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Regarding Elon, apologies in advance, but I am reposting this in case anyone missed it:

Regarding freemsonry, Elon Musk, and his everything X app:

One app to rule them all

One app to find them

One app to bring them all

And in the matrix bind them

Musk is aiming for his everything app to be your digital ID, your CBDC wallet, your vaccine passport, your social credit score calculator. Ultimately, It will track, record, and be the gatekeeper for anything and everything you want to do in your life and with your life. It is the technological eye of Sauron. The all seeing Palantíri. When Musk says it's the everything app, he means everything.

It will morph into your panopticon slave bracelet. Don't put this particular ring of power on your finger..

The term 'app' is _very_ powerful to the parasite globalists:

● App = 33 in standard Gematria (33 is Freemasonry’s most sacred number)

● App = 1 16 16 or if flipped vertical and horizontal: 91 91 1 (9/11) (also related to 1/6/2021)

● The pillars of freemasonry with the square and compass in the middle translate to IX XI or 9 11

https://tritorch.com/degradation/FreemasonryAnd911-2.png [image]

Like 33, 911 is an extraordinarily important number to the occult. President HW Bush gave a speech before a joint-session of congress drooling over the prospect of a New World Order on SEPTEMBER 11, 1990—ELEVEN years before that fateful Tuesday, 9/11/2001.

The term ‘App’ sits at the nexus of the two most important numbers in all of Freemasonry: 911 and 33. As a result:

● They want "apps" in everyone's pocket.

● They want the word coming out of everyone's mouth.

● They want the thought in everyone's mind.

This equals POWER to them.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-app-is-the-one-ring

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One thing I am wondering about: why rename the company X? What is the significance of the Roman numeral X?

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Enormous significance.

X stands for combining angel and human DNA to reach godhood. It is straight out of the Book of Enoch and has to do with fallen angels (Grigori) and the Nephalim (the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men). The powers that shouldn't be are trying to use DNA as a stairway to heaven. A neo tower of Babel. X is also related to Nimrod.

https://bitchute.com/video/Ph6qgsn5iqOj [110mins]

I really cannot emphasize enough how IMPORTANT it is for everyone to watch and share that ^ video.

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And they will fail in their endeavor as they always do.

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I'm actually currently writing a story that includes the theme of fallen angels and nephilim in a modern day setting here...


The Nephilim, the product of the sons of god mingling with the daughters of Adam, the great biblical giants, “the fallen ones,” the Rephaim, “the dead ones”


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Sep 3, 2023
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Don't think I would get away with using their real names ;) so obviously I have created fictional characters that embody the kinds of powerful entities that control our reality, but yes, the above list provides all the inspiration anyone needs.

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Thank you for sharing. Great presentation. Watched it and shared.

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Have been listening to this link. Thanks for sharing. I knew some of the information already, but wow. Thanks again.

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This was an incredible sermon. Shared with others, thank you!!

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Also noticed many things/companies changing or changed over to X starting the name. Such as Comcast cable becomes Xfinity.

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Doesn't the broken cross have something to do with mocking christianity?

And there's the double cross used in logos and some orthodox churches too.



Or maybe Elon is into BDSM... they like using an X to play games.


I mean... he likes to sneak in sexual references in his business related names i.e. Spacex and his car models spell out S...E...X...Y

I guess we're still waiting for the model E (economy) or does it refer to electric?

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"X-" is also used as a sort of shorthand method of expressing the prefix "TRANS"

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This Is An Excellent Synopsis Of The Elon Magick!

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Magick Is A Reference To Aleister Crowley Sex Magick & Ritual From Those Given Over To Devil's That Sell Their Souls For Riches!

He Has A Lot Of Money But Has Produced Nothing Meaningful Or Positive For The World!

Elon Is An Excellent Example Of That Because Nothing Good Has Come From Anything He Has Done!

Space X Is Bullshit & His Car Is A Death Trap!

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Sep 4, 2023Edited
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By The Way Elon Is Nothing But A Sorcerer Pulling A Spell Over Eyes, Sell Your Tesla Before It Fries You, Your House & Your Family To Pieces!

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Elon And Aleister Crowley Are Both Examples of Psychopath's!

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Remote Viewing Is Sorcery And Assuming I Am One On Your Part Is Foolish.

It's A Meaningless Avatar Name Differentiating Me From Others Online.

I Do Not Support Hollywood And Have Not For At Least 20 years, So I've Not Seen Transcendence & Nor Do I Intend To.

Your Comment Is Out Of Context With Anything And Is Completely Out Of The Blue & Is What Strikes Me As Circumlocution Or Confabulation Which Some Would Call Bullshit.

Pick A Topic & Make A Cogent Statement And We Can Have A Conversation.

Opinions Are Like Assholes Everyone Has One But At Least Try To Make Sense While You're Having It!

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Sep 4, 2023
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So Where Did The Remote Viewing Context Come From?

I've Never Heard The Remote Viewing Connection To Transhumanism Ever Before.

Do You Have Any Info To Share On That Connection Or Is It Just Another Opinion?

I Encourage People To Provide Receipts Or Evidence To Support Their Assertions Or Opinions As Well As Add Context.

Comment Just Seemed To Come Out Of Nowhere.

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Sep 4, 2023
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I Am Not Very Familiar With The Topic I Think I Tend To Avoid It As It Is Evil!

Thank You For Clarifying Your Thoughts!

I Apologize For Being Curt!

Yuval Harari Comes To Mind When I Read This! What A Devil!

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Sep 8, 2023
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I Could Not Agree More!

I Rebuke Them All In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Amen

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Pap =

worthless or trivial reading matter or entertainment.

"limitless channels serving up an undemanding diet of pap"

What is a pap in Old English?

"nipple of a woman's breast," late 12c., pappe, first attested in Northern and Midlands writing, probably from a Scandinavian source (not recorded in Old Norse, but compare dialectal Swedish pappe), from PIE imitative root *pap- "to swell" (source also of Latin papilla "nipple," which might rather be the source of the ...

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