Thanks Greg, another amazing Report.

Before 2020 I never went down “rabbit holes”.

After discovering the plandemic hoax, I’ve learned so much jaw dropping info about “reality” that Life feels like a sci-fi novel and your Report fits right in.

Tartaria, cloning, time-traveling aliens, MKUltra, adrenachrome factories, reptillian humans, Looking Glass, rampant trafficking, Mockingbird media, alternate timelines, flat earth theories, secret space programs, Illuminati domination, rigged elections…….to name just a few.

So much beyond bizarre information that now, in late 2022, I’ve stopped going down rabbit holes because it all feels endlessly unknowable. But I believe the truth does matter and I’m guessing we’ve all developed a kind of unconscious strategy for coping with a reality in which literally anything seems possible.

My question is to everyone here: do you think something like “full public disclosure” will ever happen and if it did……who would believe it all? And what do we do with all these astonishing revelations?

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I've had the exact same experience as you. Unfortunately, I don't think the Great Awakening will occur. The horrible truth is only YOU can wake yourself up and the vast majority are still sound asleep. TPTB don't care if a small minority of us know the truth because they know the vast majority will never believe it.

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We are all rising. Some are fighting the tap. Adjusting their premises to avoid conclusions.

We are all getting up. Some of us just don't know it yet. https://youtu.be/WQG9HlEJPoI

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I agree and yet, there’s a part of me (30%?) that clings almost desperately to the hopium of a Great Awakening or the 100th monkey principle kicking in. For months I lived for that, having lost friends and family over appearing crazy. Now……. I’m trying to avoid being cynical and jaded about everything.

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Hopium may be all we have left then. Here's a good poster that reveals the NWO agenda. Pre-COVID, I would have scoffed at this.


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They will have no fine dining no fun cities to explore no places to show up. We will all know them. They can devastate only for so long. than what? watch us all wait for them. Too many know. And soon they will understand what they miscalculated. The 2nd law of thermodynamics. They are not just at war with the people. But with the laws of the universe. They will fail.

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“For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light” -LUKE 8:17

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I don't think the masses would accept "full public disclosure." Most people would never believe that virtually everything they've been "educated" about is nothing more than bad fiction. The Mr. Smith Effect is far too powerful.

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If our family and friends are any indication, .........sad but true. Mass formation / psychosis!

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In 1933, Vice-President John Garner, when referring to the international bankers, said:

"You see, gentlemen, who owns the United States."

On June 10, 1932, Louis T. McFadden, said in an address to the Congress:

"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks... Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers... The Federal Reserve Bank of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat toks are the agents of the foreign central banks... In that dark crew  get a dollar out of his pocket...

Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will... When the Fed was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here... A super-state controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure!"

These interests control the Federal Reserve through about 300 stockholders:Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin

Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris

Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy

Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam

Lehman Brothers Bank of New York

Kuhn, Loeb and Co. of New York

Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

Goldman, Sachs of New York Because of the way the Reserve was organized, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York controls the system, About 90 of the 100 largest banks are in this district.

Of the reportedly 203,053 shares of the New York bank:

Rockefeller's National City Bank had 30,000 shares

Morgan's First National Bank had 15,000 shares

Chase National Bank had 6,000 shares

National Bank of Commerce (Morgan Guaranty Trust) had 21,000 shares.

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Book: "Quest for the pillar of gold: The mines and miners of the Grand Canyon" (1997) -- by George Billingsley, Earle Spamer, Dove Menkes

...as a free pdf download...


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Awesome! Thank you!

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"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is the absolute master of all industry and commerce."

Paul Warburg, drafter of the Federal Reserve Act


These interests control the Federal Reserve through about 300 stockholders:

Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin

Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris

Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy

Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam

Lehman Brothers Bank of New York

Kuhn, Loeb and Co. of New York

Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

Goldman, Sachs of New York

Because of the way the Reserve was organized, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York controls the system, About 90 of the 100 largest banks are in this district.

Of the reportedly 203,053 shares of the New York bank:

Rockefeller's National City Bank had 30,000 shares

Morgan's First National Bank had 15,000 shares

Chase National Bank had 6,000 shares

National Bank of Commerce (Morgan Guaranty Trust) had 21,000 shares.

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A way of counterfeiting money legally- The Federal Reserve is Unaccountable banking cartel."Through the purchase of [usually government] debt by the Federal Reserve , fiat money is injected into the economy,"

Where did the Federal reserve get the money come from? The Fed just creates it out of thin air, buys US Treasury bonds etc, but the taxpayers must pay it back with interest.

Federal Reserve It is not federal, and it does not have any reserves.

G. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve System

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Some people think it’s part of the government. It’s a solo entity.

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It has been said that President Wilson was deceived by the attentions of these bankers and by the philanthropic poses they assumed. It has been said that when he discovered the manner in which he had been misled by Colonel House, he turned against that busybody, that "holy monk" of the financial empire, and showed him the door. He had the grace to do that, and in my opinion he deserves great credit for it.

President Wilson died a victim of deception. When he came to the Presidency, he had certain qualities of mind and heart which entitled him to a high place in the councils of this Nation; but there was one thing he was not and which he never aspired to be; he was not a banker. He said that he knew very little about banking. It was, therefore, on the advice of others that the iniquitous Federal Reserve act, the death warrant of American liberty, became law in his administration. Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning....


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This information is SO awesome and interesting! I definitely want to read more about the Grand Canyon. I had no idea there was gold mined there at one time. I thought AZ was known more for copper. I can only imagine the secrets of the Grand Canyon.

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Holy GOLDEN COW Greg Reese !!!!

I had heard about the Egyptian caves but WOW !!.

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There’s a fascinating YouTube video by some Looking Glass insider who shows the cabal will fall.

He calls it GAME OVER and …….we’ll see, won’t we.


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Here's a very depressing article about global CBDC, which is supposedly ready to roll out soon. I hope this is disinformation but if not, we are so screwed.


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Instead, Spencer opted to pursue mining and engineering. He served as Managing Director at the Lee's Ferry, Arizona field office at the American Placer Company.


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Submerged Cultural Resources. Site Report: Charles H. Spencer Mining Operation and Paddle Wheel ... to recover gold from the entire length of Glen Canyon.

190 pages

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Love it. Good presentation of the Roota theory. Well researched Greg. I have followed Bix since lockdown and the more I've researched this theory , the more I believe Greenspan's work will prove good. Trump wants a gold backed currency along with Putin and Xi. Sound money has to return so the destruction of all fiat currencies is happening right now. The trouble is , the path to a yellow brick road could mean war and death. These evil tyrants (WEF) won't go down without a fight but deep down they (the evil) are starting to crack. There is good people fighting these globalist dictators .

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Very interesting. Where do you see this going?

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