But don't try to inform your loved ones, don't try to save your grandchildren from the suffering and misery of poisoning, or your friends grandchildren, or your sisters and brothers grandchildren, or your neighbors children,because they will hate you for telling them the truth about their God's, aka their Doctors, they love their Doctors.
But don't try to inform your loved ones, don't try to save your grandchildren from the suffering and misery of poisoning, or your friends grandchildren, or your sisters and brothers grandchildren, or your neighbors children,because they will hate you for telling them the truth about their God's, aka their Doctors, they love their Doctors.
I hate their Doctors, I hate their Politicians, I hate their beloved Uniforms, I hate their Schooling,and more than anything, I hate their beloved American Empire, and I hope to see it fall, the best thing that could happen for all the people of the world is for the American Empire to fall.....
But don't try to inform your loved ones, don't try to save your grandchildren from the suffering and misery of poisoning, or your friends grandchildren, or your sisters and brothers grandchildren, or your neighbors children,because they will hate you for telling them the truth about their God's, aka their Doctors, they love their Doctors.
I hate their Doctors, I hate their Politicians, I hate their beloved Uniforms, I hate their Schooling,and more than anything, I hate their beloved American Empire, and I hope to see it fall, the best thing that could happen for all the people of the world is for the American Empire to fall.....
Bold words, but I agree!