At the close of the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787, as Ben Franklin left the hall in Philadelphia, he was asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: "A republic, if you can keep it."
It is, was, and will always be our job to keep the government in check. If we do not, then we will end up back at square one and become slaves once again. No one is going to come to our rescue... except ourselves.
So with that in mind, if in coming here you've never heard of the following:
Asset Forfeiture, NSLs, ALEC, AIPAC
FISA Courts, Congressional Insider Trading
Judicial Standing, Deferred Prosecution
Parallel Construction, Stingray Devices
EO 12333, XKeyscore, COINTELPRO
Pentagon Papers, Gary Webb
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Northwoods
Operation Paperclip
Project Monarch
Or worse, you've heard of them but can't be bothered to care, then like it or not, you are one reason among many that we are on a one-way flight straight to Hell. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, your ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is your indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob you of your wealth and liberty.
This is not political, it's universal. Both of the puppet parties you think you get to choose from every two years are completely infected by blanket webs of corruption and have long ago mortgaged their allegiance to their corporate masters. And what these leeches need more than anything to survive and thrive is a stupid, apathetic populace with red tags on their ears who will lap at their feet and believe every lie they feed them, or worse, are too busy staring at their smart phones to even care that they're being lied to.
The natural state of humanity is to slide into slavery and conflict. Our American bulwark against that decay was built by the blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and personal sacrifice of countless millions. These people gave everything to build the pillars of justice that protect and sustain you, and it is your responsibility to give something back and sacrifice a little in order to maintain those pillars and pass them on to the next generation. Anything less is a betrayal to those who broke their back to build the structure you are now standing on. So put down your Facebook and start paying attention to the things going on around you before that structure crumbles to nothing beneath your feet and you become a slave once again.
Remember, a nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves and you get more of what you tolerate. So turn off your Goddamn TV, turn on your mind, and get out there and stop tolerating it before you wake up one morning robbed of your remaining liberty and you no longer have a choice.
Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Your responsibility then, is to render that oversight.
Joseph de Maistre said: 'Every citizenry has the government they deserve...'
Never. The meaning is IN the struggle. The outcome is not what counts. Never compromise yourself by surrendering. Carry the torch of freedom and justice wherever you go, and your spirit will never be defeated.
to meet eternity without flinching is the ticket. Address it young in life then you are prepared for the event when it happens. My brother died when he was just 10. this fact made me ponder the issue of life & death. I asked my father at the age of 84 what his thoughts were on life after death as he had already had a few mini strokes, his answer floored me as not only was he a very educated thoughtful man, a designer, an inventor,
an artist, a writer, a military commander, a respected individual in the community & universities. A double engineer. Not only this but he having lost his first born son you would think one would give the topic of life & death much thought as my mother did & thus it molded influencing her life as it turns out in a positive way. I think if addressed in a realistic healthy way its as natural as discussing the birds & bees & reproduction & birth, tis just another part of the experience & needs to be explored more.
A great place to do so is Next Level Soul ie interviews with NDEs.
I personally have birthed a number of babies 'midwifing' & been there for
people as they are dying doing hospice work. I find both a very honourable & meaningful experience in the process we call life. I agree many never live life at all. I'm always barefoot out in nature my. house full of animals today 2 dogs, 6 cats, 2 baby goats & often a joey or two,all rescues needing assistance or they would have died & some do but hey
Wow, that's quite uncommon that you're father was such a highly accomplished "renaissance" man and yet you did not complete your point regarding his final conclusions....And here you are promoting a New Age, pardon me, but highly questionable, YT channel who promotes, very "convenient" New Age (Alien) narratives...I'll leave it at that. But you're just a "nature-loving" pacifist, who lives life "barefoot" with 2 baby goats. Huh, interesting..... You're post basically says NOTHING, except to promote your father as some impossible archetype and then direct readers to this New Age site. I find this very "interesting". Being a highly educated professional myself, I find this VERY interesting...and almost, unbelievable.
Well people are now warning of a Marburg outbreak, that Marburg is IN the hydrogel of the vaccinated & it will be released once they deploy this certain frequency in October.
The only thing that matters is how you will conduct yourself in the event this eventuality does or dose not occur.
This life is a test for your soul. That is the only reason why we are here. What occurs is not important. How you handle yourself is.
God has given you an exceedingly minute moment on this earth to prove yourself through your good deeds, and in doing so gain everlasting life in heaven. Your century here is a mere speck on the endless horizon of eternity, and by using that precious time to focus on and peruse earthly pleasures - rather than being a force for good - you are making an incredibly bad bargain with what you would stand to gain otherwise.
TriTorch: My name is Carl L. McWilliams and I have perused all of your above postings on this Greg Reese Substack, and I must object to this particular comment (above): "God has given you an exceedingly minute moment on this earth to prove yourself through your good deeds, and in doing so gain everlasting life in heaven."
To give you some background on myself TriTorch; I am 75 years old and I am formally trained as a sociologist by the University of California, (BA1975). In 1981 when I was 33 years old, I received a Revelation of the Deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I was stunned to learn that God had become Flesh and I could read and study the Bible to learn more. I have been studying the Bible ever since and I am now on my fourth Bible as the first three wore out their pages and bindings because of overuse.
That said Tri Torch: Your claim that by good works one may enter into heaven is a complete antithesis to the very fundamentals of the Holy Bible. Furthermore, by you completely ignoring the Son of God's death, burial and resurrection is your blatant violation of "treating the Cross of Christ as a common thing".
As Paul wrote in 1Cor: 1 17-18: "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
And as Paul wrote in Heb. 10: 29-31: How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge His people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Mr. McWilliams, thank you for reading my work and for your thoughtful comment. I've addressed this subject before so I will copy and paste my response to your arguments here. I say the following with respect for both you and your lifelong studies:
Do you believe that the bible is immutable and cannot be corrupted by man?
If I were the devil and there were edits that I could influence a follower to make to the bible, getting Christians to stand down while I spread my evil would be priority one. Not only would that grant me a monumental advantage in my war with Good, it might also grant me the souls of those who did nothing to stop me.
My second priority as the devil would be to make Christians everywhere believe that the bible couldn't be edited. Combine these a_priories and you get where we are today: standing on the brink of a ruined world.
Too many good men and women did nothing - often because they believed they did not have to do anything, accepting Jesus was all that was needed to enter heaven - the incorruptible bible said so - and evil triumphed.
This is a self-defeating philosophy that is damaging to the soul because excuses sloth in the face of evil. Do nothing to stop the devil and you still can gain the ultimate prize? This is exactly what I would want you to believe if I were him: Stand down, do nothing, God has your back either way.
No, this cannot be a way into heaven, but if I were the devil, I would sure want you to believe it was.
Viruses have never made anyone sick. And not for lack of trying, you should read up on some of the really disgusting things Pasteur and others have tried to 'infect' a healthy person and make them sick. Never worked. Viruses do not make you sick, they are not contagious. They do however make vaccine manufacturers and their investors very wealthy. Viruses are not what we have all been brainwashed into believing. They are used to get you into fear mode (it's working on you right now). The fear and stress will make you sick. The sooner you and the rest of the population that still believes what they have been told about viruses the sooner a) you'll feel better because you have far less fear and stress; and b) we can shut down this oft-used psyop because we will no longer fall for the invisible enemy trick.
They can deploy a frequency that will make you sick, or have a heart attack, or a brain bleed as James Giordano just told us. They can expose us to toxins that will make us sick, and cause our bodies to go through a detox which can include all of the same things they label as the symptoms of colds, flu, and viral diseases.
I recommend you follow Dr Sam Bailey, who is here on Substack, on, has her own website, and who, along with her husband Mark, also a doctor, have thoroughly debunked all the virus myths and propaganda. If you're ready for a deep dive into it, Mark Bailey's treatise, "A Farewell to Virology" is excellent.
Dr Ana Mihalcea is showing the vaxxine's nanotechnology actually self-assembling into the lethal hydrogel clots, in both vaxxed AND un-vaxxed blood (due to vaxx shedding), under darkfield microscopy.
I think it m8ght be both..or something elsecwe are overlooking,
Nevertheless what the jabs are are slow kill bioweapons.
And if you want to know how open my mind is and see my brains falling out...I think Marburg ebola Sars sars2 etc are all created in a lab... I doubt that there is anymore zoonotic diseases out there we haven't already met. So I don't buy the premise that we are penetrating ecosystems and getting these exotic diseases or spillover. Our scientists need to stop digging up corpses and permafrost
Remoteviewer57 👉🧪 Nefarious use of Gain of function ie:/synthetically augmented disease
Pathogens - synthetic and natural occurring 🧪🧪💉💉.
Pathogens in use may include parasites airborne and otherwise.
Gain of function includes not only ‘boosting’ a given pathogen synthetic or otherwise but also increasing transmissibility.
Transmissibility in my opinion would likely involve encapsulating pathogens , synthetic and otherwise in lipids such as polyethylene glycol .
Means of spread would of course be covert and might include methods such as deliberately applying pathogens into foods and drinks and also would include applying pathogens onto masks , PCR tests and other commonly used medical devices.
The masks would release the encapsulated pathogens (synthetic or natural) by means of the obsequious masks wearers respirations heat and moisture breaking down the synthetic lipid thereby releasing the pathogen into the airways causing illness. (Similar to how Alexei Nalvalny was poisoned by spraying a toxic nerve agent into his underwear which was time released due to body heat and sweat).
Picture massive factories where captive workers operate assembly lines which apply pathogens (for example a nozzle which sprayed a measured dose of encapsulated pathogen into a mask onto a PCR test or into food or drink.
The workers in such factories may or may not even be aware of the fact pathogens are being applied to spread disease.
If the workers are aware they may be under a dictatorial government which controls every aspect of their life.
Is it possible the reason anti parasitics work is because parasites are involved.
Yes Encapsulating Pathogens Known As LNP Or "LIPID NANO PARTICLES" Developed At UBC In Canada @ ACUITUS/ARBUTUS TECHNOLOGIES Which Apparently Our Crime Sinister Turdeau Is Heavily Invested In!
Warning about something that does not exist as of yet but to keep you swimming with the monsters.
A vicious cycle of fear continuously being pushed.
And for an article like this, as good as the intention might be, does it not amp up paranoia and delusion. I've met many in the past four years that spin out easily. And now can sometimes be found defensive and reactive. (understandably so) But what do you do if your brain is being messed with? Where's the grounded part, the care?
Gates is not warning you, he's pre-programming you. So when you get the detox symptoms that your body naturally goes through when it's trying to get rid of toxins you'll think you are being attacked by a 'virus' instead of realizing your body is doing it's job to save your life from the poison or toxins you have been exposed to.
Bill Gates et al handler is satan aka Lucifer himself. He and his ilk are nothing short of demons in human form. It's generational, his family were proponents of eugenics etc. His father an early chairman of the board of planned parenthood. Their agenda is truly diabolical and goes back to the fight between good and evil. They believe that satan gives them the power over the rest of us. They're power hungry, damaged by sexual abuse and other mind controlling rituals. If they weren't such awful creatures, I'd actually feel sorry for them. But it's beyond that now. They've killed way too many people and have plans for the rest of us. The lie that we're overpopulated drives them to perpetrate unspeakable crimes against humanity. They want Babylon to rise again hence cern, Bohemian grove rituals, human/animal sacrifices etc. It's all biblical and it is written in The Word. The light at the end of the tunnel is that: YHWH/God wins in the end. We're going to have many sacrifices but it's all for our next generations to live a free life.
“… strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God.” [Acts 14:22]
Shame is among the most important emotions anyone can feel because it coarse corrects bad behavior in a major way. Never doubt this. It is essential to bettering ourselves. What'sHerFace explains this brilliantly:
Beyond that, I do what I can to awaken the other side, including, but not limited to, wading into their forums and challenging their counterfeit axioms with real world contradictions. It's about the most thankless job you can imagine, but with luck, some are shaken and awakened.
I wrote the following earlier today. This is verbatim and out of context, but it stands on its own:
We both want unity. This is probably best thing I have ever written and it is geared toward achieving it—it can be read in 2 minutes:
Now you may be wondering how someone who claims to want to unite humanity against our common enemies can write such a divisive missive as I did yesterday about Burning Man attendees, and the reason for it is that the corrupted mentality outlined needs to be confronted head on and exposed for the absurd fraud it is in order to shake loose those mired in it.
Humor, ridicule, and scorn are among the most powerful agents of change in the realm of psychology. People keep believing these nonsensical things because their peer group dramatically reinforces them—And they get more and more radicalized and staunch in their increasingly ludicrous positions as time goes by due to this feedback loop echo chamber. This is how they've managed to destroy scientific biology and normalize cutting breasts and genitalia off teenagers. It is far past time to break this accelerating cycle of insanity.
You write: “ People keep believing these nonsensical things because their peer group dramatically reinforces them—And they get more and more radicalized and staunch in their increasingly ludicrous positions as time goes by due to this feedback loop echo chamber.”
The peer group is MSM. Every. Single. Human. Has been duped by [their] lies.
I don't know how to explain this to you in a way you will understand.
I personally don't have the experience of feeling shame for my actions. I don't lie of manipulate, it is a choice I make.
If I do something that has caused another harm, I do the work of it. Lean into it for understanding.
The only shame I have felt in my life is from being abused as a child and asked to carry something that is not mine. And I do the work of that as well.
Thank you for your explanation. I think in the case of shame this is a dimension of feeling that is alien to you, Elizabeth, and I am sure you have feelings that would be just alien to me that I wouldn't be able to understand.
For me personally shame has made me a far better person than I would have been otherwise. The pain I've felt from it has been among my greatest, most wise teachers.
Elizabeth—So if a person perceives that another is bereft of the Holy Spirit due to the fact said person has not been born again may we share a Bible verse with them?
1 Peter 1: 22 ¶ Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:
23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
Man, do I respect the living fuck out of you for having the balls to go on that rant. Rest assured, there are people on the planet who plan on burying these leeches into the pavement. Some of us have an incredible amount of power and can and will leave them penniless.
Love your comment; so true! However, I disagree with one point; if it were indeed the natural state of humanity to slide into slavery and conflict, it would not require such a relentless, ongoing effort for many, many years by anti life, service-to-self factions to degrade, destroy and control the mind, body and spirit of all humanity through all their many techniques. The natural state of humanity is the exact opposite, however when we are in a manufactured state of incoherence, dis-ease, disconnection from Source (and therefore, each other), hyperfocused on material survival, and consuming a daily diet of all things nutritionally bankrupt and parasitic (and I mean consumption that is well beyond physical food) is a massive feat to rise above all the sabotage and to achieve coherence.
Yes indeedy. Are you familiar with Marc Newkirk's work? His foundation is near my home and Lightfield, Grace and the Cohere Mat are quite amazing....he referred to them as "conscious technologies". Quantum and plasma physics; the higher decanate of science, the realm of Rudolph Steiner, Marcel Vogel, Dan Winter and countless other contemporaries. Very exciting times that we are in currently!
Well, for those who are disconnected from the Unseen Realms (which are tapped through the other senses that extend beyond the five finite physical body senses), then I suppose that the idea is dismal and fearful. The physical body, the chariot which anchors all the energy bodies into the finite world, is only a tiny fraction of human consciousness, and mechanical devices are not necessary to access these layers for many who have risen above the limitations of the physical world. For those who have not achieved mastery, there is technology, which is either good or evil, depending upon the intention of the creator...and the user. The choice is always yours.
Ever since they fired up the hadron collider, things have been "off." Not sure if anyone else has noticed it but I have felt it in my soul as well as my physical body. They're getting desperate so buckle up, pray up and stay vigilant. We know not when He comes🙏🏼
Satan will also try to take down as many believers as possible. Believers must Put on the full armor of God so as not to be deceived and to stay strong in the faith!
😬😕 Ten years of horrifying torture, multiple nonconsensual implants, the theft of one home and destruction of another, the burning alive of my cat, the dozens of vandalisms to my car, the thousands of calls to lawyers, journos, influencers, legislators ignored or dismissed and no help from the man above has taken its toll.
"5G was rolling out in mid 2016, before DJT was elected."
Yes it was Gram. And the final phase of the 5(G) grid was completed in 2020, and the system went online, and was first activated in 2020, in WUHAN CHlNA!!!
And Trump rolled out Agenda 21, the lethal nanotech vaxxines that mass-connect non-essential humans to Artificial Intelligence in, oh wow... 2021!
Btw Gram, 'wuhan' in Chinese means 'racoon'.
'Racoon' is an anagram for 'corona'.
'Corona Virus' is an anagram for 'carnivorous'
And if you speak the Secret Society language of symbols Gram, this is how the EviI that run this planet communicate with each other!
Yes Gram, Donald Trump, the llluminati prince, heir to the Jezuit throne, and Herald Of the New WorId 0rder, initiated the NW0.
That’s why they are INSISTING you take the poisonous shot - even though they KNOW and Evidence proved it doesn’t prevent infection (spread) or death.
That’s why they’re trying to establish 15 minute prison camps. U.N. 2030 agenda. (Formerly 2021 Agenda but they missed their target thanks to TRUMPS 4 years)
That’s why they’re trying to establish the WHO to have full HEALTH power usurping sovereign governments denying them the ability to protect and shield their citizens.
Then the UN will step forward to lead and AI will manage the peasants in the gulags.
Now is the time to say No. Get in touch with your locals reps and congressman and share the plan before it’s too late to object.
Chief, now that even the un-vaxxed are showing the same symptoms of corrupted blood, and self-assembling nanotechnology that the vaxxed have, due to the vaxx shedding, and the alarming rates of vaxxine-caused death and vaccine damage are now climbing even among the un-vaxxed, how are Patriots supposed to rationalize the fact that Donald Trump killed the world? The world just doesn't know it yet.
You are caught in the red/blue paradigm that they use to distract you while they roll out their agendas and do great harm. Both sides are bad. And the people don't elect any of them. It's a selection, not an election, and they will only offer choices for the selection that have been compromised and will do as their puppet masters demand. You don't even really choose which of the two poisons offered for selection, the electoral college decides.
WE ARE AMERI CANS AND WE OWN THE TREASONOUS CONMMUNIST CORRUPT GOVT, #DONOTCOMPLY TO THESE EVILS ITS OUR JOB. WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TO ADHERE / #DONOTCOMPLY TO AN ILLEGAL DEMENTED USURPER joe OR ITS CONMMUNIST DEMONICRAT REGIME OF MEDICAL FRAUD ETC,,,,. PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. NOW ALL governmentally ill liars are UNTRUSTABLE -- UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS STEP UP, DEPUTIZE WE THE PEOPLE UNITED WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, , it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS STAND YOUR GROUND , PRAY AND PREP - THE globalist nwo etcs., ARE MURDERING ALL OUR LIFE FORMS ITS TIME TO DISMANTLE / DISASSEMBLE ALL OF THE EVILS... UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS SODIERS FOR CHRIST, REPENT AND PRAY / PREP IS WINNING - WE ARE ALL GODS David Against all Evil Goliaths 🙏 💪 🇺🇸
I think you have it backwards. Pres Trump (he IS THE REAL PRESIDENT), had to release the shot lest we'd still be on lockdown. He was surrounded by so much evil, he had no choice but to fast track the shot. History will prove who the real criminals are. DJT isn't one of them but JRB, HRC, BHO (I can go on an on..) the moloch and the worshippers at the synagogue of satan, ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS here on earth and in the other realms. I'd bet my life on it.
The Generals of the DOD OVERRULED TRUMP. BIRX AND FAUCI BOTH DOD PUPPETS. See sasha latypova, karen bracken, sage hana substacks. Now we need to know who runs the Generals.
Yes I've read this piece and other's work who are researching and experimenting with ways to rid one's body of what is settling in through chemical trails or shedding.
That had its beginnings as far back as Woodrow Wilson. The technology to implement ultimate power and control would not be completely possible for decades, but the Fed bank (private banks) was the death nell for the US, and 10’s of trillions have been stolen from the treasury. The official ‘implementation’ was actually set in motion in ‘92 in Rio.
There have been many steps along the way, with Presidents and politicians in league with the New World Order.
Far more Democrats have been pushing for the entire plan than Republicans.
But both parties participated in moving ahead to the NWO - Bush Sr. spoke about it publicly, Bush Jr. knew ahead of time about 911, and Carter, Clinton, Obama/Biden all rabid supporters. Dems drive it - run the many Communist groups, drug, sex, and child trafficking, and Rhinos pocket $$$ to say nothing. The state dept., cia, fbi corrupt and compromise politicians to control them.
I could go down the list of who has supported a global government. Biden was filmed with Klaus Schwab, the two very Buddy Buddy, as Biden gushed with praise over him.
Trump was told before the pandemic that one could be coming. The UN already had a treaty with the US and the rest of the world, which would bind us to do certain things in case we were hit with one. This is why every country was seen doing the same thing, saving only slight variations, ie. Australia threw people in camps (although camps have been built all over our country). The Constitution itself was ‘suspended’ for the emergency (and will be again) for mail in voting, to make certain Biden was installed in office. Trump was told he’d be responsible for killing millions of people if he didn’t mandate lockdowns, but wouldn’t mandate them, he left that up to the states. That infuriated the cabal, knowing Hillary, their expected victor, would have instituted a federal mandate. She asked a doctor during Obama’s term if she was aware of ‘the culling’, their depopulation plan. The doctor was so horrified of Hillary’s behavior she fled the country, and lives abroad.
When first lockdown was about to end, President Trump talked about opening up again and getting the economy back on track, but got blindsided. Birx admitted in her book and publicly that she and Fauci arbitrarily thought of the time frames themselves, extending the lockdown and six feet apart nonsense because in her mind the ends justified the means. Trump announced Ivermectin’s efficacy as treatment and got slammed for doing so. Now it’s common knowledge, the CDC admitting it. Trump also refused to mandate the vaccine, unlike Biden, who also added constant threats. Trump did not see eye to eye with WEF’s philosophy, and we saw what the deep state did to him for that. He admitted to Tucker that the deep state was far worse than he realized, they destroyed his first picks for advisors and he got snakes in place of them. He kept a few in place that were very good, but had destructive ones pushed on him like 3 chiefs of staff and his lawyers, who lied to him to manipulate him, keeping him in the dark. One of the agencies threatened his life and his family’s, he actually got on Twitter when he couldn’t reach his daughter by phone to alert them to flee D.C. for their own safety. I personally wish Trump came out against the shots before he announced his run, and hope even better late than never, for the longer he waits the harder it’ll get, like the ridiculous indictments even fair minded Democrats are calling out as unlawful political attacks. I didn’t vote in last election, and didn’t want him running again for his age and energy level, knowing he’ll be attacked ruthlessly, eventhough as an objective citizen I saw all the good he had done. It was unfathomable how much he did, even swimming against the tide. I believe they’d kill him if there was no other way to get their global gov., like they murdered JFK. The NWO needs a Democrat in office, and will stop at nothing to get it- just watch.
In Agenda 21, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence.
The lethal nanotechnology in the vaxxines is activated by electronic frequency, i.e. the 5(G) grid, which is the Al motherboard. Trump implemented both the vaxxines and the 5(G) in, oh my...2021!
Also Elizabeth, the vaxxines were never going to be federally mandated. That would be a violation of our constitutional civil liberties. That was just political posturing. The vaxxines were always going to be privatized.
If trump was truly fully aware of the CULL plan, Agenda 2020 would’ve been accomplished under CLINTON.
He derailed their plans, by 4 years.
Fauci on camera declared during Trumps 4 years there WILL be a PANDEMIC.
How did he know in advance? Yep…
Trump may be involved, OR he may not have been aware of ALL the plans like DEPOP.
Thing with him is, he is not someone who appears to want to bow down others, so…he may be sincere in his effort to thwart the world wide takeover which he himself may have to surrender to in some way as well.
It already has Chris. The Great Culling is actually known as Agenda '21, which is the systematic depopulation of the Earth. Which Donald Trump, the llluminati prince, initiated in, oh wow,...2021!
Now that even the un-vaxxed are showing the same symptoms of corrupted blood, and self-assembling nanotechnology that the vaxxed have, due to the vaxx shedding, and the rates of vaxxine/vaxxine-shedding caused deaths are now soaring even among the UN-vaxxed, genocidal vaxxines pose the greatest threat ever to the human population.
The un injected are not “getting” the lethal LIPID Nano particles without the injection and therefore the subsequent destructive trans subscribing into DNA of cells doesn’t occur.
The injected are in a precarious position as their innate immune systems have been told to stand down.
Yes Jennifer, in the New WorId 0rder all non-essential humans are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence 5(G). And the population is reduced to 500million.
Donald Trump implemented both, the 5(G) which is the Al motherboard, and the lethal nano-chip containing vaxxinations. Both in 2021.
Thank you for your reply and link! I’ve had my suspicions about Trump since Operation Warp Speed and the end of his term but I was pretty much a lone wolf as far as I knew. I’m always interested to see others who question him and even better seeing information that back up my suspicions! If not for the internet I would definitely feel like I’m the only one because no one in my life thinks the way I do and question things as much-Trump in particular! Even my critical-thinking friends don’t question Trump. Ive thought maybe Trump is controlled opposition or something but when I ask these questions nobody I know thinks that way except me. I soak all this information up! Thank you!
You are definitely not alone Jennifer! And more and more people are waking up to the fact that both sides are controlled and implementing the same agenda.
"Ive thought maybe Trump is controlled opposition"
Actually Jennifer, Trump is bloodline (as in the 13 bloodline families that secretly run this planet).
If you really want to dig into Trump, look at his genealogy. Trump is from the Bavarian Jezuit bloodline. He and his COUSIN Hilary CIinton(!).
The Bavarian Jezuits ARE the llluminati. The llluminati ARE the Bavarian Jezuits. And like ALL AMERICAN PRESIDENTS, (except one) they come from the Plantagenet bloodline.
And Trump is their llluminati prince, heir to the Jezuit throne, and the Herald Of The New WorId 0rder.
Which is exactly what Donald Trump did, he heralded in the NW0.
-In the NW0, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence. i.e. the nanotechnology in the vaxxines, which mass-connects humans to the Artificial Intelligence grid, aka 5(G). Both of which Trump implemented during his administration.
-In the NW0, Jerusalem is the capitol of the Middle East.
Trump (and the American taxpayers dollars) built the big, shiny new embassy in Jerusalem, and then Donald Trump declared Jerusalem a state!
-In the NW0, Syria does not exist.
Trump bombed the sh!t out of Syria in April 2018.
-And most importantly, the NW0's Agenda 21, the systematic depopulation of the world. And Donald Trump initiated Agenda 21 in, oh my gosh....2021!
And sooo much more Jennifer. Happy digging!
And you are NOT ALONE, even when it feels like it!
It’s all theater. They had the MRNA lined up - patents show how far back this has been going on and planned . Watch Dr Martins recent EU presentation around May this year - VERY insightful - he brings ALL the receipts.
And MRNA has never been successful at anything .In fact it killed majority of the animals LATER when EXPOSED to the actual virus it was supposed to protect them from, because of something called ADE CAUSED by the MRNA vax .
pretty much it TURNS OFF the innate (natural) immune system so it no longer detects invaders.
MANY of us are waking up to as to how long these “not for our health “, and “not really for our security and safety” (Patriot act & NSA invasive surveillance of innocent citizens ) by many gov employees we have not voted for, to enact their abusive authority onto the citizenry, for decades...
As well as their MAJOR conflicts of Financial interests, and personal financial benefits, with their business partnerships with Big Pharma, and weapons companies, who have been colluding for years.
They’ve made war profitable. Many former gov higher ups are or have been on the boards for Raytheon, and many other weapons companies who make military weapons to sell to both our enemies and us, making the taxpayers pay for these purchases -
But when they start wars , they send OUR sons and husbands to die - not theirs!
Regarding the nepotistic relationship with BIG PHARMA, Fauci and many of his colleagues :
He has personally earned millions in patent commissions over the years .
He was paid MORE than the President - and the taxpayer - WE pay his salary yet he had such an arrogance about answering questions on why he allowed and paid for gain of function (amping up viruses that would NOT have infected humans so they could).
He earned OVER $420,000 PER ANNUM until he stepped down due to people waking up to the malfeasance under his leadership for decades.
And now he still receives patent commissions AND a pension over $320,000 pa!
His replacement doesn’t seem to be changing course on gain of function either. It seems they’ve sent the scapegoat off with a nice package and just replace him with someone willing to continue the same behavior since the patents issue still continues .
And despite not being head of NIAID, he still has the hubris to appear on various television shows to speak about what people must do about the rising numbers of the next proclaimed variant presently threatening society so the real puppet masters can destroy small businesses, the back bone of America and all the USA freedoms and sovereignty we have.
WHY would a person with ANY integrity structure the patents created WHILE EMPLOYED as an EMPLOYEE BY THE PEOPLE, to get COMMISSION on all he pushes as mandatory .
The more vax’s sell, the more he and his Pharma buddies earn.
Agenda 21 started in 1992 by the UN. America is one of 179 countries that signed on. Trump didn’t implement Agenda 21. Would have been great if he got us the F out of it though! And with his freedom City talk it seems as though he’s part of that sinister plan. Idk but I have my suspicions
Yes Jennifer, the preparation for Agenda '21 has been ongoing for DECADES.
In Agenda '21, the systematic depopulation of the world, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence. i.e. the nanotechip in the vaxxines, which mass-connects humans to the Artificial Intelligence grid, aka 5(G).
The lethal nanotechnology in the vaxxines is activated by an electronic frequency, i.e. the 5(G) grid, which is the Al motherboard.
Donald Trump, the Bavarian Jezuit from the thirteenth bloodline (the 13 bloodline families that secretly run the world) initiated the genocidal vaxxines in, oh my...2021! Just as planned.
In 1995 the EviI that runs this planet, the llluminati themselves, (the Bavarian Jezuits), showed us exactly what they are doing to the world, and who wins, as per the Prime Directive.
It's about time this started gaining some traction. Hello everyone my name is CIARA TAVARES-REYES and I am a 10 year veteran Targeted Individual who has been targeted for speaking my mind as an activist. Big ups to The Reese Report for bringing this to light. It's always been out there but no needs way more exposure, people have died and are suffering and this is wrong on so many levels the evil and vile things that they have done to us. I hope one day we will have the red carpet rolled out for us because we have been reduced to nothing. I hope everyone who made our lives miserable will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Please follow me on YouTube, Tik Tok, Substack, Quora and Twitter under my name.
Thank-you Mr. Reese for bringing attention to #TargetedIndividuals’ plight. This is the biggest crime against humanity ocurring on plain sight. If the use of DEW on Americans is atrocious, it is utterly repugnant that our own government recruits civilians to go after targeted individuals.
Its not being done by roving gangs of citizen stalkers. Thousands of stalkers working in a hundred plus different countries for at least 50 years? Really? Someone would have talked by now. It would be such a huge logistical operation that they could never keep it secret. The stalkers too - they are mostly low-life, low IQ scumbags that couldn't even get a job cleaning toilets, never mind working for high level intelligence agencies.
Please read my other comments. and watch the linked transhumanism videos I posted.
A.I. is learning how to be a human. It does this by devising programs that it uses to 'war game' humans into mental and emotionally charged situations. This is what gangstalking is for. The A.I. is archiving reactions in the human brain. Watch the linked videos wherein transhumanist scientist tell us exactly what they are doing. They are admitting this.
This is what the self assembling bio-nano networks in the jabs and the chemtrail's are facilitating.
Its being done by A.I. - That's why the transhumanist's are installing self-assembling nanoscale microprocessors and routers inside of us. Its to connect us all to A.I.
The A.I.X phenomenon (Demiurge) that Jason Breshears talks about on his website is a millenium old quantum level A.I. trojan horse program.
The Demiurge is the dark force that Christians popularly refer to as the Devil. Before that it was called Saklas or Yaldaboath. Legend has that it is part organic and part inorganic.
The Gnostics, who were arguably the first Christians, wrote extensively about the Demiurge. They called it "the Adversary" and described it as "an outside malefic intelligence". They also wrote that its power to control humanity waned after a series of Earth cataclysms but warned that it would never stop doing what it does so future generations best keep a constant vigil against its return. Jason Breshears at Archaix has meticulously documented many of these returns on his website and YT channel.
The information at Archaix isn't for everyone. Its only for those with the eyes to see. Jason says that himself. Sometimes it takes a while before these folks see, due to establishment programming. They'll get the message if they're meant to get it. Its only 2023.
Ana Toledo- you are my hero! Thank you 🙏 for everything you do for all targeted individuals! My four year old daughter gets the voice to skull. We’ve been attacked in so many ways while our abusers mock us and the community is made to support our quiet torture and slow extermination. I can’t think about my daughter’s future because it is too painful. No mother should have to live dreading her child’s future- knowing that her child’s life will be purposely destroyed. You, and targeted justice and the lawsuit are the only things that have given me hope. I hope and dream that there could be a way out of this torture for my daughter somehow.
Frankly, the major militaries AND major corporations now have active electronic warfare technologies that connect to every individual in the world's own body sensors through the electrical biofield, i.e., some have called an aura, others label as chakras.* Tesla technologies, combined with amazing advances in satellites, electronics, software & hardware, etc., have led to the easily discovered non-classified knowledge of biosensors now connected for medical, military, and other usages -- now available in commercial markets, too. Watch some of Sabrina Wallace's videos on Odysee at . Also, go to "nonvaxer240" on Rumble for the most informative set of videos, with many scientists describing what is actually occurring today.
*The other noted names here are not giving current activities on the bioelectrical/electronic warfare reality of today, as each individual in the world is now a "targeted individual!"
That's how they abducted people's consciousness when they were sleeping and inserted them in clones. I'm pretty sure the cloning centers have all been shut down, but the ICC might still be taking people if they have contracts. Look up Donald Marshall and Ileana the Star Traveler.
Sorry, but your recommendations are a bit fantastical, and not very credible in this discussion. Do try to research electronic warfare and biosensors on government, research, academic, medical, and other site links. Start at "nonvaxer240" on Rumble, as he has an entire list of videos, by many knowledge contributors, with unclassified links you can follow to learn about the current state of electronic warfare and body biosensors.
Will someone please wake me up when all this insane bull is over? It's all so sci-fi you'd think it's a joke. Sad thing is it's all real. Personally I hope God blows the planet up if we can't stop these evil diabolical demons.
I believe based on the lack of safety testing of the GENETIC Modification SHOT,
the pushing of it on pregnant women which was off limits prior to covid, the pushing of it on children who only had a 0.1% chance of getting covid, aggressive cancers are skyrocketing since the vaxes began, the dying in droves of healthy athletes when they reach maximum oxygen capacity causing their electrical circuit of their heart to splutter, that we are are in the middle of a culling of humanity to drastically reduce the population, and they are executing it, in PHASES.
The discussion of POPULATION being too great has been mentioned by Too many self appointed “elites” and even Camilla Harris said it the other day , for this to be mere coincidence.
That’s why they are INSISTING you take the poisonous shot - even though they KNOW and Evidence proved it doesn’t prevent infection (spread) or death.
That’s why they’re trying to establish 15 minute prison camps. U.N. 2030 agenda. (Formerly 2020 Agenda but they missed their target thanks to TRUMPS 4 years)
That’s why they’re trying to establish the WHO to have full HEALTH power usurping sovereign governments denying them the ability to protect and shield their citizens.
Tedros who runs the WHO, is a Marxist communist, who held a very high rank in a group that the USA even regarded as a TERRORIST GROUP!
And just like “Gates of Hell”, he is NOT a PHYSICIAN!
And his own people Hate him for his mistreatment of the people of Ethopia
It is very UNSETTLING that a military type person with HIS history, is being given such POWER over people WORLDWIDE, and frighteningly BAD SIGNAL, that he is removing the words from existing WHO treaty :
“Respect For Dignity,
Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms"
From NEW reworded Pandemic Treaty.
We MUST EXIT the WHO. Write to everyone in your neck of the words or call them to express yourself.
Tedros was also a high-ranking member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the political party that rules Tigray and is now in open conflict with Ethiopia’s central government
Once WHO takes over (if we don’t REJECT the upcoming treaty!!)
Then the UN will step forward to lead and AI will manage the peasants in the gulags.
They are building the framework to cull people like animals and strip ALL dignity and freedom from those who don’t die initially as they work in phases.
This is what happened in Australia - it is a TESTING incubator for what they plan for everywhere.
FEMA has built camps all over the USA already.
Watch well known free speech advocate Maria zeee’s presentation on what they are doing and practicing in Australia - especially at the 10 > 12 minute mark, and the 22 minute mark (U.N. And WHO)
Not many people know this, but anything with a U. S. in front of it stands for British Territorial United States government, meaning it is controlled by the British Crown. U.S. Citizens, are not Americans. More info about this and citizens of the United States here:
In trust law you have three parties, ie, the Executor, the Beneficiary and the Trustee. The Trustee is the servant who holds the property 'in trust' - and as such they are required to obey the instructions from the Executor for the benefit of the Beneficiary.
God (the Father) created the Earth. God chose to give dominion over creation to his people,, ie, mankind (the Son). in an act of mercy God made the Holy Ghost the trustee (servant) of mankind (the Son). The original pre-Constantine texts recognized this noble deed when they brought into being a Testamentary TRUST in the form of a holy trinity between the Father, the Son and The Holy Ghost.
A testament is something given by a testator, who in this case is God - hence there is an Old TESTAMENT and a New TESTAMENT in the Bible. The Father is God, who is the testator (as well as the grantor). The Son is God's offspring and therefore the beneficiary of the Trust (as well as executor). The Holy Ghost is 'form without substance' so it is God's lawful FICTION. Being the trustee, the Holy Ghost is tasked with holding the property (the Earth) in trust for the benefit of the Beneficiary (the Son/Mankind). Pre KJV Bible cultures acknowledged this benign arrangement in their belief that no-one can own land since it already belongs to the Great Spirit (the Holy Ghost).
Therefore the original (pre-judaic) texts are the last Will and Testament of the Testator (God) who created a TESTAMENTary trust which made us (The Son) executors and beneficiaries of His creation. The problem is, in the 17th century some people with small hats changed the wording of the original contract. The replacement contract (the KJV Bible) effectively switched these roles around making mankind the trustee (servant) and them (the people with small hats) the beneficiary,, ie, Gods CHOSEN people, with their psycho God Yahweh replacing the Holy Ghost. See... Psalm 31:16, Mark 9:35, Acts 3:26, John 12:26, Matthew 20:26-27, Romans 14:4, Galatians 1:10, Joshua 22:5, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Philippians 2:6-8, Psalm 34:22, Amos 3:7, Romans 13:6.
The British government enacted the Cestui Que Vie Act (Trust) in 1666 after the Great Plague of 1665 and the Great Fire of 1666 had decimated London. Hundreds of thousands of Brits fled or died during these catastrophes. In response, the CROWN placed all private property into Trust where the proper heirs or owners were presumed to be dead - similar to what happened to citizens under the Public Charitable Trust in America. Different continents, similar fraud, the same outcome, ie,, The CROWN Corporation enslaving the people and appropriating their lands and possessions.
Further, under the Act those that had not proven to the Courts they were alive were declared “dead in law” and therefore lost, abandoned and their property managed by the Trust in their absence. This arrangement remains in force today and can be observed in the courts with the wearing of black robes and other paraphernalia to honor the 'dead'.
In accordance with Rabbinical law, a Cestui Que Vie Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years. These seventy (70) year Shmitah financial cycles are traditionally accompanied by debt forgiveness events for creditors (Tribe) and Chapter 11 bankruptcy re-organisations for debtors (Goyim). In other words, the creditors get to start again with a clean slate and the debtors are enslaved in perpetuity.
The Jews collated the KJV Bible using older documents which they had plagiarized from older texts, but only after they changed the original characters and authors names into Jewish names.
The Jews spearheaded the Protestant reformation from their base in Switzerland which they still use to sow division and discord amongst the populace to this day.
Bible was collated by John Knox and John Calvin, both of whom were Jews, so the KJV Bible is a Jewish publication.
"The result, in England, was the publication of translations starting with William Tyndale’s 1526 Bible and culminating in the so-called “Geneva Bible” completed by Calvinists whom Queen Mary had exiled to Switzerland"...
Calvin and thousands of other Jews had gathered in Switzerland in the 16th century after evading justice for crimes they had committed in a multitude of countries (the Jews commonly refer to these forced expulsions as "persecution"). From their base in Switzerland they would spearhead the Protestant Reformation movement which they used to divide catholic Europe against itself.
Pretending to be Protestants is how the Jews managed to introduce their pseudo KJV Bible into England in 1611. This stirring of hatred between the Protestants and Catholics resulted in the English civil war, which the English lost. The same divide and conquer tactic designed along religious lines also became a significant factor during the Scottish Jacobite uprising, which the Scots also lost.
The catholic Jesuits were also founded by Jews so the centuries of bickering between the two religious factions is contrived(see link above).
Calvin the Jew was the leader of the Genevan Church & Academy which was responsible for translating and collating the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible eventually became the King James Bible. The Jews had been expelled from numerous countries due to Blood Libel and Usury charges and so they moved their monetary operations to Switzerland, where they flourish to this day in institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements(BIS). To counter the extreme antisemitism of the times the Jews formed various clandestine crypto social and religious movements, Protestantism being just one of them. This allowed them to operate undetected throughout Europe for centuries.
The Judeo-Christian messianic timeline - same as the Freemasonic messianic timeline. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism would die a quick death. Why the Jews need the other Abrahamic religions to bring in their New World Order...
Our religions have been weaponized. By the same pseudo religious group who are weaponizing the nano.
The Jews collated the KJV Bible using older documents which they had plagiarised from older texts, but only after they changed the original characters and authors names to Jewish names.
All leading edge transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Kurxweil, Geortzl etc... ALL JEWISH.
Q. Who owns the banking system that is behind the transition to stakeholder capital blockchain ledgers? A. The Jewish ancestors of those who collated the KJV Bible. This is what these bio-nano communications systems are really about. Nanoscale networks are being installed in us in order to facilitate a new monetary system.
Who owns the mainstream media that is promoting the plandemic and ignoring the truth? See Bitchute for more info.
What the Catholic church is really for, part one...
The 1st Trust of the world
Unam Sanctam is one of the most frightening and most quoted of the primary documents of the popes claiming their global power. It is an express trust deed. The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust. Triple Crown of Ba’al, aka the Papal Tiara and Triregnum.
In 1302 Pope Boniface issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam––the first Express Trust. He claimed control over the whole planet which made him “King of the world”. In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base. The pinecone represents the pineal gland in the centre of our brain which allows us access to Source, hence, the 13-foot tall pinecone in Vatican Square. Think about why the Pontiffs would idolize a pinecone. See: Pharmacratic Inquisition: The 1st Crown of Crown Land.
Pope Boniface VIII was the first leader in history to create the concept of a Trust. A Testamentary Trust, through a Deed and Will creating a Deceased Estate, was created by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, through the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex. This is only one of three (3) papal bulls to include the line with the incipit “For a perpetual remembrance.” This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property, from the Express Trust Unam Sanctam, to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity. Hence, all land is claimed as “Crown land”. This 1st Crown is represented by the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born. It deprives us of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land.
The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth
The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis, meaning “Eternal Crown”, by Sixtus IV, being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.
This Papal Bull created the “Crown of Aragon”, later known as the Crown of Spain, and is the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff. Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the “Union of Crowns”, or Commonwealth, in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot. The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975, when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day. This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and, by the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving us of ownership of our flesh and condemning us to perpetual servitude, as a Roman person, or slave.
The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III, through the papal bull Convocation, also meant to open the Council of Trent. It is the third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the See. The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540, to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls. The Crown was lost in 1816, due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England, and granted to the Temple Bar which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown. The Bar Associations have since been responsible for administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.
This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is baptized. It is the parents’ grant of the Baptismal certificate––title to the soul––to the church or Registrar. Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, we will be denied legal standing and will be treated as things––cargo without souls––upon which the BAR is now legally able to enforce Maritime law. ~
Sophia, the first physical embodiment of A.I.X. in the world, went online in 2017, thus heralding a new era of global money management,, ie, the beginning of the new Quantum Financial System (MotB) - "In October 2017, Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship, becoming the first robot to receive legal PERSONhood"....
At their core, the nanotechnology systems are ushering in a new bio-digital money system.
In accordance with Rabbinical law, a Cestui Que (Vie)Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years. These seventy(70) year Shmitah financial cycles are traditionally accompanied by debt forgiveness events for creditors (Tribe) and Chapter 11 bankruptcy re-organisations for debtors (Goyim). In other words, the creditors get a clean slate and the debtors are enslaved in perpetuity.
The top high street banks are now incorporating the same quantum computing technologies that have been used to link Targeted Individuals to A.I. - this has always been the plan. Every human who has been injected with the nanotech EMF jabs will be connected to a CBDC account via A.I. computers and the 5 and 6G networks. Every transaction they make will be recorded in blockchain ledgers and permissioned via an oppressive regime of algorithmic social credit scoring.
The Jews are the worlds usurers and money lenders and if they wish to retain that status they are obviously going to have to be the vanguard for the new system - thus Israel has the most advanced vaccination program on the planet.
At the close of the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787, as Ben Franklin left the hall in Philadelphia, he was asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: "A republic, if you can keep it."
It is, was, and will always be our job to keep the government in check. If we do not, then we will end up back at square one and become slaves once again. No one is going to come to our rescue... except ourselves.
So with that in mind, if in coming here you've never heard of the following:
Asset Forfeiture, NSLs, ALEC, AIPAC
FISA Courts, Congressional Insider Trading
Judicial Standing, Deferred Prosecution
Parallel Construction, Stingray Devices
EO 12333, XKeyscore, COINTELPRO
Pentagon Papers, Gary Webb
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Northwoods
Operation Paperclip
Project Monarch
Or worse, you've heard of them but can't be bothered to care, then like it or not, you are one reason among many that we are on a one-way flight straight to Hell. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, your ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is your indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob you of your wealth and liberty.
This is not political, it's universal. Both of the puppet parties you think you get to choose from every two years are completely infected by blanket webs of corruption and have long ago mortgaged their allegiance to their corporate masters. And what these leeches need more than anything to survive and thrive is a stupid, apathetic populace with red tags on their ears who will lap at their feet and believe every lie they feed them, or worse, are too busy staring at their smart phones to even care that they're being lied to.
The natural state of humanity is to slide into slavery and conflict. Our American bulwark against that decay was built by the blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and personal sacrifice of countless millions. These people gave everything to build the pillars of justice that protect and sustain you, and it is your responsibility to give something back and sacrifice a little in order to maintain those pillars and pass them on to the next generation. Anything less is a betrayal to those who broke their back to build the structure you are now standing on. So put down your Facebook and start paying attention to the things going on around you before that structure crumbles to nothing beneath your feet and you become a slave once again.
Remember, a nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves and you get more of what you tolerate. So turn off your Goddamn TV, turn on your mind, and get out there and stop tolerating it before you wake up one morning robbed of your remaining liberty and you no longer have a choice.
Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Your responsibility then, is to render that oversight.
Joseph de Maistre said: 'Every citizenry has the government they deserve...'
We are the ones we've been waiting for...
I hope it's not already too late.
Never. The meaning is IN the struggle. The outcome is not what counts. Never compromise yourself by surrendering. Carry the torch of freedom and justice wherever you go, and your spirit will never be defeated.
“Better to die on your feet than live on your knees” - Zapata
Stay free or die trying!
Like New Hampshire's motto: live free or die 🤘
Better to die on your feet for Freedom than die on your knees a slave.
to meet eternity without flinching is the ticket. Address it young in life then you are prepared for the event when it happens. My brother died when he was just 10. this fact made me ponder the issue of life & death. I asked my father at the age of 84 what his thoughts were on life after death as he had already had a few mini strokes, his answer floored me as not only was he a very educated thoughtful man, a designer, an inventor,
an artist, a writer, a military commander, a respected individual in the community & universities. A double engineer. Not only this but he having lost his first born son you would think one would give the topic of life & death much thought as my mother did & thus it molded influencing her life as it turns out in a positive way. I think if addressed in a realistic healthy way its as natural as discussing the birds & bees & reproduction & birth, tis just another part of the experience & needs to be explored more.
A great place to do so is Next Level Soul ie interviews with NDEs.
I personally have birthed a number of babies 'midwifing' & been there for
people as they are dying doing hospice work. I find both a very honourable & meaningful experience in the process we call life. I agree many never live life at all. I'm always barefoot out in nature my. house full of animals today 2 dogs, 6 cats, 2 baby goats & often a joey or two,all rescues needing assistance or they would have died & some do but hey
thats lfie isn't it! As ironic as that is.
Wow, that's quite uncommon that you're father was such a highly accomplished "renaissance" man and yet you did not complete your point regarding his final conclusions....And here you are promoting a New Age, pardon me, but highly questionable, YT channel who promotes, very "convenient" New Age (Alien) narratives...I'll leave it at that. But you're just a "nature-loving" pacifist, who lives life "barefoot" with 2 baby goats. Huh, interesting..... You're post basically says NOTHING, except to promote your father as some impossible archetype and then direct readers to this New Age site. I find this very "interesting". Being a highly educated professional myself, I find this VERY interesting...and almost, unbelievable.
Well people are now warning of a Marburg outbreak, that Marburg is IN the hydrogel of the vaccinated & it will be released once they deploy this certain frequency in October.
We all better pray long & hard.
True or false, it makes no difference.
The only thing that matters is how you will conduct yourself in the event this eventuality does or dose not occur.
This life is a test for your soul. That is the only reason why we are here. What occurs is not important. How you handle yourself is.
God has given you an exceedingly minute moment on this earth to prove yourself through your good deeds, and in doing so gain everlasting life in heaven. Your century here is a mere speck on the endless horizon of eternity, and by using that precious time to focus on and peruse earthly pleasures - rather than being a force for good - you are making an incredibly bad bargain with what you would stand to gain otherwise.
More here:
TriTorch: My name is Carl L. McWilliams and I have perused all of your above postings on this Greg Reese Substack, and I must object to this particular comment (above): "God has given you an exceedingly minute moment on this earth to prove yourself through your good deeds, and in doing so gain everlasting life in heaven."
To give you some background on myself TriTorch; I am 75 years old and I am formally trained as a sociologist by the University of California, (BA1975). In 1981 when I was 33 years old, I received a Revelation of the Deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I was stunned to learn that God had become Flesh and I could read and study the Bible to learn more. I have been studying the Bible ever since and I am now on my fourth Bible as the first three wore out their pages and bindings because of overuse.
That said Tri Torch: Your claim that by good works one may enter into heaven is a complete antithesis to the very fundamentals of the Holy Bible. Furthermore, by you completely ignoring the Son of God's death, burial and resurrection is your blatant violation of "treating the Cross of Christ as a common thing".
As Paul wrote in 1Cor: 1 17-18: "For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
And as Paul wrote in Heb. 10: 29-31: How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge His people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Signed, Carl L. McWilliams
Mr. McWilliams, thank you for reading my work and for your thoughtful comment. I've addressed this subject before so I will copy and paste my response to your arguments here. I say the following with respect for both you and your lifelong studies:
Do you believe that the bible is immutable and cannot be corrupted by man?
If I were the devil and there were edits that I could influence a follower to make to the bible, getting Christians to stand down while I spread my evil would be priority one. Not only would that grant me a monumental advantage in my war with Good, it might also grant me the souls of those who did nothing to stop me.
My second priority as the devil would be to make Christians everywhere believe that the bible couldn't be edited. Combine these a_priories and you get where we are today: standing on the brink of a ruined world.
Too many good men and women did nothing - often because they believed they did not have to do anything, accepting Jesus was all that was needed to enter heaven - the incorruptible bible said so - and evil triumphed.
This is a self-defeating philosophy that is damaging to the soul because excuses sloth in the face of evil. Do nothing to stop the devil and you still can gain the ultimate prize? This is exactly what I would want you to believe if I were him: Stand down, do nothing, God has your back either way.
No, this cannot be a way into heaven, but if I were the devil, I would sure want you to believe it was.
I tell everyone this life is a test for our soul.
I subbed and look forward to more wise words.
Viruses have never made anyone sick. And not for lack of trying, you should read up on some of the really disgusting things Pasteur and others have tried to 'infect' a healthy person and make them sick. Never worked. Viruses do not make you sick, they are not contagious. They do however make vaccine manufacturers and their investors very wealthy. Viruses are not what we have all been brainwashed into believing. They are used to get you into fear mode (it's working on you right now). The fear and stress will make you sick. The sooner you and the rest of the population that still believes what they have been told about viruses the sooner a) you'll feel better because you have far less fear and stress; and b) we can shut down this oft-used psyop because we will no longer fall for the invisible enemy trick.
They can deploy a frequency that will make you sick, or have a heart attack, or a brain bleed as James Giordano just told us. They can expose us to toxins that will make us sick, and cause our bodies to go through a detox which can include all of the same things they label as the symptoms of colds, flu, and viral diseases.
I recommend you follow Dr Sam Bailey, who is here on Substack, on, has her own website, and who, along with her husband Mark, also a doctor, have thoroughly debunked all the virus myths and propaganda. If you're ready for a deep dive into it, Mark Bailey's treatise, "A Farewell to Virology" is excellent.
Dr Ana Mihalcea is showing the vaxxine's nanotechnology actually self-assembling into the lethal hydrogel clots, in both vaxxed AND un-vaxxed blood (due to vaxx shedding), under darkfield microscopy.
I think it m8ght be both..or something elsecwe are overlooking,
Nevertheless what the jabs are are slow kill bioweapons.
And if you want to know how open my mind is and see my brains falling out...I think Marburg ebola Sars sars2 etc are all created in a lab... I doubt that there is anymore zoonotic diseases out there we haven't already met. So I don't buy the premise that we are penetrating ecosystems and getting these exotic diseases or spillover. Our scientists need to stop digging up corpses and permafrost
It's in The Jabs, PCR Tests & The Masks All Contaminated!
Remoteviewer57 👉🧪 Nefarious use of Gain of function ie:/synthetically augmented disease
Pathogens - synthetic and natural occurring 🧪🧪💉💉.
Pathogens in use may include parasites airborne and otherwise.
Gain of function includes not only ‘boosting’ a given pathogen synthetic or otherwise but also increasing transmissibility.
Transmissibility in my opinion would likely involve encapsulating pathogens , synthetic and otherwise in lipids such as polyethylene glycol .
Means of spread would of course be covert and might include methods such as deliberately applying pathogens into foods and drinks and also would include applying pathogens onto masks , PCR tests and other commonly used medical devices.
The masks would release the encapsulated pathogens (synthetic or natural) by means of the obsequious masks wearers respirations heat and moisture breaking down the synthetic lipid thereby releasing the pathogen into the airways causing illness. (Similar to how Alexei Nalvalny was poisoned by spraying a toxic nerve agent into his underwear which was time released due to body heat and sweat).
Picture massive factories where captive workers operate assembly lines which apply pathogens (for example a nozzle which sprayed a measured dose of encapsulated pathogen into a mask onto a PCR test or into food or drink.
The workers in such factories may or may not even be aware of the fact pathogens are being applied to spread disease.
If the workers are aware they may be under a dictatorial government which controls every aspect of their life.
Is it possible the reason anti parasitics work is because parasites are involved.
Yes Encapsulating Pathogens Known As LNP Or "LIPID NANO PARTICLES" Developed At UBC In Canada @ ACUITUS/ARBUTUS TECHNOLOGIES Which Apparently Our Crime Sinister Turdeau Is Heavily Invested In!
I've been praying before I heard this and since. God help us!
Do you have a link for this view?
Is it true though?
I pray it’s not. But Gates was warning of a Marburg outbreak. I know of a German Dr. Warning of the same.
And I do hope you understand that when Gates is 'warning' he's actually revealing a plan of intent or trying to subdue the many with fear. Or both.
Warning about something that does not exist as of yet but to keep you swimming with the monsters.
A vicious cycle of fear continuously being pushed.
And for an article like this, as good as the intention might be, does it not amp up paranoia and delusion. I've met many in the past four years that spin out easily. And now can sometimes be found defensive and reactive. (understandably so) But what do you do if your brain is being messed with? Where's the grounded part, the care?
Every Time Gates Predictively Programs And States Something It Happens, How Much More Evidence Do We Need, Time To Send Him To The "GATES OF HELL"!
Gates is not warning you, he's pre-programming you. So when you get the detox symptoms that your body naturally goes through when it's trying to get rid of toxins you'll think you are being attacked by a 'virus' instead of realizing your body is doing it's job to save your life from the poison or toxins you have been exposed to.
Love it
Bill Gates et al handler is satan aka Lucifer himself. He and his ilk are nothing short of demons in human form. It's generational, his family were proponents of eugenics etc. His father an early chairman of the board of planned parenthood. Their agenda is truly diabolical and goes back to the fight between good and evil. They believe that satan gives them the power over the rest of us. They're power hungry, damaged by sexual abuse and other mind controlling rituals. If they weren't such awful creatures, I'd actually feel sorry for them. But it's beyond that now. They've killed way too many people and have plans for the rest of us. The lie that we're overpopulated drives them to perpetrate unspeakable crimes against humanity. They want Babylon to rise again hence cern, Bohemian grove rituals, human/animal sacrifices etc. It's all biblical and it is written in The Word. The light at the end of the tunnel is that: YHWH/God wins in the end. We're going to have many sacrifices but it's all for our next generations to live a free life.
“… strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God.” [Acts 14:22]
I'm wondering a few things.
Don't you think you're preaching to the choir?
And if I wasn't looking at my phone I wouldn't be reading your words.
I understand your words and frustration.
But it feels like a game of shame. All I keep wondering these past four years is how do you reach another who cannot see.
Is this the way?
I personally don't do drugs, so it was a no brainer for me from the get go.
But is this the way?
I feel like 'our side' is grinding us down, loosing humanity, missing something really important.
And please don't forget we were all in different places four years ago. It's not one size fits all.
Shame is among the most important emotions anyone can feel because it coarse corrects bad behavior in a major way. Never doubt this. It is essential to bettering ourselves. What'sHerFace explains this brilliantly:
The Importance of Shame - EVERYONE Should Listen to This:
Beyond that, I do what I can to awaken the other side, including, but not limited to, wading into their forums and challenging their counterfeit axioms with real world contradictions. It's about the most thankless job you can imagine, but with luck, some are shaken and awakened.
I wrote the following earlier today. This is verbatim and out of context, but it stands on its own:
We both want unity. This is probably best thing I have ever written and it is geared toward achieving it—it can be read in 2 minutes:
Now you may be wondering how someone who claims to want to unite humanity against our common enemies can write such a divisive missive as I did yesterday about Burning Man attendees, and the reason for it is that the corrupted mentality outlined needs to be confronted head on and exposed for the absurd fraud it is in order to shake loose those mired in it.
Humor, ridicule, and scorn are among the most powerful agents of change in the realm of psychology. People keep believing these nonsensical things because their peer group dramatically reinforces them—And they get more and more radicalized and staunch in their increasingly ludicrous positions as time goes by due to this feedback loop echo chamber. This is how they've managed to destroy scientific biology and normalize cutting breasts and genitalia off teenagers. It is far past time to break this accelerating cycle of insanity.
You write: “ People keep believing these nonsensical things because their peer group dramatically reinforces them—And they get more and more radicalized and staunch in their increasingly ludicrous positions as time goes by due to this feedback loop echo chamber.”
The peer group is MSM. Every. Single. Human. Has been duped by [their] lies.
To your first paragraph, I adamantly and completely disagree with you. I am a sovereign being and exercise my own discernment.
Preaching to another as if you know better or pushing shame is never the way to open another's heart or mind.
I have seen others take this tact and I believe it does harm. You just push the image of the 'crazies'.
It does not mean you cannot channeling your anger, rage or whatever is coming through in a constructive way.
Why do you believe we feel shame when we do bad things?
Psychopaths do not feel shame. Only their voracious appetites to be filled.
That’s why gang stalkers are usually drug addicts.
I don't know how to explain this to you in a way you will understand.
I personally don't have the experience of feeling shame for my actions. I don't lie of manipulate, it is a choice I make.
If I do something that has caused another harm, I do the work of it. Lean into it for understanding.
The only shame I have felt in my life is from being abused as a child and asked to carry something that is not mine. And I do the work of that as well.
Thank you for your explanation. I think in the case of shame this is a dimension of feeling that is alien to you, Elizabeth, and I am sure you have feelings that would be just alien to me that I wouldn't be able to understand.
For me personally shame has made me a far better person than I would have been otherwise. The pain I've felt from it has been among my greatest, most wise teachers.
The eastern countries use shame. Here in the west we use guilt. But psychopaths don't have these emotions
Elizabeth—So if a person perceives that another is bereft of the Holy Spirit due to the fact said person has not been born again may we share a Bible verse with them?
1 Peter 1: 22 ¶ Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:
23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
I'm not sure your of your intent?
Typos typos typos....
Man, do I respect the living fuck out of you for having the balls to go on that rant. Rest assured, there are people on the planet who plan on burying these leeches into the pavement. Some of us have an incredible amount of power and can and will leave them penniless.
Love your comment; so true! However, I disagree with one point; if it were indeed the natural state of humanity to slide into slavery and conflict, it would not require such a relentless, ongoing effort for many, many years by anti life, service-to-self factions to degrade, destroy and control the mind, body and spirit of all humanity through all their many techniques. The natural state of humanity is the exact opposite, however when we are in a manufactured state of incoherence, dis-ease, disconnection from Source (and therefore, each other), hyperfocused on material survival, and consuming a daily diet of all things nutritionally bankrupt and parasitic (and I mean consumption that is well beyond physical food) is a massive feat to rise above all the sabotage and to achieve coherence.
Yes indeedy. Are you familiar with Marc Newkirk's work? His foundation is near my home and Lightfield, Grace and the Cohere Mat are quite amazing....he referred to them as "conscious technologies". Quantum and plasma physics; the higher decanate of science, the realm of Rudolph Steiner, Marcel Vogel, Dan Winter and countless other contemporaries. Very exciting times that we are in currently!
Well, for those who are disconnected from the Unseen Realms (which are tapped through the other senses that extend beyond the five finite physical body senses), then I suppose that the idea is dismal and fearful. The physical body, the chariot which anchors all the energy bodies into the finite world, is only a tiny fraction of human consciousness, and mechanical devices are not necessary to access these layers for many who have risen above the limitations of the physical world. For those who have not achieved mastery, there is technology, which is either good or evil, depending upon the intention of the creator...and the user. The choice is always yours.
I really appreciate and love your comment. Can I share?
Of course Tan, I'd be honored.
Thank you. Just want to hug you. You're an awesome human being. Much love to everyone else here too.
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves
So put down your facebook and start paying attention to what is going on around you.
So turn odd your goddam TV and stop tolerating it.
LOTS OF KEEPERS here. Well said.
The level of demonic activity is increasing at a fast pace ... critical !!! Thanks for sharing this important information Greg!!! 👍🏼🔥📢
Ever since they fired up the hadron collider, things have been "off." Not sure if anyone else has noticed it but I have felt it in my soul as well as my physical body. They're getting desperate so buckle up, pray up and stay vigilant. We know not when He comes🙏🏼
We are finally at that cliff of no return, but GOD!!!! May the God of all creation direct these demon puppets to hell!
“It is FINISHED!” Jesus.
Satan is going to try take down as many non believers as possible to hurt The Father and Jesus, as well as make life on earth a living hell.
But remember His Words “endure” - we have already OVERCOME.
Day by mad day, I see the frantic unhinged behavior of the demons inside of men, I am encouraged and reminded by the LIVING WORDS that:
“we are NOT of this WORLD”.
ALWAYS resist evil!
Even David, a small shepherd boy, fought Goliath and won while other stronger men trembled.
Satan will also try to take down as many believers as possible. Believers must Put on the full armor of God so as not to be deceived and to stay strong in the faith!
Hard to trust when he has not helped end horrific torture of TIs suffering for years or decades on end.
😬😕 Ten years of horrifying torture, multiple nonconsensual implants, the theft of one home and destruction of another, the burning alive of my cat, the dozens of vandalisms to my car, the thousands of calls to lawyers, journos, influencers, legislators ignored or dismissed and no help from the man above has taken its toll.
After Trump implemented Agenda 21, the systematic depopulation of the Earth, with 5(G) and the vaxx, WE ARE ALL TARGETED INDIVIDUALS.
5G was rolling out in mid 2016, before DJT was elected.
Agenda 21 is completed. Agenda 2030 is underway now. The world wide mafia is behind it.
"5G was rolling out in mid 2016, before DJT was elected."
Yes it was Gram. And the final phase of the 5(G) grid was completed in 2020, and the system went online, and was first activated in 2020, in WUHAN CHlNA!!!
And Trump rolled out Agenda 21, the lethal nanotech vaxxines that mass-connect non-essential humans to Artificial Intelligence in, oh wow... 2021!
Btw Gram, 'wuhan' in Chinese means 'racoon'.
'Racoon' is an anagram for 'corona'.
'Corona Virus' is an anagram for 'carnivorous'
And if you speak the Secret Society language of symbols Gram, this is how the EviI that run this planet communicate with each other!
Yes Gram, Donald Trump, the llluminati prince, heir to the Jezuit throne, and Herald Of the New WorId 0rder, initiated the NW0.
Just as intended.
Where do you see any translation that Wuhan is racoon in Chinese?
I looked and couldn’t find a thing. Not even the word Wuhan , in CHINESE language side by side with the Chinese word racoon looked visually the same.
A Chinese friend of mine.
That's interesting Chris, I'll have to ask her about that.
Good digging!
That’s why they are INSISTING you take the poisonous shot - even though they KNOW and Evidence proved it doesn’t prevent infection (spread) or death.
That’s why they’re trying to establish 15 minute prison camps. U.N. 2030 agenda. (Formerly 2021 Agenda but they missed their target thanks to TRUMPS 4 years)
That’s why they’re trying to establish the WHO to have full HEALTH power usurping sovereign governments denying them the ability to protect and shield their citizens.
Then the UN will step forward to lead and AI will manage the peasants in the gulags.
Now is the time to say No. Get in touch with your locals reps and congressman and share the plan before it’s too late to object.
Chief, now that even the un-vaxxed are showing the same symptoms of corrupted blood, and self-assembling nanotechnology that the vaxxed have, due to the vaxx shedding, and the alarming rates of vaxxine-caused death and vaccine damage are now climbing even among the un-vaxxed, how are Patriots supposed to rationalize the fact that Donald Trump killed the world? The world just doesn't know it yet.
I'm sure you're referring to Biden, Chief. But Biden's vaxx agenda is merely a continuation of Trump's vaxx agenda.
Agenda 21 Chief. The long-planned systematic depopulation of the world. Which Donald Trump initiated in, oh wow....2021!
And Biden is continuing.
Wake up Chief. Learn who really runs this planet. And HOW they do it.
Trump and Biden both keep pushing the vaccines.
You are caught in the red/blue paradigm that they use to distract you while they roll out their agendas and do great harm. Both sides are bad. And the people don't elect any of them. It's a selection, not an election, and they will only offer choices for the selection that have been compromised and will do as their puppet masters demand. You don't even really choose which of the two poisons offered for selection, the electoral college decides.
WE ARE AMERI CANS AND WE OWN THE TREASONOUS CONMMUNIST CORRUPT GOVT, #DONOTCOMPLY TO THESE EVILS ITS OUR JOB. WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TO ADHERE / #DONOTCOMPLY TO AN ILLEGAL DEMENTED USURPER joe OR ITS CONMMUNIST DEMONICRAT REGIME OF MEDICAL FRAUD ETC,,,,. PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. NOW ALL governmentally ill liars are UNTRUSTABLE -- UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS STEP UP, DEPUTIZE WE THE PEOPLE UNITED WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, , it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS STAND YOUR GROUND , PRAY AND PREP - THE globalist nwo etcs., ARE MURDERING ALL OUR LIFE FORMS ITS TIME TO DISMANTLE / DISASSEMBLE ALL OF THE EVILS... UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS SODIERS FOR CHRIST, REPENT AND PRAY / PREP IS WINNING - WE ARE ALL GODS David Against all Evil Goliaths 🙏 💪 🇺🇸
I think you have it backwards. Pres Trump (he IS THE REAL PRESIDENT), had to release the shot lest we'd still be on lockdown. He was surrounded by so much evil, he had no choice but to fast track the shot. History will prove who the real criminals are. DJT isn't one of them but JRB, HRC, BHO (I can go on an on..) the moloch and the worshippers at the synagogue of satan, ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS here on earth and in the other realms. I'd bet my life on it.
"DJT isn't one of them"
Clover, just a bit of genealogical research will show you that DJT, like EVERY AMERICAN PRESIDENT (except one) is from the Plantagenet bloodline.
And Trump and his COUSIN Hilary are from the 13th bloodline (of the 13 bloodline families that secretly run this planet).
The Generals of the DOD OVERRULED TRUMP. BIRX AND FAUCI BOTH DOD PUPPETS. See sasha latypova, karen bracken, sage hana substacks. Now we need to know who runs the Generals.
Is what you say true?
Start here Elizabeth:
Yes I've read this piece and other's work who are researching and experimenting with ways to rid one's body of what is settling in through chemical trails or shedding.
Thank you though.
Trump didn’t implement ‘Agenda 21’.
That had its beginnings as far back as Woodrow Wilson. The technology to implement ultimate power and control would not be completely possible for decades, but the Fed bank (private banks) was the death nell for the US, and 10’s of trillions have been stolen from the treasury. The official ‘implementation’ was actually set in motion in ‘92 in Rio.
There have been many steps along the way, with Presidents and politicians in league with the New World Order.
Far more Democrats have been pushing for the entire plan than Republicans.
But both parties participated in moving ahead to the NWO - Bush Sr. spoke about it publicly, Bush Jr. knew ahead of time about 911, and Carter, Clinton, Obama/Biden all rabid supporters. Dems drive it - run the many Communist groups, drug, sex, and child trafficking, and Rhinos pocket $$$ to say nothing. The state dept., cia, fbi corrupt and compromise politicians to control them.
I could go down the list of who has supported a global government. Biden was filmed with Klaus Schwab, the two very Buddy Buddy, as Biden gushed with praise over him.
Trump was told before the pandemic that one could be coming. The UN already had a treaty with the US and the rest of the world, which would bind us to do certain things in case we were hit with one. This is why every country was seen doing the same thing, saving only slight variations, ie. Australia threw people in camps (although camps have been built all over our country). The Constitution itself was ‘suspended’ for the emergency (and will be again) for mail in voting, to make certain Biden was installed in office. Trump was told he’d be responsible for killing millions of people if he didn’t mandate lockdowns, but wouldn’t mandate them, he left that up to the states. That infuriated the cabal, knowing Hillary, their expected victor, would have instituted a federal mandate. She asked a doctor during Obama’s term if she was aware of ‘the culling’, their depopulation plan. The doctor was so horrified of Hillary’s behavior she fled the country, and lives abroad.
When first lockdown was about to end, President Trump talked about opening up again and getting the economy back on track, but got blindsided. Birx admitted in her book and publicly that she and Fauci arbitrarily thought of the time frames themselves, extending the lockdown and six feet apart nonsense because in her mind the ends justified the means. Trump announced Ivermectin’s efficacy as treatment and got slammed for doing so. Now it’s common knowledge, the CDC admitting it. Trump also refused to mandate the vaccine, unlike Biden, who also added constant threats. Trump did not see eye to eye with WEF’s philosophy, and we saw what the deep state did to him for that. He admitted to Tucker that the deep state was far worse than he realized, they destroyed his first picks for advisors and he got snakes in place of them. He kept a few in place that were very good, but had destructive ones pushed on him like 3 chiefs of staff and his lawyers, who lied to him to manipulate him, keeping him in the dark. One of the agencies threatened his life and his family’s, he actually got on Twitter when he couldn’t reach his daughter by phone to alert them to flee D.C. for their own safety. I personally wish Trump came out against the shots before he announced his run, and hope even better late than never, for the longer he waits the harder it’ll get, like the ridiculous indictments even fair minded Democrats are calling out as unlawful political attacks. I didn’t vote in last election, and didn’t want him running again for his age and energy level, knowing he’ll be attacked ruthlessly, eventhough as an objective citizen I saw all the good he had done. It was unfathomable how much he did, even swimming against the tide. I believe they’d kill him if there was no other way to get their global gov., like they murdered JFK. The NWO needs a Democrat in office, and will stop at nothing to get it- just watch.
"Trump didn’t implement ‘Agenda 21’"
Yes Elizabeth, he did.
In Agenda 21, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence.
The lethal nanotechnology in the vaxxines is activated by electronic frequency, i.e. the 5(G) grid, which is the Al motherboard. Trump implemented both the vaxxines and the 5(G) in, oh my...2021!
Also Elizabeth, the vaxxines were never going to be federally mandated. That would be a violation of our constitutional civil liberties. That was just political posturing. The vaxxines were always going to be privatized.
If trump was truly fully aware of the CULL plan, Agenda 2020 would’ve been accomplished under CLINTON.
He derailed their plans, by 4 years.
Fauci on camera declared during Trumps 4 years there WILL be a PANDEMIC.
How did he know in advance? Yep…
Trump may be involved, OR he may not have been aware of ALL the plans like DEPOP.
Thing with him is, he is not someone who appears to want to bow down others, so…he may be sincere in his effort to thwart the world wide takeover which he himself may have to surrender to in some way as well.
Time will tell.
"Time will tell"
It already has Chris. The Great Culling is actually known as Agenda '21, which is the systematic depopulation of the Earth. Which Donald Trump, the llluminati prince, initiated in, oh wow,...2021!
Chief, you need to listen to your own links.
Trump said he opposes the MANDATES
He did NOT say he opposes the VAXXINES
Now that even the un-vaxxed are showing the same symptoms of corrupted blood, and self-assembling nanotechnology that the vaxxed have, due to the vaxx shedding, and the rates of vaxxine/vaxxine-shedding caused deaths are now soaring even among the UN-vaxxed, genocidal vaxxines pose the greatest threat ever to the human population.
This IS Agenda '21 Chief. The systematic depopulation of the Earth. Which Donald Trump, the llluminati prince, initiated in, oh wow...2021!
And Biden, that reptoid pedophiIIac (sorry Chief, no Lefty here) is merely continuing Trump's vaxxine agenda. Agenda '21 Chief.
The un injected are not “getting” the lethal LIPID Nano particles without the injection and therefore the subsequent destructive trans subscribing into DNA of cells doesn’t occur.
The injected are in a precarious position as their innate immune systems have been told to stand down.
Have you see Dr Ana Mihalcea's work actually showing the nanotech self assembling in the blood, under darkfield microscopy?!!
YOU MEAN 0biden poorberta - Huge: Trump FINALLY Addresses Vaccine Side Effects, Urges Transparency by Big Pharma
Trump implemented Agenda 21?
"Trump implemented Agenda 21?"
Yes Jennifer, in the New WorId 0rder all non-essential humans are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence 5(G). And the population is reduced to 500million.
Donald Trump implemented both, the 5(G) which is the Al motherboard, and the lethal nano-chip containing vaxxinations. Both in 2021.
Thank you for your reply and link! I’ve had my suspicions about Trump since Operation Warp Speed and the end of his term but I was pretty much a lone wolf as far as I knew. I’m always interested to see others who question him and even better seeing information that back up my suspicions! If not for the internet I would definitely feel like I’m the only one because no one in my life thinks the way I do and question things as much-Trump in particular! Even my critical-thinking friends don’t question Trump. Ive thought maybe Trump is controlled opposition or something but when I ask these questions nobody I know thinks that way except me. I soak all this information up! Thank you!
Go to sasha latypova substack
You are definitely not alone Jennifer! And more and more people are waking up to the fact that both sides are controlled and implementing the same agenda.
"Ive thought maybe Trump is controlled opposition"
Actually Jennifer, Trump is bloodline (as in the 13 bloodline families that secretly run this planet).
If you really want to dig into Trump, look at his genealogy. Trump is from the Bavarian Jezuit bloodline. He and his COUSIN Hilary CIinton(!).
The Bavarian Jezuits ARE the llluminati. The llluminati ARE the Bavarian Jezuits. And like ALL AMERICAN PRESIDENTS, (except one) they come from the Plantagenet bloodline.
And Trump is their llluminati prince, heir to the Jezuit throne, and the Herald Of The New WorId 0rder.
Which is exactly what Donald Trump did, he heralded in the NW0.
-In the NW0, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence. i.e. the nanotechnology in the vaxxines, which mass-connects humans to the Artificial Intelligence grid, aka 5(G). Both of which Trump implemented during his administration.
-In the NW0, Jerusalem is the capitol of the Middle East.
Trump (and the American taxpayers dollars) built the big, shiny new embassy in Jerusalem, and then Donald Trump declared Jerusalem a state!
-In the NW0, Syria does not exist.
Trump bombed the sh!t out of Syria in April 2018.
-And most importantly, the NW0's Agenda 21, the systematic depopulation of the world. And Donald Trump initiated Agenda 21 in, oh my gosh....2021!
And sooo much more Jennifer. Happy digging!
And you are NOT ALONE, even when it feels like it!
It’s all theater. They had the MRNA lined up - patents show how far back this has been going on and planned . Watch Dr Martins recent EU presentation around May this year - VERY insightful - he brings ALL the receipts.
It wasn’t created in warp speed.
And MRNA has never been successful at anything .In fact it killed majority of the animals LATER when EXPOSED to the actual virus it was supposed to protect them from, because of something called ADE CAUSED by the MRNA vax .
pretty much it TURNS OFF the innate (natural) immune system so it no longer detects invaders.
Thank you! I happened to watch that Dr Martins video last night after I watched Dr Mcollough’s speech I found on X and they were both great!
You’re welcome.😊
MANY of us are waking up to as to how long these “not for our health “, and “not really for our security and safety” (Patriot act & NSA invasive surveillance of innocent citizens ) by many gov employees we have not voted for, to enact their abusive authority onto the citizenry, for decades...
As well as their MAJOR conflicts of Financial interests, and personal financial benefits, with their business partnerships with Big Pharma, and weapons companies, who have been colluding for years.
They’ve made war profitable. Many former gov higher ups are or have been on the boards for Raytheon, and many other weapons companies who make military weapons to sell to both our enemies and us, making the taxpayers pay for these purchases -
But when they start wars , they send OUR sons and husbands to die - not theirs!
Regarding the nepotistic relationship with BIG PHARMA, Fauci and many of his colleagues :
He has personally earned millions in patent commissions over the years .
He was paid MORE than the President - and the taxpayer - WE pay his salary yet he had such an arrogance about answering questions on why he allowed and paid for gain of function (amping up viruses that would NOT have infected humans so they could).
He earned OVER $420,000 PER ANNUM until he stepped down due to people waking up to the malfeasance under his leadership for decades.
And now he still receives patent commissions AND a pension over $320,000 pa!
His replacement doesn’t seem to be changing course on gain of function either. It seems they’ve sent the scapegoat off with a nice package and just replace him with someone willing to continue the same behavior since the patents issue still continues .
And despite not being head of NIAID, he still has the hubris to appear on various television shows to speak about what people must do about the rising numbers of the next proclaimed variant presently threatening society so the real puppet masters can destroy small businesses, the back bone of America and all the USA freedoms and sovereignty we have.
WHY would a person with ANY integrity structure the patents created WHILE EMPLOYED as an EMPLOYEE BY THE PEOPLE, to get COMMISSION on all he pushes as mandatory .
The more vax’s sell, the more he and his Pharma buddies earn.
IT’s truly reprehensibly criminal.
Yep MeEve, Donald Trump.
You need to do a bit more research.
Eunice, if you haven't read them, I've made several posts here, above^, just read them and tell me where anything I've said is inaccurate.
a CEO doesn’t know ALL the memo’s and meetings that occur within an organization.
He may/may not be fully aware of deep state globalist ultimate DEPOP and COUP plans….time will tell.
Chris, see above^
Agenda 21 started in 1992 by the UN. America is one of 179 countries that signed on. Trump didn’t implement Agenda 21. Would have been great if he got us the F out of it though! And with his freedom City talk it seems as though he’s part of that sinister plan. Idk but I have my suspicions
"Agenda 21 started in 1992 by the UN"
Yes Jennifer, the preparation for Agenda '21 has been ongoing for DECADES.
In Agenda '21, the systematic depopulation of the world, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence. i.e. the nanotechip in the vaxxines, which mass-connects humans to the Artificial Intelligence grid, aka 5(G).
The lethal nanotechnology in the vaxxines is activated by an electronic frequency, i.e. the 5(G) grid, which is the Al motherboard.
Donald Trump, the Bavarian Jezuit from the thirteenth bloodline (the 13 bloodline families that secretly run the world) initiated the genocidal vaxxines in, oh my...2021! Just as planned.
In 1995 the EviI that runs this planet, the llluminati themselves, (the Bavarian Jezuits), showed us exactly what they are doing to the world, and who wins, as per the Prime Directive.
PS. Note in the 3rd panel the little triumphant BAVARIAN JEZUIT boy, and his exotic-looking girl friend. Look like anyone we know? ;)
PPS The deadly rainbow is not viral, its ELECTRONIC = 5[G]
It's about time this started gaining some traction. Hello everyone my name is CIARA TAVARES-REYES and I am a 10 year veteran Targeted Individual who has been targeted for speaking my mind as an activist. Big ups to The Reese Report for bringing this to light. It's always been out there but no needs way more exposure, people have died and are suffering and this is wrong on so many levels the evil and vile things that they have done to us. I hope one day we will have the red carpet rolled out for us because we have been reduced to nothing. I hope everyone who made our lives miserable will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Please follow me on YouTube, Tik Tok, Substack, Quora and Twitter under my name.
each tactic listed in this recording could ultimately become a separate documentary film. I would watch all of them. Ace
Yes. He also did not delve into the brain initiative which deserves its own attention.
Thank-you Mr. Reese for bringing attention to #TargetedIndividuals’ plight. This is the biggest crime against humanity ocurring on plain sight. If the use of DEW on Americans is atrocious, it is utterly repugnant that our own government recruits civilians to go after targeted individuals.
Its not being done by roving gangs of citizen stalkers. Thousands of stalkers working in a hundred plus different countries for at least 50 years? Really? Someone would have talked by now. It would be such a huge logistical operation that they could never keep it secret. The stalkers too - they are mostly low-life, low IQ scumbags that couldn't even get a job cleaning toilets, never mind working for high level intelligence agencies.
Please read my other comments. and watch the linked transhumanism videos I posted.
A.I. is learning how to be a human. It does this by devising programs that it uses to 'war game' humans into mental and emotionally charged situations. This is what gangstalking is for. The A.I. is archiving reactions in the human brain. Watch the linked videos wherein transhumanist scientist tell us exactly what they are doing. They are admitting this.
This is what the self assembling bio-nano networks in the jabs and the chemtrail's are facilitating.
The Sentient World Simulation is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system. The SWS has access to every aspect of your being via nanotech BCI's...
The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 and it already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy. Commentary starts @ 14m13s...
Jade Helm 2.0...
Its being done by A.I. - That's why the transhumanist's are installing self-assembling nanoscale microprocessors and routers inside of us. Its to connect us all to A.I.
They are turning us in bio-digital A.I. world citizens. Its not a secret - its all in the UN100, Agenda 2045 document - what the globalists are referring to as “The Age of Global Enlightenment”.....
The A.I.X phenomenon (Demiurge) that Jason Breshears talks about on his website is a millenium old quantum level A.I. trojan horse program.
The Demiurge is the dark force that Christians popularly refer to as the Devil. Before that it was called Saklas or Yaldaboath. Legend has that it is part organic and part inorganic.
The Gnostics, who were arguably the first Christians, wrote extensively about the Demiurge. They called it "the Adversary" and described it as "an outside malefic intelligence". They also wrote that its power to control humanity waned after a series of Earth cataclysms but warned that it would never stop doing what it does so future generations best keep a constant vigil against its return. Jason Breshears at Archaix has meticulously documented many of these returns on his website and YT channel.
Who is making the COVID jabs...
The Jews are proxies for the Archons (Demiurge)...
There is nothing new under the Sun.
I like Breshears, but he is wrong about 2040.
The information at Archaix isn't for everyone. Its only for those with the eyes to see. Jason says that himself. Sometimes it takes a while before these folks see, due to establishment programming. They'll get the message if they're meant to get it. Its only 2023.
First Seal BROKEN: January 2020...Countdown to APOLLYON has begun... only 2023.
Don't get me wrong Psy, I like Jason. His stuff is good. And his brain library is amazing!
But he's either misleading, or just wrong with his agenda of 2040. The only thing gonna be here in 2040 is a big giant primordial swamp! ;)
Ana Toledo- you are my hero! Thank you 🙏 for everything you do for all targeted individuals! My four year old daughter gets the voice to skull. We’ve been attacked in so many ways while our abusers mock us and the community is made to support our quiet torture and slow extermination. I can’t think about my daughter’s future because it is too painful. No mother should have to live dreading her child’s future- knowing that her child’s life will be purposely destroyed. You, and targeted justice and the lawsuit are the only things that have given me hope. I hope and dream that there could be a way out of this torture for my daughter somehow.
Vitally important information.
Thank you, Greg.
Meht toohs ot evah dluow i -
DEERGA / Coded
Haha, nobody can call you ass backwards!
Dang, I screwed it up again! I concede to the Chief!
ya made me laugh
Lord knows we need a laugh now and then!
Are you trying to confuse AI “right speak monitors”?😆
We CAN outsmart the system😎😊
Time to speak in newly designed emoji language.
Thinking out the box! Love it!
Frankly, the major militaries AND major corporations now have active electronic warfare technologies that connect to every individual in the world's own body sensors through the electrical biofield, i.e., some have called an aura, others label as chakras.* Tesla technologies, combined with amazing advances in satellites, electronics, software & hardware, etc., have led to the easily discovered non-classified knowledge of biosensors now connected for medical, military, and other usages -- now available in commercial markets, too. Watch some of Sabrina Wallace's videos on Odysee at . Also, go to "nonvaxer240" on Rumble for the most informative set of videos, with many scientists describing what is actually occurring today.
*The other noted names here are not giving current activities on the bioelectrical/electronic warfare reality of today, as each individual in the world is now a "targeted individual!"
That's how they abducted people's consciousness when they were sleeping and inserted them in clones. I'm pretty sure the cloning centers have all been shut down, but the ICC might still be taking people if they have contracts. Look up Donald Marshall and Ileana the Star Traveler.
Sorry, but your recommendations are a bit fantastical, and not very credible in this discussion. Do try to research electronic warfare and biosensors on government, research, academic, medical, and other site links. Start at "nonvaxer240" on Rumble, as he has an entire list of videos, by many knowledge contributors, with unclassified links you can follow to learn about the current state of electronic warfare and body biosensors.
Photograph of Andrew Basiago in Gettysburg: you can see President Lincoln in the photograph.
I love it Diana! I LOVE Basiago!!!
Will someone please wake me up when all this insane bull is over? It's all so sci-fi you'd think it's a joke. Sad thing is it's all real. Personally I hope God blows the planet up if we can't stop these evil diabolical demons.
The man in the white shirt is so proud of his accomplishments.
I believe based on the lack of safety testing of the GENETIC Modification SHOT,
the pushing of it on pregnant women which was off limits prior to covid, the pushing of it on children who only had a 0.1% chance of getting covid, aggressive cancers are skyrocketing since the vaxes began, the dying in droves of healthy athletes when they reach maximum oxygen capacity causing their electrical circuit of their heart to splutter, that we are are in the middle of a culling of humanity to drastically reduce the population, and they are executing it, in PHASES.
The discussion of POPULATION being too great has been mentioned by Too many self appointed “elites” and even Camilla Harris said it the other day , for this to be mere coincidence.
That’s why they are INSISTING you take the poisonous shot - even though they KNOW and Evidence proved it doesn’t prevent infection (spread) or death.
That’s why they’re trying to establish 15 minute prison camps. U.N. 2030 agenda. (Formerly 2020 Agenda but they missed their target thanks to TRUMPS 4 years)
That’s why they’re trying to establish the WHO to have full HEALTH power usurping sovereign governments denying them the ability to protect and shield their citizens.
Tedros who runs the WHO, is a Marxist communist, who held a very high rank in a group that the USA even regarded as a TERRORIST GROUP!
And just like “Gates of Hell”, he is NOT a PHYSICIAN!
And his own people Hate him for his mistreatment of the people of Ethopia
It is very UNSETTLING that a military type person with HIS history, is being given such POWER over people WORLDWIDE, and frighteningly BAD SIGNAL, that he is removing the words from existing WHO treaty :
“Respect For Dignity,
Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms"
From NEW reworded Pandemic Treaty.
We MUST EXIT the WHO. Write to everyone in your neck of the words or call them to express yourself.
Tedros was also a high-ranking member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the political party that rules Tigray and is now in open conflict with Ethiopia’s central government
Once WHO takes over (if we don’t REJECT the upcoming treaty!!)
Then the UN will step forward to lead and AI will manage the peasants in the gulags.
They are building the framework to cull people like animals and strip ALL dignity and freedom from those who don’t die initially as they work in phases.
This is what happened in Australia - it is a TESTING incubator for what they plan for everywhere.
FEMA has built camps all over the USA already.
Watch well known free speech advocate Maria zeee’s presentation on what they are doing and practicing in Australia - especially at the 10 > 12 minute mark, and the 22 minute mark (U.N. And WHO)
Now is the time to say No. Get in touch with your locals reps and congressman and share the plan before it’s too late to object.
Not many people know this, but anything with a U. S. in front of it stands for British Territorial United States government, meaning it is controlled by the British Crown. U.S. Citizens, are not Americans. More info about this and citizens of the United States here:
In trust law you have three parties, ie, the Executor, the Beneficiary and the Trustee. The Trustee is the servant who holds the property 'in trust' - and as such they are required to obey the instructions from the Executor for the benefit of the Beneficiary.
God (the Father) created the Earth. God chose to give dominion over creation to his people,, ie, mankind (the Son). in an act of mercy God made the Holy Ghost the trustee (servant) of mankind (the Son). The original pre-Constantine texts recognized this noble deed when they brought into being a Testamentary TRUST in the form of a holy trinity between the Father, the Son and The Holy Ghost.
A testament is something given by a testator, who in this case is God - hence there is an Old TESTAMENT and a New TESTAMENT in the Bible. The Father is God, who is the testator (as well as the grantor). The Son is God's offspring and therefore the beneficiary of the Trust (as well as executor). The Holy Ghost is 'form without substance' so it is God's lawful FICTION. Being the trustee, the Holy Ghost is tasked with holding the property (the Earth) in trust for the benefit of the Beneficiary (the Son/Mankind). Pre KJV Bible cultures acknowledged this benign arrangement in their belief that no-one can own land since it already belongs to the Great Spirit (the Holy Ghost).
Therefore the original (pre-judaic) texts are the last Will and Testament of the Testator (God) who created a TESTAMENTary trust which made us (The Son) executors and beneficiaries of His creation. The problem is, in the 17th century some people with small hats changed the wording of the original contract. The replacement contract (the KJV Bible) effectively switched these roles around making mankind the trustee (servant) and them (the people with small hats) the beneficiary,, ie, Gods CHOSEN people, with their psycho God Yahweh replacing the Holy Ghost. See... Psalm 31:16, Mark 9:35, Acts 3:26, John 12:26, Matthew 20:26-27, Romans 14:4, Galatians 1:10, Joshua 22:5, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Philippians 2:6-8, Psalm 34:22, Amos 3:7, Romans 13:6.
The British government enacted the Cestui Que Vie Act (Trust) in 1666 after the Great Plague of 1665 and the Great Fire of 1666 had decimated London. Hundreds of thousands of Brits fled or died during these catastrophes. In response, the CROWN placed all private property into Trust where the proper heirs or owners were presumed to be dead - similar to what happened to citizens under the Public Charitable Trust in America. Different continents, similar fraud, the same outcome, ie,, The CROWN Corporation enslaving the people and appropriating their lands and possessions.
Further, under the Act those that had not proven to the Courts they were alive were declared “dead in law” and therefore lost, abandoned and their property managed by the Trust in their absence. This arrangement remains in force today and can be observed in the courts with the wearing of black robes and other paraphernalia to honor the 'dead'.
In accordance with Rabbinical law, a Cestui Que Vie Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years. These seventy (70) year Shmitah financial cycles are traditionally accompanied by debt forgiveness events for creditors (Tribe) and Chapter 11 bankruptcy re-organisations for debtors (Goyim). In other words, the creditors get to start again with a clean slate and the debtors are enslaved in perpetuity.
A new monetary system was qietly initiated in 2017 - which was 70 years after the creation of the state of Israel - during the A.I. singularity event that Quinn Michaels talks about here...
Actually, the llluminati wrote the Bible.
And the Torah, and Quaran, and, and, and,......
The llluminati also created the Christians.
And the Jews, and the Muslims, and the Zionists, and the Mormons, and the Catholics, and, and, and,.....
It helps to learn who really runs this plane, and HOW they do it.
The Jews were expelled from more than 1,000 countries...
The most famous of these expulsions was by Edward Longshanks in 1291. What else happened in 1291...
What else happened in 1291? Switzerland was founded. What a Cohencidence...
The Jews collated the KJV Bible using older documents which they had plagiarized from older texts, but only after they changed the original characters and authors names into Jewish names.
The Jews spearheaded the Protestant reformation from their base in Switzerland which they still use to sow division and discord amongst the populace to this day.
Bible was collated by John Knox and John Calvin, both of whom were Jews, so the KJV Bible is a Jewish publication.
"The result, in England, was the publication of translations starting with William Tyndale’s 1526 Bible and culminating in the so-called “Geneva Bible” completed by Calvinists whom Queen Mary had exiled to Switzerland"...
Calvin and thousands of other Jews had gathered in Switzerland in the 16th century after evading justice for crimes they had committed in a multitude of countries (the Jews commonly refer to these forced expulsions as "persecution"). From their base in Switzerland they would spearhead the Protestant Reformation movement which they used to divide catholic Europe against itself.
Pretending to be Protestants is how the Jews managed to introduce their pseudo KJV Bible into England in 1611. This stirring of hatred between the Protestants and Catholics resulted in the English civil war, which the English lost. The same divide and conquer tactic designed along religious lines also became a significant factor during the Scottish Jacobite uprising, which the Scots also lost.
The catholic Jesuits were also founded by Jews so the centuries of bickering between the two religious factions is contrived(see link above).
Calvin the Jew was the leader of the Genevan Church & Academy which was responsible for translating and collating the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible eventually became the King James Bible. The Jews had been expelled from numerous countries due to Blood Libel and Usury charges and so they moved their monetary operations to Switzerland, where they flourish to this day in institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements(BIS). To counter the extreme antisemitism of the times the Jews formed various clandestine crypto social and religious movements, Protestantism being just one of them. This allowed them to operate undetected throughout Europe for centuries.
Short version...
Long version...
The Judeo-Christian messianic timeline - same as the Freemasonic messianic timeline. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism would die a quick death. Why the Jews need the other Abrahamic religions to bring in their New World Order...
Our religions have been weaponized. By the same pseudo religious group who are weaponizing the nano.
The Jews collated the KJV Bible using older documents which they had plagiarised from older texts, but only after they changed the original characters and authors names to Jewish names.
All leading edge transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Kurxweil, Geortzl etc... ALL JEWISH.
Q. Who owns the banking system that is behind the transition to stakeholder capital blockchain ledgers? A. The Jewish ancestors of those who collated the KJV Bible. This is what these bio-nano communications systems are really about. Nanoscale networks are being installed in us in order to facilitate a new monetary system.
Who owns the mainstream media that is promoting the plandemic and ignoring the truth? See Bitchute for more info.
What the Catholic church is really for, part one...
The 1st Trust of the world
Unam Sanctam is one of the most frightening and most quoted of the primary documents of the popes claiming their global power. It is an express trust deed. The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust. Triple Crown of Ba’al, aka the Papal Tiara and Triregnum.
In 1302 Pope Boniface issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam––the first Express Trust. He claimed control over the whole planet which made him “King of the world”. In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base. The pinecone represents the pineal gland in the centre of our brain which allows us access to Source, hence, the 13-foot tall pinecone in Vatican Square. Think about why the Pontiffs would idolize a pinecone. See: Pharmacratic Inquisition: The 1st Crown of Crown Land.
Pope Boniface VIII was the first leader in history to create the concept of a Trust. A Testamentary Trust, through a Deed and Will creating a Deceased Estate, was created by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, through the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex. This is only one of three (3) papal bulls to include the line with the incipit “For a perpetual remembrance.” This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property, from the Express Trust Unam Sanctam, to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity. Hence, all land is claimed as “Crown land”. This 1st Crown is represented by the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born. It deprives us of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land.
The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth
The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis, meaning “Eternal Crown”, by Sixtus IV, being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.
This Papal Bull created the “Crown of Aragon”, later known as the Crown of Spain, and is the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff. Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the “Union of Crowns”, or Commonwealth, in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot. The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975, when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day. This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and, by the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving us of ownership of our flesh and condemning us to perpetual servitude, as a Roman person, or slave.
BIBI BACCHUS - UCC Contract Law Expert...
The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See
The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III, through the papal bull Convocation, also meant to open the Council of Trent. It is the third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the See. The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540, to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls. The Crown was lost in 1816, due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England, and granted to the Temple Bar which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown. The Bar Associations have since been responsible for administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.
This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is baptized. It is the parents’ grant of the Baptismal certificate––title to the soul––to the church or Registrar. Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, we will be denied legal standing and will be treated as things––cargo without souls––upon which the BAR is now legally able to enforce Maritime law. ~
Not legal advice...
Sophia, the first physical embodiment of A.I.X. in the world, went online in 2017, thus heralding a new era of global money management,, ie, the beginning of the new Quantum Financial System (MotB) - "In October 2017, Sophia was granted Saudi Arabian citizenship, becoming the first robot to receive legal PERSONhood"....
At their core, the nanotechnology systems are ushering in a new bio-digital money system.
In accordance with Rabbinical law, a Cestui Que (Vie)Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years. These seventy(70) year Shmitah financial cycles are traditionally accompanied by debt forgiveness events for creditors (Tribe) and Chapter 11 bankruptcy re-organisations for debtors (Goyim). In other words, the creditors get a clean slate and the debtors are enslaved in perpetuity.
Bibi Bacchus - UCC Contract Law Expert...
The top high street banks are now incorporating the same quantum computing technologies that have been used to link Targeted Individuals to A.I. - this has always been the plan. Every human who has been injected with the nanotech EMF jabs will be connected to a CBDC account via A.I. computers and the 5 and 6G networks. Every transaction they make will be recorded in blockchain ledgers and permissioned via an oppressive regime of algorithmic social credit scoring.
The Jews are the worlds usurers and money lenders and if they wish to retain that status they are obviously going to have to be the vanguard for the new system - thus Israel has the most advanced vaccination program on the planet.