You hit the nail on the head Greg, when you state: "And we have been made so weak that we are afraid to even discuss the option of violence."
I have reading the riot act to our idiot Patriot mouthpieces (and that includes (Alex Jones) that will not mention the obvious solution to many of our problems and that is a rebuilding of the State …
You hit the nail on the head Greg, when you state: "And we have been made so weak that we are afraid to even discuss the option of violence."
I have reading the riot act to our idiot Patriot mouthpieces (and that includes (Alex Jones) that will not mention the obvious solution to many of our problems and that is a rebuilding of the State Militias.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment
You hit the nail on the head Greg, when you state: "And we have been made so weak that we are afraid to even discuss the option of violence."
I have reading the riot act to our idiot Patriot mouthpieces (and that includes (Alex Jones) that will not mention the obvious solution to many of our problems and that is a rebuilding of the State Militias.
Mark Passio – The True Meaning And Purpose Of The 2nd Amendment