The Messiah Complex... exactly what I wrote.

An Alien Race acting over us as if they are Gods...

They may be our creators... but they ain't gods.


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I checked your link. You forgot to mention Donald Trump as one of the perpetrators. I hope people figure out what he really is before all hell breaks loose.

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DT is a Zionist Puppet.

I didn't forget him... but he isn't worth mentioning.

And so far he hasn't started any war to give him his credits.

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"...so far he hasn't started any war..."

Except that Trump bombed the hell out of Syria in 2017, killing women, children and civilians.

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Yes he did.! Only 3 months into his term. Another war criminal like all the rest.

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He started the democide against the American people!!! Operation Warp Speed is a war against all of humanity. That’s worse than any of the others who have ever been in power. Worse than Hitler! He has caused the death and disability and sickness of billions of people all over the world. Most who took the Mark will die. The rest will be slaves to the demons for eternity.

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Factually incorrect at every level! Operation Warpspeed is a Military Operation consisting of many parts, including replacing many millions of doses of the jabb with saline. You have zero understanding of the situation and the horrific choices available to him. This is WWIII, #1 allow a

10 year lockdowns and lose billions of people worldwide, or #2 push a genocidal shot that was not ready, but manipulateable and lose millions of people instead. He did his best under extraordinarily horrific circumstances and he shall have to live with that decision too. He never pushed that shot(s), never! You did not listen at all. He said, you have a choice. He said, he took the "vaccines", and he said the "vaccines" were great. Not one interviewer/journalist ever asked him, "what vaccines Mr. President?" He was talking about Ivermectin, HCQ, and monoclonal antibodies, all classified as vaccines (he took 2 of them)! Clearly you do not listen and jumped to completely wrong conclusions!

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Do you actually believe what you’re spewing? Good God…

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I know factually what I am saying because of my connections and many many years of in-depth research. Facts are not disputable. You shall see because disclosure is very close!

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deletedFeb 27
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Nightprowler, Pearle, or any of the other pink-pilled here, do you know WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CORRUPT US STATE ATTORNEY THAT LET EPSTEIN OFF...???

Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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DT and the White Hat Alliance are not only saving this country, but the world and humanity from destruction. The fact that you cannot see what these great Leaders and Military have been doing shows your indoctrination bias!

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It is YOU who is indoctrinated. People who worship Trump are falling for the Great Delusion in Revelations. And you people make up Trump Derangement Syndrome to mock the people who know the truth. TDS really stands for Trump Delusion Syndrome. There are no White Hats. I hope you are not a QAnon cult member.

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Amen Lucy!

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Saying Amen is satanic, honoring Amen-Ra. Clearly you have learned nothing yet. Do research!!!

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No one is falling for him or anything. I am a fantastic researcher with incredible sources. When one has no idea about what goes on behind the scenes, one should not pontificate about things for which they have no knowledge. It makes you sound ludicrous, ignorant and totally asleep. I never followed Q, but Q is also a military operation used by Lincoln, by Kennedy and others. Clearly, military which predates our country, is something you never looked into. The Law of War Manual is very clear that we are in Continuity of Government. You would rather name call than learn anything of value. You are worse off than normies because they cannot understand their Matrix life. But you have 2 pieces of information sticks to rub together and think that you know truth. You are so far from truth that you will need to come up 100 levels just to see sunshine. I wish you well in your Awakening. It will be a very long journey for you. FYI, there are White Hats everywhere!!! If there were not, we would all be in FEMA camps or dead as the NWO wanted. The war ends soon and you shall learn truth then.

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"DT and the White Hat Alliance are ...saving the world..."

UGH. White Hat Hopium.

The CabaI's QAnon Scam drug of choice for the pink-pilled.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 29

I am not a Q follower, but people like you always make that indoctrinated comment. Turn off your TV and get away from the programming that causes your cognitive dissonance. Since you brought it up, Q is a Military Operation employed by Lincoln, Kennedy and other Presidents. So much for you to learn and so little time!

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In 2017 QAnon (as they were known THEN) were hackers from the chans pulling a LARP. They pilfered (stole) old open-source info from the Conspiracy Community, and posted it as coded gibberish for new people coming into the Alt News, who had never heard such things before and were both terrified and hooked.

In May 2018 the CabaI started promoting Q.

The CabaI immediately began banning all channels that were exposing Q as a scam.

Lots of channels were banned, but Alex Jones InfoWars, David Icke, and David Seaman’s Fulcrum News were CORNERSTONES of the Alternative News.

And suddenly the core of the Alt News was gone, their libraries wiped, and so much information LOST.

In their place, YT was flooded with 'QTubes', with big monetized numbers, slick new ads, tons of paid CabaI shills flooding the comment boards with pro-Q hype like "WWG1WGA!", “The White Hats are in control!", and "Alex Jones is controlled opposition", "David Seaman is disinformation", nonstop. And the newbies bought it, all.

FYI, Fulcrum News David Seaman is THE reason we even know about PeezaGate. He was a former Huffington Post reporter and he kept Peezagate in the Alt News headlines FOR A YEAR, exposing Child Trafficking, the Clintons, P0destas, and the Human Trafficking web in DC.

In 2018 David Seaman was BANNED FOR LIFE from YT and Twitter. Career death for a reporter.

Alex Jones was set up and publicly eviscerated in front of the World.

David Icke is banned from speaking in 26 European countries.

That was 2018 and our Cornerstones were gone, and their libraries wiped. Alex Jones’ InfoWars library was DECADES of dirt on the Caba|, Deep State, conspiracies and coverups.

The Conspiracy Community was decimated and that was effectively the end of the Alternative News.

And that is why Conspiracy Theorists hate Q.

The CabaI's QAnon Scam DESTROYED the Alternative News. Just as intended.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

That's comical. Let me educate you. I know who used the 8chan and 4chan platforms for Q, solely being tasked with finding or creating an unhackable platform. A great hacker that he is, made some modifications, and whoolah, the Q platform was created. Next, there is NO such thing as QAnon!!! Q is a Military Operation and Anons are digital soldiers electronically spreading truth in The Great Awakening (which you will witness soon). Pizzagate, broken by Liz Cronin (with endless proof, coming to the public only recently) is very real. Watch for Podestas impending arrest! Have no idea who David Seaman is, but he did not break the story.

8 million children go missing every year. The majority are never seen again due to child sex trafficking. They disappear underground, out to sea, by private plane or cargo ship containers, like the "beached" Evergrande ship.

Alex Jones has been pretty much right about most things though I do not enjoy listening to him.

The alternative news is now MSM and the low viewership of all other cable and regular news has been decimated. .

FYI, no one hates Q except the Deep State who fears truth. Evil cannot exist in the light and they are now over and destroyed!!! If you support the DS, you must be one of them.

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Critical-thinking is a hard won skill but they'll figure it out eventually.

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Perhaps yes, most likely no! Disclosure will cause an expected 10% suicide rate. We must try to help those poor souls.

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First military gave me that statistic over past 2 years. Then a WH truther put out that Stat and another 10% will go crazy/insane. Her non-profit for helping people is gearing up. You can give them the site if they are even considering harming themselves or has anxiety about disclosure. CallUs4Help.live

They are happy to help anyone/everyone.

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I'm interested in where you got that figure from but I'm not disagreeing that a lot of people couldn't presently handle full disclosure.

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Opps, I can't afford another subscription.

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Most of us can’t.

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Aliens or demons? I vote demons. Project Bluebeam is coming......are you ready for the biggest lie yet? It will be interesting to see how they try to play this off. God bless and be well. We are here for a reason.

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Demons indeed. I agree 🙏

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I can't afford any more paid subs either, but, I can dump my Epoch Times sub and gladly sign on to Greg's to get me over the pay wall !! Keep up the great work Greg!

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

You can get Epoch Times for $1.00/month for 1 year!

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Or, why on Earth will I pay to watch these videos? Not going to happen. I'm already hemorrhaging money on several other subscriptions to other sites such as the Epoch Time.

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I updated my payment but still can’t see your videos. Help !

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I often wonder what everybody is doing.

Even though I haven’t met a single person in the comment section, sometimes (like right now) I feel like I’m missing y’all. I think I sensed someone from here in the astral realm. IYKYK. 😉

Sending love, light, & protection ✨

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Mind blowing stuff. Too real to actually deny. Thanks for covering this.

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US is special, you have those "Resident Alien or Non-Resident Alien for Tax Purposes" with the source at:


Any other aliens, would need to be registered.. Just playing with the words;)

Plus, is there any 'pressure' for writers on this SS platform to go into paid form? Looks like without any subscriptions, writing and communicating is becoming more difficult..

Nothing is for free! If it just was for cash, without ANY digital techno inviolved.....

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While I'm seriously at odds with Greg Reese at times, at least he doesn't use the "I'm a born again Christian" technique to lull or dupe others into paying for something they do not need.

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I already pay out the ass for several sites, including Epoch Times. Sorry, I cannot afford any more.

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I was going to say something smartass about aliens but now I have to say that background music was pretty dope.

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How ironic; "you were made in your god's image" is still not connected to an Alien. Who did you connect that to? Something invisible???

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deletedFeb 26
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Thank you 😊

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deletedFeb 26
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deletedFeb 26
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I’m so sorry! Hang on there. I don’t know how much longer I can take this evil world either. I hope it’s almost over 🙏🙏🙏

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I presently have no income, so no paid subscriptions for me either.

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I only work part time. I can’t afford this either. Hopefully someone will cross post. The information needs to get out there. Putting it behind a paywall really makes it hard for people to try to learn the truth. Most people don’t have any extra money in this officially “undeclared” depression.

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Officially undeclared depression, yeah. Lifus interuptus for me, too many times.

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deletedFeb 27
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It's really a push isn't it. I have to regularly scrap off the glue of my thoughts so I can breathe. Yuck and argh. 💔❤️

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