Great interview and appreciate Rick's candor speaking of his traumas.

It's all a connected series of psy-ops going back at least to 1963.

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Syopz go back 1000s of years. These same peoole controlled both sides of wor wor 1 n 2, bolsheveek rev, napoleon, civile wor in u.s., and on back and back n back.... it's awl so the mentally eel. The people who think they r "chose" who think the Earth is theirs to rayp, torchurr, blud let & miridir 90% of hoomainihtee take over. Bankster mapheeuh con-trolls eveythg-they think. Delusion is their first middle and last name.

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I WuZ JuS GOoingk tA SAYE THhat.

But, yeah, yer rite. Their chosen now awrite...for what they are prolly about to find out. And good ones pay for the rotten, demonic, pot stirring...mf'ers.

The good ones need to jump on the baddies among them. True of any grouping. Otherwise outsiders come in to group up w/ the baddies. And takeout the orig. good Grouping.

Kinda like...right frickin' NOW.

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pepepeess you ROCK! so glad more people know...

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pee ess there are no "states" no "countries" nada. they con-troll eeet awl. trageeek. we need a bankeeen system but they con-troll eeeek. if it co-llapsez then what? waht happens to peoples "savings" etc? that's eveel to just co-llapse from them or as greg is proposing from "us". that's NOT an viable option. people won't make eeet since they are no alternative. that would breed exactly the wooor of huuumonz that the bankster mapheuhh want. it doesn't work to just co-llapz what they're created. there are better options. we have to use our hearts, our souls and our spirit and the gut instinct that's in our bodies - all connected and caring about each other. great to have this platfoorm to connect!! righ toe!! halleee hooo!

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peee peee esss when i say "greg's proposing" i mean what he said in one of his recent videos btw. cheerz!

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It's partly because they are told from a few yrs old on to always watch out and hate...guess who..EVERYBODY BUT ✡️

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I wish we all would have heard Rick's testimony years ago. It solidifies things we have only heard and adds things we have not. Amazing how this has been erased with no serious investigation. Thanks. Greg


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I don't think America will EVER wake up until America is lost and conquered. The Feds are very very close to doing this now with a new scheme....Crash the dollar - Starve everyone - nuke us all either from within or poke the Russian Bear and have them do it. All biblical if you ask me. Thanks Greg and Rick.

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No nukes, the real estate is valuable to the NWO Cabal & ChiComs.

VaXXXes, Food Manipulation, Social Dissolution, Financial Collapse, False Flag WW III, but a Grid Down by EMP or Hacking that lasts for 3 months eliminates the vast majority of the US population.

We will not be ready because We cannot confront Evil....... especially Domestic.


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1000% AGREE! America was never mentioned anywhere in the bible...I believe God has lifted his hedge of protection over the USA...Evil is running rampant. It's only a matter of time...911 was the Beta Test..Covid was the confirmation...

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Actually I think "America" is mentioned in the Bible. But we will probably go through a lot of purging and correction soon. Read Rev. 3: 7-13. The spirit of the "Church of Philadelphia" which I think resides in the US. "Let no man take your crown." There is a lot more to this than we go into here, but I think there will be an end time mission for the U.S. I don't think God has abandoned His people, but many of us have been lazy, negligent and asleep.

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Those scriptures are not America - God will protect some Christians but not all for He knows their hearts and minds. America was an experiment and we're all amazingly experiencing it - lucky us....She will fall eventually. Too many evil cultists running this country now...Too many illegals invading, too many drugs, too many young minds brainwashed by the liberal Indoctrination centers, dollar will crash, market too...We are in the end of times...

Just prepare for it....

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I think you give too much credit to the enemy. Do you have faith? You think God wants to destroy us all? Well some people will not make it through, like those who doubted Moses in the wilderness.

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The enemy is Satan and we have already won for Christ is Risen. God will destroy us all only not a flood this time. The world will burn. Of course I believe in Jesus. HE is the truth the light and the way. The light in the darkness. I don't think - I feel. That's what my soul is telling me. We've murdered over 80 million of God's gifts to this country through abortion. We've allowed drugs to run our lives both legal and illegal. We've done nothing about the demonic cult running this country running corporations for decades, the nuclear family is gone, this is Sodom and Gamorrah here in Rome 2.0 - USA was an experiment. Some will be saved most will be in hell...

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Yes, All are Agreed, the Insane ProgreSSives want and now more and more Patriots recognize this ship cannot be righted. The Great Shredding is just ahead, hopefully We can find a shred and Create a new birth from the seed corn.

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All Biblical of you ask me too

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Drones hit the buildings.

Explosives blow the rest.

Media is already compromised to lie.

The stampede starts.

20+ years later we are still running.

One event after another keeps you running.


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Yes, it was nanothermite (see paper by Neils Harrit).

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It was a nuke.

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Here is a never-debunked scientific paper on nanothermite in the 9.11 dust. Nanothermite is a military grade incendiary able to melt steel.


The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31 7

"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade

Center Catastrophe"

Can you show us radiation data at ground zero on 9.11 proving a nuke was used?

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Thank you Mr. Disantis for your interview today; I can feel how parts of that were not easy for you to share; but with you doing so, you have helped me to visualize what it must have been like for you and all the others during that horrifying morning.

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There were no planes, as a KC-135A Pilot, no way the planes can pierce double plated tank steel and jet fuel doesn't melt steel (otherwise my four engines would melt the engine turbine);

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I believe he described how the explosives blew a hole in the buildings just prior to the planes entering. That would have to have been carefully planned and executed to give the appearance that the planes made the holes. Without prior explosives precisely timed and executed, the planes would have just stuck in the facade of the buildings, blowing the entire planned drama and trauma.

Remember that “they knew” who did it immediately, but instead of identifying themselves, they pointed at their CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, AKA Tim Osman, instead of the Bush Administration.

And then they attacked Iraq.

I believe that Iraq was one of the few remaining countries that were not under the Rothschild banking system. The banksters had planned to fix those pesky problems.

Wars make money. Lots of money.

All wars are bankers’ wars.

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Jeez… your so called planes were CGI’s. Look at the images of these so called planes! Whether a hole was blown open before or after no airplane would act like what we saw that morning! Go to odysee.com and check out John Lears video. Also watch Rebekah Roth’s “9/11 Methodical Illusion.

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I am well aware of the CGI’s. Rick was actually in the building and he described the planes and how they did it.

I don’t recall ever seeing any video of the first plane hitting Tower 1. The video for the second “plane” was shown repetitively to cause major emotional trauma to the global audience, especially Americans. It was carefully edited to fit the BS story and virtually nothing else was shown on the deceitful MSM channels.

There is much more to the setup and implementation of these dirty deeds than is practical to place here. It’s certain that the official story was fiction and it has taken many, many people a lot of time and effort to piece this all together.

At that time, there was little Internet censorship compared to today. Not sure how much can still be found by searching.

I do think CGIs were used, but if anyone else can prove otherwise, I am definitely open to that.

There had to have been multiple tactics used to bring down those towers. Anyone who has seen the folded paper money knows how closely the money looked like the real event.

This was far more intricately planned than the average person realizes. I still find people who believe the official caca. I am always in disbelief that people can believe anything the grubbyment says as truth.

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Ekoh..this had been planned for YEARS without a doubt. I beckon you to go to Odysee.com. There is still much info and videos there on 9/11, plus new ones created all the time. I’m with you regarding the complacency of many who are oblivious to the factual happenings of that day. It blows my mind how people can so easily be swayed. Just like the Covaids plandemic. Unbelievable to me the amount of grown men in this country who are scared of their own shadow. After witnessing the passed three years, I don’t know that there’s hope for this republic anymore. On the flip side, so many things going on that are completely out of our control too though. I truly believe America is being brought down from the inside on purpose, and the process picked up speed after 9/11. Signs of the times are all around us. The time is now to get right with the Lord before it’s too late.

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Such a powerful interview. Gave me chills!

Thank you Rick and Greg!

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So Gov. DeSantis has heard this, that's worth remembering.

Dark gray planes with pods under them.

So they took at least 2 plane loDs of people, landed at military base, taxied into hangars and ...

Now it's Armageddon, disease etc.

WAKEUP. Find and destroy this demonic entity whether it's human or alien.

I'm starting to see both as a real possibility.

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Just WOW!


Ever so memorable.

Thank you so much, Mr. DeSantis and Mr. Reese!

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This is reminiscent of the testimony given by head janitor in the WTC complex at the time, Willie Rodriguez, who swore under oath that the very first explosions - before the planes hit! - came from the basement levels of the buildings.

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I was betrayed by mainstream media back then and still betrayed to this day. I believe the Feds sent China digital information on that drone as a payment to access the Trillion+ Dollars for our debts....

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Multiple tactics were used in the takedown of the Twin Towers and other buildings. Sofia Smallstorm made an excellent video that conclusively proved that explosives were set in the Towers prior to the takedown. She did an awesome job, but she did not have this additional information about the bombers and more.

This story was fascinating and informative. I love how Rick’s mind works as well as his courage to do the right thing. When he rescued his assistant and later scooped up the woman in shock who couldn’t move, I cried. I am saddened to know he has health issues as a result. Bravo, to Rick’s bravery as well as his intuition. Wow.

Mr. DeSantis’s testimony must be preserved indefinitely to give future generations accurate testimony for historians and others.


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Yes, Sofia Smallstorm's video was "9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions" --you can probably still find it on bitchute

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Thanks. One of my friends was a friend of hers.

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This is a good reminder about 9.11 but it's a bit late though isn't it? Well we can all be sure the DeSantis' are great patriots right? See this:

While this exists in 2018 Florida Statute 281.00315 (https://www.flsenate.gov/laws/statutes/2018/381.00315), in a declared public health crisis you can be forcibly vaccinated in the State of Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis has added his stamp of approval to this policy.

What are all the DeSantis' really trying to say here?

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Proton Magic, The DeSantis family are hoaxers just like all the rest. No one is going to ride in on a white stallion but that is what THEY want people to think. This policy you show here reveals the REAL Ron DeSantis. Always judge people by what you see them do. Forget what they say. What you are showing here (I was already familiar with it) are clear plans for the next plandemic. Just wait until the new WHO treaties are finalized in the next few months. They are planning to force vaccines on everyone in connection to CBDC and a Chinese style Social Credit System. It's really hard to believe that shysters like this guy, Trump and all the rest of them can still deceive so many.

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Thank you. I saw Ron hosted a round-table once on Covid maybe 2021, never once mentioned vaxes were untested or had been killing many. Unfortunately lots of so-called "opposition" media host disinfo (COINTELPRO) guests.

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You are so correct.

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It was a small nuclear device planted underground so the explosion would go up. Remember the photos of the molten bedrock still simmering weeks later? Who knows if those photos can still be found anymore. At any rate, only a nuclear explosion could generate those types of temps and bring down the buildings almost instantaneously. There is no doubt in my mind, none.

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A nuc would cause radiation to be found by Geiger Counter but there was no evidence of such. Nanothermite was found in all the dust and could easily cause this and keep reacting. See AE911truth.org

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This video is quite long but interesting enough to make it worth every minute. I have watched it twice over the years. While I don't agree with every single conclusion Dimitri makes...the nuclear part, yes and absolutely yes. This video will address what you have brought up here. Don't worry about lack of comments or views, we all know how youtube buries stuff by now.


Then this one which is pretty short. Not a fan of the channel or the title but guest info is solid.


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The footage near the middle of the video on the Reese Video clearly shows each floors explosives going off. Minute 32 - 35 (especially clear at minute 34:40 in slow mo)

Willie Rodriguez (janitor) said he felt an explosion BELOW him PRIOR to the plane hitting the building. Listen as he tells his story and read comments below.

WTH! I never knew this!


Interesting the recent Corona relief budget was almost the amount Rumsfeld hinted was not able to be…tracked.(the day before 911)

I wonder if they are “able” to “track” those trillions…

The Trump administration and Congress enacted three separate coronavirus-relief packages at a total cost of more* than $2 trillion. Equipping totalitarian mandates to be rolled out like cdc covid treatment protocols that were mostly lethal like Remdesivir and venting, incentivizing doctors and hospitals to PROMOTE vax.

And the Federal Budget deficit is now 3.1+Trillion! And yet Biden and gang keep giving MORE of our grandchildren’s hard earned $$ to Ukraine and the proxy moneylaunders over there and the military industrial complex and old bloodline families here, and high ranking military who are currently invested in those company’s like Raytheon.

Much of USA lies in poverty and neglect and this severity of debt is due to Wall Street, Banker globalists, military money war machine, greedy politicians and is ABSOLUTELY No fault of US the workers who create that money!

No, its thanks to the crappy leadership, who cannot and are UNWILLING to balance their own check books but expect us to!

The criminals know the Ponzi scheme WILL (and has) imploded like the twins towers, and they are scrambling to build a new prison - CBDC and individual tagging.

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I am aware of others talking about the explosions but there is no way on God's green earth that the building was wired and/or filled with enough explosives to drop them free fall and create a molten crater in the bedrock below (where the nuclear device was).

Edit to say, good post on your part.

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The bldg had boxes of nanothermite brought in when they were"re-wiring the internet" They put them in strategic locations in the central core and certain other places. See the NEW PEARL HARBOR DOCUMENTARY. Nanothermite indeed can make molten craters as it kept reacting for months after the fall.

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Now how can “they” (the installers of the internet) justify installing nanothermite?

Where is the evidence coming from for that fact? Can you point me to the source?

I always like to verify because what’s the point of conspiracy without accuracy for me personally.

This is what I read about nanothermite because I’d not heard of it prior to you mentioning it:

Nano-thermite or super-thermite is a metastable intermolecular composite (MIC) characterized by a particle size of its main constituents, a metal and a metal oxide, under 100 nanometers.

This allows for high and customizable reaction rates.

Nano-thermites contain an oxidizer and a reducing agent, which are intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. MICs, including nano-thermitic materials, are a type of reactive materials for military use.

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Its >31 tril not 3.1 tril

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budget deficit :

money going out ( spending) exceeds money coming in - ( revenue).

In FY 2022, the federal government spent $ 6.27 trillion and collected $ 4.90 trillion in revenue, resulting in a deficit. -> $ 1.38 trillion in 2022.

And is already at a deficit of $1 Trillion in 2023.

Yes, the FEDERAL Gov’s TOTAL public debt is around under $31.46 trillion as of Feb. 10.

We can hardly pay the interest and they are still sending billions to Ukraine.

Shows you how useless our leadership are.

Launder and Spend spend - and in all the wrong places.

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Sorry, I confused "deficit" with "debt". Either way Americans are being taken for a ride!

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The vids you link are COINTELPRO disinfo to confuse us and to make it look like 911 truthers are nuts. Joe Olsen acts nuts in the vid. He keeps talking about THERMITE which is very different from MILITARY GRADE NANOTHERMITE which was found in the dust all over NYC after 911 and which can definitely do the damage that was seen.

More importantly, there was/is no radiation seen on Geiger counter after the collapses or after even though Joe says in the vid, "People got sick 20 years later from the radiation". What radiation?

Joe has no research publication, but the nano-thermite people do, and in fact this one has NEVER been refuted. That all folks...

The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31 7

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe


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Watch the other video.

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This is wild, wow. Too bad he didn't do this interview years ago. I'm confused tho, we've seen phone vids people took from other high rises SHOWING NO PLANES ✈️ and then there's all the evidence of detonations set up in the building to cause the explosions.

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Willie Rodriguez (janitor) said he felt an explosion BELOW him PRIOR to the plane hitting the building. Listen as he tells his story and read comments in the you tube link page to see more info shared from others.

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WHOAAAAA, PART 2 and 3 soon i hope? I wasn't expecting to revisit 9/11 today holy fuck.

That AWAK ....... holy fuck.

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