Unfortunately the vast majority of people are too focused on mindless entertainment, sports, etc. to even give any notions of what's really going on behind the scenes much thought.

And this satanic stuff, which it indeed is, people don't comprehend because they don't truly understand who God and Christ really are, they believe the Americanized version whereby they make Jesus out to be a liar and where Christ and mammon CAN be worshipped simultaneously.

2 Thes. 2:11 clearly coming into play.

Also, Rev. 20:7-9. The thousand years is at its end. I'm guessing that CERN has a large role in this.

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Hummm'""""mindless entertainment, sports, ....."" don't forget to label under "Entertainment " Politics and religion and voting and government as these are all only 'Entertainment'

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Interesting how Christians pay and pray to Jews, fight wars that Jews Finance.with great return on their money...." Onward Christians Soldiers""" >>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onward,_Christian_Soldiers <<< Onward Goy......... Dance for your Jew Masters....Oh By the Way Jesus was a born Jew circumcised as a Jew.....his Mother was a Jew ,praised and worshipped by Catholics... Council of Trent was at the Vatican, 1563 where Jesuits and Jews were deleting and ALTERING Books in your Bible book...this is all written in History

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Revelation 3:9-10.... Jesus is for everyone , we don’t worship Jesus because he was a so called Jew, we worship him because he’s the only way, the truth. These fake Jews of today are the ones he speaks of in those 2 verses. You are correct, in that Christians have been deceived by the false doctrine of the rapture to believe these fake Jews are God’s chosen people. They are of the synagogue of Satan

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the point is all Christians bow down to their Jewish Masters...and they have for thousands of years.....and according to Jews,,Christians are just goyum, animals.

And a Jews can treat all goy as animals and can butcher them eat them and rape them... Read the Talmud . Listen to and read the Torah....All Jews MUST follow the Torah or he is NOT a Jew. .......Oh TexasDon you can quote EDITED BIBle passages all day long..but the cold hard FACTS is YOUR bible was edited many times over...a big editing was at the Council of Trent 1540 to 1563 where your bible book was butchered by Jews and Jesuits and unknown religious wannabes....and NO ONE will ever KNOW what was removed or added too or in legal terms "Interpolated'.....and Don with ""false doctrine of the rapture to believe these fake Jews are God’s chosen people. They are of the synagogue of Satan"" what is all this ???? just MORE USELESS Information......just like Mick Jagger sand about 50 years ago >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrIPxlFzDi0&ab_channel=ABKCOVEVO

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Not to discount what you're saying here because it's very relevant; but the man we call Jesus wasn't the only one who did all of these things. That being said, he's the one talked about that is relevant in the western world for these times.

Our overall history as the human race is so hidden and purposely skewed to confuse everyone. Thankfully, there's people like Greg doing fantastic investigative journalism but we also shouldn't forget about people like Michael Hoffman who wrote King Kill 33 with James Shelby Downard. That and all of his other work exposing these "people", especially at the Vatican.

If you have ever looked into anything beyond InfoWars, you're aware that anything that occured prior to 1900, or specifically 1902, is up for question. The World's Fairs of the 1800s & early 1900s happened allegedly while wars were happening? Highly unlikely... This means the civil war, the slavery narrative (I've seen a few different narratives on this), the war of 1812, the so called American Revolution I mean, that doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg -- and that's only about 125 years back from 1900. And then you have all these mysterious fires that happened ALL on the same day -- Chicago wasn't even close to the one that happened in Peshtigo WI -- in physical distance and in the amount of damage.

My point is that ALL religion is just a form of control. Even Jesus said that... But remember this, the christian bible was likely co-opted long before King James got his hands on it. Just an FYI, Jesus, regardless of any name he ever went by, isn't in any historical records beyond religious texts.

That being said, I have no doubt that was erased by the controllers on purpose and there's probably plenty in books that are miles beneath Vatican city or elsewhere underground and people need to start thinking about the bigger picture with everything we've been lied to about.

Next time anybody gets this bright idea to storm a place with a few million people, let's make sure it's the Smithsonian, The Vatican, The North Pole where the 4 Islands mysteriously disappeared from maps and especially Antarctica.

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Thank you!

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I think there's a book by that name by Donald Day (I think it is about the Bolshevik Revolution or what was going on in the Soviet Union).

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Jesus was NOT a Jew based upon today's definition. To the contrary.

One must carefully define words when discussing these days. "Conservative" for instance, means almost nothing anymore without a definition for purposes of a singular discussion.

Not quite sure what this has to do with my original post directly.

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The thousand years hasn't even started. Not even. We are just approaching the Tribulation, the Last Days of the End Times.

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That's not true, the thousand years is a loosely knit thing, not a firm thing that everyone makes it out to be.

The modern origins of Dispensationalist heretical teachings stem from C.I. Scofield, "his" study Bible, and the Babylonian Talmudist handler & financial orchestrator of his that injected that heretical belief into the DTS and ultimately a good chunk of the fundie movement.

I used to believe ALL of that, hook, line, and sinker, and managed to figure that out.

Happy to discuss if you'd like. That is the subversion, and as I believe, at least part of the "delusion/working-of-error" mentioned in 2 Thes. 2:11.

2 Pet. 3:8 defines this nebulous "thousand years," the tribulation likewise was something made out of nothing. The items regularly cited by its proponents have already, beyond clearly, occurred.

I mean who is Jesus speaking to in Matt. 24:16 for example? It's not you, me, us.

All that's left, per 2 Pet. 3, is the final return of Christ and destruction of the existing world.

Jesus stated plainly that his kingdom was not of this world, that did not mean that eventually it would be either.

Happy to engage further. Once you understand it, so much more falls into place, and the spiritual battle before us will be much more visible to you.

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Well, CERN is an 'energy' collider, right? Demons, elementals, spirits... Those pick up on EMF readers, which means they are just energy so I would say "Satan/Lucifer" (if in fact they're one in the same) or these other gods that require blood sacrifice are also just dark "energy" because they're in a lower level of frequency/vibration. The dark cannot ever control the light, nor create but it can steal it's energy like a vampire.

-- Yahweh is one of those gods by the way and I'm pointing this out because it's in OT of the bible multiple times.

This isn't some new agey love and light or especially Trust the Plan Q crap; we are in a fight...

The best advice I've seen are the people talking about how to dissipate chemtrails using a variety of techniques -- I have no doubt that HAARP & CERN are using the chemtrails to interact with the 4G & especially 5G frequencies -- just wait until they try to put them in the LED street lights.

If you want to start fighting back, you need to learn HOW by using the law.... We were all put into a slave system via our birth certificates but there's ways to fight this. If you want to learn, start listening to Crrow777 and from there follow all the people talking about the law stuff separately... especially Lena Pu with her NOL's.

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You've missed quite a bit about CERN. The stuff you mention is simply the cover and the most superficial elements of it.

While you're correct on the means of control in your last paragraph, using "the law," their law in their system, is a fool's game.

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I have to sit down to give a proper response but I saw the notification before I leave work for the day. Since I already tend to write 'books', I want to make sure what I say actually makes sense but what I will say right now, is that it's really too bad that the majority of people who 'get it' (like yourself) probably live no where near others who also see what's really going on...that this is so far past 'politics' it's unimaginable for people like my parents who are in their 70s. Give me a bit because I definitely wasn't able to elaborate as much as I would like.

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Yeah sure, take your time. Appreciate the civil discussion.

Agree with your implication that there aren't enough people to make the kind of difference that's actually needed.

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Apr 19, 2023
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A lot of stuff there, but yeah, most people cannot think that this has occurred that pervasively, hence there really isn't any "solution."

At the core of it all, which allows what you say to occur, is the control via a centralized banking/currency system. Without that they lose that control over the masses, eh.

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Apr 19, 2023
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Anyone with faith in our current currency is lost.

The problem is that the spiritual enemies of mankind and God have orchestrated it so that we now worship mammon.

There's a reason why Jesus said plainly that one cannot worship God and mammon at the same time, and that he must choose between them. It's too much of an impediment for many. Matt. 19: 21,22; Luke 16:13

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Apr 18, 2023
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Amen sister, fuck am so angry. . . . Channeling "happy thoughts"

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Apr 18, 2023
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Love u 2 Farah , i been dredging old 1970's News articles about the links between Trudeau Father , the club of Rome , The UN Maurice Strong & peak Oil Scam. That family is the worst thing that happen to the country. It got me depress a bit. All those masks ... The green Mask , The Anti-Fa mask , now the Trans Mask ... The Justice Mask .

You don't even need to search too deep It's all a facade. We got a direct descendant of a Nazi officer for Vice-PM and she get along so well with George Soros ALL on tape i might add. This country is fuck. AND to add to the irony i read for the first time the letters the continental congress sent to Quebec in 1774 in hope Quebec would join the revolution .... To be honest , if not for the Jesuits Theocracy we would be part of the Union with The Constitution Bill of right and declaration of independence backing us up. Our "CHARTER " is only 40 years old and is a pure joke. We still send our laws to the Kings to be sign into law........

I explain this to people and i get call a nut case .... sigh

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You do realize that 9-11, OKC, Boston, etc. were all hoaxes, contrived, right?

Also, the thing called the Holocaust as well, right?

If you aren't familiar with the USS Liberty, look that up as well.

The real perps are the ones that have coopted the entire economy, aka the owners of the Federal Reserve, and the Bank of International Settlements which overseas the Fed as well as many other equivalent institutions for other countries.

Just a drop in the bucket.

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Agree agree. Agree

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Look HERE, not over THERE (as TPTB steal our birthright, etc.)!

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we also have the 1960 Bill of Rights which is really gaining a lot of traction. Stand4Thee hosts zoom classes every week. Know your Canadian Bill of Rights. #WeGotThis

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Well, you're not a nut case.

The Truth has been hidden, corrupted, destroyed, and Lies have been told to us all for decades, hundreds, even thousands of years.

Go ahead and be in wrath, just as King Jesus is Himself in wrath.

And also, recall that he was called insane and demon-posessed for speaking The Truth, and the Thems Evils of His time raged against Him, as demons will to do in the presence of Light and Truth.

So, you're in good company.

He gets you.

He's got you.

All the way to The End, and then forever beyond that.

And Jesus' opinion of you is the only one that matters.

Someday, He'll make all of this worth it, for you and for us all who love and long for Truth and Righteousness to fill all of the earth.

Do you wonder why Jesus chose you to be here, on earth, at this time?

You can do this.

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“When The People know what we have done, we will no longer be able to walk in the street.” - GHWB

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Wait, he really said that?

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Yes. He did.

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link plz i cant find it. ty

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Here is one thought Snopes claims it's false, the fact checkers seem to lie. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/george-h-w-bush-lynched-quote/

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thnx for the link

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GWB also mentions the New World Order in speeches.

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Don't use Google

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Are you AWAKE yet? Our battle is SPIRITUAL

SATANIC Mass Sacrifice:


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The conversations between people (generally at the water fountains or elevators, or shops) typically evolved common subjects that have been MANUFACTURED BY TV. TV is not initiating outrage at safe and effective claims, at child sacrifices, or cancel culture? Hence there are no anger or outrage at evils all around us. Most people around me never heard of Klaus Schawb?

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It’s quite amazing, isn’t it?! I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality half the time. I was forced to retire because of CONvid. People are STILL wearing masks! I’ve never seen anything so crazy!

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I see a lot of them wearing masks, too and I'm here in Jacksonville, FL so even when it's hot. I see people in the car ALONE wearing them with the windows rolled up. I've never seen anything crazier!

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Omg! It’s so hot and humid there. Gross! I thought humans were smarter than this. Seriously!😳

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I loved your message. I cracked up. 🤣 how about some people wearing the masks in the pool at the YMCA where I swim?

My mouth dropped the first time I saw that. Insane! One of them told me she took her 5th shot snd will continue when it's available. Omg! There's no hope for these people. They're totally brainwashed.

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It’s amazing, isn’t it???? I’m still floored after 3 years!

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Me, too! I've lost a lot of relatives and friends for trying to talk with them about the shots but they believe in it and so they have disowned me. What can you do?

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Seeing anyone with mask after 3 years of exposure to the lies shows that it is an IDENTITY to them. Similar to Muslim women in hijab in the West.

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Apr 18, 2023
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I’m just outside of San Fransicko. Now, I can actually identify people that are mentally ill. Mental illness has become normalized. If I see someone with a mask on, STILL, I know they probably have some form of mental illness. And yet, has it ever occurred to any of them to ask, “Why am I doing THIS?”

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Agree Farah with mass psychosis

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I knew about the relationship between satanism and organized hits when studying mk ultra in the 90s. Later I worked with gang members and one revealed that they secretly practice satanism. One told me their gang put one of the prison guards eye out bc he removed one of the satanic books in his cell. * excerpt - "There are several levels of death squad hits. At the first level are high level political assassins, such as Operation 40. These individuals are more black ops types that come out of military and intelligence.

But there is a need to conduct hits at a lower level as well. These death squads get rid of innocent witnesses or nosy people. They enforce the Mafia, CIA, Mossad, police and cultists operatives’ strict, enforceable code of silence."


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Joshua 23:10

One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you.

Leviticus 26:8:

Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.

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Fairpoet81, thank you for your comment.

Your Kingdom come, Abba Father.

Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.

Let's Roll, King Jesus!

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Massive Chicken culling > https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-flu-summary.htm

They found a H5N1 "infected" in Chile and China. They just wont stop. . . .

Chile already cull 1 million Sea Lions their justification : PCR mania.

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The whole world lies in darkness meaning a person will remain in darkness without the light of God through his son, Jesus. And I do not say that lightly.

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Cern is suppressed technology of energy generation that could eliminate fossil fuels, nuclear and all other overpriced environmental burdensome technologies they "sell" to us to keep us broke and down. They label Cern as satanic by design, so you will not wake up and will stay away, ignorantly. Particle acceleration was invented in the early eighties and was revered as the replacement of fossil fuels and nuclear because of its clean energy generation capacity, which is limitless. Like everything else the elitists are suppressing this technology for their own purposes, control. The elitists would rather burn all the trees as fuel before they allow this technology to be utilized by the public, thus they demonize its purpose. Control over the masses 101.

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Keep those short videos coming!!!


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No One Knows That Day and Hour

Mat 24:36  “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. 

Mat 24:37  For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 

Mat 24:38  For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, 

Mat 24:39  and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 

And What Were The Days of Noah Like?

Gen 6:5  The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

Gen 6:6  And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 

Gen 6:7  So the LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 

Gen 6:8  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. 

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Matthew 24:39 "And they were unaware until the flood came..."

Noah had been preaching and witnessing to everyone for 100 years, and yet, "they were unaware".

It seems that many do not have any interest in seeing, hearing, receiving, finding, knowing, and pursuing The Truth, are uninterested in considering The Truth, and refuse to believe The Truth.

Some, apparently, will never wake up. They will only, perhaps only, see and experience "the flood" in their very last breaths, but then it is too late.

It seems that there is such a thing as "It is too late."

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Exactly and Romans 1:18-32 tells us exactly why it is too late for our Nation. Three times God brings judgement upon a rebellious people and if those rebellious people do not repent from their wicked ways and turn back to God after the third time God lifts His Hand of protection and blessing from that nation and pours out His Wrath of Abandonment upon that nation. That is exactly what has happened to the United States of America.


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Only King Jesus can rid the earth of Thems Evils and all Thems' evil works, and only King Jesus can restore His Creation, and only King Jesus can rule the entire earth in Peace, Justice, and Righteousness.

There is a Divine Great Reset coming.

I say, Come, King Jesus!

Let's Roll!

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The Coming Battle ~ M.W. Walbert

First published in 1899, republished for the first time in 125 years!

The Coming Battle documents from congressional records, newspaper reports and writings by the founding fathers and others, a chronology of events long forgotten that shaped our fledgling nation from 1776 to 1899. Read about the manipulation of our money and its supply, the intentional creation of recessions, depressions and panics. The manipulation of the stock markets. The demonetization of silver to keep the people from getting wealthy and independent. A breathtaking history told in the words of a contemporary witness to these events. The complete early history of the creation of the Federal Reserve. This masterpiece reveals how the banking money power and giant corporate interests, partnering with government, set up a framework to exploit and enslave the American people.

Lost for over 125 years!

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Seen this for a few years now in my dreams.

Thank you for your work. Really appreciated your interviews or discussions with Mark Passio.

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Apr 18, 2023
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who doesn’t?? I get stuck with end of world, concentration camp farms and watching the beast rise out of revelations to look like bill gates. sigh.

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Welcome First Graders ...

I Am Your Teacher.

My Pronouns Are 666

They Are Nouns

And I Am Pro Nouns-Thats's Later.

First We Are Going To Play

What Flavor Is Billy's Butthole.


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Again, I have to make mention, asking the question.... Who or what is behind this kind of evil that has been established over us and why? The answer is The Almighty God that we Believers claim to worship. He is the One behind this evil. He sets up kings and tears down kings according to His will.... And His will is against the Christian Right, who has turned from the detail of His Covenant Law. See Jeremiah 23:20. Until we begin to look inwardly, proclaiming this is all our own fault, it's going to continue until all but a remnant is destroyed... Literally 67%. Zechariah 13:8. Greg, can you please loom into Covenant Law and do a program on that subject. It is the missing ingredient in our nation's salvation.

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