Dec 25, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Deep subject for Christmas Day! I don't think it's any coincidence that strands of thought circulating among people who do not consent (PWDNC) are making connections to the physical world and higher consciousness. Divorced from any physical evidence, higher thought planes can easily be dismissed by the unfaithful, but when you tie it into the actual structure and function of the universe it takes on a whole new dimension. Vortex is probably a word we'll see a lot of in the future. Thanks for this, Greg, I like being taken on a magic carpet ride.

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Dec 25, 2023·edited Dec 25, 2023

Absolutely brilliant video Greg. 12 years ago when I stopped watching television I came across Victor Schauberger, Gerald Pollock, David Hudson, Marisimo Emoto and René Joseph Quinton, inventor of Quinton water.

More recently Dr. Thomas Cowen, I recommend all his books. Human heart Cosmic heart resonated with something within me.

Other people doing interesting work with water is Aǹalemma Water. Extremely fascinating what they've done to bring the coherence back to water. This didn't happen overnight. They worked for over a decade and have remarkably sound scientific studies supporting their claims. Also the work Veda Austin is doing with water.

The documentary Magnetic Water was my introduction to structured water and Emoto. I know there are claims Emoto's work has been "debunked." If so that's okay. That's what science is about. But if the group debunking has an agenda and their agenda has colored their data or assessment of his, that isn't ok. And all too often that seems to be the case with big brothers fact checkers.

I have personally done the rice experiment as have a dozen people I personally know. In every case it appears our intention caused the rice to behave differently.

I honestly don't give a shit what is true. Would I like some things to be true and others to be false? Sure but I feel that sacrificing what I feel is my integrity is a price too big to pay.

Sure it's painful sometimes finding out what I believe is wrong. In fact, there's topics I suspect I don't have correct and will avoid going down that rabbit hole because for whatever reason I'm just not ready to become disillusioned on that topic. But the pain of realizing I got something wrong is less painful then remaining ignorant and harming others through my willful ignorance.

But when Humanity cumulatively clings to false narratives because of globalist controlled media has lathered them into a tribal hive mind , essentially ingraining these false narratives into their personalities , then we've got what we're witnessing today . The most unbelievably effective divide and conquer weaponization ever deployed on Humanity . It's consequences will be mortal for the sovereignty of not just those captured by the hivemind but collaterally for for the percentage of critical thinkers as well.

I recently heard the way I try approaching the world as 'epistemic humility.' That made sense. The one thing I know is true is our neighbors are not our enemies. Yes, many of them are going to cling to narratives that not only don't serve them but harm them, and all of humanity. That doesn't mean there are enemies. They're scared and fear combined with public schooling has destroyed much of their ability to critically think. It doesn't mean they're unreachable. Again, they're not our enemies even though We may disagree on policy points.

Our enemies are those propagandizing the masses into a state of division and lies. They're experts at divide and conquer because they know it's essential at neutralizing the greatest threat to their objectives, We the People.

United we stand divided we fall. Never has that statement been more applicable than today and without question in the coming year.

I got way off topic from the video. But I hope some of it made sense in resonates with you, my fellow human. Anyone who read this thanks for reading.

Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever you do, I love you and hope life Smiles upon you and your family today and every day hereafter.

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

GREAT video.

I suspect that what we THINK we know about the human body, and how this incredibly sophisticated, complex creation actually works, are as different as night and day.

We're only at the dawn of time, in terms of truly understanding it.

In addition to not being a pump, the heart (not the brain) is the orchestral Conductor of every bodily action and reaction.

We also have a biofield of electricity and photons, which exchanges pure information with those around us, which is the real cause of what we perceive as "contagion".

The true nature of who we are, what we are, and where we are, has been suppressed and hidden from us.

The human body was not some random, inconsequential, big bang accident.

It is the divine creation of intelligence light years ahead of our own.


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This is an amazing explanation of a deeply mysterious and esoteric subject. How anyone can read this- take it in- and still say there is ‘no God or Master Creator’ is beyond my understanding. Dr. John Upledger the MD/ Osteopath who ‘fathered’ CranioSacral Therapy wrote ‘Cell Talk’ which is an incredible and accessible book about the intelligence behind the operation of one human cell. We really understand very little about the thing we call life.

Merry Christmas.

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The vortex concept is also known as “helical heart”, with plenty of links for short and long YT clips.

In Oriental traditions, the heart is the energy center associated with the sense of touch, physical and figurative, direct and remote. “Touched my heart”, “it’s touching” or “touchy” gain new meanings. As does “heart to heart communication”.

We may need to update a lot of our knowledge.

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Dec 25, 2023·edited Dec 25, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

A very good read that covers much of what Greg's talk discusses:

Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

by Dr. Thomas Cowan,


Thanks for throwing that transmutation of elements in Greg. I forgot that Cowan touched on it.

Sayer Ji goes into a little more detail on biological transmutation of elements in his new book:

Regenerate: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience through the New Biology


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Orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements. Have you read Laurence Gardner’s “Lost Secrets of the Ancient Ark?”

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Great post. Thinking of the physiologist Galen and his observations on the heart is a vortex. Amazing developmental biology on the formation of the fetal heart from the rhythmic pulse of the mother’s heart beat - as a tiny but perfect vortex.

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Very nice work. Always learning , understanding.

Psalm 16:8,9. 'I have set the Lord always before me : because HE is at my right hand I shall not be moved. ⁹Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth ; my flesh also shall rest in hope".

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Oh i just wake up my eye are still sticky(8:00am)

Such a peaceful report while watching , with a smile , i was expecting a cut to Alexa gravity fed water filter ! Hahahahaha The spark of life , the perfect place to end the report ! 😎 A+++

Merry Christmas everyone , don't let the negative ninnies pollute your precious bodily Fluids.

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Dec 25, 2023·edited Dec 25, 2023

Magnetic water documentary


Water has memory documentary


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This video sums up the podcast you made about the subject so well! Fantastic job as usual 🙌 You are very skilled at condensing information and it makes videos like these so enjoyable to watch.

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No wonder the Powers That Shouldn’t Be want to keep us from each other; want to shield us from the sun; keep polluting our water and soils. No more! Stand up people; take back your true power, the Power of the Heart! The Frequency of Love! ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your gifts to us all, Greg. You are a blessing!

Merry Christmas🎄

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I am afraid to say that you are fundamentally wrong.

Yes Water is alive and yes it is structured and yes victor Schauberger was right...

But so was Wilhelm Reich!

And so am I.

First of all Wilhelm Reich found Scientific Proof of Qi (Orgone).

Which means that your fundamental worldview is wrong.

Fundamentally the Universe is alive as one entity... we are a product of a living Universe.

Life is infinite and has infinite forms as well as no form at all... just like water.

Our Heart is the Heart of an Animal and it is also a thinking Organ.

The Heart Communicates with the Organs by the Language of feelings... up equal down... happy ok sad... full ok empty... and so on...

The Body itself is both Generator and motor... We walk using Kinetic Energy converted into Bioelectric Energy which is also at the same time communication with the heart about the status of the Organ.

Because if there is something wrong... you body lets you feel it... and you feel it in your heart.

Feeling good is the most important thing... feeling good not by outside forces but by the fact that you carry no burden no negativity with you.

That feeling is ZEN.

It is the best Feeling and once you realize that most of what you do is standing in your own way... the path is clear.

Fat people only carry their own shit around.

Who are we?

We are Genetically Modified Therapoda we are Dinosaurs by Nature and you can grab your tail because the Phantom Memory still has it through all Generations... a fact that proves Genetic Memory.

Theropoda are basically two legged Dinosaurs... with T-Rex being the most popular.

There are two main reasons for that... one being the tail we lost but still have phantom memories of... and the second is the sense of balance which we have because of that.

Apes, as the mainstream science tells us, are dominantly tree animals and even Gorillas walk mostly on four legs... hand s and legs...

They do not have a sense of balance as their point of balance is the lowest point of gravity.

Which reveals the Question who are we and who created us.


The race that created us gave us some of their Mind and the blueprint of a physical therapoda made some Genetic changes smaller head and the rest is evolution.

Evolution never stops.

Our heart is all that you spoke of... but it is more.

It is the center of feelings in our Body... it acts like a Brain for Feelings.. and what is more... heart and Brain are in constant communication.

Just learn to listen to what your heart has to say... It tells you exactly what to do.


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In your article Greg, there is zero mention of God, the Creator of all things. Instead, you mention Plato and other goof balls that you are putting on a pedestal.

What you said, quoting you: “And in order to keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.”

Where is God? Why did you not mention Him FIRST before everything you said?

Clearly, you must be the child of the devil and a “new ager” where you teach doctrines of demons and the sheeple follow.

I do not put up with this kind of utter garbage.

I am not here to please man, I am here to please God Almighty, He comes First in my life, without Him, I am nothing.

Just remember, pride comes before a fall.

God Almighty created us mankind and He gets ALL the glory, honor and power in everything FIRST.

You are giving power to pathetic “philosophers” that don’t merit credit, they are losers!

This article is messed up and so are you!

If anyone takes offense in what I have shared, it’s because you also are a child of the devil, now you know why.

I will not put up with this, I will rebuke where needed.

Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25th.

Christmas is a pagan, demonic, satanic worship holiday.


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