
My earliest memories are with Christ by my side. Christ has saved me over and over again. And my faith is in God alone. But as many of these comments prove, there are people who will condemn me to hell if my faith is not exactly like their own. And they don't even seem to notice it.

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I have not yet listened to the broadcast from Mike Adams the Health Ranger but the headline read, "Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 7, 2023 - Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion canal that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea. " Makes sence to me. War in middle east after 9/11 was clearly not about making middle east safe for democracy but about access to resources. Also to put in place the Patriot Act and restrict freedoms. War in Afganistan was to get the poppies growing again. ( the real pandemic is the opioid crisis). The allowing of the "ïnsurrection" on Jan 6 was to put more restrictions in place regarding right to assembly or to question elections. I could go on but enough said.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Beloved Jesus Christ is the SON of GOD.

Beloved Vishnu, Krishna, "I AM THAT I AM" is Heavenly FATHER.

Heavenly FATHER has incarnated as Buddha, Isaiah and Krishna.

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I'm a Christ follower, he came as a Savior. He would never want one of his followers to kill anyone. It is disheartening to hear any follower of the Saviors to think killing is the way to a solution. In the past I tried to be a part of organized religion but found that any questions I had were frowned upon. Just believe what we tell you and don't ask questions. I believe the Father cares enough about us that He allows and welcomes questions and He is faithful to give us His guidance and answers. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let them be afraid." "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you, you also love one another." Enough with the killing and hate that is not the way of Love.

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Gregg you are at the top of your game.

If there is any group of the American people that should be opposed to the military industrial complex and the warfare state, with its suppression of civil liberties, imperial presidency, government propaganda and interventionist foreign policy; it is the American Christians. Especially conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians, who claim to strictly follow the dictates of Holy Scripture and worship the Prince of Peace.

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With the many different versions of the Bible out there, one must wonder if the original texts even exist anymore.

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THANK YOU!! IMO this is your best work Greg. Keep spreading TRUTH- thousands are listening.

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The Beast Power of Revelation is manipulating both sides of this conflict and others just as Bible prophecy predicted, preparing for their One World Religion just as you stated. They use the news media to complete their deception but NOT everyone is deceived. The question is do we recognize deception when it is right under our nose?? Some people KNOW what Netanyahu was facing in Israel just before the (quote un-quote) "attack". They are asking the same questions that others are afraid to ask. As the Jews pictured below are saying, Zionism and Judaism are NOT the same thing. It's about time we Americans know the difference.


This man is asking the same questions others are afraid to ask...


Zionism vs Judaism...The doctor explains...


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If you want to comprehend what’s going on please listen to this Biblical scholar: Pastor Jack Hibbs. He’s studied the Bible for decades. He’s on it. This particular lesson is on current events related to Bible prophecy. YouTube Real Life with Jack Hibbs. Calvary Chapel Church Chino Hills, CA. An open mind goes a long way . . .


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Excellent job here 👍

We're all being played.

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This was excellent Greg and so accurate. Thank you!!

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Good video except.

Germany did not want war and made many overtures for peace. WWI was a trade war. WWII was to finish the job. The City Of London carried out a trade war against Germany.

There was no holocaust nor gas chambers. Many academics have written and suffered on this subject.

Israel may not have been the original Holy Land. The Zionists have turned every stone in search of their history and found nothing.

Constantine may have moved the Holy Land to where it is today.

For further reading:

Comyns Beaumont

Kamal Salibi

NB. I do not follow dogma, only the facts.

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Greg, thank you for this informative piece! I’m only learning this history that you laid now since Oct 7. I’ve learned that if the powers that be say one thing or support any particular thing, then question everything they say. Netanyahu and Biden and all them have been lying to us for years and have nothing but nefarious intentions, so why would they be any different now? At first I took everything as it came to me in the news, but very quickly questioned the narrative and began digging and that completely changed my view. Question everything and dig deep! Thank you for being a beacon of truth!

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This is a spiritual war for sure. No debate needed on what kind of evil we face. The whole planet is going to free itself this time... and the evil ones who serve only themselves - know that we are here and awake now.

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I have yet to have encountered a radical Christian who wants to start a Holy War and goes around beheading so called Infidels! I opt for peace!!

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" Id be a Christian if it were not for the Christians."- Mahatma Gandhi

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