There Was No Time In History Where The People Censoring Free Speech Were The Good Guys --RFK Jr

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Give up your free speech at your peril. Once they are able to silence you, the game is over. All of your other freedoms will fall like dominoes after. Anyone that advocates to censor you, or to unmask your anonymity is your adversary. Treat them like one - no matter what else they say.


Why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick—a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and long, interesting paths to nowhere—relentless discombobulation are important tentpoles of demoralization and destabilization.

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You know you're in deep shit when Joe Rogan talks about Yuri Bezmenov and the demoralization of Amerikka.

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I am so tired of these assholes! What gives any of them the right to oversee us? They have some nerve...they definitely need to crawl back to whatever hole they crawled out of and cease to exist. The world would be SO much better off!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Nothing gives them right to lord their bs over sovereign beings except their narcistc egos. The Eagle will prevail & they will beg for mercy!

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Narcissistic egos and greed(blueblood aka inbreeding doesn't help either)

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🎯🎯 💯 You know what it's said about inbreeding, it causes insanity! And these "things" are definitely insane. I don't think that they are real human beings!

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😎Truth! The whole Rothschild family is inbred to protect their wealth!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

"What gives any of them the right to oversee us?" The left have taken the 'right' by default. By de fault of the silent right.

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Amen to that honey! It's past time to overthrow this criminal government! We can throw them all in a hole, bury them and take our country back!👍

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The silence of the people gives them the right to do whatever they want!!! The fake democratic system through elected representatives gives them the right. As long as the people do not react to even the smallest lost freedom, the rulers of this sick world continue to be even more aggressive against free humanity. I speak from experience of the worst hypnotized people in the world... (I won't say which people but not in the American continent, we are in Europe)

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You sound like and action taker wantabe. So when are you going to organize? No response required. I just want you think.

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Thank U Greg Reese for sharing your research on Substack. Keep it coming so people like me know what’s going on.🙏🏻

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Amen Henry! I love Greg's content! I want to eventually upgrade so I can get his premium content! I haven't been on substack long and I love all of the content here! This is the only site that I actually comment on.

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This woman is so ugly, she looks like a dwarf from Lord Of The Rings who went 12 rounds with Muhammed Ali.

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This work is rotting her from the inside out!

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She looks like a dude. 🥸😕

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😆👏👏 I'm not so sure it's a she! They invert everything!

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They want to protect the public but they create FAKE ACCOUNTS? How does doing something wrong end up being something right?

The military higher-ups are largely Luciferians according to Dr. Mount who in the military saw this first hand.

Nothing but gas lighting once again. China raised the communist generation when the CIA installed MAO in 1949 to form the PRC so to say the Chinese population "wants a firewall for protection" is tantamount to stating that ignorance is bliss and that Americans need to follow suit because the planned model has already been installed in China.

America then needs its own Tank Man to prove a point.

Word salad. Twerp looks bat-shite loony.

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everything is inverted, so when they say help they men harm, when they say they are not silencing people, it is PRECISELY what they are doing.

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Yes it's Htrae, Bizarro world. Everything is backwards.

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Yelp! I called it twerp also! I actually think twerp is a man in drag!

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This is tyranny. Pure and simple. These people need to be locked up forever.

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Euphemistic Newspeak HELL.

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Yeah, and these fascist cucks don’t have any biases. F’ them! This is all purely dialectical. Know the rules of the game people! Don’t budge an inch!

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Every American needs to get on the roof tops of every building in our country and scream as loud as possible "hell no we will not comply! "We will never be slaves and bow to you!" What can they do with a mob like that, they can't kill all of us! There's a lot more of us than there is of them!👍

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Thanks for another report Greg. I see another rabbit hole that I will soon be entering. 😂 It’s disgusting how openly evil these demons are behaving. 😡

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Pushing it in our faces! I've been ranting and raising hell ever since their convid scam started in 2020!

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OMG . . . she's using the word:"POLLUTION ", think about that for a sec. Green washing Fallacy ; calling to the climate cult moral bias. Words are the modern SPELLS . . .

"AM for environment therefore censorship is GOOD". . . those people are sick.

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Back in the 1980s while serving in the military I kept hearing that the the 4th Reich is coming? Tell me it isn't here now? I'd argue Obama/Biden kicked it off, and GW Bush & BJ Clinton prepped it. Why can't anyone see this?

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Don't forget Trump Benjamin!

If you go down the NW0 checklist Donald Trump is 'The Herald 0f The New World 0rder'!

-In the NW0, all non-essential humans (us) are mass-connected to Artificial Intelligence, i.e. the nanochip in the vaxxines, which will mass-connect all humans to the Artificial Intelligence grid, 5(G) the AI motherboard.

Both of which Trump implemented during his administration.

-In the NW0, Jerusalem is the capitol of the Middle East.

Trump (and the American taxpayers dollars) built the big, shiny new embassy in Jerusalem, and then Donald Trump declared Jerusalem a state!

-In the NW0, Syria does not exist.

Trump bombed the hell out of Syria killing women, children, and civilians.

-And most critically now, the NW0's Agenda ’21, the systematic depopulation of the world,

Which Donald "I am the father of the vaxxines!" Trump initiated in, oh wow....2021!

Yep, the NW0 agenda continues to unfold administration after administration.

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Yeah! Trumps gonna be the NWO president!

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i’d say it started way before them probably when bush was head of the cia. but probably earlier - Kennedy

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Actually you can trace The Agenda back to WW2 and 0peration PapercIip when the CabaI brought in the Nazi scientists to set up the ClA, and the control structure we're living in now.

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Yeah! Kennedy was on to something! Bush Sr was at Dealy Plaza when Kennedy got assassinated!

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I see it! Bush Jr got this ball rolling with 9/11

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Just a way to get around freedom of speech, legally.

A POX on their houses (cause they don't have homes).

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I’m so annoyed.

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The Constitution prevents the "Standing Army." These people are part of the "Standing Army." The Founders experience this same sort of thing and prohibited it. Link to the "Title of Nobility" article in stephen a emery daught organization in the "Private Corporations" portion of the website.

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We are living in the end times people, it’s time to turn to the ultimate truth. It’s time to turn to our Lord Jesus Christ the son of God. Good luck everyone, the stage it set for the antichrist. The trails and tribulations will begin soon, coming from a Veteran the United States is decaying and is on the brink of collapse. Stay Strong.

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Knowing how the llluminati work, I suspect that the first Christ figure to appear will be the REAL Christ, which the masses have been programmed to expect to be the Antichrist, so they will turn away from him, probably kill him, and then embrace the next Christlike figure, who will be the REAL Antichrist, the christ of the llluminati.

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