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Carl McWilliams in your opinion were the American colonists wrong to throw off British rule.

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But somehow it's wrong to throw off modern day tyranny?

That would be muddy muddy thinking.

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You don't need Isaiah to tell us what we can see.

My eyes and ears tell me that it is the Christian churches that are turning the world upside down.

And very little else.

**** If I were a secret  Society that ran the planet: ****

I would first set up  governments filled top to bottom with my men.

Then I would infiltrate the religions, and  have them teach that  the men that work for me in their governments were put there were put there by God, and that they should jump when my men command them to jump.

Then I would infiltrate the schools and have them teach your children the political  ideology that we created called "socialism".

When these children graduate they become Church members, and leaders that accept and support the "socialism'  that we created.   Little do they know that socialism is just Satanism lite so we have in effect turned all of the religions to our religion of Satanism.

After the schools we continue  the process, and take over the media.

People accept what the media tells them without much thought because they are participating in "group think" and will not think on their own.

The reality is that we are way past even this amount of infiltration of  "our institutions" that control you.

Fractional reserve banks do nothing other than impoverish the people, But they are not educated, and  trust that their government  was put there by God as we told them.  So fractional reserve  banks that steal from them  must be put there by God also.

Hell we even have them putting rat poison in their children's water, and they do not question  it because their God the government told them it was for their benefit!

In their medical system  we have had complete control of their  medical schools for over a century, and they teach the lies and limited knowledge that we choose to be taught.

We control the dental schools also, and we conveniently prohibit  the teaching of the 2,000 man years of dental research of  ADA employee  Weston A Price.

By doing so we have the AMA doctors , by their not seeing the dental connection to   disease,  , causing most of the the cancer and  heart attacks in the people that they treat,. We have killed tens of millions in this manner and none of these useful idiots  can see what is happening.

We also have a few backup methods to have the medical profession kill for us: Fir example they  inject "vaccines" full of cancer retrovirus's  because they were grown in  animal tissue.  They know nothing because we control the medical school curriculum.

Most of all,  we have to thank our Satanic temples that are really 501c3 corporations under the complete control of our  governments.

Without our Satanic Temples masquerading as churches,  we would not have been as successful in  indoctrinating them  with the 4 pillars of the church of Satan.

1.) Total Ego

2.) Moral relativism

3.)  Acceptance of social Darwinism

4.)  Acceptance of Genocide

We have been very successful.

Who would have thought that we could turn Modern Christians into Satanists without any of them comprehending what was done to them?


One of  "Satan's Chosen Ones"

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i honestly believe that the "bible academics" are so heavily indoctrinated into their interpretation of the written word, that the Ego manifests itself into just about all that they say;

They all seem to have to prove their "thesis" is more valid than that of the next student of the Bible;

seems to i that the majority of these biblical academia's have veered so far away from spirituality that they struggle to see what is right in front of them....no doubt the mind keeps searching for a scripture to explain why they need not act in defiance of evil;

thinking is NOT acting;

no where is it written that we should lay down our life for another to inherit what is ours; i would argue the exact opposite is true to the words within the KJV Bible;

there are only Ten laws carved into stone that i am aware of...all the rest of it are naught but words written onto pieces of paper that can, and indeed are, changed at the whim of another mere mortal;

how "man" became so beholden to words put onto paper by another man is one of lifes great mysteries.

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Mark there is much wisdom in the scriptures. The thing is that modern Christianity is turning it all on it;s head to serve their own agenda. Our churches are modern day Pharisees.

I really like this talk:

Mark Passio - De Facto Satanism


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There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ will not forgive:

(1) Denial (blasphemy) of the Holy Spirit.

(2) Receiving the "Mark of the Beast".


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Keep on listening to your Illuminati led Church Carl.

They are the same ones going along with putting rat poison in our children's drinking water.

That sounds like people who I would listen to.

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so nothing about harming the little ones then?;

nothing either then about breaking the 10 laws of man carved into stone?.

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Or violating children = of which the unConstitutional faux/fiat "Corporation of the USA" = now is embracing perversion of children to become law; but is not legal Law and must be defied at all costs by every avenue available = "The Sleeping Giant" must be Awakened or WE are no longer America - 'One Nation Under GOD'

Only a return to a Godly People by Revival can turn this tide...!

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The Fall of Babylon the Great:

тАЬAfter these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, тАШBabylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.тАЩ

And I heard another voice from heaven saying, тАЬCome out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, тАШI sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.тАЩ Therefore her plagues will come in one dayтАФdeath and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her.тАЭ

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So do you just copy and paste what you see or do you actually READ and COMPREHEND what is before you?

"Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow";

show me where in this verse that is stated that we must wait for God to do this work?;

"where there be more than Two, there be i"

we are instructed to do God's work and DEFEND the image of God;

we are created in God's image.

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