As a fan of Icke and with Icke mentioning some of my writings and featuring an article on his website recently, I must disagree with him based on a few facts.
These were isolated from fecal samples and NGS secuencing was used to sequnce entire genome. The infamous furin cleavage site and the HIVgp120 inserts are found in the spike protein sequence part of the virus.
These sequences are not found on COVID negative pateints. I am friends with Sabine and will gladly answer any questions you have.
i worked in a virology lab at the department of genetics at the University of Alberta decades ago and we did not have to mix samples with other cells to sequence them. We simply centrifuged the sample scooped up the top layer aka supernatant (hence the lightest particles) cultured them and if we have plaques we knew we had a virus and we take that material and sequence it. (In those days we used Sanger Dideoxy sequencing that was only recently published as a protocol at the time.) It is a very elegent protocol.
NGS aka Next Generation Sequencing is running a whole bunch of Gels using Sanger Sequencing in parallell but is totally automated.
2012 paper refers to a virus that actually was orignally isolated by the late Dr. Frank Plummer at a Winnipeg Level 4 bioweapons lab in Canada. Sadly he was likely assasinated (died in mysterious circumstances) at a conference in Kenya attended by Dr. Fauci in January of 2020 when Dr. Plummer was put in charge of the original investigating team researching the origns of SarsCov2.
The key to your second question is that assuming that was true the distinguishing and critical Furin Cleavage site and the HIVgp120 inserrts are part of the sequence found in these samples that are not found in non infected patients.
"Isolation" refers to culturing a virus with a distinct and unique sequence. In this case the virus that was isolated from fecal samples as I described originally and then they were sequenced to identify if they were SArsCOv2 or something else.
The unique sequences that were added in a lab are hallmarks of this virus. The isolation part is centrifuging the sample scooping up the top layer and culturing in. a dish. Step 2 is sequencing what you have cultured to know what you are dealing with.
How or where it came from is not the issue, you either have a SARSCOV2 as "advertised" replete with specific sequences in past published papers or you don't.
The really sick part is the unique sequences were patented by Moderna in 2015. Here is a do it yourself guide on to check out the US Genome database and the US patent database aka BLASTIN and see how it was proven that Moderna actually patented these lethal and inserted sequences.
They were cooking up an actual virus at North Carolina under Barrick, they did send this virus to Wuhan AND they were creating the slow kill bioweapon injections concurrently. When Icke asks why they faked the testing w/ PCR is because the virus was never deadlier than a typical flu, so they had to fake the testing to get the "cases."
Icke's points are spot on as usual. The logical progression of questions in this video and four others he's released since summer of 2020 expose the gain of fiction cover story to manage perceptions of the "alternative" truther crowd including bigtree and David Martin fans. When the FBI admits the lab leak is likely "true" what more could be a sign of diversion? Gain of fiction is just that. They need people to believe they can engineer pandemics with "bioweapons" any time they want via gain of fiction. They likely cannot. I covered the no virus cul de sac recently based on Icke, Rappoport, Cowan, Baileys, and Gary Barnett's sleuthing with my own theories of why.
Greg, the "i worked at a virology lab" is actually from my business partner, and I did not attribute correctly the entire response. If you would like to speak with him, then please reach out.
Sequencing is not isolation and does not satisfy Koch's postulate. The entire field of "virology" is science at its worst. It is a house of sand. It is a fraud. Scientists can be bamboozled too. But don't listen to me. Do your own research. Re. Stefan Lanka MD, Samantha and Mark Bailey, MD's. Thomas Cowan, MD, Andrew Kaufman, MD...medical investigative journalist of many decades Jon Rappaport, Sally Fallon, MD, many others The fraud is not new and can be traced back over a century now to Rockefeller's buy out long standing medical practices and the implementation and control of "modern medicine". Germ theory = the never-ending war of invisible enemies against you. It is not a new playbook and there is no credible science to back it.
Fecal matter is so full of bacteria both endogenous and exogenous it would be literally impossible to positively ID a "COVID" "virus" ....anything we eat eventually ends up in the gut...BTW, who is the "smartest guy in the world"??
PS I don't believe in the existence of particles called viruses...
Think of the PHONETICS being used to hide the LEGAL meaning of words that seem "harmless" and "factual";
LEGAL is Colour of Law, not rule of law;
I will not change the spelling of the English word to suit the American way, hence colour;
Deception and DOUBLE-SPEAK keep us in the LEGAL trap; Blacks Law Dictionary is the Dictionary used by the LEGAL; This "dictionary" is also known as "the book of necromancy", "language of the :DEAD;
Human, or Hue-man; Which "SPELLING" (SPELLS, SPELL, VOODOO) do you think the Corporations and Private-Corporate-Courts use to define the word?
I fell for the scam for the majority of thy life; I mean, i :NEVER; trusted "government" and did all i could to avoid :ANY; interaction with "them" at all but i had no idea about just how evil the lying, thieving and treacherous bastards truly are;
It was by the "good graces" of GovCo and the forced home detention scheme that afforded i the time to venture into many a rabbit warren as i researched how GovCo and their Thugs in uniforms were able to ignore The Australian Constitution and trample all over the Rights of Man at the same time; Which led i to learning about GovCo being a Corporation that in-turn led i to Corporate "law";
To say that pissed me off is an understatement; Civil disobedience and non-compliance from i became the way of my life and it will be until i draw my last breathe;
Next hole was the deception of language used in the LEGAL/ADMIRALTY and CORPORATE realm and all the subsidiaries of GovCo, including "courts"; "They" trap us with Language/Spells into presumed CON-TRACT[s] that make us :DEBT-SLAVES; The schemes all start with the BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-REGISTRATION and CITIZEN-SHIP that make us all naught but a COMODITY for them on a ship lost at sea;
The (now) obvious deceptions used against us everyday are in plain sight and now i alert one and all to the deceptions any chance i get;
To any agents of GovCo reading this; Thank your masters on behalf of i for granting i the time to learn about the Skull-Doggery they use on us every day;
Seems there might be a "Great-Reset" after-all, just not the type of reset your fucked-in-the-head, boot-licking, TREASONOUS masters want for us all.
Enjoy your stack 2nd, and especially your honey badger. But I wouldn't hang your virus existence hat on a 14 person study of turds riddled with genomic material discovered via NGS which has its own faults and deficiencies like PCR. Modernas patent in 2017 is proof of a plandemic for vax matching, not evidence for a virus. It's still all computer sequencing and no isolation. Even if it is your friend. That still is not evidence of an isolated virus being the cause of alleged symptoms through purification and proven through unfalsifiable replicated study as the definitive cause of illness. Show that study (which doesn't exist) and admittedly doesn't exist by both the CDC and Chinese CDC and then we're dancing a whole different tune. Until then...they never even needed a virus to fake a pandemic. They only needed people to believe in viruses and believe there was a new deadly one lurking around every corner. It's the main engine of the whole psyop because it deceives people into thinking gain of fiction is even possible, so people believe they can do it again and again. The whole lab leak is a cover story. When the FBI admit the lab leak there's a reason for that and it's got nothing to do with truth. It's all about keeping the deception going.
It pisses me off that US congress can now "admit" to a Chinese "lab-leak-conspiracy-theory" as being "fact" after months of "debate" while millions of people where still being led to the slaughter house;
"Congress", the house of smoke n mirrors, seems to think we are all entirely brain dead;
We have the evidence of US DoD contracts; We have the evidence of the Patents Office registrations; We have the evidence of US funded Ukrainian Bio-Labs....we have more evidence of the US led world wide Military campaign known as SARS2-Cov19 than they can poke a stick at and yet everything is the fault of China, Russia, or radical-right-wing-anti-government-neo-nazi-white-men;
As soon as the Patents registered by Fauci, Dayzick, Moderna, Pfizer, US DoD and many others were revealed, it was blatantly obvious that this ConVid1984 "virus" is man made;
Number One rule of Patents; If anything that comes from nature, is of nature or is a naturally occurring process, one cannot claim a Patent on it;
Many so-called "viruses" have Patent Registrations attached to them; Ebola and Marburg are just 2 of the "registered patent" stand-outs;
The industry to keep man sick has been developing for a very long time;
Anybody know where we can find Any of the Rockefellers?.
All true and verified. 💯 But patents of viruses, bioweapons programs, and level 4 labs are still not proof there ever was a virus. They only needed people to believe there was one.
"Number One rule of Patents; If anything that comes from nature, is of nature or is a naturally occurring process, one cannot claim a Patent on it;
Many so-called "viruses" have Patent Registrations attached to them; Ebola and Marburg are just 2 of the "registered patent" stand-outs;
This is proof that "the virus" and many other "virus" do NOT exist; They are man made and do NOT occur in nature as "they" tell us is "the science";
Incapable of reading huh?
No wonder then you still call yourself a CITIZEN, you obviously have no idea what the word means and the implications it has on you as Product owned by the corporation you register as a CITIZEN to;
Perhaps you should take the time to fact check yourself.
Using a pre-existing viral genome to determine the "isolation" of another '99.97%' identical genome does not prove the etiology of either. Wow. Even I can drive Einstein's relativistic elevator through that circular reasoning hole. And how did they make RT-PCR primers for a novel viral genome they dont know what it is?
Second, in silico genome sequencing won't tell you the origin(s) of each fragment pieced together to form the otherwise non-existent 'whole'. There's no reason to believe *any* of it originated from a novel viral particle.
Sure unless the sequence includes the Furin cleavage site patented by Moderna and the HIVGP120 inserts as per the infamous "bat lady" Shi Zhengli as per her 2010 paper.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. A group of infected patients have a 32K bP sequence including the above unique attributes not found in the uninfected. That sequence corresponds with published papers going back decades. "Insilco" is irrelevent when the actual genome is isolated from fecal samples from infected patients.
Do you understand the difference???? Duh!
Do you even know the difference between dideoxy sequencing and NGS aka Next Generation sequencing? NGS is a modern method that involves massively parallel sequenicng hence a hire error rates of betwen .1 pervent and 1 percent. thus your quote of "99.7%" is entirely meaningless in this context.
"Please take your pseudo-scientific nonsense and put it where no one will see it again.
And *how* did they "isolate the genome"? Are you telling me they didnt use RT-PCR as per the poop paper cited above? And if they did, how did they know what to align the forward and reverse primers to if they didnt know what they were looking for? And if they knew what they were looking for before they started, well damn, I'll drive my bus through that begging the question fallacy all day.
The PCR does not figure into this. She sequenced the entire genome fo sarscov2 from symptomatic patients. Nothing to do with PCR. You have the knowledge of 12 year old when it comes to molecular biology. Stop making an idiot of yourself.
"Study participants underwent testing for SARS-CoV-2 from fecal samples by whole genome enrichment NGS (n = 14), and RT-PCR nasopharyngeal swab analysis (n = 12). The concordance of SARS-CoV-2 detection by enrichment NGS from stools with RT-PCR nasopharyngeal analysis was 100%"
Uneducated and ignorant to be more precise.The PCR test is irrelevant, as the sequencing of the entire Genome was independent of the PCR test.
Would you like to me to give you a step by step description of how one isolates genetic material from a fecal sample and detects viruses?
Regardless of how the patients were selected (symptoms and PCR test) has ZERO to do with the sequencing of genetic material fecal samples.
Instead of a few base a pairs that are used for a primer that detects trace genetic material that frankly could be from any virus ,Sabine isolated 32000 base pairs of the entire genome that lo and behold matched the genome in the published literature. ZERO to do with PCR primers that were indeed a useless metric.
Let's say instead of the PCR test she only selected symptomatic patients that also wore yellow bowties.
Despite a useless metric it did not have anything to do with sequencing the entire genome. You don't need a PCR test as a metic to do the sequencing. The primer for a PCR test is very small number of base pairs that has ZERO to do with 32000 Base pairs for SARSCOV2.
There was definitely something circulating. I never get the ‘flu’ but I got this thing in November. Not a normal cold or flu, and some people got super sick in the beginning, who would not get sick from the flu. The tests seem accurate to me too.. the home tests, are they PCR? Tested a few times early on, but when I had it positive right away. Karen Kingston and David Martin say it’s not a virus but an aerosolized bio weapon, weaponized spike protein, venom peptides, nano particles. Have no idea how that mutates from original to all the variants. The PCR tests from what I’ve heard would pick up venom.
The bioweapon is the psychology driven fear, it can change the human biome and psychi to such an extent that you will get sick, starting with any flue at the least end of it.
I’m with you, Solly. I don’t believe there is, or ever was, such a thing as COVID-19. I believe the whole plandemic was a carefully constructed depopulation agenda that’s been in the works for decades in order to get people to BELIEVE that they were at risk and they had to take an experimental vaccine, or “bioweapon” if you will, to save their lives.
You are right when you say we (body) are a negative charge, which is why it is beneficial to stay grounded, or ground ourselves (body) by walking bare foot on 'earth';
We are bombarded by 'positive' energy fields, like radio waves, appliances, electricity and ever increasing EMF's, and now the FiveGeee;
Positive flows through Negative, or Earth, Ground; Grounding ourselves 'flows' the harmful 'positive' energy out of us back to 'ground';
This earth we live on, is an electro-magnetic controlled field of energy;
Think of a compass; North (pole) and South (pole); Magnets are polarised with a "positive" and "negative" pole: opposites attract....
Now the North (positive) pole and the South (negative) pole control the Earth (land mass and water) and stop it from moving of it's axis, or wobbling like a spinning top when it slows down;
There is very good reason why the names, North pole, South pole and Earth were 'conjured' for this place we live on; Nicolas Tesla knew 'free energy' was all around us as it was written in plain english before his very eyes;
Whether we are on a Globe or a Flat Plain is not relevant in this discussion
All so true! Interestingly , this morning just an hour or so ago I was rereading some Native Tales.
One of them is why the north pole stands still. It's chock full of astronomy/astrology. I was thinking of posting some of these stories, which teach so much more than these disembodied conceptual sciences. And not to mention the abstract concept of money.
If you don't know of it, check out Thunderbolts Project/EU/Electric Universe
I'm not a "uni verse" kind, I see lots of verses. However...you'll go nuts there, it's fabulous.
Don't miss "Symbols of An Alien Sky"....not what you think at first read.
Reread my comment and read the studies again. i know it's difficult to appreciate actual science after all of the "trust the science." Good luck to you.
Let me tell you this, i was taught that "science" is :NEVER; settled and it evolves within it's own studies until an ultimate and unanimous conclusion is met with Truths born from Facts;
I know not what this "actual science" is that you have brandied here.....
I suggest you "re-read" the actual studies and tell us where they got the forward and reverse RT-PCR primers to detect a novel virus which had never before been "isolated". Then go and learn the meaning of these words: CIRCULAR REASONING.
Oh, me too. David a really good track record. I don't get bogged down on the squabbles over details, it's pretty clear that we have a hidden force, and from my pov, it's not just anti-human (obviously) it's non-human. Infiltrated a long time ago and is now in all tentacles of our world.
I think it leaves as planetary frequency goes up (its largely interdimensional and need bodies to latch on to) but it won't go easily. Many people have been taken over (somewhat, largely or completely) but I have no idea if they can lose the 'bug' and save their humanity. (As Clif High dubs them)
I know it all sounds nuts. I don't care. Long history of others (Aurobindo, St. Paul, Rudolph Steiner) talking about this presence.
The premise of Icke is that the virus was the bioweapon and he tries to prove it wrong (which he aptly does). However the "bioweapon" wasn't the VIRUS, it was the VACCINE. The virus was a fake "scare" used to get people to take the bioweapon - the virus.
MRNA vaccine, never used before on humans was given to 100's of millions of people all over the world. Now the "BIOWEAPON" is working on killing, which it was always intended to do.
The #Virus is a red herring. The #Vaccine is the killer bio-weapon.
David Icke is indeed correct. Sequencing is not isolation and does not satisfy Koch's postulate. The entire field of "virology" is science at its worst. It is a house of sand. It is a fraud. Scientists can be bamboozled too. But don't listen to me. Do your own research. Re. Stefan Lanka MD, Samantha and Mark Bailey, MD's. Thomas Cowan, MD, Andrew Kaufman, MD...medical investigative journalist of many decades Jon Rappaport, Sally Fallon, MD, many others The fraud is not new and can be traced back over a century now to Rockefeller's buy out long standing medical practices and the implementation and control of "modern medicine". Germ theory = the never-ending war of invisible enemies against you. It is not a new playbook and there is no credible science to back it.
I have read that they may have dropped something in a few major cities to create the hype, then psy opted the rest, IDK, love David Icke and am with him most of the time
The premise of Icke is that the virus was the bioweapon and he tries to prove it wrong (which he aptly does). However the "bioweapon" wasn't the VIRUS, it was the VACCINE. The virus was a fake "scare" used to get people to take the bioweapon - the virus.
MRNA vaccine, never used before on humans was given to 100's of millions of people all over the world. Now the "BIOWEAPON" is working on killing, which it was always intended to do.
The #Virus is a red herring. The #Vaccine is the killer bio-weapon.
They used all the tools at their disposal and very likely a controllable release of a poison to set it off in particular areas. I appreciate the questions and we'll get the answers to all of it at some point but I do believe that at the Wuhan games, geographic specific sites something made people ill but who knows. The point is that they've been releasing through one mechanism or another so many poisons. How they do it is in a multitude of ways and the five geeeeee is part of it. The elite can't release anything that may put their blue/black blood relatives at risk can they?
We know the "Wuhan Lab Leak" is another load of BS being sprouted as "evidence" in US Congress all while they ignore, or attempt to hide, the evidence that the entire ConVid1984 scam/mass poisoning is a US DoD led World-wide Military campaign;
Remember, US Congress was in complete denial of a "Lab Leak" at first and that 'show' went on for months as many millions more across this earth were being injected with the "solution" to save granny next door;
Now it seems the "lab leak" is no longer a conspiracy theory and that there was indeed a "lab leak" from a US funded Research Laboratory in Wuhan, China;
Which brings us to another logical question:
If the US and the rest of the "democratic western societies" are under imminent danger from China (CCP), then it must be asked how and why are US funded 'anything' allowed on China's soil at all?; For that matter, why does the US continue on with any "trade" with China?; Biden sold strategic US Oil reserves to China while shouting about an energy crisis and driving the cost of fuel through the roof, because of Russia apparently;
Are we seeing a pattern here? If it's not the fault of China, it must be the fault of Russia; Never is it the fault of the US.inc. or it's Incorporated-pretend-Government allies;
Why, and how, was there the "World Military Olympics" held in Wuhan, China just 1 month before the "unknown deadly contagion" was broadcast to the world while apparent residents of Wuhan were dropping dead all over the city?;
(There were even MSM reports of a "severe influenza type virus" that was said to be putting people in hospital and killing animals in the areas surrounding, wait for it.....Fort Detrick, (a US Military Bio-Chem research facility) Maryland US.inc. in Sept 2019, one month before the "World Military Olympics" to be held in Wuhan China and yet US Military were still sent to Wuhan; Maryland is also home to Chapel Hill University where Peter Dazick?, funded by Fauci, did his "research" into "Novel Coronaviruses");
The worlds military who participated in these "Military Olympics" were still in Wuhan as people were (allegedly) dropping all over the place; We know International travel was not halted between China and the rest of the world until January 2020;
Was the "Military" aircraft used to transport the participating members of the worlds militaries back home after the "Military Olympics" or was there another reason to keep the planes flying while a "deadly outbreak of unknown origin" was (allegedly) killing thousands of Chinese people?;
Makes no sense to i to have aircraft full of "people" flying back and forth all over this earth from where there was a "unknown at this time, deadly pathogen" that was declared to be a clear and present threat to the well-being of the entire population of earth;
I guess the worlds military personnel had to return home regardless of the danger to mankind huh?.
Not only are they dropping crap on us from 30K+ feet, but sometimes it’s practically sprayed on us at our front door. I live in Florida and this time of year, a dude drives around in a truck through all of the subdivisions and neighborhoods, usually at least once a month, spraying some type of chemical cocktail into the air that is supposed to kill mosquitoes. He drove through my subdivision at about 10:00 last night, and my dad and I have been miserable ever since ~ major chest congestion, difficulty breathing and we both sound like we’re gonna hack up a lung. These evil, decrepit heathens are hell-bent on killing us, one way or another!
Yes, We The People are being constantly attacked from many angles by Non-Legitimate, Unlawful and Un-Constitutional Corporate-Entities-pretending-to-be-Governments; We musk ask: Are "they" immune to this poisoning somehow?; Perhaps an injection or a pill that actually does what it says on the box?;
It should be blatantly clear to ALL, particularly in the US, that he with the most money and influence becomes "President"; The deception and fraud of what is called "voting" is in plain sight; If only people would come to comprehend this Fact, they would soon stop thinking that GovCo has ANY beneficial interest in them at all and take back their De-Jure Governments from the Corporate (Jew) Empires;
Now that i have that off my chest:
I live on the land named Australia where everything is upside down apparently; Somehow my eyes magically make it appear to my brain that i am walking upright; I don't get a rush of blood to my head either.....If it wasn't for gravity, i would fall head first into the South Pole; I digress.....
During the "lockdowns", where the sheep stayed in their pens and only ventured out to get a nasal swabbing that made the eyes water, the city streets were still being "cleaned" by State GovCO employees; The smell of lingering "disinfectant" let one know that GovCO was still "looking after" the city and keeping the streets clean, even though there was barely a living soul to be seen, other than rats, cats, birds and cockroaches who are all immune to the deadly "virus" that only inflicts mankind;
It doesn't take much thought to realise that it is not too difficult to make any poison smell like something one doesn't find offensive and that is innocuous;
I had a day outside where i was recording the "stripes" being left behind by aircraft in our sky; It was a particularly bad day as there were stripes everywhere, and in many, contradictory to wind and cloud movement, directions;
Over the following days i developed a rather nasty chest infection and the associated cough; I cannot recall ever coughing up so much phlegm in my life; I also had a constant dull headache and irritated, itchy eyes; My energy level had dropped to near zero; My cognitive concentration ability was also all over the place;
The symptoms lasted for about 6 weeks; I did not go anywhere near any doctor, (for obvious reason) nor did i take any "medication" to "cure" my ills, my immune system has always served me well; Never have i taken "antibiotics" to relieve myself of a cold or the like, i just rest and hydrate as my body instructs me to;
I know i was poisoned; I very rarely get unwell and this "event" was from out of the blue (literally) and unlike any "infection" i have ever had; Now 7 weeks later, i still have a dull headache and my energy is not what it was prior to "observing" the sky stripes;
I read somewhere that the Gates-of-Hell "vaccine" GM-mosquitoes were released in Florida, among other US states; Apparently they have been "distributed" to many Continents; I have seen some weird looking mozzies here; Bigger than what i have witnessed all my near 60 years of life and they have white stripes on the legs and body which i have never noticed before; There is also a real, noticable decline in the number of bugs, flies, beetles and other small critters but the mozzie seems to be doing well.
Omg, yes! I’ve been saying the same thing for a few years now ~ Florida, which has always been chocked full of all different kinds of critters and creatures, just doesn’t have the insects that it once did. I bring this up to other people all the time, and I’m met with blank stares. 😳
We’ve always had tons of snakes, HUGE spiders 🕷️and giant flying cockroaches,🪳 among other things. But where are they??? Because they’re quite noticeably absent. It used to be, that you couldn’t walk outside, especially at night, without walking back inside with at least one species of insect stuck to you, but that’s no longer the case. How am I the only person that notices this??? 🤔 As much as I hate bugs, their sudden disappearance is very alarming because they’re a very integral part of our fragile ecosystem.
I imagine many people are too busy with TV, Football, Car races and cooking/reality shows to notice that the entire eco-system of earth is slowly-but-surely being eradicated;
It is all by design, and not by design of earths creation;
Crop "spraying", Bug spraying, bug zappers and Frequency (EMF) manipulations are playing a major role in eradicating earth of the "little ones"; Many of the "little ones" navigate their way through life via frequencies; Many have very poor vision and are attracted to "shiny" objects;
Ultra bright lights being shone all through the night is also a major problem; Many of our critters have wings and their wings are extremely thin. ultra light and very prone to heat damage; Lights generate heat; These little flying critters, while being very strong and very industrious, are also very fragile;
Why "people" feel the need to have light all round them at all times is beyond i; It is un-natural and disturbs our sleep;
I like the bugs and other critters; I respect and admire their strength and industry; They live a very simple, humble life and mean absolutely no harm to people; They mostly survive on that which is already dead and only sting and bite as a defence mechanism against a much bigger predator; If only people respected their own lives as much as these simple little beings respect theirs; They will fight to the death regardless of the size of their enemy....
From little thigs, big thigs grow;
No tiny flying insects, no spiders; No spiders or big insects, no pollinating, no lizards; No lizards and no insects, no Birds; No birds, no small predators; No small predators, no big and even bigger predators; No big predators, no point us humans hunting for food.....
Which then brings us back to crop spraying, and no pollinators which then "forces" artificial and GM vegetables like corn and beans and "Vaccinated" chickens, pigs, cattle and sheep into the food chain; Just like Gates-Of-Hell and Anal-Schwab have been ordered to do by their masters;
GM plants, GM chickens and GM live-stock equals GM food supply which then equates to GM people.......if there are any of us left alive.
i've been noticing this for years also, the west coast is nearly bug free now. Well, they wanted to kill them all the time anyway, now they'll find out what that means. Funny, if there's nothing left that will grow and they have to "eat ze bugs' from ze gmo klaushbutt. Learn to appreciate life as it was given one way or another, eh?
Great Statements. Only I don´t see in this moment the importance to discuss about if it was really a virus, or a PR scam, or the jab itself... I think perhaps it was/is a combination of all of this weapons at the same time: a not deadly bug who seams so close to the seasonal flu, a HUGE propaganda/psyop, obviously the deadly nano-particle + heavy-metals + quantum-dots and plasmid DNAandmore jab, in addition to all the other poisons-morgellons-heavymetals we are aerosolized and are coming in the water, food supply, and clearly in other medicines as well... is a massive attack on us (don´t forget the EMF/WIFI/5G contamination and the deadly opression and violence to the people who don´t comply and resist, and the censorship). Perhaps all this together, even when a bit overwhelming, is a clear sign of weakness... they unleash the cavalry on us.... I ams suspicious about the complexity and synchronicity of this attack and the extreme develop technologies involved: it seems more that it comes from an AI entity in collaboration with psycopaths.... To ban the AI would be a wise move... What if we don´t accept the technologies and the battlefield they propose and we create our own connections and survival web, our own system, stepping back from this antihuman "progress"?
I totally agree with you and totally agree with David Icke, always have. WHERE IS THE PROOF THERE IS A VIRUS??? And WHY IS EVERYONE ON THE ELON BAND WAGON?... I never understood that ....SMH
STICK TO YOUR own atheist beleifs dont interupt the truth i speak you must be a late comer whow doesnt read comments much but likes to throw in jargon
How To Interpret The Ten Commandments
“You shall have no other gods before Me.”
— Exodus 20:3 🙏
As a fan of Icke and with Icke mentioning some of my writings and featuring an article on his website recently, I must disagree with him based on a few facts.
Covid was in fact isolated in fecal matter.
These were isolated from fecal samples and NGS secuencing was used to sequnce entire genome. The infamous furin cleavage site and the HIVgp120 inserts are found in the spike protein sequence part of the virus.
These sequences are not found on COVID negative pateints. I am friends with Sabine and will gladly answer any questions you have.
i worked in a virology lab at the department of genetics at the University of Alberta decades ago and we did not have to mix samples with other cells to sequence them. We simply centrifuged the sample scooped up the top layer aka supernatant (hence the lightest particles) cultured them and if we have plaques we knew we had a virus and we take that material and sequence it. (In those days we used Sanger Dideoxy sequencing that was only recently published as a protocol at the time.) It is a very elegent protocol.
NGS aka Next Generation Sequencing is running a whole bunch of Gels using Sanger Sequencing in parallell but is totally automated.
2012 paper refers to a virus that actually was orignally isolated by the late Dr. Frank Plummer at a Winnipeg Level 4 bioweapons lab in Canada. Sadly he was likely assasinated (died in mysterious circumstances) at a conference in Kenya attended by Dr. Fauci in January of 2020 when Dr. Plummer was put in charge of the original investigating team researching the origns of SarsCov2.
The key to your second question is that assuming that was true the distinguishing and critical Furin Cleavage site and the HIVgp120 inserrts are part of the sequence found in these samples that are not found in non infected patients.
"Isolation" refers to culturing a virus with a distinct and unique sequence. In this case the virus that was isolated from fecal samples as I described originally and then they were sequenced to identify if they were SArsCOv2 or something else.
The unique sequences that were added in a lab are hallmarks of this virus. The isolation part is centrifuging the sample scooping up the top layer and culturing in. a dish. Step 2 is sequencing what you have cultured to know what you are dealing with.
How or where it came from is not the issue, you either have a SARSCOV2 as "advertised" replete with specific sequences in past published papers or you don't.
The really sick part is the unique sequences were patented by Moderna in 2015. Here is a do it yourself guide on to check out the US Genome database and the US patent database aka BLASTIN and see how it was proven that Moderna actually patented these lethal and inserted sequences.
They were cooking up an actual virus at North Carolina under Barrick, they did send this virus to Wuhan AND they were creating the slow kill bioweapon injections concurrently. When Icke asks why they faked the testing w/ PCR is because the virus was never deadlier than a typical flu, so they had to fake the testing to get the "cases."
Thanks for the info. This is a subject I am very interested in.
Icke's points are spot on as usual. The logical progression of questions in this video and four others he's released since summer of 2020 expose the gain of fiction cover story to manage perceptions of the "alternative" truther crowd including bigtree and David Martin fans. When the FBI admits the lab leak is likely "true" what more could be a sign of diversion? Gain of fiction is just that. They need people to believe they can engineer pandemics with "bioweapons" any time they want via gain of fiction. They likely cannot. I covered the no virus cul de sac recently based on Icke, Rappoport, Cowan, Baileys, and Gary Barnett's sleuthing with my own theories of why.
I also highly recommend Dr Sam Bailey. I was a hardcore lab leaker until 18 months ago when this lot opened my eyes.
A Greg Reese tsar bomba cut questioning the existence of a novel virus would break the Internet.
Greg, the "i worked at a virology lab" is actually from my business partner, and I did not attribute correctly the entire response. If you would like to speak with him, then please reach out.
Interesting backtrack....
Sequencing is not isolation and does not satisfy Koch's postulate. The entire field of "virology" is science at its worst. It is a house of sand. It is a fraud. Scientists can be bamboozled too. But don't listen to me. Do your own research. Re. Stefan Lanka MD, Samantha and Mark Bailey, MD's. Thomas Cowan, MD, Andrew Kaufman, MD...medical investigative journalist of many decades Jon Rappaport, Sally Fallon, MD, many others The fraud is not new and can be traced back over a century now to Rockefeller's buy out long standing medical practices and the implementation and control of "modern medicine". Germ theory = the never-ending war of invisible enemies against you. It is not a new playbook and there is no credible science to back it.
Fecal matter is so full of bacteria both endogenous and exogenous it would be literally impossible to positively ID a "COVID" "virus" ....anything we eat eventually ends up in the gut...BTW, who is the "smartest guy in the world"??
PS I don't believe in the existence of particles called viruses...
We, the body, are a walking bacteria factory; The factory is always at odds with itself and "battles of bacteria" are never ending;
Sometimes our gut feels good, other times we can clearly hear the battle happening within the constraints of the flesh.
Think of the PHONETICS being used to hide the LEGAL meaning of words that seem "harmless" and "factual";
LEGAL is Colour of Law, not rule of law;
I will not change the spelling of the English word to suit the American way, hence colour;
Deception and DOUBLE-SPEAK keep us in the LEGAL trap; Blacks Law Dictionary is the Dictionary used by the LEGAL; This "dictionary" is also known as "the book of necromancy", "language of the :DEAD;
Human, or Hue-man; Which "SPELLING" (SPELLS, SPELL, VOODOO) do you think the Corporations and Private-Corporate-Courts use to define the word?
What is the definition of the word "Hue"?
I fell for the scam for the majority of thy life; I mean, i :NEVER; trusted "government" and did all i could to avoid :ANY; interaction with "them" at all but i had no idea about just how evil the lying, thieving and treacherous bastards truly are;
It was by the "good graces" of GovCo and the forced home detention scheme that afforded i the time to venture into many a rabbit warren as i researched how GovCo and their Thugs in uniforms were able to ignore The Australian Constitution and trample all over the Rights of Man at the same time; Which led i to learning about GovCo being a Corporation that in-turn led i to Corporate "law";
To say that pissed me off is an understatement; Civil disobedience and non-compliance from i became the way of my life and it will be until i draw my last breathe;
Next hole was the deception of language used in the LEGAL/ADMIRALTY and CORPORATE realm and all the subsidiaries of GovCo, including "courts"; "They" trap us with Language/Spells into presumed CON-TRACT[s] that make us :DEBT-SLAVES; The schemes all start with the BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-REGISTRATION and CITIZEN-SHIP that make us all naught but a COMODITY for them on a ship lost at sea;
The (now) obvious deceptions used against us everyday are in plain sight and now i alert one and all to the deceptions any chance i get;
To any agents of GovCo reading this; Thank your masters on behalf of i for granting i the time to learn about the Skull-Doggery they use on us every day;
Seems there might be a "Great-Reset" after-all, just not the type of reset your fucked-in-the-head, boot-licking, TREASONOUS masters want for us all.
I don't know, but he must be a real hummdinger!!
Enjoy your stack 2nd, and especially your honey badger. But I wouldn't hang your virus existence hat on a 14 person study of turds riddled with genomic material discovered via NGS which has its own faults and deficiencies like PCR. Modernas patent in 2017 is proof of a plandemic for vax matching, not evidence for a virus. It's still all computer sequencing and no isolation. Even if it is your friend. That still is not evidence of an isolated virus being the cause of alleged symptoms through purification and proven through unfalsifiable replicated study as the definitive cause of illness. Show that study (which doesn't exist) and admittedly doesn't exist by both the CDC and Chinese CDC and then we're dancing a whole different tune. Until then...they never even needed a virus to fake a pandemic. They only needed people to believe in viruses and believe there was a new deadly one lurking around every corner. It's the main engine of the whole psyop because it deceives people into thinking gain of fiction is even possible, so people believe they can do it again and again. The whole lab leak is a cover story. When the FBI admit the lab leak there's a reason for that and it's got nothing to do with truth. It's all about keeping the deception going.
Icke knows the scam of modern virology...
Sam Bailey too...
It pisses me off that US congress can now "admit" to a Chinese "lab-leak-conspiracy-theory" as being "fact" after months of "debate" while millions of people where still being led to the slaughter house;
"Congress", the house of smoke n mirrors, seems to think we are all entirely brain dead;
We have the evidence of US DoD contracts; We have the evidence of the Patents Office registrations; We have the evidence of US funded Ukrainian Bio-Labs....we have more evidence of the US led world wide Military campaign known as SARS2-Cov19 than they can poke a stick at and yet everything is the fault of China, Russia, or radical-right-wing-anti-government-neo-nazi-white-men;
As soon as the Patents registered by Fauci, Dayzick, Moderna, Pfizer, US DoD and many others were revealed, it was blatantly obvious that this ConVid1984 "virus" is man made;
Number One rule of Patents; If anything that comes from nature, is of nature or is a naturally occurring process, one cannot claim a Patent on it;
Many so-called "viruses" have Patent Registrations attached to them; Ebola and Marburg are just 2 of the "registered patent" stand-outs;
The industry to keep man sick has been developing for a very long time;
Anybody know where we can find Any of the Rockefellers?.
All true and verified. 💯 But patents of viruses, bioweapons programs, and level 4 labs are still not proof there ever was a virus. They only needed people to believe there was one.
did you not read:
"Number One rule of Patents; If anything that comes from nature, is of nature or is a naturally occurring process, one cannot claim a Patent on it;
Many so-called "viruses" have Patent Registrations attached to them; Ebola and Marburg are just 2 of the "registered patent" stand-outs;
This is proof that "the virus" and many other "virus" do NOT exist; They are man made and do NOT occur in nature as "they" tell us is "the science";
Incapable of reading huh?
No wonder then you still call yourself a CITIZEN, you obviously have no idea what the word means and the implications it has on you as Product owned by the corporation you register as a CITIZEN to;
Perhaps you should take the time to fact check yourself.
Agree 100%. That's what that red 100 means above. Not sure why you can't understand that. lol
"a fourteen person study of turds".
Oh, that's rich. Just rich. Thanks.
It may be rich, but it is very apt;
Using a pre-existing viral genome to determine the "isolation" of another '99.97%' identical genome does not prove the etiology of either. Wow. Even I can drive Einstein's relativistic elevator through that circular reasoning hole. And how did they make RT-PCR primers for a novel viral genome they dont know what it is?
Second, in silico genome sequencing won't tell you the origin(s) of each fragment pieced together to form the otherwise non-existent 'whole'. There's no reason to believe *any* of it originated from a novel viral particle.
Sure unless the sequence includes the Furin cleavage site patented by Moderna and the HIVGP120 inserts as per the infamous "bat lady" Shi Zhengli as per her 2010 paper.
You really have no clue what you are talking about. A group of infected patients have a 32K bP sequence including the above unique attributes not found in the uninfected. That sequence corresponds with published papers going back decades. "Insilco" is irrelevent when the actual genome is isolated from fecal samples from infected patients.
Do you understand the difference???? Duh!
Do you even know the difference between dideoxy sequencing and NGS aka Next Generation sequencing? NGS is a modern method that involves massively parallel sequenicng hence a hire error rates of betwen .1 pervent and 1 percent. thus your quote of "99.7%" is entirely meaningless in this context.
"Please take your pseudo-scientific nonsense and put it where no one will see it again.
And *how* did they "isolate the genome"? Are you telling me they didnt use RT-PCR as per the poop paper cited above? And if they did, how did they know what to align the forward and reverse primers to if they didnt know what they were looking for? And if they knew what they were looking for before they started, well damn, I'll drive my bus through that begging the question fallacy all day.
The PCR does not figure into this. She sequenced the entire genome fo sarscov2 from symptomatic patients. Nothing to do with PCR. You have the knowledge of 12 year old when it comes to molecular biology. Stop making an idiot of yourself.
"Study participants underwent testing for SARS-CoV-2 from fecal samples by whole genome enrichment NGS (n = 14), and RT-PCR nasopharyngeal swab analysis (n = 12). The concordance of SARS-CoV-2 detection by enrichment NGS from stools with RT-PCR nasopharyngeal analysis was 100%"
And you call me dumb.
Uneducated and ignorant to be more precise.The PCR test is irrelevant, as the sequencing of the entire Genome was independent of the PCR test.
Would you like to me to give you a step by step description of how one isolates genetic material from a fecal sample and detects viruses?
Regardless of how the patients were selected (symptoms and PCR test) has ZERO to do with the sequencing of genetic material fecal samples.
Instead of a few base a pairs that are used for a primer that detects trace genetic material that frankly could be from any virus ,Sabine isolated 32000 base pairs of the entire genome that lo and behold matched the genome in the published literature. ZERO to do with PCR primers that were indeed a useless metric.
Let's say instead of the PCR test she only selected symptomatic patients that also wore yellow bowties.
Despite a useless metric it did not have anything to do with sequencing the entire genome. You don't need a PCR test as a metic to do the sequencing. The primer for a PCR test is very small number of base pairs that has ZERO to do with 32000 Base pairs for SARSCOV2.
There was definitely something circulating. I never get the ‘flu’ but I got this thing in November. Not a normal cold or flu, and some people got super sick in the beginning, who would not get sick from the flu. The tests seem accurate to me too.. the home tests, are they PCR? Tested a few times early on, but when I had it positive right away. Karen Kingston and David Martin say it’s not a virus but an aerosolized bio weapon, weaponized spike protein, venom peptides, nano particles. Have no idea how that mutates from original to all the variants. The PCR tests from what I’ve heard would pick up venom.
The bioweapon is the psychology driven fear, it can change the human biome and psychi to such an extent that you will get sick, starting with any flue at the least end of it.
I’m with you, Solly. I don’t believe there is, or ever was, such a thing as COVID-19. I believe the whole plandemic was a carefully constructed depopulation agenda that’s been in the works for decades in order to get people to BELIEVE that they were at risk and they had to take an experimental vaccine, or “bioweapon” if you will, to save their lives.
Beliefs are powerful things. Entire worlds rise and fall on them (true and false).
A healthy human cell and a healthy human body carry an overall negative charge.
Be negative!! Be healthy!! Don't swallow!! Chew, fifty times!!
You are right when you say we (body) are a negative charge, which is why it is beneficial to stay grounded, or ground ourselves (body) by walking bare foot on 'earth';
We are bombarded by 'positive' energy fields, like radio waves, appliances, electricity and ever increasing EMF's, and now the FiveGeee;
Positive flows through Negative, or Earth, Ground; Grounding ourselves 'flows' the harmful 'positive' energy out of us back to 'ground';
This earth we live on, is an electro-magnetic controlled field of energy;
Think of a compass; North (pole) and South (pole); Magnets are polarised with a "positive" and "negative" pole: opposites attract....
Now the North (positive) pole and the South (negative) pole control the Earth (land mass and water) and stop it from moving of it's axis, or wobbling like a spinning top when it slows down;
There is very good reason why the names, North pole, South pole and Earth were 'conjured' for this place we live on; Nicolas Tesla knew 'free energy' was all around us as it was written in plain english before his very eyes;
Whether we are on a Globe or a Flat Plain is not relevant in this discussion
All so true! Interestingly , this morning just an hour or so ago I was rereading some Native Tales.
One of them is why the north pole stands still. It's chock full of astronomy/astrology. I was thinking of posting some of these stories, which teach so much more than these disembodied conceptual sciences. And not to mention the abstract concept of money.
If you don't know of it, check out Thunderbolts Project/EU/Electric Universe
I'm not a "uni verse" kind, I see lots of verses. However...you'll go nuts there, it's fabulous.
Don't miss "Symbols of An Alien Sky"....not what you think at first read.
Reread my comment and read the studies again. i know it's difficult to appreciate actual science after all of the "trust the science." Good luck to you.
"actual science after all the trust the science"
Let me tell you this, i was taught that "science" is :NEVER; settled and it evolves within it's own studies until an ultimate and unanimous conclusion is met with Truths born from Facts;
I know not what this "actual science" is that you have brandied here.....
The anti-virus camp is no less deranged in their replies as the pro-vax crazies. It's really something to witness both ends of the cult spectrum.
I suggest everyone reread the actual studies and if you have real arguments on any actual points submit them.
Ad hominem attacks are not arguments.
says the master of "ad hominem" attacks;
"studies" are not a Conclusion; "science" is not a Conclusion"
Seems as though you have a real problem with the English language and the definition(s) of the written word(s);
"It's been studied by my medical scientist, and I tell you it is a full ten and a half inches long.
No, I cannot and will not show it to you. Read the studies.
God and viruses too. It's all in the books, you fools. Learn how to read and accept my interpretation. "
Silence. Everyone left for the party ages ago.
I suggest you "re-read" the actual studies and tell us where they got the forward and reverse RT-PCR primers to detect a novel virus which had never before been "isolated". Then go and learn the meaning of these words: CIRCULAR REASONING.
go fuck yourself.
is that all the second smartest guy in the world can come up with?
"He's not conceited. He's convinced. "
Well, that was my shortest subcription ever!! Thanks so much for saving me precious time.
Let "them" talk for long enough and eventually "they" out themselves for who they truly are.....
"Give a fool a length of rope and eventually he will hang himself";
Oh, me too. David a really good track record. I don't get bogged down on the squabbles over details, it's pretty clear that we have a hidden force, and from my pov, it's not just anti-human (obviously) it's non-human. Infiltrated a long time ago and is now in all tentacles of our world.
I think it leaves as planetary frequency goes up (its largely interdimensional and need bodies to latch on to) but it won't go easily. Many people have been taken over (somewhat, largely or completely) but I have no idea if they can lose the 'bug' and save their humanity. (As Clif High dubs them)
I know it all sounds nuts. I don't care. Long history of others (Aurobindo, St. Paul, Rudolph Steiner) talking about this presence.
I think in the end - it all comes out.
Thanks for the link.
Here's my $.02 on this topic.
The premise of Icke is that the virus was the bioweapon and he tries to prove it wrong (which he aptly does). However the "bioweapon" wasn't the VIRUS, it was the VACCINE. The virus was a fake "scare" used to get people to take the bioweapon - the virus.
MRNA vaccine, never used before on humans was given to 100's of millions of people all over the world. Now the "BIOWEAPON" is working on killing, which it was always intended to do.
The #Virus is a red herring. The #Vaccine is the killer bio-weapon.
You're gonna have as hard a time proving the mRNA as you are a virus.
Questions, Questions, That Aren't Being Asked
WHY ARE THEY SHOWING US CARTEL WITH JAVELIN ???? (shoulder held missiles)
Seeding the thought of Ukraine/Mex Cartel White supremacist treat on US soil ?
OR ! Create jealousy among patriot who want new toys to celebrate the 2nd amd ?
Why is the media lying about the cost of said missiles ? 20mm-60mm per? This is ludichrist
I definitely can make you one for under 100k or 20 k/per minimum 2 dozens .
Beat that Raytheon !!!!
Absolutely everything affects and modifies our DNA.
Living systems are constantly changing, that's the basic definition of life.
All that grasping and holding onto and controlling and fixing and stasis is the game of death.
PS. All caps is considered shouting. We don't need you shouting at us, we're not stupid.
David Icke is indeed correct. Sequencing is not isolation and does not satisfy Koch's postulate. The entire field of "virology" is science at its worst. It is a house of sand. It is a fraud. Scientists can be bamboozled too. But don't listen to me. Do your own research. Re. Stefan Lanka MD, Samantha and Mark Bailey, MD's. Thomas Cowan, MD, Andrew Kaufman, MD...medical investigative journalist of many decades Jon Rappaport, Sally Fallon, MD, many others The fraud is not new and can be traced back over a century now to Rockefeller's buy out long standing medical practices and the implementation and control of "modern medicine". Germ theory = the never-ending war of invisible enemies against you. It is not a new playbook and there is no credible science to back it.
I have read that they may have dropped something in a few major cities to create the hype, then psy opted the rest, IDK, love David Icke and am with him most of the time
OBGYN and Veteran Warns Federal Government Has Become a Terrorist Organization and One of the Biggest Mass Murders of World History https://banned.video/watch?id=647a4485a6e3bb004564bf6
Here's my $.02 on this topic.
The premise of Icke is that the virus was the bioweapon and he tries to prove it wrong (which he aptly does). However the "bioweapon" wasn't the VIRUS, it was the VACCINE. The virus was a fake "scare" used to get people to take the bioweapon - the virus.
MRNA vaccine, never used before on humans was given to 100's of millions of people all over the world. Now the "BIOWEAPON" is working on killing, which it was always intended to do.
The #Virus is a red herring. The #Vaccine is the killer bio-weapon.
They used all the tools at their disposal and very likely a controllable release of a poison to set it off in particular areas. I appreciate the questions and we'll get the answers to all of it at some point but I do believe that at the Wuhan games, geographic specific sites something made people ill but who knows. The point is that they've been releasing through one mechanism or another so many poisons. How they do it is in a multitude of ways and the five geeeeee is part of it. The elite can't release anything that may put their blue/black blood relatives at risk can they?
Take a look up at the skies;
I'm of the opinion that it is highly likely that this "virus" was sprayed onto all living matter on earth from the "chem-trails" of aircraft;
I do not have evidential proof; As i said, it is my opinion;
What we do know is that many chemicals are being sprayed on us from aircraft and other flying objects like drones;
We know the "Wuhan Lab Leak" is another load of BS being sprouted as "evidence" in US Congress all while they ignore, or attempt to hide, the evidence that the entire ConVid1984 scam/mass poisoning is a US DoD led World-wide Military campaign;
Remember, US Congress was in complete denial of a "Lab Leak" at first and that 'show' went on for months as many millions more across this earth were being injected with the "solution" to save granny next door;
Now it seems the "lab leak" is no longer a conspiracy theory and that there was indeed a "lab leak" from a US funded Research Laboratory in Wuhan, China;
Which brings us to another logical question:
If the US and the rest of the "democratic western societies" are under imminent danger from China (CCP), then it must be asked how and why are US funded 'anything' allowed on China's soil at all?; For that matter, why does the US continue on with any "trade" with China?; Biden sold strategic US Oil reserves to China while shouting about an energy crisis and driving the cost of fuel through the roof, because of Russia apparently;
Are we seeing a pattern here? If it's not the fault of China, it must be the fault of Russia; Never is it the fault of the US.inc. or it's Incorporated-pretend-Government allies;
Why, and how, was there the "World Military Olympics" held in Wuhan, China just 1 month before the "unknown deadly contagion" was broadcast to the world while apparent residents of Wuhan were dropping dead all over the city?;
(There were even MSM reports of a "severe influenza type virus" that was said to be putting people in hospital and killing animals in the areas surrounding, wait for it.....Fort Detrick, (a US Military Bio-Chem research facility) Maryland US.inc. in Sept 2019, one month before the "World Military Olympics" to be held in Wuhan China and yet US Military were still sent to Wuhan; Maryland is also home to Chapel Hill University where Peter Dazick?, funded by Fauci, did his "research" into "Novel Coronaviruses");
The worlds military who participated in these "Military Olympics" were still in Wuhan as people were (allegedly) dropping all over the place; We know International travel was not halted between China and the rest of the world until January 2020;
Was the "Military" aircraft used to transport the participating members of the worlds militaries back home after the "Military Olympics" or was there another reason to keep the planes flying while a "deadly outbreak of unknown origin" was (allegedly) killing thousands of Chinese people?;
Makes no sense to i to have aircraft full of "people" flying back and forth all over this earth from where there was a "unknown at this time, deadly pathogen" that was declared to be a clear and present threat to the well-being of the entire population of earth;
I guess the worlds military personnel had to return home regardless of the danger to mankind huh?.
Not only are they dropping crap on us from 30K+ feet, but sometimes it’s practically sprayed on us at our front door. I live in Florida and this time of year, a dude drives around in a truck through all of the subdivisions and neighborhoods, usually at least once a month, spraying some type of chemical cocktail into the air that is supposed to kill mosquitoes. He drove through my subdivision at about 10:00 last night, and my dad and I have been miserable ever since ~ major chest congestion, difficulty breathing and we both sound like we’re gonna hack up a lung. These evil, decrepit heathens are hell-bent on killing us, one way or another!
Yes, We The People are being constantly attacked from many angles by Non-Legitimate, Unlawful and Un-Constitutional Corporate-Entities-pretending-to-be-Governments; We musk ask: Are "they" immune to this poisoning somehow?; Perhaps an injection or a pill that actually does what it says on the box?;
It should be blatantly clear to ALL, particularly in the US, that he with the most money and influence becomes "President"; The deception and fraud of what is called "voting" is in plain sight; If only people would come to comprehend this Fact, they would soon stop thinking that GovCo has ANY beneficial interest in them at all and take back their De-Jure Governments from the Corporate (Jew) Empires;
Now that i have that off my chest:
I live on the land named Australia where everything is upside down apparently; Somehow my eyes magically make it appear to my brain that i am walking upright; I don't get a rush of blood to my head either.....If it wasn't for gravity, i would fall head first into the South Pole; I digress.....
During the "lockdowns", where the sheep stayed in their pens and only ventured out to get a nasal swabbing that made the eyes water, the city streets were still being "cleaned" by State GovCO employees; The smell of lingering "disinfectant" let one know that GovCO was still "looking after" the city and keeping the streets clean, even though there was barely a living soul to be seen, other than rats, cats, birds and cockroaches who are all immune to the deadly "virus" that only inflicts mankind;
It doesn't take much thought to realise that it is not too difficult to make any poison smell like something one doesn't find offensive and that is innocuous;
I had a day outside where i was recording the "stripes" being left behind by aircraft in our sky; It was a particularly bad day as there were stripes everywhere, and in many, contradictory to wind and cloud movement, directions;
Over the following days i developed a rather nasty chest infection and the associated cough; I cannot recall ever coughing up so much phlegm in my life; I also had a constant dull headache and irritated, itchy eyes; My energy level had dropped to near zero; My cognitive concentration ability was also all over the place;
The symptoms lasted for about 6 weeks; I did not go anywhere near any doctor, (for obvious reason) nor did i take any "medication" to "cure" my ills, my immune system has always served me well; Never have i taken "antibiotics" to relieve myself of a cold or the like, i just rest and hydrate as my body instructs me to;
I know i was poisoned; I very rarely get unwell and this "event" was from out of the blue (literally) and unlike any "infection" i have ever had; Now 7 weeks later, i still have a dull headache and my energy is not what it was prior to "observing" the sky stripes;
I read somewhere that the Gates-of-Hell "vaccine" GM-mosquitoes were released in Florida, among other US states; Apparently they have been "distributed" to many Continents; I have seen some weird looking mozzies here; Bigger than what i have witnessed all my near 60 years of life and they have white stripes on the legs and body which i have never noticed before; There is also a real, noticable decline in the number of bugs, flies, beetles and other small critters but the mozzie seems to be doing well.
Omg, yes! I’ve been saying the same thing for a few years now ~ Florida, which has always been chocked full of all different kinds of critters and creatures, just doesn’t have the insects that it once did. I bring this up to other people all the time, and I’m met with blank stares. 😳
We’ve always had tons of snakes, HUGE spiders 🕷️and giant flying cockroaches,🪳 among other things. But where are they??? Because they’re quite noticeably absent. It used to be, that you couldn’t walk outside, especially at night, without walking back inside with at least one species of insect stuck to you, but that’s no longer the case. How am I the only person that notices this??? 🤔 As much as I hate bugs, their sudden disappearance is very alarming because they’re a very integral part of our fragile ecosystem.
I imagine many people are too busy with TV, Football, Car races and cooking/reality shows to notice that the entire eco-system of earth is slowly-but-surely being eradicated;
It is all by design, and not by design of earths creation;
Crop "spraying", Bug spraying, bug zappers and Frequency (EMF) manipulations are playing a major role in eradicating earth of the "little ones"; Many of the "little ones" navigate their way through life via frequencies; Many have very poor vision and are attracted to "shiny" objects;
Ultra bright lights being shone all through the night is also a major problem; Many of our critters have wings and their wings are extremely thin. ultra light and very prone to heat damage; Lights generate heat; These little flying critters, while being very strong and very industrious, are also very fragile;
Why "people" feel the need to have light all round them at all times is beyond i; It is un-natural and disturbs our sleep;
I like the bugs and other critters; I respect and admire their strength and industry; They live a very simple, humble life and mean absolutely no harm to people; They mostly survive on that which is already dead and only sting and bite as a defence mechanism against a much bigger predator; If only people respected their own lives as much as these simple little beings respect theirs; They will fight to the death regardless of the size of their enemy....
From little thigs, big thigs grow;
No tiny flying insects, no spiders; No spiders or big insects, no pollinating, no lizards; No lizards and no insects, no Birds; No birds, no small predators; No small predators, no big and even bigger predators; No big predators, no point us humans hunting for food.....
Which then brings us back to crop spraying, and no pollinators which then "forces" artificial and GM vegetables like corn and beans and "Vaccinated" chickens, pigs, cattle and sheep into the food chain; Just like Gates-Of-Hell and Anal-Schwab have been ordered to do by their masters;
GM plants, GM chickens and GM live-stock equals GM food supply which then equates to GM people.......if there are any of us left alive.
i've been noticing this for years also, the west coast is nearly bug free now. Well, they wanted to kill them all the time anyway, now they'll find out what that means. Funny, if there's nothing left that will grow and they have to "eat ze bugs' from ze gmo klaushbutt. Learn to appreciate life as it was given one way or another, eh?
Arrogance is very deadly.
That truck and it's driver need to be disabled.
Along with many other GovCo employees.
While we're at it, my two brothers who are stealing my trust monies while I struggle horribly.
Posted on my Substack. Excellent.
How do I upgrade to paid subscriber? I see no icons on any of your posts.
Great Statements. Only I don´t see in this moment the importance to discuss about if it was really a virus, or a PR scam, or the jab itself... I think perhaps it was/is a combination of all of this weapons at the same time: a not deadly bug who seams so close to the seasonal flu, a HUGE propaganda/psyop, obviously the deadly nano-particle + heavy-metals + quantum-dots and plasmid DNAandmore jab, in addition to all the other poisons-morgellons-heavymetals we are aerosolized and are coming in the water, food supply, and clearly in other medicines as well... is a massive attack on us (don´t forget the EMF/WIFI/5G contamination and the deadly opression and violence to the people who don´t comply and resist, and the censorship). Perhaps all this together, even when a bit overwhelming, is a clear sign of weakness... they unleash the cavalry on us.... I ams suspicious about the complexity and synchronicity of this attack and the extreme develop technologies involved: it seems more that it comes from an AI entity in collaboration with psycopaths.... To ban the AI would be a wise move... What if we don´t accept the technologies and the battlefield they propose and we create our own connections and survival web, our own system, stepping back from this antihuman "progress"?
"understand"?, never!
understand is to "stand-under" and i stand-under no-one; we are all created equal.
I totally agree with you and totally agree with David Icke, always have. WHERE IS THE PROOF THERE IS A VIRUS??? And WHY IS EVERYONE ON THE ELON BAND WAGON?... I never understood that ....SMH