Michael is one of the few seeking to educate about the "Big Picture" on a Global level. There's NO doubt he's totally ON TARGET and one of the few qualified to report the facts manipulated to exist by the Nobility operating out of The City of London and the International Offices out of Switzerland as well as every Central Bank location in the world.
For the discerning; there is complete understanding behind the rage and fury exposed with the victory of Trump over the Totalitarian Hitlery in 2016. We see all occuring which was delayed by Trump being placed into office.
If 'The People' continue to WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...All will be lost and evil most certainly will fill the vacuum left by the cowards no longer faithful to our Lord Jesus.
Michael Jan is part of enemy forces who are lying to you and leading you astray. There is no America! It’s a hunger games with 12 banking districts that’s financially insolvent therefore not a country! It is operated financially out of Switzerland using NATO for enforcement in Geneva for anthropology, and human husbandry practices. You don’t get to vote on anything that matters your choices are our window, Coke or Pepsi, smoking or non-smoking they’re all non-choices. No one got to choose whether they were subjected to 5G, 6G, 7G smart dust biosensor nano particulate sprayed into the breathable air space! No one got to choose that because they’re not in charge the people are not in charge don’t you get it?
It will happen here just like in England and Ireland. Our traitor own government is facilitating our demise. That's just one of many reasons they are leaving borders open.
Our Congress is controlled by AIPAC. We have mostly Zionist puppet politicians & many w/ dual citizenship w/ Israel. How are we even allowing these puppets to sit in their positions? This topic needs to be discussed on all platforms. We must wake up the Israel supporting Patriots who are clueless & have been deceived thanks to Scofield Study Bible that was spread all throughout America in the early 1900s & became the foundation for the current day evangelical theology. Nobody was aware that this Bible was funded by Satanist & that it served the agenda to get Christianity on their side for establishing a new Israel that would become the headquarters for the one world government. The Scofield Bible was published by the Oxford University press which was owned by the Rothschilds. This whole theology was first written out by John Darby, a Freemason of course. ( I suggest anyone look all this info up for yourself) So many Christians believe that this new political military State of Israel is indeed a fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham, & that anyone who didn’t support this new state of Israel would be cursed by God. Unfortunately, they don’t have the slightest clue of what’s really going on. Many seem to be clueless about the State of Israel was funded & created by the Rothschild family.
(The Belford Declaration) Remember folks, God is not interested in a political military nation that wages war & killing, Jesus Christ is called “Prince of Peace” who removed hatred & violence between people & makes people brothers.
Perfectly stated. It’s so frustrating. I have always questioned if we were all gods children and equal in his eyes how could their be “chosen” ones. I knew in my heart it was wrong and when I learned of the KM 6 or so years ago is when I realized everything has been one big lie. Pull that thread and it all unravels. I just know so many Christian’s that absolutely won’t wrap their head around this truth. Makes me sad.
Check out Brother Nathaniel's Vids and you will understand the cookie cutter script that is now being used and by who to eradicate Christian /white / European descendents.
Take South Africa for example:
"Always remember, South Africa was the experimental test-bed for total Hamas/islamic jihadist State Capture via "Armed struggle jizya dhimmi'ing, bombing, shooting, butchering Christian/White/Europeans", which flowed over into massed population human trafficking to every area to annihilate Christian White presence, then commence with systematic state looting & every manner of usual barbaric islamic violence, White-Farmer-Murders, protestations, destruction of place names, heritage statues/sculptures and almost completely State Entities, Rail & pipeline & Energy infrastructure (obidens pipelines bombed/shutdown too) and at moment LOOTING OF CARGO everywhere within claws reach.
IT IS COPY PASTE PERFECTION - nothing new happening to America or UK or EU 4th Reich."
How else are we to Read’ that !?! However ! there is no rationale for provoking Russia and not one scintilla of reason to have Palestine and its long suffering people to be mercilessly crushed to death in an apparent genocidal action • We can suspect/perceive and speculate on a granReset or some such Plan to Reformulate the very Earth we live on…It never needed to be in Division•
So, the implication here is that US officials made a clandestine agreement to "hand over" policing of Afghanistan to the Chinese military? Is that what I'm understanding here? And from what I am seeing in California, the Chinese have already conducted a soft invasion.
The moment this last fraudulent election went to Biden, I said, "We are now a communist country." Biden & his family sold us all out to Chinese when he was VP! Look at his policies. All of them, every single one, hurts the United States and her citizens. He is not inept. He knew exactly what he was doing. He is puppet for WEF and Chairman Zi. They want Bejing to be capital of the nwo. They want cbdc, no one will buy or sell without their mark/permission, facial recognition, 15 minute AI governed cities, agenda 2030, decreased population, wilding of natural corridors, etc.
This is an American based operation. Jihad is manufactured entity by the CIA. The enemy of America is America itself. America is an autoimmune disease to its own existence. This is not about outsiders. The outsiders are insiders. We have a treasonous government. Our government as its constructed currently is a foreign goverment. America is NOT a victim of percieved vitriolic assailants who have a vendetta against America. America is the assailant, and the American people are the victims.
America has already been destroyed! People are too stubborn to accept that reality so like sycophants of the American ideology we perperate ignorance and allow stories as such to foment in our psyches permitting the cognitive dissonance to increase simultaneously ignoring the evidence right in front us.
I'm so fucking tired of this BRAVO SIERRA. I no longer recognize this country we live in, and it's very clear to me our government is under the control of our enemies and/or foreign power. I served under Ronald Reagan for 8 years, and sadly under George H. W. Bush. We've been sold out, and yet we DO NOTHING. We literally abandoned and gave CHINA multi BILLIONS of DOLLARS in US MILTARY EQUIPMENT, thanks to the fucking communist democrat party and POS RINOs. If YOU do not vote in NOVEMBER 2024 for Trump, then remain silent. IF you vote for RFK Jr., YOU voted for a democrat, and for the democrat presidential nominee Harris, so again, FOFF.
I am certain that the November 2024 presidential election will be stolen again, as it was back in November 2020. Or, martial law will be declared if the democrat party election fraud machine fails. Count on it.
It appears that less than 10% of the US population is worthy of the US Constitution, and freedom.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." The time is close at hand.
Open my eyes? How dare you! Did you read my comment? I served this damn country and I'll be damned if I put up with low information low IQ a-holes. Your claim about Trump helping to create the vaccine is categorically WRONG. He was duped, and has admitted it. He contacted RFK Jr. to possibly head an assault against the pharmaceutical companies involved. Many people were duped, and I can assure you I wasn't. Your comment tells me people like you will screw us all if we have any chance. There is a slim chance Trump can win, but of course the democrat party will not accept it, will contest the election legally, or declare martial law.
If you want to simply give up, keep it to yourself and find a bloody hole to crawl in. I'm sick and tired of these types of comments. Every single democrat politician, and those who vote democrat are corrupt, and/or soulless. There are a few legit republicans trying to make a difference, but I agree less than 10% of them are genuine.
some lack Comprehensive Understanding…….we can all get off base from time to time …but seeking the whole of many matters makes one wiser and less pigeon holed. I agree with you.
So, you're against free speech? Very interesting. You tell me to keep my thoughts to myself. Does that sound like a free country to you?? You served the country? Read what Smedley Butler said many years ago about military service. He said he was used. And only to seize land, etc. And make the bankers and those in power richer. It's not about our freedom. I know it's difficult to hear. But, it's the truth.
That is an unpopular opinion among the Trump supporters but it is true. Also Israel has no greater friend than Trump and Israel is eating the U.S. alive from the inside out. The whole thing is a huge fake theatre play.
Israel? Where do you people come from? Have you ever hear of Ukraine? The democrat party deep state? It's not just the democrat party we have to worry about, it's the people that lack critical thinking skills. WTF. There is a whole litany of reasons why the country is screwed. Everyone wants to pile in Israel? Forget about China and the Ukraine, or what the democrat party has done to our country since the coronation of Obama.
Ukraine? Sure. The Ukraine is known as The Heavenly Jerusalem Project or "Big Israel." A lot these billions the U.S. send the Ukraine are cultivating infrastructure and Silicon Valley deals in preparation for when the Israelis trash Israel and need a place to go.
So they are doing some housekeeping, ethnic cleansing in the Ukraine to get rid of those Ukrainians they don't want in their way.
"the democratic party"....roflmao...both parties work for the same system and have the same end goals.
And YES, the bankers sucked another country dry, the U.S., and now they will leave it laying in a pile of debt and ruins. Its a two thousand year old story.
When I have to read such bilge, I sometimes think perhaps WWIII might be a blessing, sterilizing of such idiocy. The democrat party is 110 % compromised, and has always been evil. The republican party, especially since Obama's coronation has been at about 90% corruption. Yes the world is "F-ed" up, especially now. Some of use want to try to repair the damage and bring the corrupt POSs to justice. YOU, on the other hand want to give up, and simply end it all. I would say more, but my comment would likely be removed. FOFF.
Maybe I realize something that some others may not realize? Presidents don't run the U.S. They don't make the really important decisions. They are place holders. The really important decisions are made by the banking families.
The government is so utterly infiltrated there no fixing it with any sort of conventional method. Votes probably have not counted since they blew JFK's head off. The only way the U.S. will ever be free is if the mafia that runs it walks away and they won't do that.
If you tried to run them out they would use the U.S. military to bomb the U.S. Its a dilemma for sure.
Do you deny that Trump supported the Unconstitutional Lockdown?? I have a tweet where he said he was against opening up businesses in Georgia. Every politician was very wrong on this issue. Both parties. Facts are facts. Whether you like them or not. And if Trump can be duped like this, is he really going to save the country??
The Federal Reserve has been the masters of the puppet politicians since 1913, the year the bankers won and the American people lost! We eliminate the Federal Reserve we have our country back!
Talking with ex intel officer who did tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that is a former policeman, laid out the obvious for me a couple of years ago: Here in US, many of the illegals could be sleeper cells. It seems too obvious (the thought had occurred of course); and yet--in accord with the intel asset interviewed by Logan, we forget about how younger folks, or those who've been disenfranchised by the "system" will join up with the invaders. Just as younger folks who are lacking historical perspective, joined up with BLM and Antifa gangs 3 summers ago. The bolshevik playbook is definitely in evidence in the US.
Given that FEMA and DHS have Geocaching apps on cellphones (both ANTIFA and BLM members used them to coordinate "protests') we already have preliminary evidence of cooperation and coordination for attacks. When the Atlanta riots occurred and an electrical substation was attacked, it was a "live" war-game scenario to develop tactics to attack the vulnerable electrical infrastructure of the US. With 70,000 + trained individuals in guerilla tactics in the US, and a police force that is demoralized and infiltrated, Sheriffs and deputy offices need to be supported and coordination to occur with local communities for self-defense.
First they have to stop helping targeting and torchering people in the local communities. The know every Person that's being torchered and harassed. Our country would have to come together and stop all the racism and hate not. And lying. If it's possible. Or we're doomed because how greedy and evil the selfish people who runs and ruins everything in this country is. I see terrorist everyday gangstalking and cooking me with technology weapons and seems to me that it is legal. The takeover already happening.
Yes, I understand, I am in the same situation, but it is NOT legal. These creatures just take what the want, they are parasites.
I tell the 2 minders, if this would happen to one of the instigators, having data stolen 24/7, breaking into home and hacking body, plus being t.o.rt.u.r.e.d etc. day and night, this villain would be in jail in the blink of an eye.
"They" don't want this to happen to them or their families, but they give themselves the right to do it to others.
Targeted Individual here too. You're right, this is the most important issue when things go down. Even if people don't want a civil war they can make people attack each other anyway. The fact that it's been overlooked only makes the issue worse.
Also, things like the CIA-CCP dealings over Afghanistan and the recent finding that a Democratic fundraising group was getting 60% of its donations from China make it much more clear how the US could allow me to be targeted by China when I'm in the states. Then there was the story about US election data being stored on servers in China by Konnech, a company the FBI was either cooperating with or covering up for or both, I forget. It looks like it might be a collaborative effort as the globalists have control of the deep state and agencies relevant to targeting.
Come visit Montreal. We have so many middle eastern and Chinese, African, Indians here that you have to really look to see a white person. I 'm just saying. Huge difference in the past 10 years. The past 5 years it was a flooding.
Did you see that cop in England arresting someone for commenting online? The cop is straight faced and seems indifferent to what she is doing. Every cop has some spell on them. This mindlessness is in effect throughout our governments. Stupid people with no values. Sick of people saying ‘back the blue’ when so many are unable to think or feel. There ARE NO PATRIOTS BECAUSE IF THERE WERE AMERICANS WOULD NOT BE GETTING IMPLANTED AND TORTURED BY DRONES WHILE CONGRESS HIDES THE ABUSES. About 70 MILLION AMERICANS WORKING FOR FBI SPYING AND STALKING PEOPLE.
I saw that. What stood out to me was the reason the cop gave for the arrest. The cop the arrest was for "suspicion" of causing harm online. I didn't think it was legal to arrest somebody for "suspicion." Because they can be suspicious of thousands of different things.
I did not forget, “they” are coming for all Native Nations.
In Case you missed it, August 8, 2024
From The Hawaii News Now:
“The events of August 8, 2023, claimed the lives of 102 people and destroyed the town in what is now the deadliest ‘WILDFIRE” in the United States in more than a “CENTURY.”
Did you mean the “DEADLIEST” (DEW) Directed Energy Weapons – ATTACK?
If China is in fact the enemy it is because the juice like the Chinese model of totalitarianism and want to use it as a model for enslaving their ant-men in the US and Europe. You see the plan for global domination coming to full fruition now and don't forget their interbreeding with the bloodlines to solidify power. All of the former "WASP" elites (Trump, Biden, Clinton, etc) are now of the serpent bloodline and don't forget the likes of Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chen as emblematic of this same process with China. Best wishes to you brother in these perilous times!
I read recently that juice were actually involved with the formation of the CCP. I've not researched it well, so take it with a grain of salt. Best wishes to you as well!
I'm not sure if it will allow me to paste URLs in here, but check this short little book out if so. I try to refrain from monomaniacally reiterating this subject but it is nevertheless amazing how deep the depths of the malfeasance go.
I think they are really setting their sights on China now as it is arguably the most important nation state that is not under the control of their banking tentacles. As sad as it is to say, I think Russia is probably controlled and there is evidence Putin is one himself. The whole antagonism with Russia could well be just Kabuki theater designed to shove more Whites into another pointless meat grinder war to satisfy the blood lust of their tribal God Jehovah. I also recommend another short book "The Mystery of the Serpent' by BF Jackson.
“Cowards are natural traitors.” I believe Michael Yon has it right.
Michael is one of the few seeking to educate about the "Big Picture" on a Global level. There's NO doubt he's totally ON TARGET and one of the few qualified to report the facts manipulated to exist by the Nobility operating out of The City of London and the International Offices out of Switzerland as well as every Central Bank location in the world.
For the discerning; there is complete understanding behind the rage and fury exposed with the victory of Trump over the Totalitarian Hitlery in 2016. We see all occuring which was delayed by Trump being placed into office.
If 'The People' continue to WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...All will be lost and evil most certainly will fill the vacuum left by the cowards no longer faithful to our Lord Jesus.
Meanwhile the gov't and many involved with Butler are lying about whose body was bloodied on the roof.
Bodycam galore but how come the person laying on the roof's identity is not correct?
crooks training FOX:
That caclubindia article and other articles by the same writer are pretty interesting.
You might get a kick out of this:
Every man knows this ! or needs only examine his own soul of the matter •
Michael Jan is part of enemy forces who are lying to you and leading you astray. There is no America! It’s a hunger games with 12 banking districts that’s financially insolvent therefore not a country! It is operated financially out of Switzerland using NATO for enforcement in Geneva for anthropology, and human husbandry practices. You don’t get to vote on anything that matters your choices are our window, Coke or Pepsi, smoking or non-smoking they’re all non-choices. No one got to choose whether they were subjected to 5G, 6G, 7G smart dust biosensor nano particulate sprayed into the breathable air space! No one got to choose that because they’re not in charge the people are not in charge don’t you get it?
It will happen here just like in England and Ireland. Our traitor own government is facilitating our demise. That's just one of many reasons they are leaving borders open.
Our Congress is controlled by AIPAC. We have mostly Zionist puppet politicians & many w/ dual citizenship w/ Israel. How are we even allowing these puppets to sit in their positions? This topic needs to be discussed on all platforms. We must wake up the Israel supporting Patriots who are clueless & have been deceived thanks to Scofield Study Bible that was spread all throughout America in the early 1900s & became the foundation for the current day evangelical theology. Nobody was aware that this Bible was funded by Satanist & that it served the agenda to get Christianity on their side for establishing a new Israel that would become the headquarters for the one world government. The Scofield Bible was published by the Oxford University press which was owned by the Rothschilds. This whole theology was first written out by John Darby, a Freemason of course. ( I suggest anyone look all this info up for yourself) So many Christians believe that this new political military State of Israel is indeed a fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham, & that anyone who didn’t support this new state of Israel would be cursed by God. Unfortunately, they don’t have the slightest clue of what’s really going on. Many seem to be clueless about the State of Israel was funded & created by the Rothschild family.
(The Belford Declaration) Remember folks, God is not interested in a political military nation that wages war & killing, Jesus Christ is called “Prince of Peace” who removed hatred & violence between people & makes people brothers.
Balfour Declaration
Jacob Rothschild had a framed copy of it and stated that he was very proud of his family’s accomplishment with it.
You are 100% correct.
Perfectly stated. It’s so frustrating. I have always questioned if we were all gods children and equal in his eyes how could their be “chosen” ones. I knew in my heart it was wrong and when I learned of the KM 6 or so years ago is when I realized everything has been one big lie. Pull that thread and it all unravels. I just know so many Christian’s that absolutely won’t wrap their head around this truth. Makes me sad.
so talk to us about Israel, Jews, Jerusalem and Jesus returning to Jerusalem…..from not the Scofield…..
Check out Brother Nathaniel's Vids and you will understand the cookie cutter script that is now being used and by who to eradicate Christian /white / European descendents.
Take South Africa for example:
"Always remember, South Africa was the experimental test-bed for total Hamas/islamic jihadist State Capture via "Armed struggle jizya dhimmi'ing, bombing, shooting, butchering Christian/White/Europeans", which flowed over into massed population human trafficking to every area to annihilate Christian White presence, then commence with systematic state looting & every manner of usual barbaric islamic violence, White-Farmer-Murders, protestations, destruction of place names, heritage statues/sculptures and almost completely State Entities, Rail & pipeline & Energy infrastructure (obidens pipelines bombed/shutdown too) and at moment LOOTING OF CARGO everywhere within claws reach.
IT IS COPY PASTE PERFECTION - nothing new happening to America or UK or EU 4th Reich."
100% correct.
How else are we to Read’ that !?! However ! there is no rationale for provoking Russia and not one scintilla of reason to have Palestine and its long suffering people to be mercilessly crushed to death in an apparent genocidal action • We can suspect/perceive and speculate on a granReset or some such Plan to Reformulate the very Earth we live on…It never needed to be in Division•
So, the implication here is that US officials made a clandestine agreement to "hand over" policing of Afghanistan to the Chinese military? Is that what I'm understanding here? And from what I am seeing in California, the Chinese have already conducted a soft invasion.
Chris. That basically covers it.
I know. That's why I am praying every day.
The moment this last fraudulent election went to Biden, I said, "We are now a communist country." Biden & his family sold us all out to Chinese when he was VP! Look at his policies. All of them, every single one, hurts the United States and her citizens. He is not inept. He knew exactly what he was doing. He is puppet for WEF and Chairman Zi. They want Bejing to be capital of the nwo. They want cbdc, no one will buy or sell without their mark/permission, facial recognition, 15 minute AI governed cities, agenda 2030, decreased population, wilding of natural corridors, etc.
100% with you. California, where I live, is already China West. It’s beyond infuriating.
That's really sad to witness. California is such a beautiful state. Ask people of Lahaina how the government handled the pre, during and post fire.
China us controlled by the same people. Very interesting story if what happened to them.
This is an American based operation. Jihad is manufactured entity by the CIA. The enemy of America is America itself. America is an autoimmune disease to its own existence. This is not about outsiders. The outsiders are insiders. We have a treasonous government. Our government as its constructed currently is a foreign goverment. America is NOT a victim of percieved vitriolic assailants who have a vendetta against America. America is the assailant, and the American people are the victims.
America has already been destroyed! People are too stubborn to accept that reality so like sycophants of the American ideology we perperate ignorance and allow stories as such to foment in our psyches permitting the cognitive dissonance to increase simultaneously ignoring the evidence right in front us.
Hear hear!
Military aged men - Ready for the takeover...
I'm so fucking tired of this BRAVO SIERRA. I no longer recognize this country we live in, and it's very clear to me our government is under the control of our enemies and/or foreign power. I served under Ronald Reagan for 8 years, and sadly under George H. W. Bush. We've been sold out, and yet we DO NOTHING. We literally abandoned and gave CHINA multi BILLIONS of DOLLARS in US MILTARY EQUIPMENT, thanks to the fucking communist democrat party and POS RINOs. If YOU do not vote in NOVEMBER 2024 for Trump, then remain silent. IF you vote for RFK Jr., YOU voted for a democrat, and for the democrat presidential nominee Harris, so again, FOFF.
I am certain that the November 2024 presidential election will be stolen again, as it was back in November 2020. Or, martial law will be declared if the democrat party election fraud machine fails. Count on it.
It appears that less than 10% of the US population is worthy of the US Constitution, and freedom.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." The time is close at hand.
Voting isn't going to save us. All the politicians are very corrupt.
Trump helped create the toxic vaccine and he supported the unconstitutional lockdown. Open your eyes.
Open my eyes? How dare you! Did you read my comment? I served this damn country and I'll be damned if I put up with low information low IQ a-holes. Your claim about Trump helping to create the vaccine is categorically WRONG. He was duped, and has admitted it. He contacted RFK Jr. to possibly head an assault against the pharmaceutical companies involved. Many people were duped, and I can assure you I wasn't. Your comment tells me people like you will screw us all if we have any chance. There is a slim chance Trump can win, but of course the democrat party will not accept it, will contest the election legally, or declare martial law.
If you want to simply give up, keep it to yourself and find a bloody hole to crawl in. I'm sick and tired of these types of comments. Every single democrat politician, and those who vote democrat are corrupt, and/or soulless. There are a few legit republicans trying to make a difference, but I agree less than 10% of them are genuine.
some lack Comprehensive Understanding…….we can all get off base from time to time …but seeking the whole of many matters makes one wiser and less pigeon holed. I agree with you.
So, you're against free speech? Very interesting. You tell me to keep my thoughts to myself. Does that sound like a free country to you?? You served the country? Read what Smedley Butler said many years ago about military service. He said he was used. And only to seize land, etc. And make the bankers and those in power richer. It's not about our freedom. I know it's difficult to hear. But, it's the truth.
Benjamin Golan STFU your braindead!!
Is that the best you can do?
That is an unpopular opinion among the Trump supporters but it is true. Also Israel has no greater friend than Trump and Israel is eating the U.S. alive from the inside out. The whole thing is a huge fake theatre play.
Everything we hear is because we were allowed to hear it to drive some narrative/ form opinions
Israel? Where do you people come from? Have you ever hear of Ukraine? The democrat party deep state? It's not just the democrat party we have to worry about, it's the people that lack critical thinking skills. WTF. There is a whole litany of reasons why the country is screwed. Everyone wants to pile in Israel? Forget about China and the Ukraine, or what the democrat party has done to our country since the coronation of Obama.
Ukraine? Sure. The Ukraine is known as The Heavenly Jerusalem Project or "Big Israel." A lot these billions the U.S. send the Ukraine are cultivating infrastructure and Silicon Valley deals in preparation for when the Israelis trash Israel and need a place to go.
So they are doing some housekeeping, ethnic cleansing in the Ukraine to get rid of those Ukrainians they don't want in their way.
"the democratic party"....roflmao...both parties work for the same system and have the same end goals.
And YES, the bankers sucked another country dry, the U.S., and now they will leave it laying in a pile of debt and ruins. Its a two thousand year old story.
When I have to read such bilge, I sometimes think perhaps WWIII might be a blessing, sterilizing of such idiocy. The democrat party is 110 % compromised, and has always been evil. The republican party, especially since Obama's coronation has been at about 90% corruption. Yes the world is "F-ed" up, especially now. Some of use want to try to repair the damage and bring the corrupt POSs to justice. YOU, on the other hand want to give up, and simply end it all. I would say more, but my comment would likely be removed. FOFF.
Maybe I realize something that some others may not realize? Presidents don't run the U.S. They don't make the really important decisions. They are place holders. The really important decisions are made by the banking families.
The government is so utterly infiltrated there no fixing it with any sort of conventional method. Votes probably have not counted since they blew JFK's head off. The only way the U.S. will ever be free is if the mafia that runs it walks away and they won't do that.
If you tried to run them out they would use the U.S. military to bomb the U.S. Its a dilemma for sure.
Do you deny that Trump supported the Unconstitutional Lockdown?? I have a tweet where he said he was against opening up businesses in Georgia. Every politician was very wrong on this issue. Both parties. Facts are facts. Whether you like them or not. And if Trump can be duped like this, is he really going to save the country??
the “people” demanded it.
So, you give the people anything they want?? Even if it isn't good for them??
I saw a podcast that purportedly proved there was an algorithm in all the voting machines that jigged ALL of the results.
Have you seen it?
There’s a song by Mike and the Mechsnics. I believe it’s called running or silent running that fits your sentiments exactly. Great song!
The Federal Reserve has been the masters of the puppet politicians since 1913, the year the bankers won and the American people lost! We eliminate the Federal Reserve we have our country back!
Right on point. We need to fight that ALONE--then all conflicts and wars will disappear:
Talking with ex intel officer who did tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that is a former policeman, laid out the obvious for me a couple of years ago: Here in US, many of the illegals could be sleeper cells. It seems too obvious (the thought had occurred of course); and yet--in accord with the intel asset interviewed by Logan, we forget about how younger folks, or those who've been disenfranchised by the "system" will join up with the invaders. Just as younger folks who are lacking historical perspective, joined up with BLM and Antifa gangs 3 summers ago. The bolshevik playbook is definitely in evidence in the US.
Would those 70,000 be government employees?
No. All the turncoats the Govt.needs are in place. What’s lacking are the trained fighters with passports. That’s happening.
Given that FEMA and DHS have Geocaching apps on cellphones (both ANTIFA and BLM members used them to coordinate "protests') we already have preliminary evidence of cooperation and coordination for attacks. When the Atlanta riots occurred and an electrical substation was attacked, it was a "live" war-game scenario to develop tactics to attack the vulnerable electrical infrastructure of the US. With 70,000 + trained individuals in guerilla tactics in the US, and a police force that is demoralized and infiltrated, Sheriffs and deputy offices need to be supported and coordination to occur with local communities for self-defense.
First they have to stop helping targeting and torchering people in the local communities. The know every Person that's being torchered and harassed. Our country would have to come together and stop all the racism and hate not. And lying. If it's possible. Or we're doomed because how greedy and evil the selfish people who runs and ruins everything in this country is. I see terrorist everyday gangstalking and cooking me with technology weapons and seems to me that it is legal. The takeover already happening.
Yes, I understand, I am in the same situation, but it is NOT legal. These creatures just take what the want, they are parasites.
I tell the 2 minders, if this would happen to one of the instigators, having data stolen 24/7, breaking into home and hacking body, plus being t.o.rt.u.r.e.d etc. day and night, this villain would be in jail in the blink of an eye.
"They" don't want this to happen to them or their families, but they give themselves the right to do it to others.
I make my voice heard to them, loudly!
I stand against ALL evil!
Targeted Individual here too. You're right, this is the most important issue when things go down. Even if people don't want a civil war they can make people attack each other anyway. The fact that it's been overlooked only makes the issue worse.
Also, things like the CIA-CCP dealings over Afghanistan and the recent finding that a Democratic fundraising group was getting 60% of its donations from China make it much more clear how the US could allow me to be targeted by China when I'm in the states. Then there was the story about US election data being stored on servers in China by Konnech, a company the FBI was either cooperating with or covering up for or both, I forget. It looks like it might be a collaborative effort as the globalists have control of the deep state and agencies relevant to targeting.
Come visit Montreal. We have so many middle eastern and Chinese, African, Indians here that you have to really look to see a white person. I 'm just saying. Huge difference in the past 10 years. The past 5 years it was a flooding.
And add to the Biden dilemma, where did Jill Biden go, who WAS glued to his side supporting him? Very telling.
Whoever that is playing Biden is wearing a synthetic mask.
Did you see that cop in England arresting someone for commenting online? The cop is straight faced and seems indifferent to what she is doing. Every cop has some spell on them. This mindlessness is in effect throughout our governments. Stupid people with no values. Sick of people saying ‘back the blue’ when so many are unable to think or feel. There ARE NO PATRIOTS BECAUSE IF THERE WERE AMERICANS WOULD NOT BE GETTING IMPLANTED AND TORTURED BY DRONES WHILE CONGRESS HIDES THE ABUSES. About 70 MILLION AMERICANS WORKING FOR FBI SPYING AND STALKING PEOPLE.
I saw that. What stood out to me was the reason the cop gave for the arrest. The cop the arrest was for "suspicion" of causing harm online. I didn't think it was legal to arrest somebody for "suspicion." Because they can be suspicious of thousands of different things.
Dear Maui,
I did not forget, “they” are coming for all Native Nations.
In Case you missed it, August 8, 2024
From The Hawaii News Now:
“The events of August 8, 2023, claimed the lives of 102 people and destroyed the town in what is now the deadliest ‘WILDFIRE” in the United States in more than a “CENTURY.”
Did you mean the “DEADLIEST” (DEW) Directed Energy Weapons – ATTACK?
edit: "event" date
It's the juice that is the true enemy of the West, and it's always been the juice.
If China is in fact the enemy it is because the juice like the Chinese model of totalitarianism and want to use it as a model for enslaving their ant-men in the US and Europe. You see the plan for global domination coming to full fruition now and don't forget their interbreeding with the bloodlines to solidify power. All of the former "WASP" elites (Trump, Biden, Clinton, etc) are now of the serpent bloodline and don't forget the likes of Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chen as emblematic of this same process with China. Best wishes to you brother in these perilous times!
The same people running things now created the Chinese totalitarian model. Great history here if what happened to China
I read recently that juice were actually involved with the formation of the CCP. I've not researched it well, so take it with a grain of salt. Best wishes to you as well!
I'm not sure if it will allow me to paste URLs in here, but check this short little book out if so. I try to refrain from monomaniacally reiterating this subject but it is nevertheless amazing how deep the depths of the malfeasance go.
I think they are really setting their sights on China now as it is arguably the most important nation state that is not under the control of their banking tentacles. As sad as it is to say, I think Russia is probably controlled and there is evidence Putin is one himself. The whole antagonism with Russia could well be just Kabuki theater designed to shove more Whites into another pointless meat grinder war to satisfy the blood lust of their tribal God Jehovah. I also recommend another short book "The Mystery of the Serpent' by BF Jackson.
Perilous Times ahead 🥺🥺😡😡🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻