God. Churches are institutions of men and women, subject to the same fleshly desires. I see it on a daily basis since I work at one. I have learned to pay more attention to actions rather than words. Believe what you will, assume what you will. I have also learned not to be engrossed with what others think. Have a nice day. I have work to do now.
Did you read Screwtype Letters from C.S.Lewis?
Don't think so. I've read just about everything I laid my hands on. I know name CS Lewis but don't remember anything by him...
That's a load of rubbish. How much time do you spend in scripture?
You can choose your own thing, but don't lead others astray.
I was once led into thinking like you. Turns out I just hadn't put the time in to learn.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Today is the day of Salvation: Why would anyone put off the most important decision they could
ever make in their lives concerning eternal life? If you die today are you going to heaven?
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 -The apostle Paul tells us what the gospel is: "Moreover, brethren, I declare to
you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also
you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I
delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
Gospel means "good news." Your debt has been paid, the death penalty has been paid, you are free.
Here's the Gospel of Jesus Christ: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and
that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
Jesus brought in a little child as a living object lesson to show who enters the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3 -Jesus said: "Unless you become like this little child you will not enter the kingdom of
heaven." This is how to be saved, it is simply child like, as simple as ABC:
A -Admit that you are a sinner. This is where that godly sorrow leads to genuine repentance for
sinning against a righteous God and there is a change of heart, we change our mind and God changes
our hearts and regenerates us from the inside out.
Romans 3:10 -As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one."
Romans 3:23 -For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (We are all born sinners which is
why we must be born spiritually in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven).
Romans 6:23 -For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our
Lord. The bad news is that the wages of sin is death, in other words our sin means that we have been
given a death sentence, we have the death penalty hanging over our heads, that's the bad news. But
here's the good news: The good news is that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ephesians 2:8-9 -For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this not from
yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
B -Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and that God raised
Jesus from the dead. This is trusting with all of your heart that Jesus Christ is who he said he was.
Romans 10:9-10 -That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that
God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are
justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
C -Call upon the name of the Lord. Every single person who ever lived since Adam will bend their
knee and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Lord of lords and the King of kings.
Romans 14:11 -For it is written: "As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every
tongue shall confess to God."
Don't wait until later — do this now.
Romans 10:13 -For "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
"O God, I am a sinner. I'm sorry for my sin. I want to turn from my sin. I believe Jesus Christ is Your
Son; I believe that He died on the cross for my sin and that He was buried and You raised Him to life.
I have decided to place my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior, trusting only in His shed blood as
sufficient to save my soul and to take me to heaven. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me. Amen."
Amen and amen that was wonderful. I like Isaiah 43:25 i, even i, am he that blotted out by transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. A lot of people don't know that when you ask for forgiveness God doesn't want to hear about it anymore and they're taken away from the book of life!
Check out " right division" 2 Timothy 2:15.
2 Timothy 2:15
15 [m]Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, dividing the word of truth [n]aright.
Geneva 1599 (before King James got his hands on it)
A lot of people don't understand that the KJV Bible and the companion Bible work with an original Dr Strong's Concordance to look up the words in the Old Testament in Hebrew and Aramaic and the words in the New Testament in Greek to take it back to the original Dead Sea Scrolls. So many people use a new King James version or an NIV Bible which the kenites got a hold of and change them. The kenites are the sons of Cain documented in first Chronicles 2:55 they were scribes and were messing with the Bibles way back then.
A good verse to check your Bible is Ezekiel 13 versus 18 through 21 where it talks of condemning the Rapture Theory and God hating it when fake teachers hunt souls to make people fly and covering up his outreached arms with pillows in handkerchiefs. If you read those same verses in the NIV or the new King James version it doesn't talk about hunting souls to make people fly it talks about birds flying in charms because Satan's Children documented in Matthew 13 verse 38 and 39 and John 8:44 have changed the Bible to confuse people.
Luckily I found the Shepherd's Chapel and they teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse and Pastor Arnold Murray is a scholar when it comes to Hebrew Aramaic and Greek in translating the kjv. They're on YouTube and you can go to also !
You can also get a free teaching from the mark of the beast by calling 1-800-643-4645 which is following Satan the Antichrist as Paul teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2 versus 1 through 4 he will stand in the Holy seat in Jerusalem pretending to be God Before We Gather back to the real Jesus Christ. God bless
I'm not here to cause strife or debate. I'm here for the purposes of edification of HIS body. Learn right division I promise you it's the ONLY way God intended for us to read His word. The Body of Christ is completely separate from Isreal. WE are an entirely new creature where there is no Jew or Greek. Psalms 12:6-7 The KJB I the fulfillment of that purification. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Grace and peace. Here's some great links.
There is just one more thing I would like to add, I do read a lot of different writings, but when they are done by 'sects' of 'religion', ie, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, etc I tend to read between the lines as they are 'man made' and many are in the synagogue of satan...the main reason Jesus spoke against 'religion'
No strife, debate or issues from me, just sharing knowledge, always room to grow in Christ Jesus
I am onboard with what you talk of, Amen
You're more than welcome to DM me 👊🏽😎
Yes I believe the Geneva Bible was part of that purification process as well. Remember purified 7 times!
If you don't have thick skin don't click the first link.
Except the confession part. Romans 9-11 Paul is technically addressing Israel. They were to confess with their mouth. It was a "work"
Thank you. Takes me back to school days...I don't believe things so literally anymore.
I'm perfectly capable of searching my own conscience to see where I can improve and what my weaknesses are. Every single day I do a moral inventory to see where I went wrong that day and what I did right. I don't need to go into a dark little confessional to have a stranger hear my "sins". btw, "sins" comes from the idea of "to err". If you can't review your own errors and need someone else to do it for you - WHY? And what is wrong with you that you can't do that yourself? Jesus also told us to "go into a closet and pray quietly". IOW, have your own communication with your creator, not someone from a church. I'm with Elizabeth, I'm not crazy about churches. Jesus called them "synagogues of Satan" for a reason. Just my 2 cents.
Synagogues of Satan was referring to Jewish Pharisees; this that follow Noahide laws. “The Church” is the body of Christian Saints that have accepted the new covenant between God and man.
It can also be interpreted as fitting all churches, as the Pharisees were in charge of the temples, which to Christians are churches. At any rate, I'm no saint so I guess that leaves me out of church. In my experience, there are way too many pedophiles running churches; look up pedophile charges in Southern Baptist church, there are lots of lawsuits that were won by those who were raped by preachers. That's just one church, then there's the Catholic church, the Mormon church (Mormons know full well about pedos in their own churches) and just about every other church. What's being done to weed the pedos out? Far as I can tell, nothing. Don't tell me the churches are made up of "Christian Saints". Maybe the church goers are good folks, but too many of those who run it are not. As well, surveys have been done and less than 50% of preachers and those who run the churches have said they believe the Bible. This is TRUTH, I've done my research.
That's false, all covenants/promises pertain to ISRAEL. The Body of Christ is NOT ISRAEL. Learn right division it'll clear up the confusion.
David William.
The body of Christ IS Israel.
The new covenant is what you need to learn about.
"Israel" as you describe failed to keep the old covenant of rules and then crucified their Messiah. This made way for the new covenant through faith.
You David, are the one creating confusion by not rightly diving God's word and seeking to create division in the body of Christ. This is the same spirit that nailed Jesus to the cross.
Romans 9:6 (KJV) Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
Romans 9:31-32 (KJV) But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;
Galatians 3:29 (KJV) And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Well said and supported. I don’t need to worry about who comes to God and who rejects Him. “And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again” (Romans 11:23). I’m called simply to love God and love my neighbor. If I help make disciples for Him, it’s because they’re drawn to God’s love, not because I beat them over the head with technicalities like the scribes and pharisees did. Jesus soundly trashed them for doing that.
🤦🏼♂️ Your ignorance is showing. You're absolutely 1000% incorrect. The Body of Christ did NOT "replace" Israel. You're completely IGNORANT of the mystery revealed to Paul. Take your replacement theology nonsense and shove it.
Awesome. If you can do that, you are incredible talented.
Jesus called the Synague of Satan, to the jews...No to the Church He founded on the Rock (Peter) 2 cents, God/Jesus uses the apostles to teach and spread the message and confess the sins. and He chose very stupid/weak/fallible people... Do you ever wonder why He did that?
By the way, I can do what you recommend, but any time I read the sermon of the mountain or the capital sins or study what is really a sin (theology), I realize how easy is to be tempted to justify myself and convince myself that God forgave me?
If like the law...Can you read a book of law?..Anyone can, right? Why we need judges or even the Supreme Court???? just my 2 cents
The church most certainly did not start at Pentecost. Paul is the first member of the Body of Christ.
1 Timothy 1:16 Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that IN ME FIRST Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
Peter was preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Known the difference
Hmm..interesting. what scripture did you find that in?
Go a little deeper. Have conversations w our Lord daily. Ask Him to show you- He will!
You don't need to go to a priest fir confession. God is always listening
is funny because people doesn t need help to understand the biggest mystery of the Universe, GOD...neither to talk to him
But they need psychologists to understand their husbands, yoga instructors to learn how to stretch and self-help books t learn how to bread.
Who needs theology to understand God?
Stupid priest that spent 10 years in the seminary learing THeology, Philosophy, Latin, Greek, History.....
Go to “confession”. I don’t need (or want) dogma and organized religion to ask God/Creator for forgiveness of sin. Why would I go to any man and ask forgiveness of sin, when I go straight to all Love and Divinity of God/Creator?
It not just bearing your sin to a person. A priest is the Vicor of Christ, Jesus gave that to Peter, the rock on which he built His Church. "I will give you the keys to heaven.." "on you I shall build my Church.." "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be tossed in heaven.." Matthew Chapter 16 will give you more.
Gods blessings over you!
Start with reading the Ten commandments, Exodus 20. l And the name is not Jesus, no J in Hebrew or Greek. THe name is above every name, even above all the angels Yahwahshua - or Yahshua. Yah's salvation. Not God, Jehovan, Yahweh or Lord Yahwah, the sound of your breath and your heartbeat
There is inner guidance everyone has. By your definition someone born in the forest alone can not be good as there is no priest to tell them what is good or not.
Good Point
If you have no access, you can not "blame" for that.
Something similar happen with SIN...if you dont know is a sin, is not a sin.
I agree with you that we are created with that "guidance", which in Catholic Theology is embedded in our soul at the moment of conception...that "force" move us to GOD...You still have the free will to reject it or be lazy or convince of anything you want. But again, the one that have no access to knowledge, can not be judged for that, but the one who, having access, refute to do so, probably will. Makes sense?
Not to me. But it isn’t entirely unreasonable. If you hurt others you know it isn’t right. And you will be punished for it. Perhaps those who deliberately hurt others and have been taught not to might be judged more harshly. Take Islam’s hatred of Jews, which is in the Koran. This is destroying Islam, generation after generation. They think it is right and they can’t see it is wrong and this is what holds them back.
I read the Koran. Is super mild comparing with the Talmud. At least they believe Jesus is the son of God, that Mohamed is not God and Mary is the virgin mother of God and Jesus didnt call them "the sons of the devil".
The key is knowledge and in religion, knowledge come from Theology, aka Church. How many of the ones who think they can interpreter the spirit of the word of God ever read Theology? Do you think St Thomas Aquinas was stupid and decide to write the Summa Theologiae for nothing? What for? People in the XXI century understand everything!!
I feel that the more I learn, the more ignorant I know I am...Therefore, the more ignorant people is, the more they think they know. (pride, a capital sin)
The Koran is mostly mild. The Hadith isn’t. The Hadith is Mo’s explanation of the Koran.
So they don’t know better. But they are still being hurt by their hatred of Jews and others.
Thank you for the info..I didnt know about the Hadith!!! I ll check it out.
Regarding the jews, Jesus called then "the sons of the devll"
There is no country, community or people, where the jews have lived, that had not being expelled or persecuted. Any people that experienced them, hate them. Maybe the fact that they believe they are chosen by God and all the rest are animals, makes them a little bit unpleasant to live with.
Regarding muslims, I dont know much...BUt if they really understand what the Coran say, Jesus is the son of God...There will be no more muslims. THey should convert inmediately.
The real truth of Peter declaration is that it, the illumination that the spirit gave him, was the rock on which His Church is being build
I don't know whether its nature or nurture...I've always known what was good behaviour and what was not...and could tell the difference with social conventions, such as "children are to be seen and not heard.." ;-) Mark 13 is a 30-minute teaching that will give you peace in today's world 🌎 🙏 it tells you that the Antichrist comes first on a white horse pretending to be Jesus Revelation 6:2 and he comes at the 6th seal Revelation 6:12 and Jesus Christ comes at the 7th seal at Revelation 19 verse 11. It's a great teaching also Revelation 6 and Revelation 13 go over the one world order you can also go to the Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel. Peace and blessings
Peace and blessings to you as well. Thank you.
Sorry, I am no longer “cocktail party discourse” material.
Yet the church sings, “Awaken O’Sleeper” while being freaking asleep…or maybe they don’t give a crap. No clue.
I got the memo on that, too. Yet another reason I am unpopular at work/church since I bring that up in staff meetings to talk about what the hell we are going to DO to help stop it but I get blank stares. I’m not ok with that. Apparently I am not supposed to talk about that…I was never good at obeying rules so I won’t start now. As for “world leaders” being involved, I definitely am aware since that is what I left & also why I am supposed to be dead…which is also on court record. So, yeah, I am definitely aware…and freaking repulsed. Creatures involved in that will never have my allegiance.
Two choices, either God created absolutely everything or everything created itself from absolutely nothing.
Truly refreshing….we live in a world that trafficked children and people want to discuss oat milk for a coffee creamer with me at a church! Wow….so thanks for calling it like it really is, sir.
You and I agree 100% on that. Thank you for an honest and lovely chat. Bless you…and I am not just saying that. I have earned a reputation for engaging in zero BS so thank you.
Tesla had quite a bit to say about frequency, didn’t he?
I should add that I brought music equipment into a barn full of rescue horses, played classical music for them, sang The Great American Songbook to them on a regular basis while taking care of them and they calmed down, gained weight back faster and were healthier which was verified by the vet. I sang to my plants, too and they grew healthy and quickly. That’s something I cannot explain aside of Dr. Emoto’s work. I wanted to try it for myself. I will never be able to prove it scientifically but the fact I love those horses may have made a difference, too. I have an engineering background so the woo stuff is still difficult but I saw the horses recover faster and better, a lot of professionals saw it, too. Maybe the addition of music helped.
I did not know that for certain. In looking at the way basilicas are layer out, with the old pipe organs, I did wonder about that. That’s SO COOL that you know this! I listen to a lot of classical music on analog equipment and it literally feels different in a better way to me so I would not doubt it. Straight up the coolest response! My dad was in the music industry and I cannot bear to listen to a lot of what has been churned out. I enjoy some of it, the old music but I went to the symphony a lot (by choice lol) and have heard music that literally made me tingle, feel sheer joy…I can feel the difference so your statement rings true. Thank you so very much for your response! You made my day!
Great way to work on yourself! I keep hearing that and was not sure what it meant. Thank you!!
100%. Some of us Boomers went deep into the power of positive thinking and forgot the power of correction. 21st century parents, take heed! Pouring only praise on a child creates a narcissist. Correction doesn't need to be soul crushing. Done with love, it leads to humility, a beautiful trait in successful people. That’s not a brand-new idea. “Repent at my rebuke. Then I will pour out my thoughts to you. I will make known to you my teachings” (Proverbs 1:23). “A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother” (Proverbs 29:15). “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Thankfully, I have a pretty good amount of "godly" people in my Church, and the Holy Bible reminds us to visit the Lord in His temple.
Hopefully, you can, once again, find some peace & joy and community there.
God blessings!
Thank you. My roommate and her family are Godly people and I met some people who have a small group in their home. Bless you, too.
It’s easy to understand why one feels the way you do. We left a church that was pushing the masks, etc., and began attending a church that promotes exactly what is presented here. Original writing of the mendicants and “umiliati” (800-1000 years ago) promoted this very thing. That’s how Christendom was established in Europe.
If you want to know where to find this, ask yourself what churches the FBI was spying on. The evil deep state/globalists/freemasons know exactly where the greatest threat is to their desire for world dominance.
Glad you found a community that works for you and your family. It was sad to see so many churches obey the mandates. There have been quite a few home churches to start up, too, post closures.
All I know is that any attempt I have ever made in attended “church” usually ends in me saying, “oh…you’re a charlatan” to the “leader. I can attend to my spiritual needs without a middle-man…or woman.
‘Attending’, rather. My glasses are pretty much never on my face where they are supposed to be. Oh well…
That can be true, of any institution. Fortunately, once I learned to recognize that I am a sinner on the same path these other people are on, I realized it's up to us, as a community, to build up His Church.
Finally, I will add that the men who solicited my number the most were married. No thanks. Especially since I began by stating clearly I was not there to date. I can go literally anywhere for that sort of behavior and would prefer to have no sheen of false piety attached. Thank you for your interest in my soul.
I am glad you found what works for you. As long as institutions, including churches continue to excuse predatory behavior such as that as with regards to Mike Bickle (yes, that was excused at the church I work at), the mass exodus will continue, I imagine. One would imagine that the standard of behavior would be expected to be higher, not lower simply because of monetary contributions or whatever. I seek those with higher standards of behavior. I hope the days of such organizations resembling a local pick-up bar will come to an end. Until or unless that day comes, many will seek out other means, myself included. Thank you.
I can read at home and find others to pray with. There are a LOT of predators in churches and that is a fact. I prefer to not be immersed in that sort of culture. Also, coming from HollyWeird and politics, anything remotely smelling of theatrics is something I want to stay away from. A lot of theatrics in a lot of churches.
Yeah, I got the memo on that. #Recovering Catholic.
Around 4/21 you put out the 4 Paths to Repentance. I listened to it again and again and let it sink in deep. Been a student of the Bible for years, but now more than ever realizing we cannot procrastinate anymore and everything that is not of purity and of our true nature needs to be stripped away. Excellent message for such a time as this.
AMEN 🙏 Glad you are here Paula.
Such an incredible message to the world. Thank you Greg Reese, for your ability to understand and simplify the topics you discuss. You are at the top of my go-to list for anything I need to understand more deeply, to get the jist of so to speak.
Please continue your work, for all of humanity.
‘they can be practiced by anyone without submission or conformity to any dogma or belief’ you say. Who are you repenting to then? Yourself? Repentance means nothing if you aren’t repenting to the One True God, who made each of us in His image, and in order to do that you must believe in Him. All your points are valid, but without a focus on our need for relationship with God and our need to live lives of daily repentance to Him, they have no spiritual value. Jesus left His perfect home and died for all our sins, that each of us would repent-turn away-from our selfish, prideful earthly lives and chose eternal life with Him. By choosing to accept His death on the cross as payment for those sins and repenting we establish that relationship to God that He so greatly desires. So to maintain that relationship we must repent to Him and no other. He is the only One who has the power to wipe our slate of sins clean. We cannot do that on our own. Forgiveness from God overrides anything we ‘think’ we are achieving on our own. As Jesus said, ‘without Me you can do nothing.’
Perfectly said, Tricia, Thank you!
Oops, I forgot that I had already replied. 😬
Amen! What Tricia said can't be said enough! 🤣
Greg, this may be your greatest post of all time! Thank you for all of the beautiful, compelling, vital work that you have done over the years and that you continue to do.
I just listened to your post three times in a row and feel so grateful that you have articulated the beauty and critical importance of repentance. This will help me to raise my boys and strengthen my family. The Russian people are a great people and their lessons are profound.
That was one of the best ones yet Greg , Thank you. But wow you have done so many that have been great. So kudos to you.
Uplifting message Greg, thank you.
It is that simple. Thanks Greg!
I've found the Hawaiian ho'oponopono prayer to be very effective; it is very simple and consists of simply repeating, "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." I first heard of this from a book by a Hawaiian psychiatrist who was assigned to a mental hospital where every other administrator had quit because the situation was so out of control; no one was getting better and employees left in droves as it seemed hopeless. This doctor turned the place around within two years without even seeing or treating the patients: he simply sat in his office looking at the patients' charts while repeating the above prayer. That's all. Day after day. I was so impressed by that, I began to use it, including with my 90-yr-old mother who had come to live with us. It really worked (it also works on yourself, especially on yourself). I has something to do with healing your wounded inner child in the subconscious mind that holds on to emotional hurts and sabotages relationships and interactions.
This is a great article. Thank you
I love ya Reese. But this is a can of worms 🪱. According to Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis the God of the old testament yahweh was not God. He was one of many elohim. In the bible he gave Moses the ten commandments yet he went on to kill 3 million people. And if Jesus was God what was he doing in a public garden with a child with a medicated patch on his private parts . They came to arrest Jesus with the Roman police . When they tried to grab the child he ran away and his cloths fell off. ??? Thats right in Mark's gospel. Been catholic 66 years. And with all the bullshit that has come to light in just the last few years it seems everything I was taught is utter bullshit. If I don't keep holy the sabbath I'm going to hell. If I don't repent to a priest I'm going to hell. I call bullshit. I Don't fear God because that is not love. You can't fear and love a god. To whom do I pray? Most people fear God because they just wanna save their ass. I wanna save my ass from a child trafficker or a malicious murdering scum bag??? Who do I pray to? The universe maybe. My whole life is a prayer. But I bow to no one. We were created to be slaves to these elohim bastards and one of them had some compassion and opened the eyes of eve and she realized the evil that was upon them. I have alway liked the Russian people. Wish I had more of them for friends.
John, I understand your point. The religious paradigm will be the biggest hill to conquer in our human evolution as we are shifting in conscious awareness. IMO, it is not about looking outside of ourselves to find a "God", a supreme being who has power over us, but to look inside of ourselves and understand that we are the "God" that we have been searching for, we are powerful beings. This original sin concept has done nothing but create the discounting of oneself and in many cases, self hatred. Religion has been used as a method of control, but now we are encouraged to step out of that box and claim our true worth, not an outside source's perception of our worth, but our own. Our comments won't be popular here, but if people are taking to heart what they read on this post, they will accept different viewpoints. If not, the post was pointless. I agree regarding the Russian people and one day I will travel there.
Well said Valora
I think you must belong to the church of Cain. He deserted the Presence of God to "do his own thing." Three generations later, his own family realized he was a whacko.
That's pretty spot on the Church of Cain as Jesus is teachings in John 8:44 is very clear you are of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning. The first murder was c a i n and he was the son of Satan.
Cain was not in Adam's genealogy in Genesis chapter 5 Cain is in his own genealogy in Genesis chapter 4..... Genesis 3:15 and 16 make it clear God is talking directly to the serpent Satan and Eve and there were two seedlines. If you look up seed in the Hebrew manuscripts it means Sperma.
You can go to the Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel type in Genesis chapter 3 and get a great teaching from Pastor Arnold murray. God bless
You can start with Maruo Biglino and to hell with the elohim cult church ⛪️ bastards who are totally ignorant. I think more people took the covid elohim shot then I thought. AHHHHHHH!
What tribe are you. Pedophile or murder???
God???what God??? Who's wacko???
I think your Catholic upbringing might have distorted your views of the biblical God. That is pretty common. Look at this Jesuit Pope and Joe Biden today.
Read Mauro Biglino. He's catholic. Upgrade your ignorant mind.
You are probably waiting christ to come back so he can kill billions. Aregedion bullshit.
And one more thing eat my body and drink my blood. Sound like a hillary thing. The idea is disgusting.
some say that ignorance, when it reach certain point, it could be sinful.
Not another I'm going to hell rule. AHHHHHHH
The flesh profiteth nothing. He gave the proviso. You are lying.
I don't know what are you talking about.? It is correct the OT God was a monster. But, the only people who hate Jesus are the gooze. Godless, Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus have no hate for Jesus.
Read mark. He was with a naked boy in the garden when they arrested him as he(jesus) yells in the classic Greek text. I'm not a trafficker. ??? What's that all about? You like trafficking children. Jesus also approved of slavery. If your a slave be a good slave to your master. His words. Not mine. Every man is born free.
God is PERFECT He wont repent or change his mind. He would not review a decision because Moises asked Him. He will not punish anyone until the final times...that;s the OT. An allegoric story BUT everything change when someone said that Sola Fide...That you don't need to REASON to come to God. That works are not necessary for salvation. Just read and be saved!...Since Luther, people not using reason thinks they can understand GOD...Add to that their new Goddess call COMFORT..and you create the so called "christian:" religions, 99% of them made in the US in the XX Century. The OT is the jews story of annihilation of other Nations "because God chose them to do it or asked them to do it".. These sects created in the US are not other than jewish army. Their goal is destroying real Christianity and the salvation of the masses. Nowadays, they are all Zionists!!!...
Made me teary. Your videos are amazing but this one was beautiful ❤️
Outstanding post. Just outstanding.
I believe this post found me because I needed it. I had already had a hint, I can't remember where but it was about forgiveness.
I do feel grateful for this small post. Thank you world.
This a needed post. It goes back to 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Thank you, Mr. Reese, for this timely post.
TMH bless you.
Yes! Shout it! “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).