Agree! People have 2-5yrs possibly a little more give or take due to the way the lucijuice functions and is incorporated into one’s DNA. The alteration in the DNA makes one a spike protein factory. The spike protein acts as razor blades within the body. My mom got the lucijuice and has had 2 heart attacks and also a necrotic liver that is only functioning at 30% and she has never drank, smoked, or did any extracurricular drugs.
if it was only spike which is in fact just a protein envelop synthetized from snake and sea snails venom.... add to that nano circuits, hydroxyde graphene, + 200 more chemicals and metals transforming the DNA for ever an making each human as an "node" for their IEEE 802.15 network like WBAN (health control), IoT, IoB. I suggest to follow nonvaxer420 and psinergy (sabrina wallace) on rumble, you will definitely fulfil your knowledge of their evil plan. you can also take a look on our platform, which many of videos on the subject are available.
I stumbled upon Sabrina by chance. 1st I had heard of the details of Smart Dust. It all makes perfect sickening sense though. Transhumanism at its finest.
Look up "The Dr Ardis" - She may need a nicotine patch and the venom peptides will detach in favor of the nicotine and she may start getting well. Note: nicotine is nutrition, not a addictive drug. It is in potatoes, and tomatoes etc. We have been lied to.
But i must add...take it slow. Detoxing too much too fast with the nicotine patches can make you very ill. Small dose patches ard the way to go (personal experience).
You are absolutely right. I didn't get the shot but decided to try the patches anyways. About a week on 7mg a day patch, I began to get a brain fog. I was detoxing something. so I dropped down to 3 mg a day for 2 weeks and then back up to 7 mg and I was fine.
Dr. Tenpenny told me to get nicotine patches, for totally different purpose, I am not vaxxed. I have a fungus called aspergillosis in my lungs. Also have stachybotrys (blk mold spores). It helps with this too. Interesting. I bet 100% we have mold and fungus along with the parasites in shot. The nicotine helps me.
I agree there is all kinds of toxic things in the lucijuice!!! My mom got MRSA in her blood with no open wounds. How does that happen? And I also know of someone else that got the lucijuice and also came up with an internal MRSA infection with now open wound source that only leads one to suspect the lucijuice.
Hi! 👋 I have used diatomaceous earth, peroxide, wormwood, blk walnut. I have anti fungals, I have itraconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole. I got hit with mold and fungus, the natural way to get parasites, lol. I had a stroke but no lesions on my brain. Tried it all. They are somewhat gone, still in bladder…but not forgotten.
The best detox is apple pectin. Eat a high potassium diet the cells pump clean with clean salt and non gmo organic potassium. Good luck to you all most salt is poisoned.
Thanks Dustin. I will view your link. I share this Kind of information with vaxxed people on the street and in stores almost every day. I will add this to my info sheet. I also share the gospel at the same time.
I'm trying to understand this nicotine thing. Do you have a study which shows which part of the plant the nicotine is in for potatoes and tomatoes and at what levels? Because caterpillars (like hornworms) regularly eat the leaves of tomatoes with no harmful effects but if you spray them with a nicotine solution it will kill most insects (which I have done).
It looks like a required nutrient that disappeared in our depleated soil. We need to consume as much of it as needed... so it looks like we win again thanks to caring researchers. Patches are expensive but at least we can cut them up to take the dosages that we need. I, for one, eat a lot of organic tomato salsa 🌮🇲🇽🍅🔥😂
The nutrient that disappeared in our soil would be selenium. Two raw organic Brazil nuts a day is your replenishment for that. We must stop guessing… CV two is US patented and made in a lab. The virus has never been isolated. We have no idea what was or is in these injections and must proceed with caution, not only for our overall health, but pocketbooks for those promoting treatment protocols, skipping double blind studies. I side with Dr. Lee Merritt as compared to all others her research and analysis checks all the boxes of what we are seeing. Pull back the curtain and learn about EMF poisoning and parasites. God bless humanity.🙏🏻
And he insisted that the RAMEN spectroscopy of La Quinta Columna corresponded to graphene hydroxide and not graphene oxide, and that the both have different properties. Actually he said that graphene hydroxide is way more dangerous than graphene oxide.
Shortly after, he was dead. Sudden mysterious death. Connect the dots.
Well thats interesting because in 2023 a train car with 60,000 tons of ammonium nitrate went missing - google “ammonium nitrate graphene hydroxide” and check out all the research papers..They seem to go hand in hand. And you know what happened shortly after those chemicals went missing? All the sky’s were red in the east coast and midwest. Guess what happens when you burn ammonium nitrate? Gives you a red smoke. So it would make sense based off the research out there that they may have burned that ammonium nitrate in an effort to further mess up the immune system in those with graphene inside them
You can not detox something that literally changed your DNA, that is another deception. You maybe able to eat healthier but remember this altered who you are at a molecular level encoding the Luciferasemrna into the individual’s DNA, this removed that God is your creator via theft and now created in the image
of Lucifer. There is no undoing taking the MOB according to scripture. My mom is on enough man made drugs now to add more man made drugs such as nicotine does not make any sense and would tax her liver even more.
Janet, 👋, sometimes I think this is true. I am very sorry for your mom. Natural nicotine could help, somewhat, but you are correct about her liver. As said, I am not vaxxed. Dr. Tenpenny said to do patches, for my fungus and mold in my lungs. It’s working. Dr. Judy also says, trade toxin for toxin. One could cancel the other. I hope your mom gets better.
I got Exorcism Records from Greek Monastery Monks , who exorcist deceived people from this shots and demons had to give all hidden data about this. As long as we are in the Period of Mercy Jesus Christ ✝️ himself helps our souls. And exactly this message including Dr Bryan Ardis possible helps do I deliver to my fellow people
Christ 👑🌟is the judge and nothing / no one else❗️
Luciferase Microarray Patches 👉contain DARPA Hydrogel & Autonomous Cyborg Sentinels are not yet dispensed global
I don’t know about any exorcism, all I know is I already have a personal relationship with Christ and it is b/c of that I recognize what the lucijuice is. If Christ chooses to accept people who repent He is the one with that authority. All I know is God gave me a voice
to speak out against the lucijuice and I obeyed. It isn’t my place to judge their heart. My place is to walk in obedience to God’s Word and share the truth with those who will listen praying people do repent and turn to God.
I’m so sorry to that your mother is suffering because of the damn jab. It is all so horrific enough but to watch your loved ones suffer the consequences must a terrible burden for you to have to carry. May God Bless you.
This seems to be a test of common sense, and the basic ability to reason and research and do due diligence. Like an event that separates the wheat (the useful) from the chaff (the useless sheeple).
I’m fully vaccinated… that emergency experimental medical intervention qualified as a genetic treatment before someone changed the definition. Makes sense it’s loaded with luciferase, and probably much more nasty shit than that.
I’m curious how a single bottle hasn’t fallen off the truck somewhere and landed in a laboratory full of angry, skeptical scientists- or nerds.
It did, many bottles have been analysed internationally by a bunch of skeptical scientists (and they should be skeptical if they're real scientists), with different methods and devices as available.
Most complicated point: Very probably the vials contained different ingredients, see Mike Yeadons analysis of the batch number vs. side effects correlation statistics.
In some vials there seems to have been nothing but saline solution (nothing found, zero side effects), and in others a toxic cocktail (proven, heavy side effects).
The luciferase was visible in some people via uv light, the veins in hands, arms, legs glowed in the dark, like in the disco blacklight.
There are 100's of experts writing about the fraud for 3.5 years these are the Dr's deplatformed, silenced, illegally stripped of their tenured positions , contacts. Etc THE EVIL GREEDY AND CRIMINAL CABAL COLLUDED OVER 19 YRS AGO, READ Sasha Latypova or Katherine Watt Substack. Or go to Rumble see the 26 part Series: The Fall of the Cabal- they see it coming and will stop at nothing to take the good with them. Just as God rose: The Good rise again: there is a little bit of God in every one of us 😀
Thank you for reminding about this excellent work of the two dutch ladies "The Fall of the Cabal". This is a historical document und should be saved and shown forever.
Sadly, one of the two ladies died, it's said by suicide. The other lady did a short video about it.
I'm not sure that "Luciferase" is the actual culprit. It might be, but I don't think so and to be honest, I had this thought fairly recently. You know why? I was looking up something about Fireflies because they're quite abundant this year from all the rain. I was also looking up what attracts them and in doing so, accidentally ran across this info:
Firefly luciferase (luciferin)
Firefly luciferase is the light-emitting enzyme responsible for the bioluminescence of fireflies and click beetles. The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of firefly luciferin, requiring oxygen and ATP. Because of the requirement of ATP, firefly luciferases have been used extensively in biotechnology.
Yes, I know that this enzyme called by men "luciferase" is the very same enzyme you find in fireflies. I don't know why they chose this name, but ok… it has to do with "light" in a sense.
But it seems that they have used this very same enzyme in some (probably not all) of the vaccines, at least some vaxed people had those glowing symptoms, see f.ex. here but there are more sources out there.
It appears that one thing is true: that the vials didn't contain the same. They were all heterogeneous, in content and in toxicity thus different culprits, thoughout all nations. It was a worldwide global huge field experiment.
I'm sorry but that's nonsense. Religious zealotry, hoping and wishing something into existence is not going to fix this. It takes people actually doing something to make changes in their lives, assuming they got the shots and are now having health issues. "Cause and effect", otherwise known as Karma. Science would call it one of the Laws of Physics. Whatever the terminology used, it's the same thing.
To say "it's all in God's hands" is a cheap and WEAK cop-out and you're basically throwing any personal accountability (for anything, not just this) out the window and saying "oh, yep....God's got this....I don't have to do shit!!" -- Gtfo out of here man..... especially with the "Reese had led so many astray" comment because he's the ONLY one affiliated with INFO WARS that I am aware of that called out the BS of VIROLOGY. Again, an outside "problem" where you can blame it on something so you don't have to take personal accountability for what YOU have control over.
I'm really not trying to be rude, but this is WEAK leftist mentality.....Oh please God save me so I don't have to do anything for myself.....I mean government.....because once they beat you into submission that's how it'll be.....
People that are thriving right now in health/fitness, financially and LIFE....regardless of the shit economy. You know why that is? Because they didn't just stay down when they get knocked down. It's called being a fucking WARRIOR. You think the founding father's of this country just laid down? Whether you believe that story or not, it's the point of the story that matters. Give it a try sometime.... or just lay down and do nothing.
Most folk who identify as either on the left- or the right can - and do - both err, as a matter of course.
They’re being groomed to accept the ultimate IDOL, savior or the world, in the wings waiting to be identified.
The fact that some are thriving now speaks to those who have always been more skeptical, independent and probably “outsiders,” all along. They’re the only ones who have any hope of true survival in the days ahead.
This quality can’t be purchased or stolen, it’s inherent though it can be nurtured and developed.
Political parties are merely the IDOLS that those without something internal to guide and strengthen them, will eagerly follow, for the false feeling of security it brings.
Who runs the US and UN? Who were the Rockefeller"s a proxy for? Tell me "Marcel 4 Zion", who is the Way/Truth/Light... and who did He say was the synagog of Satan?
I wonder who told Mr. Deagle about that massive Population Decline in the Western World? Was he actually able to talk to the top of the Pyramid? The top of the Cabal,.....? Who even knows who they are! But it must have been someone that Bill Gates spoke to often.....since he's the one spewing all the lies about how 'vaxxing would fix over population'. The Chosen People have decided, the rest of us MUST DIE.
CIA is a Jesuit organization and he clearly had CIA ties.
The Jesuits are Luciferians, and if anyone doubts that, all they need to do is look at what they named their observatory on mount Graham, or perhaps the serpent shaped auditorium in Rome.
Wasn’t aware of CIA being a part of the Society of Jesus, who as far as I was aware are a Catholic Priesthood who’s ordained take the usual RCC vows of chastity and obedience plus the additional vow of poverty… having something to do with the missionary world of saints Francis Xavier and Ignatius Loyola. They are considered to be the intellectual class of the priesthood and are primarily scientists and teachers at some of the finest schools around the world.
Im aware of the alleged infiltration of the order in the 18th century by the likes of Adam Weisshaupt at the behest of the Rothschilds, who then went on to form the Illuminati after leaving the priesthood and then spreading those ideas underground inside upper levels of some Masonic Lodges.
I’ve been to Rome and the Vatican but missed the serpent auditorium. I’m also unaware of their luciferian beliefs, the name of their observatory on Mt Graham or their relationship with CIA. Please provide some details and links if possible.
“Solving the mystery of Babylon the Great” by Edward Hendrie
This book was a good history lesson for me, and connected more dots than any other source that I’ve come across.
Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit priest also exposed this order for their true identity and purpose before he was taken out by them.
Of course this man became an enemy of Rome, and therefore many smear campaigns online have been written about him, but I personally believe every word he said, especially since they murdered him over it. Chick publications was the company that originally published Alberto’s work, and I believe it’s still available online.
As far as the serpent shaped Auditorium in Rome. No problem, click on the link below, and you can see it for yourself.
Roman Catholics will make up 100 different excuses as to why this thing exists, trying to justify it somehow, but the rest of us understand exactly why it was created.
Most is a deep rooted anti-catholic belief. Stems from a necessary hatred of what one has broken from, as to justify such break away. ( reformation) but also ignorance of what actually is done and the history behind it in the catholic church. Do we have people destroying the church from within? Yes.
There is a war within good vs evil, just like the US. Our evil people in politics does not change our constitution, anymore then those within Christ’s church doing evil, changes Jesus’s one true church. Jesus began his church as ONE. Not 40,000 christian denominations as it stands today. Satan divides. Christ started His church as ONE. We must push back on those within and clean the church of her blasphemies.
Roman Catholicism never was the true church of Jesus Christ and anybody who believes that has been deceived. It angers me greatly that they have managed to completely con so many people into believing this lie. I am not affiliated with any religion, and I have spent my lifetime observing the wickedness coming from Roman Catholicism, having grown up in great Britain and seeing a Roman Catholic Church on every street corner across the land in every village. The true church of Jesus Christ was started on the day of Pentecost when Peter converted 3000 souls in the book of acts chapter 2, you should go read it This has nothing to do with Roman Catholicism, which didn’t even crop up for another 400 years Your first Pontus Maximus was a Roman Emperor, who was a pagan, his name was Constantine. If Roman Catholics would sit down and read the word of God for themselves, they would surely be able to see that it teaches nothing that Roman Catholicism teaches. They are not compatible.
The priesthood knows the truth and our actively deceiving the congregation, and the congregation are full of well intentioned good hearted people, but they are allowing themselves to be deceived because they clearly don’t have a love for the truth.
Roman Catholics are hands-down, the most brainwashed group I’ve ever come across in my entire life. They take the truth that is in front of their eyes and they ignore it because their church told them the opposite.
This is why Jesus said, let no man deceive you, and that you shall know them by their fruits How many children need to be molested before Roman Catholics will even ponder the fact that their priesthood might not be who they claim to be!
Homosexuality is an abomination before God and the Catholic Church has a priesthood full of pedophiles and homosexuals. And Roman Catholics believe that these men represent Jesus Christ?
If they don’t wake up to the truth, they will all perish. Salvation isn’t through a priesthood or a religion, it is through Jesus Christ alone.
I don’t hate Roman Catholicism because I’m a protestant, I hate Roman Catholicism because It is a false religion and their priests are a bunch of liars and deceivers, sending untold millions of souls straight to hell.
We were all born into a family that was either religious or non-religious and it is up to each of us as individuals to determine whether or not we were raised in truth. There is nothing true about Roman Catholicism, everything they do is backwards and twisted and satanic. The real question is why can’t Roman Catholics plainly see what the rest of us can?
Your history is a bit skewed. Every anti-catholic has their argument. Deception is in all the other ‘denominations’ my friend. We will agree to dissagree . I have heard versions of this same argument before and have read the true history of the church. I am sorry but believe the deception is outside of the catholic church. It has been attacked before and will co tinue to be. Just as Lucifer would have it. But Jesus said Hell would not prevail against it. I follow Jesus. This division is Satan. Don’t be a part of it my friend.
Perhaps somebody like Walter Veith could open your eyes to the truth. He used to be a lifelong devout Roman Catholic, who understands their dogmas, and can break down their deceptions like no other. Perhaps you have heard of him?
You are clinging to what you believe is the true church of Jesus Christ but what you fail to acknowledge is that the church aka the ecclesia, is the body of believers, NOT an organized religion or institution.
The true church of Jesus Christ was born on the day of Pentecost in Acts Chapter 2, when 3,000 souls believed that Jesus was indeed the messiah, and they repented and were baptized. These 3,000 souls then spread out amongst the Roman Empire, and this was the beginning of the true church. This was the church, these were the followers of Jesus Christ.
You are basing your faith upon an entity that showed up on the scene hundreds of years later, after the Roman authorities failed to stop the spreading of Christianity, so they decided a different approach would be needed. They had their pagan emperor make Christianity the official religion of the empire, and they set up a priesthood, synagogues and started a new religion infused with their pagan and Gnostic traditions that had followed them from their time spent in captivity in Babylon. They persecuted the true followers of Jesus who would not accept this new state sponsored abomination that would eventually be called Roman Catholicism.
Judaism and Roman Catholicism are essentially the same thing, led by the same people, and they both serve the same god….it just isn’t the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
The same Babylonian Talmudic Scribes and Pharisees are responsible for both.
When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn, and the forgiveness of sin via animal sacrifice was no longer accepted by God. Jesus was the spotless lamb of God sacrificed for the redemption of sins, and no more animal sacrifices would ever be acceptable to God.
These Pharisees had a big problem, and therefore needed to create a new way of doing things moving forward, so the traditions of the elders became the new path moving forward for all of those people who rejected Jesus Christ as their messiah.
These elder traditions eventually were written down, and have become the Talmud. There is a Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmud, but the later is greater than the former.
These Pharisees crept into this Roman Universal religion, and infused it with their occult knowledge. We don’t call them Pharisees anymore, today they have another name…perhaps you have heard of it: Jesuit.
The Jesuits are one and the same. The official story is they were commissioned by the pope to be a response to the reformation. This is a half truth at best. Yes, they hate true followers of Jesus Christ and do seek to destroy them, just as their brothers in Judaism, but these Jesuits have ALWAYS controlled this false religion from the shadows. The white pope is the public eye of the papacy, while the Jesuit General aka Black Pope is the power behind the scenes. These days we now have a Jesuit pope. Comical to me, as Jesuits technically are supposed to be loyal and in submission to the pope, NOT become the pope. Roman Catholics know there is something very wrong with this picture.
My overall point is that Judaism and Roman Catholicism were both founded and controlled by the same people, and those people hate Jesus Christ. Both are false religions, and both have wealth and power, because God has allowed them to thrive until the appointed time, when He will utterly destroy both of them.
The Bible even reveals mysteries in Revelation 17 about all of this, for those who have discernment. (Sadly most don’t.)
The pageantry of the gold and glamor of these false religions, is like a shiny fishing lure designed to capture and steal the souls of men. Don’t be blinded by their deceptions, seek God and His truth (Bible) and it will set you free!
Roman Catholicism isn’t a get out of hell free card. Rather, it’s a one-way ticket straight to hell.
So true of most groups there will be a smaller % that are the adverse effect of evil the even smaller % of the truly dangerous. Majority are people trying to do good.
COMMITTEE OF 300 has been orchestrating it. It's been successfully put down as a "conspiracy theory" for decades so nobody looks into it, but we know better now. In fact, a telltale indicator of its authenticity is that Aldous Huxley was a member. His family carries the torch for themselves now. Brave New World, indeed!
In deed you are correct. These people are already under his influence, as I was before God gave me eternal life. I stand corrected. Thanks, we do need to be accurate.
We are all subject to the unseen influences of the divine and the malevolent. Therein lies the essence of human nature. Humans are unique in that we get to choose between them with every single choice we make.
Those individual choices manifest this material world and our subjective experiences of it.
I mostly agree, but I would say that it is free agency, not free will. No one get's in the way of what God is doing. Not a big deal, but a point just the same. Take care.
Maybe some answers lie in the Committee of 300 and Black Nobility. I do believe there are approximately 10 families above the Rothschild's that run the Cabal. Yes I believe the CIA is a Jesuit organization for sure.
What we need to consider is that depopulation is not an overnight occurrence but due to the vax and its affect on DNA any future generations will not be able to procreate and each succeeding generation will have mutated into something that is not sustainable producing humans that are sickly, ineffective and missing parts of their genetics. Which is the plan.
1. Living healthy, including eating naturally as far as possibe
2. Chop off 5G, 6G antennas or any similar divice like surveillance cameras (UK)
3. Go to airports where the chemtrail planes take off, sabotage them
4. Save your energy, stop missionaring people of your surroundings who don't want to be saved. Just live your example, it'll convince them rather more.
5. Detox as needed and as possible. Many methods out there.
8. Neither participating nor watching those satanic rituals of olympic "games" or any other (sports or other) event which is pervertedly exageratedly expensive.
Which games are Satanic Rituals? I’ve never been much of a sports enthusiast on account of a serious aversion to sports fans, but this new info kinda makes me want to check out the games.
At the moment the olympic games in Paris, horribly satanic, trans everywhere dancing like devils with children in between, apparently mocking of christian religion (but there was also a buddha).
Then nearly any ball sport in US, the biggest tournaments. Be it Football, Basketball, etc.
In Europe the horrible ESC Eurovision Song Contest. But worldwide any oversized superbig music industry event, i.e. with Madonna, Lady Gaga etc.
Mostly you recognize the satanic elements in the opening sessions. Especially in the choice of the music and dance styles. Disgusting, not impressive at all. I don't understand how "fans" can fall for it.
Knowing about it is key. Otherwise we follow others off the cliff. Too late for those that went over. But if we are not aware of what is really going on we'll be dodo birds over the edge.
We won't know and unless the antidote is released we are in danger of all life extinguishing on the planet and that is humans, animals, insects.
Not knowing is the worse because we will have no caution. And they are planning to roll out Pandemic 2.0/ All those out of the loop who will readily take the vax are killing themselves and everyone else since this is all transfecting spreading vaxed or non vaxed. It will be called the "plague" no longer any single this or that virus, bioweapon. People have short memories and don't realize that all these people who are controlled by the deep state whatever you want to call them are doing the agenda of the NWO and sooner or later we will succumb because we keep putting in power people who are ordered to harm us until we are no more. In reality it will be our own faults because we were not strong or smart enough to see things for what they are. Like this BUTLER EAR SHOT CHARADE. Then Mr. cauliflower ear has meetings with the same globalists and we think he's going to get something done. He's not. Nothing he did in 2016 to 2020 was enduring. He just sold MERCH, talked a good game and filled people's ears with platitudes. HOPIUM. It got undone and he didn't even really build a wall, he pretended to build a wall but left holes by highways so the illegals were easily funneled into the country instead of crossing all along a 2000 mile stretch of bad lands. If we can't see what's real we are falling behind organizing behind it. So it will be our faults for being weak minded and spineless.
Wait till he gets elected then truly all hell will break loose - gotta consider that the liar of liars himself will indwell him.
The earth is being scorched and rendered uninhabitable as we speak.
The serpent race believes they will go underground and reemerge and rebuild their cleansed planet. Plan B is to leave it altogether… but this planet is doomed to be incinerated.
Nothing you do or say will stop it.
And yea we did this ourselves:
They didn’t make us do a damned thing, they just told us to and we did it.
Some less so than others of course but in your personal evolution, you were guilty of some of it, as was I. We are further along than most apparently but none of us are leaving this planet alive. Best to realize this now. Not being a doom and gloom just speaking the truth.
Yes, we're here in this for reasons not immediately apparent. It's not impossible to sense a weirdness in all this and whomever gets in and how it will happen will define much of what is to come. Even if nothing can stop things, it is good to try and make note of it specially if one feels compelled to do so.
Human behavior seems to be organized around “clusters, it’s not random.
For those who are to whatever degree, “aware,”taking action is inevitable. You could no more not take action than you could choose to not breathe; it’s impossible.
The specifics of what that action looks like is up to the individual and his or her place in the grand scheme of things.
I don’t believe our personal histories were random, either. They prepared us for our place in this weirdness today.
I confer. If one stands back and looks at as much one can absorb in totality it's definitely "weird" much of it in a benevolent, mystical, magical, spiritual if you will, way.
This has been a reoccurring agenda since the time of PLATO. He wrote of packing people in cities and releasing a plague. But now they have the technology and the power to do it and have done it. All those who are mindless walking into the agenda are who is ruining it for everyone else if not themselves. And those who know better but refuse to stand up to it are even worse because they KNOW BETTER.
It goes back to everything, even linoleum in the 50's/60's, lead paint, the list is endless. Committee of 300. "Those you were taught to trust the most." Remember the cigarette commercials? "Doctors recommend Chesterfields" Churches of every stipe were infiltrated, all the scriptures edited. GIRD YOUR LOINS PEOPLE.
But never discount The Holy Spirit within you ❤️🔥
Possible that they are simultaneously breeding super-children, genetically-altered to be activated by some stimuli for future use - alongside the diminishing lines which will eventually die out?
These 15-minute cities - rats nests in disguise, and its occupants might be hand-selected for adaptation and survival for servitude in the NWO.
Never know what's the real score. We have films coming out of how JFK faked his death and the body of J.D. Tippit used for the autopsy. Gives the word creepy a whole other meaning.
The Global birth rate has been declining since 1952. I guess that's not quick enough. There is a humane way to lower the world's population, but they don't have a single humane bone in their carcasses.
Thanks for the clip but anyone who thinks leadership which all of them have clones in front of camera are "gaming the system" need to take a 60k foot view. They are ALL READING SCRIPTS PUT OUT BY THE CFR under the HOR and are GAMING HUMANITY FOR A DEPOPULATION AGENDA. This is the reason for all the wars, the disease which will eventually be called THE PLAGUE (thanks too Plato), the food manipulation and in the works are the FEMA CAMPS using robots to run the whole thing to do what Hitler did and was turn "excess people" into FERTILIZER for the NWO. SV40 was put in POLIO VACCINES in the 50's and that was designed to cause cancer late on in a person's elder years. Besides all the other agendas, they are searching for genetic material in all of humanity that will help them build robot bodies to where the elite can transfer their consciousnesses into and drive the bodies like cars and when that wears out they just get a new one. Hence they are sacrificing people like lab rats to find those genes and they don't care how many have to die in the name of "science." And then the other side of this is an INCOMING ELE to where they are mercy killing humanity while the elite run to underground cities fortified for the next 100 years. The White Hat scenario is a CIA distract. Trump is part of the elite and he's their guy to get us further can-kicked down the road. That rally seance was just that. Fuckery to stand there and strike a pose as Madonna would say while sacrificing a few lambs as his RIGHT EAR was "bloodied" according to some ritual to where he becomes THE GUY for their AGENDA.
Glad to see you getting around to the Deagle Forecast, Greg. Whats also interesting is the countries that will stay the same or increase in population, such as China.
Funny you say that because I personally noticed that places like the USA. Germany Great Britain and Australia all had huge drop offs in populations, while some of the non-white nations actually increased in population according to their statistics. For instance, I noticed Mexico‘s numbers actually went up according to their statistics.
I’ve been pondering what they are up to for over 10 years, and I really thought it was the Vaccines that would be used to target people, and it still might be, however there is probably a 5G/frequency aspect to all of this that will actually do the majority of the killing Once they crank up that system and pulse the crap out of everybody.
The calling has already begun, but the “great calling“ is right before our eyes. No doubt it will be a combination of war, famine, and pestilences, and if those things don’t sound familiar, go read Matthew Chapter 24.
We probably have just a few months left of good times compared to what’s coming and I believe the event that will kick off the bad times will be when they assassinate Donald Trump, and mark my words, it’s going to happen!!!
Separation of powers is the division of a government into branches, each with separate, independent powers and responsibilities, so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with others.
Fundamentally any Society is based on Truth and separation of power.
When the power can be bought like it is prevalent in Politics especially in the USA then we live in a Dictatorship.
The power of Money lies with the Jews who control the money.
And since it is a system of fractional reserve banking… the Jews and the Rothschilds who control it always have 10 times more money than all of the rest of the world combined.
It is basically a system of slavery by the Jews… who can’t buy Truth even if they would want to which they wouldn’t.
Whenever you are referring to those Zionist bankers calling themselves Jews, please include the fact that they “claim” to be Jews, yet are lying.
Synagogue of Satan
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Acts 7:43 (KJV)
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
The nation of Israel 🇮🇱 <<<<~ proudly displays their star of Remphan for all to see. These people are not real Jews.
They’re Zionists, globalists, luciferians, Freemasons, Jesuits, scribes, Pharisees, children of the devil, aka Edomites, but they ARENT JEWS!!!
I understand the larger point you're making but can you give me any more information on the idea that the star of Rephan and its association with Molech, is the so-called Star of David which appears on the Israeli flag? My understanding is that the star of Rephan aka Remphan is 8 sided and the so-called Star of David is 6 sided.
How can "Semite" refer to the Phoenicians (extinct), the Akkadians (extinct), the Hebrews, the Canaanites (extinct), and the Arabs, BUT "antisemitic" is used to mean "anti-jew?"
Another one: If my friend says that he is a secular Jew, doesn't that mean a non-Jew Jew.... especially since Judaism is definitely not a race. I wonder if I could get away with saying that I'm a secular Christian?
Not a race. As Shapiro plainly explains, there are Jews of every ethnicity. Judaism is a religion, purely, and is not a race or a nation. These ideas are purely Zionist nonsense.
This means this is announcement to kill humans on earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !
CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !
We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!
X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !
Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members and the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !
Please See that the "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !!
Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hands of Crown Parasites in England secretly with "infiltration" they are the Head of the One World Government Piracy & they are the Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide & theft to steal all the wealth and to steal all the Earth !
Read book This is the truth :
The Queen & King of Piracy for Crown in England leading the genocide & theft against humanity to steal all the Earth..
The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 is the " Crown in England !
All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates ..... is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened at least in the last 200 years all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazis & called Zionists ) in the governments, religious leaders ..etc their loyalty to the Head of the Satanic Freemasonry around the Earth which is the Head of the Committee of 300 & Head of the One World Government of Piracy which is the Crown Parasites in England !
Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !
All the presidents & their governments are actors hired by the Crown in England !
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
This means the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) , & with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other venom & poison !
All symptoms is because the radiation poisoning with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers )
Watch video Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping!
Attacking humanity pulsating 5G and more to cause many diseases like cancer , autoimmune diseases what they call the "cow mad disease" is directed energy weapons attacks against humans and animals to cause fear their is scary virus as germ .. This is not true as there is no virus as germ as they did not isolate any virus in human history !
The Crown in England head of Piracy & Head of Committee of 300 infiltrated every government on earth including USA to depopulate the world & to steal all the Earth !
Watch this human lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth that the Crown in England leading the genocide , theft & Piracy against humanity & it is Victorian Plan !
"Dr Bryan Ardis " from USA , mentioned in his interviews that the elevated D - Dimer is a sign of clotting & snake venom poisoning and all the people died of COVID19 injections all had elevated D - Dimer !
Dr Bryan Ardis talking about the Nano - King Cobra snake venom poisoning in jabs
COVID19 is Cobra Venom Induced Death & they are using 19 deadly protein peptides from snake venom , marine snails , any venom to shut down the internal organs & each protein peptide target certain internal organ & controlled with nano technology via satellites !
"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
This means the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) , & with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other venom & poison !
There is no hope for humanity to "understand the truth" when people still think that Trump or Joe Biden will help humanity while their historical actions shows they are paedophiles slaves to the One World Government of Piracy and killing the people with 5G roll out & the death injections for COVID19 for depopulation !
And all the News coming from them are lies , and FAKE NEWS !
This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on and what race !
Trump assassination was a lie & magic show & applying with the secret agents on his top they applied the bloody synthetic silicon- rubber ear cover & fake blood on his cheek with two stripes of blood directed toward the mouth means "The Bloody Right & Left controlled by ONE MOUTH for the One World Government Piracy for the Crown in England "!
Also the two stripes of fake blood applied on Trump's cheek gives the logo of the CrowdStrike which indicates there will be cyberattacks on the banks to steal all the money by the One World Government Piracy to blamed it on false flag operations for more wars & civil wars for depopulation heading towards agenda 2030 YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & YOU WILL BE HAPPY which most likely you will be dead & happy to escaped the enslavement on the body & mind by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT OF PIRACY which is a HELL ON EARTH !
While Trump will sedate the people & lie to the people as usual that he is using the help from this CrowdStrike to investigate who is behind the cyber-attacks on the banks !!
Trump is used to push for more civil wars in USA "Go hunt the immigrants !!" & more wars against other nations while killing the people in USA like every traitor like him rolled out the 5G rolled out and the Death Bioweapons injections for depopulation so the Crown in England will conquer to collect all the Earth with infiltration !
1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !
Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)
Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !
Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the wealth & to own all the Earth!
2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !
Millions are dead & disabled for life because of these injections
Who created the United Nations to fool the world is the Crown Parasites in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 and their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents including Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide
Roosevelt and Churchill met at the White House in December 1941 for the Arcadia Conference. Roosevelt, considered a founder of the UN, coined the term United Nations to describe the Allied countries. Churchill accepted it, noting its use by Lord Byron. The text of the Declaration by United Nations was drafted on 29 December 1941, by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Harry Hopkins.
Yes, and the label ingredients are horrific. I just ran across a recipe yesterday for mayo using hard boiled eggs. I've always shied away from homemade because of the raw eggs but from all reports, you can use hard boiled in place of raw w/o noticeable difference. Recipes all over the web.
When I was young they had to ban the mayonnaise because it contained eggs in the school cafeteria and they were spoiled. I learned as an adult there are many mayonnaise brands that are only oil and lemon with no eggs and I'm sure those have a longer shelf life. But oil can turn rancid. Once someone invited me to eat of snack packs in a box during a meeting and I didn't check the date on it but it made me sick and I thought there was a funny smell to it they were 4 months expired and guess what the oil was rancid in the snack. Do not eat expired snacks. That's a regular belly ache we will all wish to avoid.
My husband and got a sourdough starter 3 years and make bread, crepes and crackers using organic flour. It’s easy and even occasional’ failures’ still are good. The 2nd rise is overnight in the refrigerator as fermentation 24 hours or more eats all the gluten.
You know that's really sad I stopped reading the labels and I just had a twin pack of Oreos given to me as a consolation prize because the item that I had waited for was sold out but I discovered some of my favorite movie candy has got nano garbage in it such as Good and Plenty if anyone remembers that one, and some cereals. This is serious they're sneaking it into our diet with stealth without a full page ad like there ought to be for each time they change the recipe. They figured they got away with, not having to tell anyone their food contains GMOs, so they squeezed their limits to include nanoparticles as ingredients and they're not listing it as an ingredient it's just a little warning blurb off to the side somewhere.
Russia has the LOWEST allowable limits of wi-fi radiation, Russia does not grow genetically modified plants, all of this while being a communist country. And now populations in many countries suppose/have to die but the communist one??? It is hard to grasp,
Edwin Deagle was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His population predictions were most likely based on a plan for a WW3. He wrote about Russia and China's aggressive military preparations. Based upon the prediction of .5% population decrease in Russia, a drastically lower number than for the west, I think we can guess who is supposed to come out relatively unscathed when the nuclear dust settles.
Remember, "in the presents of God and the angles". I saw a catholic priest video who had an NDE and the thought he was in purgatory and could see heaven and he thought that th could get there quicker if enough people paid there indulgences for him. They are so deceived. I understand that a Catholic can pay 50.00 for a special mass to their different jesus will help get there family and friends out of purgatory. So sad.
No need to you will soon find out. Jesus mentions "hell" 23 times in the new Testament. He wants no soul to go there. Repent and follow Jesus, do not poison the poor people with vax scenes.
Here is the direct link to the webpage Deagel had up before removing it. BingChat says it's wrong more than it is right. So what do we do?
People have been dropping like flies due to the lucijuice.
and it's only the start
Agree! People have 2-5yrs possibly a little more give or take due to the way the lucijuice functions and is incorporated into one’s DNA. The alteration in the DNA makes one a spike protein factory. The spike protein acts as razor blades within the body. My mom got the lucijuice and has had 2 heart attacks and also a necrotic liver that is only functioning at 30% and she has never drank, smoked, or did any extracurricular drugs.
if it was only spike which is in fact just a protein envelop synthetized from snake and sea snails venom.... add to that nano circuits, hydroxyde graphene, + 200 more chemicals and metals transforming the DNA for ever an making each human as an "node" for their IEEE 802.15 network like WBAN (health control), IoT, IoB. I suggest to follow nonvaxer420 and psinergy (sabrina wallace) on rumble, you will definitely fulfil your knowledge of their evil plan. you can also take a look on our platform, which many of videos on the subject are available.
I stumbled upon Sabrina by chance. 1st I had heard of the details of Smart Dust. It all makes perfect sickening sense though. Transhumanism at its finest.
Look up "The Dr Ardis" - She may need a nicotine patch and the venom peptides will detach in favor of the nicotine and she may start getting well. Note: nicotine is nutrition, not a addictive drug. It is in potatoes, and tomatoes etc. We have been lied to.
But i must add...take it slow. Detoxing too much too fast with the nicotine patches can make you very ill. Small dose patches ard the way to go (personal experience).
You are absolutely right. I didn't get the shot but decided to try the patches anyways. About a week on 7mg a day patch, I began to get a brain fog. I was detoxing something. so I dropped down to 3 mg a day for 2 weeks and then back up to 7 mg and I was fine.
Dr. Tenpenny told me to get nicotine patches, for totally different purpose, I am not vaxxed. I have a fungus called aspergillosis in my lungs. Also have stachybotrys (blk mold spores). It helps with this too. Interesting. I bet 100% we have mold and fungus along with the parasites in shot. The nicotine helps me.
I agree there is all kinds of toxic things in the lucijuice!!! My mom got MRSA in her blood with no open wounds. How does that happen? And I also know of someone else that got the lucijuice and also came up with an internal MRSA infection with now open wound source that only leads one to suspect the lucijuice.
Hi! 👋 I have used diatomaceous earth, peroxide, wormwood, blk walnut. I have anti fungals, I have itraconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole. I got hit with mold and fungus, the natural way to get parasites, lol. I had a stroke but no lesions on my brain. Tried it all. They are somewhat gone, still in bladder…but not forgotten.
The best detox is apple pectin. Eat a high potassium diet the cells pump clean with clean salt and non gmo organic potassium. Good luck to you all most salt is poisoned.
Dr. Ardis also just put out a foreign protein cleanse that is supposed to heal from jab damage and eliminate spike proteins:
Thanks Dustin. I will view your link. I share this Kind of information with vaxxed people on the street and in stores almost every day. I will add this to my info sheet. I also share the gospel at the same time.
I'm trying to understand this nicotine thing. Do you have a study which shows which part of the plant the nicotine is in for potatoes and tomatoes and at what levels? Because caterpillars (like hornworms) regularly eat the leaves of tomatoes with no harmful effects but if you spray them with a nicotine solution it will kill most insects (which I have done).
It looks like a required nutrient that disappeared in our depleated soil. We need to consume as much of it as needed... so it looks like we win again thanks to caring researchers. Patches are expensive but at least we can cut them up to take the dosages that we need. I, for one, eat a lot of organic tomato salsa 🌮🇲🇽🍅🔥😂
The nutrient that disappeared in our soil would be selenium. Two raw organic Brazil nuts a day is your replenishment for that. We must stop guessing… CV two is US patented and made in a lab. The virus has never been isolated. We have no idea what was or is in these injections and must proceed with caution, not only for our overall health, but pocketbooks for those promoting treatment protocols, skipping double blind studies. I side with Dr. Lee Merritt as compared to all others her research and analysis checks all the boxes of what we are seeing. Pull back the curtain and learn about EMF poisoning and parasites. God bless humanity.🙏🏻
👉The Hexagonal Graphen Pads inside the shots damage inside blood vessels
ONE of the best physics and experts Dr. Noack from Germany gave public Interviews and Lectures about this 4 years ago and 👉got killed because of this
Just a little note, he was chemist not physicist.
And he insisted that the RAMEN spectroscopy of La Quinta Columna corresponded to graphene hydroxide and not graphene oxide, and that the both have different properties. Actually he said that graphene hydroxide is way more dangerous than graphene oxide.
Shortly after, he was dead. Sudden mysterious death. Connect the dots.
Yes I saw the video he did shortly before. RIP good and come to fight again :)
I need a link on that! I saw his lecture and it was phenomenal!
Well thats interesting because in 2023 a train car with 60,000 tons of ammonium nitrate went missing - google “ammonium nitrate graphene hydroxide” and check out all the research papers..They seem to go hand in hand. And you know what happened shortly after those chemicals went missing? All the sky’s were red in the east coast and midwest. Guess what happens when you burn ammonium nitrate? Gives you a red smoke. So it would make sense based off the research out there that they may have burned that ammonium nitrate in an effort to further mess up the immune system in those with graphene inside them
Brilliant Jonathan, 👏🏻 bravo
Dr. Bryan Ardis sells for recovery: Foreign Protein Cleanse
Nicotine Patch, Blackseed Oil to recover
Watch his Website and lecture about
👉Global Healing Website
You can not detox something that literally changed your DNA, that is another deception. You maybe able to eat healthier but remember this altered who you are at a molecular level encoding the Luciferasemrna into the individual’s DNA, this removed that God is your creator via theft and now created in the image
of Lucifer. There is no undoing taking the MOB according to scripture. My mom is on enough man made drugs now to add more man made drugs such as nicotine does not make any sense and would tax her liver even more.
Try it
I followed Ardis for a while and There is a reason I quit listening to and trusting Dr. Ardis.
Janet, 👋, sometimes I think this is true. I am very sorry for your mom. Natural nicotine could help, somewhat, but you are correct about her liver. As said, I am not vaxxed. Dr. Tenpenny said to do patches, for my fungus and mold in my lungs. It’s working. Dr. Judy also says, trade toxin for toxin. One could cancel the other. I hope your mom gets better.
I'm pretty sure I was exposed to mold. Are nicotine patches available over the counter or are they by prescription only?
Repentance before Almighty GOD is the Cure
I got Exorcism Records from Greek Monastery Monks , who exorcist deceived people from this shots and demons had to give all hidden data about this. As long as we are in the Period of Mercy Jesus Christ ✝️ himself helps our souls. And exactly this message including Dr Bryan Ardis possible helps do I deliver to my fellow people
Christ 👑🌟is the judge and nothing / no one else❗️
Luciferase Microarray Patches 👉contain DARPA Hydrogel & Autonomous Cyborg Sentinels are not yet dispensed global
I don’t know about any exorcism, all I know is I already have a personal relationship with Christ and it is b/c of that I recognize what the lucijuice is. If Christ chooses to accept people who repent He is the one with that authority. All I know is God gave me a voice
to speak out against the lucijuice and I obeyed. It isn’t my place to judge their heart. My place is to walk in obedience to God’s Word and share the truth with those who will listen praying people do repent and turn to God.
I am Christian as well. ☦️✝️❤️
Sells? What does that mean?
I’m so sorry to that your mother is suffering because of the damn jab. It is all so horrific enough but to watch your loved ones suffer the consequences must a terrible burden for you to have to carry. May God Bless you.
This seems to be a test of common sense, and the basic ability to reason and research and do due diligence. Like an event that separates the wheat (the useful) from the chaff (the useless sheeple).
You want to be the chaff they even lied About that the wheat got ground up and eaten the chaff floated away l
What is this lucijuice? I’d like to know so I can avoid it especially if it’s got people dropping like flies!
The c vax and any other vax from now on.
Luciferase inside suspected, that's an enzyme that makes vaxed people glow under black light (ultraviolett).
I’m fully vaccinated… that emergency experimental medical intervention qualified as a genetic treatment before someone changed the definition. Makes sense it’s loaded with luciferase, and probably much more nasty shit than that.
I’m curious how a single bottle hasn’t fallen off the truck somewhere and landed in a laboratory full of angry, skeptical scientists- or nerds.
It did, many bottles have been analysed internationally by a bunch of skeptical scientists (and they should be skeptical if they're real scientists), with different methods and devices as available.
Most complicated point: Very probably the vials contained different ingredients, see Mike Yeadons analysis of the batch number vs. side effects correlation statistics.
In some vials there seems to have been nothing but saline solution (nothing found, zero side effects), and in others a toxic cocktail (proven, heavy side effects).
The luciferase was visible in some people via uv light, the veins in hands, arms, legs glowed in the dark, like in the disco blacklight.
There are 100's of experts writing about the fraud for 3.5 years these are the Dr's deplatformed, silenced, illegally stripped of their tenured positions , contacts. Etc THE EVIL GREEDY AND CRIMINAL CABAL COLLUDED OVER 19 YRS AGO, READ Sasha Latypova or Katherine Watt Substack. Or go to Rumble see the 26 part Series: The Fall of the Cabal- they see it coming and will stop at nothing to take the good with them. Just as God rose: The Good rise again: there is a little bit of God in every one of us 😀
Thank you for reminding about this excellent work of the two dutch ladies "The Fall of the Cabal". This is a historical document und should be saved and shown forever.
Sadly, one of the two ladies died, it's said by suicide. The other lady did a short video about it.
I'm not sure that "Luciferase" is the actual culprit. It might be, but I don't think so and to be honest, I had this thought fairly recently. You know why? I was looking up something about Fireflies because they're quite abundant this year from all the rain. I was also looking up what attracts them and in doing so, accidentally ran across this info:
Firefly luciferase (luciferin)
Firefly luciferase is the light-emitting enzyme responsible for the bioluminescence of fireflies and click beetles. The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of firefly luciferin, requiring oxygen and ATP. Because of the requirement of ATP, firefly luciferases have been used extensively in biotechnology.
Yes, I know that this enzyme called by men "luciferase" is the very same enzyme you find in fireflies. I don't know why they chose this name, but ok… it has to do with "light" in a sense.
But it seems that they have used this very same enzyme in some (probably not all) of the vaccines, at least some vaxed people had those glowing symptoms, see f.ex. here but there are more sources out there.
It appears that one thing is true: that the vials didn't contain the same. They were all heterogeneous, in content and in toxicity thus different culprits, thoughout all nations. It was a worldwide global huge field experiment.
The Luciferasemrna (COVID-19) shot hence the reason I call it the lucijuice
It's all bullshit.
Beware of (injections) advised for these novel iillnesses They are Promoting with the usual attendant fears. .
Maybe medbeds, if they're real, will help with that🙏
I'm sorry but that's nonsense. Religious zealotry, hoping and wishing something into existence is not going to fix this. It takes people actually doing something to make changes in their lives, assuming they got the shots and are now having health issues. "Cause and effect", otherwise known as Karma. Science would call it one of the Laws of Physics. Whatever the terminology used, it's the same thing.
To say "it's all in God's hands" is a cheap and WEAK cop-out and you're basically throwing any personal accountability (for anything, not just this) out the window and saying "oh, yep....God's got this....I don't have to do shit!!" -- Gtfo out of here man..... especially with the "Reese had led so many astray" comment because he's the ONLY one affiliated with INFO WARS that I am aware of that called out the BS of VIROLOGY. Again, an outside "problem" where you can blame it on something so you don't have to take personal accountability for what YOU have control over.
I'm really not trying to be rude, but this is WEAK leftist mentality.....Oh please God save me so I don't have to do anything for myself.....I mean government.....because once they beat you into submission that's how it'll be.....
People that are thriving right now in health/fitness, financially and LIFE....regardless of the shit economy. You know why that is? Because they didn't just stay down when they get knocked down. It's called being a fucking WARRIOR. You think the founding father's of this country just laid down? Whether you believe that story or not, it's the point of the story that matters. Give it a try sometime.... or just lay down and do nothing.
You said it well !! Thanks from those who have ears and alotta Gumption!
I totally agree with everything you said, Mr. Beck. I truly believe that God fully expects us to take action when facing evil.
Most folk who identify as either on the left- or the right can - and do - both err, as a matter of course.
They’re being groomed to accept the ultimate IDOL, savior or the world, in the wings waiting to be identified.
The fact that some are thriving now speaks to those who have always been more skeptical, independent and probably “outsiders,” all along. They’re the only ones who have any hope of true survival in the days ahead.
This quality can’t be purchased or stolen, it’s inherent though it can be nurtured and developed.
Political parties are merely the IDOLS that those without something internal to guide and strengthen them, will eagerly follow, for the false feeling of security it brings.
Balanced thinking and Good Speak is becoming Catchy ! Thanks
Who runs the US and UN? Who were the Rockefeller"s a proxy for? Tell me "Marcel 4 Zion", who is the Way/Truth/Light... and who did He say was the synagog of Satan?
I don’t trust anyone who says they are for ZION. Can’t be Christian if you are a Zionista.
YeHoshua was rejected ‘out of hand’ by those you are cheerleading for •
That's what I thought rabbi.
You Reveal yourself _
Jesus is His name
I wonder who told Mr. Deagle about that massive Population Decline in the Western World? Was he actually able to talk to the top of the Pyramid? The top of the Cabal,.....? Who even knows who they are! But it must have been someone that Bill Gates spoke to often.....since he's the one spewing all the lies about how 'vaxxing would fix over population'. The Chosen People have decided, the rest of us MUST DIE.
CIA is a Jesuit organization and he clearly had CIA ties.
The Jesuits are Luciferians, and if anyone doubts that, all they need to do is look at what they named their observatory on mount Graham, or perhaps the serpent shaped auditorium in Rome.
Glad I no longer take part in that crapola
Wasn’t aware of CIA being a part of the Society of Jesus, who as far as I was aware are a Catholic Priesthood who’s ordained take the usual RCC vows of chastity and obedience plus the additional vow of poverty… having something to do with the missionary world of saints Francis Xavier and Ignatius Loyola. They are considered to be the intellectual class of the priesthood and are primarily scientists and teachers at some of the finest schools around the world.
Im aware of the alleged infiltration of the order in the 18th century by the likes of Adam Weisshaupt at the behest of the Rothschilds, who then went on to form the Illuminati after leaving the priesthood and then spreading those ideas underground inside upper levels of some Masonic Lodges.
I’ve been to Rome and the Vatican but missed the serpent auditorium. I’m also unaware of their luciferian beliefs, the name of their observatory on Mt Graham or their relationship with CIA. Please provide some details and links if possible.
“Solving the mystery of Babylon the Great” by Edward Hendrie
This book was a good history lesson for me, and connected more dots than any other source that I’ve come across.
Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit priest also exposed this order for their true identity and purpose before he was taken out by them.
Of course this man became an enemy of Rome, and therefore many smear campaigns online have been written about him, but I personally believe every word he said, especially since they murdered him over it. Chick publications was the company that originally published Alberto’s work, and I believe it’s still available online.
As far as the serpent shaped Auditorium in Rome. No problem, click on the link below, and you can see it for yourself.
Roman Catholics will make up 100 different excuses as to why this thing exists, trying to justify it somehow, but the rest of us understand exactly why it was created.
Wow thanks so much!
Most is a deep rooted anti-catholic belief. Stems from a necessary hatred of what one has broken from, as to justify such break away. ( reformation) but also ignorance of what actually is done and the history behind it in the catholic church. Do we have people destroying the church from within? Yes.
There is a war within good vs evil, just like the US. Our evil people in politics does not change our constitution, anymore then those within Christ’s church doing evil, changes Jesus’s one true church. Jesus began his church as ONE. Not 40,000 christian denominations as it stands today. Satan divides. Christ started His church as ONE. We must push back on those within and clean the church of her blasphemies.
Roman Catholicism never was the true church of Jesus Christ and anybody who believes that has been deceived. It angers me greatly that they have managed to completely con so many people into believing this lie. I am not affiliated with any religion, and I have spent my lifetime observing the wickedness coming from Roman Catholicism, having grown up in great Britain and seeing a Roman Catholic Church on every street corner across the land in every village. The true church of Jesus Christ was started on the day of Pentecost when Peter converted 3000 souls in the book of acts chapter 2, you should go read it This has nothing to do with Roman Catholicism, which didn’t even crop up for another 400 years Your first Pontus Maximus was a Roman Emperor, who was a pagan, his name was Constantine. If Roman Catholics would sit down and read the word of God for themselves, they would surely be able to see that it teaches nothing that Roman Catholicism teaches. They are not compatible.
The priesthood knows the truth and our actively deceiving the congregation, and the congregation are full of well intentioned good hearted people, but they are allowing themselves to be deceived because they clearly don’t have a love for the truth.
Roman Catholics are hands-down, the most brainwashed group I’ve ever come across in my entire life. They take the truth that is in front of their eyes and they ignore it because their church told them the opposite.
This is why Jesus said, let no man deceive you, and that you shall know them by their fruits How many children need to be molested before Roman Catholics will even ponder the fact that their priesthood might not be who they claim to be!
Homosexuality is an abomination before God and the Catholic Church has a priesthood full of pedophiles and homosexuals. And Roman Catholics believe that these men represent Jesus Christ?
If they don’t wake up to the truth, they will all perish. Salvation isn’t through a priesthood or a religion, it is through Jesus Christ alone.
I don’t hate Roman Catholicism because I’m a protestant, I hate Roman Catholicism because It is a false religion and their priests are a bunch of liars and deceivers, sending untold millions of souls straight to hell.
We were all born into a family that was either religious or non-religious and it is up to each of us as individuals to determine whether or not we were raised in truth. There is nothing true about Roman Catholicism, everything they do is backwards and twisted and satanic. The real question is why can’t Roman Catholics plainly see what the rest of us can?
A question I’ve always wanted to know.
Your history is a bit skewed. Every anti-catholic has their argument. Deception is in all the other ‘denominations’ my friend. We will agree to dissagree . I have heard versions of this same argument before and have read the true history of the church. I am sorry but believe the deception is outside of the catholic church. It has been attacked before and will co tinue to be. Just as Lucifer would have it. But Jesus said Hell would not prevail against it. I follow Jesus. This division is Satan. Don’t be a part of it my friend.
Perhaps somebody like Walter Veith could open your eyes to the truth. He used to be a lifelong devout Roman Catholic, who understands their dogmas, and can break down their deceptions like no other. Perhaps you have heard of him?
You are clinging to what you believe is the true church of Jesus Christ but what you fail to acknowledge is that the church aka the ecclesia, is the body of believers, NOT an organized religion or institution.
The true church of Jesus Christ was born on the day of Pentecost in Acts Chapter 2, when 3,000 souls believed that Jesus was indeed the messiah, and they repented and were baptized. These 3,000 souls then spread out amongst the Roman Empire, and this was the beginning of the true church. This was the church, these were the followers of Jesus Christ.
You are basing your faith upon an entity that showed up on the scene hundreds of years later, after the Roman authorities failed to stop the spreading of Christianity, so they decided a different approach would be needed. They had their pagan emperor make Christianity the official religion of the empire, and they set up a priesthood, synagogues and started a new religion infused with their pagan and Gnostic traditions that had followed them from their time spent in captivity in Babylon. They persecuted the true followers of Jesus who would not accept this new state sponsored abomination that would eventually be called Roman Catholicism.
Judaism and Roman Catholicism are essentially the same thing, led by the same people, and they both serve the same god….it just isn’t the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
The same Babylonian Talmudic Scribes and Pharisees are responsible for both.
When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn, and the forgiveness of sin via animal sacrifice was no longer accepted by God. Jesus was the spotless lamb of God sacrificed for the redemption of sins, and no more animal sacrifices would ever be acceptable to God.
These Pharisees had a big problem, and therefore needed to create a new way of doing things moving forward, so the traditions of the elders became the new path moving forward for all of those people who rejected Jesus Christ as their messiah.
These elder traditions eventually were written down, and have become the Talmud. There is a Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmud, but the later is greater than the former.
These Pharisees crept into this Roman Universal religion, and infused it with their occult knowledge. We don’t call them Pharisees anymore, today they have another name…perhaps you have heard of it: Jesuit.
The Jesuits are one and the same. The official story is they were commissioned by the pope to be a response to the reformation. This is a half truth at best. Yes, they hate true followers of Jesus Christ and do seek to destroy them, just as their brothers in Judaism, but these Jesuits have ALWAYS controlled this false religion from the shadows. The white pope is the public eye of the papacy, while the Jesuit General aka Black Pope is the power behind the scenes. These days we now have a Jesuit pope. Comical to me, as Jesuits technically are supposed to be loyal and in submission to the pope, NOT become the pope. Roman Catholics know there is something very wrong with this picture.
My overall point is that Judaism and Roman Catholicism were both founded and controlled by the same people, and those people hate Jesus Christ. Both are false religions, and both have wealth and power, because God has allowed them to thrive until the appointed time, when He will utterly destroy both of them.
The Bible even reveals mysteries in Revelation 17 about all of this, for those who have discernment. (Sadly most don’t.)
The pageantry of the gold and glamor of these false religions, is like a shiny fishing lure designed to capture and steal the souls of men. Don’t be blinded by their deceptions, seek God and His truth (Bible) and it will set you free!
Roman Catholicism isn’t a get out of hell free card. Rather, it’s a one-way ticket straight to hell.
Knight s of Malta 🇲🇹 it’s a Phoenician island the inventors of adrenochrome ah nothing to see here KEK
So true of most groups there will be a smaller % that are the adverse effect of evil the even smaller % of the truly dangerous. Majority are people trying to do good.
Start hunting them….
Thanks for posting. She does really good work.
COMMITTEE OF 300 has been orchestrating it. It's been successfully put down as a "conspiracy theory" for decades so nobody looks into it, but we know better now. In fact, a telltale indicator of its authenticity is that Aldous Huxley was a member. His family carries the torch for themselves now. Brave New World, indeed!
True this.
To make clear, it is the the Devil's chosen.
To make crystal clear the Devil isn’t the one doing the choosing.
He doesn’t have any power over anyone in 3D+time, but he’s an exceptional influence experienced through the five senses.
In deed you are correct. These people are already under his influence, as I was before God gave me eternal life. I stand corrected. Thanks, we do need to be accurate.
We are all subject to the unseen influences of the divine and the malevolent. Therein lies the essence of human nature. Humans are unique in that we get to choose between them with every single choice we make.
Those individual choices manifest this material world and our subjective experiences of it.
Free will and all that jazz.
I mostly agree, but I would say that it is free agency, not free will. No one get's in the way of what God is doing. Not a big deal, but a point just the same. Take care.
Maybe some answers lie in the Committee of 300 and Black Nobility. I do believe there are approximately 10 families above the Rothschild's that run the Cabal. Yes I believe the CIA is a Jesuit organization for sure.
The top of the Kabal is the ELS or Elohims !!!!
Only because not one group of former special forces will hunt them down
Here are the targets….
If one goes back to the early 1900's the same CABAL had an open EUGENICS SOCIETY theory all about bloodlines etc. Same crew different day.
What we need to consider is that depopulation is not an overnight occurrence but due to the vax and its affect on DNA any future generations will not be able to procreate and each succeeding generation will have mutated into something that is not sustainable producing humans that are sickly, ineffective and missing parts of their genetics. Which is the plan.
Assuming that is true, what can we do about it? How are these things prevented? How can they be stopped?
Let's start a list of ideas:
1. Living healthy, including eating naturally as far as possibe
2. Chop off 5G, 6G antennas or any similar divice like surveillance cameras (UK)
3. Go to airports where the chemtrail planes take off, sabotage them
4. Save your energy, stop missionaring people of your surroundings who don't want to be saved. Just live your example, it'll convince them rather more.
5. Detox as needed and as possible. Many methods out there.
6. etc.
7. Realizing "germ theory" and virology are both provabley false. Virology is 100% fiction.
💯 % fiction?
Agreed, indeed 👍🏻
8. Neither participating nor watching those satanic rituals of olympic "games" or any other (sports or other) event which is pervertedly exageratedly expensive.
Which games are Satanic Rituals? I’ve never been much of a sports enthusiast on account of a serious aversion to sports fans, but this new info kinda makes me want to check out the games.
At the moment the olympic games in Paris, horribly satanic, trans everywhere dancing like devils with children in between, apparently mocking of christian religion (but there was also a buddha).
Then nearly any ball sport in US, the biggest tournaments. Be it Football, Basketball, etc.
In Europe the horrible ESC Eurovision Song Contest. But worldwide any oversized superbig music industry event, i.e. with Madonna, Lady Gaga etc.
Mostly you recognize the satanic elements in the opening sessions. Especially in the choice of the music and dance styles. Disgusting, not impressive at all. I don't understand how "fans" can fall for it.
Hunt those bastards down
Knowing about it is key. Otherwise we follow others off the cliff. Too late for those that went over. But if we are not aware of what is really going on we'll be dodo birds over the edge.
We won't know and unless the antidote is released we are in danger of all life extinguishing on the planet and that is humans, animals, insects.
Not knowing is the worse because we will have no caution. And they are planning to roll out Pandemic 2.0/ All those out of the loop who will readily take the vax are killing themselves and everyone else since this is all transfecting spreading vaxed or non vaxed. It will be called the "plague" no longer any single this or that virus, bioweapon. People have short memories and don't realize that all these people who are controlled by the deep state whatever you want to call them are doing the agenda of the NWO and sooner or later we will succumb because we keep putting in power people who are ordered to harm us until we are no more. In reality it will be our own faults because we were not strong or smart enough to see things for what they are. Like this BUTLER EAR SHOT CHARADE. Then Mr. cauliflower ear has meetings with the same globalists and we think he's going to get something done. He's not. Nothing he did in 2016 to 2020 was enduring. He just sold MERCH, talked a good game and filled people's ears with platitudes. HOPIUM. It got undone and he didn't even really build a wall, he pretended to build a wall but left holes by highways so the illegals were easily funneled into the country instead of crossing all along a 2000 mile stretch of bad lands. If we can't see what's real we are falling behind organizing behind it. So it will be our faults for being weak minded and spineless.
Please see as a matter of urgency! You’ll find much critical interesting and important information to know and pass on…..
Please spread the word to everybody, worldwide! Thank you and God bless you from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 🌹 ❤️ xx
Wait till he gets elected then truly all hell will break loose - gotta consider that the liar of liars himself will indwell him.
The earth is being scorched and rendered uninhabitable as we speak.
The serpent race believes they will go underground and reemerge and rebuild their cleansed planet. Plan B is to leave it altogether… but this planet is doomed to be incinerated.
Nothing you do or say will stop it.
And yea we did this ourselves:
They didn’t make us do a damned thing, they just told us to and we did it.
Some less so than others of course but in your personal evolution, you were guilty of some of it, as was I. We are further along than most apparently but none of us are leaving this planet alive. Best to realize this now. Not being a doom and gloom just speaking the truth.
Do u want to know what it will look like first?
Read up on the tribulation.
Then look around and see it beginning to happen.
Yes, we're here in this for reasons not immediately apparent. It's not impossible to sense a weirdness in all this and whomever gets in and how it will happen will define much of what is to come. Even if nothing can stop things, it is good to try and make note of it specially if one feels compelled to do so.
Everything in its place.
A film by Jay Weidner casts a dark shadow.
Human behavior seems to be organized around “clusters, it’s not random.
For those who are to whatever degree, “aware,”taking action is inevitable. You could no more not take action than you could choose to not breathe; it’s impossible.
The specifics of what that action looks like is up to the individual and his or her place in the grand scheme of things.
I don’t believe our personal histories were random, either. They prepared us for our place in this weirdness today.
Just my humble opinion.
I confer. If one stands back and looks at as much one can absorb in totality it's definitely "weird" much of it in a benevolent, mystical, magical, spiritual if you will, way.
That is what God has tasked Trump to do. And thank God Trump is willing! We need to support him 1000%
(If he was One Of Them, we would have been put down by now.)
Here they are……start hunting,……..
The answer is simple, speak out loud and without fear, do not self sensor. Educate the uneducated, be patient.
Courage is contagious!
Very well observed, very well extrapolated. But it sounds so creepy…
Are we in real life or is this a bad dystopian blockbuster movie?
Sadly no. Creepy is a weak word. It's DIABOLICAL.
This has been a reoccurring agenda since the time of PLATO. He wrote of packing people in cities and releasing a plague. But now they have the technology and the power to do it and have done it. All those who are mindless walking into the agenda are who is ruining it for everyone else if not themselves. And those who know better but refuse to stand up to it are even worse because they KNOW BETTER.
MTHFR was only the beginning of what is to come “””they””” are despicable!!’
"Baby on floor, hands in mouth" ~ Q
It goes back to everything, even linoleum in the 50's/60's, lead paint, the list is endless. Committee of 300. "Those you were taught to trust the most." Remember the cigarette commercials? "Doctors recommend Chesterfields" Churches of every stipe were infiltrated, all the scriptures edited. GIRD YOUR LOINS PEOPLE.
But never discount The Holy Spirit within you ❤️🔥
Possible that they are simultaneously breeding super-children, genetically-altered to be activated by some stimuli for future use - alongside the diminishing lines which will eventually die out?
These 15-minute cities - rats nests in disguise, and its occupants might be hand-selected for adaptation and survival for servitude in the NWO.
Just a (very creepy) thought 🤔
Both sides on and off plan et. Do t worry God loves you every day. We got this. WWG1WGA
Never know what's the real score. We have films coming out of how JFK faked his death and the body of J.D. Tippit used for the autopsy. Gives the word creepy a whole other meaning.
The Global birth rate has been declining since 1952. I guess that's not quick enough. There is a humane way to lower the world's population, but they don't have a single humane bone in their carcasses.
Week before cv 8 min of the 2 hr video. I tried to warn everyone!!
Thanks for the clip but anyone who thinks leadership which all of them have clones in front of camera are "gaming the system" need to take a 60k foot view. They are ALL READING SCRIPTS PUT OUT BY THE CFR under the HOR and are GAMING HUMANITY FOR A DEPOPULATION AGENDA. This is the reason for all the wars, the disease which will eventually be called THE PLAGUE (thanks too Plato), the food manipulation and in the works are the FEMA CAMPS using robots to run the whole thing to do what Hitler did and was turn "excess people" into FERTILIZER for the NWO. SV40 was put in POLIO VACCINES in the 50's and that was designed to cause cancer late on in a person's elder years. Besides all the other agendas, they are searching for genetic material in all of humanity that will help them build robot bodies to where the elite can transfer their consciousnesses into and drive the bodies like cars and when that wears out they just get a new one. Hence they are sacrificing people like lab rats to find those genes and they don't care how many have to die in the name of "science." And then the other side of this is an INCOMING ELE to where they are mercy killing humanity while the elite run to underground cities fortified for the next 100 years. The White Hat scenario is a CIA distract. Trump is part of the elite and he's their guy to get us further can-kicked down the road. That rally seance was just that. Fuckery to stand there and strike a pose as Madonna would say while sacrificing a few lambs as his RIGHT EAR was "bloodied" according to some ritual to where he becomes THE GUY for their AGENDA.
Love your videos and variety.
Greg does excellent work all the time!
He dies partial work. Merritt does real work…….
Glad to see you getting around to the Deagle Forecast, Greg. Whats also interesting is the countries that will stay the same or increase in population, such as China.
China from what I know did not use the mRNA products on it's people 🤔👍
Funny you say that because I personally noticed that places like the USA. Germany Great Britain and Australia all had huge drop offs in populations, while some of the non-white nations actually increased in population according to their statistics. For instance, I noticed Mexico‘s numbers actually went up according to their statistics.
I’ve been pondering what they are up to for over 10 years, and I really thought it was the Vaccines that would be used to target people, and it still might be, however there is probably a 5G/frequency aspect to all of this that will actually do the majority of the killing Once they crank up that system and pulse the crap out of everybody.
The calling has already begun, but the “great calling“ is right before our eyes. No doubt it will be a combination of war, famine, and pestilences, and if those things don’t sound familiar, go read Matthew Chapter 24.
We probably have just a few months left of good times compared to what’s coming and I believe the event that will kick off the bad times will be when they assassinate Donald Trump, and mark my words, it’s going to happen!!!
Separation of powers
Separation of powers is the division of a government into branches, each with separate, independent powers and responsibilities, so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with others.
Fundamentally any Society is based on Truth and separation of power.
When the power can be bought like it is prevalent in Politics especially in the USA then we live in a Dictatorship.
The power of Money lies with the Jews who control the money.
And since it is a system of fractional reserve banking… the Jews and the Rothschilds who control it always have 10 times more money than all of the rest of the world combined.
It is basically a system of slavery by the Jews… who can’t buy Truth even if they would want to which they wouldn’t.
Whenever you are referring to those Zionist bankers calling themselves Jews, please include the fact that they “claim” to be Jews, yet are lying.
Synagogue of Satan
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Acts 7:43 (KJV)
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
The nation of Israel 🇮🇱 <<<<~ proudly displays their star of Remphan for all to see. These people are not real Jews.
They’re Zionists, globalists, luciferians, Freemasons, Jesuits, scribes, Pharisees, children of the devil, aka Edomites, but they ARENT JEWS!!!
For me they are all the same... enemies of Humanity...
Not my problem to which subgroup they consider themselves.
I want them all gone... out of my way... stay out of my life... or have a fight you will lose...
Go for it. Start hunting……
Thanx for the link.
Good Docu.
My point is, "Jews" is a general term. That's like saying, "it's the "girl scouts are poisoning the world and they must be stopped....".
Even and especially the Jews are Mind controlled.
Chosen to be evil and well paid for it.
They are the Devil in the Bible to make the gullible believe in God.
Freemasons and Jews are the same.
Yet Edwin Black Norman Finkelstein and others speak out for they like everyone else must live by truth for the lie is a pain in the arse.
I understand the larger point you're making but can you give me any more information on the idea that the star of Rephan and its association with Molech, is the so-called Star of David which appears on the Israeli flag? My understanding is that the star of Rephan aka Remphan is 8 sided and the so-called Star of David is 6 sided.
Define, "Jew", please?
You can find definitions all over the Internet.
I believe that the best is by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro... basically, one who lives life according to the Torah.
Ask Shapiro about the Noahide Laws that call for beheading all who worship Jesus whom THEY call a ‘false god’.
I don't have his phone number.
Then why are there people claiming to be 1/2 or 1/4 Jew? Is it a race/ethnicity, or a religion?
Also, "Semite" is interesting (at least to me).
How can "Semite" refer to the Phoenicians (extinct), the Akkadians (extinct), the Hebrews, the Canaanites (extinct), and the Arabs, BUT "antisemitic" is used to mean "anti-jew?"
Another one: If my friend says that he is a secular Jew, doesn't that mean a non-Jew Jew.... especially since Judaism is definitely not a race. I wonder if I could get away with saying that I'm a secular Christian?
Not a race. As Shapiro plainly explains, there are Jews of every ethnicity. Judaism is a religion, purely, and is not a race or a nation. These ideas are purely Zionist nonsense.
Perfect synchronicity Greg. I was telling a friend about this who showed it to her husband. I suppose you got this from Roxanne *eye roll*
You’re amazing Greg….even David Icke just gave you a big shout out. 🏆
World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III who he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !
Watch !
This means this is announcement to kill humans on earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !
CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !
We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!
X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !
Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members and the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !
Please See that the "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !!
See drawing
Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hands of Crown Parasites in England secretly with "infiltration" they are the Head of the One World Government Piracy & they are the Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide & theft to steal all the wealth and to steal all the Earth !
Read book This is the truth :
The Queen & King of Piracy for Crown in England leading the genocide & theft against humanity to steal all the Earth..
The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 is the " Crown in England !
All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates ..... is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened at least in the last 200 years all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazis & called Zionists ) in the governments, religious leaders ..etc their loyalty to the Head of the Satanic Freemasonry around the Earth which is the Head of the Committee of 300 & Head of the One World Government of Piracy which is the Crown Parasites in England !
Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !
All the presidents & their governments are actors hired by the Crown in England !
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
This means the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) , & with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other venom & poison !
All symptoms is because the radiation poisoning with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers )
Watch video Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping!
Attacking humanity pulsating 5G and more to cause many diseases like cancer , autoimmune diseases what they call the "cow mad disease" is directed energy weapons attacks against humans and animals to cause fear their is scary virus as germ .. This is not true as there is no virus as germ as they did not isolate any virus in human history !
The Crown in England head of Piracy & Head of Committee of 300 infiltrated every government on earth including USA to depopulate the world & to steal all the Earth !
Committee of 300 - by John Coleman
Watch this human lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth that the Crown in England leading the genocide , theft & Piracy against humanity & it is Victorian Plan !
This book "The Story of the committee of 300 " for John Coleman is the truth for what's happened to us as nations & where we are heading !
"Dr Bryan Ardis " from USA , mentioned in his interviews that the elevated D - Dimer is a sign of clotting & snake venom poisoning and all the people died of COVID19 injections all had elevated D - Dimer !
Dr Bryan Ardis talking about the Nano - King Cobra snake venom poisoning in jabs
COVID19 is Cobra Venom Induced Death & they are using 19 deadly protein peptides from snake venom , marine snails , any venom to shut down the internal organs & each protein peptide target certain internal organ & controlled with nano technology via satellites !
"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
This means the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) , & with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other venom & poison !
There is no hope for humanity to "understand the truth" when people still think that Trump or Joe Biden will help humanity while their historical actions shows they are paedophiles slaves to the One World Government of Piracy and killing the people with 5G roll out & the death injections for COVID19 for depopulation !
And all the News coming from them are lies , and FAKE NEWS !
This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on and what race !
Trump assassination was a lie & magic show & applying with the secret agents on his top they applied the bloody synthetic silicon- rubber ear cover & fake blood on his cheek with two stripes of blood directed toward the mouth means "The Bloody Right & Left controlled by ONE MOUTH for the One World Government Piracy for the Crown in England "!
Also the two stripes of fake blood applied on Trump's cheek gives the logo of the CrowdStrike which indicates there will be cyberattacks on the banks to steal all the money by the One World Government Piracy to blamed it on false flag operations for more wars & civil wars for depopulation heading towards agenda 2030 YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & YOU WILL BE HAPPY which most likely you will be dead & happy to escaped the enslavement on the body & mind by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT OF PIRACY which is a HELL ON EARTH !
While Trump will sedate the people & lie to the people as usual that he is using the help from this CrowdStrike to investigate who is behind the cyber-attacks on the banks !!
This is the truth
Trump is used to push for more civil wars in USA "Go hunt the immigrants !!" & more wars against other nations while killing the people in USA like every traitor like him rolled out the 5G rolled out and the Death Bioweapons injections for depopulation so the Crown in England will conquer to collect all the Earth with infiltration !
1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !
Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)
Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !
Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the wealth & to own all the Earth!
2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !
Millions are dead & disabled for life because of these injections
Who created the United Nations to fool the world is the Crown Parasites in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 and their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents including Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide
Roosevelt and Churchill met at the White House in December 1941 for the Arcadia Conference. Roosevelt, considered a founder of the UN, coined the term United Nations to describe the Allied countries. Churchill accepted it, noting its use by Lord Byron. The text of the Declaration by United Nations was drafted on 29 December 1941, by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Harry Hopkins.
Has anyone been looking at the food labels lately?
Everything I pick up, I have to put back. Even the damn EGGO!
Now I must learn how to make my own mayonnaise .
Yes, and the label ingredients are horrific. I just ran across a recipe yesterday for mayo using hard boiled eggs. I've always shied away from homemade because of the raw eggs but from all reports, you can use hard boiled in place of raw w/o noticeable difference. Recipes all over the web.
When I was young they had to ban the mayonnaise because it contained eggs in the school cafeteria and they were spoiled. I learned as an adult there are many mayonnaise brands that are only oil and lemon with no eggs and I'm sure those have a longer shelf life. But oil can turn rancid. Once someone invited me to eat of snack packs in a box during a meeting and I didn't check the date on it but it made me sick and I thought there was a funny smell to it they were 4 months expired and guess what the oil was rancid in the snack. Do not eat expired snacks. That's a regular belly ache we will all wish to avoid.
Make your own biscuits! I do. When I didn't make any and don't take the time to, there are none, wonderful, it's great for the figure! 😊
I deliberately don't buy any, if I don't make them, I don't eat biscuits or cakes!
My husband and got a sourdough starter 3 years and make bread, crepes and crackers using organic flour. It’s easy and even occasional’ failures’ still are good. The 2nd rise is overnight in the refrigerator as fermentation 24 hours or more eats all the gluten.
Dont buy it! Don’t eat it!
You know that's really sad I stopped reading the labels and I just had a twin pack of Oreos given to me as a consolation prize because the item that I had waited for was sold out but I discovered some of my favorite movie candy has got nano garbage in it such as Good and Plenty if anyone remembers that one, and some cereals. This is serious they're sneaking it into our diet with stealth without a full page ad like there ought to be for each time they change the recipe. They figured they got away with, not having to tell anyone their food contains GMOs, so they squeezed their limits to include nanoparticles as ingredients and they're not listing it as an ingredient it's just a little warning blurb off to the side somewhere.
Hmmm, sounds like the lucijuice just might actually have the depopulation goal in mind.
Russia has the LOWEST allowable limits of wi-fi radiation, Russia does not grow genetically modified plants, all of this while being a communist country. And now populations in many countries suppose/have to die but the communist one??? It is hard to grasp,
Edwin Deagle was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His population predictions were most likely based on a plan for a WW3. He wrote about Russia and China's aggressive military preparations. Based upon the prediction of .5% population decrease in Russia, a drastically lower number than for the west, I think we can guess who is supposed to come out relatively unscathed when the nuclear dust settles.
Doctor Deagle is now frying in the Lake of Fire. He does not get to witness the Kingdom of GOD. He will BURN FOREVER! No one escapes hell, said Jesus.
Remember, "in the presents of God and the angles". I saw a catholic priest video who had an NDE and the thought he was in purgatory and could see heaven and he thought that th could get there quicker if enough people paid there indulgences for him. They are so deceived. I understand that a Catholic can pay 50.00 for a special mass to their different jesus will help get there family and friends out of purgatory. So sad.
Prove it.
No need to you will soon find out. Jesus mentions "hell" 23 times in the new Testament. He wants no soul to go there. Repent and follow Jesus, do not poison the poor people with vax scenes.
Here is the direct link to the webpage Deagel had up before removing it. BingChat says it's wrong more than it is right. So what do we do?
Stock up. The hour is late.
So glad I held off getting these F'ing jabs!!
The time for speculation is over.