Dr. Ardis was saying smokers were not getting Convid. He actually recommends wearing nicotine patches as a preventative matter and says it's even helpful with Parkinsons. Dr. Yeadon was reporting on this vaccine which he said was designed to kill or maim. Either way Pharma wins. Moderna is suing Pfizer over mRNA and Kansas is suing Pfizer over false claims of effectiveness with these vaccines as well as the harm they caused. They said based on information they discovered it's removes their immunity shield from lawsuits. May other states and countries follow suit. May Bill Gates and the creeps at the WEF be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

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Dr. Ardis's research regarding nicotine comes straight from the medical thesis submission evidence that the two Dr's got the Nobel for mRNA in those documents the Dr's said Nicotine blocks the CV 19 biowepon ( lab created) from entering the ACE 2 receptors. The other evidence that was discovered is the empirical data showing it cannot be anything other than intentional bio- weapon which disrupts the immunity clause.

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Had no doubt about anything the Doctors have learned about this Eugenicist Poisoning of Earth. They've always been there through all time and The Bible guarantee's they, as evil, will continue to be present until the end when Jesus returns.

Thank-you for your contribution.

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Yeah there was a video clip of Dr. Ardis speaking of benefits of nicotine. It's not as bad as it's portrayed to be. He said in the 1990's top Cigarette CEO's appeared before Congress and testified that Nicotine was not addictive. He said it was the hundreds of chemicals they add that make them addictive. I am trying to quit cigarettes myself and was trying American Spirit brand but just felt no satisfaction. They are supposed to be completely natural so maybe there is some truth to the other chemicals added before they are made into cigarettes. If Democrats retain the White House they plan to ban the sale of menthol cigarettes because they are considered racist some how. That was how I started and the other ones taste stale to me so there could be some truth that menthol enhances the taste. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/conservative-group-campaign-kamala-harris-black-voters-rcna168393

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No question about the additives being that creating addiction to cigarettes. Once a smoker during a divorce and became addicted. Active addiction lasted almost 20 yrs before I determined the last was the last and totally quit following also turning to tobacco alone.

Honestly, the addiction is a tough one both physically and mentally and for me it was simply necessary to end it and never look back. Was so stunned when it wasn't any big deal. There were cravings which continue to this day. Over time, those cravings diminished in strength and frequency and at this time...It's simply a passing thought and no longer a craving. In retrospect, am so surprised it was so easy to end such a filthy habit.

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According to Dr. Ana Mihalcea M.D. used as reference and source in this report; Tobacco IS NOT EFFICACIOUS in dealing with these Nanoweapon Injections and Geo-Engineered Poisons now infesting our environment.


She recommends EDTA Chelation, Vitamin C and Methylene Blue with supplementation inclusive of Minerals as EDTA and Vit C are Chelation binding both minerals and heavy metals.

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Nicotine blocks the new pathogen lab created----- Dr. Ana has developed handling for removing the metals and poisons a chelator which is her practice. Dr. Ardis also has EDTA supplement and a second one that helps eliminate both doing great work.

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Just want to say I think you are an awesome journalist

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Definitely one of the good guys.

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Nicotine and distilled water? Shit if that’s the case my body wipes the nanotech away on the daily. Never took the jab obv but they allegedly spray nanotech from the sky (and have likely put it in meds, food, water) so I’m guessing we’re all exposed daily. The human organism is truly remarkable if we know how to detox - still learning different methods. Thx for the report.

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i still remember early 2020 when they were saying smokers were not affected by covid.

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same - and i was still smokin then too. im gearing up to quit so we’ll see if i get sick after the nicotines outta my system 😆

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hmmm black coffee and a smoke(no filters!) ! keys to my sobriety hehehe What about those ZYN pouch? here the libs are going after any nico molecules . . . sigh 😎

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oof sounds like u might live in CA? i’ve never tried the ZYN, i figure I either continue weening off the newports and cold turkey it, or I do what i”ve done before and use the nic gum for a week or two then cold turkey. haha black coffee and a smoke are absolute hallmarks to many of our sobriety esp in the beginning 😆 yo i didnt know u were in recovery too, salute friend!

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Another great job Greg. Glad I still smoke a cigarette from time to time. I am a banjo player and I have to take breaks, between rolls, so I smoke a organic American Spirit cigarette. Keep the song and grove rolling and alive! I AM a proud NON-VAXXER. I listened to the small, calm voice inside of me, "hold off Andy" from taking the jabs, so we did. Self employed I was not forced to take it, like some of my friends had to. Our local USPS Post Master Brian, he was forced to take the jabs at first, but not any more. He passed 2 weeks ago, he was kewl , we miss him. He was funny and always smiling. He died of a heart attack, he was 62. He was released from here. He will live again! PTL! We celebrated his life!

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Sadly it was all about the fear of death. And fortunately for me I knew the Rockefellers shell game had been going on for a century and never jab. People were conned and coerced into the unnamed juice they squirt into their systems. I could only talk one pal out of not falling for the pernicious potion. He thanks me every week.

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Fascinating to see this article claiming self-assembling nanobots in the vaccines, but it seems to directly conflict with Sasha Latypova's recent piece. Sasha pointed out that the images we often see are micro-scale junk, not actual nanotech, and that exaggerated claims are part of a larger narrative distorting our understanding of what's really happening.

This conflict shows how easily misinformation—or conflicting narratives—shape our perception of reality. In my own work, I explore how false narratives, even within truth-seeking communities, go unchallenged and create divisions.

It's crucial to dig deeper and question every angle before jumping to conclusions.


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You've been misled if you aren't just a fed infiltrator. Sasha isn't a credible source on this topic. It looks like she has been programmed into being blind to a the facts or is being paid off by someone because if she would dig deeper she would find that her efforts to debunk this don't hold up to any kind of academic scrutiny. For instance, she refuses to give an explanation for how people are emitting MAC addresses from their bodies and why frequencies can be detected also on human bodies. I myself have video evidence of frequencies being detected on my body. If you dig deeper, you'll find out that researchers have thoroughly proven that these images are not salt crystals or cholesterols or any of the other excuses denialists are making to avoid a serious discussion about this topic. I doubt Sacha is qualified in this area, but PLENTY of researchers like the ones sited in this video are. Did you not see the clear microchip structures and how the evidence is shown side-by-side with the evidence from scientific literature? Furthermore, there is a ton of evidence of on-going transhumanist abuses which I would like it if someone would engage with the evidence of to try and disprove, but no one has because the evidence is of the highest sort of credibility and comes from quite a few sources: https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/targeting-proof

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These excuses don't seem to provide an explanation for the clear self-assembly that's happening and the fact that the activity jumps when blood that's been dead for 30+ days is exposed to EMF fields. These denialists generally love to excuse themselves from having to deal with tough realities like explaining why humans are now emitting MAC addresses AND frequencies, right from their bodies (there are of course sufficient controls in the studies to demonstrate this the case, with 17/19 vaxxed emitting device identifiers in one study). But I do have an explanation for them: the evidence in this video is very real. Ironically, it is likely the tech itself that is causing this phenomenon of blindness, as the first thing an artificial intelligence system that is manipulating people would want to do is make the people it is manipulating think they are not being manipulated. Sacha is a great example demonstrating the capabilities of this technology, assuming she is not actually paid by someone to throw a wrench in the progress of the truth. Of course any intellectual argument needs to be open to disagreement, but she is not very polite when you bring up the MAC address test and absolutely refuses to discuss it.

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After Geoff Pain shamed those that shared the study I replied to his comment with a link to the Canadian Government website Policy Horizons Canadia, The Bio Digital Convergence.

He did not comment on PHC TBDC but he did like the comment.

I respect him more than Ryan Cole.

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Yeah I mean all those reasons I gave why the denialists aren't getting anywhere near touching the evidence is ASIDE from the fact that tons of defense papers talk openly about using nanotechnology to control civilian brains and socially engineer. I just saw a NATO one today from a Dutch Royal Navy Officer, and that's very much literally what it says.

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Your comment resonates strongly with me. It is indeed so hard to figure out what's going on, even within the "truth community" (whatever that term means).

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Chris! We’re on the same page! There’s so much illusion out there that I’m leaning to trust the data but also the inner voice, our instincts, that tell us if something’s off. This is the ethos to my Substack 😊 Please come join us !

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She looks like she's under hypnosis.

You know mk ultra.

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I agree, BUT there are MANY of us Truth Seeker's that do not always have to go so far hunting since we consistently seek The ultimate Source of TRUTH, God via Christ Jesus. And those of us who are truly ONE with The Holy Spirit, we understand just how crucial it is to PRAY and therefore, receive discernment amongst many other crucial secrets from The HOLY ONE.

So, what I'm trying to say is... WHEN YOU KNOW- YOU KNOW


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I can see this! Interested in your thoughts on this article here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-multiple-paths-to-freedom

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Looks very interesting!

I just subscribed. I look forward to exploring more of your content. The esoteric knowledge is one that I've become pretty well educated on and continue to do so. So this ought to be fun!

Thanks for reaching out.

PS I Don't have a huge following, but I will be happy to share your hard work with what followings I do have on my other social media platforms. Again, thanks and nice to meet another critical thinker and truth seeker!

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That doesn’t even matter! As long as you resonate with the work, I’m grateful for any support! Glad to meet someone who dares to Brave into the esoteric! We will have much in common.

PS: here’s another article journaling my spiritual and Christian journey: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/love-truth-and-the-spirit-my-journey

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I homeschool my daughter so I haven't had the chance to check the last link you sent me just yet, BUT, I plan to do so during my downtime a bit later.

I look forward to checking it out!

Thanks again!

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Of Course and You're Welcome! PS: Glad to hear you homeschool! I was just mentioning on Peggy Hall "The Healthy American" about the beauty of Homeschooling! Sounds like you and I are on the same page!

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Well we knew this some years ago didn't we? . Transhumanism and singularity books by Kurzweil predictively touched on what has and is happening. A mountain of information in past literature being manifested into their warped ideologies of a dystopian world.

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Beside the obvious statement , he laughed so much it raised the all time bar for duper delight.

3 towers folks not 2. Don't let them rewrite reality.

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Yes to your first thought, and the mirth is really creepy, as you say.

As to the second, they do tell us, cryptically or, frankly, obviously. The Florida classroom spelling words that were said aloud in unison for the President's visit there on the day of the event and just before it happened were "kite," "plane," "must," "hit," "steel," in a slightly different order.

My take is "kite plane" is a pretend one, as in CGI giving the appearance of hitting steel.

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You know , today , is exactly the same (weather) then 23 years ago. It never got quite has close all these years. It freaked me so much i went back to bed for a nap . . . i still have that gut feeling something is going to happen . . .

Has i revisit the subject every year it never happened. Maybe my nanobots pacifiers are all gone and am tapping in the noosphere collective electron storm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Every time we have a crisp clear blue sky here it brings this day to mind.

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Noospheric and noetic sensing over nanobot programming any day!

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There was a podcast with suspicious observer am gona go on a limb i think your going to enjoy that one. #193

>>> https://tomluongo.me/2024/09/08/podcast-episode-193-ben-davidson-and-whose-catastrophe-is-it-anyway/

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I "enjoy" S.O. from time to time but hadn't heard this podcast, so thanks for the link. Had been thinking for a while that the 12k cyclic event explains the end-times of our economies and national and bodily sovereignty that are being engineered, and, in fact, the careless and intentional corruption of everything-- truth, us, and all of nature. It would explain the building of miles-deep underground cities and bunkers of the rich and infamous. It would explain the strong satanic current running through the halls of power and suburban streets all around the world.

That the weakening of the magnetosphere and changes in the sun adversely affect our mental and psychic health makes sense, if we're electrical beings of light. But the soul still can ground us, I think we have a choice. If consciousness is about manifestation, then those going the way of lowered consciousness may be heightening the cataclysm we may be facing. Just a thought.

Next thought, where to relocate?!

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And from the same Ricardo Delgado there are suspected GRAPHENE NANOSHEETS in DENTAL ANESTHESIA.


Dr. Ana recently released info from the U of Colorado supporting the suspicion.


But we're hearing that these nanobots don't put themselves together per se, they are assembled from carrier waves generated by Ai.

Aside from the MATRIX there's the

Charlie Sheen movie The Arrival:



Which then supports The Todd Callender et al concept that 18ghz EMP blast will activate Marburg in humans and do DNA manipulation through knock-out mouse technology.

Interesting that NICOTINE is a remedy.

Would like to hear more.

NANOSILVER is another solution to short-circuit the nanobots while Sodium Borate melts the attachment of said bots to human internals.

That Kurzweil (love his keyboards) cites we'll be transformed without our permission is disgusting.

Where goes the SOUL in all this transhumanism?

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The soul? Oh, it's staying right here in all this... for better or worse.


(It's looking like "worse" for a while, given... everything.)

Thanks for the tips. ❤️‍🔥

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I never took the jabs and I feel sorry for the sheep that did, if we stand united we can do anything.

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This info was made public in 2022 by a group of scientists in Spain. I have been beating my head against the wall. The mrna enables MIND READING. https://t.co/4b6L4nKw3e

Congress passed laws being used TO NONCONSENSUALLY CHIP INNOCENT CITIZENS FOR BRAIN DATA TO MAKE RICH MEN WEALTHIER. In spring this Congress EXPANDED FISA TO ALLOW HARVESTING OF BRAIN WAVES IN PUBLIC. So after Hillary lost election Obama and Pelosi passed national neurological conditions surveillance act to cover their@crimes. The law legalized the ‘blackest’ program of nonconsensual chipping and GIVES THE@STOLEN COGNITION TO CORPORATIONS AND ACADEMICIANS. https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/obama-biden-administration-legalized-neurological-surveillance-after-trumps-election/

Here is video showing the live transmission of my brain waves to the cloud by perps collecting my brain waves. https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/obama-biden-administration-legalized-neurological-surveillance-after-trumps-election/

https://x.com/nazivogue/status/1785700621921738947?s=46 https://twitter.com/NaziVogue/status/1785700621921738947


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There’s a reason the crap can be found is nearly everyone, including the unvaccinated. It’s the same reason that a supposed virus can be transmitted from China to the remote hills of Tennessee in a period of two weeks. Several years before the scam was imposed on the populations of the world some people were suddenly afflicted by strange fibers and insect-looking things coming out of their skin. For lack of a better term, Morgellons became the name. Thanks to independed labs capturing dust being sprayed from the skies, it was found to have desiccated red blood cells containing nanotube structures. They also figured out they could grow these structures by rehydrating them in a Petri dish. Many people had this affliction and some even died from it. Proof that the medical community was aware of it happening was how the patients would be labeled as crazy and pushed out of clinics and hospitals. Yes, the evil plan even precedes the worldwide scamdemic.

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people are trying to dismiss these as contamination, cholesterol crystals, salt crystals, etc.

but it's not working...


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People are not waking up though blame goes to media which isn’t reporting it

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People are indeed staying asleep. The media is certainly to blame but I've come to find some people will NEVER see the truth no matter how blatantly obvious it becomes.

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Very interesting. Check out this recent interview by Mike Adams on Health Ranger.


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Watching it now....

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Nano is able to self replicate by following an imbedded symmetric code. These codes are two gold and a numerical and mirror onto one another. Unlike cell division where the nucleus itself divides ... The binary symmetry encoded into each structure simply mirrors it's subpart, then, because no two things can occupy the same place at the same time, mimic into a new copy. Example: twin Mercedes insignias. One upright, the other upside down ... Both came out of the famous Hex-Vube illusion respectively ... Leaving only the framework to refill with newer insignias. This perpetual cloning is a "Natural Force of nature" that has yet to become known. Believe me, because 'they' stole it from me.

So it is less about me knowing what they know, but more about them knowing what took me years to develop.

Pure evil ...

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This scares the hell out of me! What other drug injectables or oral drugs are these killer nanobots being put into that are now claiming to be using RNA nanotechnology? It looks like they are now putting this into liquid zeolite heavy metal detox products now claiming RNA nanotechnology! WOW! If you Purchase Zeolite To Detox Stick To Only Zeolite Pure 100% Micronized Powder. You can find it on https://zeolite.com

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