I wonder who the cinematographer was that remained on the moon to record its take off.

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Stanley Kubrick

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and filmed at the Laurel Canyon CIA owned "Lookout Tower' on top of the canyon.

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Built in 1947 ! The good Ole 'Company' working with our military !

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the company is joined at the hip with the military - it started out as the oss, which was essentially military intelligence. but the foundational structure comes from occult societies with a lot of notorious globalists as leading members. and its first years - and many programs - were bankrolled by the rocketfellows,

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It’s so obvious even back then. Wanted to get there before Russia

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they wanted to base ace the space race.

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LOL, ya, probably.

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BINGO!!! Rummy even admitted that they borrowed (actually commandeered is more like it) his studio in London for some of the footage. Of course this footage was only taken in case the mission somehow failed, which he assured us it didn't.

Seriously.... You can't make this shit up!

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LOL! The details you don't think about~

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you are correct, Sir. Author Bart Sibrel - "Moon Man" - 2021

exposes the entire scheme. (amazon.com)

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😆👏👏 They really do think we're that stupid!

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LOL! But we are! I grew up and sat in my sisters living room along with entire family just amazed and proud~back then you had no reason to question these events~the matrix was alive and well and life was good~I was just a teenager.

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Agreed, it Is a mesmerizing television event

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Most people ARE that stupid.

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70% of the US population got the 💉💉💉

They’re the same people that believe we put a man on the moon and the Earth is round and hurtling through space at a million miles per hour. 😂

So yes, the majority is retarded.

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Yeah! I honestly don't know what the shape of our planet is? We all got told that the earth is a globe 🌎 spinning several 1000 miles an hour out in space when we were children in school! The science teacher always had that model of the globe earth in the classroom so we never questioned it. Like we see the globe model so it's got to be true right! I only learned about people saying that the earth is flat about 5 years ago and I thought "what that's nuts!" So I wanted to understand why people were saying that and I started watching the videos and listening to interviews with people saying the earth is flat! They explained why and brought up some great points and showed evidence! The biggest piece of evidence asked is "where's the curvature?" This was measured at long distances on land and at the beach looking out over the ocean! Ships and boats should disappear and not be visible through binoculars at long distances from the beach if the earth was a globe but those ships and boats are still visible at very long distances from the beach. The 2 that got me questioning this was when you are at the beach looking at the sunset for example, 1. look out at where the sky and ocean meet, if earth was a globe you would see the curvature with your on 2 eyes, but instead you see this 👉🏝it's a straight line! Where's the curvature? 2. Pilots don't have to adjust the front of the plane and turn downwards to follow the curvature, they keep the plane flying in a level straight path, also Pilots themselves said that the earth is flat at those high altitudes and that they have never seen the curvature! In learning these things and thinking about this it doesn't make sense that the earth is a globe!

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😆 Yelp!

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I've decided that 8f you're not onboard with the FLAT nature of our realm, you are simply not human. NPC.

NPC are the va666nated.

No Flat earthers 8 know or heard of were dumb enough to line up for the jab-omination. Only NPC dummies lined up for the bioweapon.

So suck on that GLOBIES.

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You cant be stupid, if you truly dont know

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Dec 10, 2023
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Definitely not disputing that fact. I don’t know how long the “government” has been putting fluoride in the water, but I’d say it started long before that, even. Like going back to WWI. Only, they didn’t use chemicals and poisons (or maybe they did?), but rather, mind control.

I was just using the fact that at least 70% of the US population has been vaccinated, as a type of marker in present-day society, like that’s what we’re working with here... almost 3/4 of our population is SO DUMB, that they allowed the “government” to inject them with poison.

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Many still are ....it's only been ...what..55 years.

I first learned of this 8 or 9 years ago !

What ever happened to babyJane?


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That movie scared/scares the hell out of me…the rat under the beautiful silver food tray! That movie is a CLASSIC!

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Yes. They do. Just like those Cov-idiot shots...

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You are not allowed to ask intelligent questions! Please refrain from doing so in the future.

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The crew of the Space Shuttles. I work in a place that have people involved in government construction projects. About 2020, we got a supervisor that was returning from a few years near Johnson Space Center. He had a binder with all of his required information for starting back at our firm. The front cover had a picture taken while making a Hanger for NASA. In order to have that picture, he had to have permission to have it for public consumption. The Hanger door was open and two shiny brand new Space Shuttles, exactly like the ones in the movie Armageddon, were stored standing nose vertical. The Delta wing of a third shuttle was clearly visible. Meaning? Apollo program was for deeper space (Mars) missions and the moon missions were just training and demonstration exercises. Soyuz Apollo 19 thru 25 were the execution. That means the Space Shuttles were designed for not just orbital missions and what we saw in the 1980s and 90s were obsolete Shuttles used for near earth orbital missions...and the moon landings were much earlier by Shuttles.

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seymour butts

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I’ve known that for years, surprised Putin didn’t

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He probably knows. Just never said

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a few months ago, a Russian high-up said he already was pretty sure, because their astronauts come back so exhausted, they have to be supported. The Americans just jump out of the cabin. They know about the Van Allen belt. I think lots of people knew but never wanted to put America in its underpants. Now the pants have dropped off for good!

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Right and whew, disgusted at WHAT I am SEEING!!!

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That makes sense

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Most likely a Freemason too!

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Freemasons are the worker bees; the minions. Made to believe they are superior but by their betrayal of mankind, show that they’re greedy little buggers deserving of nothing. Their loyalty to their rulers will be rewarded with extermination. People like that are like the snake that swallows it’s own tail. They eat themselves. They self destruct.

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There are Freemasons that are on the bottom, 3rd Degree, etc. I don’t think any of them know the history behind Freemasons>Shriners… They simply want to belong to a fraternity and drink/smoke cigars. I know a few.

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Every non-free ( chained and schackled) $atanic Ma$on will wish they NEVER joined this group, as they will burn for 1000 years in hell.

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I wouldn’t judge another man’s soul or the power of redemption and salvation. Never…

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That is the part of the presentation that seemed the weakest and the laziest. A much more plausible explanation was the astronauts were convicted this was a vital American mission against Communism, lets we forget the thoughts at the time. Personally, that is much more logical to have the Astronauts convinced they were doing the work of fighting communism and that sometimes things like this were necessary evils for the greater good.

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Not at all

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Right on Greg! Another Zionist lie

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So... When and how did NASA scientists solve the problem of making it through the radiation wall? I've heard more than one NASA SCIENTISTS, in recent years, discuss this.

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A while back I heard the claim that the lunar modules were some kind of special design that could withstand all the rigors required for a moon landing, but they had lost all the schematics and info on how to make them, so they haven't been able to go back all these years because of that.

Sound plausible to you, or just as cockamamie as all the rest of their fairy tales.

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What we must always do is consider ALL the information and not make a decision on whether a claim is true on the basis of a seeming anomaly. It's not impossible that schematics were lost, is it? And what details of this loss do you know? The way I see it, the lunar conditions are completely alien to terrestrial conditions and all the imagery we are shown corresponds with those conditions which I think would be impossible to fake consistently. We also have the hours and hours of audio that I think would be impossible to fake nor do we have any evidence of fakery. Also, faking hours and hours of something is so not the way they do psyops. Psyops are all about smoke'n'mirrors, not bending over backwards to make something seem real by producing hours and hours of it - in fact, they go the other way.

Let's look at some audio we know is fake:

--- 9/11 firefighter "oral" histories - OK we actually don't have the audio - big red flag - we only have the transcripts ... which do not add up in any shape or form. I'll leave you to guess why there are no recordings that the transcripts would surely be based on.


--- Collateral Murder - the alleged footage of US soldiers targeting innocent Iraqi civilians - we can tell IMMEDIATELY (although no one has noticed) that this audio is bits of genuine audio stitched together over staged footage which it ill-matches. There are 13 callsigns in the transcript which make no sense, especially when the Apache pilots weren't in communication with their ground crew, anomalous of itself.


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FYI, I had a person I know view this to get his opinion. Even though we both agree that we were likely fooled, this is what he said, which I find interesting, “Need to dice up this video into pieces. For example they conveniently leave out the fact that The Van Allen belt was known about back then but because the Apollo craft’s on board electronics was old stuff with zero integrated circuits so the belt did not impact them. Todays electronics would have an issue and that is why the are conducting experiments to how to best protect components.”

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Also, the Apollo missions occurred during active solar flaring of the sun, which opposite of what you’d think, helped reduce the size and effect of the belts due to the electromagnetic impact on the Earth’s magnetic fields which are what effect force on the radiation, creating the ‘belts’. That’s part of what I read. Also, space radiation is different from nuclear radiation; similar but different. The astronauts may have not been made fully aware of the hazards. Did we go to the moon? I’m not convinced either way. Can’t trust our bureaucracy or government so it’s hard to know. Once more countries get up there, hope they can either prove or disprove the existence of the landing sites.

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with the computing power of a 3 dollar calculator of today... oh boy

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The NASA engineer, Kelly Smith, who says the Van Allen belts are dangerous actually explains the reason. He says "radiation like this could harm the guidance systems, onboard computers or other electronics on Orion". Smith does not say that the radiation is a danger to humans. NASA scientist David Sibeck gives more detail, stating that "Our current technology is ever more susceptible to these accelerated particles because even a single hit from a particle can upset our ever smaller instruments and electronics." It is the threat to sensitive electronics, not to people, which is the problem.

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A human would be subjected to 68.1 RADS in 1.13 hrs., well below the lethal dose of 300 RADS in 1hr.

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Exactly, I have seen military instructional films on the Huge danger of the Van Allen belt, talk about contradiction! Controlling the heard needs slightly over a 66% believe factor. I could go on but I think there is an educated crowd here that knows exactly what that means.

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From re-engineering fallen craft/dics, (1947 till now) they came up with different metal alloys that can take the heat and radiation. No more need to use the white non-metallic alum. oxide tiles, they use multiple thin layers of different metals, bismuth is one metal, it is written in the "Day After Roswell" book by Coroso. Space Force uses these metals.

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Stanley Kubrick admitted it on tape no? I saw that a few months ago circulating. Just before his death.

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Nazis Einstein!

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I hate Einstein, he was an enemy of Tesla. Al stole the E-mc2 idea from a fellow student. He said the aether energy does not exist, there is no zero point energy, as Tesla discovered at Colorado Springs, back in 1899 to 1901. Man has no non-hertzian (-) energy meter. The (-) equation was dropped in the physics classes in 1933 and physics was changed to "modern physics" and left out the free energy from space that we can capture with toroidal and magnetic fields, that defy gravity. We sell non-hertzian energy capturing devices at our online store. The Rock'o'fellers took Nikola Tesla, the Father of Inventions (300+ patents in his name, was taken out of ALL the school textbooks in 1934.

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why do you hate somebody who died already?? No need to waste the energy for a pile of dust... Btw. some say there is no gravity, i.e. 'the gravity' (to attract or repel is the work of charges) is in the >20 Maxwellian equations (reduced to 'convenient truth' ) which included the s.c. scalar energy, that true potential with no unit, present around us everywhere. Oh, and if you are the real Hydrogen Garage then do something about it!

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Super interesting!

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SMOM too.

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I read recently that Russia did not go to the moon because they knew it was not possible after several scientists provided their studies. No proof provided for that, however...

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After they ran into the firmament a few times they finally pulled their head out of their ass and said oh yeah the Orthodox Church is legitimate

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They didn't go to the moon because their equivalent to the Saturn V blew up before it reached orbit.

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And don't forget China's "mission to the moon". Eyeroll for all of them.

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That’s all I heard in the whole video. The dude told Putin our pictures were fake according to AI, but the same tech didn’t pick up any fakery from China.

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He did. It's ridiculous. Everyone has known for decades.

It's all theater.

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you wouldn't believe how many serious physicists deeply believe in the official version....

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Zionist brainwashing knows no end

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If you can see through it how the hell could you land on it ? The moon is plasma

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And a reflection of the Earth

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I'm talking about other people called physicists who work blindly for the gov their entire lives...

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Yeah that's my favorite one! Trying to get the camera just right to take that picture!

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Interesting !!!

For sure you can clearly explain the tides in large water bodies ...

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Why are you a Nazi?

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He did

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He also knows the Earth is flat and motionless

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As his High altitude scientists reported after sending balloons as high as they could “ we detect no curve in the Earth and no motion “.

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The CIA’s SR 71 blackbird the highest flying and fastest plane ever also detected no curve and no motion in the Earth . All the worlds governments know the truth . And the moon and the sun are approximately the same distance from the Earth

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The main problem they have is that all the stars in the north circle Polaris the North star, and the Southern Cross circles the South Pole at the same speed and direction. You can see these from the ground every clear night.

Oh but I should add, you can't see the North Star as you travel south. as it sinks in the northern horizon by degrees, (measured by a protractor or sextant, used in navigation) The same thing happens with the Southern Cross inversely as you travel to the north.

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Ummhmm! How do they try and explain that one and make it sound convincing?

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True. Putin needs to expose the whole truth

Rumble. World Upside Down. https://rumble.com/v2epyn4-world-upside-down-biblical-earth-cosmology-documentary.html

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Thank you for sharing this link! People need to know the truth

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Motionless maybe. Flat? that is something else. The sun does not move in a circle over a flat earth.

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Yeah, and Rod Serling along with a 6 year old little girl, are really giants looking down at us from beyond the sun. Crazy how no one knows this !


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Are you implying Serling was one of the bad guys?

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Really ? I'm going to insinuate that a guy who's been dead for decades be privy to the "bad guys" party ?

How about it was simply a reference to the episodes of twilight zone in which we now live?

I can tell you this, that Serling was an amazing prophet, or he was a prolific consumer of knowledge that was available at the time, although it seems very odd, now that you mention it, that he was so "aware" of things that have come true, long since his death.

Maybe he was a scholar, or friend of Huxley? or somehow became privy to the works of the demons which plague the world today? His episodes of Twilight Zone have so much relevance to the current trends, it could be simply he was foreshadowing what was to come, or maybe he knew history would repeat itself,

I'll give you the perfect example for my reasoning:


Does this sound familiar to what is happening today ? You be the judge.

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Thanks for the link and your comments.

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Yelp! That episode was telling us our future!

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Seemingly everyone is, these days; or perhaps they were, all along and now the lid has just been blown off??

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Now Putin should expose the whole truth. Take down the luciferian cabal.

Rumble. World Upside Down. https://rumble.com/v2epyn4-world-upside-down-biblical-earth-cosmology-documentary.html

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Now THAT would be something to see!!!

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I'm sure he did know. This was for public consumption. The leader has received confirmation; that sort of thing.

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Putin knowing and Putin knowing on the world stage are two different things. Putin is a very, very intelligent man if not borderline genius. We are lied to by the Propaganda media and told what to believe. Research Putin outside of American journalism and will find a very interesting and intelligent man.

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of course he does

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I lol everytime I see how they made the lunar module. Isn't it amazing how we ALL believed this at one point in time or another..

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Yes, they really did a good job on the social engineering around it. But I think also the grainy B&W photos and video (with fuzzy TV reception), the fact that we couldn't record anything for playback, pausing on frames, slow motion etc. helped them in pulling off their illusion. In the photos we still have now, some of which are in color it's really clear to me that the lunar module is made of mylar over some kind of not too sturdy looking frame. I'm sure they covered some of the more tricky shaped bits with aluminum foil.

Think of all the 'food' (not food) products that came off that back of that whole space program/moon landing deception. I remember, because I unfortunately consumed a lot of, tang and space food sticks (peanut butter flavor was my favorite). And what else? Does anyone else remember other food 'the astronauts ate'?

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🍊TANG!!!! I loved that crap!🍊

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I shudder now to think of how much of that I drank, and the toxic load on my body. No wonder I used to get sick with a 'tummy bug' so often when I was a kid and almost never now. I scoffed down plenty of those space food sticks too.

I'm grateful that I know better now!

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freeze-dried ice-cream.

Tang was the big one though.

I remember Space Stix.

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The best Apollo deconstruction I have ever seen. Not that I have seen all that many, but perhaps it is because they're not done like this. Expertly.

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Jack Parsons was quite the character and yet they founded NASA. To me its tipping the balance when it comes to Bob Lazar story. They pick brilliant "out of the box" kids. Politicians yap all day about innovations : how are they ever going to have creativity explode when there is so much secrecy? In China its worst they punish individuals when they stand out.

The punk rock period was exciting (those kids were creative) before the fashion trend ruined the movement. I enjoyed your conversation with Greg , i grew up in Québec , it is no secret they heavily borrowed from the Scandinavian model(70s-90s). That would be great if you elaborate on all the social control has am sure i would find alot of similarities. Just a thought.

Happy Holiday Celia.

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Love you Greg! You damn Truther! Outta the damn ball park! YES!!!!👏💥👏💥👏💥✝️✝️✝️

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After scrolling through the posts here, I'd like to ask: Are all of you single and living with your parents? Have any of you ever read a book? I categorize people who deny the moon landings along side flat-earthers and chemtrailers -- people too intellectually damaged to socialize with. Greg Reese, please removing me from your freaking mailing list.

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Greg, you can remove yourself from Greg's mailing list. Substack makes it extremely easy. "Unsubscribe." Nothing reveals character so much as HOW people get off "mailing lists."

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I think the part of "please remove me" says it all right there. I don't know what is true, but I question those who don't like questions.

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It's one thing when someone replies by e-mail to a Substack post and demands removal. Although in most cases this is clearly intended to provoke a fight, I imagine that a few people who sign up for these newsletters really don't know how to remove themselves; after all, Substack understandably makes the "unsubscribe" button less prominent than its inverse.

But when people include this request in public comments, it's just weird. It says "I signed up on purpose because I believed you had something valuable to say, but now I think you're nuts." I wish people who go this route would practice more introspection.

Like you I have no idea what's true, but it's become painfully clear that the U.S. Government has been doing more than just a little bit of ass-covering and embellishment since the advent of applicable technologies and that a failure to question official narratives is a dismal failure of intellectual curiosity. We really are one outstanding instance of a maximally capering monkey species. Glad to be a turd-flinging part of it.

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This..."and that a failure to question official narratives is a dismal failure of intellectual curiosity. We really are one outstanding instance of a maximally capering monkey species. Glad to be a turd-flinging part of it."

Very well said Kevin. I would add or even substitute "intellectual responsibility" for curiosity. In accepting the propaganda of the whole space program - real or not - based in patriotic knee jerk, but fatalistic competition with the evil USSR, we (the tax payers) ceded and abandon our responsibility for oversight and transparency of those who serve us, the republic.

I've long said that when you let your "leaders" and bureaucrats outgrow your ability to control and kill them, you move from free citizen to enslaved peasant.

I also think we are the dumbest smart monkeys, to have ever walked the earth.

Please pass me a banana - with the non turd flinging hand, if you'd be so kind.

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The same thing that I told Probiotics above, that same comment goes for you @Celia. The thing is that when the Truth is told, liars want to run away from it because it irritates their demons. Face it, you hate the truth. You are so friggin lazy that you can’t even unsubscribe from Greg’s list. 🤷🏻‍♀️ What more can be said to globe-worshippers (satanasa t-).

You are a mocker of God Almighty’s creation, just like your daddy the devil is by inventing the “globe” cgi, photoshopped lie. When you side with the devil, get ready to spend eternity with him too.

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If he were to unsubscribe himself, then there’s no reason or excuse for him to come here and whine about it like a little bitch. And for him, that’s unacceptable. 😂

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There seems to be more and more of these weirdos popping up like weeds, they complain but can't even make an effort to unsubscribe because the truth hit him on the head. LOL

They just want their ears tickled with lies, that's all Sherry. Too many of those everywhere.

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SoundDoctrineTruth if you are a human, you are attacking people based on your total misunderstanding of what they are saying, no one is going to take you seriously.

if you are a bot, you need an upgrade to your grammar and context functions.

if you are either of the above and your goal/the goal of your controllers is to attack, spew verbal poison and give flat-earthers a bad reputation, well okay, you've done that. But your not coherent enough for reasonable, intelligent people to take you seriously. Although you could be used by Project Mockingbird media and the disinformation specialists who call themselves 'fact checkers' as their 'examples' they use to discredit groups of people by misrepresenting people such as yourself as typical of those groups they want to attack.

No matter what you are I'm sure that you will also misinterpret what I have said and attempt to attack me with your copy-paste regurgitations. So I'm going to block you, because I don't have time to waste on people or bots like yourself who's sole purpose seems to be to cause people to waste their time and energy. Hopefully that will be an example to others to block you, thus rendering you less effective in spreading your poison.

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"copy-paste regurgitations"

LOVE it Donna!

With regard to the unpleasant SDT, I think it was Mark Twain who said "Never argue with someone who is determined to misunderstand you."

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That is a great quote Proberta! Mark Twain really did have some good ones. He must have been a very intelligent and insightful man. It's excellent advice. That's why for people at that level, like SDT, I just block them and ignore them.

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Also Donna, what do you think? I think SDT is pretty heavily medicated. Just an observation.

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Oh... that could be an explanation for the behavior. I hadn't thought of that. They seem to be very tormented. Sad in a way, but this could be what some people need to go through to burn off their past karma, or something.

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Thanks Proberta, somehow I missed that one.

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On top of it, this psychopath AI bot, blocked me. What a friggin' coward they are. It's a good thing you did block me, loser. At least I saw your true colors. Oh wait....demons don't have colors. They are BLACK spirits.

I will actually block this bot.

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Ah, the all too familiar name-calling ad hominem attack. It's what your type always resorts to when you have no legitimate argument.

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Listen to this AI gaslighting psychopath, another one. These pathetic losers keep on popping up like weeds.

Listen bot, I am 100% human. All you have to do, is go on my page and see. I am the child of The Most High God and I am proud of it. However, I will REBUKE all you demon-possessed liars who call us humans bots.

You are the real poison for slithering yourself on here and putting your venom on this thread. Why don’t you crawl back into your hole from where you came from?! You will do us HUMANS a big favor. Be gone loser!

God Almighty will pour His wrath upon all the wicked, ungodly and unrighteous very soon and you are in it. You won’t be able to escape this time like you did the first time. Your disembodied spirit(s) will be utterly destroyed. I know you by your fruits and they are wicked to the core. Do not bother me ever again.

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I did have a quick look at your substack when I went there to block you and I do believe you are human, and have a mental condition. It shows in your comments and the vitriol you spew as well as in your substack writings/memes. You project a lot of false and unfounded attributes onto other people that you do not know at all, and who haven't transgressed against you (I'm referring now to your attack on Celia). The path you have chosen must be unpleasant enough for you, so I won't comment to you any further.

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Donna, you are indeed one, who sees things for what they really are.👍

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Right he must be a committed GLOBETARD.


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Release me and let me love again.

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"Greg Reese, please removing me from your freaking mailing list"

Yes Greg, please. ;)

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Your profile name keeps on reminding me of PROBIOTICS, maybe you are lacking.. 🤔 The thing is that when the Truth is told, liars want to run away from it because it irritates their demons. Face it, you hate the truth. You are so friggin lazy that you can’t even unsubscribe from Greg’s list. 🤷🏻‍♀️ What more can be said to globe-worshippers (satanasa t-).

You are a mocker of God Almighty’s creation, just like your daddy the devil is by inventing the “globe” cgi, photoshopped lie. When you side with the devil, get ready to spend eternity with him too.

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For a "sounddoctrinetruth" purveyor, you sure love the copy and paste button, which is quite strange.

You're the epitome of lazy that you can't write a new chastising paragraph for a different person you're disagreeing with. Personal attacks are usually more ........ heartfelt and individualized. Attacking others on any of these substacks is simply a reflection of YOUR inability to tolerate other's opinions, in places where freedom of speech is cherished, and permitted. IF you don't like the opinions, instead of demanding that person vanish from the boards, how about providing a counter argument? Or would this be too difficult?

I hate sounding boards which reverberate the same thoughts. Bring in a counterviewpoint without the attacks next time, and see how much more productive you can be.

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Another psychopath who attacks TRUTHERS. Go away weirdo, I do not entertain the children of the devil who only knows how to mock and scoff when the truth is being told. You sure sound like a hypocrite to even say… “I hate sounding boards…”. Go away coward, it shows that you are really not productive at all but only loves to point fingers at others. I do not play these kind of sick games. Liars hate the truth and defend the lies of others.

I just don’t waste time with people like you because you are a gaslighter, there are many LIKE YOU on Substack, including AI sneaky demon bots.

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Lmao, you're way too funny

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I like that Greg Reese liked the other Greg's comment.

Too funny.

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I believe the moon landings (my latest post, in fact, was on that subject) and I believe the earth is round, however, I wonder what makes you so sure that chemtrails are a figment, after all, geoengineering is a recognised phenomenon?




Have you done due diligence?

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Chemtrails are real, as you have said, but they're called Geoengineering by those perpetrating them. Chemtrails is sort of a slang term for the process, and even those who study the process, tend to dissuade other's from using the term.

They prefer Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.

Personally, I call them Chemtrails, as it seems to fit better than the sterilized SAI version, but that's just me.

BTW, after nearly 70 years of being aerosolized, the general public, for the most part, will not acknowledge neither the presence, nor the reality of poisoning that is being perpetrated. Blank stares, and people running away from me upon mentioning this, are the norm.

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Oh, and you forgot to mention the intentional dumbing down of everyone by providing public water poisoned with rat poison, mixing in the toxic waste ‘for your own good’. 9 out of 10 dentists recommend fluoridated toothpaste. The 10th is a conspiracy theorist!

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Yup !

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Wow! Yeah these psychopaths are trying to take our Creator's place in thinking that they can control the weather and climate! I do certainly hope that our Creator steps in soon!

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They want us dead. Do NOT comply.

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You raise a very interesting point.

I have to say that whenever "their" term is used as a propaganda weapon against us I won't use it - the terms "conspiracy theory/ist" drive me absolutely bonkers. The thing is though when terms are used as propaganda weapons they often don't describe well what they're referring to. I've written a post --12 logical fallacies unmasked in the use of the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist" -- to expose the many ways in which those terms are so bad.


In the case of chemtrails / geoengineering / climate engineering / SAIs I'd go for the three recognised terms for at least three reasons:

--- they cannot be used against you and have the authority of being recognised

--- they describe what is happening pretty well - in fact - better than chemtrails because chemtrails is simply what we see

--- how do you know that "chemtrails" wasn't their term in the first place that they pushed out for people to latch onto to facilitate getting the "conspiracy theorist" label applied in order to dismiss their claims

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It should be Conspiracy Hypothesis.

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When I say to people "conspiracy fact", I get the oddest looks back.


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Who's calling conspiracy though? From my post:


3. Professionals do not make claims of conspiracy nor do they theorise - the Strawman fallacy

Strawman fallacy - Substituting a person’s actual position or argument with a distorted, exaggerated, or misrepresented version of the position of the argument.

When Fire Protection Engineers such as Scott Grainger and Ed Munyak say respectively:

”Steel structural frame buildings, high-rise buildings, simply do not collapse due to fire. There has never been until 9/11 an experience where there was a high-rise building that was steel frame completely collapsed,”

“I became fascinated with the government’s version of the events on 9/11 because this was totally contrary to anything I’d ever experienced either working in the field of fire safety or knowing what I know about mechanical engineering. It defies many fundamentals of mechanics and materials and physics and just many fundamental engineering concepts,”

where’s the claim of conspiracy and where’s the theory?

A number of other professionals signed onto Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have also given their opinions on the explanations for the destructions of the three buildings on 9/11, including:

Tom Sullivan - Explosives Loader; Casey Pfeiffer - Structural Engineer; Ron Brookman - Structural Engineer; Steven Dusterwald - Structural Engineer; David Topete - Civil and Structural Engineer; Kamal Obeid - Civil and Structural Engineer; Robert McCoy - Architect; Les Young - Architect; Stephen Barasch - Architect; Kathy McGrade - Metallurgical Engineer; Niels Harrit - Chemist; Jerry Lobdill - Chemical Engineer and Physicist; Mark Basile - Chemical Engineer; Tony Szamboti - Mechanical Engineer; Richard Humenn - Chief Electrical Design Engineer; Lt Col Robert Bowman - Aeronautical and Nuclear Engineer; Robert Podolski - Physicist and Engineer.

Film: 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts speak out (58m)

While some of these professionals may make claims of criminality, in general they simply present evaluations based on their professional experience and expertise with no allusion to conspiracy.

So who’s calling conspiracy? Is it YOU perhaps, are you the one calling conspiracy! rather than the expert putting forward an opinion based on their relevant professional expertise.

A great deal put forward refuting official stories makes no mention of conspiracy and in some cases those putting forward their case may not even think a conspiracy has occurred. That being the case where is the legitimacy in applying the term “conspiracy theory”?

Calling “conspiracy theory” is misnaming the nature of the argument. The argument is that explanations given by government/media are not consistent with reality and/or are internally inconsistent, not that a conspiracy has occurred or if the claim of conspiracy is made, it is only made secondary to the primary refutation of the explanation. It is up to the person evaluating the material to decide whether it successfully refutes the explanation and if it does, whether a conspiracy has occurred or not.

While some of the experts criticising the covid narrative do indeed call out loud and clear a conspiracy has occurred - see former top respiratory scientist at Pfizer, Dr Michael Yeadon, speaking at a rally in Trafalgar Square (May 2023) - they back their claims with an argument coming from their expertise and years of experience.

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Ummhmm! You get that blank fluoride stare!

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Haha, yes!

Excellent descriptive of the interactions.

My neighbor, a late 20's, 260lb 6'-4" muscle-bound hulk of a man, turned tail and ran into his home when i handed him a flier with the geoengineering photos, web links, and descriptives on it. He got so freaked out, he has avoided me, ever since. Being a police officer who works in a prison, you'd think a little old fella like me would make him cower like he did, by saimply showing him what was up in the skies at that moment.

Must be that flouride poisoning.


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Yeah people get freaked out over stuff! People don't want to believe the hard truths about this world that we live in!

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I would rather know the truth about things that were bad happening, than be in the dark about it. Hurts less knowing the punch is heading your way, vs being blindsided, but that's just me.

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people like him never do due diligence, it hurts too much, or they do and go with the page 1 results from a google search and feel vindicated

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I seen a video of Buzz Aldrein, a few years back, meet w/ a little girl and basically told her when she asked. No, we never went to the moon. Period.

And Nixon did not call the moon on a landline from his office seconds after Apollo 11 landed in a Nevada desert. lolol

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😆 yeah that landline phone call is what gets me!

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He keeps repeating his talking points. hahah

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These are the exact words:

When the little girl asked why nobody has “been to the moon in such a long time,” Aldrin responds, “because we didn’t go there, and that’s the way it happened.”

If he really wanted to say we didn't go there he needed to say "because we didn't go there in the first place." His words are simply ambiguous. Apparently, he was a 33 degree mason so perhaps he was saying those words as a complete windup aimed at the disbelievers. We know they pushed out anti-moon landing propaganda in the form of Bill Kaysing and others.

The thing is it makes no difference at all what Aldrin said, there is masses and masses of evidence and that is what needs to be used to determine whether the moon landings happened or not.

How Nixon spoke to the astronauts


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Wow, Greg! You really knocked this one out of the park! It’s gonna be really hard for the Normies to dispute all this evidence! 💥💯🙌🏻😀

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Oh they'll try to dispute 🙂

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Anyone who thinks Putin doesn't know that the moon landing was fake doesn't understand what the Satanic Zionist Freemasonic New World Order is, or that Putin is a Jew.

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I don’t know if Putin Is it you or not maybe he is a row I’ve seen him do the orthodox cross many times. Maybe he’s a fake

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Chris, I can't post the pictures that I have of Putin in freemasonic regalia or the pictures I have of Putin wearing a Jewish cap and meeting with Rabbis, or the pictures and stories I have of Putin at the wailing wall in Jerusalem and the fact that he has a Jewish mother. I encourage you to look for them if you have doubt. It isn't hard to find. If you can't find them email me at yoshkebenstadapandora@gmail.com. I will send them to you. I believe Putin is a crypto Jew. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was an atheistical Jewish movement that sought to overthrow a Christian monarchy and force Noachide laws down the throats of Russian and other Christians. That is what Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism seeks to do. If what I am saying to you is Greek and you don't understand anything I am saying, it would not surprise me. I was in your shoes not long ago and didn't know what any of this meant. What I am trying to say is that Russia is ran by a bunch of crypto Jewish Communists. Putin is one of them. So is Zelensky. A crypto Jew is a atheistical Jew that hides their religion so that they can not disparage their religion to the world and simultaneously attempt to achieve what a Jew calls "tikkun olam" or the "healing of the world". How do they heal the world? Through evil. Becoming so evil, both openly and clandestinely, that they make the world such an evil place that their false Messiah will return. As a Christian, I know their Messiah already came. Jesus told us that the oral law Jews spiritual father was Satan. In other places Jesus calls them the Synagogue of Satan. I don't think Jesus said those words lightly. He said them literally, and the followers of their false religion (oral law Judaism became Talmudic and Kabbalistic Judaism) are literally the followers of Satan. So yes, I believe he is 100% fake. I believe Putin knows about Kissinger's "Greater Israel Project" and the real purpose of the war in Ukraine is to remove enough Ukrainians, and to give the confiscated property after permanent removal of Ukrainians to other countries to the Ashkenazi (white) converts to Talmudic Judaism. That is what the "Greater Israel Project" is. It is the return of the Ashkenazi converts (not ethnically Jewish) to their homeland in Khazaria (Ukraine). Putin, my belief, is playing his part in this Jewish Satanic cabal's plan to bring about a One World Order with Jews in charge. It isn't unlike what is going on in Gaza. They are ethnically cleansing Palestine under the guise of being victims of the actions they provoked by Hamas. Do I think Hamas are good guys? No, but I do think they are fools who fell into a trap set by them by Zionist Jews who wanted to use the attack as a means to destroy millions of homes, so that they can declare these lands Israel's and begin new Jewish settlements in these areas. The problem is, is that the will not be satisified until they fulfill their delusion that they are God's chosen people. How do they plan to do that? A talmudic Kabbalistic Jew believes that the reason their Messiah didn't come when he was supposed to (He did come, His name is Jesus) was because they failed to conquer all the land that Abraham had been promised by God. They false believe that once they conquer all the land given to them by Abraham (parts or all of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt) only then will their false Messiah/ Moshiach come for them. It is truly sad deception and an even sadder religion for those caught in its trap. I have I have been clear, and that my comments are helpful.

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Spot on Greg! Good for you and kudos for your researching!!

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It seems there are still two factions fighting. Khazarian Jews (for lack of a better description) and Luciferians aka The Black Nobility. Clowns 🤡 to the left of me, jokers 🃏 to the right. Here I am in the middle with Jesus, and I’m just fine 😃

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I read and watched your video on Anti-Zionism. It was interesting. 🤔 I would love to hear more on what you have to say about the book of Enoch. I seriously think that it was removed from the canon. Your thoughts please.

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People need to watch "Europa The Last Battle" for some eye opening truths!

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It's been hard for me to integrate the dawning insanity of what is happening with my former perception of reality. This is the image taking shape. Interesting that the Bolshevik Revolution was called "Red October." similar to the maneuver of Orange Revolution. Seems like it was tried for J6 also, but with less success.

Mr. Toads Wild Ride.

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Yeah the underlying agenda is that Israel, the long/lat of it is going to be the center of the planet hence the Zionist thrust. On the one hand if they have a viable plan then whatever they're doing must be in preparation for that. But then again it's really twilight zone sort of stuff and with Lucifer involved one has to take a step back and pause.

I'm hearing after the cataclysm does the NWO happen and it won't be the 0.01% that does the culling but that of nature.

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Putin is a FAKE. You guessed that right.

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That'd include ALL world leaders.

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Of course, all world psychopath leaders are freemasons. They can’t hide it anymore, it’s been so blatantly thrown in people’s faces. The thing is that there are many that are still sleeping and are not woke to the truth.

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Could you please rewrite that comment in understandable coherent English?

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Who built the moon?

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In the book of Enoch ch. 77 vs 3, “These are the two great luminaries, whose orbs are as the orbs of heaven; and the dimensions of both are equal.” God Almighty created the moon.

It is talking about the sun and the moon being equal in SIZE.

It’s not the garbage that we have been thrown about the fake sun (solar flares) and fake moon landing, it’s not a solid rock.

The actual truth is that the Moon is PLASMA, it selfies the earth. The earth is flat and stationary. You can see the real map of the earth on the moon.

Please watch this video and see for yourself - https://rumble.com/v1emq3j-flat-earth-truth-waking-up-the-sheeple.html

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All we can say about the moon is it is in the luminary body. Under certain conditions you can see right through it and stars on the other side

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Maybe it’s swish cheese

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You beat me to it. The moon is made out of cheese

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we did


in a Mobius loop time line, 'future' people see the need for a life enabler / Earth stabilizer and build one / tow one in place




possibly this one was hijacked and used as a relay station for Saturn to narrow/hinder the bandwidth people could access higher frequencies


soft disclosure could be seen in https://youtu.be/ivIwdQBlS10?si=EWuM7qjTqdN6q3qc


Putin, Trump and those sufficiently informed about what has been occulted by Baal worshipers / descendants of the Nephelim know this and assist humanity getting up to speed re its true nature:


manifestations of Christ consciousness = Brahman = the ocean in every drop = an aperture through which the Cosmos is experiencing itself


see https://richardbach.com/books for a low threshold and entertaining literary introduction

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Van Allen radiation belts is BS. They can't go through the firmament. The Bible was always the truth. Spinning ball is a deception with a purpose. Rumble. World Upside Down. https://rumble.com/v2epyn4-world-upside-down-biblical-earth-cosmology-documentary.html

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Great report. The U.S. government never mentions the moon landing anymore. I was at the Smithsonian Space and Aeronautics museum a few years ago. The lunar landing module was so flimsy and pathetic I doubt it could've been used for any legitimate purpose. I'd like to know why the government thought this hoax was a good idea.

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If you look back at July, 1969, Nixon had just come into office. The Vietnam War was dragging on and we were less than six years past the JKF assassination, followed by both MLK and Booby being killed in 1968. NASA was failing. The Peace Movement was gaining support, and the USA needed a "feel good" event. Basically it was like 911 or dozens of other "pro USA" staged events designed to stimulate the masses.

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911 created the Patriot Act and buried The trillion $ missing in the Solomon building .....#7

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Perhaps money going into the space program was actually being used for weapons systems and such. They staged the moon landing to keep the funds flowing. It was a very different country at that time.

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To Launder and funnel money in tens of billions into that program, pay their masonic minions to be attached to the system

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Because we “can’t handle the truth”! I swear, ever look into Mark Zuckerburg’s eyes? That guy is either an alien or he’s a demon, cuz those are the deadest eyes I’ve ever seen!

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These psychopath elites finally told Greg the truth about the “fake moon landing”. Everything has been faked Greg. The 3 clowns that thought they landed on the moon, are freemasons. Wake up!!

In the book of Enoch ch. 77 vs 3, “These are the two great luminaries, whose orbs are as the orbs of heaven; and the dimensions of both are equal.”

It is talking about the sun and the moon being equal in SIZE.

It’s not the garbage that we have been thrown about the fake sun (solar flares) and fake moon landing, it’s not a solid rock.

The actual truth is that the Moon is PLASMA, it selfies the earth. The earth is flat and stationary. You can see the real map of the earth on the moon.

Please watch this video and see for yourself - https://rumble.com/v1emq3j-flat-earth-truth-waking-up-the-sheeple.html

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I watched that. Thanks

We all need to travel in a group to Antarctica so we can prove it to the earth. Let's GO!

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I wish this was possible Beverly but we would probably get in a lot of trouble for even trying to get proof that the earth is flat. It should be the globe-tartes job to go to Antarctica and find out for themselves. When they get into a lot of problems, it will be on them, not on us Flat Earthers; we know the truth, it set us free. I know that I will never go back believing the globe lie ever again. What a deception.

We have been lied to for a lot of other things too; these psychopaths hid practically everything from us. The truth is coming to the surface now. Thank God Almighty for that! 🙌

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I have a question I thought about this morning.

How do we explain the shortness of days in the winter?? It has always been explained to us in the past, we are farther from the equator.

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How the seasons work - https://youtu.be/BIjtWy4UGOY?si=jD7NzlUDgyF2qAJ-

This can help and Tery will probably explain the shortness of days. If you still do not find the answers that you need, check out some of his video, he does have some nice ones where he explains a flat earth. Even his videos are getting censored, that is his 2nd (you tube cha-nel).

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What happened in 1942 when a UFO hovered over southern California for hours, while the military tried unsuccessfully to shoot it down? People died from falling bullets and shrapnel, car accidents, and heart attacks!

Most people aren't even aware of the famous 'Battle Over Los Angeles', but the old-timers who witnessed it still talk about it. It went on for HOURS!


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I remember back in the late '60s or early '70s something struck the moon and the moon rang like a bell, for hours. Like a giant hollow metal structure, it rang like a bell.

There was no explanation given at the time, and then later NASA 'explained' that they had struck the moon deliberately as part of a testing.

The moon, like everything else they've lied to us about, is NOT at all what we think it is.

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Greg Reese will you be doing a report on the Jesuit Order, their oath of induction, what John Adams, Napoleon, Samuel Morse, Abraham Lincoln said about them, how the Jesuits are connected to world secret societies, and how people from house of Rothschilds to Fauci\Trump\Biden\Newsom are connected?

It's a subject that even Dr. Shiva doesn't talk about, but it's the elephant in the room. The Knights of Malta created the American intelligence network, look at the founders of the agencies.

Take a look at the works of these authors:

Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, published 1841)

Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris wrote the book, “Rome’s responsibility for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln” – which exposes the work of the Jesuits.

Justin Fulton ("Washington in the Lap of Rome" published 1888)

Charles Chiniquy (former Roman Catholic priest, close friend of Abraham Lincoln)

Avro Manhattan (Vatican Billions, Vatican in World Politics)

Luther S. Kauffman (Romanism As A World Power)

Edmond Paris (Secret History of the Jesuits)

Bill Cooper (Behold A Pale Horse)

Antony Sutton (America's Secret Establishment)

Dave Hunt (A Woman Rides the Beast)

Tupper Saussy(Rulers of Evil)

Paul L.Williams (Operation Cladio)

Bill Hughes

David Nikao Wilcoxson

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Maybe start with this video for summary info?


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My question is how in the hell would their space craft be able to pass through the Van Allen belt if the outside of it was allegedly put together with tin foil and scotch tape and the craft not burn up?😆 And another couple of questions, the moon landing and going to space is the most significant achievement for humanity right? If that being so then how in the hell did certain data, recordings and films just happen to disappear and the people at NASTY/NASA have no answer for how this certain information just up and conveniently disappeared? Also NASTY/NASA people say that they lost the technology and they can't send people back to the moon! I suppose this "lost technology" was among the data and the certain information that just conveniently disappeared! It looks to me like that if sending human beings to space and to the moon was the most significant achievement for humanity then all that information, technology and data would be locked up tighter than Fort Knox and have guards don't it! But we can have guards to watch over a tomb of an unknown soldier but not NASA's data and technology of how we got to the moon, hmm, ok that makes sense! They really do think that we are that stupid!😆

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