Someone emailed me thinking that I was suggesting we become mostly selfless. They were confused because they understand that we are each here for our own journey and therefore must focus on self.
To be clear, I was not suggesting this. I am suggesting we try and be selfless at least a little bit throughout the day or week. It’s the 100% me me me attitude that is destroying our country.
Another great podcast, thanks Greg. A topic rarely discussed but impacts many of our lives, is how to engage with brainwashed people we care about. It’s been an ongoing source of extreme emotional conflict. I would love to learn more about this and how to handle it better.
I'm probably the worst person to give advice on this, because I generally don't engage with brainwashed people at all. But the same principals apply to everything...focus on our own sins, overlook other people's sins, and be kind to others. And it's always good to remember that the only person you can change is your own person.
Thanks Greg. I wasn’t looking for advice so much as hearing you riff on the subject. Your insights are always profound, honest & inspiring so I hope you’ll consider it. Most of my family and friends are hopelessly brainwashed but I’m not going to abandon them and join an awakened commune. Not yet. ☺️
Oh, this is a delicate one. As a Christian mom, I refuse to risk or jeopardize the relationship(s) I've been called to cultivate and preserve with immidiate family members. That said, it is also my responsibility to ensure that my young adult children are at least offered truths. Verbatim I have told 22 and 20 that God has given me the responsibility and duty to share the truth with them. What they choose to do with it is between them and God but share I must. This approach has taken the onus of the covid lie (many lies) off me and put it back in God's divine court. They don't agree with all of my crazy "conspiracy theories" but this approach has allowed me to plant many, many seeds. It's their fight to work out with Him, not mine. The rest is faith and prayer, never arguing or fighting. I hope some one finds this useful. I really struggled with this when covid first hit.
This is very challenging and I struggle with it all the time.
Greg did a December 2021 report citing the work of Mattias Desmet ( in which he recounts that 30% are deeply hypnotized, 40% will follow the herd, and 30% are standing against.
Regardless of what the percentages are (LOL, do pollsters ask such questions?), it makes most sense to me to focus first on consolidating relationships among the 30% standing against and second on encouraging the 40% to join us. I know when loved ones are deeply hypnotized, it’s hard to let go. Patience.
These folks have been contributing to the topic for the past couple of years and offer Zoom workshops (UK time). I can personally vouch for them.
Reaching People has a YouTube channel: (Please don’t let the visual style get in the way of the content! You might also avail yourself of the playback speed function.)
In addition, I believe we can all benefit from the otherwise despicable father of public relations, Edward Bernays, who suggested this 3-part technique: (1) don’t antagonize, (2) replace their source of info with a better source they will be open to, and (3) use the new source to replace their warped narrative by speaking a new narrative that contains a fundamental truth.
…..and another interesting topic would be how and why people awaken to what’s happening. At first I assumed all that was necessary, would be presenting all the facts. But it’s too much to handle and actually took me about a year of gradual, daily research to grasp the full extent of our situation. Then I saw the former KGB interview on YouTube about the power of brainwashing. So, it would be a fascinating podcast to explore why and how a minority wake up while others ignore the obvious. And yes, I’ve studied the ideas about ‘mass formation’. In the last two years I’ve learned more about human psychology than all previous experience!
FWIW, I think it’s rare that trying to “persuade” people actually wakes them up (whether using facts or other means).
Was anyone out there “persuaded” by someone else, or did you arrive at where you are on your own, from your own personal experience?
I believe what is most common is that folks find the answers themselves. “Forcing” them does not work.
Often the best we can do is *create the conditions that make waking up possible*.
This sometimes has more to do with “being” than “doing.”
How we behave around others (setting an example), how we respond to them (with patience, kindness, and understanding) are part of creating the conditions in which they can wake up.
Thanks again and yes, couldn’t agree more. But I came to these realizations after pushing through the horror, reaching the bottom of the rabbit hole and sincerely wanting to alert my family to avoid the jab. Alas! I’ve had to walk away and witness the inevitable. Which no amount of ‘good exampling’ will help.
Mattias never does explain why some break from the herd. And none of the great videos from The Academy of Ideas, touch on this. It seems to be a mystery.
Being a watchman on the tower is a lonely job. Please, please, do not underestimate how vitally IMPORTANT your reports are. There are millions of church pastors who would love to have just 1% of the influence you have now. As you know, broadcasting can be a very vacant connection to the people you reach, and it can leave you feeling alone when the day is done, because you just don't have any real human contact with the people you help and encourage.
You can tell me to "kindly BUTT OUT!" if I am intruding too much into your personal situation, but I honestly mean well. You are a lonely guy right now. It's a phase that a lot of us go through when you move around a lot and you are deeply involved in a powerful and moving career demanding your time. (especially in these conditions)
If you are looking for personal connections, be it a church, or God forbid, "drinking buddies." and real human face-time interaction(s)--that is to be expected. but it might not help in the long run. Even though you might think that your being selfish now, the work you are doing with these powerful video clips are reaching MILLIONS of people who desperately NEED YOUR GIFT!
I have been involved with a lot of GREAT churches and most of the pastors were rather exceptional people. I have had some strong and binding relationships. I worked for a while with the Salvation Army, and ministry to the poor and abused, along with convicts and drug addicts. But this was not my calling. It felt good to be engaged, but here is my point. In the end, it really wasn't my gift and actually never took me further down the road. Giving someone a fish for a day was not as powerful as teaching them to fish for a lifetime.
Please don't demote your powerful work and calling right now. Churches and personal relations can be satisfying on the human level. But good is sometimes the enemy of best.
I wish you the very best! WE (the unseen) are out here for you.
but so many have become mentally lazy. many have no idea what is happening. Greg enjoy your 4th of July holiday even if you won't celebrate. God bless you my friend.
A very sobering and yet encouraging podcast today Greg. It was nutritious listening!
Good to get the reality checks, several squarely planted left hooks!
Your observations of yourself were actually a powerful way for me to get into greater honesty with myself. Because your speaking out loud a frank appraisal of your own bullshit, makes it easier to look at my bullshit. You, me, humanity, we bullshit ourselves more then we care to admit, and when it comes to our present state of peril as citizens, where we have slowly slid into a "pet" state of mind, it's good to get a cold shower for the soul.
Enjoyed the listen and your take. There was an old scary movie, “Mr. Sardonicus”. Every time I hear the word it reminds me😆
I’m in relationship with Jesus, but had to leave my religion. (too woke). I’ve looked at Orthodox and Messianic Judaism, but will probably stick with living my personal faith, unless hit with a spiritual 2 by 4 or swallowed by a whale 🐳
Hi there! You sound to me very honest in your expression. I am Serbian Orthodox and I am happy to be where I am on my road to God, thankful for everything. The question is, who is free?? The answer is we've been given freedom from God but we don't use it. God is Love and the opposite is fear, so if we live in fear we are not free, so simple. Living of the grid is awesome, I am working on it.. Best regards from Serbia!
Greg, right now we need unity; reflect on our differences. In truth, there is but one that matters; the difference between those who respect the individual rights of others, and those who don’t. — It is the basic human struggle between GOOD and EVIL
What better way to stand up against tyranny then in this community --- We The People?
Dear Greg ,thank you for enlighting the masses...with the smooth voice !
About orthodox teachings please check Paisios of Mount Athos .Heis highly respected for his spirituality and way of life in general, made very interesting geopolitical prophecies that might interest you !
I personally love Icon writing/painting ,it helps to contemplate about life !
Greg, All of your reports are excellent and I have all the confidence in your research. Thank you. I didn't care much for the last report ...A.I. Run Factory... I think you were trying something different but it didn't hit me right, loved the content though.
I also just wanted to say thank you for the free shows you send. I'm a single mom raising 5 kids, works full time. I don't have any more money. Thinking about getting a second part time job even. 🤗
The best Church I've found is AA. Our opinions of who GOD is doesn't matter. Our only purpose is that we find our higher power and serve others. Very simple. Very fulfilling!
Someone emailed me thinking that I was suggesting we become mostly selfless. They were confused because they understand that we are each here for our own journey and therefore must focus on self.
To be clear, I was not suggesting this. I am suggesting we try and be selfless at least a little bit throughout the day or week. It’s the 100% me me me attitude that is destroying our country.
I think maybe I should do a podcast on that. It is something I reflect on often.
Another great podcast, thanks Greg. A topic rarely discussed but impacts many of our lives, is how to engage with brainwashed people we care about. It’s been an ongoing source of extreme emotional conflict. I would love to learn more about this and how to handle it better.
I'm probably the worst person to give advice on this, because I generally don't engage with brainwashed people at all. But the same principals apply to everything...focus on our own sins, overlook other people's sins, and be kind to others. And it's always good to remember that the only person you can change is your own person.
Thanks Greg. I wasn’t looking for advice so much as hearing you riff on the subject. Your insights are always profound, honest & inspiring so I hope you’ll consider it. Most of my family and friends are hopelessly brainwashed but I’m not going to abandon them and join an awakened commune. Not yet. ☺️
these reminders help...simple things to do repeatedly, then it becomes easy.
Oh, this is a delicate one. As a Christian mom, I refuse to risk or jeopardize the relationship(s) I've been called to cultivate and preserve with immidiate family members. That said, it is also my responsibility to ensure that my young adult children are at least offered truths. Verbatim I have told 22 and 20 that God has given me the responsibility and duty to share the truth with them. What they choose to do with it is between them and God but share I must. This approach has taken the onus of the covid lie (many lies) off me and put it back in God's divine court. They don't agree with all of my crazy "conspiracy theories" but this approach has allowed me to plant many, many seeds. It's their fight to work out with Him, not mine. The rest is faith and prayer, never arguing or fighting. I hope some one finds this useful. I really struggled with this when covid first hit.
This is very challenging and I struggle with it all the time.
Greg did a December 2021 report citing the work of Mattias Desmet ( in which he recounts that 30% are deeply hypnotized, 40% will follow the herd, and 30% are standing against.
Regardless of what the percentages are (LOL, do pollsters ask such questions?), it makes most sense to me to focus first on consolidating relationships among the 30% standing against and second on encouraging the 40% to join us. I know when loved ones are deeply hypnotized, it’s hard to let go. Patience.
Here are two resources I believe may assist you:
1. Reaching People (
2. Unravel (
These folks have been contributing to the topic for the past couple of years and offer Zoom workshops (UK time). I can personally vouch for them.
Reaching People has a YouTube channel: (Please don’t let the visual style get in the way of the content! You might also avail yourself of the playback speed function.)
In addition, I believe we can all benefit from the otherwise despicable father of public relations, Edward Bernays, who suggested this 3-part technique: (1) don’t antagonize, (2) replace their source of info with a better source they will be open to, and (3) use the new source to replace their warped narrative by speaking a new narrative that contains a fundamental truth.
Hope that helps!
That does help, thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time for such a thoughtful response!
…..and another interesting topic would be how and why people awaken to what’s happening. At first I assumed all that was necessary, would be presenting all the facts. But it’s too much to handle and actually took me about a year of gradual, daily research to grasp the full extent of our situation. Then I saw the former KGB interview on YouTube about the power of brainwashing. So, it would be a fascinating podcast to explore why and how a minority wake up while others ignore the obvious. And yes, I’ve studied the ideas about ‘mass formation’. In the last two years I’ve learned more about human psychology than all previous experience!
I can absolutely agree. I’ve learned much about human psychology since 2020
FWIW, I think it’s rare that trying to “persuade” people actually wakes them up (whether using facts or other means).
Was anyone out there “persuaded” by someone else, or did you arrive at where you are on your own, from your own personal experience?
I believe what is most common is that folks find the answers themselves. “Forcing” them does not work.
Often the best we can do is *create the conditions that make waking up possible*.
This sometimes has more to do with “being” than “doing.”
How we behave around others (setting an example), how we respond to them (with patience, kindness, and understanding) are part of creating the conditions in which they can wake up.
The powers that be divide and conquer. Here’s a 6-minute video that may help:
Thanks again and yes, couldn’t agree more. But I came to these realizations after pushing through the horror, reaching the bottom of the rabbit hole and sincerely wanting to alert my family to avoid the jab. Alas! I’ve had to walk away and witness the inevitable. Which no amount of ‘good exampling’ will help.
Mattias never does explain why some break from the herd. And none of the great videos from The Academy of Ideas, touch on this. It seems to be a mystery.
As a final thought in this excellent conversation, I love hearing the story of how and why people awaken to the truth.
For me it was observing the narrative didn’t make sense (about April 2020), and I hate being told what to do. Especially by psychopaths!
No amount of advice and “formulas” are likely to be sufficient.
It’s like what Greg says about mastering a musical instrument: Be present and practice, practice, practice!
My pleasure, Barry! Good luck!
Being a watchman on the tower is a lonely job. Please, please, do not underestimate how vitally IMPORTANT your reports are. There are millions of church pastors who would love to have just 1% of the influence you have now. As you know, broadcasting can be a very vacant connection to the people you reach, and it can leave you feeling alone when the day is done, because you just don't have any real human contact with the people you help and encourage.
You can tell me to "kindly BUTT OUT!" if I am intruding too much into your personal situation, but I honestly mean well. You are a lonely guy right now. It's a phase that a lot of us go through when you move around a lot and you are deeply involved in a powerful and moving career demanding your time. (especially in these conditions)
If you are looking for personal connections, be it a church, or God forbid, "drinking buddies." and real human face-time interaction(s)--that is to be expected. but it might not help in the long run. Even though you might think that your being selfish now, the work you are doing with these powerful video clips are reaching MILLIONS of people who desperately NEED YOUR GIFT!
I have been involved with a lot of GREAT churches and most of the pastors were rather exceptional people. I have had some strong and binding relationships. I worked for a while with the Salvation Army, and ministry to the poor and abused, along with convicts and drug addicts. But this was not my calling. It felt good to be engaged, but here is my point. In the end, it really wasn't my gift and actually never took me further down the road. Giving someone a fish for a day was not as powerful as teaching them to fish for a lifetime.
Please don't demote your powerful work and calling right now. Churches and personal relations can be satisfying on the human level. But good is sometimes the enemy of best.
I wish you the very best! WE (the unseen) are out here for you.
Thank you.
Yes, we are with you Greg!
We Need you!!!
We need your INTELLIGENT videos!
but so many have become mentally lazy. many have no idea what is happening. Greg enjoy your 4th of July holiday even if you won't celebrate. God bless you my friend.
Yeah, celebrate while You still can. Reclaim everything their trying to trick You out of, especially your sanity. 😉
A very sobering and yet encouraging podcast today Greg. It was nutritious listening!
Good to get the reality checks, several squarely planted left hooks!
Your observations of yourself were actually a powerful way for me to get into greater honesty with myself. Because your speaking out loud a frank appraisal of your own bullshit, makes it easier to look at my bullshit. You, me, humanity, we bullshit ourselves more then we care to admit, and when it comes to our present state of peril as citizens, where we have slowly slid into a "pet" state of mind, it's good to get a cold shower for the soul.
Enjoyed the listen and your take. There was an old scary movie, “Mr. Sardonicus”. Every time I hear the word it reminds me😆
I’m in relationship with Jesus, but had to leave my religion. (too woke). I’ve looked at Orthodox and Messianic Judaism, but will probably stick with living my personal faith, unless hit with a spiritual 2 by 4 or swallowed by a whale 🐳
Hi there! You sound to me very honest in your expression. I am Serbian Orthodox and I am happy to be where I am on my road to God, thankful for everything. The question is, who is free?? The answer is we've been given freedom from God but we don't use it. God is Love and the opposite is fear, so if we live in fear we are not free, so simple. Living of the grid is awesome, I am working on it.. Best regards from Serbia!
Thanks for the reminder. Worry is something I have always struggled with from time to time. And yet God has always been there for me.
Hello Serbia!
Greg, right now we need unity; reflect on our differences. In truth, there is but one that matters; the difference between those who respect the individual rights of others, and those who don’t. — It is the basic human struggle between GOOD and EVIL
What better way to stand up against tyranny then in this community --- We The People?
Dear Greg ,thank you for enlighting the masses...with the smooth voice !
About orthodox teachings please check Paisios of Mount Athos .Heis highly respected for his spirituality and way of life in general, made very interesting geopolitical prophecies that might interest you !
I personally love Icon writing/painting ,it helps to contemplate about life !
Thanks, I will check that out. I would love to visit Mount Athos some day.
Greg, All of your reports are excellent and I have all the confidence in your research. Thank you. I didn't care much for the last report ...A.I. Run Factory... I think you were trying something different but it didn't hit me right, loved the content though.
I understand. My last report was a bit indulgent. A sardonic take on a nightmare situation.
I actually thought that was a pretty good expose' of what is real and coming!
Yes. I have no regrets. It may reach people that I normally don’t.
I also just wanted to say thank you for the free shows you send. I'm a single mom raising 5 kids, works full time. I don't have any more money. Thinking about getting a second part time job even. 🤗
In any church you'll never find 2 people that have the same opinion of GOD. Maybe just agree to disagree and move on to helping your fellow man.
The best Church I've found is AA. Our opinions of who GOD is doesn't matter. Our only purpose is that we find our higher power and serve others. Very simple. Very fulfilling!
Love all your work Greg! Please keep fighting, the Truth will eventually be revealed to ALL!!!
Really looking forward to today's convo!