Yes Sandra anyone and everyone can get filtrated by the Feds.
Is that supposed to thwart one from doing the right thing?
Dr. Edwin Viera is not someone to listen to IMHO.
Academic egg heads like Vierra often get things wrong.
He thinks that the militia (the people) have an obligation to operate UNDER some governmental entity. The truth is that we the people are at the top of the pecking order.
Being organized under or with the permission of government is dangerous as hell as the government can be a potential enemy, and it was the governments that went along with the bull and destroyed their own militias after the civil war.
Oh, yeah, of course anyone and everyone can get infiltrated by the Feds--that's what they do, though it seems like these days people are getting sharper at picking them out.
Interesting on Viera--I just heard about him because I used to listen to Devvy Kidd.
I just know we are headed for trouble. The US govt is obviously captured and plans to kill us off via kill shots and enslave the rest in the digital grid. Not sure what the way out is, but I definitely think the best hope is from citizens in solid red states. I'm in a blue state and people here don't even have a sense that anything is wrong.
I am not a fan of so called, conservatives, patriots, Christians Sandra.. It is just another fake dialectic meant to divide and to control. There is never any talk about God given rights or natural law as was the norm in 1776.
The US government was captured from the beginning.
Jesuits and the Illuminati had a lot to do with founding this country and controlled it from day one. We have been taught BS history.
I found this book very informative with a much more honest account of our history:
Politically Incorrect Guide To The Constitution.pdf
Sorry to hear that you are surrounded by communists. FWIW Red states are actually communist also , just in different ways. We have a property tax here in MO which is the first plank of the Communist manifesto.
I've actually listened from time to time to a lawyer with twitter handle legalmanUSA and he basically says Supreme Court was never supposed to be what it has turned into. Was just supposed to be the final word on a particular case, with the decision only applying to the parties involved in the case--it was never supposed to set law of the land.
I've also listened to a guy Dr. "KL" as a guest on crrow777radio and he basically says we did not win the Revolutionary war, early US govt never paid off the revolutionary war debt, and there were other resets that we weren't even aware of (reset simply meaning restructuring of the debt) at key historical events (e.g. Civil War-orchestrated by the bankers). Says US govt never paid off the debt, kept pushing it off into the future, and then put more and more of the nation up as collateral (apparently, legal straw man, all caps names, birth certificates are all a part of this). What a nightmare!!
I try to stay away from the State Assembly types like you mention.
I have talked to the head of the "Missouri Assembly" and they are not even able to communicate what they are all about....
They complicate things a lot IMHO. The simple answer is to just either understand and follow the US Constitution
to realize that Natural Law is the highest law and only real law and reject the Constitution and let Natural Law guide you. Which IMHO leads to no "government"
The state assemblies support the hell out of the concept of government and they use "common law" not natural law to come to their conclusions.
"CASE LAW" = prior decisions good & esp the bad- re-manipulated to inject precidencial consensus- likely bs to bring about directive conformity to the predermined dead ended goals leading incrementally away from 'God given unalienable Rights' that are exculsively in OUR brilliant 3-Founding documents....this until "WE the People" are lost in an open 'no-mans-land' as easy targets for the intended opposing Evil enemy to pick us off as a nation now unknowly unprotected and helpless...0oops
As Jefferson warned will occur over time be - "JUDICIAL CREEP"= tyranny
"Case Law" is often the response of Patriot-Tards as to how the Constitution got changed without a Constitutional amendment.
The concept of "stare decisis" has it's place, but it does not turn previous decisions into "Case Law" The courts were never delegated the power to write law. Though most of our Patriot-Tard mouth pieces think that they can do so.
Yeah, I've followed them, in terms of just listening and trying to understand what they are talking about, but everything they say seems so complicated (e.g. changing your status) and it seems like you end up getting involved with the court system and once you do, there are all sorts of legal tricks for them to get jurisdiction over you and then you are done. But I do find that KL guy interesting--seems like this scam/global takeover goes way back. I sometimes wonder if the same banking families have been ruling over us for thousands of years.
The "Central Bankster cabal" ie = "City of London" & ally "The Vatican" have ruled for close to a millenia in Western Erope til the Reformation when a breakaway group Pigrims+Puritans fled at the beginning of the "THIRTY YEARS WAR" of the Vatican against the Protest-ants[8million killed]...and began in a New World of government built of peoples core values Founded upon the Scriptures...
Now this Globalist org set up the UN on U.S. soil via FDR("Friend to Stalin") to become the head Politburo of their NWO under a OWG...!
Sounds like you are very well read and informed :-)
I think that they are pissing away time and energy when there should be other things more important to focus on.
They seem to be delusional in that they think that somehow these Satanists that do not follow the Constitution will cede to their often correct "legal" arguments
It's all so hard to do in a land of morons that we call the USA.
"They seem to be delusional in that they think that somehow these Satanists that do not follow the Constitution will cede to their often correct "legal" arguments"
Yeah, that's how I see it. Plus, I wonder how their "status change" is going to help them when they roll out the CBDCs.
Good chatting with you. Yes, land of morons. There's a genocide and most have no clue. The deliberate dumbing down plan worked!
"I am not a fan of so called, conservatives, patriots, Christians Sandra.. It is just another fake dialectic meant to divide and to control. There is never any talk about God given rights or natural law as was the norm in 1776. The US government was captured from the beginning.
Jesuits and the Illuminati had a lot to do with founding this country and controlled it from day one. We have been taught BS history."
I totally agree--everything we have been taught as history is just a pack of lies--all of it!
I'll check out the book.
I'm in the state with the worst property tax. I'd like to get out of here and escape to a red state, but easier said than done when you have a sick family member you are looking out for.
Luckily I was healthy for a few years when I arrived.
Now especially since the medical system wants to kill you and real help costs a lot of money, things are more challenging.
Good luck with everything. Check out Missouri if you ever get the chance. I came here from FL and am glad that I made it here. FL is a communist country IMHO and I could not stand the intrusive government there.
Yes, medical system wants to kill you. Unless I'm shot or in a car accident, I plan on staying away from them. Yes, I've heard good things about Missouri. At this point (I'm in NJ), if I could just escape to WV I'd be happy. Hopefully in more time, my sick family member will be better (damaged from big-pharma and doctors after getting US bioweapon Lyme)
Yes Sandra anyone and everyone can get filtrated by the Feds.
Is that supposed to thwart one from doing the right thing?
Dr. Edwin Viera is not someone to listen to IMHO.
Academic egg heads like Vierra often get things wrong.
He thinks that the militia (the people) have an obligation to operate UNDER some governmental entity. The truth is that we the people are at the top of the pecking order.
Being organized under or with the permission of government is dangerous as hell as the government can be a potential enemy, and it was the governments that went along with the bull and destroyed their own militias after the civil war.
Oh, yeah, of course anyone and everyone can get infiltrated by the Feds--that's what they do, though it seems like these days people are getting sharper at picking them out.
Interesting on Viera--I just heard about him because I used to listen to Devvy Kidd.
I just know we are headed for trouble. The US govt is obviously captured and plans to kill us off via kill shots and enslave the rest in the digital grid. Not sure what the way out is, but I definitely think the best hope is from citizens in solid red states. I'm in a blue state and people here don't even have a sense that anything is wrong.
I am not a fan of so called, conservatives, patriots, Christians Sandra.. It is just another fake dialectic meant to divide and to control. There is never any talk about God given rights or natural law as was the norm in 1776.
The US government was captured from the beginning.
Jesuits and the Illuminati had a lot to do with founding this country and controlled it from day one. We have been taught BS history.
I found this book very informative with a much more honest account of our history:
Politically Incorrect Guide To The Constitution.pdf
Sorry to hear that you are surrounded by communists. FWIW Red states are actually communist also , just in different ways. We have a property tax here in MO which is the first plank of the Communist manifesto.
That book looks really good.
I've actually listened from time to time to a lawyer with twitter handle legalmanUSA and he basically says Supreme Court was never supposed to be what it has turned into. Was just supposed to be the final word on a particular case, with the decision only applying to the parties involved in the case--it was never supposed to set law of the land.
I've also listened to a guy Dr. "KL" as a guest on crrow777radio and he basically says we did not win the Revolutionary war, early US govt never paid off the revolutionary war debt, and there were other resets that we weren't even aware of (reset simply meaning restructuring of the debt) at key historical events (e.g. Civil War-orchestrated by the bankers). Says US govt never paid off the debt, kept pushing it off into the future, and then put more and more of the nation up as collateral (apparently, legal straw man, all caps names, birth certificates are all a part of this). What a nightmare!!
I try to stay away from the State Assembly types like you mention.
I have talked to the head of the "Missouri Assembly" and they are not even able to communicate what they are all about....
They complicate things a lot IMHO. The simple answer is to just either understand and follow the US Constitution
to realize that Natural Law is the highest law and only real law and reject the Constitution and let Natural Law guide you. Which IMHO leads to no "government"
The state assemblies support the hell out of the concept of government and they use "common law" not natural law to come to their conclusions.
"CASE LAW" = prior decisions good & esp the bad- re-manipulated to inject precidencial consensus- likely bs to bring about directive conformity to the predermined dead ended goals leading incrementally away from 'God given unalienable Rights' that are exculsively in OUR brilliant 3-Founding documents....this until "WE the People" are lost in an open 'no-mans-land' as easy targets for the intended opposing Evil enemy to pick us off as a nation now unknowly unprotected and helpless...0oops
As Jefferson warned will occur over time be - "JUDICIAL CREEP"= tyranny
"Case Law" is often the response of Patriot-Tards as to how the Constitution got changed without a Constitutional amendment.
The concept of "stare decisis" has it's place, but it does not turn previous decisions into "Case Law" The courts were never delegated the power to write law. Though most of our Patriot-Tard mouth pieces think that they can do so.
Yeah, I've followed them, in terms of just listening and trying to understand what they are talking about, but everything they say seems so complicated (e.g. changing your status) and it seems like you end up getting involved with the court system and once you do, there are all sorts of legal tricks for them to get jurisdiction over you and then you are done. But I do find that KL guy interesting--seems like this scam/global takeover goes way back. I sometimes wonder if the same banking families have been ruling over us for thousands of years.
The "Central Bankster cabal" ie = "City of London" & ally "The Vatican" have ruled for close to a millenia in Western Erope til the Reformation when a breakaway group Pigrims+Puritans fled at the beginning of the "THIRTY YEARS WAR" of the Vatican against the Protest-ants[8million killed]...and began in a New World of government built of peoples core values Founded upon the Scriptures...
Now this Globalist org set up the UN on U.S. soil via FDR("Friend to Stalin") to become the head Politburo of their NWO under a OWG...!
Sounds like you are very well read and informed :-)
I think that they are pissing away time and energy when there should be other things more important to focus on.
They seem to be delusional in that they think that somehow these Satanists that do not follow the Constitution will cede to their often correct "legal" arguments
It's all so hard to do in a land of morons that we call the USA.
"They seem to be delusional in that they think that somehow these Satanists that do not follow the Constitution will cede to their often correct "legal" arguments"
Yeah, that's how I see it. Plus, I wonder how their "status change" is going to help them when they roll out the CBDCs.
Good chatting with you. Yes, land of morons. There's a genocide and most have no clue. The deliberate dumbing down plan worked!
Oh, yeah, totally agree with you on this:
"I am not a fan of so called, conservatives, patriots, Christians Sandra.. It is just another fake dialectic meant to divide and to control. There is never any talk about God given rights or natural law as was the norm in 1776. The US government was captured from the beginning.
Jesuits and the Illuminati had a lot to do with founding this country and controlled it from day one. We have been taught BS history."
I totally agree--everything we have been taught as history is just a pack of lies--all of it!
I'll check out the book.
I'm in the state with the worst property tax. I'd like to get out of here and escape to a red state, but easier said than done when you have a sick family member you are looking out for.
I hear the illness part.
Luckily I was healthy for a few years when I arrived.
Now especially since the medical system wants to kill you and real help costs a lot of money, things are more challenging.
Good luck with everything. Check out Missouri if you ever get the chance. I came here from FL and am glad that I made it here. FL is a communist country IMHO and I could not stand the intrusive government there.
Yes, medical system wants to kill you. Unless I'm shot or in a car accident, I plan on staying away from them. Yes, I've heard good things about Missouri. At this point (I'm in NJ), if I could just escape to WV I'd be happy. Hopefully in more time, my sick family member will be better (damaged from big-pharma and doctors after getting US bioweapon Lyme)
Well not a given from the beginning = it was "incremental creep" - always to gain various incremental goals of control...!
. ~ ALL is platformed upon the ~ .