I'm sorry there's more to things with deeper involvement...!
YET it remains to be in the hands of "WE the(real)People"
Just IF these people were in control as you're trying to state is the case then Washington when offered the throne as America's King would have accepted it...!
Your wandering will & is like a troll confusing lower info folk…
I'm sorry there's more to things with deeper involvement...!
YET it remains to be in the hands of "WE the(real)People"
Just IF these people were in control as you're trying to state is the case then Washington when offered the throne as America's King would have accepted it...!
Your wandering will & is like a troll confusing lower info folks truly trying to get a grip on whats at hand here in concert with what actually was intended:
- NOT wild conspiracy mumbo jumbo nor were Masons then what they are now...!
Masons were hi-jacked to later here be rejected massively for it 160+ yrs ago [research it]:
- now only @ the 32nd + 33rd Degree actually Satanic...!
However were ever only subsidiary's of the true power player's as are even the Jesuits themselves = "City of London/Vatican" duo = various times aiding one another over the Century's in Europes history...!
The Central Bankster cabal owned the British Empire then already and was their 1st NWO attempt & WE stuck a wrench in it by casting'em out of here...!
Tho at every turn plotted needed full controlling reentry/ reacquisition after losing to implement their Globalist NWO; thru the legal system, banking, debt, religious fraud, blackmail, education, medicine, massive treason by bribes and assassinations((as many as 7 potus & hordes of others)) starting with Washington himself upon knowing(like Gen. Patton'45 +JFK '63, Reagan fail '81) was going to the American people with info endangering their reacquiring "their British Colony's" they owned(not George III + Monachy's)
The Monarchy is merely the Central Banksters front for their UK control Worldwide even yet- but is under this Globalist entity's push via their subsidiary orgs Fed+IRS/WEF/WHO/ IMF/BIS/ CCP/CIA+ DC(their ussr nix'd by RWR) an unelected DeepState appointed by them of Federal Agency's(the 3-Letter) = 432 now w/3+Million strong...!
ONLY with the true Hand of Divine Providence[upon us rearning it] can this tide can be turned by "WE the People"...!
Thank you Professor. Can you give me the name of the author and bloodline family member that wrote these (facts?) that you are parroting? Every conquered group of people get a patriotic storyline to keep them docile and complacent. I don't believe and you do. Please don't write back General till you see the whites of their masonic eyes at Lexington and Concord. Will it be the Boston Coffee Party this time? Will the slaves really be freed this time? Maybe Tom Hanks can play his cousin Abraham Lincoln during the revolution and Brad Pitt can play John Wilkes Booth but this time he shoots Lincolns' wife instead. Sik Semper Tyrannis Bitch!
I'm sorry there's more to things with deeper involvement...!
YET it remains to be in the hands of "WE the(real)People"
Just IF these people were in control as you're trying to state is the case then Washington when offered the throne as America's King would have accepted it...!
Your wandering will & is like a troll confusing lower info folks truly trying to get a grip on whats at hand here in concert with what actually was intended:
- NOT wild conspiracy mumbo jumbo nor were Masons then what they are now...!
Masons were hi-jacked to later here be rejected massively for it 160+ yrs ago [research it]:
- now only @ the 32nd + 33rd Degree actually Satanic...!
However were ever only subsidiary's of the true power player's as are even the Jesuits themselves = "City of London/Vatican" duo = various times aiding one another over the Century's in Europes history...!
The Central Bankster cabal owned the British Empire then already and was their 1st NWO attempt & WE stuck a wrench in it by casting'em out of here...!
Tho at every turn plotted needed full controlling reentry/ reacquisition after losing to implement their Globalist NWO; thru the legal system, banking, debt, religious fraud, blackmail, education, medicine, massive treason by bribes and assassinations((as many as 7 potus & hordes of others)) starting with Washington himself upon knowing(like Gen. Patton'45 +JFK '63, Reagan fail '81) was going to the American people with info endangering their reacquiring "their British Colony's" they owned(not George III + Monachy's)
The Monarchy is merely the Central Banksters front for their UK control Worldwide even yet- but is under this Globalist entity's push via their subsidiary orgs Fed+IRS/WEF/WHO/ IMF/BIS/ CCP/CIA+ DC(their ussr nix'd by RWR) an unelected DeepState appointed by them of Federal Agency's(the 3-Letter) = 432 now w/3+Million strong...!
ONLY with the true Hand of Divine Providence[upon us rearning it] can this tide can be turned by "WE the People"...!
Thank you Professor. Can you give me the name of the author and bloodline family member that wrote these (facts?) that you are parroting? Every conquered group of people get a patriotic storyline to keep them docile and complacent. I don't believe and you do. Please don't write back General till you see the whites of their masonic eyes at Lexington and Concord. Will it be the Boston Coffee Party this time? Will the slaves really be freed this time? Maybe Tom Hanks can play his cousin Abraham Lincoln during the revolution and Brad Pitt can play John Wilkes Booth but this time he shoots Lincolns' wife instead. Sik Semper Tyrannis Bitch!