Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Author

CORRECTION: at 2:50 it is UK parliament...not New Zealand.

*video has been updated

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Andrew Bridgen seems to be the only member of UK parliament whose thought process is based on common sense and objective analysis of data.

He's the only person in the UK parliament who speaks out against the Matrix.

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It has nothing to do with common sense. The rest are compromised and they are all financially benefitting from the psyop.

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Well, you have to admit that going along with evil, Satanic, mass-murdering psychopaths who want to kill all of us is demonstrating a pretty major LACK of common sense!

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These are the same people who support the MIC/Nato as they lay waste to entire countries and innocent people - however I doubt very much that they recognise "Satan". Money is their God.

I think they are motivated by Greed - a mental illness - and Spineless Subservience to Power.

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Nobody needs to "recognize" Satan, which is probably a metaphor for (a?) non-human intelligence in the universe with very evil intentions that manifests a low vibrational frequency that resonates with fear and hatred. Whatever it is, there is SOMETHING out there that has the ability to telepathically influence susceptible humans to commit evil acts. And even take them over.

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He's in it with them. He needed to give the death lady a reason to remind the audience on the BS of how many lives the shots have saved. There can be no lives saved because there is no virus and thus no shots have helped anyone.

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I haven't really kept up with all the vx machinations..but I certainly agree with your last points. No plague and those jabs that contained the 'magic ingredients' are deadly as the day is long.

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Focus on Pfizer. ALL of them. BAD. AZ was banned in several countries from the beginning: As I recall Japan graciously donated their stores to the Philippines. Nice. Apparently Moderna is super strong.

Trotting out the 'lethal strain' nonsense and giving a cursory nod to jabbing the aged and the 'vulnerable' certainly does not inspire confidence. No one should have been given them.

Classic: "Silence on this issue is more contagious than the virus itself."

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They needed a declared pandemic (problem) in order to get the required panic (reaction) so they could present the already made vaxxine. This will in turn eliminate 15/16 of the world's population which is what the powers that shouldn't be wants (Solution).

That's what these almost four years boil down to.

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Yes I followed the Scamdemic closely from the beginning..

"I haven't really kept up with all the vx machinations": I have moved on to what I feel are more dangerous concerns.

The vxx is not going to kill 15/16 of the global population - but WWIII; a massive Grid failure that lasts for a few months; and food supply decimation will.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

It never rose to the level of a pandemic, but this meme going around that "there is no virus" is COMPLETELY FALSE! It has been sequenced over and over, including its thousands of variants, and photographed numerous times, plus it behaves EXACTLY like a highly communicable airborne virus. All the stories about it being a toxin or whatever are utter nonsense! Toxins NEVER behave like that. NEVER!

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Faith, are you familiar with Dr. Sam Bailey of New Zeeland? If not, then you should be. Your statements above are the falsity in this argument! There has never been a virus photographed, sequenced or seen at all, ever. The scientific method as well as Koc's postulates were not used so just exactly how is what you stated true? Go the Dr. Bailey's website and see the proof please. Germ theory is still a theory, also proven on her site. By the way is your background in virology?

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It is not a 'meme'. SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated.

Germ Theory dates back hundreds of years and was thoroughly embraced and weaponsied by the Rockefellers.

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Thank you, Linda! You are apparently familiar with Dr. Bailey as well as the Rockefeller fraudsters. Have you read Murder by injection? James Corbett has an excellent documentary on this verry subject. Maybe we can share with Faith unless she is a plant!

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A virus is a particle not a "genome" that is a string of letters printed on a computer from a mix of gook. Variants are more software printouts. And those photos are cell fragments in a cell culture, frozen and dead shadows of what was there, we can't analyze them, and we get the same looking stuff whether we put in patient's fluid or not.


If your a "plant" as Jack says is possible there is no sense discussing with you, if you are a real person, you've been tricked big time.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Of course viruses are particles. Particles with viral structure. Including RNA or DNA nucleic acid sequences which constitute their genomes. And no, photos of them are NOT "cell fragments". That is reduculous! Any microscopist "worth his or her salt" knows what cellular components look like, and they would NEVER be mistaken for a virus! That is like saying parts from your car's transmission could be mistaken for parts from a cellphone! Viruses are not living things and have almost nothing in common with living cells except for the genetic material!

And if you think there is no such thing as a virus— well, just keep thinking that. The rest of us don't care about your ignorance. You obviously have never dealt with transmissible viral diseases.

Also, I fail to understand what I could be "planted" into! And for what purpose? Sounds like somebody's "conspiracy theory" there! Lol!

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Show the papers and their sources of any sequence of any virus, please. A picture means nada!

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I bet they could also be getting threats too.

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They ain't seen nothing yet.

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Viva la Revolucion according to Santos Bonacci. The late Jordan Maxwell called Santos Bonacci the greatest truther ever.

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Even more despicable

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Its not the "matrix". Matrix was Hollywood. Its real life not to be mistaken w fakethings. In the matrix wecwerent aware they did what they do, WE KNOW EXACTLY WHATVTHEYRE DOING....AND CONTINUE TO LET THEM

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I appreciate you Greg.

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What additional damning evidence is needed before a tipping point is reached and their diabolical house of cards comes tumbling down? It can't come soon enough.

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Barry Young's interview with Alex Jones - who was effusively sycophantic throughout:

"I am a data base administrator..I live in the shadows of IT..We are trusted with the data..I helped build the system..They were singing my praises..From beginning to end, I was involved with all different aspects..

"It's a financial transaction system..It's not the only system, we have others..I had access to the whole Enchilada..

"God and the Universe put me in place to do this..I was never anti-vx.

14:35: "I have had high level access all over the world. I worked in Swiss banks in Zurich, so I had top level clearance.."

Ah yes: Swiss Banks - the Belly of the Beast.

God chose Winston. That will go down well. The 'financial transaction database': was it used to manage the system that paid the medical collaborators perhaps?

He walked into the arraignment wearing a "Memory Walk" T-shirt that he just happened to be wearing when arrested. Alzheimers is being heavily promoted just now and is on the rise - esp amongst younger people.

All part of The New Abnormal.

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Love you Linda!

Go to HomieLand Sickurity on YouTube. This is the channel of Sean Hross! He has a series Part 1-12 titled “The Swiss Beast, Home of the Devil” He also has a channel on you tube Called GUIREH AND CHATZEFRAS. Amazing content, look him up!!

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Yes indeed! The Swiss Beast Home of the Devil. The Octogon the seven headed beast wearing the 10 crowns of the nations! Cut the motherfuckers head off. Get an an education on the beast, look Sean Hross!!!

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Here is a link Linda!


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Ah yes I have seen a couple of his vids about the Knights Templar. Shall watch. Cheers.

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Wow! Thanks for posting this link Joseph! I'm going to start with part one and watch all of these!

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Great the truth comes out but it's already too late.

The plague has been released and morphing in all degrees of the compass.

It's a runaway death train.

Not enough people were informed to make the difference.


Wild guess.

Try Moody Blues/Wings guitarist Denny Laine.


Dead at 79.

Got C19 and then put on a vent and no one knew enough around him what was going on.

Ventilator is the WRONG TOOL for a lung that can pump but can't absorb oxygen owing to most likely some nanotech in the lungs that reacts to radio waves preventing the lungs from absorbing oxygen.


All the Gates/Fauci clones paid off to represent the masterminds agreed to being expendable if they are even human and not a droid so they could ignite the whirlwind of a pandemic.


Already there are news blurbs of scientists stating that in 2014 they knew Fauci was going to start a world wide pandemic.


"In 2014, 300 scientists warned Anthony Fauci would start a global pandemic.

Following the escape of three bugs from high-profile labs, these 300 scientists sent a letter to President Obama, urging him to shut down Anthony Fauci's gain-of-function research."


But that's just a smoke screen as the plague was started by DARPA in 2004 made by American scientists at Fort Detrick but then blamed on Wuhan. The plans were already in the works with the creation of the death jabs and let out in increments. The fact Fauci before Trump sat his posterior in the Oval started heralding a pandemic after Trump won the election speaks volumes as wouldn't an alert POTUS react to Fauci's statement if they were really looking out for America and the world?

The real biowep was carried into the Wuhan lab coming back from the 2019 Wuhan World Military Games where the U.S. military BROUGHT IT (C19) THERE where the U.S. Army had their own secret vax and did not share it with POTUS, after being vaxed with Nanotheratin (sp?) a nano-silver based antidote, developed at Fort Belvoir. This according to George Webb in his YT podcast:

Thursday Night Trio w McDuff, Webb & Hamamoto (2021-04-8)

It appears this video can't be found on YT but there are copies of it somewhere.


Anyone spewing Wuhan as ground zero is either paid or poorly informed and needs to get their sh!te straight. They had help. Notice no one is banging on Xi's doors as to why Wuhan "created and spread" the pandemic around the world. It's because they are playing fall-guy and Fort Detrick scientists were hard at work 16 years before 2020 and are not being outed about who really made these bioweps and where it did start spreading.

Don't know what's worse, the disease or those covering up the lies.

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Holidays dinner conversations are going to be wild!!! We are closer to unity then ever tho! that count for something !

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Then, ironic, Denny's '60's version hit of Go Now, the song's impetus was the day at Dealy Plaza when singer Bessie Banks, Go Now songwriter Larry Banks' wife later commented upon the first release of the song:

"I remember 1963 Kennedy was assassinated; it was announced over the radio. At the time, I was rehearsing in the office of Leiber and Stoller. We called it a day. Everyone was in tears. "Come back next week and we will be ready to record Go Now."


And now here's Denny getting a send off with his own hit song.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Gotta heal the country, has contemptible the truth is in the JFK Files. It will heal the country i truly believe it. The country has been :"For sales" , killing him had nothing to do with good governance or national security versus the mortal foes. . . Dulles and his brother were bought AND PAID FOR. . . Our weakness gave them power. Fucking TV , video games. . . Fucking distractions in the End.

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Yeah it's highly convoluted. It's still the same hands pulling the levers. The top 0.01% the house of Redshield. I heard the ones that shot JFK were the two secret service guys in the front seat of the Lincoln. Under orders from the HOR who installed the secret service system as a command and control fail safe.

DARPA is owned and controlled by the Redshield family et al and everything cascades down from that. And they are behind this whole pandemic. No wonder their symbol is the octopus. The problem reaction solution system of creating poison and the antidote in the same lab at the same time is still pharma sorcery.

As Brzezinski stated in his book America as a concept's time is over.


We need to preserve the concept of America. For all her shortcomings, it's still the best thing humans have going for it.

Unless an antidote is released human as well as animal health will not heal on its own. We've been hit physically as well as ideologically. Plato's dream come true.

The first few scenes in the movie Prometheus come to mind.


Above this we are at the Day of the Lord.

1Thessalonians 5:


5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Christ spoke to Paul but did not reveal how this will come about to prevent Satan's knowing.

It involves a cataclysm that Reese has alluded to a number of times now.

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Folks don't give the enemy your money. Here is Brzezinski books for free on Archive.org>>> https://archive.org/details/betweentwoagesam00brze_0/page/n7/mode/2up

Such foresight !!! : (1Thessalonians 5:) , no matter where your faith lands ya, it is History at the very least. Injecting Aliens into our development is cheapening / degrading the beauty of our Terra. When you see the fractal pattern in nature, the golden ratio , it is the driving force expressing itself. I got a scientific mind and yet nothing will change my mind. God imprint is all around us.

Quote: "We need to preserve the concept of America. For all her shortcomings, it's still the best thing humans have going for it. " So true , America is associated with money : capitalism. It IS SO MUCH MORE ! It is the light for those who seeks it , sovereignty. No more Lords and kings and yet . . . they are wearing suits nowadays. I want space exploration to take off. Give the opportunity to kids to taste the frontier and bring the founding principles with them.

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I remember it as if it were yesterday! I was 16. Has anyone listened to Bob Dillons song, murder most foul? Kennedy is the subject.

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Rub a dub dub murder most foul.

JFK's death launched the Beatles as a salve to America's youth.

Then Hollywood had to do its part to purge the sins of the Secret Service System:


Bob's coming out from underneath his days of My Back Pages when IMO he was haunted by the PTB for his lyrics and needed to disavow his own work.


It's no wonder the truther bands, like Dylan, the Byrds carried onto today through other more serious artists.


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Actually, there never was a deadly virus. We were never in danger of a global pandemic.

And there is legally documented DPF (Demonstrable Public Fact) that there NEVER WAS A VIRUS.

The queen of England before she died, LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because the Crown COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A VIRUS.


It was a PLANdemic staged to terrify the masses into being injected with the nanotechnology that mass-connects humans to the 5(G) Artificial Intelligence grid.

And also kill off mass numbers of people with a simple crank of the 5(G) dial.

No virus necessary.

The "Bioweapon" is the vaxxine.

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Yes the "virus" is nano tech that can assemble inside a living cell and through radio waves, not just 3-4-5-6G but through any radio wave AM/FM, HAARP space based satellite and the carrier wave created by Ai that sits a mile high on the entire planet and pervades everything courses through all living things.

The movie the Matrix is key.

Billy Hayes who was tasked with building some 200 HAARP facilities and died of his exposure to the radiation laid out the scenery on the plan of HAARP.

Yes it could not be proven there was a virus and the law circumvents itself. Which is why they pervert the law at any given moment because sometimes they arrive at a dead end and need to back out of the corner they've painted themselves.

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The data leak download instructions can be found on the substack of Steve Kirsch.

Take precautions to hide your identity before downloading it from the Amazon S3 file server, like by hiding your IP and avoid doing it with a spybox like Windows, instead use e.g. tails OS.

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The leftist elites virtually own the media along with many politicians. They will continue to double down until the people in mass take to the streets. It will likely take many more deaths before people wake up and by then the world economies will be destroyed and people will simply be trying to survive and begging the government for help., the perfect storm. No doubt they will be required to take the new and improve death shots for that government aid, and most will do it.

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Canada is fudging the data. I witness 5 woman collapse at the injection/vaccinator site. It did not look mild, it looked like a stroke and yet when i went to how bad is my batch ..... nothing. Canada fed gov is manipulating the assisted suicide data. This is pure eugenic Democide. Punishment need to fit the crime .

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This is a 12 part series by Sean Hross. The links to all 12 of his videos are in the description box!

You will never no the Sodomites, Satanists and Inverts until you watch his series!

The Swiss Beast, Home of The Devil

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Thank you for sharing this! I’ve never heard of him

before, but I already subscribed and I can’t wait to dig into his stuff ~ they all look like topics that are right up our alley. I feel a binge-watch marathon coming on! 😀

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Bless you!

You will know the truth!

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Everybody should watch this series! We need to learn who humanity's enemy is! If everybody would watch this series then we would have a greater chance in defeating these assholes! Satan and his minions have been planning our genocide for years.

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He wear it on his sleeve literally. No one ever talk of the sigils on his garb.

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Anything short of a public hanging isn’t going to be enough. They ALL need to hang and it deserves to be televised. I wanna record that shit so I can watch it over and over again. 😡😏

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I got a new keyboard hahahaha i got CARRIED AWAY. 😎

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

It is up to the crime and need to happen Or it will come back. China AND USA leadership need to take the blame for the coof ; gain of function fiasco , Without USA tech and money this would have never happen, Without Bancel (French gov.) the CEO of Moderna there would be no Wuhan Lab. (His design and standard failed). The Chinese let this happen multiple time. H1N1, swine flue and more. . . The Coof wasn't the first time. So they are careless/reckless or it's by design.

Thanks to the forever war and Bill Gates everyone hates the USA even the USA ideal , the only remedy is "We the People" , i can't believe the EU (Hitler dream) came true , The Rockefeller / Europe old money were delusional thinking they would keep power while building up China / The UN. This is nuts. Pure hubris.

We need a Dr. Shiva "home medicine" that said body politics is real we can take power , we saw it past 2 years. People are taking back public office and so on. It's beyond left and right: its about the constitution (how we live together blue print) , how we go about dealing with each others. I can't entertain ideas like: How killing or taking arms against my neighbors will fix anything. Yes, they have migrants army in disguise coming in : At the very least they will be a voting bloc and at the very worst they will use lethal against us. Will make it With our love and vigilance. AND a few fist a cuff brawl hahahahhaha

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Nothing’s going to change with us just sitting around on our laurels and being complacent. I think the last four years have proven that. However, I don’t want to fight or kill my neighbors either, regardless of where they’re from or what their intentions are. I’m not one of those people who’s here to wage war. But... I’m also NOT an empath ~ I never have been, nor will I ever be. The only thing I want is for the monsters that are responsible for perpetrating this bullshit on humanity to receive their just punishment and pay dearly. And by pay dearly, I mean with their lives. I don’t want our tax dollars to keep them alive in prison for decades. Fuck that! The people that have lost loved ones (myself included) need closure to be able to move on to the next chapter once this nightmare has ended. And I still have faith that it WILL end eventually.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

This is so fucked ! you got to watch this, i tho it was a stunt. Some white or gray hat i guess ... legit imho he believes it. At the very least.


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I listened to that last night when I couldn’t sleep. Not sure if I agree about him being legit.

But, who knows? InfoWars has been doing some weird shit lately and it has me feeling some type of way...like having a dude hosting the show who’s supposedly a 32nd degree Freemason...what’s up with that???

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My Grandad was a Mason. Thats why am weird ! lmao. 😎

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I lost a cousin as well.

Most of my family has been deceived and taken the vax as well. All perpetuator’s of this crime against humanity are eternally damned.

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Honey you sound like me when I get on a good rant about people sitting on their asses and not doing anything to save things for ourselves! People still believe that they can vote their way out of this! No its gone past that! We the people are going to have to be our own saviors. I am an empath though but I can also get pissed when injustices are done like what these devils are doing to us! I feel the same way, they should pay with their lives! These devils getting eliminated would be proper justice to the people who died from their poison jab.

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Ok, I do have some empathy...mainly for children and animals (and some old people) because they’re the innocent and helpless among us. But, as far as the “evil-doers” are concerned, I have NONE.

👏🏻 Just 👏🏻 Get 👏🏻 Rid 👏🏻 Of 👏🏻 Them! 👏🏻

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Yeah I understand what you mean! Those evil doing bastards don't deserve any empathy! Empath also means a highly sensitive person! Empath is just a new term used today, that term started about 5 years ago I think? You're an empath if you easily pick up the energy and are sensitive to the energy from people, the environment and so on! I can easily walk into a room instantly pick up the energy in the room like if people were arguing in that room I can feel it, or if people where laughing and having a good conversation and so on I can feel that too! It's like the room feels light and airy or either heavy and like I've got weights on my shoulders when I walk in a room where people have been arguing or were tense. We all have empathy, some people are just more sensitive to things going on. Even as a child I was sensitive like that.

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🎯🎯 Oh hell yes! Instead of people saying MAGA and "make America great again" how about we change that to "make witch burnings great again" and get these devils! I don't really want to include Trump in with them though, they used Trump as a puppet as all of our presidents are just puppets! I'm not a Trump supporter either because he's working for them. But if we could get rid of them all then we could just let Trump go back to his own life.🙂

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Stopworldcontrol.com is an excellent resource for the truth though regarded as a misinformation spreader. So much misinformation is actually fact it just goes against the narrative. The people must wake up as they have been asleep far too long.

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Thanks for sharing this link!👍The information looks truthful to me from just checking out the site.

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Your welcome! It's truthful and when I would share the link on Twitter it would warn would be visitors of possible malware, viruses, phishing and so forth. The truth is dangerous. It goes way deeper than the vax. Planned agendas revealed from the UN/WEF/WHO all of which I believe are as corrupt as can be. Bill Gates has lots of influence at WHO/WEF. Philanthropy is the new word for evil.

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Exactly 💯 Philanthropy is definitely the devils work today!👍

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It's Selfish works for sure.

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When Warren Buffet dies over 90% of his wealth will be donated to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and we know what they are all about. Vaccines, Genetically modifying mosquitos, ticks, lab grown meat and he owns nearly 300k acres of farmland so he can dictate what is grown or not grown. Add Round Up to that as he invests heavily into Monsanto through the foundation.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Am gona laugh when people will go on his farmland has the starving leave the big cities . hehehehe

The NY witch governor is planning on taxing you daily when you enter downtown with your vehicle. I Call that Tax the :"Get out of the way pleb act", finally the rich people will enjoy light traffic in NYC. Lets face it : Who's paying 35$ a day hurting the most?

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They demand you deny what you see with your own eyes. Dystopia is what they want us to embrace.

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In NZ the guy who blew the whistle on vaccine deaths by lot and vaccinators has been arrested.

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The governments that delay the longest in calling out these vaccines will be judged the harshest. In my humble opinion, I believe all governments were set up for failure by the WHO / UN so as to further their One World Government agenda. All that's required is for each government to lay the blame on the WHO where it belongs.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

No its not. your fatalist thinking lead to mission creep. Nothing has been sign into law. Nations are still sovereign . Banking tho ; yes its always been. Well since Bretton Woods system 80yrs ago.

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When will the people Hang these criminals for murder ?

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Honey I'm ready! I've been raising hell since the 2020 plandemic! We can add good Ole witch burnings to the hanging party too!

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They need to be injected from the top hot lot first. Then, get their boosters from same said lot.

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Wow they really want us dead!

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Just as Dr Deagle predicted. I was fascinated at his predictions a decade ago and remember wondering how the Western governments were going to accomplish that high of a Democide rate. In January of 2020, I took a stab in the dark and threw my dart.

Hit the bullseye. Yet. None of my family nor friends believed me. Not even my only Daughter, who as an older teen, listened to my videos with me but as soon as she turned 18, ran out and got it behind my back just this last February.

I wanted to die. I've never been so full of angry tears.

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That's Sasha Latipova's work with colleague. That would be Sasha Latipova at substack: Due Diligence and Art.

Yeadon may have presented it at some point, but Sasha and colleague created the site.

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Sasha doing good work , even if she is ; just ask the questions you think shes avoiding. Blanket statement like that feel like your trying to divert people from looking into her work..

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Don't let Cass Sunstein win, Ty. Give everybody the benefit of the doubt until they proove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not deserve it. Also keep on doing your due dilligence as @Sasha Latipova suggests.

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In 2009 Alex Jones convinced Jesse Ventura to interview Dr Rima Laibow on Ventura's 'Conspiracy Theory' show (S1 Ep5).

By monitoring the type of patents that Big Pharmacide had been applying for, Dr Rima told Ventura that the EviI were clearly creating a genocidal VAXXINE.

This was back in 2009!

Thanks to AJ, Ventura and Dr Rima, more than a decade later Conspiracy Theorists would know NEVER to be vaxxinated!


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Sure value each and every release you provide to the public. Your actions speak loud and clearly to all persons who value critical thinking. Peace and blessings to you and yours sir.

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