In early 2020 I had a revelation. Yes I’m a “believer” follower of The Way-though I think most of the church (in general) is deaf and dumb, both very dangerous traits for us and them.

My revelation, something is going to rollout where “they” will try to take more than just our physical freedoms. “They” are going to try and stop the timeline of their destruction. They will try to keep us in a continual loop called living, but we will barely survive.

I am aware of the vaccine act of 1986 and the deathcare system and its plans to kill us slowly. But something interesting happened in 2021, One afternoon I had an intrusive thought, “Go ahead and get the vaccine, nothing bad will happen to you”

This was not my internal voice, an intruder was injecting suggestive thoughts. I know I’m not crazy, it didn’t feel 'spiritual' it felt technological. And that was weird AF!

I got my laptop, and Bible out and went digging. Oh my what I found! It was then I realized that technology is far more advanced than we have been led to believe. They will not only take our freedoms, but they will convince us that we want to give them up. And they will do it with technology. No demon possession needed, they’ve got optogenetics, biophotonics and lots of nano modalities. I tried to discuss it with friends/family but they said I’ve lost it. I’ve never felt more sane. My concern is, what will they convince these jabbed people to do with their intrusive thoughts? When the Bible says parents will turn against children, neighbors against neighbors…this is what I believe will happen. Don’t trust everything you “hear” ‘cause not every whisper comes from a divine place. Take every thought captive. Test every spirit. Trust no one.

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That thing that happened to you in 2021 (voice to skull message or something similar) happened to many people who were also “vaccine holdouts.” Clif High discussed this in one of his videos at the time.

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Where can I find his videos? YouTube? The crazy thing is I was never hesitant. That’s what made me stop in my tracks and examine what was happening. The intrusive thoughts were not the only physical manifestations of this experience . But it was definitely the one that made me question what the hell is going on?

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

I just went looking, I think Bitchute may be the best place to find him. Some of his videos are on Odysee too.

Here is his substack: https://clifhigh.substack.com/

His bitchute channel (looks like it's retired, but videos are still there): https://old.bitchute.com/channel/HBBwqdoMy7Gz/

Also, Sarah Westall has done many interviews with 'targeted individuals' or TIs and she did a docuseries, you can find the podcasts from the link I gave to her website.

Sarah's website search: https://sarahwestall.com/?s=targeted+individuals

Substack: https://sarahwestall.substack.com/

Odysee channel, if you go here and type targeted individuals into the search you see a lot of the videos, I think there are more though which are not coming out in the search here.


This may be a good video to start with: https://odysee.com/@sarahwestall:0/Toledo-Lighthouse-podcast-2-9-24:3

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About a year ago, I tried to locate that Clif High video again. I’ll check my notes to see if I was able to ascertain which one it was. I don’t think I was able to find the exact one where he discussed this.

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thatwas thethe hypno tv

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Perhaps AI is the antichrist.

Don’t give up your faith, the millennium will come. Listen to Dr.

David Jeremiah. There is more about the millennium in the Bible than salvation. Keep the kingdom in your heart. Trust in the Lord.

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Klaus Schwab said Covid 19 was only a test and they liked our compliance. Where you mention they can use the technology to make us willing to give up our freedoms seems to align with one of their 8 Predictions by 2030 with the 1st being that we will own nothing and be happy. I do not see how anyone could be happy with this. Bill Gates has patent where people will become like crypto currency miners where they will be rewarded crypto based on tasks (Work) completed. So maybe the plan is enslavement and we will enjoy our servitude. Bill Gates also proposed a vaccine that could alter a religious radical but I think this was a potential target of Muslims.

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It seems like an attack on our humanity. Detachment from our Creator. It begs the question, who are we really that they try so hard to erase us? So many mysteries and deceptions.

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No mystery! Satan hates you! Remember, Satan entered Judas. He hates God’s creation. Continue to read your Bible, put on your armor! If it sounds evil, it is.

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I regularly pray that corruption at all levels be revealed so people can wake up. It does seem to be happening, so I will continue. If Kamala is selected she will do every initiative the World Economic Forum dreams of like Trudeau is doing in Canada and Starmer is doing in the UK. There you can now be arrested over a social media post.

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I will be praying along with you! This is bigger than most realize and they are blindly consenting to things that will forever change them, their very nature.

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Pretty sure they are dumping that vaccine from planes and drones.

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The plan is definitely enslavement.

"Bill Gates also proposed a vaccine that could alter a religious radical but I think this was a potential target of Muslims."

-- that is disinformation. It comes from a video where some psychopathic academic is giving a lecture to military brass and others. A false rumor was started and then spread widely during the plandemic that the person giving the lecture was Bill Gates. It clearly is NOT. The man does not have the distinctive Kermit the Frog voice of Gates, he is not as tall, not the same stature. It would be obvious to anyone who has actually looked that it is NOT Gates in that video. Please stop spreading disinformation, it just muddies the waters and only serves our enemies (of which Bill Gates is certainly one).

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Enslavement? We have that now...The final solution 2.0 is what is at hand and Soylent Green Part Duex.

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Just one small point: that video you are referring to (the presentation regarding modifying the VMAT gene) was not Bill Gates doing the presenting. It was someone from the U.S. military. (A lot of people mistakenly believe that is Gates in the video.)

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Thanks. I tell you all the ones that were on YT where he said with better reproductive health care and a vaccine the population could be lowered by up to 15% in 10 years have been scrubbed. You won't find it, just like the video of Fauci predicting a Pandemic. There is a short clip less than a minute on Rumble where he says this: https://rumble.com/v5belkt-this-is-bill-gates-publicly-admitting-that-vaccines-were-for-population-red.html

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It’s creepy how they cheer when Gates basically says “I’m gonna kill a lot of you with vaccines” like he just scored a point.

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He must have been bullied a lot as a kid at his private school to have such deep hatred towards humanity, however his father was on the board of Planned Parenthood so maybe he learned this. Gates mother had someone from IBM help him get his start which he regrets today. Everything he invests in works against the people and the planet.

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Makes me wonder if he’s actually human…

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MK Apple ! ! ! is the new thing. cue the soothing non threatening music . . .

Brought to you by Hillary Clinton and Cass Sunstein the plandemic reeducation "nudge" guy

Clockwork Orange is now a reality.

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I have no religion except for the necessity of the Sun to keep us alive, but I had the same suspicions. Mine were caused when a magic cure was created within a few weeks of Cov 19 being released. This stunk! As did my discovery that Cov 19 injections come with NO LIABILITY for the extremely rich manufacturers. This fact doubled the stink!

Then came the highly questionable FDA's issuance of an iligitimate EUA in spite of several pre-existing meds that assisted in controlling and limiting the impact of Fauci's GoF Cov 19.

It's bee all downhill since then as we've seen the devastation caused by these 'Micky Mouse' injections that seem to be a Depopulation Plan. The Vax Casualty numbers keep coming!

The composition methods used in creating the original 'Approved' Pfizer Covid 19 injections differs from the product that is currently marketed. This means the illegal FDA issued EUA that licenced the original does not relate to the new Pfizer formula! nobody cares because most of the system shares in the enormous 'spoils' created by this lucrative but murderous market.

Chemical elements found in Covid 19 injections contain 55 undeclared dangerous materials, including 11 heavy metals — such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper — which scientists consider systemic toxicants known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.

Then there's the DNA contamination that seems to go unchecked because it doesn't matter because Pfizer, Moderna, etc, enjoy ZERO LIABILITY!

But, it matters little because Big Pharma still enjoy total mitigation from any/all LIABILITY! End of story!

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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I also think there’s a spot light on the C-19 bio-interface jab so no one pays attention to the other jabs with the same tech. They don’t have to disclose changes in the recipe, so no one is asking. Many of the vaccines are now “combined” and we don’t know with what. Well maybe in here we do :) This tech doesn’t care about religious convictions. It’s after all of us the same. I just happen to get to the reality of it through my faith- asking God questions. This is a human issue. Thx for your comment!

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Surely Ruth a 'new recipe' is a 'new medicine' requiring separate certification and authorisation? Mick.

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Feels like a Purge movie, and 2020 was phase (1,2,3?) They’ve been at this for quite some time :/

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You have NOT lost it! You are sane, and you have used your God given Intuition Ruth! As many of us have…

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Wel, they did say it's experimental before the roll out, so if you were dumb enough to willingly take part of an experiment, well then, oops....

The fact that it was later mandated, is criminal and steps should be taken against those who pushed it to be mandatory.

What is even more confusing is the people that still stick their heads in the sand and believe the b/s talking point that all vaccines are "safe and effective".

People should watch the documentary 1986: The Act and Protocol 7 and wake up to how vaccines have been know to be NOT "safe and effective" for decades...

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I’m curious if the northern lights being seen around the world have anything to do with it.

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That's HAARP, and all these antennas/5G towers all over the world that is producing the fake northern lights. Could it have something to do with it, well it could very well have something to do with it and the EMF's that they put out.

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I actually hope the northern lights visibility that far south is not real, because if it was, it means the ozone layer is disintegrating. Not conducive to life

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Ozone layer?

That's some heliocentric nonsense.

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No it is actually very real. It just feels that way with their ridiculous hairspray is killing the ozone comments.

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That so? We have no atmosphere?

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Read what Marcia just said. HAARP is the one producing our "Northern Lights" and yes, they were indeed seen in many places where they have not seen it that far south.

It isn't because of some Ozone Layer, but HAARP is creating these lights. I grew up in the UP of MI, I used to see them quite often. I used to also believe what you believed... but here it goes...

Yes, atmosphere, there are layers of it and they exist at different heights.

First, stratosphere just below 30miles, above that our Mesosphere, then our Thermosphere, then the Ionosphere.

I hate to go all Flat Earth here, but we are in an enclosed system.

The thing is with this Ozone Layer that they show us from their fake globe model and maps, is that it is right above Antarctica. Whatever it is they are showing, it may be real; this empty mass or void; or some of you and I at one point would call a "hole" around all of Antarctica, but Antarctica... if you know what I know now, is also not the "place" they call it. It is not one continent. It is our "shoreline" in a sense.

Antarctica is our highest elevation by continent. It is containing our ocean's water.

Did you know, that compasses start to stop working in Antarctica?

Antarctica remember, is our shoreline, surrounding ALL of our continents and land masses; all of it. We have a magnetic North Pole, in the very center of our plane. Go south in ANY direction, and you will find this shoreline, made of ice and snow that contains our waters... and then your compass starts to not work.

Now, why does that matter?

Antarctica is not a continent. They just took a flat earth map, wrapped it into a ball; and there's your Antarctica "continent" at the bottom.

What we're seeing with these images they show us with this "hole" ALL around Antarctica, is where our North Pole's magnetic field begins to fade.

That is what this hole in the ozone layer is.

HAARP is producing our "Northern Lights".

These two things are completely different.

There are a number of things I used to worry about... our ozone layer being one of them.

I don't anymore thankfully. Along with Climate Change or Global Warming... whatever they wanna call it now.

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Dane Wittington just did a show this week with Alex Jones where he discussed the massive, targeted disintegration of the ozone layer. He has been researching and monitoring it for a long time. He called it the greatest current threat to humanity.

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It's Wiggington but he is very witty

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When you consider the application of bio photonics and optogenetics I wouldn’t doubt it. The sun has been off for some years now. Going from a warm golden color to white. Anything is possible in this upside down world.

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The simple explanation for the shifting Northern Lights is the impending Pole Shift.

As the behemoth IRON based Nibiru approaches, little MAGNETIC Earth is being pulled off its Magnetic North axis and moving 40' year to the east. Meaning the latitudes are also moving 40' a year, and the warmer latitudes are now becoming colder and the cold latitudes are warming. And the Northern Lights are now being seen in the EAST!

This is also the NATURAL cause of Climate Change, which all the psyop about Climate Change is designed to obfuscate and distract from, that the Earth is moving off it's Magnetic North axis.


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he did so well the first time around with that helth emergency and warp speed vaxxx that they're going to install him a second time to get the job done

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The truth is the plan was to roll out covid under HRC and keep us locked-down for years. DJT knew this and pushed for Op Warp Speed to get the shots out fast so he could open up the country. He never mandated the shots and he had to play the game as there were traitors in the White House. If KH steals the election, she will try to mandate the poison shots again.

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I remember observing DJT's body language as he standing in a line of a few people at the rear of the stage when Fauci was at the podium delivering one of his Covid pronouncements. DJT seemed to be squirming in his boots, and I interpreted his body language to be saying that I don't believe or trust any of this but I am being forced to go along with it by powers behind the scenes. I wonder how many others had the same feeling?

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I did.

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This is what I have also heard. The powers that should not be wanted world economies to collapse so they could push forth their Great Reset agenda and the vaccine stopped their plan. He also made many alternative recommendations to the people like Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin and Tweeted out he wished people would stop killing themselves. Others say the formula was changed when Biden unlawfully mandated these shots. Remember him saying his patience was wearing thin. Here is one Pastors perspective from a site that bring proof post Covid to what is coming down the pipeline unless we stop it. PCR Test kits were being ordered by the billions in 2018 as this was all planned and Fauci said in 2017 with 100% certainty there would be a surprise outbreak. https://stopworldcontrol.com/warp/

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No they knew that under HRC, there would be a huge push back and protest and people would not trust or believe her to get these shots. They needed to put someone in who the people would believe and trust and will willingly line up to get the shots. That person was DJT, and it worked like a charm. Maybe not as well as they hoped because many like myself who has common sense and can do critical thinking and deep drive research didn't get them, but still many lined up and stuck their arms out the windows of their cars, with questions asked!

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I meant at the end of my post " with no questions asked"

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It was DJT followers that did NOT get jabs. They were not even offered until Biden was installed. It was all the Dems that jabbed themselves sick.

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there was far more pushback to the lockdowns and mandates under Biden than there were under Trump. States sued, overturned mandates, punished corporations that pushed them on their employees. Under Trump it was 100% unobstructed unconstitutional fascism that no one dared question (with exception of few)

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Please don’t blame Trump for this, his first day in Washington DC was his inauguration. We didn’t even know the swamp was that deep!

We were all fooled! I sprayed my Mail! Thank God and I mean, thank God I did not take the vaccines.

Who would’ve thought the Medical establishment was so freaking evil!

If KamaLIE gets in, we are through as a country. Trump🇺🇸 is a legend, a brilliant businessman, and there is no doubt in my mind Jesus is holding him. And he loves his country. He did what we all believed was true, listen to the doctor. Gee, what a difference four years makes.

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oh please, what utter nonsense!

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If Kamala gets in, humanity is doomed. She is a puppet for Satan.

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They are globalist. They are committed to the destruction of the constitution. They are committed to China owning everything about USA. Yes indeed China is evil.

Unfortunately, the USA deserves Kamala Harris. However, I am praying. God gives us grace and mercy.

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beware the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details

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There are many governors that are not on board. Know your rights.

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This is why they had to roll it out WARP SPEED, because they knew that eventually with time and research we would discover what is actually in the vaxx.

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Once Fauci made that presscon about there will be a pandemic and the Gates Foundation war-gamed Event 201, everything was set in motion, even decades before. And like it or not there were DUPES in line to make sure the roll out of A bioweapon would take off hence the moniker "WARP SPEED," a StarTrek term for speeds FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT for the bioweapon stockpiled IN ADVANCE but made to look like the gov't was doing due diligence and jumping on the bandwagon to "save humanity" when it was a MIND F'ING DEMOCIDE PLAN laid in LONG BEFORE. Oops, he didn't know..Yeah right.

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Updated 8: Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, BCI’s, Brain Initiative mechanisms, AI, 5G-7G, Electronic Warfare, Wireless Tissue Engineering, Molecular Communication, Religion of Scientism, Bioweapons, What they don’t tell you about being a human antenna - http://mcmartinreports.com/2023/07/13/scattered-notes-dystopia-transhumanist-manifesto-from-hell-religion-of-scientism-what-they-dont-tell-you/

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THIS!! I’ve tried to convince myself that none of that is true, and I go back to the sad reality that it is. I can’t believe we got here. Everything else, in my humble uneducated opinion, is smoke and mirrors. This is the plan. I’m not a science minded person. I don’t know much about the sciences, or their application but I got a “download” with this information and it was all “Greek” because none of it made sense. I had no reference for it. I just started googling all the words that came to mind. I can’t unsee it now. Every effort they make it pushing us toward this. My question is, what will they do with those they can’t break?

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Re-education camps. But mostly they want to kill as many people as possible. Thus GMO/chemical laden food, fluoridated water, chemtrails ruining air/plants/soil with heavy metals, all vaccines and all western medicine causing cancer, autoimmune disease, etc, weather weaponization, mass illegal invasion...

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It seems to be EVERYTHING! I came to the conclusion that they want us dead.

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On March 20, 1969 Dr. Richard Day gave a speech in Philadelphia to a group of other physicians about the plans of the New World Order. A few points: population control, euthanasia and the 'demise pills, limiting access to affordable Healthcare, planning the control over medicine, New Difficult to diagnose and untreatable diseases and inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination (that's now occurring from the COVID shots). Both Bush Sr. And Clinton gave speeches saying they 'would achieve a New World Order. In a 2015 interview with Charlie Rose, Klaus Schwab stated, rather gleefully, that the vaccines (of the future) "would change people from the inside"! All those sci-fi movies we watched from the early 60's and beyond, with the MAD SCIENTISTS and the sci-fi writers of the day weren't fooling around, they were prophetic. We're in the battle, people. Especially those of us living in the great white north with a WEF installed leader a.k.a. dictator.

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We are the experiment 🧪

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Yes, but I'm part of the control group! 😉

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The world is full of mad scientists that need to be injected with midazolam , remdesivir , every one of these toxic elements and the nano-tech and let the world see the results , this is one sick world .

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Coca Cola has fluorescent nanoparticles in their products - and a new billion plus contract w Microsoft .

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Yup for a while (7 years?) Coke was banned in India because Coke did not want to divulge to the gov't what was in it. So what did Coke do? They bought bottle makings and got back in that way.

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Thank you Greg Reese. I am hopeful you will still do a program on the Darpa Brain Initiative and the NAZI nonconsensual brain implantation occurring which continues under National Neurologic Conditions Surveillance under which citizens have/are being chipped for cognitive theft gifted to corporations for #ai. https://t.co/y7F7vGGxpt

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See also:

Thomas Mars: https://juxtaposition1.substack.com

Sabrina Wallace: https://rumble.com/user/Psinergy

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Yes Sabrina is way out there and has connected many of the dots on how these technologies are being used.

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Hey Greg, I sent you an email, via your website, titled "The 'Om'", with an interesting proposition for you.

I'm sure you are bombarded with emails, but I hope you have time to read it.

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Dr Robert Duncan was DARPA and CIA whistleblower who was suicided via DEW in July ..

This is information on his books about his work to expose this evil plot.


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Playing god

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