I remember when BP had so much oil leaking into the ocean and the pollution these so called climate freaks preach. Carbon Footprint on the people was invented by BP and a billion in ads promoting it to deflect their mishaps. There is no carbon footprint. The American people need to start demanding that this Ukraine conflict end now. Billions being funneled in a black hole and the people who are suffering receive no aid. I recall a Ukrainian newswoman stating they are fighting for us and the NWO. Republicans & Democrats alike are all in on this. Never forget Bill Gates said a small nuclear bomb could be helpful for climate change. Climate change if real is caused by the Corporations looting the planet and now they want to call for a Great Reset.

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Yup , no one been onboard with this since day#1. Well Unless you are an NPC for the current thing.




DC event in the link above. IT IS WORLD WIDE IF "YOU" GET OFF YOUR ASS!

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Nah, it wasn't the 'biden administration' at all.

You seem to be stubborn and refuse the historical fact that it's not governments who rules nations, but the international jewish bankers. These 'cold war' conflicts are ALL fabricated by them, there is no 'west vs east' or 'USA vs Russia/China'... this is theatre for public consumption. But they need people to believe it in order for them to justify their actions, their gradual preparation of the conditions to unleash a WW£ which they already planned back in the 19th century... it will be only then that they will be able to establish their "new world order" and present their 'messiah' to the world.

Biden, Pution, Jinping, Macron, Trudeau, etc, are ALL obedient to Chabad!!!

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Agree! The EVIL CULT also has been in Asia (Rothschild funded Mao to start CCP) for a long time too, ppl just didn't noticed or have not got a clue, to be honest, I only learnt that myself about a year ago. The hard part is, some ppl still "don't want to know" even you show them!

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

I do not think the CIA is obedient to anyone. They are the center of evil and definitely have their own goals and their own will.

They might cooperate with the Khazars, but above them there is no Jewish cabal, but only their god, aka Satan.

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Ah Ana, yes there is a 'cabal' even the term says everything for those who are knowledgeable of these issues. The 'cabal' term was taken out of the jewish luciferian cabala [correct term is kabbalah], because these jews always plot everything in secret.

Read this, from their own mouths:

* Rabbi Harry Waton, “A Program for the Jews and Humanity”, 1939:

- “It is not an accident that judaism gave birth to marxism and it is not an accident that the jews readily took up marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of judaism and the jews. The jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in Heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside us, but we must see him right within us [pag.148])… Since the jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the jews have the right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the jews (pag,99)… Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the jews will conquer the world and the human race.”

* Menachem Begin, Israel prime minister, Nobel Peace Prize winner [sic], reported by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the ‘Beasts'”, New Statesman, June 25, 1982:

- “Our race is the master race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. The other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”

* Goldwin Smith, jewish professor of modern history at Oxford, october 1881:

- "The jew alone regard his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah."

* London Jewish World, of february 9th, 1883:

- "The great ideal of judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with jewish teachings, and that in a universal brotherhood of nations, a Greater Judaism, in fact, all the separate races and religions shall disappear.”

* The American Hebrew Magazine, 10th september 1920:

- "The bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of jewish brains, of jewish dissatisfaction, of jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to jewish brains, and because of jewish dissatisfaction and by jewish planning, shall also, through the same jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world."

* Le peuple Juif, 8th february 1919:

- “The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the jewish domination over all other people.”

* Israel Cohen, “A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century”:

- “The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere… Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth.”

I've got a lot more quotes like these, on how they engineered all revolutions and wars, how they seek to destroy christianity, etc, etc.

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The Story off the year Brought to you by the Americans Doves. ! May The good guys wins in the Establishment Faction war!

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WORLD WIDE PEACE PROTEST FEB19th In your City DON'T BE A NPC, Participate !



DC event in the link above. IT IS WORLD WIDE IF "YOU" GET OFF YOUR ASS!

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need to add: STOP HAARP ATTACKS, STOP ALL CHEMTRAILS, mass killings, mass destruction, POISONS EVERYDAY, it's extremely EVIL !

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AMEN Brother they are not fooling anyone with HAARP sooooo dumb. All of a sudden end time earth Quakes. ? GTFO. Jon Bowne Report went under the radar. Check it out guys!


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"a serious storm, Cyclone Gabrielle" is hitting NZ this weekend 😶

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We have to peacefully protest! We should have done so long ago. This is all we have.

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i know right....... damn pesky jobs are getting in the way of my peace activism hehe

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I know, right?! If I didn’t have to work, I’d be marching & demonstrating all over the place!

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023


Apparently , Soon ... in 30 days Elon will release his Electoral platform... lmao

Maybe all of us will have plenty of free time to manifest all day outside on the Curb in our tent Cities . I think the Canadian Trucker convoy was foreshadowing the shape of things to come!

Ohhh i got a great song that goes with the times. A good one to listen to while the ship is sinking hahahahha (Swing doors - Allan Gray)


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I remember the Viet Nam war. Sickening scenes of carnage on the news every night. Then people started taking to the streets and demanding an end to the war. It got a lot of media attention. That war lasted almost 20 years and when it ended in 1971 it was a great relief. The public outcry by that time was overwhelming. We are not powerless and this is not a joke. I think perhaps you need to grow up.

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InfoWars is the Best!!! You had this reported months ago, but now with a Leftist Sy Hersh Report, "Who" is the Feral Deep State going to blame???


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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

The destruction of NordStream was a warning. Had chancellor Schulz not finally succumbed to US pressure to send tanks to Ukraine, Germany would now look like Turkey.

US Americans just ruthlessly destroy anybody who does not obey their commands.

The Turks got cocky, and the earthquake was engineered to them to punish them.

Here is a timeline leading up to the earthquakes:

About three weeks ago the USA and the UK advised their citizens and their military personnel to leave Turkey, and last week, the ambassadors of 9 countries received order to leave Turkey. The ambassadors were summoned last Friday and questioned about this, but nobody said a word, they all kept their mouths shut.

Last Friday, US destroyer USS Nitze was in the Aegean Sea and passed Izmir, this is when the earthquake of the strength of 3.1 happened (-> first warning).

The destroyer then proceeded to Istanbul, and took anchor next to the palace Dolmabahce Sarayi (-> direct threat, like placing your gun on the table).

A week before the earthquake, an evil red cloud formed over the sky in Turkey. That was clearly not a natural cloud.

Then the Turkish minister of the interior got livid and publicly said „America, take your dirty hands out of my country“. This was on February 3rd. And the earthquake happened on February 6th, Monday morning at 4:19h.

What the initial demand was is subject to speculation, it could have been drones, i.e. Bayraktar, could be s400, or releasing the many arrested agents. Erdogan also recently wanted to reconcile with Syria's Assad.

It just shows who the real threat to world peace is.

It is feared that 100,000 have died in the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Americans, this will be on your conscience.

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All these major nations including Pootie-boy knew the pipes were going to be hit. It's a big plan and Americans are not in it, at least not the average Joe 6-pack. This then gives Pootie "reason" to attack something which is also part of the plan. So while they're saying hey look over here defend this and that, they (the elite) are running to their dumbs leaving the rest to hold down the fort for better or for worse. Yes it's a big club and we're not in it. As Jellystone Health Ranger Adams said quoting Nyquist, Winnie is going to attack Conus, that's just another leg of the "look over there defend this and that" which will be going on in more than one place so the elite can get out of Dodge while Festus and us Haggens get to beat off the onslaught with Chester's bum leg singing run rabbits run. '23 is going to be the year of the lie.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

For the rest of the world, me included, it's the old evil US American hegemonial empire, ruthless, brutal, greedy, terrorizing the entire world. The average Joe 6-pack definitely profits from this, as Americans enjoy a standard of living they absolutely do not deserve based on their economic performance.

Americans are really good when it comes to complaining and whining about the "invasion" and "infiltration" of their country by (pick your choice) communists, chinese, Nazis, globalists, Khazars, or aliens.

But remain eerily silent when it comes to the horror and bloodshed they spread throughout the world.

Look at what they have done to Turkey and Syria.

The USA is the centre of evil.

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You mix the policy makers which are global in scope and not even "American" but "Atlantean" (read foreigners) with the ordinary American who helped build the world on their backs to the point that other nations benefit and get built up while the progenitors of an invention get to watch others benefit from their genius.

Economic performance eh?

You might want to read None Dare Call It Conspiracy, The Creature from Jekyll Island, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, H.G. Wells - The New World Order, The Open Conspiracy, Tragedy & Hope and look at people like South African Cecil Rhodes who together with British Lord Milner, created the Roundtable Movement.

America was used as the soldier in many wars as well as the ASSEMBLY WORKER who helped design technology that is in use today throughout the world.

Don't know what country you're in but every invention you have seen or own found its seeds in America.

There were times when brother fought brother after one moved to America and was forced to war against the country from which they'd emigrated.

Americans were LIED TO by these "leaders" who were doing globalist bidding.

After these globalists got done with using America they moved what America created overseas. Even Hitler was a tool of the globalists. They propped him up and then took him down after they ran their experiment that we are all experiencing the 2.0 version of now, but not after they extracted all the scientific brains in Germany to build America.

You're looking in the wrong direction and need to inform yourself so you can get a better view of how things came about and who was the real evil.

The country now built up to be the next soldier of the globalists is China. But the Chinese may have other plans. And wait till you see their version of hegemony.

The technology they have now was given to them by these globalists after they used the talents and insights of ordinary as well as some gifted American people. MIRV technology given to them by Billy Bob (I did not have sex with that woman) C in China Gate as part of the build up of the next globalist slave state. And of course computers and digital devices that got shipped overseas.

Look what globalists did to Tesla whose inventions would've delivered free electricity to every home for free.

And while America was dismantled, the globalists starting in the 20th century, China took the ideas that Americans created and were allowed to build factories with no restrictions on power generation to run said factories given every incentive to prosper while America was saddled with restrictions from every direction to stifle production and the standard of living.

Standard of living they don't deserve?

You sound like a globalist who would like to pay a hard working American next to nothing so they can go over to China and pay them nothing. And build something an American invented.

Where do you think these globalists got the money to fund all this?


And American taxes are paying for everything shipped to Ukraine. What are Americans getting out of it? Nothing. And this is a globalist agenda. Don't look at Brandon because he's NOT AMERICAN. And neither are everyone else propping him up.

The war of 1812 was basically because the top foreign bankster on the planet was losing his charter in America. But how many know this other than a war against the United Kingdom. Elon Musk has an animation naming these banksters (not Americans) who as part of their system grew poppies in India and then enslaved the Chinese in opium dens. This is how they'd amassed their fortunes years ago.

You need to dig a little deeper.

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Not ripping on the report, but this was pretty obvious when you just stepped back and took a look at it. The Zionists and psychopaths threatening the pipelines publicly, then NATO worrying that Germany would fold under the pressure of freezing people and a choking economy followed by the ZOG immediately blaming Russia (!!??) for the destruction - all pointed to a US/NATO op. Many thanks to Hersh for having the stones to break the story.

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People freezing is next year, they conveniently blew it up after Ger reserve got topped off.. We got a very mild winter here in Canada. Its like someone who can manipulate the weather made sure people would not force people to choose between heating or eating. Coincidence? i think not.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

German economy is being wiped out as a record number of business go bust because they can no longer afford risen energy prices.

And American investors are licking their fingers, because for decades they have been trying to buy those medium-sized enterprises who are often world market leaders in their niche. But as they often were family-owned, they were brushed off.

Now the buffet is wide open for greedy US corporation.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Here in Montréal (Canada) & Toronto. All the small restaurants are gone, all the clothes vendor (not high End) Regular young entrepreneurs, we had those pedestrian downtown just like they want to do with the so call 15 mins city. Its all Weed dispensary. This is Neo Liberal doing i saw1 new "amazon" outlet shop AND no one are shopping there. This great reset is 180° degree from what they are selling. Those 15 mins city will be bubbles to convince the well meaning fascist they did goooddddddddddd. YES looking at you Cambridge and Oxford..

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Thank you ❤️🙏🏻🕊

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FLASH BACK: with SY Hersh ; I dug up some clips from 2015

The context was Obama arming Terror groups to throw at Syria in the Wake of Hillary wrecking Libya.

Alex Jones 4th hour with Sy Hersh (Must watch)


A jon Bowne report about Sy Hersh investigation into 2003 Osama Bin Laden Death.


Sy Hersh discussing his memoires and Evil H Kissinger on Democracy now!


When you put yourself in the context you cannot deny we are in Obama 3rd term. We got to be realist about it.. Trump was right when he said those people would bring us straight into WW3.

May god have mercy on us.

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Seapower Magazine article about the "training" with NATO allies in BALTOPS June 2022.


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The Receipts !!!

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...and they think we are stupid.

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Fucking great isn't ? So the covert operation takes place and we (UK , Europe and the West) pay 3X gas prices . I'm from England but I know to well that Germany is much higher for energy . So, dopey O'Biden exports more to us while making these energy giants billions ( Exon Mobil ) while we can't afford to heat our homes. I pray to God that Nuland and Co are done for treason . That fucking Khazarian Jew was the slut who put Zelensky in charge ! How do these shits get away with it ? Christ, I thought Hilary was bad.

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I may be retarded, but at least I don’t follow people I don’t like. Try unsubscribing. Maybe you’ll be more happy:) Or just get a life.

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You’re definitely NOT retarded. 😂

You can always gage the strength of reporting and quality of work based on the amount of bottom-feeders it triggers. This is top-notch, as usual, so I’m sure there’ll be more.

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And if delivered in another style, would require 1/4 the time. Hence, playback at top speed

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Oh dear, the lefties have come out... We know you are a lefty because this is what lefties do - they only have enough brains to attack the person, instead of the message or the facts. It makes you feel that you are the superior intellect in the room, because you are quick with insults instead of wit, doesn't it? Hope you get to see to your 18th birthday party, in a decade's time...

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DON’t you assholes get tired of this shit?

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Once again, just insults and no substantive critique of the content.

We are quickly getting tired of YOUR shit and those just like you.

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Don’t give “IT” the attention “IT” so desperately craves.

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The delivery is a major aspect of the content. Do you have any knowledge about what communication entails? Ever had any psych classes?

This man wants ATTENTION. Not for content but for SLOW DRAWN OUT DRAMATIC STYLE….DUMBASS

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I don't need to take psych classes, I am a fully qualified and trained clinical hypnotherapist since 1989.

You appear to have just diagnosed your own problem, by projecting your needs on to Mr Reese.

Next patient please...

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Hypnotherapist? Wow! I am qualified in that also. N XT ASSKISSING FUCKTWAT?

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No shit. Who the hell has time for the THEATRICS of these wannabe “stand out in the crowd” fuckers.

If you want to stand out then do it exceptional content, not your fucked up delivery style

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