And Obama received NPP for dropping the most bombs. We are living in a clown world

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Why is nobody shouting from the top of their lungs that 70% of all childhood vaccines have now been shifted to mRNA based?? Look it up!! Most injections on the schedule Are now mRNA including shingles injection, flu shot etc. It's not just the COVID kill shot that's killing people! Children dying of vaccine injury because of mRNA technology in THEIR MANDATORY VACCINES

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Killers on loose! The current vaccine schedule for kids is mind blowing! Stay far away from them as possible.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Greg Reese

Im going to make a sandwich today and a big glass of iced tea to sit on my porch watching the zombie apocalypse 🍿

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Too bad Kary Mullis is no longer around to weigh in. https://youtu.be/LNOtiRB3uyk?si=7RYc8W043-8s8Pmj

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Great info Greg, but why didn't you bring up the fact that no Covid virus was ever actually found in your posts that reach tens of thousands of people? That could help wake parent's up not to give their kid's shots. It's clearly on my substack and I'm a nobody.

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Catch the part where he says, “They failed clinical trials”, ha ha ha.

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She speaks like Klaus Schwab and Soros, apparently evil is bred and proudly reared in that country!

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Wow, and they even smile and laugh talking about their research. They must be acting because anyone can see the death and destruction. They must have a gun to their heads clearly.

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The awarding of the Nobel is demoralisation and narrative solidification during covid democide https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/covid-democide-a-primer

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My daughter was pregnant in 22 and was harassed by her OBGYN to take the shot. She didn't, but the woman was so pushy about it my daughter feared if she changed doctors it would be worse because they're all paid to kill and friends. My granddaughter was born 5 weeks early at 4.7 lbs because the heart monitor kept falling down her belly and they said the baby was in destress, emergency C-section. They did this with a smile on their faces and later admitted too many babies were due later and they wanted to spread out the work load.

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No official should get a prize for killing and now at least 5-6 childhood shots will go mRNA. I say don't get your kids immunized ever.

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They're really rubbing it in our faces how completely evil this UN agenda is.

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What an unbelievably historic moment we are living in. THANK YOU for documenting it.

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All I can say is I have noticed the vax-hoax fraudsters have been in overdrive in pushing "mRNA" technology and vaccines for at least the last three months or more. I know it is true that mRNA COVID vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna products, can cause many and diverse "adverse events" if a very serious kind. But for several months in 2021 many in the USA received one of the two adenoviral vector type of vaccines, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson J&J, and these types of vaccines cause blood clots and thrombotic thrombocytopenia and Deep Vein Thrombosis. I think this is because both of these vaccines, and the other two as well, had basic vaccine formulas based on THE SPIKE PROTEIN, one of 29 different kinds of proteins on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 molecule. Europe and other countries stopped these two kinds of vaccines before the USA disallowed them. I think J&J voluntarily requested for their product to be taken off the market in the USA. I think some third world countries may still be administering these kinds of vaccines.


But there is some big trick these filthy pandemic vaccine hoax murderers have planned for we the people and it relates to these Nobel prizes for mRNA lethal mass murdering bioweapon as well as many articles and videos focusing on mRNA technology.

If anyone thinks this only has to do with more money for the Pharma companies, they are fooling themselves. It is about POPULATION CONTROL VIA POPULATION REDUCTIONS. Also this is the main tool in the totalitarian Marxist world takeover, via fascism, NAZIism, and communism.

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And the criminal thugs called "law enforcement" sit on their asses and watch.

"Defund" my ass --- they need to be prosecuted. for dereliction of duty at the very least.


Real "Law Enforcement".... is the Constitutional Militia (and the citizens grand jury)

I am so tired of the misapplication of the term  "Law Enforcement".

The only "Law Enforcement" mentioned in the US Constitution is the  Constitutional Militias of the several states mentioned in article  1, section  8, paragraph 15.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and murder you if you have not paid the property tax and you refuse to leave.

All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that will come to your home and kidnap your children to be sex trafficked by CPS.

All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that will  steal your vehicle (which well could be your home) on the spot  if you don't show proof of insurance.

All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that will steal your families  life savings  and call it "asset forfeiture".

All without a jury trial and due process.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that  sit idly  by as the state puts rat poison in your child's drinking water, and  the medical profession put poisons in their bodies and in their veins.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that are assisting massive Satanic child  sex trafficking at the southern border.

What people call "Law Enforcement" are  criminal thugs that helped to pull off the child murders  Ruby Ridge, Waco TX, OK city, and recently Maui Hawaii!

In reality "Law Enforcement" is the enforcement arm of the  New World Orders, war  on firearms and their war on drugs as both were put in place by the NWO for their benefit and for no other reason.

We were repeatedly warned by the founders not to have standing armies like our current military and our police.

Have you noticed that US cities and states are allowing  non-citizens to become police officers like they are already doing in Europe?  That is because  the  globalist plan from day one was to build standing armies  to enslave us!  This was the plan for both the "police" and the "US military".

“What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. …Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.”

~Elbridge Gerry, Fifth Vice President of the United States

Here are some answers:  tacticalcivics.com


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