I don't mind the slurping Greg. I actually like it. Makes me feel like I'm right there in the room listening to you. Don't change your routine.

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Is there previous podcasts you can access here?

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I figured it out there are headphones next to the ones you can listen to

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I feel your pain. My comment to others in freak out mode is "at least we're not living in a mud hut by the side of the road." If you are paying attention & have resources (or a brain) to look around the world & know a thing or two... we should be worried. We know what the "evil ones" are capable of.

We are building a home way out in the country until then I'm in freak out mode myself until I get out there. Went out to see how the building was going yesterday & looking out the front window I could see a new neighbor w/his American flag on his new home & he was throwing a ball to his big black doggie :-) I watched as he was enjoying the dog running & fetching. It all seemed so normal. The fluffy clouds in the blue skies, everyone in this small community (37 homes) have some acreage... there are cows & chicken farms out that way. Winding country roads.

Reese I've seen many of your reports & they are so impressive! I think what people like us have to do is kind of walk away once in awhile. Turn it all off & sit in the woods or work in the garden. It's too much & there isn't really much we can do about it. We can't stop the freaks who hand out death (even to children) via their "vaccines". If people haven't learned by now (?) we just heard a grandfather telling us how upset he was his daughter gave the 4 yr.old grandchild the shot & now he can't talk, walk etc.. He warned them.

We know what is going on in Ukraine how they have been pushing Putin, we know about China eyeing Taiwan. We saw Hong Kong go down & what is going on in the China sea. We know about the slavery in other countries & the human trafficking. We know about the "swift banking system" and you & I prob. know more than each other we could compare notes. We know Reese.

Looking to Trump, yeah, I did that. But since he is so impressed with himself in his "warp speed vaccine" & his continued "yes, I took the booster". I mean... WTF are we watching here? Biden is an idiot, Clinton still walks free (along w/the other freaks). We're being robbed by freaks in government. Hell, even Biden is still robbing Ukraine & they want US to help?! I don't think so.

If you can't listen to this entire music link, just go to the 35.10 mark (might help): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZJ-UE9iZdc

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Thanks Virginia! I’m envious. Been dreaming of finding a good community outside of the city. You’ll be fine. Luckily we have a slow motion demise that allows us to adapt. How’s Georgia politics? I know it’s a beautiful state geographically.

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Georgia politics are… odd at best. I actually like Kemp. We never wore mask or were mandated to take the vaccines really. If you used your mind & your business made you get it.. there were ways around it. Even our doctors said it was BS. But, politics, it depends on what part of town you are. We’d never to almost rarely go into Atlanta (esp. now).

What I did (& do) is see what community planners have in mind. Do they want a total growth city (like the ATL) or do they want to stay farmland & small community? N.E. Georgia should be safe for at least another 10 years. I’m originally from Miami, I know how quickly an entire community can change. We can only gage out 10 -15 years, then reassess.

Here are some pictures of the new build 😊 The houses go up fast. 4 weeks ago it was just dirt. Yesterday it has the roof on, windows & plumbing. They said it should be done by May or June! It is $349K, a little over an acre of land surrounded by woods & farmlands. I said well if things go REALLY south, we (as a neighborhood) could go out & rustle a cow! There are a lot of chicken farms around there as well.

It’s far enough inland to avoid hurricanes, I looked at the 100 yr. flood maps 😉 Looked at the 2035 planning committee expectations. So, I think I’m pretty safe. You can’t live on the coast.

It’s freaking crazy Greg I don’t need to tell you that. But, I think, you (and I) need to take a break. They keep pushing Putin, looking at the Ukraine photos (I know people in both Ukraine & Russia). Ukraine was a civil war. 5 years ago when my friends in Russia told me Ukraine had Nazi’s I thought they were nuts. Nope, they were not nuts. Ukraine as you know, is a civil war actually. Half think Russians are stupid people the other half of Ukraine ARE Russians. They all are Russians, but many Ukraine people think they are not (?). They feel they are above Russians & more educated. It’s a mess. The best thing we can do is stay out of it.

Putin was warning us at least 5 years ago to stop, I watched (and translated) his speeches. He was just totally aghast people in the USA didn’t know what was going on & the Europeans didn’t seem to know or care. The EU was moving missiles closer & closer to their borders. Frankly, he’s been patient if you ask me. He had no choice. Now was the time to go.

The “swift bank” move was a fools game. China (along w/Iran, Pakistan & India) will back Russia. We’re going to be toast. China will take Taiwan I’m afraid. And you know where it goes from there.

SO! I say we find a nice place to put in the garden & keep our heads down at this point. You gotta laugh when you saw Biden running after Obama calling “BAAROCK.. BAAROCK” as his creeper hand fell from Obamas back. LOL. Even he knows Biden is pure idiot. (gone full retard LOL).



PS: Could not post pictures but it looks cool ;-)

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First I liked Trump, now it's clear that genocide started with Trump who could have stopped all the Covid nonsense (lockdowns and economic disaster, remdesivir, warp-minded speed). He didn't once convene a consortium of medical experts to debate the issues publicly and independently from govt. Trump was Hopium, pre-made to distract from the slide on the slippery slope he started and now we've fallen off the cliff. The govt needs to be torn down and changed to a direct democracy or something, continuing to select/elect people is going nowhere fast. Who bailed Trump out in the 90's?, Roth chld agents. Greg needs to make a 5 min vid of this to show he's not controlled opposition and not a puppet of the Joneses cartel.

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um hum. Trump. Either we picked the "death Queen" or take our chances. We really didn't have a good choice there. At the time at least Trump started okay. His comment he "could shoot someone on 5th Ave.".... stupid. I'm afraid he's off the Christmas card list because of his backing of the covid. I (thought) he put Fauci front & center to expose him (?). Hindsight is 20/60 at best... so him putting together a consortium of medical experts is right, but he was under a lot of fire at that point. His son in law also had questionable financial connections to freaks. Our problem are the lobbyist. That has always been our problem. We can't just "tear down" the entire government. I mean I agree, but we have to go agency by agency. Starting w/the FBI (should just get rid of the CIA all together). Then onto the DOJ. Freaking mess. Well, we still are the best country right now, until they take the guns. Then we are toast. OH and Greg giving a mini vid... um is he backing Trump? His job is to point out the pitfalls as he sees them. We can't tell him what pit falls to pick. Who do we pick if we toss Trump? Who can actually win? Who ever it is better step up quick. Ohhh Elon comes to mind :-) He would win.

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Hey Greg, I really enjoy your podcast's. Their like a fireside chat with a good friend, it's comforting to know others with similar ideals exist. Keep it up and I'm proud to say, I just dumped disney and became a paid subscriber to the Reese Report. From here the only direction is forward.

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Throw that note away. You owe no one anything. You are giving of yourself, your time, and your skills to present this information to us. let all of the complainers go elsewhere. Carry on... millions appreciate you that you know not of so love, peace, truth, and info. 💗🙏😘

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Chuck Baldwin said today, Sunday, April 10, 2022, that Jesus overthrew the moneychangers' tables three times!

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I like the sound. Slurp away bro!

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Hello mr reese sorry to bother you but I was wondering if the email adress gregreese@substack.com is one that you actively use because I sent you an email with some information you might find very interesting btw I love your videos and podcast thank you for being one of the few people who are willing to tell the truth

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Greg, I don’t go on the internet too much. But I have enjoyed hearing your thoughts. Alex has been showcasing your magnificent reports in the past months. You are very talented! I wanted to thank you for helping me with our lawyer, Robert. We had an Easter Miracle, and we patched things up, and we are “Reunited, and it Feels So Good”. (Peaches & Herb song from the ‘70’s😊). We have faith that God will get us in a better position at the end of this 2 month war the city made on us, threatening us with Imminent Domain. But I was just bottoming out when our legal defense, I thought, had abandoned us at our time of need. I had carried him on a velvet cushion for about 3 years! but Now, we miraculously patched things up🙃😃I think you and Alex prayed for us, because, now, he is so good to us, we think he is The Greatest Lawyer in the World, again. Greg, thanks for letting me lean on you🙂. I will update you when we get further through contesting the govmt. grab of our historical Oklahoma Land Run farm by the Lake🚜🗽🐓

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There's a truther chiropractor named Dr John Bergman DC on YouTube etc, he is censored alot. There are so many fakes but he IS the real deal. And he doesn't try to sell you anything. He helps untold amounts of people including myself. He used to teach human dissection so he UNDERSTANDS how our bodies are self healing and self regulating if not exposed to toxicity or physical and emotional stressors. He relies on peer reviewed journals to expose the hypocrisy of the hypocratic oath and big pharma influence over health. Love him.

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We don't need to awaken the sheep that want to sleep, we only need to awaken the shepherds. The sheep will follow.

In Australia, the hordes have gone back to sleep because the controllers backed off, but nothing's changed, does my head in because our swamp will never be drained by apathy. In the end, this is God's fight, we just need to choose a side☺️🤗

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Yep, I am getting sick and tired of the willful ignorance.

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Hi Greg. This is the latest from privately owned gun manufacturer Berretta in Nashville TN. Thank you for praying that the city in Oklahoma won’t force take our farm. They filed imminent domain on us April 5th. Although we have paid lawyer Robert Barnes a ton to help us for about 3 years, he revealed himself to me as completely insane about a week ago, when I asked him if this man I liked was single. (Barnes would never speak to me, only had some man talk to us)So I thought of him like a big brother, hept hoping for the best. He went berserker saying x,y, z (dirty no I dream of you...can’t print it). I had switched to a new firm who worked for us on other matters. They know AJ, so they are maybe going to see us through the city trying to force us to sell our farm for a federal project. I am listening to Alex, now, & heard him talking about guns, which is why I sent you the Berretta video. We thought Barnes was the Best lawyer in the world, but if we hadn’t happened to get a new group to help us with other business matters, who don’t want us to be bullied and robbed of our farm, we would have lost our farm, even though we kept messaging Barnes, asking for help. They have been threatening to take our farm for about 62 years... only filed this year, April 5. We did not have any hard words with Barnes or his helper man, we just SEE them. See the lack of action, or care. I feel like Alex would understand, hope you might share what is happening with us with Alex. God is moving I feel, with all this.🌸🌸☕️🍰thank you for your Sunday thoughts, I really benefited from the breathing exercises🙂

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A lot of people are incapable of viewing realists as anything but pessimists too, it's the sad state of attempting to establish a social circle in a new town or city when sharing skills or activities. If only we could go back to a less politically polarized time period. Crazy times, thank you for these continued broadcasts Greg!

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You're not such a dumb guy Greg. You've lived an interesting life so far. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's Monday the 11th and tonight, not doing so good. I've been following this covid thing extremely closely since Nov 2019. Sometime in January 2020 it was clear to me that they were really doing it...bringing in Agenda 21. My whole body shook. Not since have I felt quite like that until today ~ I watched Stew Peters sit down with Dr. Ardis ~ WatchTheWater. My body didn't shake this time but the realization was overwhelming. As I emailed the link out, all I could say was Dear God, protect these men. I'm still a bit numb, but tomorrow will be better, I hope (It's hard to forget what you already know). A good time to focus on cleaning, wouldn't you say? Smiling.

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