Aug 22, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

This was one of your best interviews yet! Y’all seem like you’re interested in the same topics and you’re both on the same page. It was really cool how you were both bouncing ideas off each other. He also seems very knowledgeable just like you.

I noticed he said he was from a town in north Georgia. Did he happen to tell you which one? I grew up in a small town in north Georgia and I’d be interested to know where he’s from, especially since he said trains would transport orphan kids through the town he was from. That’s creepy. 😳

Thank you for sharing this with us, Greg. 😀

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Interesting interview! If you haven't seen it, Justin Faull did a Documentary called Hollow Earth Chronicles about 5 years ago. It is very interesting stuff. I first heard about Orphan Trains and Cabbage Patch kids from YouTube channel Mind Unveiled. And also Jon Levi YouTube channel is really informative and interesting. I watched a presentation this past Sunday called Atlantis Rising.

Its definitely a hot topic these days. The strange underworld creatures reminds me of C.S.Lewis Chronicles of Narnia, I took my youngest daughter and grandchildren to see the movies, I think I enjoyed them more than they did.

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thank you for the channel recommendations

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Aquarius Rising Africa is a great channel--especially the interviews of Jessie Czebotar. Regarding Inner Earth, I'm reading Inside the Earth: The Second Tunnel, by Radu Cinamar (Sky Books). Very detailed and scientific.

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i hope you’ can appreciate a very good tip on one especially well versed on [“inner Earth”] topics or would not mention here (Mr Mythos) ! oh yeah and Don’t Fail to look at Our Earth as a Grand toroidal plane (FE) to obtain a Well Rounded Truth of what so Many have missed with the propagation of intentional falsehoods fed to Us for the Large Part of Our Lives !! Go to it ……

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If I have any questions when I've finished reading the six books on the subject written by Romanian intelligence officer Radu Cinamar, who visited several regions of Inner Earth through the Bucegi mountain entrance, I'll be sure to look up Mr. Mythos.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Have you read Gullivers Travels lately? Supposedly fiction. Maybe not!

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Thank you Greg. It's always an education listening to your programs. So much to learn. Thank you for opening some new doors.

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even Bobby Fischer world chess champ told the world that "Communists are JEWS....."

>>>> https://www.azquotes.com/author/4837-Bobby_Fischer <<< he was also on Phillipine radio and a few other countries about the Jews are Communists............he warned the world...

Adolf Hitler did the same thing when he cleaned the pornographic trash out of Berlin German in the 1930s. >> https://www.bitchute.com/video/8WnEDy4JqczA/ <<>>> while Hitler was cleaning out Berlin he threw out garbage like Albert Einstein and the Jew Run Bankers..and made the real German Mark money >>> https://www.bitchute.com/video/BHbRgcjB7QSy/ <<......

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deletedAug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023
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so you just want the same material things?

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Opportunities like being able to BUY a single home and go on a vacation once a year.

Try not to think like a child.

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i couldn't get past your invective

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Rainy day - Try get some SUNSHINE - clearly you need it.

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who is removed?

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good idea. silence is golden.

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yes rainy day.....head min sand is best eh???

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Just when you think you've got to the last layer of deception, you find out the onion has only started to peel back. Oh my gosh. Thank you both for this interview.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Excellent conversation. The last 15 minutes strangely made me emotional. Love your work Greg!

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I felt when I started making cider (from all the downed apples in my area) that the trees were healing me. I just felt right when I was gathering. It was very noticeable, for a person who usually clicks all day.

I am from north Portland. Hey Forest Grove....

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Try going barefoot for a few minutes every day. Rubber soles were invented to make us sick by insulating our electromagnetic field from that of Earth. If it's cold outside, you could try walking around in woolen socks.

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i made more than 100 batches of home brew all from downed fruit......and yes to the bare foot, the wool foot...best Diana....

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ooh those look nice, wonder if I would get the lady kind or the dude kind. And the wool inserts seem necessary too......my Dad was from Quebec and used to go moose hunting with his brothers...what a thing, right? Especially when they got one, which was infrequent, and a lot of hard work to haul it. Yummy, huge creature.

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I have no choice: I wear a men's 10 1/2. I ordered the boots with leather soles.

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Or stand on a grounding mat if you live in a city and no access to soil/parks.

Also sleep on a ground sheet. Reduce the EMF flooding our electrical circuit and overwhelming our nervous system.

Many websites (or Amazon) sell them. Look 4 star rated ones.

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Great conversation! It made me realize I hardly scratched the surface. It’s very much appreciated. Thank you! It’s a cool thing to find others, that are interested and explore the same things. I so look forward to this rabbit hole!

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Awesome interview! Jason Breshears/Archaix and Benjamin/Analog would be an interesting discussion too. So much is being revealed.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

I've looked for photographs that should exist of construction of the oldest buildings in my area and they don't and neither do the architectural plans in any of the historical societies that are suppose to have this stuff History of who donated the buildings or funds from rich philanthropists that donated a local library fund for the build can't be found. A local librarian just kept nodding her head when I said it didn't make sense and she agreed but I knew she felt she couldn't say more. The old castle, told to be built as a prison at Portsmouth, NH shipyard is one. Talk about a contrived story of someone who purchased it but suddenly died at a copy machine? A little Hollywood mixed in of course. Fascinating interview. Thanks to you both.

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Watch shows and movies for information; watch the news for entertainment!

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THESE ILLEGAL unmandates ARE COMMUNIST CRAP ILLEGAL TO OUR USA CONSTITUTION ON OUR USA LAND FORCED UPON US BY ILLEGAL USURPER DEMONICRAT INFILLTRATED BY COMMUNIST CHINA ETC,,,,. WE WILL NOT COMPLY -- clowse schwaubstikka is a communist it is our duty to take out any form of communist terrorists foreign and domestic IN or OUT Of OUR AMERICAN GOVT. ARM UP AGAINST THESE EVILS WE ARE ABIDING BY OUR LAWS OUR CONSTITUTION BECAUSE OF OUR CORRUPT TREASONOUS COMMUNIST INFILTRATED GOVT. WHICH IS PERFECTLY WRITTEN WE CAN FIGHT CONMMUNISM IT IS WRITTEN. THE DEMONICRATS ARE COMMUNISTS BY AIDING AND ABETTING illegals, izlam, china ,blm, antifa etc.,,,, THIS IS OUR AMERICA NOT NAZI schwaubstikka, gates, USURPER joes CCP etc..,,,,AMERICA DO NOT COMPLY UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED CITIZENS UNITE. And He said to them, “But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword should sell his garment and buy one. ⚔ UNITE WITH GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND ALL THE LORDS BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, PRAY FOR ALL AND PREP SAVE THE CHILDREN --- The Glory of His Majesty “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” — Psalm 96:3 🙏 “Preach the Gospel”

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

— Mark 16:15 🙏 ---- Luke 22:36 ----- New International Version

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

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stop yelling at us

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Who's the troll? Maybe take a look at yourself. You call yourself Chief wolf and then you post a picture of a lion. You are so confused you don't know who you are. Christian soldier. Not in my books. Straight up Asshole is the only way to describe you. You waste my time but it is a good reminder of what some people are like.

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Now let us be kind to one another. Anger and unkind words hurt our souls. Let each speak his mind without having to fear the retribution of others. If you don't agree with an others comment move on. Be at peace.

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just exactly who are you lecturing here, Deborah? chris wolf attacked me repeatedly so i react with anger. Anger has a purpose and so does kindness. Save your bloody preaching for someone else. And get some better reading skills if you can.

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The Smoky God by Willis George Emerson (1908) might explain why giants get bigger as you go down into the earth. The mansion used in the Batman Begins movie is a Rothschild mansion. The bat cave underneath is the cave under the mansion.

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Jessie Czebotar talks a lot about the mansions and castles of the Luciferians on Aquarius Rising Africa. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/09/06/jessie-czebotar-underground-cities/

As for "the giants," there are several very tall races---the ancient builder race, the Anunnaki (renegade Sirians who work with the Draco Empire), Sasquatch, and, of course, several of the reptilian races. Most are from Earth, but some---eg, the Draco reptilians---don't belong here. https://youtu.be/GGiShT63PyQ

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How do you come to Weave’ all these bits and pieces ? Where do you Start ? Only to finish in Utter Confusion and folly…Studious Research cannot produce this mishmash , We read way too much of this shinola/ please give it a Brake !! maybe enjoy the contributions of others First !

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I’m telling you if you come to Ky I absolutely have to meet you! On the Waze map it says I’m 37 mins from Mammoth Cave! I haven’t been there since I was a kid, I have to see the video y’all were talking about I love caves & nature Kentucky is full of that. When I was a teenager me & a bunch of friends snuck on to someone’s property in Sonora Ky in the back yard was a cave! You had to get down on the ground & like slide in, it had a big drop off in the middle & all types of halls we went half way down one got scared & turned around. We mainly stayed in the big open part a few feet from the drop! Boy if I knew then what I know now I probably would of never done that so much could of gone wrong we got really drunk too. I see this is gonna be a good episode.

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communist troll alert is mrrobb

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I grew up in Ohio just like Greg and there are Indian mounds everywhere. I can only imagine what is hidden underneath.

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many mounds have been destroyed, leveled and built over. what is someone hiding??

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What came before ! and they had the means to Do It ! Just as They’ have To’Day !!

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