We can see how they've been pushing this agenda, but we can also see the backlash rising like a tsunami ready to wash away the onslaught. And transhumanism as a whole will also fall by the wayside because onlookers will witness the failed attempts at longevity, the horrible results from genetic tampering and other visible disasters that make them back away slowly while embracing a return to a more natural way of life.
Transgendersim is the gateway drug to transhumanism.
We can see how they've been pushing this agenda, but we can also see the backlash rising like a tsunami ready to wash away the onslaught. And transhumanism as a whole will also fall by the wayside because onlookers will witness the failed attempts at longevity, the horrible results from genetic tampering and other visible disasters that make them back away slowly while embracing a return to a more natural way of life.
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, all other sexes are from Uranus