I wonder how much they paid Templin et al to turn against Reimer. Reimer never sounded antisemitic; all he did was provide indisputable evidence that covid was a global coup d'etat and the perps didn't like it. I pray for Reimer and the rest of his team who've fought tirelessly to expose the lies. Good/God wins in the end 🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿

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You are too gullible.

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Are you saying he waited so more people would die so he could become famous? That's a bold accusation and very cynical. Sounds like you're mad bec he didn't go through with Nuremberg 2.0. Like someone commented, N 1 was a farce, what would make 2.0 any different?

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Reiner NEVER said he was going to conduct Nuremberg 2.0. That was an assumption made by the public and he has repeatedly denied that. He was merely collecting factual evidence. He then conducted a mock trial base on the US Grand Jury but although excellently done it was a mock trial. I watched the entire thing.

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I watched the first few parts. Great evidence from experts!

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I read somewhere that he was waiting for a judge to take it on, but that no one wanted to risk their position. I also heard that from other people who had a bunch of evidence (but nor the position nor the money to go to trial)

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He mentioned taking it to a court in New Zealand that represented ancient tribe that still remains. He made it initially sound he had one Judge on his side that was in Germany.

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That was to Australia, not NZ, and the person he quoted verbatim was David Cole, who spoke without tribal authority and was admonished for doing so. Fuellmich was illequipped to evan broach this subject but it did expose his intentions with clarity. He is a fraud.

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Tell that to Tom Ryan.

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He collected evidence with the goal of someone or some group -- although not he himself -- conducting the Nuremberg. He was doing the detective work preparing a file for some prosecutor to take up, and he did this under the (marketing?) name of Nuremberg 2.0

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You are correct

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That is fraud. The problem with second thought stories is they come unstuck when reviewed from genesis.

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Exactly! There was some mix up between actually three different terms and contexts:

– RF used the term in a general sense like "a global trial like Nürnberg II is needed" referring to the 2020 plandemic.

–RF started a "ICA international class action" project where he wanted to work with international lawyers in a team, who wanted to file complaint against the covid restrictions, using the CIC material.

–RF kind of simulated such an international case in the so called "Grand Jury" as an international test trial to show how the CIC material could be used as evidence in upcoming ICA real trials.

=> So I suppose that the terms "Nürnberg II" and "ICA" and "Grand Jury" were totally confounded, this created a lot of misunderstandings and suspicions against him.

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There is one thing all lawyers have in common and that is utmost care in choice of words. Ambiguity is their stock in trade, yet you are expecting me to believe the world's top litigation lawyer got a dozen or so words wrong on the most critical judgement in centuries.. Give us an effing break.

As I implied, now is not the time for recriminations. I will be watching Fuellmich like the proverbial hawk. Right now he is facilitating discussions with Peter Breggin, Sukurit, and Wolf, with breathtaking outcomes, so I am suspending any consideration of former culpability. But I have learned never to align with the gullible. This can get one killed... or have you not yet clicked, we are well into WWIII. This is, literally, kill or be killed. I guess some of you have yet to bump into the reality wall. Academics, all, is my bet.

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I know what you mean with the accusation "Academics", they have a higher probability to have been indoctrinated in the higher education systems, ok… I get it.

But I still don't appreciate too much your using generalisations all the time like "all lawyers are…" and "all academics are…" even "all christians are…" in a previous post etc.

There are still academics who never lost their common sense and know what is going on and who chose and choose to stand up for the right cause. Maybe you missed to bump into this reality, didn't you? Not everybody is dumber than you, not everything is dark black. Please, try to look at least at some positive or neutral facts that are facts as facts.

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The first statement "all lawyers have in common and that is utmost care in choice of words" is already contradicted by the two of the four accusers, Justus Hoffmann and Viviane Fischer. They lack totally rhetoric abilities, it can be seen in numerous of the CIC videos, best is e.g. the CIC session number 125, i.e the "tribunal against Reiner" just after he was illegally (!) kicked out of CIC no. 2 by his then and only co-sociate VF.

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I understand your pessimism or scepticism. I'm very aware that the current situation is actually a war on humanity or even war on life. More, I consider it not only as WWIII but actually consider that WWI and WWII were one and the same WW and that it actually has never stopped, we're still in it, we're born into it. No peace since generations! And you can see it and feel it everywhere how much desperation and pressure goes around, it's recognisable in your own words.

One of the most eye opening sources about the current WWIII is Deborah Tavares' document "silent weapons for quiet wars" which you can find on ther website stopthecrime. Very recommendable!

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"you are expecting me to believe the world's top litigation lawyer got a dozen or so words wrong on the most critical judgement in centuries" You totally misunderstood that not Reiner Füllmich himself got words wrong but a vast amount of the public. People mixed up the three aspects explained above, not him, which created false rumors and accusions about an alleged "Nürnberg II" for which RF allegedly collected money and allegedly spent it for himself, which is totally wrong!!

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You are the gullible one. Believing blindly mainstream media allegations.

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And you are brainwashed. 🙄

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And you, too cynical.

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You are absolutely ludicrous!

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Thank goodnes you exposed me. I shall go out and hang myself from the nearest banana tree.

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Viviane Fischer Presents the Case Against Reiner Fuellmich (Dirk Pohlmann Show) - http://tinyurl.com/23xp7tn9

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Viviane Fischer was part of the set up although she always wanted to make everybody believe the contrary. There are proofs of chats mentioned in the official dossiers.

VF kicked (illegally!) Reiner Füllmich out of his / their own CIC corona investigative committee no 2, i.e. the CIC/RF+VF without the other two former members Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer of the first unregistrated no 1 CIC/RF+VF+JH+AF.

This illegal kick out happened 9/2/2022 which is the exact same day as the date of the official complaint against RF by the other two JH and AF.

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Omg! What?! What's wrong with all of them?! Greed, i guess. Disappointing.

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Vivian Fisher is a dirty rat! She was part of the group who hurt Reiner Fullmich.

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I was first shocked that VF even claimed that RF had allegedly stolen 1.35M and not only the 700k loan. Regarding Dirk Pohlmann, I was glad that he conducted this Dec 23 interiew in a rather neutral manner and reminded VF several times that the allegations can also be completely false like in the case of corona critical Michael Ballweg.

And this is exactly what revealed only one month later, the district attorney himself declared that any allegations against RF not being able or not willing to pay back loans or gold were false!

Compare especially this latest RF voice mail statement: https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1220 plus numerous updates in the "newest" commentaries of this Reese Report!

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Viviane Fischer was paid to go against Dr. Reiner Fullemich.

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Just listened to this. Shocking!

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Yeah... this did sound like he has behaved in strange and dodgy ways... but the others too...not sure what to think. She seemed pretty believable

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She’s a liar!

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(antisemitism) is a crude and detestable wash to splash anyone with if you want to make trouble for someone Especially in Ger. Today !

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THANK YOU, Greg, for this update! I've been waiting/watching for updates about Reiner.....but all I've 'heard' was *crickets*.

Just, WOW! (the BULLSHIT this poor guy has been going through)

I hope that he resumes his great work. And Reiner needs to get the fk outta NAZI GERMANY!!!!!!

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You know Germany is calling those on the right Nazi's and had a rather large protest just recently. Like the left has become the new right. Smh.

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They're just doing that to deflect/misdirect away from their NAZI ways. NAZIS are Socialists.....Socialists are Leftists/LibTards. Shows everyone just how moronic LibTards are, when they point at Freedom-loving Americans, and call them 'NAZIS'! lol Then we have the RINOS.....who are NAZIS = Leftists/LibTards.

I really wish AmeriKa would learn real History! MOST do not know that the NAZIS did NOT lose WW II. The NAZI Party NEVER signed any Surrender Documents. NAZIS NEVER STOPPED BEING NAZIS! They continued on, in Germany, and the 'Higher Up' NAZIS took off to Argentina (including Hitler, by the way; he died in the early 1970's). Which brought us to Operation Paperclip; in which NAZIS had infiltrated every part of America. NASA is one example; they should have re-named themselves NAZI! This is how 'we' got on, and more importantly, OFF of the Moon......NAZI TECH. And I can go on and on.

There is a PLETHORA of REAL History within Dr. Joseph P. Farrell's books (GizaDeathStar.com); brilliant.....BRILLIANT man!! He is also on YT (his channel); and has been a guest on many other people's shows/podcasts (frequently on Dark Journalist). I HIGHLY recommend anything/everything Dr. Farrell for a 'Reality Check'.

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Couple of things you missed.

The Nazis were created by the Zionists who were created by the communists.

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No, but Britain may have had a large hand in the creation of all three actually. Trotsky was likely working with MI6, Britain wantEd European foothold in Middle East (so encouraged Zionism), and there’s some speculation that Hitler trained in Tavistock when he was young. Certainly the Nazi regime was supported by Britain for a while, till Hitler wanted to be top dog and not their puppet

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Winston Churchill sabotaged several peace treaty propositions of Hitler. He wrote: "It was never about destroying Hitler, it's about destroying Germany (german economy, germans)".

Hitler appears like a "useful idiot" for the secret services, in the hind sight. But no doubt that Churchill himself was just a front puppet for the real money power structure behind. Just a reminder: https://www.kla.tv/13930

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Churchill worked for the MI6/City of London Ashkenazim Rothschilds and his mother was his first handler. Hitler was a visionary who with his economics whiz kid, converted destroyed Germany into the powerhouse of Europe in just four years. Thus, it cannot be argued Hitler was a "Useful idiot". There is much I have yet to read about the Nazis and Germany and this will just have to wait until WWI/II/III is over.

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I missed MANY things. But I cannot/not here to give people a COMPLETE History Lesson. As ADULTS, it's up to THEM to go and do the research and LEARN. Again, Dr. Farrell is a good starting point to learn. He covers MANY topics, which are all connected. Everything, under the Sun, is connected. It's one HUGE 'spider web'.

More Real History: It was the NAZIS who radicalized the Moooooslims.

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And the communists were created by the top of the tops of central bankers: https://www.kla.tv/13930

To create via WWI and WWII a divide and conquer scenario of the globe.

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There is a really long video about Hitler called The Greatest Story Never Told. He was against Bolsheviks but is also said to be offspring of a Rothchild as well. https://archive.org/details/adolf-hitler-the-greatest-story-never-told

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If this video https://www.kla.tv/13930 is correct about who controls the national central banks… we know the rest. No questions left.

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All I had to see was Rothchild name and knew you were correct in your statement. They control central banks like our Federal Reserve that is privately owned and only sounds like it's our government. However I believe the growing number of BRICS+ countries have banned their presence and this could be why lot's of these countries are perceived as threats especially Russia and China. Stopworldcontrol.com gives great resources of information including this, the vaccine, celebration and promotion of LGBTQ+ including new UN sex education (Indoctrination) to kids right now EU is testing grounds. The UN/WEF are really one and if you know anything about the Great Reset you can see it being played out around the world. Many countries are attacking their farmers right now but I doubt the news reports on this.

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According to the video all BRICS states are also controlled, even China and Russia.

The BRICS could be a hopium to create a global kind of divide and conquer scenario? In fact, surveillance and jabs, soon CBDC were also forced in Russia, not to mention China.

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The right have often been labelled fascist, so when the left behave in a fascist manner people say "oh, the left is acting like the right!" In reality, the left have always been the fascists. Socialism: pretending to care about the poor. Communism: pretending that pulling down the wealthy will make everyone equal and happy. Totalitarianism: pulling everyone down into equality of oppression. This has always been the left MO. The elitists use leftist propaganda to gain compliance. The only amazing thing about it is that despite being able to see glaring examples of this process in history that led to the worst annihilations of human beings, 80% of people prefer not to know.

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What should we do if this here https://www.kla.tv/13930 ist true? What would be the way out of this dilemma?

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You mean corrupt german top powers. But to go where? Which country in the world does not have a corrupt government? Not many possibilites left: https://www.kla.tv/13930

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Yes; I know. BUT, there ARE many places that are still better than NAZI Germany!

Just as the 'CV19' PsyOp was getting started, the corrupt Aussie govt was about to throw Max Igan into the Gulag. He found safety in Mexico, where he is still staying.

Me, personally.....if America was 'no more', and I had the means ($$) to flee......#1 on my list would be RUSSIA! And since Max Igan has been in Mexico, I would CONSIDER that, as well.

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I am in Germany, not so nice to hear "NAZI Germany" as a synonyme, to be honest, though I'm very critical to the ongoing corruption and know that you mean the corrupt minority.

Masks and jabs were omnipresent in the world in 2020, I don't think that Mexico was an exception, Russia wasn't. Sputnik jab was magnetic, surveillance is in the rise, their central bank still controlled by the same as other central banks, demonstration for peace brutally suppressed. And Mexico, if it was so nice there the migrants would stay there instead of heading further to Northamerica, wouldn't they?

I know germans who fled to Swizzerland, I know swiss who fled to Africa or Hungary etc.

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Sorry to say, but facts are facts. And the fact IS, that the NAZI Party never signed Surrender Documents, at the end of WW II. After WW II the NAZI Party continued on, WITHIN the German govt, and the 'Higher Up' NAZIS (this includes Hitler), took off to Argentina (to re-group). And then there was Operation Paperclip, where the 'US' inherited 10,000-ish NAZIS, that went into ALL of our institutions. Besides the US Operation Paperclip, the UK and USSR took in a bunch of NAZIS, also. It was the NAZIS that radicalized the Muslims, back in the day. This is what your NAZI govt is letting into your country; this IS a 'NAZI Product'. And they are there, to KILL 'YOU'! And after the German People have been exterminated, the NAZIS will then exterminate the Muslims, after they're past their 'usefulness'. I hate to break it to you, but you don't even know your own History! The brilliant.....BRILLIANT, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell has done EXTENSIVE NAZI research; as well as many other subjects (which are ALL CONNECTED, by the way). Find his books here: https://gizadeathstar.com/purchase/ Dr. Farrell can be found all over YouTube, Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, ect. I would highly recommend, on YT, Dark Journalist; which Dr. Farrell has been a frequent guest, for the past 8+ years.

Mexico......they did not FORCE the Jab on anyone; same with the Face Diapers. Mexico does have a low Jab rate as well as MOST of the people did not/do not wear face diapers. And, really....the only Mexicans coming into the US are the lowest of the low (criminals). Again, Max Igan is there, for close to 4 years now, and he speaks to 'the locals' and has a really good 'pulse' as to what goes on in Mexico.

As far as the 'Sputnik Jab' goes, I really don't think that the Russian govt would do anything to harm it's population. For one, they need the HEALTHY 'bodies' (military) to fight the Globalists, or it would be complete suicide, for Russia! Russia is NOT China (killing off THEIR population)! I think that Russia is THEE ONLY country, on the planet, that holds 'Nuke Drills', where they usher their Citizens into Bunkers. What other country does that, to SAVE their population?? THEE ONE THING that Russia is NOT......is SUICIDAL! They will not be doing anything that will take them down that path. The Globalist Psychopaths are TRYING to END Russia! Russia will NOT let that happen! Which includes NOT killing off/disabling their population.

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Mexico: Interesting info, that the mexican restrictions were relatively mild compared to other countries. The reason can be, as you say, that the governments protected their people better, but I find it more realistic that they could be a need for a test ground of mild restrictions, like in Sweden where the CBDC is almost accomplished, there's almost no cash money transaction. But at least the mexican government still complied to the covid lie to a certain degree, didn't they? Fact is, that the mexican central bank is also under the control of the certain few.

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Russia: Same, russian central bank still controlled by those few. Sputnik was harmful, there were numerous cases reported on in internet I saw personally, mask mandates were superstrict.

I'm personally not so sure about Russia being the ennemie of the globalist psychopaths. This scenario of West against Russia could also be a very well executed divide and conquer show. I hope you're right though, and I'm wrong, but at the moment I'm sceptical. Russian young men are wasted as cannon fodder as well as ukrainian, mothers and wives and children are crying on both sides.

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By the way, the highest Coronavirus death toll was in Peru!

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First of, thanks for the link and recommendations.

Germany: You're wrong to say that I don't know about my own history. I know very well about project paperclip, MK Ultra, Argentina, the (german) institutions' and economy top player's back ground, the never signed peace treaty with allies, even about revisionists from Canada, UK, Germany etc. who were heavily punished for researching.

The way you see the facts sounds as if evil just started in the WWII era and those you call "Nazi" then and today and worldwide were the one and only culprit of the world's misery. There I don't agree, I prefer calling the wrongdoers simply "evil people", you call them Nazis, others call them Jews, or muslims, or communists,…and so on. In your opinion, who were the evil people then before the Nazis came up? All those centuries back?

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That's good that you know all about that History; I stand corrected. But....the fact remains that Germany is STILL 'NAZI Germany'. NAZIS are the SAME EVIL that has been around for 1000's of years. Khazarians = NAZIS. The DEMONS in the Vatican, the 'Israeli' govt (and a good chunk of that population), the 'Ukrainian NAZIS', and so on......are all the same; Khazarians/NAZIS.

Russia's Central Bank is just that......RUSSIA'S Central Bank. NOT the Globalists Central Bank. When Putin became President, all of those years ago, he started to 'clean house'. People ('Oligarchs'), businesses, banks, ect. He either booted them out of Russia, or jailed them. These were Khazarians/NAZIS/Globalists. MSM (Fake News) always goes crazy when this happened/happens.......Putin is 'reported' as a dictator/tyrant for expelling/jailing these Khazarians/NAZIS/Globalists (one and the same). Here is another 'dot-connector' that people fail to connect. Ask yourself this question" WHY is 'Israel' supporting the Ukrainian NAZIS?? ANSWER: Because they are one and the same......Khazarian/NAZIS.

Bottom line......this planet has a NAZI (Khazarian) problem. It's in Germany, it's in the US, it's in the UK, it's in Australia, and so on.

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Do you realize the President of Mexico, Andres Obrador, has breathing issues, so he refused to wear a mask? The high rates of infections and deaths were everywhere in Mexico. People in Mexico do not like to get vaccinations. This is a good thing, but the country isn't the cleanest, and some areas are poor. Do you realize Mexico had the second-highest death toll in the world from the Coronavirus?

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I am in Mexico. Not only did I not comply, but I got an exemption paper to carry around and to show those being leaned on by employers. Mexico was smart and made hay while the sun was shininh here but not elsewhere. Resisters flooded into Quintana Roo. The north is more infected with northism. The key thing is that a strong person could choose and could talk about it. I am astonished by the free speech online. People here unload. On everything. At some risk, but they do it anyway. It is scary and refreshing, at once.

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That's a [LibTard/Globalist] LIE! Since there is NO SUCH THING as the 'CV19 VIRUS'.......it's completely made up! ALL of the so-called 'CV19 virus' 'death numbers', WORLD-WIDE, were MADE UP!! We've established this FACT, a 'bazillion' times already! MOST of the 'hospitals' (I now call them Death Centers), world-wide, were EMPTY!!

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Wow, are you reading the info on these sites? Nazi Germany, how about Nazi America? Because we have plenty of Democrat Nazis! The Democrats in office, along with other business leaders, are Nazis! And Russia — you can be locked up for any reason! A person gets the least amount of legal help in Russia. Unbelievable!

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I mentioned the NAZIS in America!

And, NO.....one CANNOT be locked up, in Russia, for 'any reason'! THAT is a LibTard Delusion. (ie MADE UP!)

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Have you ever had a Russian girlfriend! BECAUSE I DO!!

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No; I'm NOT GAY!

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Have you been waiting for updates on Reiner Fuellmich? Why didn't you look the information up?

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Germany is where he's from!

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I know that. And?

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I sent a card to him and the prison sent it back because not the correct size. My prayers for him have been answered! So glad he will be free!

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This is why i seldom work with Christians. They are invariably alien to the real world.

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That's ok. We Christians Will pray for you anyway.

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But the prayers are never answered.

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In ten years of torture God has not intervened to stop horrific depraved Nazi crimes against me. Despite years of prayer. What kind of God is that?

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The Earth belongs to Satan. It has since the time of Adam. America in particular is the den of snakes. The comments above about prosecuting freedom loving people- yes, because it is literally a mirror- upside down world. This is a test- of all humanity. We were given free will by God- some people have decided to align themselves with evil and they commit terrible atrocities. People who align themselves with Jesus should be fighting back. This idea that Jesus loved everyone and was some kind of pacifist is another manipulation. The Bible definitely doesn't say that.

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We will all find out when our time has come. Wait -- we are with those waiting.

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You are an ass Tony Ryan. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to work with you, Christian or otherwise.

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You sound Jewish. They are the very bane of existence and the root cause of all that is evil in this world.

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Just stop with ridiculous generalities

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You are a very strange individual.

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Spoken like a Satan worshiper, Tony, spoken like a Satan worshiper. congratulations I hope hell is warm enough for you. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰

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I am curious why Tony does facile put-downs and appears to think that will persuede the cohort here of anything. Knee-jerk disses are so paid-bottish.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Indeed, it's either a bible debate or a jews/nazi debate. Leads to nothing but divide and conquer effects.

Instead it's about the good vs. evil but also about the mass of individuals who choose opportunism It's actually them who are allowing the evil to win, it's them who are not aware of their own power.

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Nuremberg #2 is needed.. I’ve been saying that for 3 years….. am I at risk ?

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we're all at risk no matter what you say or don't say. The only way to reduce your risk is to NOT be feared into silence.

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Amen to that if everybody stood up, it would be over

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Everyone is at risk. Stand up now while you can. Because they are plotting to sicken, enslave then murder you.

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This would require an uncorrupted justice system. Which we don't have. Neither in Nürnberg, nor in Den Haag nor elsewhere as it seems…

Another approach of solution would be helpful.

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Thank you for the update. Now we know what has taken place behind the scenes. As this is cleared up and exposed maybe Fauci is next ?

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'Antisemitic' is not only a trick, it's a weapon. Maybe this will be the begin the de-occulting of the trick and defusing of the weapon.

YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0kWAqZxJVE&t=1s

BitChute (in case it gets removed, more like hidden)


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Bitchute blocked the video. Another censored platform smh

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Thanks for the report. Here's a play list of other channels that mirrored it:


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I just tried to watch it, it's gone.

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at first I made an account but found out quickly I did not like Bitchute one bit

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what's the new alternative?

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brighteon.com lots of mirrored videos and the amazing Mike Adams who created the platform.

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Good question. Telegram? TikTok? 🤷🏽‍♀️Problem is there are organized groups (8200) that troll platforms trying to get videos/channels blocked.

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offguardian, people's voice, rumble, some substack accounts, epoch times. Not trust everything at first sight but compare it all. thinking for yourself.

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bitchute is fine, I think this video was taken down by false report from the likes of the ADL. rumble would certainly also take down any video flaged for calls to violence until appeal. too

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There really are no "clean, free" platforms. Just gotta jump around

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Maybe Rumble? They censor heavily tho as well.

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Holy Fuck

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Does that mean, you don't need a condom ?? 🤣🤣🤔🤔

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IMO anyone accused of antisemitism by the Hasbara is worth hearing out https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/The-Jewish-Hasbara-in-All-its-Glory-1.pdf

That being said. The layers of the psyop run so deep that I am undecided on Reiner.

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Like many phrases these days, meanings are being obscured by misuse.

By another commenter on this thread:

"You sound Jewish. They are the very bane of existence and the root cause of all that is evil in this world."

That's a fairly straight forward antisemitic sentiment.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Are you the accuser? So clean you spend your time looking for other people’s flaws?

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Exactly! “Don’t judge others because they sin differently than you”

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Is being Jewish a flaw?

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I certainly don’t think so. But I’ve got enough flaws of my own to be looking elsewhere for them.

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I think I understand what you mean, just confused by your wording.

I think people are amped up, understandably so.

Easy to generalize and vilify.

And yeah the work of self is always ongoing.

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My father was of Jewish ancestry. Although I don't believe he was raised religiously.

My mother had no Jewish ancestry.

My parents were not religious, likely atheist, although their views were never discussed with me. Which I was thankful for, as it left me open to hear myself and find my own way.

So, in answer to your question, it depends what you mean.

Is it a race, a religion....?

A person can be of Jewish faith and not believe in Zion. Someone can believe in Zion and not be of the Jewish faith.

I am not bible literate nor am interested in being part of any organized religion.

When I 'hear' anyone expressing very generalized views towards a very large 'group' of people, it concerns me deeply.

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I really only have one critique of others…too many people are pointing the finger at others and ignoring their own flaws. If everyone focused on their own flaws then everyone would be so self aware that they’d never fall into the temptation and traps being set. Many say we are living in a battle of good vs evil, but that’s been going on forever and the battle is within. Nothing will ever change until we change ourselves. Which is the only thing we have the power to change.

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Very well said!

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I agree completely.

I partially think of it as being unintegrated. As if parts of oneself cannot converse with and recognize other parts of the same self.

I also often feel 'we' identify who we are with our behaviors. (which maybe makes them harder to look at)

We are responsible for our behaviors absolutely, but they are not the core of who we are.

(I could meander down this road for a long time)

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When I'm ask my race I always say and write down HUMAN :)

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Well said!

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Exactly. Who are the real Semites?

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The first Nuremberg was a farce. I doubt that a second one will be legit.

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Greg, Templin was not part of the committee he’s a separate lawyer that Hoffmann and VF coordinated with. I spoke with Reiner last year when this happened and suggested that money be frozen or paid into court so it doesn’t disappear. This process is a government intelligence operation. Maria Z did a good interview with Dexter and a couple of others from Reiner's international team. Here’s a link. Trial continues tomorrow 2/14. https://zeeemedia.com/interview/important-update-reiner-fuellmich-legal-expert-panel-reveals-all/

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The scandal appears to be an intel hit against Reiner with possible help from powerful Deutsche Bank/Volkswagon swastikas linked to US intel who piled-on. These are the invisible hands that I see.

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Well said.

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Very good link, thank you! All three lawyers and maria zeee are astonishingly up to date about the first three days of the trial. The allegations crumbled since day 1, the first plaintiff's interrogation (Justus Hoffmann) was a desaster for him JH.

The set up against Reiner is becoming more and more obvious.

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"government intelligence operation"

I do think that my German government is capable of a lot of things nowadays. But honestly, this story just does not make much sense. It's the whole world against him now? For what? Nobody really cares about him in public any more. He could say and prove whatever he wants, there are more Covid critics than ever. Small town lawyer who gets money for a committee, does not dare to bring that to a bank, puts it in his own (!) house (how selfish...), then buys gold, leaves the country etc. - that's streight out of a fictional novel book. Now there's several people against him, including the prosecutor, the judge etc.? Come on, that story is just too big. This is small town Germany, not the big Hollywood screen. The simpler explanation: He just didn't have money at that time because several clients didn't pay him, was about to lose his family home, founded that Committee to get some money and "borrowed" it under the disguise of securing it, now cannot repay for whatever reasons and makes things up. Again, I don't blame him, but still quite illegal stuff. If everything is so legal as he claims and he can prove it, why doesn't he welcome the trial and explains it? Example: If that notary just out of his own will send money to the wrong person or gave the buyer a wrong account number, the notary would be easily liable for that. Typically such transactions are done by first paying to the notary, then owner entry is changed in "Grundbuch" (public property register) and then notary transfers the money to the seller. There are so many non-standard things mentioned in the explanation that make it for me less believable. And prosecutors and judges are also not that stupid and know about such things. Unlikely they would make up things that would be so easy for Mr. Fuellmich to disprove. Again, it's 1% possible, but then I want to buy the film rights.

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Germany has been a vassal state of US intel for decades

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Agree. It's a shame.

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You do not care about a person renditioned with resources embezzled, according to one of Reiner's early consultants, from the renditioned person himself. As for your insistence nobody cares. Even you are here.

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That's just a very one-sided claim from him, nothing that was independently verified. And he claims a lot of strange things. For me the real option exist that he is just a fraud and not as holy as he claims, sorry. If I claim strongly that I regularly have breakfast with aliens on Mars, you have every right to ask for some prove or doubt that, I would not expect you to just take it on faith.

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As for your assertion that emotion is irrelevant, to paraphrase Richard Pryor in Carwash, lack of emotion can be a tell-tale clue for lack of credibility. Bot-like recitation and repetition of scripted put-downs does not speak well for grabbers. Let me say, here, smash-and-grab and break-and-grab are forms of quick home break-in crimes. They demoralise the garbbed-from and the grabber and undermine rule of law.

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You have not challenged the judge's having sussed out that VF used proceeds of her own loan for herself without any of the receipts that Reiner produced regarding expenses. Reiner produced what are called "deliverables" for the donors according to what the by-laws require. VF has produced something with Catherine Austin Fitts that undermined the credibility of Fitts, who appears not to know what VF has done.

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Your "simpler explanation" is nothing but a Truman show, and that is Hollywood. You are just phantacising a picture of assumptions, speculations with zero proofs. Wake up!

You can bet on that the notary will be held accountable as well as the other 3 ex-cofounders Viviane Fisher, Justus Hoffmann, Antonia Fischer plus Marcel Templin.

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I'll be happy to see that. Until now I hear lots of emotions, feelings, accusations etc., but no facts. Feel free to add them. What disturbs me about this conspiracy thing: The amount of people involved. So according to you, the 3 ex-cofounders are in, the notary, the prosecutor, the judge, the media, ... - did I forget somebody? And that's in a case where some lawyer who claims he had enough money requested corona funds from the state and put donations as a loan into his own house? (Feel free to tell me what really happened factually in your opinion.)

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A lazy inattention to detail is not a good argument.

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Thanks for the update. We were all wondering what had become of Reiner and I found an article two months ago claiming that he had been 'arrested for fraud'.

It is clear the globalists got to him and that you are right - he was kidnapped and has been held illegally. I am hoping & praying that the truth come out now and for Reiner Fuellmich's safety. Many prominent people have had to go off grid as globalists go after them.

The world will be shocked when the truth comes out.

Let's hope the truly guilty people behind it all are exposed and are properly punished.

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Very well said.

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thank you.

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The Cabal is terrified that their evil plans and deeds are being exposed. His kidnapping and persecution have only served to wake up many more people to the reality of the tyranny, hate and pure evil being shoved down the peoples throat by the Megalomaniac Sociopaths out of Davos.

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I have admired and respected Reimer Fuellmach’s intelligent, fastidious attention to details as well as his forthrightness since first listening to him back at the beginning of WHO-plandemic, Inc. Since then it seems so many of those other attention seeking covid truth warriors have gone rogue, having either been controlled opps from the getgo or having done a reverse-course while happily allowing themselves to sell their souls and become purchased agents. Given the bank seizure threats, what happened with the monies is understandable – both sensible and logical. I mean with that much money in the bank, What Would You Do? That being said, I hope with all my heart that he and his family are holding up well, that he prevails in this unrestrained madness, and that this debacle doesn’t turn into another Julien Assange story.

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Very well said!!!

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I think of him every day. I saw his interview with Dr Martin early on and wondered what that Vivian was doing there, she seemed totally dazed. At the time I already knew something was amiss and glad to find these 2 smart people explain what was wrong. Recently Dr Martin made a new program with an even larger overview. Hopefully Fuelmilch can not only get back to where he was in October, but turn the table and manage to get the guilty ones condemned.

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Pray for justice, pray for humanity

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What shocked me was how quickly some people turned against Reimer, thinking he was guilty

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Indeed! And the first trial days are showing he's not, Jiota's report day 1+2: https://t.me/ReinerFuellmichEnglish/1209 , day 3 soon to be published.

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This is a very important video. Thank you Mr Reese. I will share this around.

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The only word for the corona scam is murder. Why is everyone afraid to call it what it is?

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The Covid & mRNA scam is indeed a Crime Against Humanity, Mass Murder and Maiming on a Biblical scale. #AvengeCrimesAgainstHumanity

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