Lament for Torn Out Pages

The crowned virus was never our king and still half the world knelt before it. It was never dangerous and still half the world feared and fled it. It held no power over us and still half the world tore out full chapters of their future and cast those pages as an offering before it.

The danger of the crowned virus was never more than an invisible notion: no more threatening than climate change or middle eastern terrorism. But just like these forbearers because it went unseen it was everywhere: in every corner, on every surface, in every breath; and it was also nowhere. It was simultaneously disease and death and neither. It was capable of anything and nothing, depending on your point of view.

Like terrorism and climate change, it was a virus of the mind.

"Yossarian comes to realize that Catch-22 does not actually exist, but because the powers that be claim it does, and the world believes it does, it nevertheless has potent effects. Indeed, because it does not exist there is no way it can be repealed, undone, overthrown, or denounced. The combination of force with specious & spurious legalistic justification is one of the book's primary motifs." —Catch 22 Synopsis

And so the future for all was splintered and shattered on the rocks of destiny over a lowly notion of danger, and all of those cast out pages, once brimming with promise and potential, are instead teaming with dread, cowardice & paralysis masquerading as virtue, and irreparable arrested development.

The deformities now written on these sacred pages cannot be unwritten, and this mournful consequence shall ripple down the corridors of time, permanently altering the future, as if this mind virus were forever spreading within the family tree of mankind.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-gathering-darkness

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It was a virus of the mind! Love that quote! I mention that here as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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I perused your Substack. I like the way you think.

Thanks for your link.

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Fascinating reading. Thanks for providing the link.

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This is a masterful piece of Writing with a most prescient message TY

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That's very kind of you to say, thank you thomas

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Well, I'll add to that and just subbed!

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I'm truly in awe of the talented writers and their contribution to the conversation about these life and death issues that humanity is facing. This passage is beautiful even if it's about a terrifying topic. It moves the soul in ways that the bureaucrats and technocrats never could. THIS is why we will win. We haven't lost our humanity.

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I feel the same. ✨

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Then what are the micro clots found in the lungs of those who took it and those who did not? Explain that , please.

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Well they surely aren't a virus. Your question is not relevant

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Those are the graphene oxide who will take over the body.

p.s. Watch the special video from Lady Gaga. No explanation needed.

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You must refer that question to the Researchers(Dr’s) working with those Damaged from Submission to the [virus of the mind] .

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how do you know if they didn’t take otber vaccinations previously? flu etc

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Wow! Great piece! Thank you Greg!

Something to consider regarding the black plague is that the world had been pushed into feudalism resulting in squalor and poor living conditions. Poor living conditions which promoted poor hygiene and lack of clean water sources. Pollution in the streets from human excrement and unsanitary day to day practices. The ruling class of that day literally called the masses “dirty”. Many times throughout history, when the working class allow the ruling class to oppress them and squeeze them into poverty…the water supply and sanitation becomes a major player in subjugation. Dirty and polluted water brings forth death and disease. It is a subjugation playbook that is as old as the ages. It breeds parasites and makes people sick. A sick people is a controllable, cull-able people. This is what sprang forth the black plague. And the cloaked reapers that were seen were visible manifestations of a demonic harvest of souls so thick that it penetrated the visual veil that exists between the seen and unseen. For it is a demonic, anti human agenda that forces people to live in squalor, nurtures disease and births death. And that same spirit is what drives the oligarchs of today. That is why they want a neofeudal system reset today. The death cult has always known how to subjugate using disease, fear and death. Look to the water for their next theater of attack. And ask yourself why is Bill Gates so interested in owning natural aquifer rights across America now as his latest hobby. Gates isn’t satisfied with the farmland, now he wants to seize clean water from the people. It all ties in to “parasites”.

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I agree with your comments and that water is a definite target. Once they capture that, we’re done.

I refer to the globalists as parasites. It drives me nuts to hear people refer to them as elites, as El refers to an ancient deity of Israelites. Since we are controlled through language, giving them godlike status is subjugation by our own actions. I recommend using the word parasite because it is fitting. These people feed off of others’ energy and production and in practically, produce a toxic environment for humanity.

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Ozone, unlike chlorine, kills all parasitic worm eggs. There is currently no real means being used by 'TPTB' to remove parasitic worms eggs from sewage or water from other sources which they supply to their captive slave populations, and I do not know of a single nation in the world that does use ozone, which is highly suspicious as they should be using ozone, though some say that all water treated by any means really needs to be energetically restructured afterwards for it to really be able to benefit the body as it should.

Recycled water is often used to make drinking and bathing water, and water supplies in the UK for instance can come from moorlands where sheep graze and leave their dung riddled with tapeworm and other parasitic worm eggs.

Aluminum sulphate is added to water supplies supposedly to effectively flock out particles of peat and any other deposits in the water, and when that water comes out of the tap, the flocked particles are actually still very often present instead of having been removed somewhere down the line, so now you are not only still getting all the muck, and all the parasites, but you are now also getting aluminium sulphate to rot your brain as well, and they even tell you that is harmless too.

The flocked particles can look like strands of sphagnum moss and are sometimes to be seen floating around in a glass of water, and all of the water may even be stained brown from the peat itself, and of course, parasitic worm eggs are very much smaller than the peat particles and are also still included, the eggs of different species typically being around 20 nm to a little over 200 nm in size.

The very fact that any of this stuff actually makes it out of your tap simply means that aluminium sulphate added to the water supposedly to accomplish that very purpose simply does not work.

But aluminium in the bathing and drinking water will rot your brain, and aluminium and fluoride and calcium also have a big connection in the brain, and SSRI drugs containing fluoride can also lead to massive calcified deposits in the brain.

One American university pathology laboratory looking at human brains from a number of cadavers of people who had died from all manner of causes examined them and found a highly significant number of the brains had heavy calcification throughout both entire lobes and that actual stones had formed there, looking rather like something that had come from Mother Shipton's Wishing Well in North Yorkshire in the UK, where articles can be suspended for 3-5 months under running mineral-rich water to become covered in calcitic deposits as if fossilized.

The calcification could not at first be attributed to any particular cause, until the researchers eventually found in every single case that what had actually caused the deposition of calcium so heavily and uniquely in all these specific people's brains was the fact that every single one of them and none of the others had been taking fluoride-based SSRI antidepressant drugs, so fluoride in these drugs does not just calcify the pineal gland as most people commonly assume, but the entire brain.

From memory as I read this decades ago I think the number of cadavers examined was 20 or just over 20, and the number of brains so affected was either 8 or 12.

In the Bolshevik camps one of the methods of abuse and torture was to give out poisoned 'medicines', and this is exactly what we are seeing today, all of Europe and America are now open gulag camps controlled by the very same PTB and we are all literally under steady military attack and being deliberately abused, tortured, injured, sterilized and murdered.

It is 'permitted' (read instructed) in a certain scripture for certain 'doctors' purposely infiltrated into Christian or other Gentile lands to deliberately harm Gentiles with 'medicines' that are to be deceptively termed as 'experimental' medicines when used on the unsuspecting victims, this is clearly stated in the 'scripture', and lo and behold, we have 'experimental' COVID 'vaccines'.

Half of all Mexicans have tapeworm alone, 10% of all Mexicans have tapeworm in the brain, from official government figures, obviously due to unhealthy methods of preparing pork and unhealthy sanitary methods (hence the rush to fly them all into the US by communist reptile Biden).

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I am not sure where you intend that ozone be used to kill parasites. The only practical way would be in the final stages of water purification. It would require ozone generators using corona arc discharge to put out enough ozone to overcome the demand. It’s quite expensive in terms of electricity usage, but it destroys pathogens in a chemical moment. I have not heard of it being used on parasites before. There are at least a couple of US cities that use ozone, but I cannot recall which ones.

I use an RO water filtration system at home and I recommend those to anyone who is able to install and maintain them. It’s possible to use an ultraviolet light as a last pass before the water exits the tap. However, if any particulate blocks the UV light to pathogen, it won’t destroy that pathogen. This might be more of an issue with some well water.

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Ozone is difficult to get into water. It requires a Venturi to force enough ozone into water, and it’s very unstable as a molecule. It’s an awesome sanitizer, but it’s a challenge to get enough ozone into water to overcome the demand. An oxygen concentrator added to the system would also be necessary. Best if the water is cold.

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Could not agree more. I detest it when people refer to them as “elite” parasites exactly.

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Sewage is like grass compost, if you stick your hand deep in a really big pile of well-composted decomposed grass cuttings than has lain there for a while you can get badly scalded. Sewage underwater in 'treatment' tanks similarly composts and generates heat, though only producing 11 degrees C increase in temperature underwater on average as it does so, also producing methane, so convection currents and gas bubbles continually disturb the allegedly effective method of mere sedimentation that is the only method currently used to supposedly filter out parasitic worm eggs, so in reality, parasitic worm eggs continually get pushed into convection currents and rise with the heat straight back up into the water levels they draw off to send to you in the pipes, chlorine does nothing whatsoever to reduce the viability of these parasitic nematode eggs and cannot kill them.

There are 500,000 currently known nematode species, not all parasitic, some just living in soil and rotting vegetation, but many parasitically infect plants, insects, fish, shellfish, animals and birds. Some of these are zoonotic species, and they reckon another 200,000 species are yet to be found, examined and catalogued at the rate they are still discovering species.

It is reasonably accurate to say that 100% of all people in African nations and Asian nations have parasitic worms of one description or another, many with multiple species infecting them at once, and some of these are free-living, they can crawl out of people's feet into the ground, live in the soil and breed for years into enormous numbers and then crawl up through the soles of someone else's feet as they walk in the grass barefoot, this is now the case in the UK, where strongyloides stercoralis from Asia is now resident in our own parkland due to immigrants bringing it with them, and African immigrants carry another variety of stercoralis parasitic worm that infects by similar means, so barefoot walking in the UK is no longer safe.

80% of immigrants from SE Asia to Canada were found on arrival to have this parasitic worm which is usually fatal if it becomes disseminated throughout the entire body if the immune system is weakened (think of nanotech COVID jabs which are deliberately set to trash the immune system), and it is almost impossible to get rid of and very difficult to detect in anyone especially if they have any auto-immune disease, so likely the 80% figure is very much shy of the real total, and disseminated strongyloidiasis is usually fatal.

Yet in the early 1900's, several major European cities sensibly already used to use ozone to treat their water, which kills all worm eggs, is cheaper, and unlike chlorine does not cause chronic heart disease and cancer. At one time it was considered that chlorine added to tap water caused as many as 50% of all cancers, but since other carcinogenic chemicals like fluoride became introduced to our environments this relative proportion dropped to around 15%, with fluoride especially bening stated by a top American government official doctor at the time in a television address stating that fluoride causes cancer more widely and more quickly that any other thing known. No wonder governments are now pushing for nationwide fluoridation again like in the UK, just as others like Canada and Russia recently banned holocaust denial, and 'antisemitism'.

All these things are entirely deliberate and a form of steady torture imposed on all captive populations held under infiltrated usurping hostile foreign power military occupation governments, this is not 'population reduction' as so many like to dreamily consider, it is a military attack and ultimately intended as a total extermination event.

Lenin said around 100 years ago that 9 out of every 10 people being killed throughout the entire world would be acceptable to effect the communist 'revolution' to liberate or emancipate people (these are cleverly used deceptive terms intended only to dissuade the conscious mind from understanding that the real intention is to exterminate, exactly as the Zohar states, accepting that Communism is really nothing other than Judaism just as the eminent Rabbi Stephen Wise and many other prominent Jews have openly stated).

In comparison to Lenin, Klaus Schwab, whose mother was Jewish, and is obviously not really the 'German Nazi' that the 110,000 internet agents admitted by Schwab to have been hired by him love to tell us all, who keeps a bust of Lenin in his office, says 7.5 billion dead is now the actual target.

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Interesting. I was not aware of the severity of a parasite problem.

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No shit. I am amazed at how stupid we were on that flouride. ... haha

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There was a pharmacist in my hometown who told his customers about head lice, “it’s not a shame to have’em, it’s a shame to keep ‘em.”

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it is hard to tell people they have parasites. they do not even want to contemplate it.

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This proportion of intended dead has now been increased from 9 in every 10 to 15 out of every 16 in the world today. And now these modern-day WEF Bolsheviks who are actually fronting for the criminal terrorist NWO Israeli government trump up the excuse of 'population reduction to save the world', but black magic occult practice heavily employs not only the use of reverse writing but the use of reverse terminology.

At least Lenin never said he wanted to kill 9 out of 10 in the world due to global warming, but Lenin said what he said around 100 years ago, when he could not use any fake excuse as such overpopulation at that time that the Bolshevik Jewish-led WEF uses today to carry on the precise same program of intended mass-extermination for the precise same criminally insane and demonic purpose.

Karl Marx published these words in 1849 in his foreign language political journal, the translation being "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust", and one presumes he wrote that as he printed that as being representative of his own views, though he often co-wrote with Engels. Marx was a third cousin of the banker Rothschilds and they, along with the wealthy mill-owner Engels funded him, and the Rothschilds directed what was to be written, which they then used to instigate WWI and the Bolshevik Jewish takeover in Russia leading to 66 million Christians there.

At first TPTB need slave populations to prepare the means which TPTB can then use to kill all Gentiles with, as TPTB are parasites who can only exist by literally hypnotizing their prey into suicidally carrying out their orders for them, even so far as getting Gentiles surplus to requirements to kill each other in entirely arranged and actually totally unneccessary wars.

They do feed off other people's energy even on a psychic level in place of having a relationship with God themselves, and quite literally, we ourselves rather than God are their means of sustenace.

The invading hive mind parasite invariably possesses a very unhealthy psychic atmosphere seemingly like a reanimated corpse, having an often distinctly unhealthy sallow pallor and general atmosphere that actually seems like it is connected with the shedding and consumption of blood somehow, almost like they have just been working in a butcher's shop, and even consuming adrenochrome is a part of the dark and nonhuman process employed by these invading body snatcher souls walking around in humanoid skin bags.

Their military attack will proceed against all humanity as long as the intended victims allow themselves to remain hypnotized into allowing it to happen. There is no easy ride available or offered by TPTB for any Gentiles choosing to remain under the thrall of the present criminal terrorist military occupation governments, except being fed into the woodchipper by them.

We Gentiles are increasingly rapidly being sterilized, injured and killed by them all over the world by many means, and just as nobody is able to stop Israel doing what they are doing in Gaza with puny court decisions and paper alone, unless TPTB are physically stopped by physical means this will ultimately come to the point of their accomplishing their fully intended total extermination of all Gentiles in the entire world so that the Jews can have the entire planet to themselves alone, the Jewish Zohar states this is to happen, these are the final stages of a massive military attack against the entire planet.

This is intended by them to culminate their several-thousand-year-long build up to a massive death cult military attack worldwide against all Gentile races and peoples, nothing less, an arranged nuclear WWIII and more sterilizing, cancer-causing, heart attack-causing mRNA jabs are all intended to get most of their dirty work done for them.

Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Laitman reminds his rabbinical students that all Jewish souls originally came here from another dimension of physical matter to enter this physical dimension of matter and conquer this planet, he termed Jewish souls coming to this planet to invade and conquer it as 'spiritual commandos'.

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Rabbi Laitman states Jewish souls first invaded the bodies on Earth of already-existing Gentile human women of different races to hijack the foetuses in their wombs so that Jewish souls could take on material substance within this dimension. Since then their unique racial genetic peculiarities have developed, and proof of possession of unique haploid genomic sequences peculiar to all Jews alone is actually required by Israeli authorities by law today for any Jew to be able to gain citizenship in Israel there.

Vedic science tells us that there are 14 different material dimensions in this universe, some less spiritually developed and considered hellish, some more spiritually developed and heavenly, and some in the middle range, our planet Earth is in the middle range, and these invading parasite souls are ratcheting their way from a lower dimension up through the system of these dimensions by Godless and entirely selfish criminal occult means.

The sooner people start understanding that this is actually a military attack being perpetrated against all Gentiles in the world, even that it involves multidimensional occult powers, and properly understand who is behind it the better.

There are no fake Jews to blame it on, the Jews made the myth of 'fake Jew Khazarian Mafia' up themselves precisely so as to be able to blame their own crimes on this myth, similarly, the entire Christian religion and Rabbi Jesus is a total fraud, the Jewish Piso family invented Rabbi Jesus, as a fiction for entirely political purposes, and the fiction within a fiction of 'those who say they are Jews but are not' was also created as an earlier version of just the same political deception, so that any Jewish crimes could always then be blamed on some notional and forever inaccessible 'fake Jews'.

All Jews are real Jews, and Head Commonwealth Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has stated that Zionism is inseparable from Judaism, and that opposing Zionism is thinly-veiled antisemitism, yet look at all the slippery Jews now pretending that Israeli Jews are now suddenly not Jews at all but just 'fake Jews' all of a sudden and 'just Zionists', this is the kind of dodge they always try to pull.

Only when Gentiles physically get together and physically throw these criminals out of office and then gain the freedom under Gentile leadership to actively oppose and disable by all appropriate means whatever programs the criminal terrorists have already set in motion, the sooner they will actually stop this war and heal the damage.

TPTB have been always maintained the attitude behind every Gentile's back for thousands of years that we Gentiles are all their deadly enemy who must be subjugated, enslaved and ultimately totally exterminated with even our souls then sent to hell forever under the Angel Duma according to their Zohar, so how can any Jew try to tell us this is not really their own religion or what they as Jews surely following that religion really intend for all of us Gentiles? Just read their own scriptures for complete verification of that.

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can you provide a link to this vedic science please? there are so many books, which one?

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Consider distilling all you water, that's what I do

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I read that book. The plague sounds a lot like what they’re doing to our skies.

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I'm pretty convinced they launched bioweapons via air over hard-hit regions like New York, Italy, Spain etc... Wuhan reportedly got hit hard with 5G which wireless excess exposure mimics onset of flu. The so-called cure was the bait. So clever.

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Look up world death statistics from back during the 'pandemic'. There was no pandemic.

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We know.

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Bingo! Bravo!

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Look up PLAGUE LAWS. a dead give away, that you re right.

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There's a "special" parasitic breed on two feet sucking the life force out of humanity; and they're everywhere today in everything more than ever. n Rife's day, one of them was Philip Hoyland, it sabotaged Rife's work from the inside, but the more destructive parasite responsible for Rife's legal troubles, bankrupting and destroying the life of Royal Raymond Rife, including Rife's business, Rife's machines and Rife's work was a parasite was named Morris Fishbein. But don't take it from me, watch this: (jump to the 1:21:12 mark to get to Fishbein, but spend do watch the entire presentation - and spread it to the sheeple sleeple in your local - but do include Greg's video as it's a great synopsis) https://www.bitchute.com/video/uGujlaeinMLZ/ (Greg's vid on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GUGMqZu02twr/ )

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“Cured, they hate that word as the Devil hates Holy Water.” - Royal Raymond Rife

Dr. Edward Group was recently talking about the fact that “they” are trying to Buy him out. I only trust products from globalhealing.comhealthrangerstore.comthedrardishow.comjanasallnatural.com

and Dr. Ealy has a link on his site “Companies We Trust”


Because we can NOT trust any company that has been sucked up and monopolized by the global satanists. Amazon, made in China, HELL NO!

BEWARE of “The Wellness Company”



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I completely agree to trusting Global Healing, dr. Bryan Ardis, Jana’ Naturals, and Health Ranger Store! 🥳

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Thank you for the Rumble link. Those who take the time to watch it will see how the "right" side of the paradigm grift is just as well networked, culpable and disgusting as the left side of the grift.

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I like standard process.

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thank you! i have long admired Rife's work.

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So is Frederick Taylor Gates related to Billy 'goat' Gates of Hell? YES and Google tries hard to cover this FACT up. Read below.

To the unpaid Snopes intern/Gates family PR slave above me : Frederick Taylor Gates just happened to be present in the Greater Seattle area in 1891, THE SAME YEAR Bill Gates Grandfather was born, the supposed furniture store owner. What are the odds of that? Get out your Snopes calculator. Furthermore there are ZERO public explanations as to why Bill Gates has III for a Suffix, and his father II, when there are clearly TWO additional preceding William Henry Gates in succession prior to his Bill's father, NOT ONE. This is significant because Bill Gates should be IV, and his father III, yet they are not numbered correctly. This is a huge red flag and puts the focus on the supposed existence of this fourth William Henry Gates that precedes Bill Gates' Grandfather. The completely unexplained "error" in their numerical suffixes, combined with the fact that Bill Gates' dad has changed his name twice, first "changing" it from William Henry Gates II (supposedly this is what he was born as), to William Henry Gates Jr (which is what is on his military records - meaning MOST LIKELY what he was actually born as), to later William Henry Gates Sr, and there is more than a reasonable suspicion that the original William Henry Gates (Bill's supposed Great Grandfather) doesn't exist. In addition, the various reasons for the two name changes are awkwardly inserted into his Bios, Wiki, Obits, Interviews, etc. It's constantly added as an anecdote, in a very forced way, yet none of these excuses for his twice changed Suffix explain why there are FOUR William Henry Gates in succession, NOT THREE, yet Bill Gates is numbered as III. Again, when considering the clealy "misnumbered" suffixes, combined with Bill's dad's multiple Suffix changes and forced explanations being inserted in numerous places unsolicited, this would lead to a more than reasonable suspicion that the first William Henry Gates (Bill's Great Grandpa) DOESNT EXIST. And what an odd coincidence that Frederick Taylor Gates is present in the Seattle area when this supposed original William Henry Gates is supposedly witnessing the birth of Bill's Grandpa... What are the odds that Frederick Taylor Gates is there in the Seattle area when Bill's Grandfather is being born???? Especially given the fact that as the original questioner correctly stated, Frederick Taylor Gates was from an East Coast family?? It is Highly Likely that Frederick Taylor Gates, John D Rockefeller's main advisor, creator of of the wicked Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research that carried out secret vaccination experiments on the US Army (headed up by his son (Dr Frederick L Gates) that created the Bacterial Pneumonia outbreak known as the "Spanish Flu" that killed hundreds of millions of people, is in fact BILL GATE'S GREAT GRANDFATHER.

To all of those covering up and obscuring this connection, just know that you are participating in evil beyond your wildest dreams and if you care about goodness even in the slightest, you should stop now. You either have no idea what you are talking about, are deliberately lying, or are too stupid and/or lazy to research the Rockefeller/Gates history of Medical Experimentation. You have no idea what you are involved in defending/obscuring and would be advised to cease your activities. From : https://www.answers.com/Q/Is_Frederick_T_Gates_related_to_Bill_Gates

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Dang good dot-connecting Bro! Excellent digging!

Thank you!

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Hello Proberta, that only took me about 2 minutes to find. For I heard this before and all I could find was info on Google that said NOPE, wrong, same last name but not related. Today I found the above article. You see Byedan "folks" researching is easy today. Do not listen to TB news lies, just do fast research. Then go ask the Holy Spirit Oil you burn each day and find more answers and gain wisdom and Knowledge form above asyou let in the Big Savior and Lord and do not forget the Holy Spirit guide.

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Bloodlines of forced extermination. THEY GOIN DOWN!

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It's kind of funny that ivermectin is anti parasite! Explains why they went out of their way to discredit these treats! Evil, evil evil!

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Listened to your talk with Dr. Merritt. Thank you for this video! A good friend (cellular biologist) opened my eyes to parasites and the role they are playing in disease. I encourage everyone that can to have a live blood analysis, our blood will tell us a story of what our body is dealing with. The protocol at the end of your video is aligned with what I was recommended !

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Greg, nice to see you awaken to this no virus perspective. Here are some other perspectives worth taking a dive into: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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Anyone wanna hear something really gross?

The first time I heard of this particular parasite cleanse was in 'The Essene Gospel of Peace' when Jesus took the sick and infirm down to the river and told them not to eat anything, only drink the water until he returned. Then he showed them how to take a gourd and fill it with water and insert a hollow reed and stick it up their butt. Enemas!

A week later when Jesus returned, all the sick and infirm were well except one. Jesus looked at the man and said "This man has been set upon by the serpent". Then he took goat's milk and poured it onto the hot sand and ordered the man to get down on all fours over the goat's milk.

As soon as the goat's milk started to stink in the hot sand, a HUGE tapeworm slithered out of the man's mouth!

The tapeworm, who had been starving along with all the other parasites, could smell the goat's milk and came out to eat!

The first time I suggested this to a friend who had worms, he did it. But the worm came out HIS BUTT!

I told you it was gross! ;)

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parasites are disgusting, but manageable. This gospel is not in the bible....

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No it isn't from the Bible Artemis, its from the Essene gospels.

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they do love milk. Milk has been used in many cultures to bait worms into eatting poison, or exposing themselves....

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Read G.Edward Griffins book 'World Without Cancer' and Vitamin B17 also known as laetrile, another wonder substance our government 'debunks' just like chaga and black salve bloodroot and the Rife machine.

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Unproven virus with unproven panacea.... Hmmmm sounds like religion.

Especially when they don't have to list the ingredients 😜

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Good one GReese.

Merritt also alluded to we were being taunted back during the 1992 Barcelona Olympics in the EVENT SHOW with parasite Trypanosoma Cruzi images, prop vax ladened stories, hypodermic needles and death.



Trypanosoma Cruzi 1992 Barcelona Olympics


A lot of effort AND HUGE EXPENSE went into staging the show.

Merritt even goes so far as to insinuate that GRAPHENE was also present in effigy at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics celebration show represented by black "AIR DANCER" props.


Graphene 1992 Barcelona Olympics



Chagas disease is named after the Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered the disease in 1909 caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.


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you should see the epic tread from last sunday podcast hahahaha 😎

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I didn't get Greese's Sunday Pod link in the inbox. Was wondering what was up with that. Thanks.

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Here in Panama anyone can purchase Ivermectin over the counter. I take the prescribed dosage every month as a prophylactic. The material presented is very interesting as I have been hearing more and more about parasites as the cause of disease. Thanks Greg.

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you still can't buy any of the therapeutic in Canada. . . .

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That's b/c thee parasites running Canada want the host, it's people, dead.

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no shit . . . aging people are embracing these new euthanasia laws has a good thing. They live in that fantasy they got sold , a scenario that give you an out from hypothetical suffering . What it actually done is clear the retirement homes. Those white liberal womans will have a rude awakening once they retire. Beside if you condone medical death why wouldn't they kill you with other means ?

State Cannot have this power. This is a sad state of affair.

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I'm convinced Canada's MP's are as compromised as the rest of the worlds political bodies "representatives." Sex, drugs and money is the capital that runs the capitol's of the world. "Give me control of a nations money, and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild They print the money to buy the politicians to make the laws in their favor, that's why he didn't care, b/c he could buy them.

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No doubt they are degenerates , mix China money . . . and you get the Canadian Liberal party . . . 16 years of that shit. Think about it. Term limit are not a thing here. Has long it wasn't broken it made sens. Also when Trudeau got in everyone was indifferent we all tho he couldn't rock the boat or embarrass the country. Do the round speak for woman parity and so on ... totally harmless right ? Well we all found out the worst politician with total authoritarian bend are woman ! They just have no limit , unlike men they never get pushed back. Has a men i know there is a line you cant cross between antagonizing and being adversarial . Shit is insane , they'll fight you to the death and toss you in jail without batting an eyelash. Its scary shit.

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Hang in there Kell. So sad, Canada so gorgeous.

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ty <3

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Terrain Theory is becoming Terrain Fact. Another banger Greg! I'll be talking about this in the next few weeks on my podcast, Conspiracy Dumpster Dive. Our logo is a Plague Doctor.

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A good reminder of SOME facts while omitting others, very important ones. That makes it a definition of mis-information.

As much as I liked Dr. Lee Merritt at the begin of the plandemic, her role in the 'viral existence' issue WHILE totally 'forgetting' (or intention by ALL MD's!!!!!) the genetic modifications of humanity with the GENETICALLY MODIFYING COVID injections is extremely disturbing.

Sorry to say this, but Are you all SO BLIND AND DUMB not to see how basic crops were already genetically modified >20 ago in order to make humanity SICK, BUT not totally genetically modified yet!! That step is with the covid injections and is VIRUS independent! That's why this entire discussion is USELESS, WASTE OF TIME!

If you want, call covid injections viruses, becauSe in fact they look like them AND CONTAIN IDENTICAL SPike GENES (2 mutations though..) inside of the lipid membranes....

Btw. Rife with his incredible mind made many movies, so find and watch these which show WHICH DIRECTION the assault is coming from, when exposing cell in its environment....

His 5000+ pieces microscope is CLASSIFIED by Smithsonian Institute, just wonder why??

IN todays world FULL OF PART TRUTHS or total lies and self interests, this device is urgently needed!!!

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Hey Greg, I listened to your interview with Dr. Lee Merritt (love you both), and you mentioned wanting to know more about how certain chemicals could be the cause of polio. It reminded me of this video of a presentation by Suzanne Humphries MD where she explains the scam of the polio vaccine:


Happy Reporting. Thank you for all you do.

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I learn new things every day. And what I'd learned, about 1/3 of the way into the past 4 years of this PLANNEDemic, was that there were NO SUCH THING as 'viruses'! Thanks to Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Cowan and Dr. Merritt!!

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