"The word rapture—nor the doctrine of the secret rapture—is not found in any Bible translation. Moreover, no Christian believed or mentioned the doctrine of the rapture in any Christian literature prior to 1830, and the vast majority of Christians and Christian denominations today do not believe or teach the doctrine of the rapture."

Rapture Theory has been credited to John Nelson Darby, a 19th-century theologian.

Jung called it "The Universal Mind".

Jung is also alleged to have worked for the OSS.

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Thanks Linda!!

I'll add to that. Darby intro'd it, but C.I.Scofield with financial assistance from the Untermeyer Zionist clan, in creating the Scofield Bible, which pushes people from reading the Bible itself into merely reading his "notes" (aka propaganda) instead.

Not conincidentally, the Dallas Theological Seminary, anything BUT from God, was established in 1924, a mere 11 years after the private corporation owned by the sons of hell Federal Reserve permanently co-opted the entire economy and financial network of the US.

Those years prior to and between both world wars were pivotal for the coagulation of global power for the sons of hell/Synagogue of Satan, and the DTS and their proliferation of the C.I. Scofield Bible which introduced the heretical Dispensationalism into the mainstream, were key. The aftermath, aka reason for, both world wars were instrumental in cementing their power and control.

As with when God told the children of Israel that they had rejected him and gave them Saul as King, so too it is with modern "Christianity," which has also rejected God and perverted Christ's teachings, even to the extent that they make it possible to worship God and mammon simultaneously, with obviously the latter taking precedence.

But people do not want to do their own research! It's much easier to simply go to "church," and corporation in fact, 501(c) nonetheless, but a corporation more beholden to the government than to God by implication, and listen to a "head pastor" lecture them on what the Bible teaches, which will always be in accordance with the man-ordained seminary at which they studied.

I've spoon-fed people info on this stuff and what's going on today, with promises that they watch and read it. They have NEVER done that in a single instance. I've given up. If people want to be fooled, they will be.

I'm convinced that this is the, or at least a huge part of the apostasy, and represents those that are referenced in Matt. 7: 21-23. Christ's and Paul's teachings have been so subverted that what many if not most people claiming to be Christians today, far more worship Saul from Tarsus than Paul after the conversion.

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Cheers. Great post. Yes the Scofield Bible...

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Paul of Taurus, who wrote the Bible for us the gentiles. The word "harpazo" is also in the original Greek version, penned by Paul of Tarsus, in which means "violently taken away" faster than a twinkle of an eye. 100th of a second! In the modern King James Bible the word 'Rapture'

is changed to "caught up" in I Thessalonians. 4:17

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The word "rapture" is not changed to "caught up". You can't prove this because proof doesn't exist.

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OK, great, either word works there. What DOESN'T work is altering what that actually is.

Make sense?

Read 1 Thess. 4, starting at vs. 13 or so, and ask yourself what's the context?

There's a specific context there that paints the entire picture, one that's routinely ignored for purposes of defending Dispensationalism.

Glad that you pointed that out.

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I read those verses just before reading your comment and have come to the same conclusion, which is pretty obvious. Context is soo important in those bible readings. Using a single statement you can make just about any argument one would want to make. Put the whole of what's writtenand it'sa lot easier to make sense, for instance it seems to me the "dead" would be like us modern day peons of the Satanic birth certificate/bonds system we're all enslaved under in which our present Admiralty/Maritime commercial courts view us as being dead, lost at sea at birth and more rot like that. ya gotta remember everyone Jesus knew the law better than the top lawyers of the day and always made them look like slow minded children. So I don't think the dead referred to are actually corpse's. Time will tell though in the end.

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Mar 13Edited

I like the way that you put it, that Jesus' made them look like slow-minded children. LOL

As to this, ... "for instance it seems to me the "dead" would be like us modern day peons of the Satanic birth certificate/bonds system we're all enslaved under in which our present Admiralty/Maritime commercial courts view us as being dead, lost at sea at birth and more rot like that." ...

The spots in 1 Thes. 4 that have these references are:

v. 13: "them which are asleep" (ASV)

v. 14: "them also which sleep in Jesus" (ASV)

... both of those appear to be the same.

v. 15: "them which are asleep" again, contrasted with "we which are alive and remain" ... contrasting the two options.

v. 16: "the dead in Christ" and v. 17 "we which are alive and remain" are brought together in the same status, a status of to "ever be with the Lord."

The simplest interpretation is typically the correct one. The context is also in v. 13.

"concerning them which are asleep (i.e. passed away), that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."

The concern on their parts was, 'hey, we were promised resurrection, but our friends and family members have died, unlike Christ, who's risen' in essence.

After all, it was fully known that Christ reappeared after being crucified, therefore resurrected, but then even more relevant, which is underplayed in our "churched" culture, he ascended into heaven, ... to "sit at the right hand of God and reign," aka the "thousand years" as defined by Peter in 2 Peter 3:8.

In that context, Paul's essentially explaining that even though it appears that they've died and not been resurrected, fear not because they will be. In other parts of the NT, 2 Peter 3 per above for example and elsewhere, it's explained that our understanding of the dimension of time is different from God's and that therefore we can assume that for anyone passed into the post current realm, that they're not sitting claustrophobic in a hole terrified until Christ's return. (some facetiousness added there)

The DTS (Dallas Theological Seminary) and the Scofield Dispensationalist contingent and other Zionist constructs have decided that that's a second and separate occurrence from Christ's simplistic second coming, and one that constitutes some imaginary kingdom on this filthy satan-given earth. Why? So that they can put their Christ impersonator in place as set forth in Thess. 2. The world is already so twisted at the "churched" level. Look at all the heresies being taught in "churches." I put "church" in quotes because the world's definition is not the Biblical/NT definition.

I read recently how thousands of pastors nationwide were paid to promote the Injections. "Churches" are corporations, granted the ability to operate by our government, as NFP corporations nonetheless, but with paid CEOs (aka pastors), etc. making money from it, and therefore also beholden to the grantor of the certificate [501(c)], aka the Government, NOT God. Then factor in the prosperity gospels, the Israel First love, and other heretical things, and well, it's not difficult to draw the simplest of conclusions.

To me it's quite possible that Satan was given the earth in a giant Job experiment. Either way, Jesus himself states plainly that he's accomplished all that he was SENT here to do, and upon his death stated plainly, "It is finished!" Nowhere does it say that Act 1 is finished, or the first part has been accomplished, or the like. IT is finished, he's accomplished everything that is necessary.

Matthew 13:40 and Luke 3:17 align perfectly with Peter explaining in 2 Peter 3:10 that the earth and its works will be burned up upon his return with no place for an imaginary "millenial reign" to even occur.

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Well. as I said, time will tell. I tend to hold fast to the master from Nazareth's words in John14:12. That gives me real belief to strengthen my faith to keep on to the best I can..as our lord himself showed us by his own sacrifice. What courage as a man that took! I am in awe just trying to imagine his strength of will and the love most of all.

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Look up the word air in Greek it's word number 109 it doesn't mean atmosphere it means Breath of Life or spiritual body nobody flies in the air.

1st Thessalonians 4 the subject matter is in verse 13 where the dead go. If you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross and Rose three days later he took those asleep with him. They're gone they're already at the Great Gulf in Luke 16:26 the parable of Lazarus and the rich man the Lord judges them and Lazarus went on the right side cuz he kept the Commandments and believed and repented in the rich man is on the left side where he's miserable and he can look over to the right side and see Lazarus smiling and Abraham's bosom. Repent of your sins get right with God the sixth Trump is coming quickly Revelation 6:2 the fake Antichrist is coming and the whole world's going to horror after him Revelation 13:8 unless you have your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life slain which is to know that the Fate comes first cuz Jesus Christ comes at the seventh trumpet revelation 19:11. Don't receive the mark of the beast which is knowledge knowledge in your forehead which is behind your brain to know that the fake Antichrist comes first and he's the most beautiful chair of an angel that Lord ever created you can read of his description and Ezekiel 28 verses 13 and 14. God bless you

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Looks to me like you nailed it !

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Am convince he was has he was top of the academic food chain. Beside i would rather work with him than "pedo penis envi" Freud . I would like to know the story behind him getting access to the dead sea scrolls.

This Alien rapture sounds like a pure British strategy. Just shift blame to someone else . . . Classic. IF they are so good why bio-Engineering : why they need us ? Why they need us to incarnate ? They are fallen angels if you ask me. Dense creature . . . it s definitely not the hallmark of highly spiritual evolve being.

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Jung was a Gnostic.

The fact that the Rockefeller Museum of Jerusalem were involved in and prevented publication of around a thousand Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts for over forty years leads me to believe the Scrolls are partially or wholly fake...

Btw Rockefellers are "Grandees" (US Sephardic Elite): they are not Gentiles.

Agree about the Aliens.

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More Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 2023 proving that God's word and prophecy continues to unveil. I mean Psalms 22 was written of Jesus Christ crucifixion for every human being sins on this planet a thousand years before it happened.

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The story I read of Jung and his ownership of a part of The Dead Sea Scrolls was :

There were some goatherds in Afghanistan who claimed to have found the scrolls in jars in a cave and they had been selling them in flea markets for several years when Jung heard about them and bought one as a birthday present for a friend.

When Jung received the scroll he had purchased, he thought it had historical significance and turned it over to government authorities.

Could this all be a fabricated story and a psyop? Yes. Is it? idk.

I believe due to common sense you are right about spiritual beings, not aliens from another physical planet in physical ships with physical alien bodies. My common sense says where is one tiny scrap of physical proof? There isn't any. In all these thousands of years.

That tells me this is incorporeal. Fallen angels. Spirits. And nothing about reports of alien abductions sound helpful or benign. The reports are always of torture.

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Fallen angels. They would try to harm the Image Bearers that God created. Fallen angels want to make man in their own image which will be a horrible image.

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Project Blue Beam sh*t right. Or Operation Majority.

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Thanks for the mention of OM...

I think quite a lot of the missing Pentagon trillions can be found in Darpa's coffers.

Then we have the drugs trade as the source of funding for Black Ops and in fact "Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor" in 2009

"Drugs and crime chief says $352bn in criminal proceeds was effectively laundered by financial institutions..." (The Guardian)

"MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group. President

Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON

SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts,

evidence, technology, lies and deception and find the truth

of the alien question. The society was made up of 32 of the

most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12

members were designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total control of

everything. They are designated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3,

etc all the way through the members of the Jason Society.

The director of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director

of MJ-12. MJ-12 is responsible only to the President. MJ-12

runs most of the worlds illegal drug trade. This was done to

hide funding and thus keep the secret from the Congress and

the people of the United States. It was justified in that it

would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our

society. The cost of funding the alien connected projects is

higher than anything you can imagine. MJ-12 asasinated

President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going to

tell the public all the facts of the alien presence. He was

killed by the Secret Service agent driving his car and it is

plainly visible in the film held from public view.

A secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND

and it was described as only accessible by air. It contains

full living, recreational, and other facilitys for MJ-12 and

the JASON SOCIETY. It is code named "THE COUNTRY CLUB".

Only those with TOP SECRET/MAJIC clearance are allowed to go



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Linda...I would like to learn more. Any resources you're willing to recommend would be appreciated, thank you.

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I beg to differ Linda, are you a mega church goer? "Rapture" (taken away quickly) comes from the Latin Bible 'rapiemur' meaning in English 'rapture', not in the KJ version of Bible. Also the word "harpazo" is also in the original Greek version, penned by Paul of Tarsus, in which means "violently taken away" faster than a twinkle of an eye. 100th of a second! In the modern King James Bible the word 'Rapture'

is changed to "caught up" in I Thessalonians. 4:17

The "Rapture" is NOT Doomsday preaching, it is an invitation to a Grand Wedding Feast and your invited up. It is an escape from a pole shift, ELE event, passing of Nibiru constellation? The red dragon in the sky? Rev 12? who knows? only the Father knows the time or hour. We are just to be always ready. I feel the last Trump shall serve his 2nd term, then a huge gospel revival that is already happening today. Look up Mario Murillo and Jessi & Parker Green. Then this rapture event.

The "Rapture" the event you will believe in , , after it happens. The door will shut. Most folks will be left behind, due to not trusting in the Savior, making fun of those who do believe in Jesus and live as if He was their best friend. sorry I have to tell you this info. Hoping and praying for you to change your mind, allow the Savior in. He standing at your door. Knocking, smiling laughing and calling your name" wake up, time to go." A Grand Wedding Feast is coming, your the bride of Christ, for you found a friend through this life and you hung with Him as best you could. Bro Andrew from King-of-the.net

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I really like when Homer Simpson pointed out "nobody in the bible had a bible. "

Love it.

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You probably know that Matt Groening is a Freemason...'allegedly'.

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Linda , i think they are prepping people for when the DEW will be vaporizing people so the Christians will run toward the beams lol 😎

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nah he's just a clown 😎

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Most Freemasons are clowns. They have their own circus and parade around in tiny cars in ridiculous outfits.

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Now i want a fez lol

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That makes the most sense. Much like so many other things however, AKA Amazon/Bezos; Tesla/Musk; Facebook/Zuckerberg; he may really not be the brains behind it.

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Yes all of the Tech Oligarchs were chosen for their roles.

Most have direct connection to the MIC and intelligence.

You should read what Musk's nanny has to say about him as a child...

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I haven't had a tv since 1967. So, no, I don't know or care about name brands or stars, for me it's the story, the script, the meat of it. I know, he's one of the producers/directors/authors. Whatever Hollywood chooses to say.

Shit's been "credited" to those who stole from others for millenia. I'm about practices. Most of what I know of the Simpsons' episodes came to me in the past four years in memes.

Besides, none of that impresses or scares me. I belong to the most long known terrorist caste on earth: FEMALES. I'm a feminist, the most terrifying thing on the planet. Freemasons? Pfft.

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"I'm a feminist, the most terrifying thing on the planet. Freemasons? Pfft."

Oh wonderful Blue, I LOL'd!

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😎 you win Blue hahahahhahahahahaha Top argument of the whole tread.

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Cuz mocking God is always so funny. And relying on Homer Simpson to reveal truths is SO advisable. No wonder we're doomed.

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Nah its not mocking , its just chicken before the egg type situation. Its been edited and revise so much . . . and some books looks totally made up . I dunno what to think anymore except that Christ showed the way. Earlier this week i did a deep dive in the selected writing of the zionist / Fabia socialist British high society 1840 - 1920 argh (that was rough) Feel like they just want to 1Up Christ . . . . sigh

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Don't waste your time, this comment is just about hating me, that's all. I'm a kick ass Mula, and we're just hated, that's all.

That's a person who has blocked me from liking his comments or whatever. Can you imagine how scared? It's getting down to the bottom line sex war as usual, when the monkey men find themselves powerless.

You ever notice that those who "praise GOD""" the most are the biggest haters?

Yeah, Right.

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AND relying on Homer Simpson to inform oneself about life and death issues is highly intelligent reasoning. Kudos.

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Trinity isn't in the Bible either, but it surely teaches it.

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Thank you so much for posting that. I had no idea the rapture wasn't in the Bible. To be honest I'm very ignorant about the Bible and have read very little. I have read some of Revelations. Does that relate in any way to the rapture? Thank you.

P. S. I've awakened to the lies the last four years. With that in mind this smells of a giant psyop to be honest. 🙏🙏

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If you do read the bible, you will see everything that's happened, is happening and will happen is in it. Try it.

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Jung, J.D.Darby and C I Scofield, all three contributed to the false doctrine of rapture who also suits Zionists.

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Sorry the Bible teaches two resurrection in John 5:29. And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. The timing is here Matthew 24:29-30

29 (((Immediately after the tribulation)))) of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

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I beg to differ Lee, It will be a pre-tribulation RAPTURE, as we are NOT subject to GOD;s wrath upon the earth. Best to be ready like the 5 wise virgins, written in Matthew 25. You may find out all about the rapture, one day TOO LATE : king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html

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Mar 8Edited

That's the biggest bunch of nonsense HG.

Answer my question first posed and let's discuss.

You've fallen into the trap.

Any "rapture," which itself is a word not mentioned in Scripture, along with "millenium", "millenial reign," etc.,

"Thousand years" also appears only four times, in succession, all in one single chapter of the NT. NOWHERE else.

Also, this nonsense that God wouldn't put his people through any tribulation is also just that, nonsense. It also rubs directly against the admonitions to be faithful unto death.

Any "rapture" is no different than the final coming of Christ. Otherwise how could it possibly be as in the days of Noah. Once those ark doors closed, that was it, life on earth was exterminated much like 2 Pet. 3 describes it being exterminated as we know it. No earth for any kingdom on earth, that oh, just by the way Jesus himself said it wasn't, meaning then or future, and obviously no further "dispensation" for any such life to continue.

It's not complicated, in the least. Yet people want to make it complicated. Which is why, A, it's so simple yet only understood by people to whom God has granted, likely because they truly seek the truth, rather than seek from the context of how to get the most out of "earthly living" while still being able to 'make the boat deadline,' and why so many cannot see it.

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Check out 1 Cor 15:21-23. It doesn't read seven years before, or even three and one-half years before, it says at His coming. That's what Mt 24 says too--"after the tribulation of those days . . . the trumpet will sound and his people will be gathered to Him. In fact, there are many scriptures definitely setting forth a post-trib rapture.

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You really think the Creator of the whole universe can't tell the difference between the good guys an the bad when tribulation comes? Seriously? Where's your faith? Lost in your love of your own arguements for sack of personal aggrandizement? Look at me everybody see how smart I am, with the voice of Homer of clan Simpson. Ah forgive me I been drug down to the childrens class I see. I'll leave youse to it then Nighty night.

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Far too many people trusted in man and science both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune syste.

Now that same man who lies and manipulates was intricately involved in putting words to paper as it relates to the good books and just how many good books are there now?

Whose religion is right, who determines which religion is right.

Why are there revisions?

Why did God make His words so confusing that He then needed His CHILDREN to decipher those words so His other children could understand them.

Like seriously, read that back to yourselves a few times.

On top of all of that, who gave man the right to revise and change Gods words?????????????

My faith has only grown stronger the last 4 years because as I stood up to tyranny God then provided for me and my family.

As for all you biblical sheep who can't seem to think for themselves, better hurry because time is running out.

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What is the political history of the Bible? Bible historians claim the Bible is one of the most propagandized books in the history of Judeo-Christianity.

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It's that dirty word "history" again.

It's a collection of books written by many people over many years; transcribed and translated into many languages and a few versions - so the bible historians are probably right.

"The 66 books of the Bible were written over 1,500 years by more than 40 authors and present a cohesive picture of God’s epic rescue plan for humanity."

...rescue plan...

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Thanks Linda O for this bold Info...laser focused and sharp as a razor.

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Thank-you...You're absolutely ON TARGET. Have wrote the same thing many times and really was kicked...Not that it matters in here. Anybody getting upset by Social Media of any kind is bizarre.

The whole concept was/is to remove the desire to fight from the U.S Population while burrowing within the Social Structures and Institutions to empty it from the inside as is apparent right now. Those believing this hogwash of the Eugenicist Propagandists will be waiting for this DECEPTION called 'The Rapture' as enemies are marching upon their own family members as well as themselves.

Find it eminently strange how ANY Minister, Preacher, Priest or Rabbi could EVER spread such indoctrinating/brainwashing.

Jungian Psychology is now being re-analyzed and found wanting by more and more in the field...Too late for many in my generaton practicing.

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John Nelson Darby, a 19th-century theologian? He is more of a snake oil salesman.

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The Bible refers to it as the "catching away." It is referenced many times in the Bible. Matthew 27:52, 1 Thes. 4:17, and many other places. It is only for those who are looking for His coming, so you won't be a part of it.

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I won't be going to the Synagogue of Satan Ball either...

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That is interesting "Jung working with the OSS". From what I have read the OSS was founded by bankers on Wall Street.

I do believe the Holy Bible has been politicized along with other religious texts

I did have a vision that humanity was gone, had something to do with a very large space vehicle. Black grey and will fill up the sky if close.

People who I know have reported seeing that vehicle:

Kevin Shipp, CIA whistle-blower.

Dr. Greer, MD

A private person who has not said it publicly therefore I will keep her name quiet.

I sounded the alarm in 2000 after a dream that our only failure is at being our sisters and brother keepers. I did not say it point blank, tried to develop business model, an extended philosophy of Dr. Deming's work that would lend itself naturally to promoting compassion and business excellence.

I don't think it has to do with aliens. The science has been around for a long time and kept secret.

I think it is humans enslaving other humans Aliens are a convenient scapegoat. What better way to get us to give up the rest of our rights.

Have you ever wondered why the alien races mimick the basic divisions of the brain?

The genetic codes for all living beings is in our DNA.

I do know that we can become way to competitive and throw our ethics out of the window.

Hologram technology has been around since the 60's.

The military perfected neurolink and transhumanism at least by 2002.

I do believe in Angels I believe in Saints. I don't necessarily believe the Catholic Church has the qualifications to have a monopoly in that department.

A lot of what is in the Bible is found in earlier religious texts.

Have a great day

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The OSS were operating stations in many neutral and Allied countries in Scandinavia and Europe and had resistance fighters across the continent.

They were also instrumental in training militia in the Far East - including the Red Army (Dixie Mission) and in French Indochina (Vietnam).

They supported Commies and/or anyone who could be of use.

Because that's the kind of 'character' that is drawn to intelligence - esp US intel.

As a matter of fact, Mao was a Yale man.


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Yes I know. I had a friend whose mother worked for OSS on Operation Orange then Credit Suisse. Then in her elder years financed her own video singing worship to Satan.

All I can do is try to carry Jesus in my heart and ask him and God to guide me.

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Yep he was a Yale , that whole communist in Eurasia is again the rich trying to organize the peasants. More Brit divide and conquer . . .

With the bolshevik revolution the Brit monarchy / the Crown got rid of the Russian side of the Royal family. It was the 1st color revolution hahahahahaha

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Two of the top bankers were not British:

Jacob Henry Schiff - Masonic 'brother' to Trotsky

Financed and trained 'Russian Revolutionaries' since 1890 in cooperation with B'nai B'rith

Estate worth $50million when he died in 1920

Schiff's son-in-law Paul Warburg

...and then of course The House of Rothschilds

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You need to look into the "Himmler Solution " your gona love the Cast of character. Western Europe is filled with scumbag. Even the Dulles brothers ARE FRONT AND CENTER. hahahaha

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Himmler was the chief Nazi Occultist.

In ref to these secret talks, it seems that many high ranking people from many countries were involved, incl Himmler and Goring.

My point is: it's always a good deal more complicated than the 'Royal family'.

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Kay, just about everything has been founded or ultimately controlled by Bankers on Wall Street, otherwise known as the Central Banking Cabal. It doesn't sound as if you have a firm understanding of all that. The best quick documentary for understanding it is James Corbett's (Corbett Report's) Century of Enslavement video. Well worth the 90 minutes or so.

I'm going to try to start a series of interconnected shorts under the name The Company Store in order to attempt to string a bunch of stuff together. ... in my spare time. UGH!

It's so complex though because they've been doing it for two centuries in earnest. Since the time of Christ, and really before, otherwise.

Again, lots of complexities. I see no way out apart from the spiritual.

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Thank you I will watch it.

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I don't know what is going on but I am not being permitted to "like" your post. 🤷

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Sometimes you have to click "like" then wait. I've found that it often takes many seconds to register, but if you do it again, that negates your first click. ... and so on. LOL

Not sure that's it, but FYI.

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Interesting. Thank you for letting me know.

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Mar 8
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Stay behind, if you do not believe, Best to live ready to go up everyday, that is what the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit want you to be be. Simply read Luke 21:36 and say that prayer out loud.

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It's good to know your Bible. Hence . . . doesn't sound very secret.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Matthew 24:27 (KJV)

27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV)

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

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The "rapture" entails Jesus 2nd coming TWICE. Nowhere in the bible does it say this will happen. None of the scripture you cite as "proof" is anything other than conjecture of a "rapture".

Also, Jesus would have told us if there were to be a "rapture".

The "rapture" is a trap that preys on people's fears of suffering. It is a piece of wishful cowardice and will result in loss of faith for many and that's it's real mission.

Jesus did tell us we will be persecuted as He was and to endure until the end.

No mention of "rapture". Follow Jesus.

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We meet Him in the clouds at the rapture. He doesn't come here to earth at that time. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord IN THE AIR (not on the earth), and so we will always be with the Lord.

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If you look up the word air in Greek it's word number 109 it doesn't mean atmosphere.

It means Breath of Life or spiritual body what God blew into your clay body when you were conceived. Paul spoke colloquial Greek so it's called Street Greek so if you look up the word clouds it's not atmosphere either you can find him writing about the clouds in Hebrews 12:1 where it's a group of Christians gathered together to meet Jesus christ.

Check out the Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel in typing 1 Thessalonians 4 or Mark 13 or Revelation 13 all will teach that Satan the Antichrist comes first on a white horse Revelation 6:2 with a bow in his head Bo is 5115 in the Greek it's it's a toxin.

The Antichrist comes at the sixth trumpet Revelation 6:12 and all those who believe in the Rapture are going to go with him because they're going to think he's jesus. Second Thessalonians 2 versus 1 through 4 is a good second witness. We will not gather back to Jesus Christ until the Son of Perdition the man is sin Satan the Devil the Antichrist stands on the Holy See in Jerusalem pretending to be jesus.

Jesus comes back at the 7th Trump Revelation 19 verse 11 in Revelation 11:15. Check out the teachings at the Shepherd's Chapel he reads chapter by chapter and verse by verse out of the KJV Bible so you can use it original Dr Strong's Concordance to look up each word it won't work with any other bible.

Have a blessed day

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He does come down to earth to pick us up and we get changed in a instant ans we all go up, those who simply believe. He comes right before the earth pole shift and passing of Niburi's debris trail.

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If you're responding to me, you must be comprehension challenged.

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Learn to write a sentence and people MIGHT take you seriously. I said MIGHT.

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Stay a pirate in a lost ship. Stay behind be our guest. You forgot to read Matthew 24-25. http://king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html

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And you stay a hydrogen molecule free floating in your imagination garage. Silliness.

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Mathew clearly states that the tares are gathered up an burned, then the wheat is gathered to the barn. It clearly refutes a rapture

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2 Thessalonians 2 -- Paul anticipated the misunderstanding.

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The path to life is narrow and cramped and few find it.

I go to prepare a place for you and in my father's There are many rooms.

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Matthew 24 states that the tares will be gathered up and burned, and then the wheat will be gathered to the barn. To me, it is very clear that God‘s people will be protected right in the midst of evil. Just as Noah was not taken off the Earth but protected right here. Just like the Israelites were protected from the plagues while remaining in Egypt. Just like the three that were cast in the furnace were not taken from the furnace, but protected in the furnace. Just like Daniel was protected inside the lions den and not removed. A weak God would have to remove you in order to protect you, and a strong God can protect you with the evil all around you. It clearly states that the wicked are taken away, then the “wheat” or harvest is gathered. It sure doesn’t sound like the wheat is taken away first, and at no other time has God had to hide his people to protect them.

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It's unbelievable how so many Christians have been indoctrinated into the rapture cult, and have become zealots. Never challenge the idea of the rapture with a born again Christian unless you are will to endure personal attacks.

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The “rapture” is UnBiblical as (i) see it’ !

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In fact, likely Satanic. It's false hope peddled by many, many pastors who should know better. I recently watched a video about many of these pastors and Churches, and when you sit back and watch them preach it becomes apparent. They also take "speaking in tongues" out of context, and look like babbling idiots. In fact, The way these 'born again Christians" approach "speaking in tongues" is not so different than the occult practices such as seances etc...

I would argue that many so called Christians are unknowingly participating in a cult spreading false hope and teachings.

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They don't seem to be 'testing' the spirits in order to determine their origin.

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Ben , coming of Christ again is not a cult. Go read Matthew 24-25 again. Mega churches preach against the "escape up rapture event" that I saw in a vision and I am to tell the people about it! King-of-the.net

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Never said such a thing, that Jesus' second coming is an occult. Did you even read what I said? It's the crazy "the rapture is coming" zealots that are part of a cult.

The False Hope of the Rapture


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Got it !

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His Return !!! Escape thru a 19th century biblical revision-doubtful!

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Mar 9
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Matthew 24 states that the tares will be gathered up and burned, and then the wheat will be gathered to the barn. To me, it is very clear that God‘s people will be protected right in the midst of evil. Just as Noah was not taken off the Earth but protected right here. Just like the Israelites were protected from the plagues while remaining in Egypt. Just like the three that were cast in the furnace were not taken from the furnace, but protected in the furnace. Just like Daniel was protected inside the lions den and not removed. A weak God would have to remove you in order to protect you, and a strong God can protect you with the evil all around you.

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My reliance rests with the “New” testament !

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Amen Jesus said in Mark 4 verses 10 through 20 if you don't understand the parable of the tears you're not going to understand any of my Parables cuz Satan is the father of c a i n. I just documented in Matthew 13 verse 38 and 39 Satan has children on this Earth and Jesus taught this in John 8:44 the ER of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and Abode not in the truth for he is a liar .

God bless you

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Mar 10Edited
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Reliance in Faith ‘

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Said Jesus never.

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Obviously they are deceived by Satan. Maybe they should write for Startrek.

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I do not believe anything about aliens. If you seek ‘Truth’ read your Bible..if you don’t have one get one today..

Aliens may be the demons John relates in Revelation..he saw 3 spirits like frog go out from the ‘beast..the anti-Christ and the false prophet’ and into the 10 horns/nation heads..

Too much Hollywood & XFiles presented this whole fake scenario.

Pray..you are not deceived ..2 Thess:2:2-10..🙏🏽

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just the fact that it involves "planets" tells me this is globe propaganda or even propaganda to try to hype the coming fake "alien" attack on earth.

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Holograms! Yes it will be a scare event to bring in the rescue of One World Order or New World Order! Look for it! It’s already patented

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cepher dot net

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Great point the spirits that come out of the Frog's mouth are a hot bed of lies from Satan mentioned in Revelation chapter 9. He comes as the Antichrist in the sixth trumpet were in the fifth trumpet now the sixth trumpet is revelation 6:12 and he comes on a white horse pretending to be Jesus Christ revelation 6:2. We must wait for the true Christ Jesus Christ he comes at the seventh trumpet revelation 19:11. God bless you

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I always find it interesting to note how so many people just automatically assume that whatever messages they get from who knows where must necessarily be accurate or true. There's a line from one of those openly Satanic heavy metal rock bands from the 70's that states: "mix a little truth with many lies". That's how they're able to deceive so many people.

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Also CIA procedure

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What band might that be?

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I miss spoke. The line is actually, "Tell a little truth with many lies"

The band is "Dio"


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I thought that was who you were referring to. One of my favorite lines from Dio..."Between the velvet lies there's a truth that's hard as steel". I think it is very relevant in this world.

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When Satan temps Christ by offering him the world, few notice that Christ doesn't object or deny that it's Satan's to give. Yes, it's relevant to this fallen corrupted and wholly deceived world. It spotlights the difference between those who are in the world from those who are of this world.

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Remote viewers are accurate. Say Luke 21:36 out loud, and believe that Jesus loves you and wants all souls to avoid HELL.

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Mar 8
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Your bull is pure BS.

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My opinion may not be popular, but I am instantly suspect whenever the Ancient Egyptians are involved in anything. I believe that in ancient times, there was an Earth-busting war between the Egyptians, and the Mayans. For this reason, We are bombarded with symbolism of Eagle versus Snake. The Eagle for Egypt, the Snake for the Mayans. Look at the flag of Mexico. It is an Eagle killing a Snake. That is Egypt saying " In Your face, Mayans, now huff My bung fumes!" Whose to say that the "greys" arent a remnant of the elite from Earth's ancient past, or time travellers from the far future. IF the NWO gets its way, then being a hyper-weak tiny dude IS Humanity's future. I KNOW remote viewing is a thing, American Indian Holy Men have been doing it forever. I am not saying these guys are wrong, I am just saying that liars exist on the "Astral Plain" just as they do in everyday life. As far as ANY species of "aliens" goes, screw them ALL! If We are ever to interact with them, We have to be able to get along first, AND have weaponry developed to take them out if they try anything lame.

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The Egyptian 'gods' don't seem trustworthy at all. That's the Freemason religion. The Mystery Schools of enslavement.

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The Abrahamic doctrines offer the same slave mentality. And it “works” because humans are naturally good at worshipping and following.

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the Hellenization of Egypt muddy the water so much. Anything Ptolemy-Cleopatra [Ptolemaic dynasty] line is a pale glimmer of what was once "the black land"

At least Solon got the deeper insight.

Thnx for the birthday shout out. I had a good laugh listening to my goofing around comments😎

Also Am trademarking "techno-Rapture!" its my invention !!! hahahaha

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Thank you for pointing me in the direction of Solon (via Plato). Much appreciated

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Yes the entire history if Egypt is messed up and the Bible version shows the leaders were NOT loving leaders like KIng Cyrus for example was. Jesus is real as it gets, trust those, who listen to the Holy Spirit voice inside them. Those who still have the Yahweh sequence DNA inside of them. 71% of the Christians today are "fake" Christians reads Rev 1 -3. Five out of seven churches are in sin and Jesus tells them, "depart from me, I never knew you?" The rapture happens right before THE BIG EVENT or ELE. Best to head for a Grand Ole Wedding, your all invited up on that glorious day. More heartfelt writings o f this event at King-of-the.net As I was given a vision of this ESCAPE UP, 40 years ago, when I was 23. King-of-the.net.

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God condemns the fake FlyAway Theory Rapture and Ezekiel 13 versus 18 through 21 in the KJV Bible he hates it when fake teachers hunt souls to make people fly. Margaret McDonald invented the Rapture in 1830 she was having a dream and two priests were around and they wrote down what she said. Even she said it was evil David McPherson wrote several books on it you can Google him for more information but I would believe in the KJV bible. If you read Ezekiel 13 verses 18 through 21 in the NIV or the New King James Version Satan's Children the kenites have changed the Bible that talks about birds flying in charms and not hunting souls to make people fly.

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I love how no one brought up the CIA culture creation but every single trope is in at least 1 post.

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Are you my long lost brother? Write a book bro.

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Mar 8
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Ive always found it odd that aliens are humanoid.

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If you are a person who wants to follow Jesus Christ in this world and be with Him in the next world, you know that reading about and studying all this stuff about greys and aliens and extraterrestrials is not something that you can benefit yourself with, that is if you want to go to heaven.

God made you to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy

with Him forever in the next.

Try to live peacefully and honorably in your country and your state and He will direct your paths.

I thought this little book was very good.


The things spoken about in this video are not worthy of your time and effort for yourself to build up your own life and soul.

The things spoken of in this video are of a spiritual nature. Some spiritual things are demonic spiritual phenomenon. They come from the that old serpent, Satan, the devil, the deceiver and destroyer of human souls.

Try to learn what Jesus Christ did for us and how we are to love Him and love others in our every thought, word, and deed.

There may some videos on demonic kinds of spiritual manifestations on this website


The traditional Catholic church was infiltrated by evil and freemasonic entities and the visible Catholic church operating out of the Vatican and only God can deal with this evil. We are to pray about that.

Any "Christian" interpretation of end times and things like "rapture", and how God is going come down to this earth and reign here for a thousand years and such things know that none of that is true. More and more forms of "Christianity" are coming closer and closer to the traditional Catholic interpretation of end-time events. It does not honor Christ to believe in false doctrines.

Here is a free pdf copy of the Baltimore catechism. It contains all the truth you need to know.


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So well said! Amen!

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Mar 8
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Trolling. Trolling. Trolling. Sad. Little. Life. You can do better. Have more. Be joyous.

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RA was an epithet name for Marduk, he was Yahweh's first son. He was a very big deal in our history. This is the same person as Marduk of Babylon. The Romans called him "Mars". Earth's History - FASCINATING!!! Thank you for this very interesting presentation Greg.

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Reading RA is kewl. I liked it, but I follow Jesus, all you need, more than enough, He is all you can really handle, you need nothing else. RA came before Jesus, so follow the Christ, RA will tell you this. I have friends who only read RA and can not stand the "fake" people who attend dead chueches, but Jesus and Mary always shine thought the BS.

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Thank you for sharing this, Greg. So many people still think we're alone and are superior beings in this universe. Conditioning is a powerful thing.

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The secret second coming of Christ to rapture out his believers is a made up lie. It's no where in the bible and was used by the Zionist to get Christians to blindly believe these fake Jews are God's chosen people.

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Texas Don, You chose wrong. Do not stay here. Your invited up on that glorious day. Be ready bro! http://king-of-the.net/dayaftertherapture.html

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Greg Reese writes:

"Remote Viewing is the military term for viewing a target with the mind’s eye."


THAT is correct!


The rest is military CAMOUFLAGE of the truth - carefully created after the biggest US-CRIMES of 1972 - the STEALTH killing of L. Ron Hubbard by the FBI in New York, and the STEALTH destruction of the Church of Scientology by STEALTH CIA-Agent Prof. Harold Puthoff & the CIA at Stanford Research Institute.(SRI)

For details read, verify & UNDERSTAND this condensed INFO:



When the criminal brain-washers from the STEALTH US-DEEP STATE use "remote viewing" - they are attempting to confuse mankind about that REAL human ability to leave one's BODY, as in "near death experiences" for example - because what happens in REALTY is the separation of the SPIRITUAL from the material BODY of any human being, as "normal" at death.


L. Ron Hubbard's achievement was to fully understand this phenomenon - that has been known for eternity in almost all human cultures - but has been CENSORED in many cultures as well, especially in "modern" western culture, as this separation of BODY & SOUL means the ultimate experience of FREEDOM.


Hubbard called this process "EXTERIORISATION" - and delivered teachings & trainings on HOW TO ACHIEVE this ability for everyone - which totally undermined each & every psychopathic Government which was into Orwellian aka TOTAL CONTROL . . . !


People who are trained to leave their BODY with full perception - are impossible to fold under Guantanamo-torture or waterboarding - as leaving your own BODY gives you the ultimate understanding of WHO you are:

An indestructible spiritual being that can leave one's BODY at will, and pick up another BODY at will or live for a while without a BODY . . .


That is totally frightening to each and every Criminal , to every Psychopath or every Suppressive person & a NO GO for each and every criminal Government.

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Wow. I forgot that’s what they were about. Healing your subconscious trauma. What’s with their cult like culture?

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SORRY Caroline,

I am a German built Grandfather from 1947.

So I do not understand your comment.

Could you explain, please?


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Yeah... Cuz Scientology is just so "science-y", right?

Anything but God. Including the cult of a subpar syfy writer out to make a buck.

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Seems to me - you know nothing from the inside - but have swallowed the CRIMINAL CIA CAMOUFLAGE without any doubts whatsoever . . .


Any REAL investigation begins with looking & listening to both sides of any dispute from the inside & then VERIFYING BOTH SIDES.

"Audiatur et Altera Pars"


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Remote Viewers are accurate, for those who have this talent.

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I do NOT in any way doubt - that so called "Remote Viewers" are accurate in their RESULTS - but I tried to explain just the technical background as to HOW these results are achieved.

A "Remote Viewer" must be able to LEAVE HIS/HER BODY - in order to "VIEW" a desired scene - from a Remote location.


This human ability can be found in each and every culture, if you search for it.

The American confusion was artificially created by the CIA - with the criminal intention - to degrade this human ability, that can be found in each and every society & culture in certain naturally talented people.

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Mar 8
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It's a shame that this symbol has been demonized

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Right now the entire western world is cheering the US-lead Ukraine NAZI-Fight against Russia . . .


Only Russia is fighting the Nazi's right now.


As in every war - the killers have to hide - this is called CAMOUFLAGE.

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Countdown to the wild goose chase.... 3....2....1

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This is demon activity. This is the same stuff that people throughout the ages have experienced. The Bible put it all in the right context.

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I like Rupert Sheldrake and I think there is something to what he is talking about. I was intrigued by remote viewing for a while. But it did come out of the CIA and seems like a bunch of fake BS to me now. Modern day soothsayers employed by someone who wants to lead you somewhere. I have my own intuition and it has served me well.

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Your intuition is manifestation of your psychic ability. Now will we ever have "firestarter" kids i doubt it . A child mind is the closest time frame where the human mind is free of constrain . Am sure neuropsychiatry will figure that one out. Unless we keep injection children with neurotoxins and metals . . . It is clear what they are up to . They want basic minds , no competition.

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A lot of these comments are along the lines of "the Bible said it, and I believe it" -- lots of credulous, brainwashed people out there who, no doubt, are gungho for the ongoing genocide in Gaza -- thanks for your thought-provoking reporting, Greg Reese

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Well...That's quite a jump of illogical reasoning. You say if someone finds truth in the bible they are pro-genocide.

Stellar deduction. Irrefutable reasoning. Yes indeed. Write a book. Your powers of observation are beyond compare. WOW.

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Mar 8
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Why are you here? Tollin'. Trollin'. Trollin'. Swastika gal keeps on trollin'.

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Then Hannah why do you carry the Nazi sign of death?

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ancient buddhist symbol of the wheel of life.

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"ancient buddhist symbol of the wheel of life."

Yes, and also used by the Native Americans in their art and teachings LONG before the Nazis.

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Yet not recognized in our current time as anything other than Nazi.

So what's the point? If you use a swastika today, you use the same symbol as Nazis, not buddhists or Native Americans.

I am a Native American citizen and I guarantee you if you said the swastika is one of our symbols we would run you off the rez.

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"Yet not recognized in our current time as anything other than Nazi."

No it isn't Pirate, not by the uneducated.

And I don't mean to be rude Pirate, but you weren't even smart enough to Google 'Native American "swastika" BEFORE commenting.

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Well, that was sure interesting and there is some legitimacy to Remote Viewing just as there is with dowsing. However, I would never put all my faith and trust into either one. I have more confidence in the veracity of the Bible than I do with Remote Viewing or Dowsing. I do think Jesus was right when he said that the prince of this world is Satan and that he is the father of lies. There is some kind of war/rebellion that has been doing on for eons between God and 1/3 of his divine council. Call them angels, aliens, grays or whatever. Who knows. However, its not an endless cycle that repeats every 25K years. There will be an end to the rebellion. There will be an end to evil and all will be returned back to the Creator and it will be done in a just and good way such that no legitimate case can be made against it.

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The propaganda caravan never stops. This one is to predictive program you to believe in the aliens when they are claimed by the govt to have arrived, and to remind you who came for persons who have been disappeared/died from shots and taken away by the agencies. Why doesn't Greg give us the choice that it is BS?

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One doesn't have to possess mystical powers to see the future is grim. The present is pretty grim for most people on this planet.

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Eh, rapture theories come from 1830s Scofield Biblicism & “Dispensationalist Christian Zionism.” I don’t, myself, put any credence into it.

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