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1) "King" George-III was merely a puppet of the actual rulers of the British Empire in "their' 1st attempt at a NWO by them = "The City of London" Central Bankster cabal & Vatican helpers...!

And yes they were kicked out +/or sidelined several times over the next 75yrs- so regained no true full control...YET

Tho even now controls only by fiat $-treason, threat, blackmail, FedEd/NEA, State grant money & media deceptions...SO FAR

2) "WE the People" in fact not only did kick them out of full power putting a wrench in their NWO they were creating worldwide then = is WHY hate us so much and have been working to reacquire us in a full grasp since; it's quite close with only full disarmament left = like the Sheople "yUK" group...lol

3) Britain gave up hold on vast territory's both then & The War of 1812: Esp inlight of the post Treaty of Ghent backstab/backdoor "Battle of New Orleans" in their plan to take the entire Missisippi from both South and North for the next attempt from all 4sides- ONLY Andrew Jackson[*later kick'd out The Banksters] so utterly defeated the[Globalist's] British best troops there- stop'd it cold- til their later setup unCivil War debt g about Congress's D.C.+Fed handover(1871) they're still using to deceptively divide us politically, federally esp via their own'd unelected DeepState Agency clown crews...!

4) As far as Masonic then & now are not the same thing; Esp at the 32+33 degree Satanic level; otherwise its still mostly seen as a community service tho went thru a major purge of unAmerican activity in the 19teenth Century: ie = so no the Leading Founders(1,000's) all would've been hung for rebelling- not allowed to "join them" for they truly gave up everything for their cause that's OURS now...!

5) WE still have OUR Bibles, outnumber and outgun "them all" 1,000's to one....for what that's worth under Divine Providence

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King George was a tyrant of the Crown ruling with an iron fist.

General Washington walked away from more battles than he won.

Washington was the First traitor to the American Patriots. during or after that so-called General Cornwallis surrender. Washington never created a Doctrine of Conquest calming ANY off the spoils of war the American patriots fought for. That doctrine should have had as its introduction a statement that read, at min, "that a victorious nation (America) in war acquired sovereignty over the conquered nation (British Crown) and could exert its own legal and political jurisdiction chosen by its sovereign residents."

Note: The practice for creating a doctrine of conquest dates back at least to Roman law.

Instead, Washington capitulated to the King/Crown after hearing what Cornwallis said.

http://newensign.com/wp-con Peterstent/uploads/2019/03/Legions-of-Satan-Banning.pdf

this was the beginning foundations for their Deep State of deceptions with the Jews false religion to control the people with calming messages. the god of that bible is evil, and reading it you will find that proof.

Over the next 2 years Ben Franklin was making trips to England and France negotiating a Treaty in the King's favor with 3 other English Esquires for King. Yes, 4 of the King's men as Noblemen signed that treaty. Note: Franklin was also a Master Mason and the 3rd Blood Oath taker giving allegiances to the Masonic order.

Read the Treaty, the King claimed his capacities over the United States of America as agent of the Pope/Holy Roman Empire and Washington agreed without protest... Read what he told the Americans, He even protected the English landowners and gave orders to Congress for what they SHALL do. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/paris.asp

At this point the Americans lost all of any substance they fought for. They were not allowed to vote during the founding years, were not allowed to own their lands with free and clear title Alodial Title, Not allowed to have their Rule of Law choice that all 13 Colonies agreed to prior to the King's Treaty I.e. God's Law/Natural Law. the Americans got the English common law, the BAR with Laws of the Sea, Maritime and Admiralty.

Ref: https://www.lawbookexchange.com/pages/books/40766/paul-samuel-reinsch/english-common-law-in-the-early-american-colonies

Not allowed to have their own National Banking System and choice of currency forms. They got the King's private banking system with all foreign stockholders.

1787 No Republican form of government was installed in each and every State per Article IV Section 4 of the USA Constitution.

1789 all would take a false oath of office. Just before Washington was to be rewarded as POTUS, the Congress/Senate changed the title wording of the USA Constitution as their very First Act to "the constitution of the United States." The preamble clearly states the title and in context as "this Constitution for the United States of America."

And as the final foundation block to be set so it may be built on into the future, we got a foreign banking system supported by Washington, Hamilton and King George the Arch-treasurer. All is alive and well.

Remember, Queen Elizabeth had controls and has amended U.S. Social Security. this responsibility now is passed on to the new King.

See: S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security ( United States of America)

Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty an pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:

"This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997."

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he takes his orders from England? This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law.

The-Ultimate-Delusion-U.S.-Government-fraud.pdf (foundationfortruthinlaw.org)

Have you ever toured Washington the District of Columbia? all the Mason and Illuminati symbols are there in your face. They even rewarded Washington after his death with a Mural atop the Rotunda ceiling depicting him as their god like figure surrounded by the other endearing gods. The Masonic temple is still very active in DC. And their Washington Cathedral displays their Satanic Gargoyles on the roof looking down at you.

You said we still have our Bibles, yes as a false and plagiarized book of books from the Jews and the Counsil of Nicaea editors.

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If all is hopeless then commiting suicide is the best cure yet here you are...lol

I am aware most all of what you pointed to(and its not limited to all your conclusions) and am aware of more you didn't and likely are unaware of as was Gideon when confronted by the terror of his companions as to the power of the enemg arrayed before them...!

WE must realize "this mega world scam" is all a deception not a reality "unless WE go along with it" by continue slumbering on into the final trap...!

WE are Gulliver and they all are the Lilliputians with their many small ropes of lies wrapping us up as WE slumber in OUR dreams onward...!

This is why WE (you- me + all) must carry on "to sound the trumpet" not only be negative naysayers to no curative end...!

Gen. Washington was and had to be wise to walk away from some early battles = to surviving to fight another day and yes WE had to make compromises and concessions then: like Trump and "MAGADONIANS" standing now = the Founding People were a splinter up their orrifices...lol...this entiy must be taken down but first the "Common Sense" reality must circulate enuff to make real waves of indignation that are untoppable to become the "Witness" like the Amish people were in the end of that powerful movie about corruption in high places as Harrison Fords character(Sgnt. Book) faced death in the hand of the top ring leader having him dead to rights at point blank range...!

"Compromise" also DID the Globalist Empire once they were forced realize both times WE will not be nor cannot be militarily vanquished...!

What the "Unseen Hand" did and has done since is to be expected as they manipulated Kings & Kingdoms for centurys: that's intentionally just not allowed to be taught here; instead are the massive ommissions along with continuously incremental warped disinformation peddled, disseminated, advertised and constantly repeated & this is where Nazi Goebbels got the idea along with genetic culling, experimenting and eliminating of peoples right here in America(then) along with the same concept from English Fabian Communist George Bernard Shaw to gas chamber those leadership deems unfit to live among us...!

WE did NOT outright conquer the Globalist run British Empire either time(thoJohn Paul Jones got their attention): nor could they outright conquer us...!

The rest of the worlds peoples including the UK's are greater pawns then WE are as this Luciferian entity moves forward to enslave all humanity to in time slaughter us off for their purposes as the Georgia Guidstones told us...!

America's still The~Key to taking down all of mankind under their NWO under their long planned OneWorldGovernment...!

It ain't over nor can WE stop being "Watchmen on the wall"

Much of OUR strength came from a well earned overcoming independent spirit in carving out lives here from the beginning - esp in learning the formidable guerrilla warefare from yrs of the horrendous French & British-true 1st-WW that WE fought here as the long bloody French & Indian War 10yr slog = just 10yrs prior to 1775...!

The Globalist Central Bankster-City of Londons~

Masons/Jesuit-Vatican/BanksterFED/IRS+CIA-DC-DeepState and Satan hisself are not in full charge here....YET

They know not to push the American population out of its slumber as "the sleeping giant" - tho their increasing nudges are Awakening too many for their comfort and so are making many mistakes not in their favor...!

Be like screwing around in OUR cave with WE The Sleeping Grizzly Bear = more then a merely complicated exercise for them to delicately not outright Awaken us til declawed & defanged...!

You for some reason left out OUR God given unailienable Right to "have & bear"....17,000,000-million arms were bought last yr alone and the so called atf let it slip 3yrs ago WE may in reality be approaching 1billion arms- cause they really don't know...!

As for Scripture being in disarray you're openly admitting Christ screwed up and couldn't pull off getting His "New Covenant" out sufficiently = WE already had the undoctored Torah...!

IF "they" could've pulled off any serious "necessary" removals they'd've just wiped it out period but it went underground (just as the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed accuracy)

The Father's Holy Spirit and guiding Hand has kept His Believing peoples, purposes, Redemption, teachings, messages and prophecy's for us all to carry on with = supernatural forces are at work this I've personally seen and well know: despite the Dark malevolence of the Evil One's ongoing Dark purposes which are unfolding just as prophesied; still at the hands of the "money changer"/religio-political entity's as was always true down thru the ages before us back to Babel itself...!

"there's nothing new under the sun" by the hand of man: only its The Lord who revealed ~ "Behold I will do a new thing" being "the Lamb of God" (Christ Jesus) as prophecied thru-out the Old Testament Scriptures became God in the flesh and the final battle for His Creation of mankind and Earth = He will be required in this final cataclysmic battle thru us +/or by Himself directly...!

A true "Great Awakening" revival like unfolded here thru the 1700's started by the great Evangelist Whitfield is required to re-sparking the true values in "freedoms under Liberty"

Yes I spent the week touring the City of Washington when going to President Reagans DC funeral & Rotunda viewing in '04 and saw things as you point out- tho saw even more Scripture quotes = you need to mellow out more to also reveal hope...!

What I've researched and know would really piss of 80+% of Americans; moreso then Henry Ford pointed to in '33...!

As yet all is still too secretly removed from "the folks" understanding and far too convoluted in its many century's of unfolding for most intelligent but long indoctrinated people to really see or even imagine this "swampy forest of despair" for the planted trees intentionally blocking their indoctrinated view of what's truly around them to connect the dots of the unseen for recognizing the true Ghoulish bigger picture = most as intended live in a seemingly private " Truman Show"

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Nazi Goebbels got the idea along with genetic culling, experimenting and eliminating of peoples from Anu, Enki and Enlil. Same teachers the Jews plagiarized their bible from.

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