Here's a little "insight" to the nut jobs running the show; and this isn't meant to instill fear or anger, it's just the facts, not as I assume them to be, but from an "insider" point of view: Now imagine you have a goal, and in order to reach that goal you need a plan, and in order for the plan to be implemented you need resources to carry out "building" your way to the goal. IF you have not sat in a board room or planning meeting in any of the following fields, then you do not know how they carry it out: Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing, Utilities - Power Production and Fuels in particular, large scale Maintenance Services, Financing, Product Distribution Systems, Personnel Recruitment, and even Political, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Academic systems. Those who are professional planners know where I'm going - and that's to the most powerful scheduling tool on Earth and it's called P-6, or Primavera v. 6.0. Look it up - and I am telling you there isn't a corporation on the planet that doesn't use it. It can plan out and schedule ANYTHING from a wedding to the implementation of a system of total global control. Why do you think they have Bilderberg, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, WEF and periodic political conventions. Those are what are known as breakout meetings. They sit in a room behind either single, dual or tri-monitor views of "the schedule" (which at this point is the plan) and either have the "department manager" or his/her stand in take responsibility for "add ons" and/or report deficiencies missing completion date targets. They don't get mad or scared they missed a target, they explain why it was missed and then get the rest of the "team players" to add support - which could be additional personnel and more that likely additional financing. And since this is the big project to take over the world (it's been playing out over millennia folks) and they operate the money printing press - no problem. The ONLY problem they have is hard end dates they cannot move. "Whuddya mean Tom? Can you give an example?" Absolutely - the only thing they cannot control is the stars, planets and moon(s). They've been on a perpetual clock since the first atom in the materium came into existence via a power beyond comprehension - whenever that was by whoever that is. And to an upper tier occupant of the big pyramid they know exactly when "the next big one" is gonna hit. But as far as that goes - they got the "skedaddle to sequestering" portion completed long, long ago. They'll just go under ground and come back up after the dust has settled, the smoke has cleared, the ice has melted and the tides receded. Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." This isn't the first pass on the merry-go-round - this place and it system exceeds ancient. It's a do over machine. So, why fret about it? You're NOT going to stop Hamlet's Mill (you really should read it) but you can hop off the flat grinding stone before you wind up ground up again, then back on it for another "turn." Anyway, funny story: I have the podcast set at 1.25 speed whenever it opens - so when Greg started picking Joy the Banjo I was like, "Damn! He mastered that thing quick! What's he complaining about?" Too funny. "Don't worry, be happy."

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This is my perspective as well.

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I like your characterization: "this system is a do-over machine".

Haven't heard it expressed quite this way before, but it rings true.

So you think "they" know exactly when this is going to happen?


Doug Vogt thinks it will be sometime in the fall (I forget which exact day) of 2046.

I'm already kinda old, so I hope I'm dead by then and get to miss the incineration! But we all still want to know how to get off the wheel and not come back for another "do-over". Various people keep saying that we can, but not how. I want one of those P-6 operational plans for that :)

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Oh they know alright. How do I know they know? I gotta go woo on ya a little and it's not based on belief as much as it is based on experience and study of the system of "angels and demons." It doesn't matter if you think they do not exist or that "summoning" them is a Hollywood fairy tale - it works and it not only works, it works BOTH ways. An entity can be summoned, bound, given a job and released to carry it out. Conversely, the top of the Angel/Demon hierarchy can, and do, present themselves before the "kings and queens of the realm" and are given specific instruction. That "pack with the devil" thing is real. The earliest, most comprehensive, digestible and still in use system of summoning is chronicled in the book of Enoch and in the works of John Dee on the Enochian Language and the Angelical Language. You can also spend a few thousand dollars and do it your self, which I highly DO NOT RECOMMEND!!! (See: https://www.miskatonicbooks.com/ )

As for jumping off the flat grinding stone: Stop interacting with the field, that's is stop having an egoic/emotional response to whatever your experience, via the 6 senses, is and just let it be. Ever hear the term 'self and other?' The mind is 'other' and must be stopped for self to emerge - your true self. Meditation is the key to enter the state. Best little book explaining it: Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice -

Written on the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi: “Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know ThySELF and you will know the Universe and the gods.” (And it's in your heart, not your head)

"There are three Things extremely hard; Steel, a Diamond, and to know one's self." - Benjamin Franklin

Stay away from the psychotropics too, that's a clown world of colors and comedians that will entertain you endlessly and drive you mad. Also stay out of the astral realm - the goal is the causal realm. Hope this helps. free the self as opposed to the human - humans are in a cage of flesh - and jumping off the flat stone is the only way out.

(I hope no one asks about meeting Jesus during their NDE - they won't like the reply.)

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Thanks for the reply. I've been comfortable with "the woo" for a long time. I engage in some of the more obscure arts, but stop well short of making any pacts with any entities. Meditation - I try, but have issues with quieting the mind. I have had to engage in the moving type instead - e.g. chop wood/carry water, etc as much as I can. Been there, done that with the psychotropics decades ago. It was a fun side trip, but that's all it was in the end. Still not seemingly any closer to getting off the wheel ...</sigh>

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You both seem like people I could talk to for many hours. Too bad this is virtual.

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Do tell...about meeting Jesus.

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Your call for a telling has been sitting with me for days - then this popped up today:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feASy1kWQbY - This guy, Robert Sepher, is the Greg Reese of anthropologists - and this, his video, is an excellent lead in to a "full" answer, with "full" not meaning I'm "full of it" - but more so that I'm trying to find source documents that give - not just a validation to the 'experiencer' who met 'Jesus' - but something 'in stone' explaining what it really was all about - and if I swag it in anything but an academic style it'll have holes shot through it - and it's extremely hard - not even Swedenborg's material explains it - as even the 'letter' of his writings have nothing from antiquity. The only 'stone' I've run into is a brick wall, while still holding a vigilant search. For now, it would be a throw out in a conversation to get someone else thinking. Yeah, it's a tough one - I'm going over the Tibetan Book Of The Dead again b/c if it's anywhere - it's going to be out of Tibet - fortunately I've got the translation of several works - maybe I'll hit pay dirt, more like "ah ha." I could care less about fame or money - the 'pay' end of the dirt. Have a great weekend.

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Pretty interesting and insightful perspective- but those remaining planners and top of the pyramid folks are obviously devils. Hence, I would say the ancient Rishis got it right when they put the focus on getting off the wheel of dharma and adharma.

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I skookum to the east.

And I skookum to the west.

And I skookum to the woman that I love the best.

I be skookum.


Sorry... it just popped in my head.

Never heard that word either.

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LOL! 😂

We are a musical bunch in this group, are we not? 😀 I usually have a song playing in my head, regardless of what I’m doing or what’s going on around me. And when

Greg started talking about joy, pleasure and pain, the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s Aeroplane started playing in my head. 🤣

🎶”I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane, it’s my aero-plane.” 🎶

For me personally, joy and pleasure are

almost always intertwined. And sometimes it does lead to pain, but how will you know, unless you’re willing to take that chance? I believe that joy, and the pleasure that results from it, are worth the risk that’s involved.

I love your banjo playing, Greg. It reminds me of my small, country hometown in the north Georgia mountains. I could totally see you playing banjo in a band and I think you should because it seems like it would be an excellent hobby/stress reliever.

I look forward to your next food video. Even though I don’t eat red meat, the canning video you made awhile back was pretty interesting.

Also, life is short ~ eat the peanut butter! 😋

Have a blessed week! 🙏🏻

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In regards to making everyone pledge allegiance to “Christianity”...being forced to swear on the Bible, that will be a form of a faux religion. Our Lord never forces Himself in anyone...ultimately it is a personal decision. No bloodline, no culture, no church membership, etc...grants you the title “a child of God”. “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”-Revelation 3:20. He’s at every heart’s door, but you have to open the door.

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'Our Lord never forces Himself in anyone'...

I think, without HIM not a single cell of anybody would ever showed up on this planet... In this sense He didn't forced himself, he created it.

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Sometimes we have that feeling that we're on the right path. Which I'd agree is a joyous time. Other times not so much. Kinda feel like a little lost but you know what direction you're supposed to be going. I've had times like these. Recently I've felt as if I....... Wasn't growing spiritually (not sure if that's even the correct way to describe it). I'm always making sure I connect at night and in the morning with the power that be. Whether I feel the presence or not. On Wednesday night I prayed that I continue getting strength as well as my 17 yr old son. Who has some serious social problems. Praying for the help in guiding this young man into employment. Next morning similar prayer. I kid you not. A friend walked into my work and he offered my son a job. There I am feeling connected again. Amazing! It's always there whether I feel it or not. I am truly grateful for being awake.

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I have been loving getting to know you. You are max skookum. I am renewing my sub with joy.

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There is a town in BC, along Hwy 93, called Skookumchuk. Its a small mill town that crosses the Kootenay River.

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And you can play banjo for the aliens, watch them dance the Alien tap. Ha

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I think you should not worry about the pick sound......it sounds real/alive.

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I love hearing you play the banjo Greg. I enjoyed listening to your offering on this episode. Puts me in a Zen place :)

I felt the same when you posted a video in recent times, where you played banjo with a friend. Can you or somebody post the link to that again please? The rhythm with which you play is relaxing and almost mesmerising. I'd like to hear more.

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Cheers Greg. I didn't know I liked the banjo until hearing you play it your way. Enjoyed the song "Nothing to Lose", the setting and your banjo playing. I notice you were grounding too.

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Sunday evening spent with you is a nice change for me, I love hearing your thoughts Greg. My profession is dental technician, I am a knitter and loving it, also gardening gives me great joy. It is true that creating something and loving the very procces of making it, is very satisfying. Cold water gives me peace and joy instantly and the same time, happy to be alive with big smile on my face..can't wait for december to go winter swimming. I must say this new word took my atention. I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought what is this? Yes, I am forgeting english but this looks so strange to me I thought, the word sounds so funny, but I do like the meaning of it. Thank you for being who you are, God really loves you. Fearless we must live in order to keep joy alive in our hearts. We are all waiting for your cooking video! You should consider coming to Serbia you would love it here, we are very skookum. Loving your music!

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Hi Greg. Great work, amigo. Thank you. I just sent this to Harrison. I'm assuming you will be able to you it. Its shocking but once you see and know it you cant unknow; maybe the pub should be able to gauge that the same template is being used now as was before WWII. Are you sitting down?https://archive.org/details/europa_the_last_battle_full. Im 3hrs 51 mins in.

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You have translated life as I have seen it more over the last three years than the last 20+ years since 9/11 verbatim. Total parallel.

You’re view of yourself now vs then ? You’re perspective on all aspects of information, how it’s shaped, delivered and analyzed. That has changed.

We can never unsee things “shown” to us whether literally or spiritually. You are there. You are in it. You are aware. You are skookum.

Thank you 🙏🏼 Greg.


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Yes Skookumchuck, BC or skookum, used the word for 50 years being a BC boy. As a player myself Greg for 40 years on the sax and guitar I feel your love for the art and it shows, play on as it soothes the soul.

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Sidhartha Gautama spent his life teaching how to be equanimous, or skookum. Vipassana Meditation is the path of purification and training the mind to be still so that it doesn't master you. Yes, there are masters on the earth in every generation. Very few but they are here.

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In Australia we have a brand of peanut butter called 'Pic's'. It's delicious. They just came out with a third variety....so the first two being the usual Smooth and CRUNCHY...this new one is called 'SmooCHY'. Nom nom.

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PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS = https://rumble.com/v337529-live-president-trump-in-erie-pa.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Trending + He Shall Return

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

— 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 🙏🇺🇸💪

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