Greg, i recently discovered your work via your interview with Stew Peters.
Are you open to learning an alternative perspective on Putin and his role in the Zio-Globalist scam?
I noticed that you promote World War Now, who are misleading the patriotic public with ZAnon nonsense about Putin and the war. You overcame QAnon, but ZAnon is a similar psyop that needs to be countered as well.
The genius of the American Govt. changing all governing before was 'LAND OWNERSHIP' and 'ILLEGAL INCOME TAX' allowing one's own work and the fruit to be owned by the person/family instead of the Monarch, Landed Gentry and Banker/Corporatists ENSLAVING the people camouflaged as serfdom/peasantry who they often starved, isolated, beat, endangered, raped, tortured, used as fodder in FALSE FLAG WARS FOR PROFIT AND POWER.
Now, with DEW Technologies, having the capacity for Suspicious Fires, Volcano's, Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Weather Warfare creating tragedy and destruction; the same evil is now claiming both land and resources beneath the surface of the land owned by 'The People' instead of the land, itself as Blackrock and Vanguard/State Street (the last two seldom mentioned but are as large or larger than Blackrock) claim the resources of minerals, metals, WATER beneath the surface.
Federal Lands owned by 'The People' known as Federal Forests and Parks and other areas
ARE SOON TO BE SOLD ON WALL STREET TO GLOBAL STAKEHOLDER CAPITALIST FASCISTS hidden by the U.N., WEF and other NGO's and Misanthropathic Pathocratics. This does not appear to be commonly known and nobody is speaking about it. WHY IS NOBODY SPEAKING ABOUT THIS FACT WHEN IT IS TO BEGIN THIS WEEK?
Agree with you! Rampant here in my neck of the woods, the land down under.
Attempted landgrab just failed. Half of some 83 properties have sold. The destroyers were already in process to build earth’s largest hydro facility with 3 large reservoirs on 3 levels, plus massive windfarm and solar farm on the range.
Destruction of all natural watercourses, rainforest, platypus habitat etc.
The gov that held power for over 100 years here was defeated and the project was stopped!
Yup you've just described Agenda 21 put in force back in 1994 where by a nation signing onto it puts every nation in a vassal state without any sovereignty.
Commandeering all natural resources, plants, animals, minerals, water, humans.
Praises to Greg Reese for having the courage to continue to shout from the mountaintop about this abomination of genocide by the Jews to the real Semitic peoples , Both Islamic and orthodox Christian in Palestine, and Lebanon
Thank you Greg!! We as a people are not ready for the truth yet, it is far to horrific to swallow what the Mystery Babylon has been doing for decades. Too proud, too rich, too comfortable, too convenient and too braindead.
You are so accurate! I was attempting to explain why I refuse to vote for my master and that we have to stop asking the government to save us. That means walking away! That is terrifying to the masses and people are okay with being enslaved and suffering from Stockholm syndrome. There was maybe 20% of the North American population that did not take the stab of death. People are clearly fine with being brainwashed slaves. I am from Canada, the saviour belief is sickening! Pierre will save Canada. BS!! If you look at his past actions he is not trust worthy in any form, maybe a pretend lesser evil that Turd-nugget. The masses are delusional slaves that rely on the government to save them, again it makes no sense going to your enemy begging for assistance. Please give me subsidies, old age payments etc… and those that didn’t get stabbed still rely on the government for them to survive. The brainwashing is so deep that it prevents people from having the courage and balls to push back.
remember, COVID agenda, with the preparations for DECADES, all planned, started to intensify everything, and in the middle of the detection of covid scams and crimes, suddenly Ukraine war 'happened'. Everyone knows about the labs and leaks down there. If you omit the universal GENE THERAPY application on the entire planet, you will never get to the bottom of the agenda... Just my op-In-I-ON. Look at wars statistics: , that without the last 2 years of dead ones in Ukraine and doesn't even include the 44,000 killed in Gaza. Are all the soldiers, peers covid jabbed? Maybe or surely? Does it drive everyone crazy, not responsible for what they are actually doing? Maybe? Look at the sports events. How many are getting aggrevated, fighting... What again is te side effect of the 1p36 gene deletion?? Remember?
Also remember when RFK Jr left the dems, few days AFTER the Gaza event...
I took all three pills at once, red, black and blue. That way I can multi-task and not miss anything. Just saw on nightly news, Supreme Court has outlawed homelessness. No shit! How dare you go bankrupt or let a tornado destroy your house. We know you love to sleep outside behind Walmart. Yes sir, our tax dollars at work.
Banks and corporations don't control us. The major equity owners of the banks and the corporations, the major owners of Corporate America control us. The corporations are used as cash cows to bribe key people to do the bidding of our super-rich controllers.
Sorry, but we are all owned by the Swiss Bank Authority, period, they own all of the Corporations, and btw, the US and every state are Corporations. It's the reason the headquarters of all of these diabolical organizations are in Geneva and Basel Switzerland...because that is the Headquarters of the world's economies...and yes they are also all Freemasons. Look up the history of the events that shaped the world's governments and economies, they are the facilitators. No they are not all of Swiss decent , but they marry into it. An easy one to start with is Johann Sutter, (Sutterville) basically the founder of California, as we know it. He was essentially given the land from Mexico, found gold...then started the CA gold rush, to entice people from the East to the West, for "slave" labor on the farms he also developed. They were given the hopes of striking it rich with a few nuggets of gold. He had already stripped the land of most of the gold before notifying the masses though. Eventually sold the land for a "fortune" as well as all the gold he had stripped from it, and moved on to the next project the family, he had married into, had for him. This is a very abbreviated version, but the gist of it. These stories are very discoverable, but we have never been taught the truth of them in school, for sure.
So much bovine excrement it's nauseating. One on the many things you are wrong on is the bravo Sierra on geoengineering. Mankind does not have the technology or power to alter the weather as claimed, especially countering the Sun's energy. Greg, you claim to be or at least insinuate that you are some sort of oracle, and you are not. Instead of wasting time on the purposeful misdirection of geoengineering, you should be focusing on the Sun, the point in time we are in relating to the solar cycle, and how totally screwed we are and how we should be preparing. The Earth's magnetic field has been weakening since 1859, and by the 2030s will be nearly nonexistent. The magnetic North & South poles are in excursion, and will flip as well in the 2030s, and the Beaufort Gyre indicator says we are soon coming up on another ice age, you moron. Instead of dealing with the something extremely significant, you dick around with geoengineering and the threat of Zionists/Jews. WTF? You need to go cold turkey on the pot, and whatever else you are on.
We do not have much time, and yet you choose to go on these pot fueled rants on your stealth antisemitism while ignoring Islam conveniently. You try to come across as some righteous crusader of truth, while serving as a distraction from reality.
You debate those who will never challenge you. Now you are on the Stew Peters show? You are one step away from coming out of the closet. Stew Peters said General Flynn, Steve Bannon, and Patrick Michael Byrne are Satan worshippers. You found your soul mate.
Please visit Start by watching The Dimming. Dane has documents to view there as well, also visit Stop The Debra Tovares has everything for you there as well. Patents, White Papers and documented use is all available for you to read and videos to watch. Thos has been going on since the 1930s/40s. Ramped up in 1970s.
Voting only makes people think they have a say a control over outcomes, a leash that allows humans to move around the yard but not go off the reservation.
5 people since 1871 has selected POTUS.
What's bad is America went to sleep, hypnotized by TV and frequencies generated off the TV to put humans into a trance. It didn't help that art and music was tainted to make humans buy the narratives.
The agenda is similar to the script in the movie Prometheus. The agenda was to get rid of humans and bring in a whole different life form. This time it's a silicon based life form moving into transhumanism.
I feel sorry for those that decided to bring in infants into this world amid the mess. Not a very wise move considering what's been happening. If you think things are going to get better, having a child assures that the child will grow up in a dystopian world if it survives the shots and the brainwashing. And if TSHTF living in a world patterned after the movie THE ROAD will be hell for them. Best to have thought ahead and not brought another child into this world until things are safer for them.
Correct. An EMP will as has been predicted activate the payloads in the bioweapons injected in the vaccincated through an 18ghz pulse and this is when things wil change completely.
Hopium is only as good as what one considers hopeful. The less one knows the hopium is only as good as the awareness of the situation.
Musk is a clown a funnier Gates. Musk may be waking people up but only those who woke up TOO LATE because it is TOO LATE. WARP SPEED IS STILL KILLING PEOPLE. Musk is a super hero to the infantile paralysis victims which in the scheme of things is useless at best. He's still dealing with fuel driven rocketry when real advanced flying vehicles are using elements that create anti-gravity conditions. So how is Musk ADVANCED when he's championing archaic technology? A car driven by a battery that needs power from a wall? That people don't get this and still call him a genius is only because they are that ignorant and out of the loop and have no ideas that mankind has much more advanced technology being hidden from us. And Musk is not showing us the real new technology. But many think Musk is onto something. He's not. If anything he's UP TO SOMETHING.
America is already dead save for the preppers who know what is going on and are preparing to survive.
Anyone who can't see this will be the "loser-dumbass."
You're right evil is evil. It's "LIVE" BACKWARDS.
As mentioned before they're all reading scripts, getting ready to depopulate the planet. And while they've started with the downtrodden populations, it puts the "privileged" to sleep thinking it won't happen to them.
If you haven't seen the move DRAGON DAY you should watch it. The fact the Obamas came up with the movie LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND put those two movies together. They are broadcasting what is going to happen the same way Obama in psychotic jest said "killer drones, you won't see them coming."
We watch body doubles posing as leaders doing head shots on video and they all know they are not the real people but the world goes on believing the lie they are telling. WTF?
You fool yourselves, you deserve what you get.
Your magic wand should first CURE HUMANITY OF THE BIOWEAPON. You're not going to be able to contemplate being one with the universe as long as the bioweapon controlled by Ai is controlling your thoughts and your perceptions.
Room? Sure but not understanding what's happened to humanity and how we have been brainwashed and controlled by fiat currency and the fear of losing a pension or an income has turned off any spirituality.
The will to do it? Yeah fine if one has the brains and the insight to see what there is to do.
We're in a scene from THX1138.
Free? How come people in media are still going along with the lie and calling Biden, Biden and any other pundit who they are when they are in reality BODY DOUBLE PUPPETS?
Higher realms? Yeah but we have a duty to react properly in THIS REALM otherwise what is the use of us being here except being drones out of the Laloux animation FANTASTIC PLANET.
They are not pushing the shots because they already got enough people injected.
How do you deal with it, you do what the rich are doing and build bunkers. Don't have kids if you can't protect them to that degree.
If humanity backs down, we lose. Being spiritual is in danger of being something humans can't do.
Cashless society is B.S. It will only benefit the elite.
Again THX1138. And how did things turn out for THX?
It's such an unfair playing field! WTF! Give us the truth so that we can fight back fairly, you fuckers, whomever you are!! Who the fuck are THEY?!?! I'm pissed beyond comprehension!!!
"THEY" are the llluminati, aka The Knights of Malta, The Brotherhood of the Snake, The Black Nobility, etc. The 13 bloodlines of pure satanic evil that run this planet. And have for AGES. They were the Pharaohs in the past civilization. Also the Council of Rome, Gods of Greece, Rulers of Atlantis, ad nauseam.
55% of Swiss males today still carry the Pharaonic gene.
Greg, i recently discovered your work via your interview with Stew Peters.
Are you open to learning an alternative perspective on Putin and his role in the Zio-Globalist scam?
I noticed that you promote World War Now, who are misleading the patriotic public with ZAnon nonsense about Putin and the war. You overcame QAnon, but ZAnon is a similar psyop that needs to be countered as well.
I would like to see his thoughts
The genius of the American Govt. changing all governing before was 'LAND OWNERSHIP' and 'ILLEGAL INCOME TAX' allowing one's own work and the fruit to be owned by the person/family instead of the Monarch, Landed Gentry and Banker/Corporatists ENSLAVING the people camouflaged as serfdom/peasantry who they often starved, isolated, beat, endangered, raped, tortured, used as fodder in FALSE FLAG WARS FOR PROFIT AND POWER.
Now, with DEW Technologies, having the capacity for Suspicious Fires, Volcano's, Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Weather Warfare creating tragedy and destruction; the same evil is now claiming both land and resources beneath the surface of the land owned by 'The People' instead of the land, itself as Blackrock and Vanguard/State Street (the last two seldom mentioned but are as large or larger than Blackrock) claim the resources of minerals, metals, WATER beneath the surface.
Federal Lands owned by 'The People' known as Federal Forests and Parks and other areas
ARE SOON TO BE SOLD ON WALL STREET TO GLOBAL STAKEHOLDER CAPITALIST FASCISTS hidden by the U.N., WEF and other NGO's and Misanthropathic Pathocratics. This does not appear to be commonly known and nobody is speaking about it. WHY IS NOBODY SPEAKING ABOUT THIS FACT WHEN IT IS TO BEGIN THIS WEEK?
That about covers it. I call it eviction by death.
Agree with you! Rampant here in my neck of the woods, the land down under.
Attempted landgrab just failed. Half of some 83 properties have sold. The destroyers were already in process to build earth’s largest hydro facility with 3 large reservoirs on 3 levels, plus massive windfarm and solar farm on the range.
Destruction of all natural watercourses, rainforest, platypus habitat etc.
The gov that held power for over 100 years here was defeated and the project was stopped!
But massive geoengineering continues!
Search ‘save Eungella’.
Yup you've just described Agenda 21 put in force back in 1994 where by a nation signing onto it puts every nation in a vassal state without any sovereignty.
Commandeering all natural resources, plants, animals, minerals, water, humans.
Praises to Greg Reese for having the courage to continue to shout from the mountaintop about this abomination of genocide by the Jews to the real Semitic peoples , Both Islamic and orthodox Christian in Palestine, and Lebanon
I watched it live. That was a great interview.
A grown man whining about what others aren't doing while he's sitting at his computer, ain't great.....
"A grown man whining about what others aren't doing while he's sitting at his computer, ain't great....."
Said the whining little Keyboard Warrior!
Thank you Greg!! We as a people are not ready for the truth yet, it is far to horrific to swallow what the Mystery Babylon has been doing for decades. Too proud, too rich, too comfortable, too convenient and too braindead.
And too "Christian" Zionist -- an oxymoron if there ever were one.
You are so accurate! I was attempting to explain why I refuse to vote for my master and that we have to stop asking the government to save us. That means walking away! That is terrifying to the masses and people are okay with being enslaved and suffering from Stockholm syndrome. There was maybe 20% of the North American population that did not take the stab of death. People are clearly fine with being brainwashed slaves. I am from Canada, the saviour belief is sickening! Pierre will save Canada. BS!! If you look at his past actions he is not trust worthy in any form, maybe a pretend lesser evil that Turd-nugget. The masses are delusional slaves that rely on the government to save them, again it makes no sense going to your enemy begging for assistance. Please give me subsidies, old age payments etc… and those that didn’t get stabbed still rely on the government for them to survive. The brainwashing is so deep that it prevents people from having the courage and balls to push back.
remember, COVID agenda, with the preparations for DECADES, all planned, started to intensify everything, and in the middle of the detection of covid scams and crimes, suddenly Ukraine war 'happened'. Everyone knows about the labs and leaks down there. If you omit the universal GENE THERAPY application on the entire planet, you will never get to the bottom of the agenda... Just my op-In-I-ON. Look at wars statistics: , that without the last 2 years of dead ones in Ukraine and doesn't even include the 44,000 killed in Gaza. Are all the soldiers, peers covid jabbed? Maybe or surely? Does it drive everyone crazy, not responsible for what they are actually doing? Maybe? Look at the sports events. How many are getting aggrevated, fighting... What again is te side effect of the 1p36 gene deletion?? Remember?
Also remember when RFK Jr left the dems, few days AFTER the Gaza event...
Spot on Greg
Greg......I don't think that you are fully grasping the 'Cashless Society'.
Once THAT happens??.........IT'S OVER!!!
THEE BEST guest to have on your Sunday show, on this subject, is Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF).
Rockefeller & Rothschild Factions Are Both on Board, So Trump Can Introduce the Digital Control Grid
3rd Quarter 2024 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I, Stories 1-3 with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
The Fight for Financial Transaction Freedom Is On
2nd Quarter 2024 Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I, Stories 1-6 with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
Going Direct Reset, Meet Great Pushback
How the Fed through CBDCs will use your data to control you - Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus
I took all three pills at once, red, black and blue. That way I can multi-task and not miss anything. Just saw on nightly news, Supreme Court has outlawed homelessness. No shit! How dare you go bankrupt or let a tornado destroy your house. We know you love to sleep outside behind Walmart. Yes sir, our tax dollars at work.
Banks and corporations don't control us. The major equity owners of the banks and the corporations, the major owners of Corporate America control us. The corporations are used as cash cows to bribe key people to do the bidding of our super-rich controllers.
Sorry, but we are all owned by the Swiss Bank Authority, period, they own all of the Corporations, and btw, the US and every state are Corporations. It's the reason the headquarters of all of these diabolical organizations are in Geneva and Basel Switzerland...because that is the Headquarters of the world's economies...and yes they are also all Freemasons. Look up the history of the events that shaped the world's governments and economies, they are the facilitators. No they are not all of Swiss decent , but they marry into it. An easy one to start with is Johann Sutter, (Sutterville) basically the founder of California, as we know it. He was essentially given the land from Mexico, found gold...then started the CA gold rush, to entice people from the East to the West, for "slave" labor on the farms he also developed. They were given the hopes of striking it rich with a few nuggets of gold. He had already stripped the land of most of the gold before notifying the masses though. Eventually sold the land for a "fortune" as well as all the gold he had stripped from it, and moved on to the next project the family, he had married into, had for him. This is a very abbreviated version, but the gist of it. These stories are very discoverable, but we have never been taught the truth of them in school, for sure.
So much bovine excrement it's nauseating. One on the many things you are wrong on is the bravo Sierra on geoengineering. Mankind does not have the technology or power to alter the weather as claimed, especially countering the Sun's energy. Greg, you claim to be or at least insinuate that you are some sort of oracle, and you are not. Instead of wasting time on the purposeful misdirection of geoengineering, you should be focusing on the Sun, the point in time we are in relating to the solar cycle, and how totally screwed we are and how we should be preparing. The Earth's magnetic field has been weakening since 1859, and by the 2030s will be nearly nonexistent. The magnetic North & South poles are in excursion, and will flip as well in the 2030s, and the Beaufort Gyre indicator says we are soon coming up on another ice age, you moron. Instead of dealing with the something extremely significant, you dick around with geoengineering and the threat of Zionists/Jews. WTF? You need to go cold turkey on the pot, and whatever else you are on.
We do not have much time, and yet you choose to go on these pot fueled rants on your stealth antisemitism while ignoring Islam conveniently. You try to come across as some righteous crusader of truth, while serving as a distraction from reality.
You debate those who will never challenge you. Now you are on the Stew Peters show? You are one step away from coming out of the closet. Stew Peters said General Flynn, Steve Bannon, and Patrick Michael Byrne are Satan worshippers. You found your soul mate.
"Mankind does not have the technology or power to alter the weather as claimed"
Wake up Ben! TRY.
Or explain how hurricane Dorian sat over the Bahamas for TWO DAYS.
Please visit Start by watching The Dimming. Dane has documents to view there as well, also visit Stop The Debra Tovares has everything for you there as well. Patents, White Papers and documented use is all available for you to read and videos to watch. Thos has been going on since the 1930s/40s. Ramped up in 1970s.
Voting only makes people think they have a say a control over outcomes, a leash that allows humans to move around the yard but not go off the reservation.
5 people since 1871 has selected POTUS.
What's bad is America went to sleep, hypnotized by TV and frequencies generated off the TV to put humans into a trance. It didn't help that art and music was tainted to make humans buy the narratives.
The agenda is similar to the script in the movie Prometheus. The agenda was to get rid of humans and bring in a whole different life form. This time it's a silicon based life form moving into transhumanism.
I feel sorry for those that decided to bring in infants into this world amid the mess. Not a very wise move considering what's been happening. If you think things are going to get better, having a child assures that the child will grow up in a dystopian world if it survives the shots and the brainwashing. And if TSHTF living in a world patterned after the movie THE ROAD will be hell for them. Best to have thought ahead and not brought another child into this world until things are safer for them.
Correct. An EMP will as has been predicted activate the payloads in the bioweapons injected in the vaccincated through an 18ghz pulse and this is when things wil change completely.
Hopium is only as good as what one considers hopeful. The less one knows the hopium is only as good as the awareness of the situation.
Musk is a clown a funnier Gates. Musk may be waking people up but only those who woke up TOO LATE because it is TOO LATE. WARP SPEED IS STILL KILLING PEOPLE. Musk is a super hero to the infantile paralysis victims which in the scheme of things is useless at best. He's still dealing with fuel driven rocketry when real advanced flying vehicles are using elements that create anti-gravity conditions. So how is Musk ADVANCED when he's championing archaic technology? A car driven by a battery that needs power from a wall? That people don't get this and still call him a genius is only because they are that ignorant and out of the loop and have no ideas that mankind has much more advanced technology being hidden from us. And Musk is not showing us the real new technology. But many think Musk is onto something. He's not. If anything he's UP TO SOMETHING.
America is already dead save for the preppers who know what is going on and are preparing to survive.
Anyone who can't see this will be the "loser-dumbass."
You're right evil is evil. It's "LIVE" BACKWARDS.
As mentioned before they're all reading scripts, getting ready to depopulate the planet. And while they've started with the downtrodden populations, it puts the "privileged" to sleep thinking it won't happen to them.
If you haven't seen the move DRAGON DAY you should watch it. The fact the Obamas came up with the movie LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND put those two movies together. They are broadcasting what is going to happen the same way Obama in psychotic jest said "killer drones, you won't see them coming."
We watch body doubles posing as leaders doing head shots on video and they all know they are not the real people but the world goes on believing the lie they are telling. WTF?
You fool yourselves, you deserve what you get.
Your magic wand should first CURE HUMANITY OF THE BIOWEAPON. You're not going to be able to contemplate being one with the universe as long as the bioweapon controlled by Ai is controlling your thoughts and your perceptions.
Room? Sure but not understanding what's happened to humanity and how we have been brainwashed and controlled by fiat currency and the fear of losing a pension or an income has turned off any spirituality.
The will to do it? Yeah fine if one has the brains and the insight to see what there is to do.
We're in a scene from THX1138.
Free? How come people in media are still going along with the lie and calling Biden, Biden and any other pundit who they are when they are in reality BODY DOUBLE PUPPETS?
Higher realms? Yeah but we have a duty to react properly in THIS REALM otherwise what is the use of us being here except being drones out of the Laloux animation FANTASTIC PLANET.
They are not pushing the shots because they already got enough people injected.
How do you deal with it, you do what the rich are doing and build bunkers. Don't have kids if you can't protect them to that degree.
If humanity backs down, we lose. Being spiritual is in danger of being something humans can't do.
Cashless society is B.S. It will only benefit the elite.
Again THX1138. And how did things turn out for THX?
Greg fix your grill
fuck you--- that's what matters... really
you poor liberal....
Great 2:35 Minute Truth Bomb Video – Trojan Trump
looks like the miga comment disappeared.
It's such an unfair playing field! WTF! Give us the truth so that we can fight back fairly, you fuckers, whomever you are!! Who the fuck are THEY?!?! I'm pissed beyond comprehension!!!
"THEY" are the llluminati, aka The Knights of Malta, The Brotherhood of the Snake, The Black Nobility, etc. The 13 bloodlines of pure satanic evil that run this planet. And have for AGES. They were the Pharaohs in the past civilization. Also the Council of Rome, Gods of Greece, Rulers of Atlantis, ad nauseam.
55% of Swiss males today still carry the Pharaonic gene.
(Switzerland is the Hive, Izrael is the Nursery)
Thank you for your post... I get it, but I want to know exactly who "they" are?
"They" have a name and a face... who are "they!"
...and, does "they" include beings that are hidden?
I want to know what the hell we humans are actually fighting!
What are "they" hiding from us and why?
My blood type is also RH-Negative... What the hell does that mean?!?
"THEY" are non-human Monster demons!
Check out
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