Always so enjoyable and interesting, very much like being on the other end of the phone with you😁👍

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I will. Thanks for the tip.

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Thanks again for your thoughts, Greg. I agree that we’ll be in for a rough ride for at least 6 months. Hang onto to your hats, folks, it is about to get really interesting. Just remember to keep your heart open and to love each other.

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Great job, Greg! Love your content and perspective.

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You're so right. Fall on your knees and ask God for grace. Really going to be tough on handicapped seniors only on social security.. God wins

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Greg Intereting story here: Daily Mail has what appears to be FACTUAL connections between Hunter Biden and Biolab research.


EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president

The Russian government held a press conference Thursday claiming that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military 'bioweapons' research program in Ukraine

However the allegations were branded a brazen propaganda ploy to justify president Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in the US

But emails and correspondence obtained by DailyMail.com from Hunter's abandoned laptop show the claims may well be true

The emails show Hunter helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases

He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a 'science project' involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine

The president's son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners

They raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs

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Greg Reese's banned.video report on the connection of Hunter and Klaus to Metabiota is fantastic. I was doing my own research prior to his report and the documentation held by the SCCs of California and Delaware tell a lot. (Metabiota initial funding of $30M from Rosemont Seneca in 2014.) The WayBack Machine has Rosemont Seneca's website. And take a look at the investigation of Metabiota done by CBS in 2016: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/american-company-metabiota-problems-during-ebola-outbreak/ Nathan Wolfe deserves more investigation-type attention. Thanks Greg

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Thanks for that link to the old CBS (see BS) article. That is VERY revealing. A quote for the article:

"Metabiota staffers "are systematically obstructing any attempt to improve the existing surveillance system and there are a lot of improvement(s) needed," WHO Ebola coordinator Philippe Barboza said in an August 8, 2014, email. The next day, he argued that WHO should pull its outbreak staff from Kenema so they wouldn't be tarred with Metabiota's failures, writing he was "very concerned of the potential reputational risk for WHO."

Seems like Metabiota could not have failed more if the actually TRIED to spread a disease!

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Back when CBS actually did journalism. The last paragraphs: "Guillaume Lachenal, a medical historian at Paris Diderot University who has followed Metabiota's work in Africa, said it was indecent of the company to claim Ebola as a success story."

"They messed up on Ebola. That can happen," he said. "To make a success story out of their Ebola response, that's quite something."

This from 2015: (Might be interesting to hear from Dr. Lachenal now.)

"I will analyze how virologists constructed this viral risk, and how they elaborated responses to it. Here also, Professor Wolfe’s “forecasting project,” brought back from Cameroon to California, will appear as a typical example of the way unknown viruses became objects of surveillance and menaces to global security."


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Right on... starting to get out too.

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The timing of these reports is always suspect. Imagine...the Durham findings implicating HRC, unreported adverse reactions of the shots, inflation, and now Hunter's laptop and the Biden family connections to Russia, Ukraine, and China - big crimes being "exposed" while everyone is focused on the war and gas prices. Could it be part of the plan? Air all of the dirty laundry now, while there is a big distraction. Just seems like more sleight of hand. The people have such a short attention span and memory.

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Greg, we need to recapture our sanity, Ukraine is not of strategic importance to the USA! compromised biden needs to take my "United States Foreign Policy for the super slow" class. biden has the Midas Touch in reverse; everything he touches, turns to poop.

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Impressive that you want to take responsibility for your rogue foreign policy. There are 349 999 999 other Americans that SNEER at me (especially on banned.video) when I tell them to take responsibility for their rogue government and its foreign policy and for funding them with your usury slavehood.

America has become a force for evil around the world and you need to get your manure together as a country.

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Enjoying your podcasts. So glad I came upon your substack. Appreciate you, Greg Reese!

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It's about time brother! I think the podcast is a great medium for you and I look forward to your content!!!

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I'm a geocentrist but anyone in the community that is hateful is not resonating well and has other issues or is planted to divide the community. Third comment I'll shutup now lol

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Yes I'm sick of the nazi word too, seeing as you raised the issue: I would like your opinion on the web series called "The Greatest Story Never Told".

I'm in two minds about it but it blew my mind.

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Can relate to your story and the grace you have found Greg. We resonate with truth and the journey is wonderful, albeit painful. I wonder if I could grasp the depth of depravity of psychopaths if I hadn't accidentally married one lol I'm on the other side of sorrow now and I hope you feel the same.

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